Tule cam&m tatteaun Bçm vie 198ê'lmDavid Beaco k Picni __________________________________Centen nliai Fund Receives $1,000 Citn Sep Cindy Vani CampMihael Van Gestel, S.aturday, July 2d 98 hd ak I' ~~~~~~~, ~~~ Mich.ael Walker, Steven Wil-'seventy-five of the Baok Ofcr pitdfrnx I I~~~~~~~~~~iaxnsTommy Wotten. Elaine relatives gathered nt tepr er(h 1bana ah Wright, Nancy Wygerde. :i Blackstock and seta rnR r:Peiet r s tihe. Meals N e w sborne Taylr, Bobcaygeon Grade 4 - 5 -Bill Clernent,!Psrtaken of in the ReraY njSceay r.Hrl et Lynne Cooke, Glenn Dean,ý Centre and sport n ui1t.Dnfod raue.Ms Mr.lme ihad, EdtrLnda Hoskin, Donld J nme meeting held ateDimrRbtonDufrd Mrs. James E. Richards, Editorson, Paul Judson. Kathy Mac- hs oscr akt Nomnand Ruth Allun! Please telephone Orono 1271 Mrs Ada Galbraith et Bow-1 oad utNiaSde Gordon Malcolm, BIr a-iet -Wlr the surprised guests at for vour renev ais or new sub jmanvilie is visiting her sisterj isr er W~re y-tyn. Susan McCol. lan Prewierwre a aml dnnrparty Sunday scriptions ta this paper, aiso Mrs. John Berry and famiiy. d rwn odyCmbel Metcalf. Dianne V8nehu. Rcs-36yas o~ ar th oeo hi agtrnw tm.IMs euRbno pn ~ ..Alice Ann Carnaghan, JanîisiSzne WloE r e ai otn ara sn-i-lwJoan and Neil' Mr. and Mrs. Charles Johnsiseveral days with Mr. and Mrs. !re',Gi als ln rih.yas hrlWxh.H EIlot, RR.Kendal, on the of Bowmanville were dinner Francis Hall at Agincourt. Ilw aic ol. ah Gue, iane CoHd aiton,Grd 8ProtosAlnWgh;1-2ya.Gen OCMaion of their forthcoming guests of Mrs. Charles Wood Mrs. dune Kramer lhas re- k GDnna HaesDiayne oton, Araue8 J oanBlingl r- ecc. eleWih:S 25th Wedding Anniversary.; an Moriday. Other recent visit- turned trom the Oshawa Hou-.Donn aryHwntinWtne K a t hyhm Df.BoneFlta, ae eleWrgt i l Trhe bride and groom of 25ors with Mrs. Wood were Mr. pital. ',Kuig envLe ooha îh i nune.nrR-rc, BonnieBety Mrim yiars ago, were presented on:;and Mrs. David Phasey andl Mr. and Mrs. Ross Broom of! KMcDnal, Rndy Maee. odh, Vgan, BrnendaRh, aul e:welarwrc.Bn arrivai with a corsage and children of Tyrane, Mr.Cband Toronto, Mr. and Mrs. Brian 'Mc"DavidM.alcolm, MarLd, au SharLnda TRahrneLn'ni eat.ChriWrrt bouttonniere by their daugh- Mrs. Fred Brooks andChisPriestley and daughter Allison DdviWiMainolm, shirtouracepKeith Beacack ters Joan and Sharon and Budot Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Neil and Barbara Gustar, were Ma.coim,.Sharn NasbWttkiTsr MLY presented them with:Wood, Gail and Sandra of holiday weekend guests 0o! Mr cle Robin oson aer, n FemnichRitehie.n electrir door chirnes, on be-'Peterborough. 1 and Mrs. Orville Chatte.rton,: ioe, BRbarasan, KDhebr rd rmtin a- he seabe hoif o! those present. Those Mrs. Edna Victoria (McGill)!Carai and David, at their cot- rt ArcherrRichard Bolan, Wri GtadNail Driving. atterjding were Ellen Winter, Taylor, age 70, wife of Mr. 'tage, Canai Lake. Swain, Tom Tennyson, Susan! r rheRca Oshawa; Lilliami and Harry'Charles Taylor. passed away Mr. Oscar Adarns retumned Thomipson, Gary Thomson 1 Heather Brien, Jameii-Ms ly rgt Taylor, Napanee, Jean and.iat the Memorial Hospital,1hone on Tuesday tram aa few Gckiis hin onnasotn ,ariom'Dumnt;o, LDodEr tWifdSrmKenne h Bûd Hay, Newtonville; Mr. and Bowmanville, on Monday, JuiyýdayS ln Memorial HospitaliY VnCap-Lnala el, Da\'id Fallis.nJudy esed r~n usi. re Mli r.R.Eon and ha oNel The funeral fram Orono Unit twa of Orano United e --- Caroline Web.ster, Barbarai Rosi Prey, Lori Gobk,Pevdok M.JhnRhm's. aren, Oravio and Joa tn UNei d Church nt 1:.30 p.m.iChurch Women held a picnic Welts, Larry Werry, CheryllGrandel, Douglas Hdo. Yugs ay Elliott of Kendal. ;on Thursday. Interment in imeeting ini the park on Tues- Wih.1Jc urn ai Mr. and Mrs. W. Lloyd Kn:onn Cernetery. Rev. TJohn!day. Mrs. Shirley Turner, nien, Brian Lee, Gail Mco9M.; dt eccLns~ are monving tbis week ta aniKitchen of Chippawa officiat-I Mrs. R. Gardiner of Garden Mece.alcLom .al Mappn any ersn Dnfrd on apartment in Lindsay. Mr. ed. 'Hill visited Mrs. John MorrisGrd -6-SunAch- Mlole,Pind a Muto.Se- atrcnlymrid Ring is manager of the Pet- About :301Scior Citi7enslast week. rade,5Nancy Ana Arrh- yen e hna. Ky PorMoanumn BhFrusn n lei'law Branch of The lefi by bus for Centre Island,ý Mrs. J. Noden and Miss blNnyAnAge R- e ehl a Canadian Imperial Bank of Toronto, on Wednesday of lastîViola Noden of Toronto are at etBaok bi oln:Jh Quknus Cmec.week and enjoyed a pleasanttheir Orono residence for thel Ronald Bradblurn, Kenneth: Swain., Robert Swanmo~ m .WiknoKthnr Mr adMr. el efreaý' otigbyth atr. hliay.Crawford, Brian Davidsoni raine Turner, Carao erCul oneimrid m Mm ad m;.Nel(Tore Mr. Francis Hall of Agin-' Mr. W. Norman Porter is a Marilyn Duff, Denice Edger-' Norma Wotten, DoadadMm.TcnonSmis an snsofRoenatousird t caiied on Mr. and Mrs. patent in the Memarial Hos- lt Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Adams. m oisn o usa mniî. ton, Brian Felstcad, Jeftry rgtFml ui.Ms OieBa W .Rbno onTedypitl, Bwave n. Freer, Deborah French, Jamnes Edwin Challi.', Tahr ok Congratulations ta Mr. and attemnoon. Congratulations ta Mr. Tony Fi-enoh, Jacqueline Gould, --- -- FidsatddtxonKt Mrs.Normn E.Alunon teir Congratulations to Mr. and Mitchell on winning a colored ,5RgrGud eadHp hnr avie ooti 25th Wedding Anniversary Mrs. Herh Bradley - the forti- TV set in the Esso contest. ks Ser.Jhutn..o .IFA T' fll.PWlowa. o Mls..i who will be "At Home" onOel. Miss Margaret Elaine Mit- On Sunday, July 10th, oný Keuninig, Esa Kinnunen, Da- MAL E GR(J L ii aaLns'y usfrBb Saturday, July 9th at their cheil - on their marriage on CKLB Oshawa Radio, will! d Larmer. Darlene MalcoInm. Mr. cayeon Peembrouh. o. rejidence. Thursday, June 30th at Hamp-ibroadca';t the service tramt Ruth Manderson, Dou g I a s sd adM' mDvdo or.Pic ie ete Mr ad rs Ry ~nemto Uitd huc. Rev.:Orono United Church on dune Mappin. Rickey Mappin, Mary "F' r o o';W';o, pnttn and local area and son Robin spent the holi- Chirles Cata officiated. 26th by Mm. Mel Smnith of Mathison. Dale McClung. R. ist-adhsad m n day weekend in Ottawa. Mr. and Mm';. Wmn. Pearson Oshawa. Time is just atter 10' Recently, the Ladies AuxiJiary Io the Royal Canadian Legion, Branch incad Viler !e Po sse r';aRndRogsand fmiy Mr. ad Mr. W.Lloy Kin arm sonBiil ot eagrve, rn. ews.Bowmanvillc, made a generaus contribution of $1.000 to the Legion's National 1 Barbara Royhmer, Farle Tre-'On' Saturday, Mr.an Mr.w o atfended the Sanford-Thomp- Mm';. Oscar Graham of WhftbN,, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Wintert, Centena ud-hsaonpu nadiinl$3 o h e' ranch win. Daile Va-n Camp, Sherri, nGomrhyadduh son wedding in Deer Park Mm';. Bob Batty of Brooklin,? rs. Fred Lycett, Mm';. F. 0 Walke.r, hiBambamapusan W h e e$63 i m hemens i e r, Imuph a hc'; Mr. and Mms. BaE od U13,ted Church. Toronto, on Mr. Elmer Middletan of Osh- Cooper,. Mm. and Mrs. Wm.* has becn forwai'ded ta Legion Headquarters and added to funds contributed by Shaon Williamisnn. Rickrý' murphy. Oshaws, wthm hi Saturday attemnoon and in the awa, Mr. and Mm';. Gen. Gra- Irwin of Omono, Mr. aod Mrs.i every hranch in Canada. The interest \viiI be used for the many national projects1 Wilson, Leslie Wr'ight. itr r.adMsRoRo-CUDB evening were guesîs at the haro of Newcastle and Mm';.iS. Norman McNalll' ot Col-ý undertaken over the yeal's by the Royal Canadian Legion. Bowmanville's Aux- ivim';., Phyllis Mitrhell, itrM.ad rs 3Oh edîn nnvesay~ amhalKeast, visited Mm. borne paid their respects toa iîia'y r ednt rs MayW tvr 'son he',he$00 Teachefr. cers and family. On0ia Mr. and Mm';. E. j. Galbraith and Mrs. Jim Middieton. the late Mm. Albert Fprrow, prqu oLginBachPeidn tn .en. rd nt -rae7-avdvllngt h a of Newrnarket which was heid -Mr. F. O. Cooper is a patient brother of the late Mrs. 1:.1 qet LgonBachPesdnoSauLsun.inrd i rae7 Daiis nedy wthhe attehm fMm. and Mm';.in St. Joseph's Hospital, Peter- Winter at Millbrook Iast - Adamos, Joel Baker, SusancosnMsTan Rge. IN HEPO N W John Galbraith of Don Miii; oruh we ____BoaDaln rien. Albert' Mm. and Mrs. RonBok Pbwerof Ohawa pentthe O BI TU A RI E B L.A C S I C KBuma, Ricky Campbell, Mur- and famiiy are spendigafwate MssMelePoer, Mss ry Carmnaghan, Gienna CIe.- day'; at Harcourt Pak Mr EvanseWayefFoshawiaharply pethe fewdays herealso zlg wem nd whM. Haod Chujch Service'-; were ntas s' I'tack Wonipe ';Jiistilute. A. ud Mm'; MrArthur audEnt.a vnEa n .';resBRbara-In Mm';. H. .1. rosrcn-P I MiQn wekendPowitr. AN WLIM OEyeam'; with attacks <of cnt'onatîy Wilatenedon Sudayas;1Mir ad MrsAnod T it Xtem, Ricky Hawes, Johnny Mr. and Mm';. Char]i ude -- -H odgeLryHmeLysha, were Fidaydne The private funteral service able ta continue hi'; work and tense lheat. bul three fine ser- Fisher wveddýing at Zion On Stan Rahms ,,pf:nt the week- Betty Keul, Keijo Kirnnunen, Stevensg. On WednEsdvls P S toire for the late Raymnond William etired in January of this year vilces weme heid. At 10 a.m. Saturday. end at the Provincial Pairk jimmy McLeod, Neil Malcolrn,:Mm. and Mm';. Fred See' Extend IU I ';Cale was lheld trom the North- tram hi'; ciericai work witb ýMr. David Ramemil oaf Wawa Congratulationusto Mr. asud near Keene.PalMutoDid c.hlComaJdb tercusn O awW tbAa cutand Smith Funemal Homne, Bambin & ScotIndustries, conducted hie servcevandde- nmi,.;icai!omeargudon (Bhe Bowrnanviiie, on Friday, June Han'ilton Division. i livemed.a tincSermone ndte st ral ho emerg 'i (e n atwîht PbicSh Wayne Scott, Bill Shortmidce.!Mm. Fred Wood, Bowrvih Re ite o 14 96,ai 1a..wthRvMarc Sinane, June Taylorvmiced their- cousin, Mm;1 daWres Regstr or 24 166 aiilar. it Rv.Hi s sucfden death leave'; sur- United Churrh. At 11:15 Rev.1 Biackstock United Chumch in' Reports; Debbie Thompson. Ka r'e n Jev/eli, Cannington. T Harold A. Turner of St. Paul à iviving besides hi'; wife, orle Mans;field of Port Pemmy wa'; Salturdayý. July 2nd.r 'I ~United Church officiating. !son William (Bill> FrederickI the minister in charge. (Rev. M.sdMm; aidRmml Kirdergarlin i ass - -Temmy Thomp';on, Katherinie Thorn- Mr. and Mm';. DonBokrdoftelgdiv Swim Classes I The deesdwstesno!o r n r.DvdRm i iBack, Donald Buna, iba son, S t, ep h le rn Tomchiishin. and familY spent theweknt adfmwok dee'1 a tesno fWe';toan sd a daughter Rose j'; un holiday';). Iu the!adbyofWw ar iqtSohn ilheprnsM "Newcastle - Mrs. MIargatýDot-othý, Gracie Oke andl Helen Elaine, one grand';on evcninig the Orangee n u os fWw r îm-1 Clancy, Angela Ciement. Rov Larry Totten, Bruee Wiikin'; ithhmprns m n m gmnading Rex'. and Mm';. P. Romeril Cowling, George DavidsoyRbm ikn, aiewM1xTnnr tri; osie iigi h Beeton of the Newcaýstle 1William Charles Colle aud wasITrevor William Cale, an only Orange ladies paraded btlite 1IîilRbr iknJnc i-Ae anr tri F$cratonCoiitceha; d:bra in Bowmanville, June 25,1 îtrM'.Ce .Dde Uie 'uc hm e.Pfaud Demîni';. Fredprirk Davis, Tsrnrnie De- iarn.s;, Joey Wiliiamson, Cath- Mm. and Mm";. C. Ruei sd osmoe mdun vjýed us ta please remind'l9fl7- I Reta) of R.R. Na. 6, Bow- Rneril deiiverred an excel-1 Mm. sud Mm';. .Jori LChislet,,i merchamît, Robert Nixon. Dam-! erine Wilson. ýfamily spent the w(eeda ~&ents who wish their child' He rerevdhc dcto t manville.i lent sermon. Theme werelWhitby, Mr. adMm';. RlavI t'y Darreli. Linda Duive';teyn, Mm'. Gwenit'h Thoînps;n, Bae ak erOcerna prm et children te take ';wjirnigBowmauvile schoois. Hi'; Many lovcly flor-al tokeuts many mr'e seca ,r itingILarmer, Pickering, Mm. sud Steven Evans;, Danuy Fel-: Teacher. camping. lesons ta gel thern signed up:tlent for music was dtpvelo)p- were moute evidence of the inucas" on streelsto - el the Mrs. Bill Daviels, Hamilto.n, ';te.ad, Angu'; Francis, Dianua, 7' ~Mm. sud Mm';. H. W. rsoti saa N-O-W. They have an extend-ied sud enabledt him ta play high esteem in whîch the de- parade before sud after ser' m urdygure';ts of Mm;.ý Fudge, Randy Gould, Mark 1Tnor,7 -%8ta 10(1% He d a ith hem pent;Mmth dMm; led period until the end of this several instruments. At anc, cea';ed was held among which vice thani weit min ervi.Aima Foi - '-a, ihelHmitn ther Dormeli, Valerie Fmew,!Davmd( Mcbeau. Ornem. wëek anly. Then theyiil have lime he wa'; heard weekly were Durham Chapter, O.E.S.. Mm. Bert Fimley, Tomomtu,l 'Mm. sud Mm';. Ivariniihamn- Sherryý Harrison, Jean Hor- uyHrSalyKokn Ms.BlBee: tq'wait another year. lover tlhe Windsor radio sta- Bowrnanvilie, and Bambin & Mm'; . Lawson, Yeivertoun,' son, Mm. sud Mm';. Donald ton.,Ileather LeBlaur, Vaierie udy H, art, Staly Km'ackn- Mm'. Bi Begley, i sss ido etdpo ,Lessans began at the pool lin itb bis oxva orchestra. Scott Industries. Mm';. Bill Wanmîon sud Mm';. Thoampsorî, Mm';. LamneTh nip Malcolm, Sharon McClung,!d~a Mcbaughlin, Gam'y Motimt-'Mm. sud Mm';. Larmr Ahtn at nine arn. Monday Irornin9,He also posse';sedi a fine sing- Paîeme' -ee Messrms. ël Grace Coc-hranec, Omono, MmA.' sgon sud Mc.'; W. Archet',xisit- Rohert Parker, Ros'e Paulin,' jov, Trevor Neshitt, .lanet Os;haw;; Mm. sud M';L.ug baone 14r many il was their firsling voice which hie u';ed in ton Wery. Ras'; Pearce, Stuart and Mrs. Ross' Curtis, Oinillia,1 ed Sunday aIa the Mackir Tommy Perigoiie, Dan aId Rad- Clct, e vs timi in anything larRer than'cburch and concert. Hi'; main James, Perc. Cowling assisîing and M M'. Bruce Cimm'- Funemal Home, L i nd sa ,.',cliffe, Glenda Sties, e y1 Jone W aele n lasJIo- ;..AsonaIhmdu- a'bath tub and for others they!hobby was; camposing musmc Jop Bartôni. liq. Rich.monîd Iill, vi';itpid Mm. 1where Mr. We';lev Moutgom-' Janie Taylor, Mciody Train,, urs, 66-74, Floyd Asselstinp. tcr's, Mr. and Mm'.GrdnEgis eo r'e in. their final vear of and he hia'; written mauy sud Mm";. Mprwood McKee' ery was re';tine. The Thomp-I lois Van Camp, LiudaWheci-I u' n als ed o~e'h éwtiming and takingilife-sav- isang';. As a young man hlie tretwa i hefrmydumirmg the week. Sn; ttend'ed the funeralo, cSD.nWikn , Dmcar~ti aneilleHnington, James ee]com o u omu- ina'; Weillwas food of mosi sparts and pa tBwnnil.Mmr.and Mm';. Dort Wiht!Mouday. Woodward. 7eî',~12 I G hRoeMaghin Mberi famiî; y w.haverha;e IC S ,Mis. Jean Rice. Instrur.tnr, enjoyed the autdloors. sud two t'hildrcn. houdan), miss'; Beth iunsmroor si Mis"; Aune Wermy, Teacher.ir t aeMayMaDamy Mm hsu Mm;.ve ban Miss ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . Lydiibc n M. uJn 1,13.lemr ~ J ULYsu m u m; ut ".visiting Mm. sud Mm';. Gl Bey.liHrbr -~ Bow ibr ntM. nJn 9 93 i mr .J ULYadMr.andle 'i-S.d M. sud e aly To'aun Grade One - B radiey'Vinie; Pas'; standing, Trixicthe place fommerlyacuid7593 cliaries Ewert, assistants, weericd the former Elaine Hessen- B\mt,,lp iip r'adDay oot.Ie yM.adMs hand t welcae theoldýaur of Kitchener who survives. The fanerai of Wilbe mkiaM s . Wili Farder, Satmmday. Mms.';Joa.n Mot>. Belleville, i aek, Richard Clauce, i ua am innn yM.ad M'.Wio ers baek and ta give ai During aIl of Womid WamHIT Dudley. 71, nfP tei n 9t1, Mm. sud Mm';. Victor Bea-' 1'; ';penming a wcek with hem: chael Crawford. Bannie Dmx' Gat ,'pel ece.Bono rvlPtRa.MdlSieoe dp suRgr ioiPtr-D M.d M PaulWnsrar citai welcome ta ew fareServed with the 29th Field eterborough, who died Sun-, rock and Mm";. A. W. Stephen-! parenîts, Mr. sud Mm';. Joh'a.RgrDxn ee ii Grade ï 7-- Janmet Chair- Man d M'.Mc oson 2:0aul, Wi00n.m s*ned Up for lessons sud thislGuelph, going averseas in hospital after s lengthy ilînes';,,ni.ght guests' of Mis. C. Hiil. Mc';. Velva Bailev. Mr. sud (lJames' Fel';tead. W i 1h m Kirkpatrick. Barry Mlco'lm.'relalives sud friends. _____________ ianmost encauraging ta the in-, October 1939. Alter being wa' held tram Camstack Fun-'i Mm. sud Mc';. Walter Wright; Mm'. Neil Bsiley sud Howad'ra;,Loard,!Facs enrtFiidge, Rich- -__________________________________________ stuctors ta know the interet.ýwoundcd sud in hospital sev- emal Home. snd girls went ta Wateriua! )iMm. sud Mm';. Roy Corden are! ard Gould, Pauline Gould. There lu only ane main thingieral limes, hi' la';t twa year';Seriewscnutdh udy u eIbratee ldying with theMri BarGra'hami, Douglas Han- t&: keep in mind, please re-'of wam service were spent en- the Rev. T. B. Asbell. Burial j t cmmnce(' the Grade 13 Bailev'; at their cottager ri. Steven Hawe';, Philip nmerber youchdayu and the;tertainîng the troaps in the 'Gasdin' Rosemount Memorial 1' urnmer couirse aItniversity London. M'." twr. Ho';kiuî Jean Kelly.,ILaurie Residents of hbur t whch yo recive!font ines ith concrt Grden, therr. M. anMalcoq,.m. Tale.1ralroy. MeCi Mehmg, yèur lessans. Better ta be granp, formedtram his;Army! Mm. and Mm,. loy; 1)d lRes- Bowmanville, were Sunday ed lo, vc ei eâ,Ély tha n mistiven five ' f l pat imi Mr. Dudley was bonandok and hoystook Mis'ý;'suppAr g'uest.';ntfMir. sud Mm;.1 goe, Raymond Porrill, Dean O R O N O uts f nsruton Aliigfr t attllei:.uae tCoîbomue, bdbee!'lMervymi Graham sud called, Stanle5. Gardent Todî';h, San-' the late Mr. sud Mm';. James ýçtheir, weekead guest, home ta' nu other friends in the vii- !dra Wilkins;, Srott William';,: Dudley. Me was a Peter- Toronto, Sundiy,. lage. 1.Edward W',gerde. are cordially îvtd t PUIUI~kPIUF ~UUEIEIPKborough resident for 20 years, Catherimie aud .(Carol iMr1 M.sd i utnBa Miss D. Mcbaughlini, LflILUKER ~~UDYIIY!liîving in Bowmanville prev- rayo1Cm Mill- peuMhstr av 1ea tý,Ase M B. a-ITeacher. uusbhe. M1week wit'h their graudpar-1 hi Huihi" hoe iud noved Grade 1 fo Grade 2--Cath", UftILUP butcher. eut'. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Tay-tei fuiuein sd are Gettins. Cindy Grieve. Guy A PR E V IE W RIuuuNi CLASSES% Mm. Dlrl-,ueywR';a5 membe-r: 1r. 1 vismting relative'; until Mm';,' r.--- ix. dIâv 5 lUi LI Malow', Cindy laou MeCoi., The Iatest in modern Natural GasEopet ndsly RID NG ods n ua Pcn Janis Mcbaughlin, Shelley MrMah on, Cindy Pedzikowski, FREE RECIPES* FREE REFRESHMENTS~EEYN EC M H olds A nnu l Pi ni cErie Posit, Theresa Robinson," -R ID IN GBrvau Slee-p, Jack Webster,ý Wallons Park, Newcastle, iHardlcastie Jr.. Richard Cowles. Wilma Woiters, M icha eli wa'; the scene of the St.1 Jimmy Sutherland Wa'; the, Woodward. Harold Wright. J oas e p h 's R o mn a n Cathome 1fîrsi prize wiunem un the race Mm';. Mountjoy, Te acher. H R N E S SChurcb, Bowmanville, sud St. 1 for boys 13 ta 16 yenrs. Bill k HRE S ' ýJohn's Chu'rch, Newcastle, Par- 'Eeuwes won the second prize Grade 3 toGrade 4--Phili e M . Wrd ANDi';h Picoîr, held under the iiIbis race. The winncrs or Archer, M'um ray Archibald, 1' ~~~~cuety on Sunday aftemnoon. !Matre Vogels sud Danny Van- Michael Cîancy, Larry Cook.Gs atCnta itit President Stewart Chisholiderwers. BnamnC Gaf d o A CCESSO RIES welcomed the large number of: Girls race';: 6, 7 sud 8 yrs. Dîxon. Walter Evans, Rose- IÂAh Ipeopie attendiug the enjayable -Shelley Leddy, Karen Jas- mau'y Faîhis, David Fels-teadi,'H event. T h c Entertainment ikoski, Sheila Cowle';; 9 to 10' Coleen Floyd, Patti Gettins,' ~ *..~. Chairmeui, J. J., Cuddahee sudq yrs. -Camai Cowie';, Irene Riet-' Dieter Gobkes, Paul Hudson,' and( nwrn yu us Tom Masterson, were in charge Imulier. Elaine Hallen; 1h ta 12 CaraI Huntington, Michael' SEE OUR FINE SELECTION 0F of arrangements- for the suc- jyrs. -Gloria Chi';holm, Nanîcy Keul, Larry Liscum, Sheila. ionsaotNtua a n O ~~~~~~ce';sful picnic.Vrcsn Mr n ad MacLcod, John Mantel, Hal The attend*ancep r'ize win-i'mal: 13 ta 16 yrs.-DianelMeMahon, Diaurme Perigoe, WIiLI en; aheaVi SADDLES - BRIDLES - HALTERS uer'; were Victor Auger, 42 ICowlcs, Mamie Vogels. ' Termy Prosser, Michael Rn-op nîoyurcm ni. SA DDL S BRI ES HA TERS Prunce St. who eceived an elcc-j The winners in the g1 gan 'Lynda Scoit. Austin Tait, p truc carving knife; Mm';. Kas;- 'throwing contest weme. Dolor- 'Dorýecn Thomas, Andreu, Vis;- BLANKETS - OILS - POLISHES - ETC. per Mlien, Newtonville, whn'e'; Pitman, Wilson Stark. Th:em Kahen WleL- wan the handsome chest for 'lucky spot winnem was Mrs I raine Warner, Raynem Welts. silver made and donated by Rita Samis. The tug-af-war 'Ralph Thompson, Gary David- J. Anderson Smith Company, between bbc single menansd 1 son. of Newcastle, and Mm';. A. J. the maried mca was won by Mm';. M. MicGiil, Teacher. For furth.r information, call Harstman, 61 Liberty Street the single men. North, an eîectric can opener. Pat';y Nowlaa, Queen Street, G rades 3 - 4 -- Eîain.e Ar-,~~ hL GREGOR HARDW ARE Winners otthe boys' races waa, the iucky win:er:of t: herGln Beacock, Debra were 6,7 ad 8yrs-Mark draw for a transistor radio. Coffins, Steven Crawford, LIMITED MCihl.Rnybasterson, The men"; ';hoe-kicking con- Terry Freer, Donald French,, GeadLdy9and 10 yrs.- test was won by Don Master- Cathy Hart, Donna Jackson. 29 Colin& st. Oshawa PoeZnt 60 oIc SKING ST. W. BOWMAN VILLE Jimmy Joskoski, Doug Leddy, son. The women"; shoe-kick-, Douglas John';ton, Cordel DensHardcasitle; Il to12jn contest wswnb r.Keuning!. Paul Kristensen, o rn 7 'yrs-Gerry Masterson, Larry 1 jank as .lennu eMalcolmi, Todd Mar- ___________________________ M-