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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1966, p. 11

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Councillor Dickinson Dies Tuesday morning, the village was hushed by thtl shocking news cf the sudden passing of Councillorý Ress Dickinson, 57-years-ald.1 In "the very best of health until very recently, Ross has been under doctor's care, but no one ever suspected that death would move in se quickly. Leaving the village early Saturday morning with' his wife, Marjonie, they looked ferward ta a peaceful holiday at their cottage, situated on Red Stone, six miles south of Darset, near Minden. Away from the hustie and noise, the cottage is reached by baat. Here, close te the water, was the place Ross loved rnost, r and here was where he spent his last remaining heurs. Mrs. Dickinson was in the cottage when Ross walkedý te the dock te watch his f riend Art Young of Leskard, who was in swimming. Mr. Young was visiting theý flickinson's that afternoon. He sat on the dock and suddenly ber-a over and fell into the water. Mr. Youngý rushed te bis side and pulled him from the water, leavn him with Mrs. Dickinson while he went for a dotr. In his 57th year, Ross was born on the Dickinson family farm west of Port Hope, bis parents, Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Dickinson, pre-deceased him. He et- tended Port Britain Public School and Part Hope High School. On October 7th, 1933, he married the former Marjorie Cewan. Shortly after they were mnarried Ross ran for, and was elected, te the Publie School Board. Several years later he was elected to the Newcastle Council. Away from ceuncil fer a num- ber of years be ran again in 1964 and was stili with the council at tht time of bis death. He was a member of Newcastle United Church and a member of Durhamn Masonic Lodge, -Newcatle. ', Surviving besides bis wife are bis two sons, Ronald df Oshawa and Benjamin cf Orono. He was tht 'youngest son in bis family and is survived ýby ont living sister, Mrs. T. W. F. Spencer, (Norma) of Clarkesburg, Ont. Ht was pre-deceased by bis sister Edna and two brothers Merwin and Caries. Funeral will be held Thursday, from Morris Funeral Chapel at 2 p.m. I Basebail Action I Ilewcasdle cSociaI. anc1 £Persona/ Newcaste:- F a rn il y and friends cf Mr. and Mns. Ted Martin plonned a surprise pa.rty for th-emn on Saturday evening, wtien they joinedi witih them to celebrate their twenty-sevcnth wedding an- nîversary. Their sons iaVwerne and Murray, and a close friend, Clif! Fintotf, mode presentation speeches and on behelf cd ail those present wished themn sevenel mare years cf happiness. The cou- ple, deligi-ted with the beau- tiful occasional chair, foot stoal and figurines, expressed t.heir tfhanks and deliglht. Miss Caroline Majer is sc- nompanyi.ng Mr. and Mrs. Hern -an Schmid and Edith on a trip to Montreai. Mr. Ray Goheen, son of Mr. and Mrs. R. W. Goheen, has recently returned from a trip ta Germany. Roy la now visiting with bis parents and plans ta return ta Toranto ta tech in the fail. Dr. and Mrs. Jack Hare cf St. Thomas were weekend ,guests at tihe home oif bis par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Perey Hare. Dr. Hare's dlau.ghter Saily and ber little frîend, Marilyn Smith, are staying on in New- castle for an extended visit. 1Miss Mairla. MacLeod re- turned ta Hamilton on Sun- day after visiting with ber aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Tilîson. She accompani- ed Mr. and Mrs. Danny Laughton who bad been visit- ing with Mrs. Laughtan's par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Wlbincop an-d John. Daniel and Maureen, son and daugihter cf Mr. and Mrs. Rossl Gobeen, Cooksvýille, have been taking turns visiting with their grandporents, Mn. and Mrs. R. W. Goheen. Our friends and nei'ghbors in bospitai this week, are Mrs. Grace Bîersticker, Mns. Calh- erine Brown, Mrs. Lorna Crockett, Mr. John Davis, 'Master Neil De Jon.g, Mrs. Arlene Poster, Mrs. Sandra Sinclair, Mr. Edward Smiithi and Mrs. Johanna Sweeip. Brownles at Camp Lasit week, 17 very excited Brownies met in Iront of the town hall with tibeir sleeping baga an-dcaimp-aut equipanent, ail prepared, for a wanderful tihree doys et camp. They ieft the village eit 9:45 a.m. Afte- the girls werc settled in camp, they made, lanterins and hung them. around the campsite in the trees. They lent game with the final score finding the Newcastle boys in the lcad with a score cf 7 ta 6. These boys are realiy putting a lot into thein gamcs. They've really shown the aider boys how ta play hall. Their next game wiil be a post thing when this paper reaches your home, but kecp in mind that games are being played most of the week and came out and cheer them. The coaches and players of the Tyke team are most grateful ta Gardon Gar- rod. Jr.. proprieton of Gar- rad's Variety and Grill, for iNecasie- Molre 'Îews boys î'ee wee teamn who trav- the bright new ycllow ceps the about basebaîl, and once ogain eiled lest Tuesday evening toýbays are sparting. bad news on beboîf o! the Weicome and placed another OuE il ane itr defeat ta their record, with awen they met Ncwtonville on Comig Evnts final scare of Il ta 4. Corne1Monday evenfing bene in town. Çonfi g Evnts on the Pee Wees. Let's give it. The final score et the end o! Newcafle Artificiol Ice s-aIl you have and get a win- the fifth fnning wos 28 ta 16, sociation emind you te plan cen. for Newcastle. to attend their Civic Holiday On the same evening. theý What's doing with the gIfala old-fashianed carcival,iTykes pleyed the Port Hope Ladies bail gomes? We haven't ilIng Carl Brewen andITykes at our local Communityý.heard, but will bring you the *qtDôuglas. 28-21bal pprk. This was an excel- news as we learn it. IMPORTANT NOTICE to. everyone. born in You should apply for your old age security pension immediately If you do so you wiIl receive your iirst payment in January. 19 67 when Old Age Security becomes available to persons who have reached the age of 68. IF YOU WERE BORN IN 1899 You should make application at least six months in advance of your 68th birthday. PAYMENT 18 NOTAUTOMATIC-YOU MUST APPLY Obtaîn an Old Age Security, application form at your local Post Office. or by writing Ito the Regional Director of Old Age Security in the capital city of your province. The envelope containing the application form also contains an information pamphlet on Old Age Security which indicates the exact month in which persons born in 1899 should apply. Pubfishedby THIE DEPARTMENT 0F NATIONAL HEALTH AND WELFARE by authority of TwHo onourable Alan J. MacEac»hen Newcastle-ýThe Newcastle persosis and organizatians, who, Lions, Clubs- CÏrnival wus thc wbile tbeY weenet members biggest- one evýir with a.-groscf the club, ccntributed sub- pfît of olir $M. stantiully towards the succesa Thias »iSi keeping with cf the carnnval: Rosa Manu- the lait-year.ot Lion'& activlty tacturing, Woodland Products, (whiçh ruais from smmmer to Stan Cobblcdick, Bob Steph- summner) ln which more money enson, Ruddy Eyman, At wus raised and spent In coin- Gray, Alex Hendry, Rcd Car- munity projects than in any veth, Carl Gould, Mr. Dancey previous year. c f The Newcastle Reporter, The Lions have aaked us ta Mr. James o! The Canadian alm ad idLend A Hand dutieslpuUUily iIIEk thefolt'OowUiI gLULaIflrI1nan ZJI, Bwavil;11Erl7 betnre and after each meal, wit an hour ret period foi- te s 0 0 c ,o'wing lunch.Le es &1 &Je Tuesday after*ionn, atter,£ their swisn ti<nc, the Brow-i nies mode hula skirts, with Who ee lse» u This Town?? they no mind of their own?j flowers mode frorn kicenex, Mks hyawy e hsyp whiieh Uiey strung around Who runs the town ci New-usteylaylethsy- ther nck.Aftr sçpe tieycastle? The Reeve and Coun- per rule the rocat? eut out and spray painted cillors or Frank Pidgeon? Thue Hodoyulinghrad bird bouses made frani javex iast couneil meeting proved dihtxst aattee botties. For the camp firel again, how the Councillors ore during à meeting liste nn ta ou this garbage meeting after they each dressed in their not allowed ta xpres the" meeting, manage ta sit there hula garments, and enjoyed opinion or make any sugges- andsyntig u hn chocoate milk and cookies ,testh clerudk.tur what god would it have donc befare ligbts out. by tecek for you ta say anything? One Wednesday morning the As citizens and, taxpayers. persan can't do it witlînoa Brawnies finished their bird alwaYs we are 'the damn backing, and certainly it was lieuses by glueing pretty col people of the village." la this obviaus that no ane tried back- ored fine stones over thern his way of retiring his Poli- ing Councillor Couch. And You and putting a band on ta tian, fed up with the village haven't remained quiet in hang themn in the tree, where and those in it? Why daca he bringing to us that "word by tey were ieft until Thursday net just quit? To me, it sounds word" action. What fools, we when the girls «gain left for as though, with his nasty way home. of talking ta the public and Wednesday, they enjoyed a expressing himself apenly at Iwim tie bothduring tPblih teereporters at narning and afternoon; they imewt h-erprtr rmie r c i made pin cushions in the three different papers taking1 shape of oid fashioned chairs notes) does he hope ta be fired Newcastle-Last week aur Out Of calmai- tins. After sup from bis position ta live thewsengd na per, a nature hike was en rest of bis days among lis playground wseggdi jOYed on their way to the c omplaining how he'd been week-long basebail tourna- store for a treat. Firewood had? Well I have had it. 've ment which turned out ta bei was then collected and the bad enough of him, I amn a citi- quite a successful undertaking. Brownies toasted xnarshmal- zen of the village paying taxes During our arts and crafts lows before goîng ta bcd. anid residing here. How much periods we turned ta th ar -9ioin Lend A Hand longer must T and everyane creative outiets cf finger paint- duties on Thursday miorning, cIsc be damned by so littie a irrg and free expression. tbcy made walî plaques Out man? The theme for aur special of ceramic tile and colared Three cheers ta the coun- event on Friday was entitled feit. A swim was enjoyed cillors making the motion ta "Indian Day". The childrcn before lunch, and following relieve this man of bis head-drse incouulcw y lunch, in hanor of Mary Me- ache, Rnd un cf him. ad Id in cosumes. Prizes Ivor's bàrthda.y, candies were, Canfused Taxpayer. andreaardcotate. olow- plcd ncup cakes, happy ing squaws and chieftains: birthday was sung and a Dear Florence- Beth Goddard, Jackie Adams, ,smali gift was presented ta Oh, how 1 wish 1 could sign Karen Ruttan, Stisan Barman, her on behaif cf the other my n7are at the battam of this Leslie Wallace, Gordie Blak- Brownies. letter, but I need a lavar af er, Tommy Wilcax and Timrny Lily Waa Uien Presented the council and I'r afraid I Blaker. We would like ta Mrs. Beerthuizen, Courtice, would neyer have it granted thank Mrs. Florence Ferguson their nurse, with a gift. A by the top braou. I've frit for for judging the costumes and gift w&% then presented ta some time naw that in New- for bringing cookies ta aIl cf their cok, Mrs. Vern Rowe. castle the clerk had mare ta the children. Thraughout the by Aimnee Brereton, witb say thon moat other clerks i*nlmarning aur Indian theme pre- Heather MacDonald prescrit- ony ather tawn, for the moat yailed in the singing and act- ing Candy Stiorks with a gift part, he taiksalal night and Ive games. Robbie Lowry add- for tihe help she lied given. says nothing, but !'m afraid ed ta the atmosphere cf the Mary McIvar prescnted Mrs. my respect for thase on count- sPecial event by supplyinf a Powell one af the Brown cil is almost as low as myllarge tent for the "injuns' Owls, an-d alSo tO Mrs. Pow- respect for the clerk. Hav*e* Our Indian Day ended withi eil's rnother, Mrm Mcllroy, a gift with expresscd thanks for the generosity in which they bad ioaned thc Browniene-the.. use of two cottages. Adtter Test periad, the Brow- nies enjoyed a scavenger hunt with eeeh girl receiving a gift at tihe end of the hunt. TheY Ithen field a secret vote ' «~ aimang thernselves as to the -Brwnies they felt were the best campers. IEvery3,r&TWflie did well, with five Browvnies being outstandin'g according to the Brownies themnselves. .»*, 1hey were Patty Powell, Deb-. bic Beerthuizen, Janice Wood- land, Shirley Hamiilton and............... Jenny Munro. Ater supper ~ê * Y » tihe girls changcd into their unkNfIIMIdr the drive bock home -*W piked themn up at 6.30 pin. The leaders would like ta' thank ail the drivers wh, drovie the girls ta and frein the camp. 7te next ta beave the vil-, lage are bath the Scouts andti the Guides, who leave this cOmning -Saturday morning for Many years a week. Scouts are renujnded ta be et the barn by 7:00 am.rn ! nd the Guides are te nieet at the'hall ready ta bave et 9:30 a. OBITUÂRY FRED J. SPRY Fol lowing an ilicess o! threc, weeks the death of Fred J.1 Spry, Coboconk, occurred at tihe Rose Meqnonial Hospital,! Lindsay, on Wednesday, July1 13, 1966. Hie wax in bis 73rd year. Son of the late Fred and Maryv (Westlokc) Sipny, the, deceased was barn at Saona Ont., and received buedca tion in Bowmanville Seois. In 1916, on June l4tb, he mear-, ried the former Mildred Cooký who predcceased hian severali years ago.1. A resident of Bowmnanvillc for rnany years, Mr. Spry had lived in Coboconk for î6 years, and aIma at Noniandi for nine ycars. He was an insunance agent, retiring 25 ycars ego.1 He was a member of the - United Church, and waxs also a member o« the 100.OF,l Meaford, Ont. Greatiy inter- 1 ested in sparts, An. Spry par-, ticipeted actively in vu.nmous< kinds af game sports in hist youngen days. Ht particulariy~ loved hockey, playing goal i fnam age 12 te 38. In later years, he continued ta be an ardent follower cf sport os an enthusiastie observer. Mn. Spry ia survivtd bv a daugirter, Mns. Bob Coac (Jean), an.d a son, Lynesa Spry, bath o! Coboconk, and seven graaidchildren, John, Frnk, Judy, Dian and Ferne Spny, Gary and Gail Cohean. The funeral service wes held frain the cliapel of the Northcutt & Smith Funeraî Home, Bowennimvile, en Fnl- day, July 15th, mand wax con- dueted by Rey. W. A. Griffmn. Internent was in Dowmnac- ville Cemeteny. Pelibearens were Mesmr. A. Gniffin, S. Candler, A. Lobb, J. Cooper, E. Richards and R. Stevens. Aznong the besutiful floral tribqtes, evidence of the es- tcem in wtiich tht deceased was held, weme thoe. mcm the Departtient of Higbwaya, Co- boconk Fine Depertinent, Co- bocorilc Wmyne's Institut@. mid Bedmve Rebeiah Lodge~ Ne. 125. W/len you look back, Caftada has dont a lot of filling in, hasn't it? Take a look at the top map. 100 years ugo, the wide open sp.ces were exactly that. East was test and west was west, and the twain weren't meeting. In fact, the existence of Canada as a nation hungin the balance. That's where we came in: Canadien Pacific. ao aid Hari' Don Colwill, Ken LoverckGrant Melly, New- cautie Lionettes, Mr. Tom Messenger of Newcatle P.U. Lions Club, Eownianville Lions Club, Bowmanville Legion. T4~ Lions hope that the ctizena cr Newcastle will Siva tht smre fine support ta the 'iCLArtificlal Ice Committea Car- nival on Auguat 1,.1le". mortals be, that allow thus GENTLEMAN te speak. te us in the manner in whlch h. dota, then let him away wlth it? I am afraid nt hlm, 1 admit it. I'm afraid te remamn any- thing but sulent while he ne- mains on as clerk, because he dcci have the final say iiin mit matters. I will hcweven, admit that this isn't *Il hi% entire fouît, when the men you and I bave vated te look after tht affairs cf aur fair village, ait back and aomewhat enjoy be- ing led around. ý1 One of the Damned. on NewsI a bubble gum biowing cantest and wild shrieks from à few of ôur Indiana taken off guard, and abat down by the cow- boys with their pine cane guns. Sharma Ferguson. LONG SAULT Mr. and Mn. Cîmytan Brown and Linda were Saturday evening guests of Mr. and Mns. Raymond Clapp, Hampton. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Triv- ett, Toronto, and Mn:. EMna Wood, John and Ted, Tyrone. were Wednesday evening q uests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert orneron. Alan V'ivian, Tyrone, spent the weekend with Ray- miond Cameron and Leanne Vivian, Tyrone, vlsited wlth Ruth-Anne Cameron on Sun- day. Mn. G. D. Bentley, Port Penny, spent the. weelcend with ber son, Mr and Mra. Bye Gibson and on Sunday Mrs. H. 0. Williams and Mrs. .10e Rear, The Cmnadian tateaman, Bowmanvlfle, ..uly 20, IM Alderwood, acomnpanied Mr. and Mrs. Gibson and Mn,. Bentley te Markdale where they attended the annual Wyvill reunion. About 250 relatives were present. At 21 o'clock they ail sat down ta a levely dinnen in the Mark- del* Community Centre Hall. Ater dinner there were races, 9aea etc. for young and old. About 5 pam. neanly ai lIeft for their respective homes, many coming from tar distant places in the U.S. and Ontario. OBITUARY 30EL EASTABROOK The death of Joei (Joey) Nastabrook of Orm, aged 15 yeams occurred et the Slck Ciiren'. Hospitai1, Toronto, eni Monday, July 11, 106, tollcwdng an ilîneas o! twa weeks. A amnio John an-d Voet Eaotrook, Joel was born et Petezborot4h and attended mL4chc #*t1e and ini Orono. He came-tao ramiawith hbisý Mum Brue Tillion, Editor Ph . 987-4213 DURHAM LIBERAL PICNIC WALTONA PARK, NEWCASTLE SATURDAY, JULY 23rd STARTING AT 1:30 P.M. SPECIAL GUEST A ndrew Thom pson Ontario Liheral Leader F"un Fer Everyone', 0 0 BRING THE EtliTIRE FrAMILY XVERYONE WELCOME No ago, part of Canada was missing. This part, Our people buult a rêilway. Over plains end hitis and rivers' and through the. mountains. Across a wdlanmd people said could nover b. livd ini at adt. Whon the lest spîke ws driven in 1M8, east and west mar joined together. Today the.nation thrives and grows. It looks forward to a briglit future. And todoy, Canadien Pacifie people serve more Canadians mn mort ways than ever before. You may think we sound proud of Our Pest. We are. But we're excted &bout Our future. And yours. Qa&i &&#. Serving you in so many ways. CANUSAN mcu cos.m .auu L ions Carnival- Grossed over $900 for'Biqqgest Yet He wus a mber cd theS$dé vatiom Arm. Survivlng beslflhb ar- ents, Mr. ad Mm JhnSu bbrook, me *UueMd three bg»oUiera M renk Ward (Yvonne), SarnW Mra. Iton Haeke (Sandra), tcron- to; Donald, Shn, Kenoetà and Rmdy at hie. 'lhc furierl service wua held on 'Itursdy, July 14th. froi te Morris Fuineral Cha- pel, Bowmanvile, and was oanducted byv Cat. H. Freser of the Salvation Arniy Cita- del, BomaiwiIle. Interment was in Orono Cersetery. Pellbearera were 'Mesur. James Wheeler, Ronald Good David Miller, lDon.d Todd. Robert Nixon and Gordoni Hooey. Gei Cash Today For OId Appliances tlsrough O TA TEMMAN C LA 9 9 1 19e 1 phone 123-3303 1 .Z mmam f; r

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