~- ~ S CLASSIFIE ADS we1 L A C K T O C K'The Canadian StatesmanEwnmeuy2,10 ______________________-___________________________________________throw, »iLvid Weir n ir.Gr1> JueBain; coup1eu' needi n l. Iio~wt n h Lost Coming Events g Events Çards of Thac Services inIt hrhsatne h adreglerHre n osY1 hedui ______________________, wel atte*ided Sunday PoirAg w'edding li Braanpton, lowlees. Doug Lane. WfbMs ereBaly WOuLD the persan wha took The Wood Family Picnic at Be sgieta attend Dq;rham «I wish ta express my sici Io n .XiSt.- John's, Rev. Satoeday. It was.,detfde t'o hald the A peanut ýoramble w u-iIadr Wa4froM girl's pocket at Saline Hall, Saturday, July 23, Liberal- Pienic at Waltona tanks ta the doctprs, = .m8anfed of Port Perry de- Mr. and Mnu. Roy 1raylor, 1967 picnic at Blackstoc joyed by the smaller ilf Mcen r.BaeBwxa K1~nu Pak hoe 63-787 166 Supe at5:0.DisesPar, ewaste, oSatuyday, a~ tf iMmra taliveed an interesting sermon. Mr.- and Mns. red Trewin, agamn with 12:30 dinneradalep noe a n aly o ?rsdn 29-1 provided. 28-20 July 23rd, staxting* at~ 1:30. pital, Bowmanville, far their XIn'the 'United; Church, Mr. Lloyd, and Eanie, afid Mrs.1 MarionSarad~enrgm ntefi rud. o h rviDtr~,h Monser BngaThurdayOntariô Liberal Leader An- efficient care of my husband. David Romeoeil & Wawa miso Albert Wright visited Mr. and n atriuand the ai- iane ndthA"lanr ry evi~os n h omn Pian Tuing night at 8 o'clock, spanzared et. 28-2 friends and neighbours loowrmte iee hng on;~ians'lwg special prizes: Person edaxq orange drink for er-t.Wi hetb aea, aý Arthur C a a sonBarn. North Oshawa. 39-tf Woodview Conununity Centre terknns urn u dfo Goyt 'oy I r.Ls rit, Engand Mrs. Bob Werry and fam eneoerstauco. P~j~SIO AL ark by he urmsid Pak, Monster B i n 0 Twenty recent bereavement. the United Sunday Sichoal land, is fflndlng afwiy rmClUeSs~ed M PEmui 3-fBarn Dance, Kendal, July games-twenty aolars; five Mrs retTre iss Doreem Van Camp told montha withi lier aister, Mrs. est lady present, Mrs. Narman A L GR GET CASH TODAY 23, Allen Foster's Barn; music gai1es-thirty dollars; $150 and fanily. 29-1 very interesting stories of 111e John Ballingal, John and Wright, Enniakiflen; eidestGLV r.adMsC..Swlo FOIR 0W APPLIAIICEs by Gary Price, CKLB, Osha- jackpat, and twa jackpots et wtle& he was li India. family. gentetar's, Mr. ansd Mss.Mrs. FraBook.. througb wa. Admission $1.00 per per- $250. Doar p ri1z e s. Next The farnily of the lait Fred Congratulations ta Lorraine Mrs. John Sherry and Loisgentlemaresent3, Js. Ath-saine on Brooks m and la ~ r uda alrsa STTSA o.Sosrdb edlManday, 8, pan., Red Barni, Spry wish to express their Turner who reoelved honours Port Hope, were weekend ur earryasr the nre ni tmwiher prden ts, 5 1CokhriAjx CLASSIFIEDS Rceto Association. 29-1 Oshawa. 46-tf heartfelt thanks ta friends, in Grade 7 Piano, Debbie guesta of the Harold Craw- youngest baby, Debra Lynn Mrs. G ordon Rodmnn ite Temn red fMs MO SE IG elatives, Beehive Rebeicah Swaun honours ini Grade 3 fo2rds. Van Camp, two months aId, Britaun. On Sunday M1 n asyRgr r or a LdeN.125, Odd Fellows Piano, and Janet Turner lst Mr. and Mrs. Alex Car-Idaughter of Keithi and Wilma Mn. Roncrooksy I apatennd THURSDAY NIGHT, S8o0,0ock and Northcutt and Smith Pun- clan honours in Grade 3 ruthers, Garden HiDL, visited Van Camp, Blackstock; largest spent the day at thier ctaeCide' op'aTrnt. Sponsored by the Junior eral home for their thought- Theary. These are pupils of Mr. and Mrs. John Hamilton, famiîy present, Ross and Thel- at HMiaad xs Hrr Sow Cbamber et Commerce fui acts af kindness and ex. Mms. Ruth Wilson. Gordie Sunday. ma Lane with their six cll- Mr., and Mrs. DonBrosdiaddagesB mn- JLJBILEE PAVILlON pressions of sympathy during MaîlCGi, Grade 4 Piano; ma. Mr. and Mis. Bill FergusOn ren; person with neareat birth- and fanuily were Sundayvs-get ihhsase n OSH AW A 8-tf our recent bereavement. rie Van Camp, Grade 3 Piano, and Mir. and Mss. John HaIm- day, Kimberley Anne McGill, tors with Mr. and Mr.KnhbndM. adM.Rs- Thrs Lyness and Jean. honours; these latter pupils ilton attended a county exe- daughter of Mr. and Mis. Bali, Or>na. Chicken Barbecue, Tus 29-1 of Mrs. Gledys 'rhompson. cutive Gonservative meeting Garth McGill, Cannington, one Mr. and Mrs. H. Brow anRoesadtuly day, August 4th, at 6:30 p.m., Mr. and Mrs. Jim Canning et the honie of Mr. and Mrs. year aid on Juiy 14th. famiiy were weelkend iios M .adMsMikflw Memorial Park, Bowmanville. Stephens-Mere words are and feniily, Oshawa, were Alex Carruthers, Garden Hill, Since there was no recentiy with his cousins, Mr. anMr.onadonPuWnor Aduits $2.00, children $1.25- inadequate ta express aur Saturday evenhng guests of Tuesd.ay evening, when it w*as mridcul rsnteDvdBlKthns h*hv envstn e, CBE IIV ND OM ARE piine gati:ude. oaions vey-Mis. Laine Thoapson. decided to hiald a fallfily pic- rz was awarde:.to M.: M. :Cak and M Jno amr.For tcketsone who has helped us through Miss Maenne Wheeier, Bow- nic et Orono Park Juay 27th Mr.Go1ryo2aoten aiy cntok oaCony etSna avst 'Poe623-2179 or 263-2260 bie, these days af sonrow with nianville, spent the weekend at 3 p.mn. Mwh o celBraydothTirotb.ol, wr iiosl ekbisse and husband, eorp."-o C .HECKv teRNh t u itOM PARttE N O N IG! the Canadian Cancer Society, Mis. Robt. Fard spent hast spent' the weekend with Mr.di. l h iupermarid ongeeyt, Ms. eir coRusindr- o tee t htab e 1words af sympathy and deeds week with Mr. and Mrs. Ar- and Mrs. Normnan McNeily, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Wright, ily. uWck't ai OW P IC So infinite kindnesa, we cen thur Ruston and bays, Port Coiborne. 58 years. Lady with most pen- Eighiteen Brownies wih r.ndM.FeStvn LEAN- TENDER LOIN Every Day of the Year en only ,say, "Thank yau sa Credit. Mis. Fred Henry, Mr. Werry-Wright-Philp Plcnic nies in her purse, Pauline four leaders were wecdwreSnaviitn ii~ QUALITY REXALL much . and Mis. Charles Hickey, Toi- On Saturday, July l6th, the Greer fram Montreal with 40 canipers et Camp Smare-thi agtredhsed HEALTH and BEAUTY is. Robert M. Stephens onta, spent this weekend with 93rd picnic af the Wery enes. Man with largest centiy. On the Sunday4 w s n i.RyTpig PRODUCTS and family. 29-1 Mis. Ford. Wright-Phiip families Iashed aistline, Ernie Werry. other Bro'wnies, TariyaRs d onoon.MiTe PO R K CH O PS lShop Now and Save Maro ae iht xrs icre Mr. and Mns. Ewart Baight, a::the Cartwright Recreatio Everyone then w ent outsi!de seli and Shirley WoodjondTpuiwhhsbenvitJ A urRexail Store Thsaiyaite't ak r~ln er udyV5 Centre in Blackstock. Re- ta the park eest of the build- them for the day.mgwthsgrnpetsr- Bake wih t exres sineretor ofMr.andMrs.Ricardcepiogister eyd i heprgram hde lwngprort ed M erow ta ar.oamity 7 9 ? Jury & Loveli Ltd. thanks and appreciatian ta Wall. Sharon Larmer, eggy aned ihe po re hdeng prts eoweleO omeM.ndMs rn hm wihta. 2King St. E. Bowmanville relatives, frienda and arganiz- Congratulations ta Mi. and names and supplied neine tags. by Beau and Marion Starr, having purohesed the r'e-IN QULT2-atnsfrhirms0fin MsDvdKye(oaMcOehurdadtet-ouMrinndEaor ana:yknw asteardpceOUETSA) 7 9ness, expressions of sympathy Laughlin) who were married enjoyed the dinner oi hot meat Toddlers, 3 yrs. and under, on Maple Grave Rd. N.Msb AKE ____________________________________ VOLUNTEER RED) CROSS and floral tributes in their in B1ackstock United Church pies and other deliciaus food, Scott Werry; 4-5 yrs., girls, Merow was a formertecr likntbee a hnkt h e ud MnSr .adM. Ni eî,served by the Blackstock W.I. iElizabeth Greer, Susan Werry; a.t MapleGrve EastScho.I\ - E ODD NO specially ket hn th Mrad rsNilWry Nice more îegistered during' 4-5 yrs., -boys, Jas. Werry, Mi.Slce ayrSun V iN W, CLINIC medical and :hronic staff ai Carol and Larry, Mr. and Mms. the afternoon.tednrth Wayne Yellowlees; girls 9 yrs. dridge, spent a. week wiA hr g ~ SAFR MeoilHoptl the staff Neil Baiieyv and Ho'ward spent Followingth inrte and under, Barbera Ashton, niother, Mrs.E Ashton M.DO T Wedesay Aug.3 t The Lodge, Newcastle; Drs. Sunday with Mr. mnd Mrs. President, Merrill Van Camp Cindy Van Camp; boys -9 and O TA T E ion Cetr ~e arean kindness durig ur Thompsn Sr. t the cottage, Eleaor Werry read the mier; girls 12 and under, Sand- ]RESULTSCO W Nesday, wte:t mlngK:iessfor th ew tLaeon aMrs.cOPmnue:o ae buiemeetg. A len StBaara lLain; Censuit a Member c !I son' birthday. ing held in Juce. Peggy boys 12 and under, Brian Starr, bib. 1:3 to 4:30p.rn. In MemoriamAs the Post Office will be Larmer gave the treasuîer'sj Dennis Werry; girls aver 13, aio.lrler Bag - CL1ARK-l loving memory ai comencing todey, instead ai The executive for 1967 is as boys aven 13, Garry Moore, VjLI TD 3 9 C Bg6:30- 9:00 p.m. David, a demi son and brother, Wednesdeys, your coriespan- iollows: Past Pres. Harvey Mc-:Jas. Lane; ladies' shoe kick, ____ The Need Is Great who passed away Juiy 22, dent would like ta receive Gill, Pres. Menrili Van Camp, Aileen Van Camp; men's'shoe 9Wthu5 ah. sot ie YOUi news items eerly Mn Vice-Pres. Allen WerrSec-kick, Doug Lane; lucky spot MILTIPLE LISTING SEI EMo me s 29-2______us______ashort____ day moînings or if possible retary Elemnor Werry, YTreas- race, David Werîy; boys'Bx 3 ROSE But leit us a memory we over the weekend. Thank you. urer Peggy Larmer. Manage-; wheeibarrow, Peter Weîry Oshawa & DÛsrc 1 ud.S.EWlb RA I R SS EET - GREEN Cards of Thcmks are prouci ta own, Mr. and Mis. Geraild Fergu- ment Committee, Neil and and Wes. Lace; girls' 3-leggPonehld 5W A mat sincee thank ta ailSa treesure birn Lard in your son, Toronto, spent the week- Eleanor Werry, Helen and Wm. race, Ruth Weîry and June ]Real EsitteBadiOak835 or ALI w ostheie e the stimeai Fo garden af rest ed with the Gardon Strong Weîry, Eleanor and Grant 'Bain; seck race, Peter Wenry; RELISHwho hlped t thetime f Forwhen on earth he was aiy Green Onionsthe fire n eNlo. 1nenofa the best. Mr. Jim Damwson aed Mri. Green Onio s Bil an Ann Nelon. Iaving memory, by Dad, Loba Dawson, MIllbrook, were 12-o29-1 Muni, brothers and sisters. Suxiday guests of Mr. and Mrs. 2ar15c 2h o tan49hen___es29-1 Wilbeît Werry. IB IDN I wishta thek the ursesMiss Ida Demipsey, Stîat- ' D 9 c and doctoîs af Memorial lias- McLAUGHLIN-In laving me- tod spent tihe weekend with , V~f UU ~ i 2 '1 cSAVE 17c pital for gaad cere and kind- mary af a husband and father, Dr. and Mms. McAthur and _________________ _________________ ness during mii stay there. Rusel : wo ps:d :eway JlMiss 1 Mntba iit W OE e R E MDE L N STOEL'S PIG"Mrs. Wesley Heaîd. 25, 1964. Mr. and Mis. Norman Pal- Pinaple& GapfnitWe wish ta express aur The have a heert bolds dear, cd Mr aend Mis. Ray Taylor Pieape raerutthanks ta relatives, friends and Fond memories linger evcry and Mrs. J. Farder eand the a U 48-o. neighbours wha remembeîed day, MeLauighlins lest week.T J. K ~ li O SIMV Ti A us by giits cerds and visits or Remembrance keepa h im Mrs. Leslie MéuntWo is Y OR P ET OE l JU C c-:6c wha helped in eny way ta nebr db ievstn eaie tPtr make our ~~~Silver Wcdding An- -Ever eebrdb i vstn rlavsa Pe. .i.ersary a mçmoreble day. and faniily. 29-1 * Mi. and Mis. Bal, Strong PARTNER-In laving memoîy JET-PUFFED SAVE cI -wouhd, ike ta express my af e dean wife and niother who WESLEY VILLE PA: OMS sincere thanks for the kindness passed awmy July 24th, 1964. c shown me during my stay in She het us quietly, The July meeting ai the Memarial Hospital. Special Her thoughts ucknown, United Church Women was M arshmallws 27c thanks ta Dis. Aliiossi, Eweit, But et us a flmemory behd in the Sund.ay,,Sch A VnAUT YIN ___________________________________ ubbaîd, and nursing- -staff ai We are piaud -to Oev.- - raom ô'é_Wïénesday aftcrnoon, tsurgical fon for their -Sa treasure her, Lord, July l3th with a small numberUITN idcare, and neigihbours for In your garden ai rest, present. This is ane af the -m Athe cards. For when on eaîth piie nionthsanmd the meet- -DYK4STRà&'mÇ ~Ms. M. Kennett. 29-1* She wes ane af the best. ing is held ta tra.nsmet the con.- ý ý. - -Ever iemenibered by bus- sideî*bhe monthiiy business AMr. mcd Mis. Gary Naylor band Fred mcd famihy. 29-1* and Bible study. The meeting F OM A K Twish ta thank fiiencis mnd rela- was opened by the Presîdent, 77 King St. W. FREE Delivery Bowmanville tives who ettended showeîs PARTNER-In loving nienoîy Mis. J. Groeneveld, wîtb pîmy M SHO AN SAE PONE623354 and the wedding and 'for the ai oui demi mother Hazel who er, mnd the devotionai peîîod - MODE RN SHOPAND AVE HONEÈ23-541 mmny lovehy giits, with special passed awey July 25, 1964. was conductcd by Mis. Gîoen- "HOM OF UALIYl' thanks ta those who went ta Ic aur heaits your rnemory eveld acd Mis. Arnold Austin. CONVENIENCE 'HOME0F QULITY"ail the wor-k piepani.ng fon lingers Mns. E. Barrowclouhbe- OPEN THURSDAY and FRIDAY 'TILL 9 PM- hesors Sweetly, tender, fond and ly nevlewcd chapter 8 afiR 29-1 For theres not a day demi Lufe". Discussion foliowed the I. mother, îeadicg af Bible verses in U - That we do flot tbink of cannection with it. No noeflo i 0sacrifi ce valua1osae ny you. During tbe business e com-n.L -Always nemembered by the muclty wieneîrtoast wms fS itnf 0 ~i family. 29-1 pianncd foi hater In the week T HE REASONS W HY!1 RICHARDSON-In memoîy of cammittee eppoiiited. A gîf t lHenry Richardson who died af money was îeceived fîom D U L 0 E July 17, 1963. tbe seven chiidren af the lete Deep le the heait lies a Mis. George Brooking, in me-.h ii oe oe n ne"sye kp itpartsof er. hee d con.n ATihbe in ht o r an o r Cloil ope A -i U S D C A R SSMITH-In Ivng memory Of _IN... . .. . .. . . ~ENAMEL. A l U E A S J. A. Smilth who pmssed away Mrarta mcd David Martin -La£'s taste: July 21, 1962, in his 58th year. ai Brockvilhe are spending IiClncoc 0 vroe 1966 FORD Lic. J17035 1963 FORD Lie. J16437 -Ever remcembered and smdly some holidmys ihteranTAPNas5cledor pu 15FODLc 1841963 PONTIAC Lic. J14382 Hodwy adMs ha «î:,~.......from either aide. 1965 PONTIAC Lic. J13267 1963 DODGE Lic. 37287E oTRa G-In sonnror, Mr. and Ms's. Hector DaîkeI 194RMLRLic. X10249 1962 FALCON Lic. X7285 a a demice Srngmcd bo psth svaldyhstw Oh yes, styling wasn't fongotten. Vistorsoro j IM8 COMET Lic. J22085 1962 ACADIAN Lic. 91845K cd away Juiy 24, 1965. taurng W e s t e r n Ontario, adtk ok %¶64 CHEVROLET Lic. H78754 1962 ENVOY Lie. X9497-: -Ever îemenibered by tath- through Burlingtoc, wcst and ad-tu- ok 1964 HLLMAN Lic. 17696X 1962 CHEVROLET Lic. J1.6424 ci ier, sisters, ratershr north ta Meeford, and home, M _____________________________________________ 1964 ACADIAN Lic. K5141 192aDnBL Lc 121md niece Beverley. 29-1 declaring once agein that we * N 196 ODSOBLELie H621 ee________Otaio_____ C NVNIN BUDGIET IERMS IJ wAKANYC l93PNICLe 16308 1962 PONTIAC Lic. H98304 STRONG-In ioving niemory beauty in the handscape. U V IEN 1963 RAMBLER Lic. J16493 1961 CHEVROLET Lic. H91084 ofailph who passed awey Ini Memoriain aour presence we m-iss, TRR«Q lvhg nienoiy 14 A L D ~~~~Your memory we treaaire. ofa demi husbmnd mnd fathershaw a W oodPr du ts AmraaindarlnaaJhylt,10.Oscar and Lulu, Rous and Willam Terry, who pessîâ1. Ma c -N L29-j liewas a friend ta everyone, His equal bard ta ticd, And no anc ever spoke of COUETICE F ODS E ~In oter ways than kind. i1îii MED. SOPI"NG CE"TE F OMA:E' EMOIRLS Ancd naw* that hg la here no- - - - - - Dinife Sud DWaeUctve May the sorrow that we 219 KING ST. E. . BOWMANVILLE - - pa weng know0 ftiIE 11 1o0 uge s 57ue r bUUU u -uvuîrc IContact On. of Our Courteous Salesmen: BUDD FOGG JEY R EAN HAP PHILP II~ lF 152 8....St. ** ~That otheis laved hlm sa.j 723-IM02 728OODi Lovingly renmmbred by OMM.. vuhgs suf l* dil]y. 39-10 MALLOMTU.THE NA"ETO MBWW ON u 'i i 'I