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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 13 Apr 1966, p. 6

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I ,. ~,' Thé CanMadtan ttegm,leowmanvmfe, Apr. 13,19lm ~~acinating Aric an TrIp t Peknibed at RotaryClub ~: A analiicfly vivid Bc- enid by wealtiV hunters ln Iýe o f his n ta Africa search of trophies andi chai- Stmeth was given by Ur. lenge, East Africa today is no L ie Rudle an Marci 25th. longer only for tiheardwork- lis ddness was gven at the ig or the rich. It mads X aeonm eeting of the club tant land full of challenge, h theUi Flying Dutchman still untanied, mnd yet be- ixlo otel. cause cfl hieh apeeds and Uic Dr. W. M. ftudell, a paob l0w cots Of Modern travel, eftSMent, in introducing the weUl within the rech of thc ..*«er aald that Dr. Ru.ndle, average persan. _tbr joined Rotary in 1945 "We hircd a car and driver adwas president of the club and totired NaLrobi's National in1948-49, in an outstaaiding Park. We had ta have a ron- P»tariÉLn, as well as beiz4 a ger accompany us throughout ,world traveller. aur trip. There is a fee Dr. Rundie said hat lie, bis charged ta enter tbc park of .wie, and lis sister-in-law about $5, which la prohibitive bdpimarily planned their for the average native. It is trt t Afnica to visit his estimated thet only five per .IUgIhew in Lagos, Nigeria, but cent of the. population has h.d deeided ta take a longer seeni the wrld ansmais of! hiir .tripand vigit some of the owfl country, wherees 95 per =Uôrmla parka of East Africa cent o! cour cotintry's people ,4W am fin-t hand some of lthe have seen similar animaie in ivildife there. our zoos. "We riade arrangements at "Jomao Kenyatta, ic Presi- jzhie for a six day trip ta dent cd Kenya, is a former b'n.of Uic parka. We flew Mau Mau leader who was frmToonto to London, and jailed by thc British. Kenya tttyèd overndght. Froni Lon- obtained ins indépendence ini '_&htwê tra'velled by aeroplane 1963. Bw!opeans in officiai .t& Nairobi, the capital of positions and governaient ad- Kenya, situated 300 miles in- xinistnaton are being graduî- ,Imd from thie coast at an alti- ally replaced by natives of *.ttde of 5,452 feet. thie country. "Aldiiough we were told Dr. Rundle mid that there -frw nmodern Nairobi is, stili had been a number o! govern- hî camne as a surprise at first mental unheavals in Africa neth.- Here is a frontier in the last nine montha. Thase booaa-town with broad tree ini 1965 were Algeia, Congo, ed at.ets and buildings as Dahomey, Central Afriman uiod=r as any in Canada., It Republic, and Burandi, a coup ,go a city of 300,000 people, that faiied, and in 196 Ni- ,$0,000 being Europcans. -geria, and Upper Vola. 1 "On Uic outskirts cf Nai Diseu6sing thie succeoful r«b is Uic 44 square milereotiNgraD.aml 'NaiobiNatonalPar. Weresaid thet the governmient of ailse n the world can YOU Major-Gesierai Aquiyi-Ironsi ec a lion stalking its kili only a noveta twl o -fie ile fom cty enrý prolong its administration "A mafar in Eat Afr*îca ' longer than is necessary for tamos I peaple more than a the order]y transition, of Ni- boliday. It is an ecperience, ______________ eône of llfe's great adventures. 'You are in the greatst thea- -tre ini the world, part of alI !L Ale draina of nature, and at D ýecreatuOI ti ht e welrd and soe- 1 ;tnsfrightening j un gl1e Bowmanville R ec r ea ti on i,bfes rcniind you that nman Comnittee held their election e.alral nyhmn of officers at their Marck "O'lnce a dark continent meeting at the Lions Centre. 4awa1tng explorèrs, who vwere Don Gilhooly was returned as ,ewty, followed by plantea hairmn, J .C. Coyle, Sr., j: 7ay your hm*= eprinu emts jmsla you puy rntom mailgaSc, ululAiand oUiur à6cShold bih!.. k heips you * = ooe nsracepaymets 'àWy nto your budget ... %bedset-jugling to meet an 0a'4al or sems.annuàl pro- »o o for infotmatim nJAMES GENERAL INSURANCE lu Ring st. E. Bowmanvilli Residence S23-5493ý the Vice Chainnian, Mrs. M.i Lucas, replaces Coun. Paul Chant as secretary and Mms. J.1 Deoitt was returned as tncas-c urer. Othen members are Coun.1 Paul Chant, Coun. Ken Nicks,î Mrs. Arthur Oswald and Ted Fairey.>t Girls Gym Dlsplay The Recreation Deparîment Girls Gym Clans held their annual Gym Display in 'the Boys' Gym o! the Bowman- ville High Sehool last Satun- day rnorning. Over onc hundred aduits1 and -children *watched .the] young performers go- through a series of forward rolîs, back ward nouIs, Eskimo RaIls and Fish Flops. There wère head stands, cart wheels, plus box horse wark consisting of squat vaulta, straddle vaults and many others. Ms-s. M. Lucas, Secretary of the, Bowmanville Recréation Cormittee, pnesentcd the ýGym Class members with crests and thanketi Miss Lorraine Hôdg- son and Miss Maureen Martin for a job well done. asaketbali Thé Cues defeated the Trot- ters 41 fô 25 ta win the Bow-1 manville Minor Basketballi Cbamipionship played at tbbc Bowmanville Hîgli School last1 Saturday morning.1 Lee Lemon led Uic Cues'i scoring with 13 points, follow-i cd by Don Younth with 12' points, Dan Lemon 10 points1 and Brian Saunders, six points. George% Connors led the los- ers' scoring with eight points, Pennis Lenion hit for seven points and Jim Wright, three points.1 Mr. Bud Fanning, Dinector Of Recréation, presented thc Recreation Department Tropby« ta the Champion' Cues and 1presenbcd them with crests. -i" ATTENTION FARMERSI1 AVE ..Why Pay More 'S VE on PeimQuality GASOLINE - DIESEL & MOTOR OILS Farm Tanks Available. Out of Oshawa, Whitby and District CALL COLLECT 'tD x OIL Whitby 468-3341 T-oW FMe 284 AND At-I.-L on%$ SP11lSOPOU R fs I rgelà ta a type P! govcrmsnent 4oelred by its people. D "Propmde , for conntalûion- -al changes will invalve care- kJl and delailed ealyuis so that the. nation will eventual- ly have 'a systein o! parlia- nimentary governrnent Ihat is "best suli ta Uicthedemande o! ea developing country, andi ail electioni ta patliarnent will rbe by universal aduit suf- Sfrage. In lthe new entier there shouiti be no place for region- ýal on tribal consciouanens. e Refemning. la the great ne- ,a ponsibilities of national lea- eders in Aftiea, Dr. Rundle 3saisi: "It takas a high order TO! patriotiâsm ta niake a man swiliing ta die for bis country, rbut it takes an even higlen rorder o! patriotistn to make a &ma wiiling ta die, if neesi be, ta make his country right wlien le know it in wrang."1 In closing Dr. Rundie stres- 1sed thc importance o! Rotary's "aim t to obter international auadenstaading andi goosi wil nin a way t11mb ls big enough ta lcap aenons national boun- daries and enconipas.sîal hunianity. Wilfred McMecban movesi a vote of bhmnks ta Dr. Run- die for bis interesting andi in- e ormative asidress. Presidant -Don Morris misa exnressed bis icorns or h tb Muray misonwifli Uiree~inal Meeting of Sea Gln urÉhy one goal md,,1. one Roubert ~jMassey aone gol DarLSusmieniales Oh* Tlghe DeRn me on cadib t- t onea Miget gallneiccarets b le i dea eri MRaais by 'a Il as ovei"ngtto Th ta so h arets' asecred aMri 5hwe wenDe ol by il e rs- aran' ubm Cu fihad hlong aison andtoCluhlsdIi esnw hassstone ySlnass unusuyaleetn mcc ancd goalantwopais a dta, Cl b AJanhi ea o wt Mnegualran two oas, hn c ing. The Programme Conven- McGure wo oal, Jhn ac-e r PasI Pneu. J. P. Lovekin, Donald onc goal, Mike Bath- îook turne out froin Quccn's weil on goal TndmoBeay- tUniversity, Kingston, tai. John Kramo and i Bry troduce bbe flnst speaker, bis brook each had one assist. The nee uKtyLvkn Mt. Rayais' goals were acored Niewcae.is"ThyLGeain, by Tom.Carter and John Ram-Ridewas e the Grt Pi e ilIo whie on impson bdRdewsKbystpe e ilon asaist. Ic onetS ' - dcentiy given ini thc public onen ain e avetm 1h, Mughool speaking cantest. Wlth ninggamegav 1966.theM lb.hecyca of youth bbce first Championship for19. glance was at the hlslorY 'of In the final gaine of the o! bbc area including bhc geo- day the Gencrals defeated the logiesi hlstary froin glacier Bears by a 5 ta 3. score. The deposils oa!ice caps ta buge Generals' goals were scored by inland sea with Rice Lake a Bemnie Johnson with bhree remnant - of valîcys and grav- goals and two assiste, and Mike elcilus, bbc residue of glaciers. Leblene two goals and bhree assists, other assiste went ta The great pine Incas from Don Smith one, Jin Mann anc bbc idgc wcre used for ships' and Lammy Trick onc. Thc masîs af the British Navy, Beams' goals were scored by hrought down the ald Mast Steve Parker witb two, and:Road ta Part Hope, a straiglit Jim Stephenson one. The as- road for masts 124 feet long. sists went ta Fred Ryan one,ý Witb tbe tracs killed, soul ,Scott Burgess one, and Bob eroded. Frain no tracs de- McDonaid îwo. veioped reforestation of the ______________ Durham Foments and the Gana- EBENEZER personal appreciation, endj Mrs. Elmer Down opanesi etalesi that the Rotarians are tIc U.C.W. General Meeting, all lcoking torward ta saeing Marcl 31, witî a naading tgk- aI a subsequent meeting the an from The Fniendship Book motion pictures Dr. Rundle by Francis Gay. took onfL biscamera Safari. Mrs. Charles Elliatt gave a 'The birtlsimys o! Sergeant detailesi budget for the U.C. AI Barker, OPP. andi A. H. w., sbowing that we must Strike weraelabrated by raise $1,200.00 Ibis yaar ta their fellow Rotariaiis. Thne mccl aur known expanses. Sbe hockey draw winners ware axprassesi thanks ta lli wbo AI Wtharspoon and Jack helpesi during bar Iwo montîs Landen. G o m d aon awcett, as acting prasident. Oakville, was a guest at the Several suggestionis wera luncbeaa meeting. heard for monay naisîng pro- Ijeets ansi the ladies decîdasi ta bave a casserale dinner mnl hair style show. ri ÇRevîews Mms. Bruce Down, convenon o! the May Ganeral Meeting, Bicyle afet Clnle suggested a change o! paca ABicycle Safey Clinic frlwith a bus trip ta Toronto andi boys ansi irls aine years ansitud !teSoî isofi up wil be canductasi at the 1îowesi by supper out andi the St. Josepb's Churel grounds on itheatre. The Iheatre suggent- LibrlyStrat ouI, Bwma- d baing tIc Royal Alexandra. viblertyninreSothr wek Mms. Carl Down presantesi Cilîedatg astar ekMndythc worship service., SIc open- Tuiesd aesae, Thurs-ed with the question "Wlat.1 Tday, nsi Fmday, Tpril îiDoas Stcwardship Mean. to 1211, 131h, 141h ansi 151h, from M? ihIi hrem 9:15 a.rn. ta 12:00 noon. mmnd she continuasi by slow- This clînie will be apeneci ing us Il. t "Worship" is pray- up an Monday morning at 9,15 ing, singing andi giving. Wc a.ni. by Councillon Ken Nicks isa worship by aur study of Town af Bawmanviiie ansi Gosi ansi aur work with Gosi Councillor M. Budmi of Dar- ansi bringing aur gifts ta Gosi. lington Township. Mms. D.. Arscott, introducesi by T~his programme is under Mms. C. Down ansi accompaniasi îlediectono! ontahe alby Mrs. Lloyd Down, sang Camall, Bowmanvilie Dcîacîh- "Lift on Hened ment, Provincial Police, Baw- MmDondfnsaSt- manvil oieDprret, ansias lina who maiimga5s1n- oieDepartmeto e reain and aher's a pt operty ahsi finfincial locarvictf e cbs. nan affairs. In this respect we are loca sevic clbs.stewards o! Gasi by Iooking Mut Serics Playof!s aftamR is propenly ansi fin- In a Misiget Mug sanies gaina ancial affaims of the dhurch. the Cornets crushesi tle Mam- We ware gîven the freedoin ta cons by a 9 ta 1 score. The choose bhc way we use aur goal scarers for the Cornets responsibility. There are Ibrea were Larmy Simipson witl two ways o! gîving Stewardship, f oas, Greg Corden two goals, tlrough Iimè, talant ansi re rwn twa goals ansi anc money. Mrs. Down went on assist, John MacDonald ana la descnibe lIane ways, ansi goal ansi Iwo assists, Ken Sib- tld us that the praclica of lock onc goal ansi anc assist, syslcinatic giving in a gos Bill Sumenstord anc goal ansi wmy ta !orm the babil o! giv- ona assist, andi Mike Bothwell ing. Collaclively we learn ta anc assisl. The lona Manoons' spanci aur money wisaly. goal:was scoresi by Bill Cowan. A Christian is total commit- In bhe Tyke Mug final, tbe ment; living aur lives for Gosi. Bambems caine up with a goal Mrs. Dawn closesi wilh a after bînce minutes ansi 55 pnaycn and tbe singing o! seconds ci overtime ta upset "«Take ny lite, ansi let il be". the Indians by a 2 la 1 score. Mrs. Lloyd Down introdue- Thc Bombers goals were scon- cd Mms. Orville Osborne, aur ed by Mîke Hobbs andi Larmy guest speaker o! the evening. Cryderman pottesi tle winnem. Mrs. Osborne is a member of The Indians' goal wms acoresi bhc Pioncer Button Club. SIc by Glenn Martin assislesi by explainesi ber hobby by show- Ted Puk. ing us the mmny button In a Pee Wee Mug saien' samplensIch han gallaresi aven game tle Gecrals defeatecl the lasi 10 years. Buttons are bbe Hawke by a 3 ta 2 score. Imont fscinaling ansi bave TIc Generals took an eaaly anc i very inlercsling stories babinsi ta nething iaad aIt th 1:00them. There ara calico but- minute mark o! the opening tanr,. pearl anas, picture ansi pemiosi on a goal by Mike stary buttons, cut steel anas Lcfllanc assistasi by James ansi glass ansi lacy glass Mannanmd Bemnie Johnson. TIc varieties. Some of lIae Generals made il two ta noth- samplas coulsi ha wonn quite ing aIt tc 3:30 mark o! tîeasily as jcwcllemy toclay. second periosi an a goal from Many buttons are o! greal Mike LeBlanc assistai by Bar-.value ranging ta $25 or more nie Johnson. The Hawks start- per bulton. Buttons, aven thc cd ta came back,. wlen thay 1ycmrs, lave reflectaci every- scomesi at the 7:00 minute mark' thing imaginable - fromn ani- oan a goal by Mike Kehoe as-i mals ta inventions; fiowcms ta sistesi by Danny Robinson, ansi birds ansi sccnery. They bave anc minute later lied bhe score usasi sudh tradesman as paint- at two ml on Mike Kahoa's crs, sculptons golcsmitîs, lin- second goal ansistesi by Max smiths, weavers andi nany Johinson. The Generals finailyimarc, in their manufacture.! gat tle winning goal aflen Mrs. Osborne andesi Ian talk 14:30 o! ovetime wîen Glenn by remding a humrnoous paemn Mubbon sconesi on a pans fram reflccling h er fascinaling James Mann. hobby. I another pee wec gaine, Mms. RaymondlO s b o r n c the Lents swainped the Rang- thankesi aur speaker. A social ers bya 7 ta 2 score. The goal. ime ciasesi îe evening. os b«Tu w.Aon TRAOS AK pRtm 2 âyAu. Business Directory Accouniancy RAY J. DILLING Chartered Accountant 93 Church Street 623-3861 LEONARD JAMES BROOKS Chartered Accountant Trustee in Bankruptcy Suite 205W 725-9953 Oshawa Shopping Centre WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accountant 115 Liberty St. S., Bowmanville Phone 623-3612 WILSON & BURROWS Chartered Accountants 323 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Partners : Ronald F. D. Wilson, C.A. G. Edmnond Burrows, C.A. Phone .728-7554 HALL, PERKIN MaeMIILLAN & CO. Ch artered Accountants 36 4 King St. E. - Oshawa1 7Z5-65391 ýKing Si. Box 245 Newcastle 987-4240 Partners: William C. Hall,' B.Comm., C.A. David G. Pcrkin, C.A. J. G raham MacMillan, C.A. C hi r op ra c ic G. EDWIN MANN, D.C. Chiropractor Office: 15 Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St Phone 623-5509 Office Hoàn: By »ppointfient - -D e ntal1 DR. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. 75 KîngSt. E. Bowmanville Office H ours - 9 arn. tu 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Office Phone - 623-5790 Res. Pone Newcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. Office 75 King St. E. Bowmanville Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. 815 SON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office in his home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowrnanville Phone 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 p .m. daily Closed Wednesdlay - Sunday Insur anc e DOÔNALD A. MacGREGOR Lite, Auto, Home Insurance 9%: King St. E., Bowmanville Phone 623-5962 Land Surveying MERRILL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.S. 121 Queen St. Box 1659 Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7251 L eg a LAWRENCE C. MASON, B.A. Banristan, Salicitor Notary Public King St. W. Bowmmnvillc Planes : Office 623-5688 Res. 623-5553_____ E. RICHARD LOVEKIN B.A., LL.B. Barister - Solicitor King St. W. Newcastle Hours: 9 -5 daily; Sat., 9 -12 Phone 97-4735 H-O-DGINS & FLEMINd RugI E. Fleming, Q.C. Apha I. RHosgins Barristers -Solicitonu Nolanies Publie 14 Frank St. Bowmianville Telephone 623-3351 STRIKE and STRIKE Bamisîers, SoliciIors Notaries Public W. R. Strike, Q.C. A. A., H. Stnike, B.A. Edward C. Wiidman, B.A., LL.B. 40 King St. W. - Bowmanville Telephone 623-5791 'Lo vekin Night' CIU p raska. A patumal for pne-you learn tram 11cm. Adults trees, 1h. Great Pine Ridge la take lb frain you," continued tant becoming a tourist area Mrs. Roldaway as she sbawed e with an Ontario Govermient dnawings, paintings, sculpture I negon ha dîn "e Avsmol andi baserelief on lin pic plates8 loychaacln 1e "eavon-aill reaîed by bhe childyen. 1 compcting with Elmen, bhe Thay are taught that ail things saiety elephant, is helping ta whicb are madc begin with a niake an inberesting andi design ereated by Uic artist,E famnous holiday region. first a drawing bIen ln colourr E. Richard Lavekin, as a and finmlly intobtc finished 1 member o! bbc Great Pine article. While Mrs. Rolda-t Ridige Tourist Council, nubsti- way drew faces o! a clown bubcd for Charles Clay, Dirc- laughing andi a clown cnylng, tan G.P.R. Tounist Association, ber sisten Mn.. Bradley read tld o! bbeceouncil's efforts ta an original short stony. Stonies Lattract tounasts, o! its many arc made up, from bbc child's 1attractions, ils naed fan four thoughts corne ideas andi de. tmillion more brees, andi o! the signs, even frain 3 % -year-olds, thousansi foot altitude nîse wibh thc whispered wonds from bbc lakeshora. Along "What do you think - quack, with Beavoon, Piney bbc lad quack?" A duck! Squemk - tdressesi in gr'eeni overalis a mouse!" "Crunch, cruncî - loppesi witb mcd cap, createsi Capt. Cruncî ceremi!" "WIat as an image association, bas do I bhink wben I look in the become thc symbol for the sky? - An angcl butbenfly!"' Great Pine Ridge, These sym- Paper andi pencils were hand- bois werc origirial creations o! esi out ta the audience ans son Mrs. Dora Holdaway, Diractor the Durham Club mambems o! Piney's Art Centre,, Bewd- wcrc drawing clowns. Fromn ley, andi the Great Pine Ridge- these drawings the liucky draw who also designesi a painting winncms were Carol Lovekin, book advertising ithe Great Mrs. R. Lowery and Katharine Pine Ridge, whidh was award- Arden - ta cach a Pincy Art cd a national priza by the Centre mascat. Ontario Museum for effort of Drawîngs, pictures, plaques, presentation in aur literature - aodoo masks, vasesan de a mont unusual mward for a VsO ns presses int h ase of~ chil's pintng bok, ýcktinfoil pie plates told o! the Lovekin concludesi as le in- children's skill as shown by troducesi the third speaker, Mrs. Haldaway and Mm. Bradi- Mrs. Dora Holdaway. ley. Chilsiran are candid! Mrs. Hoidaway is a persan From the dnying up smell of with a mission- an unusual, thec day came the rcmmrk ta original mission- pionearing bis teachar tram anc smill culture in the country, tcach- artist: "For the longcst lime ing art ta three, four, five- I thouglit yau smcelt, but now ycar-olds as well as ll-yean-old I know il is the dlay stink- dhilsiren. Through ber efforts, ing!" At theeansi o! a big a new generatian a! people will yawn ane five-yaar-old said ta gmow up who will "lsaecoclaur the aller, l'Yau have cmvi- in raindrops - imagine a com- tics! I lookad in your mouth!" plete pictura whcn thcy hear "Haven'ts cawitics" was ra- ea bird sing andi a tire scream. pliesi. Thay will create; they will The art development of lIae know haw ta transfer a mun- vcry young chilsiren is quite dane world mnbebauty". rmarkable espccially m ai "Whcn you teach dhulsiren o! thedhidren are ani lhey give you soniething back1 capped by lack of a Iand, Ji~ iixgerc oe r us eyutasl. Lut the. Lanli tet t*mmtl gummer Un. Holdaway begaui.VerUàIy, Ceuton N.Y.. thi, Lo teach bath summer and em Woy scrd 2 w'xnter classes but has given aoin Wo4dy e wt2th p the aummer anes. On the po1intsl~wil i pper floor of the Eewdley sainte. He couected 13 goals tecreation Hall Ia an exhi- and il1aIale biif fportraits of famous i'e son f Mr. and Mvrs. pepértated by Mrs. HRlaidi hSnas~ D. Woodlock, Lambs way as well as a puppet show LaflU , ie lup.rtemnLg as oni summier afternoons. Piney's Wel Inthe clasoroom as he Art Centre for Young Foiks has on ice. He in a ean's has béecozwfe a, wonderful bene- IM&t candidate. fit to both children and adult. S .J w e e r nI Dr. O. B. Dickenson tharik- S.IWiern i ed the speakers, their topic the Eate'flUS. college rce Durham County had been of race in 1965-66 with a 15 Uel special interest; the great Mast sunwnary. V e t e r a n coach Road passed the farm hi. George Menard headed his grandfather owned, also known li th team in Larrieland. as Sam Power's farm where 'here were 12 former jun- one piece 124 foot long pille jo players tram 'Ontario in rnasts were eut in their woods. the La.rries' line-ups this sea- People go ta extremes to avoid son Lhinklng, he said. Mrs. Holda -____________ way was teaching children ta think. Her reward: "Children- give something- - adults take - -- away". ______________ Mrs. J. P. Lovekin, assisted by Group 5, was hostess of the - ~ refreshments. Tea was pour- ed by Mrs. H. R. Pollock and cofice by Mrs. Fred Bowen,l Orono, who was welcomed - mm- back after a long absence. T. 1 C. Moise thanked the hobtesq-; es. Retiring Pres. R. C. Stone- house presented the new siate of executive officers and ask- ~ ed for nominations from the floor. Dr. 0. B. Dickenson was elected the new presi-. dent; plans are made for next winter's season with Oct. 28 the first meeting. Meanwhile, Mr. W. Bennett is in charge of the annual bus trip to the, Sient, efficient and Port Hope area on Saturday,l June 18.I economnical controlled Auld Lang Syne led by Past Pres. W. L. McNeiI with Bruce i ha o vr or Madden at the piano rounde ha o eeyro off another successful season for Toronto's Durham County Suent electric, heating Club. saves you money on in- ______________ stallation and mainte- ck nance plus controllec! AI I1o loc iheat for every room. On Dean's List aIce.~ At~~~- St arnc116 TEMPERANCE ST. Senior wing AI Woodlock,I 1 ea 1962 aradue-te aif Bowmnan- ville Hioh School, completed his cllbee hockey career wt M or ga gs £hniidur- Well Streaked b.Vie Pack 0 BADIN HAMILTON -ORONO Rindless BACON 59cI Phone 1 r 16 Final Martgage Funds Sobielders Famou18-o0. 1kg. Weon flor suabeasa 18 le 1kg. Residences - Faria Busnes Popetic S inless Red Hots .59C JAM FILLED UNS 45C Opfomeiry I IMITU A. BMLLET, O.D. Optometrlst 4 43 3.-13wmnveMAPLI GROVI MED & WHITE Ma pie Grove.- Mon. -. Tues. .-Thurs. -Tri.. Wd mdBat. - 9-13 ilIl~ M & W IE . r Thuday eveilagu r 9 a.mla p. a. Office 08.8681 wAnw 4My DoeaL-POOzSR 00 FELLERSI IT'51OPOS Ami. GLN RAE )ÀDAIRY FOR HOME DELIV ERY lit 1-

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