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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 May 1966, p. 2

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The. Cmnada Statesman, Bowmianvfle, May 11, 1980 MdgitroelsCourt Hfel in Bowmanville Bin. Sihc Cfak Xplaîned thel w.'n tàh le ank 'k*y ne ~Svàde and then tll theoi ~àTroitàfo ei!et haen the 'andfor thek ddes blan an Robin will be anter wllin e l R. S."Dic"MP.ugSon. araoc-ard, 1ccted n o fthe for Uic Ce- tâ& orgacelebations ln 19h7 one *owd tampering with d tJuem jeUlt]. a fine of' a$3000 or' tire. years' lmn- brwannent. 'TWi i -a blank master keyf itcOsiuiented Magistratt ,R. 13. Baxter. IlIt has no ser- aie nunbe mang it kupos- ulSble te trace. If MOUil r Valu- d alesu bd becit mlssing, sus- pleon would oertainly have aLlen 1on lnnbeent pensons.I ti ten you knew It wus wroag te keep 1t.I The fine was $300 and a osi, or ont mentit, and Uic ekey wus ordered returned at oniceto, thc Post Ofice De- a Jamnes Beurkc, Fly *n guilty ta tires charges la-id by the Uneraployunent Insur- ance Conunmion. John Kenndy, U.I.C., stat- ed that an audit made Jaunu- ary 2Sth -revesled, arrears o! $561.94 lnt staançs frein U.I. books.' n,1ployees listed were iSharon Hazel Dadaon, Sandra Eleien Downey and Peter sMelanchuk. He nid bis de- partment requcsted books be obtinid. for new emplayece within threc days. MnW Bourke explained that enployees corne and go and it takes tinte to obtain the booksand Uic stanipe, Sore- Stinies b'y thc ine stamnps are ireceived the employee have gone. He said this was the tiret audit ln it ie years and thie would mrefer an annual one. He added that ln winter ho enployed about 35 and in oummaer abou;t 55. 4E~MM JLL A 'E MANCELLE 3ENS11ÏVE SKIN COS. for product purity, cames îhrs MMC mcus are bringing new complet@ range of pure casmet. --cfsmetie beovfy end -hop" ta ici, -in skie pampering, custoni, ~ 'diluins of women wlth sensitive blended formulas for dry, oly: ý l*Wla Dscover customt blended end normal ikin; Visit oui' t f Mclle Hypo-Alrgenîs Cas. MARCELLE SENSITIVE IKIN COS.' *ion ,~Imthe pure, pure cairneics METiC CEWTER ToDAY. Lot ouri «W.chutNE about your sin. Fromtt ralned consultants select the> IUSlardon Company, fameus cosmetîes luit right for youj 1- ~IOUJ...WoPM eboeufy...mnd the bouiy et a b1, apari] ,BURY& LOVELL- $j~ig St. E. Phone 623-3361 w.' Scomploe Stock of.. - GARDIEN TrOOLS FENCE - LAWN 0 SOGREEN" FERTILIZER 11h..75 Ibo01..19 iwle.29 841. _ __ __ 4& Bowmanvilloe i Yur staff la traitaient and ryour 0Jst.cmers oaretranisiegt-I» renwrked Ris Wo" h. "niy the. motel sMay* ptIt uwll bave teo oenpiy with the re- quireai.nta.11 The. fine was $15 and coïs on ecad i ofthe titre. counts, or distress. j Ronald Henderaon, Mearns Avenue, aged 19, pleaded galty ta apeeding April 28th on Klng..Sfreiet Wan d fai- lng to ebey a polâce signal. The fines wcre >$20 and cSs, or ive dayg,, for speedialg, and five dollars and costs, or an , dditiona1 five dan, for the second chrge. The off icer aperat.ing thc radar was Constble Ray Hart 'a'nd defense courisel John Regan. A charge e! danger- eus drivin1g wus withdrawn by thc Cnown. Winston W. Penny, 124 Salemi Avenue, Taranto, and Aubrcer P. Maalh, 5M8 Coneord Avenue, Taronte Ple a de d g'ulty te fihing out of sea- son Aprîl Mt. The former was also charged with illegal poesession of f ish. îConservation Officer Ernest Lamb told Hie Worship that, he obServed a hall! ton truck on the Sixth Concession of Maniens wdth "Aoe's Anteft- na"> and a telephone nurnber on thc aide. He informcd the driver that fhre should -aise be an addresu and kept watcb front a distance. Thie two men returned srrie tirne later. A oearch o! thc truck reveal- cd 10 freshly caught trout in a box. Mn. Penny explained that he bad been down froin Tar-1 ante April 8th and noticed this little stream- without any "No Trespassing" sàgns, so hej and bis fiend had reurned1 the following day. Magistrate Baxter Podàntedt ou~t that in the intenests o! conservation fishlng out of! season makes the fisherman hiable te a fine o! $l,0o0. cd Hus Worship, "but I have evcry synipathy for the land- Owner when peoipe f res the city climb over fences and1 trudge across pnîvate praper- ty as ïf they owned it. It is not nccessary ta put up 'No Trespassing' signs. Every pro-1 perty belonge ta someone andi if it i3 net yours then you have no ight there."1 He fined Penny $50 and $li2.8Q casts, or 15 daye for fLshing out o! season, and1 $25 and costs, on an additional five days for claiming the figb. Marsh's fine was $50 and costs, or seven days. 1 Barney Trarviss, 360 Cadil-1 lac Avenue, S., Oshawa, ad-i mitted cashiig cheques total- 4ng $uu: l g was taundguilty an renman- cd until June l4th fan pro- sentence rnoet. Ho miuet« make restitution ta the stores. Carporal J. MoGuey tald the court the first cheque was1 brought ta bis attentiM~ Marchl8tih caaiied at the.A. & P. for $30. Ho dieoked and1 found Dominion Store had cashed ane for $41.09, MidMul- len Hardware $25, I.G.A. $55, and John and Judy Shop1 $20.90. Al five had been ne- turncd niarked 'NS.F." and "Account Closed". They all named an account with thec Oshwa Auto Workers Credit Union. Alred Bowen, an off icial froin thie Credit Union, stated that Mrn. Traviss had been ini- farmed December lath, 1965, HOSE - SEEDS - FERTILIZERS MOWERS PEATMOSS I Peck .49________ Tlw 1.93 3 eu. f t. ___________2. 49 6 eu. f t. 3.9 PHONE 623 -5211 A large adverttsement in] this edition gives -more details, af the Ontario Medical Ser-i vices Insurance Plan <OMSIP)i and should be rend by, every-i one.1 The medical staff &t Mem- a oral Hospital, Bowmanville,: 1serving the Bowmanvllc,i ,Newcastle, Orono and New-i tonville areas feel that manyi people do not realize that al or part of their premlumu might b. pl d for by the prov-1 Ince, dependig on taxable in- rcarne, if any, for 1905. For those wvho, enroil before May lôth, 190, benefito are tcovered. frarm July lst wheni the plan becomes effective.1 The method of payment of fees ba& been thoroughly dis-i cussed here by the medicali staff wbo have agreed that iti is the patient's prerogative to1 1A review of the thrCe read- ing seminars conduicted this year occupied most of the dis- cussion period o! the Durham iDistrict Higli School held at Clarke High Schoal recently. LA. H. Strike, Chairman of the Guidance Comniittee, re- ported that the reading prob- lems in the five high schools in the area had been studicd. 1He said that as a resuit o!f thc committee's recommendations the reading seminars canduct- cd by Dr. Margaret Early and Dr. Harold Herber of Syra- cuse University had been beld here. The board naw bas the serv- ices for three days a month th-at the account waà bedng closed out and warned not ta issue any more cheques, A letter con!lrning this had been treturned undeqlivered because Mr. Traviss had moved. David Allison, R.R. 4, aged 18, pleaded gLulty to lcaving the scene cd an accident Aprl 3rd. He was fined $15 and seven dollars coets, or five days. Constable R. Parker naid he bad laid the chiarge fol- lowing a collision at thc cor- nçr of Iâberty and ConSsion Street. George B. Rlickard, Mill Street, jevmagtle report- *ed taë é"a flcert i edri- ver of the other car had led without lights and he (Rick- ard) had Pursued it ta Lawnb's Road. The accused adîmitted that he did not know bow ta operate the lighte, that lie had taiken his brother's car without bis consent and that lie had no lSonse. The of4ioer added that damages Wo the car driven by Rickard had been paid. Ernest Goodwin, R.R. 3, was charged. under a local by-law and flned a tota of sevesi doIllars and $10 coits, for allowing his dog to run at large and failing to bave a license for It. Dog Control Officer James Hoskin stated that he had been callcd to the area twicc on this mnatter. Dump (FROMI PAGE ONE) Deput>' Reeve. H. C. Muir said thut it wus hie opinion tiat a township dump is not compatible with a mink ranch. "I think we should look for a different locution for tho township dump," bbc Deput>' Reeve urged. Reevoe Blanch- ard arced, and saud' that everything possible muet be donc ta stop tic damage until tho dump could be locatcd elsewhere. He promniscd that a beavy bulldozer would be sent ta tic dump immediatel>'. On a motion b>' Deput>' Reeve Muir, seconded b>' jCouncîhlor Richard Gibbs, road accounts ansàunting ta $7,892.68 were passed for payrnent. Three By-Lsws wene pauued. One wms for the appaintment o! the Road Superintendent, anaUier was an amendment ta the Zonlng By-lAw, and Uic third desît wlth tbe rezonlng o! part o! Lot 14, Cont. 8, from greecbelt to agnicultural. forsythia Tea> HeId at Trinity The succe.ssful Forsythia Tes hcld by Trinit>' United Church Women li thUi Sun- day School Booms recenti>' *wasmuch .nJoyd by Uic may people who attended. The pgctae were roceived by Min. Nelson Osborne, Uic pnesident Mrs. Konnoth Sum- truford, Uic vice-proaldent, and Mrs. George K.Ward, wile of the piton o! Uic urch. Mrg. Michael Puk wao thc tes convenor, and BMn. Stuart X. James vasuichedecorations Zoneno. lThé hostum weein &u.0O < Plummer and Mn. Alfred Mli. Forsythia vas featured ln the attractive decorattons, and ioalo~v gardesi e Iwu ý mlttue of blaaaomu4a witetotc, gras. bnlhtly enre tq. m Da,? an and Iawn fntur have thc doctor deal d$rectly cial plan. On or before. recelpt with ecdipâtient e' or of hie cheque frorn the plan, she will knoW Uic date, type hc would puy his doctor and and charge for services . ren- be reimbursed by the cheque dered ta bis family und hlm- front. OMSIP. self. lIn keeping with this pnivi- Howeven, there is a differ- lege, the doctors have agreed ence betwpen this plan and to iret I te atintrath- the well-knawn PSI. lIn the eta de l ith ptent en-latter, doctors have agreed ta ornt thadel wl then bverccept 90 per cent o! the cur- maetbPy teviment ou rent echedule o! fees, but no mh aienbyt h gavez nen 0uch agreement exista between tpa iendot wowud ntu the Ontario doctons and OM- puyhisdocor.SIP.> It wiîî be up ta the in- Thene are two methode b>' dividual docter whether or whlch this can be donc. The doctor will complote an OM- not he will accept the 90 per SIP card and forward this cent paid by OMSIP as total marked PAY PATIENT ta puyment for services rendon- th.e Provincial Plan, or the cd. doctor would complote the For any persan who is still medical part o! the card or not dlean about the OMSI1P ail the card and forwand this plan, it mlght be well ta dis- ta tho patient, who would in cusit with your doctor ta see turn submitit tothe Provin-what hewouldrecommend. of two reading experte fromn Bowmanvîlle, Courtice, Clarke, the Ontario Curriculum Insti- Part Hope and Millbrook, 'at- tute, Dr. Alex Turner, Chair- tend a summer course in man of the Reading Commit- reading at OCI, and that onc tee o! OCI, and Mrs. Frances teacher be sent te Syracuse Polcschuk. The Durham High University Summer Course. School Area has been set up E. F.,Witty, Part Hope High as anc of five demanstration School, will be sent by the areas in the province. board,' It was decided, ta A recommendation of Dr. Syracuse University te take a Ear]y and Dr. Herber, who had special reading demonstra- conducted the reading semin- tian course. On bis return, ars here, was that onc teach- he will set up a pilot demon- er fram each of the five Sec- stration class in Port Hope andary Schools in the area, High Scbool. SOLINA Mrs. A. Tink wus the hon- ouned gucst at a binthday tea on Satunday aftennoon ut the home of ber daughter and son-in-law Mn. and Mrs. Porc. Dewell, Hampton. Thene were many relatives, friends and neighbauns who called ta ex- tend ta Mns. Tink their goodi wishes on this.bappy occasion. One caller suggcsted that Mre. Tlnk write a book on "How ta StaY 65'. We o! thc commun- ity also say "Happy Bithday"' ta aur fine lady citizen. On Satunday evening a large crowd gathered lnt Salina Hall ta bonoun aur village store- keepers, Mn. and Mrs. Lamne Koloett and Donald befone leavicg aur cammunity. Mn. L1cyd. Brooxpe acted aus master of' e, exinel g ad mie# he the apecial guesta ta corne ta seuls at the front o! the hall. Oun behul! of the comrniunlty, Messns. R. B. Davis, Harold Pascoe and Ron Broome pre- sented Mn. and Mns. Ko lett with a pole lump, wall mirnor and a set e! gnooming brushes, while Donald recoived a "Moonbeams'l electric alarn dlock. Af ton expnessing their, tianks a humorous reading was givon b>' Mrs. B. Haaey. A few games o! carde wene enjoyed by bath young and aid. During thc lunch hour ln theb lnwen hall, a few prizes wene distributed ta Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Enoome for the closest wedding unnivensar>'; Mrs. Pool o! Bancroft for the lady who, bas spent the most years in the same kitchen; Mn. Wes Werny for tbe man who shuved ut the latent haur; Miss Shirley Westlake fan the clos- est birthday and Philip Broamei for the boy who shined bisi own shocs ta came ta the part>'. Mn. Wesley Yellowlees spokea few wonds o! welcome ta Mn. and Mns. A. E. Brown1 aur new storekeepens and in- vited tborn ta take part un aur community aclivities. Mn. and Mns. Brown graciousl>' accept- od the warm welcome with nesponsive speeches. Dancing brought this friondly get-ta- gethen ta a close. On Sunda>', May' 8th, a' lange cnowd attended the Mothens' Day and Christian Fumil>' cburch service ut El- dad. The splendid sermon "What le a Christian Family?" was well dclivened by Rev. Charles Catto assisted by Mre. Catta and daughten Linda. Rev. Catto also presented the Sacrament a! Hol>' Baptism ta Kelly Marie, infant daugbter a! Mn. and Mine. Ronald Broorne; Canolyn Elizabeth; Mary Helen; Lanry Franklini and David William, children a! Mn. and Mn.. A. Allsworth. Tht flowers ut the front e! the ciurch were in memor>' of bhc late Mn.. J. Yellawlees placed there by ber famil>'. Next Sunda>', May' lStb, Eldad Sunda>' Scbool wilI be at 9:16 a.m. and church at 10:30 *.m. for Uic summer months. Recent visitons with Mn. and Mrs. Donald Taylor were Mn. and Mru. Ed Thorcbon, Mllbraok, and Mr. sud Mn,. Raoy Nichais, Port Carling. Mrn.md 3Mn. Joe Snowdcn and Bruce attended a famil>' dinnen anyet Miamchester on Sunday. Mr. E.B. RTalylor Ji visiting with 3ev, mnd Mm. . RSher- wlii mii JmSmily, DuwIim and alào attendéd thei ehnlatening o! tihW daughter, Nuancy Joan Sherwln. Mn. and Mn,. P. Stuart, Penny and Robin, Chatham, were meent visi4oru with Mxn. anid bma. Joe Drew and ùm- il>'. Mn. and Mmr. C. Haner mand m«r at Brookla en Sunda>'. Ur. Cbutu Alluo, Eowman- ville. vsited with M. and ffl w«. Yeflowlee. Mn,. Bac P«acoe, Eeverly, Ur" a"dGay viulted villa Mn. and Mu-s. Oshawa. J. W. Dycu-,1 Mr. end Mrs. Francis John- ston and David visited with Mr. emnd Mrs. Jack Jobnston, Tyrone, on Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Kniox and boys visited with Mn. and Mrs. Hilton Tink, Ebenezer. Miss Helen Baker, Toronto, sPent the weekend with Mr. and Mns. Tom Baker and tam- ily. Iffi. and Mîrs. Barry Cowl- ing werc aloo Sunday tea gueste with the Baker fanily. Mrs. N. Leach v'isited an Sunday with Mr. and MTs. Doug Flett end family. Mir.end Mrs. Robert. Bar- rpba1j, Mi.s, Cora Bra~1 eallers with Miss Pearileah -Mr. end Mrs. Art Young- mnan, and family, Tyrone, Mr. and Mis. Deug Fl1ett, Murray end Linda, Mrs. N. Leacb were Sunday tea guests witb Miss Pearl Leach. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Short, Courtice; Mr. and Mrs. Ross Kossatz and Shelley, Oshawa, were Sunday tea guests with M.and Mrs. Ralph Davis. Mr. and Mrs. John Leger and family, Mr. and Mrs. Helmar Freitag and family, Mr. and Mrs. George Bittner and- fam- ily, Mr. Keith Cryderman and girls were Sunday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. Everett Cryderman. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Yeo and family, Bowmanville were ne- cent visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Knox and family. Mr. and Mrs. Ran Broome and Kelly, Bawmanville; Mr. and Mrs. Fnank Westlake and family, Mr. Robt. Blackburn, Salem, wene Sunday tea guests with Mr. and Mne. Lloyd Broome and famlly. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink visited with Mrs. W. A. Orm- iston, Brooklin, Sunday even- ing. Mn. and Mrs. Alex Patter were Sunday guests with Mr. and Mrs. Ray Middlctan and family, Toronto. Mrs. R. C. Fraser is visîting with Mr. Horace Wilkins, Nipigon, Ontario. Piano Tuning PROFESSIONAL work guan- anteed. Arthur Collisan, É1OQ..qgnfl 0044 ~1'I.~U Tenders Wczntedj Tenders Wantedl Cardas of Thcàka Ctizens rgd to Study Details -fof OMSIp Plan Be for e M ay l6thDeadline United Caunties of Northumberland sud- Durham TENDER FOR H.L. 4 ASPHALT Sealed tenders marked us ta contents will be roceived by tic undensignod until 10:00 ui.m. E.D.S.T. Friday, May' 27th, 1966 for the supply and placing a! upproximately 14,650 tans a! H.L. 4 Asphaît an Count>' Road 57 frain the North Limit o! the Town o! Bowmanville, north- erly for approximately 9.6 n-iles. This cantnact includes neshaplng and rolling a! noad befone puving. Plans, spocifications an d tender forns mu>' be obtained from Uic undensigned, after Manda>', Ma>' GM, 1966. ýA certiified cheque, -made payable ta Uic United Coun- tics o! Nothumberland and Durhamn, for 10% o! tic total bid, muet accompany eaci tender. Lowest an any tender not necossanil>' accepted. Robert A. Edmunde, P. Eng., Counties' Engincer, Unitod Counties o! Northumberland and Durham, Municipal Building, Cobourg, Ontario. 19-1 :~I EWMANVILLE ELECTRICAL CONTRACTORS ONTARIO TRAINING SCHOOL FOR BOYS SEALED TENDERS will be received until 3:00 p.m. (E.D. T.) on WEDNESDAY, MAY 25, 1968 for the Renovatians and Alter- ations to the electrical uystcm ln the decoratlng clasmrom and paint shiop at thec Ontario Training Schoal for Boys, Bowmanville, Onitario. Note: As of ,anuary lat, 1966, Ail Federal and Provincial Sales Taxes will be pald by Contractors and Ineluded lu Their Tenders. Tender Documents may be obtalned from Room 6630, De- partment of Public Worku, Whitney Block, Parliament Buildings, Toronto 2, Ontario. Tenders will not be consid-j ered unless made on forms supplied by the Department. The lowest or any tender flot necessarily accepted. J. D. MILLAR, Deputy Mlnister. 18-2 Personcd Unted Ceauihs et Northiumebrlandand Durhame TENDER ,FOJR BRMDGECONSTRUCTION Sealcd tenders plainly mark- cd as to contenta will be ne- ceived by the undersigned until 10:00 a.m. E.D.S.T. Frida>', May 27tk, 1961 for thc construction o! a 30 foot rigid frame bridge con- taining approxlmatcly 200 cub- ic yards o! concrete. Plans, specifications an d tender forms may be obtained froin Uic undersigned. A certified cheque nmade payable ta the Treasurer, Unit- ed Counties o! Northumber- land and Durham, for 10% o! the total bld must accompan>' each tender. Lowest or any tender nat necessarily accepted. ]Robert A. Edmunds, P. Eng., Counties' Engineer, United Counties of Northumberland and Durham, Municipal Building, Cobourg, Ontario. 19-1 United countles or Northumberland aud Durham TENDER FOR EQUIPMENT Separate Sealed Tenders plaînly marked as ta contents will be received by the under- signed until 10:000 a.m. E.D.S.T. Friday, May' 27th, 1966 for the following: (1) One' 30,0.00 G.V.W. Truck equippêd with dump body, snow plaws and wing. (2) Two 25,000 G.V.W. Trucks equipped with dump body, snow plow and wing. (3) One 3/ Ton Truck. (4) One 11/â cubic yard wbeel type Power Loader. (5) One 3" Centrifugal Pump. (6) One power dniven Road S w eep enr suitable for mounting on an industrial tractor. Ail bids must be -on forme supplied by the undersigned. Lowest or any tender will not necessarily be accepted. ]Robert- A. Edmunds, P. Eng., Counties' Engineer, United Counties of jNathumberland and Durham, Municipal Building, Cobourg, Ontanio. 19-1 HYGENIC Supple- (Rubber goods) mailed postpald ln plain sealed envelope wli pnice liet. Six samples 25e, 24 samples $1.00. Mail Order Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca.. Box 91, Hamilton, Ont. 1-52 1Cards of Thanks I wishh to thank nurses and staff of surgical floor, Physia-i therapy Dept. Memorial Hos- pital, Dr. Ewert, for care and kindness shown while a patient there. Ron Carter. 19-.1 I wish ta sincerely thanki friends and neighboru for1 cards, gifts and enquiriès dur- ing my stay in Oshawa Hos-i pital and special thanks ta Drs.1 Ugray and Smith, nurses and, staff of 5F. Harold McCullach. 19-1 We wish to express aur thanks ta Dr. Siemon, nursesj and staff of Memorial Hospital,1 alsa ta friends, neighbaurs1 and relatives for cards, gifts, flowers and visits while we were in the hospital. Maurice and Carol Bradley. 19-1 111 -1- Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & S.11, with whom arp e w aerged Monteit,RiaM, ýWaters ý& Go. Chartered Accountânts' Montrea! Oshawa, Torente Windsor Winnipeg -Reglu Edmouton Prince George Hamuilton Calgary' Vancouver Gardon W. Riehl, C.A.. ERLA. Buart R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 7128-7527 SUPPORT YOUR $7,500.00 $5,360.00 m m s2,140 SO THAT ALL CRIPPLED CHILDREN MAY BE TREATEDI1 FORD SALES .PHONE 623-2W3 RAP or- CANADA 1966 MacDONALD CI f riend ly, hospitable amshre C loin, used cars 1 D iscounts you can't pass up 1 O n-the-spot financing 1 N o reasonable offer refused 1 Adown paym.nt to fit your budget 1 L owest prices 1 D oai. that can't b. boston I - I Three Reading Experts tProviding Assistance in Durham High Schools CRIPPLED CHULDREN OUR OBJECTIVE TO DATE 1STILL NEEDED 3 Peck __ _ _ _ _ c u. ft. (SPMCADEE LOANED FREE WITH SEED OR FERTILIZER) GARDEN WHEELBARROWS Ught WeIght and Easy to Rfaidi. Strong Seamnhs Trays, Tubular Steel Frame, Rubber WhoeL 3 CU. FF. 10" WHEEUL $8,97- each, à cu.F Luxz - $1277 each 4iCU ru,wam ~.$15.44 each ,McG~gorHardware Sfu says: 1 FORDS A DAY OUR TARGET 1H MAY I, DONIT WAITf i'TI JOIE, WE MAY CHANGE OURI-TU! 219 KING ST. E. Contact One of Our Courteous Salemewn: BUD FOGG BOWMANVI LLI JEMY KEAN -1 I Wlsh bto ank an nMy friends and relative., Mis Gornili and choolmates for Uic lovely carda and,»it sent ta me. Spectal tba4àlo j H. B. Rumdle and É -on surgical floor for the~d erful care durlng my 'utay in Memnorlal Hospital. Katherine Penwarden. I wish to Uiank Uic man- 'ugement and staff o! Roy' Nichais Matant Ltd., friende, relatives, nelghbours an d the Courtice United Churcli Wornen for their comfort and assistance durlng aur recent bercavement. Speclal thanks to Rev. J. P. Rameril ad Rev. D. Arscott for their visitsa nd words of cornfort ta my> wi!e whlle she was InthUic hspital. Bill Mansh and famil>'. 19-1 The famil>' o! thc late Lamne Dhompeon wlsh ta exp>ress slnere lappreciation *ta nelgh. bours, reltives antd friends for floral tributes, many acts 'o klndness, and messages o! sympathy recelved toliowing the las. o! a beloved husband and fathen, aiea a 8pecial thanke ta Charce'Wilson, Don- ald and Ivan Thompeon and the neighbouns who putIpý the sprlng drap Gladys Thompson, Jean Colacicto. 19-1'4 We wish ta express aur neartfelt thanks and apprecia- tion ta relatives, friends and neigbbours for thé maxi> acte o! klndness, floral tnîbutès and messages o! sympathy over the lacs o! a dean hueband and father, Albert Stewart. iSpecial thanks ta Rcv. Mn. Piercy, the Royal Canadian Legion, Bnanch 402, Millbraak, for their memorial service, and the Morris Funeral Home, Bowmanville, for their klnd and efficient management o! the services. Alice and Famil>'. I would like ta express n-y sincere and heartfelt thanke ta -the many wondenful people wha rcernbered me in sa man>' ways while I was a patient in bath the Memanial, Bawmanville, and the Oshawa Genenal Hospitals. Your pra>'- ers, flowens, gifte, carde, etc., were very much appreciated. A special thanks ta Drs. Mik- las, Ugra>' and Rowsell, the nunsing staff in bath has- pitals, also my hausekeeper Mrs. Heslop who looked Metr everything sa well while I was away. God bleu even>' anc o! you. Harold C. Pedwell.- . 1 3 1 :- 1 c 11 -14 il- 9

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