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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 6 Jul 1966, p. 14

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Ib.oau~umt~ .mdl.u 1S jpiDay Fùp-, Abçut, 4 a.iù. on~ Dopxi=on Day, July 1st,, Bow- i manville firem_ _r answefe 'd their second cali of the light when . fhicken barn. buied neéar Cedar Park oth .f anpton. Property ,owners, Mr. and tMrs«. G. u1d, suspeced, somçone had been stealing' some of mir 90 çms and either inadvertently or dhtber- ately set the fixe.. The brigade spent -several before the flp.r .-4s-coulId be quenched'. Just af t night, a caïY1Sefonging to Mrs. Ber;ice .Budaii lire' itÏ e the Bowxnar.ville Hotel. The bai .wa§,btined and a.cigarette is believed ta hav' the 'cause., . ~ .~' d Bro Thevisited with Mis.' Wm. CuIl- wea- Sunday ing, Lake Suigo.' You-hâvenéve see a hppie fa zýè Mrs. Miss Ada Pascoe, Port Cre- Youhav neer eena hppir f ville. dit, Mr. and Mis. Axebhie Me than these five members of the Wm i wn, Kren- Keith, 'Oshawa, visited, with 448 Loring St., Oshawa, an Saturday morni Mn. and Min. and Mrs, Arthur Moore hadb~een advised late Friday night that they azWiile, and Keith. h.'nse Potasentfrt thng eliec- Mr. and Mina. R usseli 'Vice . (smnPota sdntefMi tig s. Ern- visited with Mnr.'and Mirs. eyklwon. Mrs. Blair warks at Eaton's in the Harold Jebson, Beaverton, on Centre to help support the family because* Middle- Sunday. band has been on cmestio for tw yea xBil1y, We are pleased ta hear Mns. compnsaion wo Mr. an-d N. H'ockaday ia home fro'm bis job with the bus department of Oshawa P th'e Menal Hospital, Boii- Many Major Improvements Pte avle Kiwanisi 'Off icia Il> Season 7 Lost Boaters Tpwed toShore Early.Today jf.mdM*O Allan Blank- id of Granmd Island,* lw Yok. fouîmd themelves ln Iuit. a Predicament on Lake Ontario - they were bast. Fortunetely, Constable Ian Smith spotted the boat as h. was- patrolllng the East Beach area, and was certain It was ln trouble because of thxe flashing lgAts. He woke ap BAil .Kitpstrlek and son John and they went out ln thefr boat t. investigate, fiadlng thxe Blaaxkfields agrouimi on rocks at the end of thme pler and shlpplng water. They towed the vlsit¶r* t. shore, and intai-e!ev th 0a1 thein loactbovt tarlo. A he4av lake gave e>i.Rcy'Langmai, «. they heal5 a trip ta th, ~-. ,,,visitors witL- M ansd Mmra 'R.C. Freaci an .1family w*e L.A.C. Giiber 'rapp, Mrs. Tapp and Stever Wtn-nipeg, Manitéba, Mr. a* Mvir. Ike Weber and iamily Sudbuiry, Mr. and Mrs. Heroli Wilkins an-d Jcnny, Cocbi'an£ end Misa Lynne Bricicen c Kitchener. Mnr. and Mis. Joe Snawdei and Bruce vislted with M, qnd Mns. FcStcr Snowden Pnroklin. ,Ma-a. Gertie Ferguson, Oslc awa, eccompanied Mn. anc Mrs. Bruce Montgomery tý enIll at the funerel parlour il Lindsay ta pay their respect fo their cousin. 1The Harvey Yellowlee family visited Miss Margae Pellow, Bobcaygevîx, and aLi çalled on 1&. and Mi., Te( >,lcisugUmx, Feneln 'Fals. Mn.'asid AMie, flan ryder mian spent a weckend et Ses katewan I9e. -Recent viidtos witlh Mr &nd Mini.,Gea. KXnox were Mr *nd Miii. B. Farrow, Bowmuan ville. Mi. and Mis. Gea. Rua: aMi fanily, Mn. an-d Mrs. Johi KXox and Nancy, Mr. anx Mms. lieray Knox ai faii ittendec thxe "Eflicat Faxnuly' ftcnic et Broughiami. s Miss Bine Gall, e Jr. Par- iner delegete frein Aberdeer ýp d ~visitlng wlth tii #Mn Xq& family, oMz ~dMn'. Gra t bc*~ anc 11 Suinderland, visite 5ra.town%~ parents recently M.. and Unr. John Km] 'ocledou r.and Mms. H Park's Kiwanis Park on officially Friday, July 15i booth, supervised swimn: parking. Admission ta th and there is no charge fc the fixst time, car decais charge to allow admissit Parkf for the season. .Local iÇwaniàns began t1xO annual spring dlean-up at park early in May. Sinceh time trees have been tri (h6 ta provide a langer ag~ picnicking amang th and aloag the crcek. ~ axes wene heard cut trees to provide, " June ----------~and ne'j [xSt at Brav ée wîth. e Meehis afiîtihein 2 Trelis ~ia se 2eeint suite ,dty othen gits. B( 1r.MeReelis mE C w relies.A loveiy lur Ly joyed_ taimusic supplied Sr.Ted Martin. On June'!l6th, Brown's H. )n S. Club held thein annuel r- aiC et thxe school. Races w4 to carried off in the aiterna 1witlx the following winne id Pre-sabool girls, Sally Sin e soin; pme-chool boys, Gi Bridger; 6-8 girls, Brer [r StePhenson; 6-8 boys, Bot à BoYd; 9-Il1 girls, Kathy Br rt ger; 9-11 boys, Cameron ýN n. son; 12-16 girls, sklplng rc id race, SuGan-,Simpson; 12. y, beYs, bal6on race, Bot Id Shaw; wheelbarrow r a( e, Joan and Susan Simpe Df paPer bag race, Jimimie P. ladies' balloon race, ,Jc m Simpsan; men's apple i rJerri Dost; adult mixed pal îrace, Tom and" Jùne Wilsi A bail gaine was cnjoyeda sanie of tue men had a livo ýd gaine of horseshoes. o Brown's lst Cub and Sc( b Group will not have anoti ts Paper Drive until Sep)temib Anyone YWbofiniatheniSt es~ wtth ani excessive ainai t pliasse contact eitiher Mess ;o Hughes or Wilson andj ýd rangements will be made pick theni up. r-'Mrs. Soden~ who. bas be sconfined ta - eaeial Ho, tai, Bownianville, fan seve, r. weeks, ta now convalescing rthe hine af ber daught - Mns. HamIed Hughes. Re; tiVes gathered et the Hugl ,i homne on Juxie 26th for nx famly pienie. d Grades 4-8 of Bravi y Sobool eruoyed e trip ta U "per Can-ada Village by bus Mo>ndaY, June 27t1x. Sevei - parents, as well as thèitf a, chers, canxpanied theixi. U ie fotuuately somxe of tb*rch:] r. ipsi ,ene unable ta go as ci nUn*r vwee oanfined ,, thieir homnes witab mumups. y. ?&. and Mrs. R. c. S5k x son hQildcyed last week 1. NoTrth Bay. 1-fteir nxeeiU« et tAie honx a, Uns. MRobinson on Ira S-.a evening, June 28tA, 'i aU lew pe.t. TisIw x be aht:ait nn untilSe 01 turiber,'wi*n. tt wlflbe he >et 11w hoehq ik -muje I nstitutes 1 Was decided that the secre- tary write the Newtonvillc o1nand Maptie Grave Institutes ' to tvisit us n Sept. 28th. A Tup- perware demonstration for Ja the W. I. wiil be held on Oct. ~th,. The penny collection mi vas taken and each men-ber .or The programa consisted o1 s hwng of sldes'hy Miss C. Stewart. These consisted of 0,pictures o« England, Scotland s ad somne ai Paris. These wiere taken by Miss Jean ebe Lot-ue Misi Stewart's 6th, niece, last winter. ___ She alsa showed saine Pic- tures af the Maritimes whicb sbe had taken an ber trip last surmer. Mis. M. Mandens, Mrs. E. Couraux and Mrs.i 25, Hendersoin served a deliciaus 1gh- lunch. A vote ai thaniks was ,n', given ta Mis. Henderson and Mr. Miss Stewart. There will be on no meeting in July on August. 25th __________ .bey Den. E NNISKILLEN iade Pion ta their mearniage an inch July 1st, Mr. and Mia. David was C. Stainton (nec Burte Niel- by, sen) were lionored by e coin- S munity gatliering ai friends L. à an-d relatives et the Hall an pic- June 25tb. A program was rere arnanged by Mesdames C. oaa Avery and F. Stengen and crs: was announced by the genial rnp- chairman, M3&. F. Dailand. airy Besicles thxe bni remanks by nda thc M.C. an-d seveïral humor- >bby ous anecdotes, there were ýrid- -two veny enjoyable piano Vil- solos by Miss Sheryl Ashton ape and Master Dale, Griffin. 2-16 Comical neadings were given bby by Mis. G. Werry and Miss c e, Dareen Trewin. Miss Linda son; -Hazelton was very ententain-1 Pitt; ing with hen batan twirling. roaa Onie o« thc local male quartet bob, was missing se a trio wîtb itch their accomipanist used their son. funny parody and escorted mnd the happy couple to thc stage 'ely decorated with pink andj whiÊte streaimers. Miss Hea- out ther Giffin and Mn. Keith Lher Crydenman pinned a pretty ber. corsage and boutonniere on Ives thxe bride and grocivi lect. A unt, queint address was wntten srs. by Mrs. F. Draper and read an- by Mr. Charles Asbtoni. Mis. ta F. Stenger and is. C. Avery presented tAxe-guest ai honer een witi' e beautifu1 swivel rock- spi- ing chair and a piece af Bluej eral Mountain pottciry frain the eat community. The couple eg- kter, pressed their eppreciation forý ela- thxe Party and giits amiidcx- lies tended an invitation toalal, ta a visit tihern in their new haone in BellevIlle. A delicious vni lunch was served jincluding at 'Jp- trat ai ioe arcani iroy thxe1 on parents oi thc popular 'couple.E eral Mi. sand Mis. C. B. Dalton, ea- Ottawa, were guantW duning Una- thec weekend et O. C. Asb- Ud- tox's.i s - ~Mrs. George, Irwin was a ta *eleekend .guest ai Misses Lou-1 lsc and ManjiorrMeIcntosix, - mp- Conbett's Paint.t et Miss Jean Northy, Taranto,( vislted MWs Elsie Oke, and1 iëM Xim ioEhWOke i6s pendln« ac Vêo de. bysin ToroMo. zes. Miss Iànda« Ave<ý, lu hall1 vith daying with Misis PiylUsIc vil] Mecahal, Bag up~o Gobke% Roth - Dumnoc, Ri T%", JUck Bolan. LI*da Wil. kin. end Smdrao .mu- ae bars were given to thie ghÎ8. io took frainlxthe triple trio 'kt the Klvanis Festival at Peterboeougbi 14 the sprlng-with aLnrk çf -8. The'gfrli were tiUcû Voat-t *Jcy, Lorruane Turmier. Cm-oi * U L«r-ne Dmrrel,LUnd a *'i.,Nomxa Wotten*si DoaaSwaln. Iqext was. the pregeiitatiom sptAe ecial awerds. Maths- ma flcseeted by Mr. Chai- lice to Loradne Turner. Lit-' Prt-egnted by Mr. ence Preoented by Mr. Holdez"* to Donna Swain. Enlshpe ssnted - v Mirn. Thonipaon tô, CarolWerry. The Outstand- lIng Student Of thx e a wrd "went to Linda Mountjoy -and was presented -by the princi- Pal, MaM.Vennlng. ,At tAis point. lI the 'pro- gmiMr Harvey Gtahemi, Charma .of thxe Sehool Board, 'had a very *pleasan gui~se for each menbç 'of ~ AeclaS. Re presernea, on Axhaif of the nebera of thxe Scilool Board, a phcvboargpd of the, gradiiating clam.-,of 1966. (in.color) - Linda Mount- joy, li ber very capable a=i- aer, -déllvered. her' Student Farewell Lfrsage. Mrs. VexÙning reupcnded 1 hours with a Parewéll Message. ta the Grduatsi whlah she er mnid- oferd mevery good ad- was on vice and encourmgenxnt. M4re. :k seat Venxing wgs then presexxted ve been with a besiutikul steirling ali- ver pin (Ontario Floral rni- blénm), frein tAe eraduatig 'bis parenti, Mr. enmd Mr& -S. R. Petxilck, Ma-. FredlDreapeir basbeen' lni - Howniniie Memorial: Hospital critically MI1; now we aire very pleàsed to report lie is on the mend and we hope wàll mon be able ta, caine -.home. Mmi. Gardon MeLean, Bew- imanvMle, !lfr. and Mum.. Lloyd Slemron, - Susan, end Fred, Haydén, wex'e tea guests of Mrs. F. Taoms. Mrs. W. C.. Murray, Tor- onta, was a weekend guest of1 Mr. uaxd'IMn. R. Qmmiston. Mr. and Mzs. A. L. Wearr and ianxily> entertained about1 30 of the. ?arratt faiy in 1 the form of a pienic. in theiri spaciaus lawn. AUl bad a goodc time.9 Mr. an'd Mis. Don Wea.rn an-d ianiily were weekend guests of their parents, A. * b Wearn's. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wes- tern, Guelpb, 1%n. and Mr&. William Western, Ottawa,q were everniglt guests on Fnl- day khd Saturday et A. L. Mi. and Mra. Frank Hall, Oshawa, had iast Wednesday tea with. Mr. and Mrs. F. Don- land. Congratulations ta Mr. and Mrs. David Stainton (nee Nielsen) who weie married on JuIy lst. Mrs. Chanlas Ucunton, Tor- enta, !S -spendinig a few days wltb Mr. end Mrs. R. J. or- miAston. Mr. and Mrs _.N. E. Wright were callers on is. F. Tomsa. Mr. Herbent Wright, Janice and Lindeaxae on a campingi trip tAis week. Master Dale Griffin ls spending this week et Quin-1 Mo-Lac iCamp, at Madoc. Miss Betty Wright; spent -lut week witb bei aister,à Mi&s. Jim Muller, Oshawa. Mirs. A. J. Wenry and Sharans attended Deanration, Servicez at Zion on Sund.ay. They al lied teaeat Mn. and Mis. R.i Lee's, Kednon. Mies Sandra Wieay remain- ed for hbolidays with grand-t parents-, the Lees., Mr. apd Mis. Hem-y 'Bec- c kett, -,Stiratford, spent thec weekefid with Mn. end Mrs. F. Beckett, Wayne and Marie. Mi. and Mrs. Jfrn Marshall and fainily, Stratiord, Mr. o. Beckett and Arvel'la, Bow- inanvilie, were Saturday visi- tors et the eckett's.t tors'et the Beclvett's.r Enigliali, Oshawa, Misses Lau- ne àmi Muriel Gniffin, Tor- onte, were Fridey evening callens at R. Gniffin's. Miss Marguerite Wrighbt, St. Catharines, spent the week- end with lier parenb, Mr. snd3 Mis. N. E. Wright. Miss SharoDn Werry spent 1 last week witb Mr. and Mis.3 E. A. Werry. ri. Jochn Sîcimen slipped1a away last week 'ta Torentai l4aapital, had an operatian,a and is honme improving. Mr. edAtim. Lorne Larnb,j in cooipany with Mi. andu Mis. Clifforid Hetz of Fair- view, Penn., are on holidays et the Hetz cottage at Dorset.a Mr. and Mis. Fred Ha]royd, C Mr. and Mis. Lionel Hickey " anid family, Hamipton, were f Sunday guests et Mn. and Mm. S. Lamb's. I Mr. and-'Mre. Keith McGill amiboy wre .S. nday viii- tors e Mran.siidMa-s. Reg.n ck'is, Bownianvil.le. BL :LCKSTOCK LllCi 00hooe'x ts first gradue- d tàon dinner for the grade e. eigait students an Tuesday evenan<, June 2lst. a - 1%Te O.N.O. Club served a t delicous ieal ta the atucientsn wlio were gocampanied by a large nunitpr of parents and J fniends. A. very ýînterest1ng. Prograin folowed. <laie of thev -mait entertaiig items on thie Program was the readlng, af a book uxtltled Gradp Etelit wýh$dx woeconpl4 d b then Rhown 'wfýich brought ta a close a moit plesattsnd i .pl1n ev'ening. We .hope 1thet 'thi. will, bècone en zan- r nual,. event ipt Cartwright KENDÂL The hot humid weatheir of summer Is heire with'tempera- tures lni the high 80's ahd Up in the PO's. Fariners are Wxto the 1xayrnxakihg trylng ta get It ln before It là rained on. Guests lest Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. George Mercer were tMr.- and Mi. Cy Elsey, Carol and Marilyn, Oshawa, and M. and Mns. Harold Elsey and daughters Barbara- and Elaine, of Toronto-.. Miss Shirley Patton has successfully' completed her Commercial -course at , Row- hnanville Higli School and bas accepted a position wlth the Departnxent cf Landa and For- ests, Orono. On. Mon4ay Lgveiin"g of last week two fire trucks from Orono were soon on the -scene' when the barn on the fanm where Ross Patton lives went up in flames. It was on theý Tommy Patton homestead and ia now owned by Ross's father Norman Patton. 1Mr. and Mns. Eddie Caoir- oux, Marie,' Lyrn and Rayr, and Miss Donna Wilbur spent the long weekend at their cottage at Lake Kushog. MScmn Mus. George -Clark, Scrorough, were' down' ta their summer home for the holidays. .Mn.-Normnan -Thertell, Mn. and Mrs. Leo Woôdcock, Heather and DYavid and Dr. John . Kerby and frlend from Toronto were down to, theîr summer home. Mn. and Mns. Gardon Lang- staff bave purclxased the bouse and lot previously owned by Mr. Fred Warren wha lu now li a îAursing home. It was the eighth day of May when Mrm. Neya Littlei took a stroke and as ber con- dition bai changed very little she bas been moved ta the chronic ward. For his sermon at Kendall church -Sunday morning, Rev. R.'C. Wbite chose* as' bis topic 'Suifer littlee bldren and fan- bid thein not ta çome unto me.' He would.very mucb like thé parents ta .send their chlld- ren ta church and Sunday school and would also like ta1 see the cbildren brlng theiri parents with them. Mn and. Mn. Sarcbuk anid famlly were down ta their summer home froni Toronto. Kelth Swarbrick spent the holiday weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Trumaii Garbutt. Mr. and Mrs. K. Shephard and family from Campbell- crofi, visited Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Adegeest. Mn. and Mn. Cy Elsey and Marilyn, Oshawa, vlsited Sat- urday with Mr. and Mis. Ge-'rge Mercer. On Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Elsey ànd son Dennis and Miss Gerry Griffen, Toronto, were with thlem. Dennis remnained for a week's baolidays. Mr. and Mrm. George Mac- DÔnald, Roy and Treassa, and Linda Langstaf f visited ber rnother, Mis. Selleck, at Orne- ince, Sunday. Missa'Doroihy Mercer and Douglas .,'Walker acçompanled hîis parents on a trip ta their cottage at DrlftWood Shores. Mr. anxd Un. BUll Bamsey, ECampbellerof t, vlisted -on Sun- day wltb Mr. and Mra. Match- eî Foàter.' Miss Joyce Elllott, Jo. Sndli and Mi. and Mns. Jack F.onk took a trip ta. Crystal Beach, near Buffalo on'Sunday. Congratulations' ta Min June Gech who graduated as a Nuralng lAMidnxiToronto on Wodnesdcy. Saturdcy evëirûng N(ms.- J. Fonk and Mfi D. wclsh heid a Graduation party for June at% the home of mras. Wabsh for thpecloue 1 e*5 c anver- Our eu- I.Sr SteeDega a: go £VERT TIIUISDAY NIT '7.3#J.m Its.Mainly Because of the Meat ITOPSY BRAND.-CANADA GRADE A TURKEYS1b Average 1ELLIOTT STEAK Pko. of 2's .1ýuported Lamb Whole or Haif Swfft's Premdum 'LEG 'fO LAMB, 69'1 WIENERS Super Value! Lucas BREAKFAST BACON 1-1b. Pkg. 95Ç .Deep Cut Features' White - Pink Moderne 2 Rail Pkg. Bath roomTissue2m49C Quaker Regular 153/-oz. Pkg. MUFFETS CEREAL 37C Maxwell House lO-oz. Jar Instacnt Coffee $179 3, Ëolours -2 Roil Pkg. ROYAL.-TOW ELS'49-c Pkg. Swlft.,a Table. Ready ("OOKýED ,.MEATS (;-Oz. c Pkg. 3 Jelu-O il Flavours 3-oz. Pkgs. JeIly Powders 3for35c Heavy Duty Reynolds 12" x 25' Pkg. Aluminu.m Foul Wrap 67c ClubHouse Stuffed, -ozý jar SPAN ISH OLIVES :39C Liquid Bleach. 128-Dz. Vont0iae JAVEX 89 Coronation.Brecd 'Wi Butter 247oz., Jars Sweet Mixed- Pickles Zfôr79ç Fresh Produce 'Specials CALIFORNIA GROWN -THOMPSON SEED-LESS G:RAP ES, GEORGIA GROWN No. 1 18-1b. AVERAGE WATERME LONý OUTSPAN. LARGE SIZE NAVEtý I Ob-. BLUE -LE * ~MmSUFE! Bakery y Feature Country Gir CHERRY PiE 39C Richmelbo SCONE ROLLS pqý27c )osten Brow PI.E-S [SilO? WITHCONFIDENCEI a i md .tpmudfUq §ibw nu ka& r humd w O-RANGEýS m epThurson<L' 1*0% sstWsetloa.. r ~, '40 lu Bowmar4viII p.,'. NO. 2,o pli

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