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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1966, p. 10

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nà Crade Sateman Bow mffe, ay 1, 988moving t e sgrave before the ~ ~ ~ ~~' 'end ai May. Having taken SI anactive part ini local organ- -, izations, the family will be greatly misscd in the commun- .Report frort Queen's Park îty. Mrs. Machke has sei-vcdj p as secrctai-y ai the 21st Osha- wa Cub and Scout Mthers' ~ Alx ~~rruters . ~Auxiliary for the past year, is by Aéx C rruhers M. P.a member af the 25th Oshawa Parents Commitee, and a A le* days ato tour alentists I urselves that the advanccs turn ta the community as use- member ai Unit Thr-e ai the «f the Federal, Deartment ai represent contrai rather than fui citizens. !Kedron U.C.W. Mi-. Maschke A#icuture revealed the. de- extermination. We must ai- Quite critical ai the Ontario has been active in the 2lst VéItpùnt of a new drug,1Iways be on guard, and, Medical Services Insurance Oshawa Group Committee. "ý'h1chh Inail prababllity will thraugh pragrams ai prevent- Plan, and the advertising Debbie, Dale and Danny ai-e tia- edcal hiiitary. ive medicine, make sure that methods used ta rmtct1mmesa h uirCar lýîD,évlôped after yearai af the dread disease ai the past Mi-. Trotter claimed the ad- as well as belanging ta the 1euArch, the drug, it is said, will net agàin afflict mankind. vertising money was wasted, C.G.I.T., Scouts and Cubs i-e- -, athe potential af cantrolling In arder te make this fact a for in the long i-un, hc wasspectively. David is also a Sc 'I arge number of diseases, in- ceitainty it is important that certain, iA would be changed memnber ai the Cubs, while bý *muding perhaps cancer; dis- gw-ei-nment play a lcading inta what his own party had Darlene is in the Grade One T, *êses that up te the 'present raie. The extent ta which advocated overth past w class at Kedron School. Daugie di IMàve baffled thc mids ai your Ontario Gavernment is years. and Mary Lau arc at home ni Me1a scientists.1 involved was made quite ap- In replying, Dr. Dymond ie-' during the week, and attend di 'Tt i major stride in mcdi- parent last week, whcn the mindcd the House that the Kedron Sunday School, as da >1i knowledge, althaugh not estimates ai the Dcpartmcnt same criticismn had been made the other children. Their , vnthe publicity it de- ai Health were presented ta ai the Ontario Hospital Serv- Kedron f-iends and neighbors r cd, oes mark an outstand- the Legisiature by the Min- lces Insurance Plan, .whichlwish the Maschke family much r ;e-dvelapment i the con- ister, the Honourable Matthcw was also on a voluntary basis. success and happiness in their di IM of disease and in health Dymond. It was rather significant, he new home. rvmn.Seven years aga when Dr. said, that 99.2% af Ontaria _________ e;ie, day by day, medical Dymond fi-st took aver the residents were now enrolled in1t ,Xcentists continue the unend- department, tettlhat h optlpa ncmaio 1z1* srugl t cnqerth bdgt a $81 million. The with Saskatchewan, which has BT A Y0 e 4seases that ravage mankind, budget, presented by the Min- only 97.2% ai its population':( t e as beheficiaries ai that ister, for this year was $560 enrolled. WILLIAM L. THOMPSON tt -Iru ge, arc made cansciaus million, $260 millian ai which Indeed, the fi-ce medicali0 e.f i impact these advanccs1must came firn provincial caverage provided under O.M., lThe death occurred sudden-w ~ nak g o sciey. -. taxation. S.I.P. will, ln most cases in- i a his home in Cartwx-ight SIt is but a few years ago 1 It is net difficult ta account volving low incarne families, on A'pril 18, 1966, af W. a , 4at dread epidemnics ai chal- for the expenditure, when anclor than offset the increas ienc Lin) Tonsn i*a and typhoid fever, resuit-j considers carefully the health af 2% i n the sales tax. beloved husband ai Gladys Id in death ta large numbers pi-agi-ra f the province,:_a Cobbledick, to whom he wac ob ur people. Polio, that pi-agiam that has expanded ta married July 20, 1935. 'iiepling scaurge ai childx'en, include financial support forL He was the eldcst son ai thep 'tubas now been brought under the caunty h ealt h u nit sCou nit 'Corn lateWilliam c. and Mrs.p .-,çntrol; indeed last ycar there throughout thec province; (oniy Thompson (nec Annie May i .4as not a single case ai polio two counties in the provinceler>.J *'wth resulting paralysis in 'are now without the admnIV\b eeti ng DMvr. Topo a oni 'ieprovince. istrative services of suc h Cartwright, rcceived his edu- Hospitals that once carcd units), a vast hospital build- O h vnn iTedy cation in Cedardale School, ,orhundreds ai tuberculosisling pragram, ncw and increas- Api-il 26 at 7:45 p.m. 10 mcm- Cartsrigthi owshenip.'e haesl tins r nwbing ueled facilities for retardcd child-1.be,- ni the Coi-n Silage ~Cigtonhi.Hchsb li-r other types ai care. Th:s ren, resear-ch in alI hcalthmet in the Board Room, On- an yar ago hi fe. pux'hasjd - vsigdiscase no langer is fields with emphasis an can- taria Departmcnt ai Agricul- the yfarm ai hsae puce, 4Y'he pawerful enemy it' once cci-, and the subsidizing ai the turc, aîong wit h Cl i f M-.tex Dever, sLote 15 , on %rsthanks ta mnedical i-e- lOntarioa opt1 Srie'MiýwAssatArcl usai-ch and new drugs. Homus a e spithee al SevcsMtes Astae ntrcul-3, where he and Mrs. Thamp- ý px-mius, s wll s te nw tralRepesetatveandthiceson have livcd ever since. For those suffei'ing fi-rn cast ai the O.M.S.I.P., which visitai-sanc oi whom was a He was a member ai Black- ýýhe disease there is alsa the will amaunt te some $59 Mil- membcr who had graduated stcintelhrh knowiedge that the averagellion for the curi-ent year. firn 4H ranks, Jim Byers. suvkvng i -ed c'his wifc sta i hopîal ortrctrcnt Beaus a th mnyde- The other two were fi-rn Gladys, anc daughter, Jean has 'been reduced firn 15 .mands, it is the respansibility North Dur'ham Coi-n Club. (r. D oaic) w nonths in 1959 ta thi-ce wceks ai government ta set priarities. hemetn wscald agiadciD.-e Laia and Jae In 966 Ths i tuc n te feldaiorder by President Neil Allun Calacicco, Oshawa; four broth- ,New drugs have brought health as in all other fields. and we began with the 4H ci-s, Donald and Ivan ai Nestle- inew hope and indeed lMe te The result is that rnany sev- Plcdgc. Thé Sccrctary wstnMrea efrSs. thousands o!f rnentally ill ices, many facilities, that wcaltedupone forfthe roîl cask. people, wha, but a fcw years would be desirable and valu- and this was followed by Mi-adrr.ya saa ato, were doomed te lîve able, ai-e not gven extensive Matthews giving out supplies. McDrasemr ceanabakrhel, Îheltei-ed lives within the financial support because, the The President took up the first PacDrt-Pnke.p ri 2stad wa conifnes ai a provincial insti- financial resources and the work sheet. Mi-. Mathews Pondt ed y hipalstardRev, tution. potential tax revenue ai the then gave a talk on 'Recp omcer y i. Intr entwa Ta-day, large numbers ai province, do not warrant it. foGrowing Cor-n". This was in Cadmnus Union Ccrnetery. thèse people arc bcing restai-- officiaoppositifMr.Jae follawed by the members judg- Palîbearers wcre John Bea- ed te a useful place in saciety, ofcaopsionMrJmes ing a class of oats. ReasanscokLly BaccCi-e thrughthemiacl aimodm i-oter (Lierl, ai-dal*)and placing werc given by Wilson, George Skelding, Jim drugs and advanced knawl- ciiticized the Minîster and hîs Jim Byers. As no anc had edge. depaitaent foi- allowing 99 an idea foi- aur second meet- Canning and Nîck Colacicco. .There wiil be no mare Qucen Street ta still cxist a i ing, Hugh Allin moved amiý Among the rnany beautiful lare isttuton bultfor the an institution. Although it is Ariene Allin seconded this1floral tributes wcre those mèntally ill in Ontarib. With not as crowdcd as it used to meeting be adjourned. fo th Blksc Uie the changedi thinking ai se- be, Mi-. Trotter stated, it is stilli Oui- Club Leader Gerald' Church Choir, Blackstock Agri- cîtmental illness will now a shocking disgrace ta the'Brown was unable ta attend. 'cultural Society, Wallace Mai-- be treated an the same basis Province ai Ontario. l___Cmpany,__________a as ther illnesses. There are, Mr'. Trotter said. General Matai-s and the ncigh- Voluntary admission ta the sorne 180,000 retardcd îndivid- K DR Nbars. mental facilities of hospitals uals la the province, ai which K D O is naw possible. Evcry patient some 9,000 arc in institutions. also has the right ta appeal ta Ui-ging sheltered workshops The special Layman's Sun- a board ai review if there is for those able ta take ad- day Service at Kedran Unit-* Ann u nce any daubt about his ability te vantage ai thcrn, he emphasiz- ed Church was conducted by rejoin saciety. No longer, e'l the crowdcd conditions he Oi-val Jackson. John K. Glov- i - therefare, is Mlental illness saw at the haspîtal for i-e- ci-, who delivex'ed the sermon','Changes ifl tonsidered a permanent aiflic- tardcd adults at Aurai-a. AI- chosé fox' bis *topÀc, "A chal- tien. though rnany oi these individ- i lenge ta the Twcntieth Cen . AÙ A the vaces- in mcdi- uals -are aîmost humnan vege- ~I lsin.Tec~ e~eai r.i, eal. efence are imprssi'e, but tables, h said, there are rnany c seposfaimalemembesai R A HrttScet-- -~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ weiutcntnl eidwocudb rie aic h ngregation, sang twa Manager of the Ontario. Fed- ________________________________________ special anthems under the eration ai 4Agiculture, bas direction af Mx's. Grant Hunt- announced chaîges that will er.bemeefcveo th 8t Tempoarxily rclieved o! her aioMeayeffetieadmnitra tv duties in the pulpit, Rcv. saof yi the mo rativeor Winnifred Bridges spent the stanfiofation. orfa r O S H A ~W A h:ur of service with the child"gai Onth:ovenM:H i-n i heJuiolSndygott will ielinquish 1the duties S O PI N G C EN T RE Day sevcsundal beamld. fulil ime ta management oi Speialmusc i tebe rovd- hearganization. D. W. Mid- pA BSecialthemuior tcbhoviO- dîton, Director ai the Pro- cd by the sjuniorc ha ior a perties Department, will as- lowng t Shservil etno sume the duies of Sccretary B Ath Sunday Schoolwillmce l and R. C. Cunningham, Field- A Cofernceon Crisianmanin E'aster-n Ontario, wil 4 CnfrncOoNhUsta stîccccd Mr-. Middleton as Vocation sponsored by the Director of the Pi'operties De- ~~A ~ I uBay ai Quinte Conference ai partment. JIRA W le the United Church was held Ia making the announce- at Queen's University, Kings-met r.Hgo mhaid tonovr heweked.Young the ncccssity ai the farmn or- aWin people irom this ai-ca who gnzto epn aewt attended included G 1 o r 1 a gnzto epn aewt 15-1_ V- -,-rapidly ohanging conditions Economical HAHN-ECLIPSE Steel Dock Rotaries With exclusive Pow-R-ProTM styling Patented bousing with high lift blade makes strong vacuum, sucks grass Up straight for slick cutting, blows dippings into bag. (Bagcoes wiâh mower.) Notch on aide pous uas into mower, eliminates mou triming. Wheels recessed, too. Mous ASa Sy Code. 'DROP IN OR CALL' VAN BELLE GARDENS IR PRIENDLY GARDEN CENTRE" S »NUTFS EAST 0F OSHAWA .5757 day School. The Past Presi- dent is Mrs. Edward Samuel. Other officers elected for the caming year were Vice- President, Mrs. WilIb e rt Teeple;- Treasurer, Russel Osborne; Recording Secre- tai-y, John Amesbury, and Cor- responding Secretary, Mrs. Ronald Hawthorne. Elected to the Executive Committee were William Allun, Arnold Wallace, G. Rosevear, ;Mrs. A. Horstman, Mrs. Clare Allin and Mrs. MerrilI Brown. The guest speaker, Dr. Gar- don E. Price, Hamilton, was * introduced by President Best. The subject of Dr. Price's in- forma tive and interesting ad- dress was Education in the USSR. IMrs. Perey Cowling moved Ia vote of thanks to Dr. Price, and President Best also ex- pressed his personal apprecia- tion to the guest speaker. A giit, a book about the Blue- nase, was presented to Dr. Price as a memento of his visit to the club. Treasurer Osborne rcported on the fund being raised for a memarial to the late Mrs. Kenneth Wcrry. This will be in the foi-m of a painting ta be hung ini ane of the munici- pality's buildings, or a con- ttinuation ot the Kenneth Werry sheif In the Bowman- Iville Public Llbray. Anyone wha would like to contribute J o this project could tend their donation to Mr. Osbore RR a, n.Zewcs8tqm. 1-547-1234,"»uald Mr. Léaiau i"pom "MI"' *th bo Poo mu ;peaks at Rotary Club h. dld no ex 'plainîng i a er as if he wcre making the cal] Born on Sept. 30, 1895, Mm. tram Oshawa. He gave the McDonald was the daughter number af the phone he was af the late MT-. and Mmrg 0 ilcalling tram, wen asked by H{ai-y Ioyoe af White Lake, an operator, evcrything else Ont Bell, Officiai Des cribes a uoai.SemredEwdAlu 523-0611, and the Ratarians juîly, 1957. Dirct Diali g M th dsalmast inmcediately whien Oshawa for the past caud har a vice yandswm Mrs McDonaldhd 111miles. Hie alsa made DDD tele- (Marion), af Oshaw, and For Long Disance Phhonn cails to numnbe ' inMrs. Edward House (Shirey>ý = nOn.,Sudbury, a ndalso o shw.ai r Significant advances in sub- part ai her business course. digit system with twa Iettersaother centres. 1 four sons, De.rwaad, Oshawa, ceriber service were autlined He said that she had rcmark- and five numbers, was used.: He said that some people Ronald, Braimpton, B ru ce, by Robert B. Lang ai the Bell ed on the progressivcness aifN ave rcceived mysteriaus Bow'menvlle, and Arnald, oi Telephone Company in his ad- the campany, but added that N0w, we have converted t a aiphane calîs, the result Of Oshawa. ress on the most recent it is a monopoîy. seven. digit mcthad. This pra-1someloody rnaking a mistake in, There are two sisters, Mr& riethods of long distance direct, "As ta the Bell Telephone vides mare combinatians. DDD phoning. "For exemple~ Evelyn McGhee and Mms ialing on Fi-i., April 29. The Company being a monopoly I "In Bowmanville yod have Ares Code 514 is for Mn-Mariy Sadier, and a brother guest speaker at the Bawman- told her that there are 300 had a seven digit systemi for i-cal and Area Code 512 is fori- William Royce. There are il vile Rotary Club's luncheon other telephone companies inisome time. For instance th~e Texas! Mr'. Lang said that iii gi-andchildren. neeting at the Flyîng Dutch- Ontario and Quebec. While number ai the telephone I arn anyone makes a mistake theYl The body rcsted at the Ar-a. man Motor Hotel said that this does not necessarily meanlholding is '623-5400. shauld immediately inioi-m an strong Funeral Home, Osh. direct distance dialing is cx- competition, we are in com-1 "Canada and the Unitediaperator s0 they will not be awa, for service on May 9th, pected ta be in aperatian in petition for the consumers' States is divided in 128 ai-cas, billed for it. i Burial wa-s at Mount Lawin luis area by October. dollar, and miust make sui-eýand there is a thi-ce digit codel "DDD calîs are recorded oni Cemtery. Dr. Keith Billett, treasurer that they receive full value.for each. Also each individuel tapeI ___________the_______________ of the Easter Seals Campaîgn for their money. Itelephone in the twa cauntries1 fineincuing te sta and stae Committèe announced th-' -'e- "i a ensi htat~has its own separate number. are stared until the end of the, iurns to date amount t 3,- vity today means assurance, "For examples ai area ouft hnteblsaesn ui i 025.77. Hie urged ev ne tomorrow. Bell has made onelcodes: Manitoba is 204, Florida1 DDD telephoning is much, W O O L who has nat yet sent i eir advance after another. The13 and 305, Alberta 403, New more efîicint for the cus- 1 pink envelope ta do so )on telephane is high on the listlYork City 212. Here in On- tomer, and pi-avides good ser-1 Realize the highest returns for as possible ta help th und of things that arc importantitario there are 519, 613, 705, vice at less cost, Mi-. Langl your wool by patronizing your for crippled <'hildi-en. ta people.80 and 416. The latter is the said in conclusion.1 own Organlzatian. Mer-ili Brown was the'Tesekrsi httecd o hsae.Ei ht oe oe leader ai the singsong, and, BlThelspeaker s aid that the ofr- tehi ai-ca. I cf hte o vr. a ote1 i HP OLET Rudaîf Heydens played t e l aTiergho e ony ia "ong i-steneehneoohisncfAtans tgandMi-.LnforativeSI Our LeCiterTO p a t theolncenGeet- comparatively small part ai it present from Bowmanville address. Pi-esident Morris also' Warehause No. 1, presentettelnho me- is visible to onlookers. He cnly Dunharton can be direct- expressed his- personal appre-1 Wcston, Ontario ing were Stan Dunbar, Whitby, refer-ed ta the intricate org- ly dialed. The new directoi-y ciatian ta the guest speaker, Joh Kesîc- nd en arkeanization that Bell has, whiîchwil have new numbers for and presehted him with a gif1t Obtin sachsande wlne Oshawa. includes the research depart- information and foi- repair as a souvenir ai his visit toi wihtcarefo President Don Morris in in- ment, engineers, maintenance service. the club,. HA L troducing the guest speaker men, "trouble shooters", or i-e- said that Mi-. Lang, who was pair men, operators, business' MMr. Lang then demonstratedl * e* AL Bonad e ll ateepOhawn, staff and other workers. ;how easy it is ta make direct R 1ORN joined te Bell Tlepho*edialing d i s t an c e al,1 O IU RR. ,C Company in 1948, and is now Discussing direct distanxcelFirst he called a Hamilton, rxead o! the organization's as- dialing, or DDD as it is known'number. 'Bowmanville' and' Mrs. Beatrice MeDonald o ywiigt signment centre foi- this recg- ta the company. Mi-. Lang ex- Hamilton have the samne ai-ca o ywiig an. plained that it was first code, 416, so it is not neces- The death occurred at the CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE Mr agtold the Rotariansnecessary ta ensure that nosary ta dial it. "Fi-st we must Oshawa General Hospital on WOOL GROWERS LIMITED Lhat recently a Courtice Highitelephone in different cities1dial 1, this takes us ta the Thursday, May 5th, 1966, of 4 t li vneEs School student, Miss Olga~ had the same number as an- switching equipment in On- Mrs. Beatrice McDonald. of 0S.Car vneEs Michalejka, was in the Bell other onc. itaria, then the number wc 289 Highland Ave., Oshawa. Toronto 7, Ontario. relephone Oshawa office asl "Fix-st a standard sevcn'want in Hamilton. Sa I dial In her 7lIst yearsehdbe NEW FEDERAL PRICE SUPPORT BENEFITS AIL MILK PRODUCERS AVRAE>1 RN$ .0 E11UDE The new Federal Government policy of price support and direct payments wiIl give ail dairy farmers increased returns for their milk, whether they ship manufacturing milk, fluid milk or cream. The new policy is designed to bring economic stability to the dairy industry and prevent runaway consumer price increilss by ensuring -adequate supplies of dairy products. 1 HO T RS.FR H FARMER The Federal Govern-B A u ment wiII pay the farmer75c for each hundredweight of manufacturing mitk with a 3.5% butterfat content. Another 1 Oc wilt be put in reserve Io assist the export of by- prod ucts and surpluses. METHO OF AYM The Federal Gomerment and direct purchases of wiIl create a demand j to pay $3.25 per hundredweightt milk with a zý . through export assistance such products as butter, which wiIl enable processors' of manufacturing Zank.butterfat content. However,. 1 h e goverment has no authority to set the prices processors pay producers. It is in your own interest to negotiate the best possible price for your milk through your farm organization. MANUFACTURING MILIK SHIPPERS:- You will re- ceive a direct payment from the Federal Government of 7cents per hundredweight on ail milk. Your payment wil 4be made mnonthly by cheque from Ottawa. t~1flL~/~ ~ " 4 ~:,4' FLUID MILK PRODUCERS: You wilI receive 75 cents a hundredweight on ail milk over 120 per cent'of the amount for which you receive fluid prices. For instance, if your dairy pays you f luid prices on 10,000 pounds in a certain month, you wiII receive the gomerment payment on ail milk over 1 2,000 pou nds. Cheques will be mailed once a month from Ottawa directly to you. CREAM PRODUCERS: You wiIl receive 21.43 cents per pound of butterfat (the equivalent of 75 cents per hundredweight of milk with a 3.5% butterfat content). Because time is required to complete the registration of producers and to set up a reporting system, your cheques wilI go out from Ottawa every three montha. 1 REEMERTORGISTERI Milk producers must be registered with the proper form from your dairy, manufacturing Agricultural Stabilization Board in Ottawa plant, cheese factory, or creamery. Fi11 it out and be assigned a registration number. Manu- and send it off ta Ottawa. If you ship ta more facturing milk and cream shippers who parti- than one plant, you do flot need ta register cipated in last.year's supplementary payment twice but you must inform ail outiets of your program already have a registration number registration number so they can relay the and do flot need ta register again. But fluid information ta Ottawa. Remember it wiIl be milk producers are not registered ; they should impossible to participate in the programn if you do so as soon as possible. To register, get the are flot registered. CANADA DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE 017AWA HON. J.J. GREENE, MINISTER N OTE: Recause the fat content of milk varies, the 75 cent direct payment is based on a stan- dard 3.5 per cent butterfat content in milk. This works out to 21.43 cents per pound of butterfat. If your milk tests 4 per cent, then your payment wilI be four times 21.43 or about 85 cents per hundred- weight. On the other hand if your milk tests 3% then your payment wiII be three times 21.43 or about 64 cents per hundredweight.

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