wiha 11111e glftt «apç,ecla- t 'lb.The iildren appreciat- .eebrate ovin Anniversar f'f~f d thein prizes in the varicus s oct l & -'er onai races, andi al neported a goti Sociallime. Tyrone Sunda y Sdiool Pic- Phon 6233303nic wus held at Waltona Park, Phon 6233303Newcastle, on Saturday, July Stii. Winners Ini races were: Pre-schoolers, everybo dy Mnr. Alice Delve, Toronto, daughter Jean, Winnipeg, wins;, 6-8 year girls, Susan Çet the weekend with Ms. lMen., are visiting their aister Pleasance, Heatlien Soutliwdil; - ~W. James, King St. and brother-ln-law, Mfr. and e-8 year boys, Patrick Wern- Mrs. Howard Pichard, West baem, Gary Cocanbes; 9-11M and lins. E. V. Hoar, Beach, and on Saturday et- year girls, Margaret Skinner, -King St. East, were weekend tended the wedding of their Barbara Hall; 9-il year boys, guesta wlth Mn. and Mmin.j niece, Miss Eleaner Pickard Bruce Know1lon, Wa yn e O'Neill at Big Hawk Lake. and Mr. Bruce Colwell. Coombes; 12-15 year girls, Don't fonget, if you have lied Miss Jan Black, daugliter of Lee Skinner, Margaret Hamn- visitons or returned fromn a Mr'.anid Mn.. Sami Black, ilton: 12-15 ycar boys, Gordon holiday, please let us have Queen St., is tourig Saskat- Werry, Bruce Knowlton; 15 auchi information for Ibis chewan as a "Ccrntenniai. Trav- anti «ver girls, Lee Skinner; coluann. Dial 3-3303. eller". Studen;s, one from 15 anti over boys, Roly WANTED: Items for tbis ecd Ontario High School, are Coombes; girls' sack race, colum&n Please let us know chosen by thie Department of Maxfgaret Hamilîton, B e t h wherdUyou have been vaca- Education for liais special two- Know1ton; boys' eack race, tioning, and who your guests weck trip t the West. Miss Wayne Cooinbes, B ruc e have been. Diai 3-3303. Black and 23 other students, Knowlton; bal Uinow, lirs. R. froni lhe area cf Bowmanville Coornbe; apooai and siley Mr. and lire. Charles Johns, bo Scarbonough, are based at race, Mn. T. Pleesance Wayne Liberty SI. Nonth, rccêntly Estevan, Sask. Cootabes. vlsited tlad' dauglior anidMran s.LneAn, san-in-law, 1Mr.anid lins. Iton lirs. A. J. Lymer, lire. Erai M.atln s. L amude n McDonald nid family, Belle- est Hart, Mr.anid lire. Paul Hamtn, wnersofA.andrdayev ville. Melnlyre, ail of Oshawa; Mn. iii leso i' i ia Mr.anid lire. E. J. Falrey. an Ms.Te Foley, Mr'. Don- Hrvy, JIimy anti Bonny Rig St. East, returncd hbee d le., Base Line, and Mr'. Partaien, Orono, are holiday- letSunday evening afler a attnded s.Ernest Foley, town, in o w eeswt hï pleasant holid aI atthoir cot- *atone tic service of des- aunt ando wceeksMr.landllie taeTwlv MleLaeHal-igatonfor Rev. and Mrs. E GbandBuncle. at te, Tcv leLkHi-S. Colwell et Trinlly United MS. GAle nitrce.l orn buronCiurch on Sunriay and wene Mm. Aled nMila iTn ECAP Officer Cadet Michael lunclicon gueste cflire. BerIta, vis'lt nliadywt Mr. and Mms.Ernest Hamm Leddy, Winnipeg, Man., flow Colwell andi family following Mrs. S Goble. i to visit his parents, Mr. and the service. Ted, liolly andi On Saturday, June 251h, Mr. and Mrs. En lins. J. Leddy and id ler chljdren spent the weekend HamoUrn eertdtersxit edn Shawn ove; the July lot holi- wilh his niollien r.*j, Hm fOooclcrtdtersxi edn dey weekend. Ciraduate niversary. Over 200 relatives and friends called on Mr. andi lis. John Breeger Mre. J. Childe, lins. Ross couple during this happy occasion, ef Logan, Utah, and lirs. Wm. Stevens, lire. E. Bird andi lre. Tersnadduhe-nlwM.adMs Dinaen of Idaho Falls, Idahio W. J. Bagnoîl relurneti lest *, ..Tersnadduhe-nlwM.adMs wer ncet uetscf1f. nà Thunsday fnom a moton trip te aid Hamm openeti their home for the celebrai lins. Geeor gesThashr.King Yellowknife ini Tic North acîually the house in which the honoreti couple1 Street East. West Ternitories, travelling to iebfo mvnt O n serlya g. Yellowknife via Nothorn On- l Mredabefor moHamg terno see year ao. lin. andi lre. W. R. Etiger, tario anti the Prairie Prov-M.adMr.Hm weepsnldwtab Dcbbie andi Randy, Pe ter- iccs. Tiey journcyed to tiful array of red rose buds, table lamps and a serv bonough, were visitons on Sun- British Columbia from Yel- set of matcheti cups and saucers and lea pot. day wîth Mn. Edger's mothen, lowknife anti enroule homeoetwse eercevdfo e aet lins. W. A. Etigen, Welling- stopped at Banff, Lake Louise. Bs ihswr eevd[o e aet ton Street. Af 1er leaving Regina, they Queen, along with other representatives of the Ca lire. P. Auch retumnedti 1 wenl soulh m ticth nonîherri dian and Ontari o governments and friends [nomF ben home in Belle River on Unitedi States, crossing froni Hope, Cobourg, Lindsay, Lakefield, St. Marys, Mill Sunday wilh Mn. andi lis. J. Michigan into Ontario. lI the Thonnhill, Beîhany, Toronto, Oshawa, Bowmanvi Aih f Oshawa efter spend- four-week holiday tour tbey Chicago, Hamilton, Peterborough and Bracebridge. week's holiday wlthlier Iravcllod oven 6,000 miles. ~r nts, Mn. andi lis. L. -Photo courtesy Orono Tir ýoombes, Liberty St. Northi. Mr. andi lis. Sydney Ven- ton epent the weekcnd of June. lins. H. J. Nind of Toronto 24-26 caring for their grand- lu staying withb ler moîher, chilîdren, Mary and Scott Ven-. .. Congregation H n r lire. Duncan Smith, who 's ton in Weston, while Iheir convalescing from a broken parente, Mn. and lire. Donald ~F r e wrist suffered In a recont fal Venton, bad a holiday aI Lake Fo m r O o o P s o lin. Jasper Smith of Oakville Rosseeu. The nexî week they V IO rnKP s o visili hie mollien an Sunday. spent et their daughten's borne ;r~'lfY ar i s e Mr. Alan H. Osborne, accoix- li Hamilton looking afler 50...r a . .te Uanieti by lins. Osborne, was Debora, Sentira anti Latine hiToronto lest Wednesday, Murdock while their parents, Miss June Carol Gesoli Tliursdey and Friday attendi- Mr'. anti lis. Larry Murdock daughter cf Mn. and lire. R. Ing the combineti convonionvsMei1r. anti lis. Dan E. Geach, Kendal, gradualetiW of the Bowling Propnietors' liurdock in New York. lins. June 291i as a Registereti Association of Ontario anti the Murdock Sr. accompeniedt heni Nurses Assistant, et gradua- Bowling Propnietors' Associa- home for a month's holiday et tion exercises lielti in SI. tion of Canada whicli wes lelti ler son's. lin. and lins Paul's United Churcli, Avenue at the Cenadiana Motel, Sydney Venlon rclunned home Roati, Toronto. Tononto. Tuesday anti brougit Debona lir. Thomas Marlin anti antiSantira Mundock wîth daugiter Gail, Noranda, Que., Ibem for e 10-day holiday  .' and Mn. John Merlin anti here. M sic Rel I\sUIIs Pupils cf lins. Stanley Payne, A.T.C.M., were suc-M Eeltd T Y R O N E cesfUl at the 1066 examina- ~ Bltdcongratulations ta Fenelc aFUsOn Saîurtiy, servatory «f Music li Bow- i. Wesley Hokln on hisj July OUi. nianville anti Oshiawa, as fol- 801h birthday. lins. W. Vivian lir, anti lre. George Al- . ' visiteti ber parents. dreeti visited on Sunday withi Theory Mas GodonSinlar JrM. andi Mrs. Ken Lamlb, Grade L: Firet Clgss Hon. >1 *d daugliter Connie, Mon;,-Oakvillte. ours, Olga Nowosad, Victoria ïWal, amc vioting Mr'. and, Mr'.anidlire. Colin Taylor, Nortlvey, Elleen licQuarrie. *sl. George Ilcott. Bownianville, visileti Mmr. A. Piano A Mr. anid li. Boy Claxton Woodu and saono. Grade VII: Honour, Kanen andi fanully, IÀHabra, Cali- Mr. and Mrs. Herb. Powell, Yellowlees. fetile, spent a few days with Bownaanvllle, Mrn, anti lis. Grade VI: Honours Viec ber parents and id ler, Mr. Art Powell, Escott, werc Sat- tOrie NortheY, Imono Lytwyn, anti Mir. T. C. Dotit andi lra. urday supper fuesls cf Mn. Elleeni liQuarnie, Paus, G;re. Zona Anderson anti family. anti lir. A. auingman and gary Ostafioliuk....... .Mn. Alez Ouest, Toronto, famii!y. Grade V: Honours, Benta returned bome. an Monday cf- Tic lavelv fiwers lnithie Yellowlem,, Grant Millson, Jill ter vislting wlth Zr. anid lins. churcli SunclAy morning we otbeMriy eoJ T. C. Dodd. In memnory of Mr. W. Pen- anne Fayer; Paso, Julia Payer. Mr. anti Mas. James Park werdcn, placeti by hia wife Grade IV: Pea, Mary Lyt- Rev. John Kitehen andi Sott, of Peterborough, anti faily, ant iniithc vesti- w'y"i" Joanne Fuice, Joanne Tîue ele5 er Iwf i fmnya visiteti oniSuiaday with Mr. bule were ixn menory «f l'r. ak. GaeTITanus nesrice ey. ohn he5 e of weur anni apprmoecata andi lns. W. Park Jr. James Duon by Mr. and li, r a.d Ill' R ondnox; Anehaerien eIJhn ichcl ofIn hei lnustny.iat Mr'. anti lin. w. RahiraDavid Drain,, Ouhaws. BhaBnl nx absgvnt h hrhI i Iity *,neSuna~,5evelng ime Min ani lia. 1.er Hu s ana Kadykclo. 'Chine andi Canada were paiti In lie wortis cf Fritz Joi *rtreSundy evningdn r !. anilre. Avbetinllg, Grade II: Honours, Wayne et a special galliering in Clenk cf the Session at Vuetof Mis Mary Niddery, Mr'. andi s aidey Hi, Coonabe, Merlin Gillen; Paui, St. Paul's-Chippawa Unitedi Peul's-Chippawa, it in h Remptan nd .WelyHl, Nicliolas Ostaflebuk. Chunci nccently. il will be useti by lin. and Mn, anti Mr. B. Gibbu et- Mr. and Mlra. RAlph His et- _________Tic ovenflow congregalion Kitchen on their trip bon tentiedth le Griffin picnlc et teiided the Hillo-j1elds ed heard Rcv. K. A. Moyen, min- Englenti whici begins jWlngonPark ona Surnday. ding t Hannona U n lb. AeVERS Ister f Luntiy's Lane Unitedti ly 1qeostq*i gytga C hrHnon on atuay monih, aal n nesnatGoti- bo The service inclutietia Thse reent ee lin, n Ji Mn. ntiratuleantinsU Nmonialic a"n e hnciain hp aî',wh ed WoihipSerice Thaclocipiclcwhlh Spt.cf b. oldn Powtoc many prizea given out le a four foot eiglit inchi à WorlLî Srvie* was apanaooed by Tyrone Lotige ne acent application naine all stutients individual- Il won a île wlth thieSe 11 a.m. Home ani d acio was helti for adimittance; Dept. of Muni- ly, se Uic best I can do la the girl'u jusnp betaveen N at Orono, June 28th, aillia cipalAfir efirst Instalanent îolling. MYaClli andi AnaiVan H 7:30 p.m. splendid attendance. Be ry of bbc Uncondtlonal Per Gibbs gave a Iainwell speech Cepita grant for 1966 in the Tic smis won lie soccer loua. Intersnediaîe ainner la lais teaclier, Miss Pal Knox, amount oI $3,197.05; Dept. cf match against Uic fathers. JOeY 1Ridie; wlnner In Back To God Hou sag. he is îeeving te teach i lgiwcys ne approval cf sup. Foliowiig biai gaine, lin, Mof- girls' Internaetuate clans, Boumanville. Debbie Millet plementany by-lew No. 1438 fatl gave out bars, which aven.e licLean; Junior clans prwsnld hen wlth a guI.t for $52,000.00; Megistrate Bax. Miade of i'.d fbt witla white net for the boys, Tony Gr#&e 7 anid 8 students oI tenravth cheque in lie amnount lettemi, te tthe girls andi boys son; Ion the girls, Dordna E*ry Sunday, 1:15 P.lM. Mrs. Clàybo>ni Bea, wlaen cf S$10,70, being Marivens shene with the best actaleveuaients i, Batazn class wir Ecyti Jewell matie a speech oI fines for May; Noithumber- In Science, Hlstory, Methema- wene Danny Catbo andi I anti Joan Haill resented ber landi anti Durhama Helth Unit tics, Qeograçiay, aise an extra Nolai. Theebhlîdren r* moxthly report; Mesur.srs' eer urrlauusnwsHoeEo al et th es oua Gallowy &Asc e"co is okzgwshultb 1c u Iool, Mr. )O N TUII"V1 Hart" bridge job; De pt. of lins. Cette anti Mi es Beedi; &t m S who received *UIU FkHighweys re epprovel cf Snid- Sewlng by lirs. Blai Bun. bais were chlldren TRIN ff U ITE CRU CH or Construction canlrect; Unit- geas anti Mrs. Dave Hall. Mie achieved 75 per cent orr Mvlnister - Rev. George M. Ward, B&&, B.. cd Counties of Nothumber- Beeda alsa icipeti Mr. p~ o bi civnet lent anti Durham equalizahion lieteali aili Senior choir, sports. We wieh ail the.os O)rganist - Mr. Arthur Coilhin, MU.., L.R.S.M. of aisesment by-law for 1967 grades fI vc, six, seveai and cflldren wio partlcipate< county Ievy; Manvers assiu. ciglt. lim. Jamnes beti the besl cf iuck anti go 'git United Servies. WIth St. ?aurau CoUgregation nment for county purposes, Junior chair, grades frouai onoeaicxt yecr. $2,2i1,888.00. One sheep clain to four. Toc Senion choir diti Allen Ibis wva cieaned DuigJuly sud August. andi accouit. whlcb werc ont- cosipete i th. Klwanus Music I uiidenstaiid thc teadiei's 1>uring cntole b.palti, as tollows: Festival Ini Petcrbooq.gh and are ieaving Uius echool Boad Voucher No. 7, $8,420.58; dit qut. well, but dai not lins. D. Hall ant inasc 11:00 a.m. Charles Marton, do g contrai, place wlaldi was ver-y tisap- who were presenled $990; Fedenation of Agricu.. lIng «auter thie hart werk IN ,andtihanka wcee "RELIGION THAT PLEASES"" ture, 1965 lev po42o - t hl iispoet ai. Riew ens'Union, 1 sIvy, $30-00; tel&O sang et 'e thrist- Calots turingth " Roms Hamilton for sh- pmas Concert" anti "lic te s bniof linand Mi Ne Church SchooL Nursery for ehidren duriqg caim, $181.00; ionty1 Poo ine Niglt Talent Show" wbidi W. Preacoît wère Mr. thse mornung service Area: CoiBichardsn$5,00, avene bolli lelti in cun churci. lins. Ross Knowlton, Ez James Willa*$5.00, John Maen- Tbis e yai Field Day eveails kglen, lin, andi Mrn.j ian $68-M0 wu i ukld & d!toeentCariguanmud D=i^ 1s swui, Mr.and MmLHerbert Z4nlcend Suua tended the Thé Canadien Stiateuman, EowmanvMflhJuIy là, lmB irY Preenoytt and familly, __pleOmmne Parade at Fenelon iGrave. Sundiay evening cale Falls on Satuirda, wtiere Mfr. Egawes, Whtby, vited Mr. ter, M.nd Mm& AL . . en weze Mr. and Mrs. John1 Artym played the flute ih, s.E GboettirmTrno.Pce8W0 Mallette and AlUn, Woodville, the Oshawa Ulster Bon. Tey ottgeIth d rs.E.Gon ate. r mer, ttn. Pacnl le Mirs. CMifrd GoorlllLindsay, then went on to ftur Ml oae M.ad Cro We llard*jton Ba±9ie pfort Miss Helegi Premeott and Mas- Lake to visit with Mr'. Poss Ma nd ml atended the SaS. rdu, andM axd, Por ter Bury Stocbee, Oshawa. Spicer where Siisan wll be No. 1 ttend inetheS Oi iaw and Maxned 1oveI Mfr. A. L. PreScott accomn- sed Haiel hldy li Park on S-aturday. happy ouvple. A very ni~ = ied Mr. and Mm. Herbert A meeting was held Mon- Mfr. and Mrs. Frank Ballard, time wms id. by afl. rectt to mse the Orange dlay evening, July lith, at Mr. Mr'. Arthur Ballard, Sesirbor- The order of service I* Parade at Fenekn Fak on and Mrs. Steve Artyeis home ough, with Mr. and Mr. Bal- Sunday, jiily 101h, wu giVý Saturday. where a Barbecue was plan- lard onSund&y. en by Bey. C. Catto. lb. sMo ttsyipatfr in ext.nded frSn ned for#te evenlng of July Soy to hr of John and sermn i a sers of f[ve Ie frienda of Hanipxmtc> tothe2ffd, around 6 pin., to be Wonrsacdn.Jh a a MePteno mw taimilyand relativeson the held at Garden HI Park. WoIes accidenHat. on nal OS". Te rPatl e ofR n passing af Mi'. Joh~~~~~~~~~n Baker Amynne wishing to, attend this aredrto mpinnda" h cmte edn who was a ifellime reident Doubles Club festivity would w oeh afeigbte.wsolee eda re of SoUna. YIGU please contact Mr'. Steve HanlPtoii Vacation Sohool thie New Testament. its, Mis. David Hall ie attend- Artym, Mr. Karli'White or started today, July l'lth, with cRlrn hywnn wm Un ing Mumer acSl and l r. Douglas Nolan as soon ais many children attendlng. I This Day lily <hiienM r goin toteah e th new posible. Miy couplIe is wel- will tayynd get'more new also hymne "0 Day, ci Real- ace=o InHampton, The M.J.n0e atn.Mr esabu fi oIThou, the Bread cf l14f.," a Hobbs Senior public School. on tis next week. Congratulations toLoneit was Hcly Comniion Suri* Sorry ta boni' Mr. Gordon Last Monday, Mn. and Mrs. Tink and Tina Sierhuis who day service. Duri the weex Wilbur Je i the Bowmanville M. Mountjoy attended the mn- werie rnarried recently. the Bey. CatI» a= EMmsc Memorial Hospital with a terient service et Union Saturday supper guesta, Mr. the dxurch took communie> veoey bad leg. We wish hiff a demetery, Cadnius, for Mr. nd Mrs. Cookburn and farn- t1 he iiut-ln n mibers wh«q apeedy recovery and hope ho MeGili cf Detroit who is a ily, Windsor, Mr'. and Mrs. could flot attend. Mimes Betb wil b. haone smon. cousin of MSs. Mountjoy. The C¶ieethani and Les; Sunday McBay, Marilyn 1»Obertis nd Anymne wlshing to take a service was et 11 o'clock. In vd£itora, Wendy Keefe and Vaierie Caven, wl» are guest& bus trip te Toronto to sce the afternoon tihey went to Ken Johnson, Toronto; Mon- in thie homes of Mr. Manioi, "Sounid of Music", Wednes- Lindsay for the funeral of Mr'. day buffet supper gueste were sayeau, Mms Bernice Bentozi day, July 20th, for the cIter- Wesley Montgomery. Mrs. Ren Wilson. nd fasnily, nd Mms. FJoSence Dimble1,eo noon performance, please con- Mrs'. M. Mountjoy enjoyed Mi's. Robert Oaks nd fnIY; were welcasned te the servlie. tact Mmn. W. Smna1e or M-ru. J. a bus trip with the Blaccstock Wayne Keefe is stayig for and tiiese cliarming young. Burrows, Hampton. ladies tic cee "Sound of Music" the sunlifer w2th ie grand- ladies wl b. e kn Mr'.and Mms Fred Holroyd, whjch is playing in Toronto. PaidnIts, Mr-' and Mrs. Alex Zion, Hanton and !ldren, IBc'wmanvllle, were supper Mir. and lie. Allan Macklin Carrick. spectively as caravaners, ancl gupests wlth Mfr. and Mm. Fred and children visited Mr. and Mr. and Mirs. Lionel Hlckey there was a meeting called at Holryod, Sr. on Saturday. Mre. Woolhcad, Agincourt, on a.nd fanùîly visited on S¶Inday eight o'clock. Sunday nlght fog. IMr'. Gilbert Adcock was Saturday. Mr'.Makl"is with Mr. and Mmr. Jerome afnlpeaainssin home again t1his weckend ter, Miss Shirley Maklir i Hckcy, Oshawa. with the Vacation School staff riest fncm Princess Margaret Hos- Owen Sounid, was a weekend Pln ito sec the fathe- anal wih rcsulted in permuission gan- pitlinii Toronto. A few more visitai', son basebaîl gaime Thureday, tic use thie aclifor thï, ithe tneatments and he will be Miss Miartlia and Marie July 14th, at Hampton Park. childnen, tour years and «ver, home tic stay. W. widi hlim a Smnales arc visiting their Silver collection is for the for a five day session. Mores )on- d Walterry grndpat, Mr. and Mr.J. Vacation Sohool e xp e n ses. news neyî wecic on this eniZ Do- Mr. aînd MrS. Wle Kil- Smnales, w'bile thicir parents CoRne Out and root and help deavor. ion, burn and grandcliildren, Mrs. MT& and lins. J. Smales Jr. of thie sons wiii. Anyone wlAng tc help 112 hadiFred Caimeron, lir. Dickin- Oshawa are taking a trip te On Saturday Mr'.nd Mrs. any way in eciovating the o14ý I son, Oshiawa, weïrc Sunday the western provinces for Hiosken Srni attendd the eho in Hampton, provi visitoine wlth Mfr. and lire. tfli'e weeks Orange Parade and visited the planring board r& )eu-1 Elier Wilbur. Mnr.and Mais. Perey Dewell Mrn. and Mrs. Cunnminglham, building inspectai' ag re e,, u'ing Mn.nd lins. Clarence Tink attended the Tink-Sierhuis Fenelon Falis. Mr. and Mlre. wXMi you piease phone one> attended the wedding of wedding on Satunday. Mr. Ray Smitbhnd f amnily, Mil- of these naines, 3&r. Miorr1* the Lo<rne Tlnk and Tina Sierhuis nd Mm. Cruikshiank, Peter- ton, wiVh Mn.nd Mrs. H105 Bradley, Mn. w. Hiqoktd, on Saturday evenlng. Sn glad borougli, were guests of Mfr. ken Smith on Sundayi. In thec leaders Of Sigma C Mm>p Rna-1 tb heai Mre. Tink is homne and lins. P. Deweil. evening Mr. and lins. SimIi Your help would be very- Port 1froin the hospital and in feel- Mr'. Rose Metcalf is attend- visited Mn. and ire. Don niuchaeppreciated. It le ncA 1ton, InW nucl better. ing Waterloo Univer6ity Col- PX'esoOtt, Enfield. just for Hampton, but theg ville, Mr aid lirs. Franklin TruUl lege for a sic weeks' course. Mr. and lirs. Ted Chant surnowiding districts, for boux- e.andi Jackie were guests on Mr'.nd AMi. Edwin De and Erioe pent the weekend girls' andi boW ~aotlvltle&, Sunday wlth Mn. and lire. Moore, Peterboroughi, were et thie cottage on Oak Lake. Th g#ds«ver au At j@ fat. imes Lewis Trull and faanlly at tJhe Friday visitons with Mr'. and MM.Cliant'8 cousin, Mr. a very good cause cottage on Cheniong Lake. Mire. Roy lietcaif. Franki Bufftori «f Vancouver, Mr, and Mine. Harold Salter Mis Louise Goodman and visited oni Monday. were guiests of Mn. and lins. Mr'. Parker, Toironto, were- Mr. andi Mrs. Oliver Me- Lorenizo Trull at thc cottage caflers wi-th Mr. aM ntMs. Mel Mulleii, Jane a-ad El], Wood- V I et Lake Scugog. Prime. Susan Prime is spend- stock, with Mrs. Luther Allun O R On Tuesday, lin. andi lre. ing two or thiiee weclcs near and George on Monday for a Cecl Slenion were supper Omneanee, !ielping et a Bible day or two.Gadl gueula with Mr.nd lis. Da- Club camp. Soi'ny to eay Mrs. Gu alw ma vidi Malcolmn, Haydon. In thc Mi' and Mns. Reece Jonce, atil in hoepital; wl not be evenlng Mr. and lins. David Mr. Raymiond Joncs, Danny home for a vveek or two. We Malcoli n nd Mr'.nd Mrs. Brown f-roni Regina, Saskat. wisli ber a speedy recovery. Siemon visited Mi'. and lins. chewan, were gucets for a A surprise Silver Aminiver- PACK Wate ovrig e Trne culeofdyswihMT adsaY atyan ecKsgthr Mr. andi M-r. T. J. Wills, AMi. Wilfred Fowlcr during ing was held aI the home of J ~ f Wallonovr ade tron eeycouele c ek. it hMar ndell, Mr. n id feniihyJaiir-w o G Toin,d-ugbr.and ins ercy Uwsicwee. is spehan Bal, '.antiflra. J.Burroweonis B~Gowian, diu, ereangfend, ofwnsv ithew l e sdn, udyfrlr.Bro' l- r M lra. W. Simales on Sunday. Mr.' and lire. Jack Hoskdn, 1. Linda was home for Uic weck- Osharwa, MT'. and Mirs. Hooker HAVE A PICNICI "jendi. Linda hies been eniploy. anidiManne, Kinsale, were ne- P W R e- etteRya aki Tr etvisitor with MmsStella AT ~' ete;nawshe hmg been trans- Balson. ferredto work at the bank In On Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. KIWANIS PARK SOhwa.Good luceLind. RoalLukRobeTr3 ACKMAN ROM>62 3 0 LICGION PIPE BAND WILL LEAD PARADE Ail Boys end Girls 13 Years and under are eligibie CH ILDRENs PAR.ADE FORMS AT HIGH SCHOOL GROUNDS AT 6:30 PM Ail Childrers Report te Morley Etcher 5PARADE CLASSES a% 1. COMIC 2. ORIGINAL 3. WESTERN 4. DOLL CARRIAGE 5. DECORATED BICYCLE Contact Playground Supenvison for Further Information SCASH PRIZIS lst $5.00 2nd - $3.00 3rd- $2.00 Ail Entries WiII Receive Free Refreshment Tickets PARADE ROUTE: Fron t1h. Bowmauville, 11fgb Nchool, East sn Queen and Ontario 8t&. ti Argyle St., Weut to Duke St. and Seuils te Meniortal Park wbsre hudtla, will tae place. will featune BRANCH 178- BOWMANVILLE ROYAL CANADIAN LEGION MEMORIAL PARK - SMorts 7:0po .m. FRIDAY, JULY 22 (IN CASE 0F BAIN SATMJIAY, JULY 23) COLOSSAL BINGO BOOTH . . . REFRESHMENTS . . . FRUIT ... BLANKETS NOVELTIES . . . GAMES OF CHANCE . . . RIDES FOR KIDDIES I LADIES' AUXILIABY DRAWs: TETE A TETE PATIO SET IPOLE LAMP - SUNBURST CLOCK JDOLL and WARDROBE Plus $5.00 Cash 1 CROKINOLE BOAIW Plus $6.00 Cash CA&R 1966 OLDSMOBILE "188" e4 m Dr. SEDAN ADYNA39C POWER BRAKES -WHITE WALL TMES D R W TICKETS$ * * L -7,M- -TICKETSI FRM1 ATTINDANCI PRIZIS CASH PRIZES OF: $5.00 - $10.00- $15.(» WILL BE DRAWN FOR AT 9 - 10 il PJM. You Must Se In Attendance To Win 1 PROCES FOR LOCAL ROYAL CAtlADIAN LEGION COMMUNIIY ý-WOtK ' f O0 g -i..