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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 20 Jul 1966, p. 2

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2 .The Canadian Statesman, Bowmanvlfe, JuIy 20, 1968 IMagistrates Court I HIfeId JlaBwmanlel * (PROM PAGE ONE) a curve.Re. aded not gu1lty and argued i aea greal length. .Sergeant A. IL Earker, ORP, testllled that lie waa on patro] b littie north of Taunton Road When he noticed ahead of him a transport followed by two cars Theonedirectly b.. hind the. transport pufled out on a curve and passed It. 5cr. geant Barker pursued thc car, 5toppéd the driver and ex- -Plained to hum what a dan- iÇerous manoeuver he had Mr. Stackhouse sald that he was an insurance agent and drove many miles each year in hua work. Re said he had been told semne years ago by an OPP Inspecter that it was quite ail right ta cross the double Uine on a hlghway pro. vided there was na tratfxc condng In thc opposite direc- tion. He said he had been do- ding Uic smre ever since and in this case he thought he had lots of tirne ta pass in safety. It was shown that a car. coming in thc opposite direc- tion at 60 miles an hour would be travelling 88 feet per sec- ond and he would have about four seconds ta pass. The fine was $10 and cests, New Advisory Board to Plan Development T. K. Creighton, Q.C., Chair- man of the Board of Directors of Centrai Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation, H e a d Office, Oshawa, is pleased ta announce the formation of *the West Durham Advisory *Board ta guide the develop- >ent and growth of the Cern- .pany's Bowmanvilie Office on ,Fa regional basis. *- Members of the Board are: >oss Stevens, Bowmenviile; ,#William Reid, Orono; R. Mur- 4Oray Patterson, Newcastle; N. 4 Byron Vanstone, Bowmenvillc; W. Key Lycett, B.A., Orono; *iA. A. H. Strike, B.A., Bowman- ~vie; Wm. Taylor, Bowman- *At the first meeting of the eoard held on Juiy 8th, 1966, ,ý1Kr. Ross Stevens, Bowman- *vilie, wes electcd Chairman tand Mr. William Reid, Orono, :was clected Vice-Chairman. 4Mr. Wm. Taylor, Manager of *the Bowiianville Office, wes 'tappointed ,Secretary. ~The West Durham Advisory .,Board wil meet mrjonthly te, eonsider mertgege loan eppli- :cations and the ecceptance of will facets of new business and twill plan and guide the de- 'velopment of Central Onterio *Trust's reglonel office located *.tt 23 King Street West, Bow-. tinanv1le, i the manner mot avourable ta the ares. or three days. Mr. Stack- h ouse, stlflarguig, Jeid It t Dymtro Kocan, R.R. à, was charged wltli contravention of a Darlington Township by- law whlch requires a dwell- ig lieuse to have 1,500 square feet on Uic ground fleor. Hie pleaded net guîlty. Towsi oiio A. A. H. StrkecaledCharles Warren, the building ispector, who stated that Mr. Kocan applied i June lait year for a per- mit and wau grantcd one pro- vided his house met the miini- mum requirements. He bult anc only 1,380 square feet i rarea. The inspecter said he 1lied visited the premimes a number cf times and that the township had been lenient in Uic matter. On June Gth this year he found Mr. Kocan liv- ing i the houme and Uiat It was stlll not up to the requir- ed area. The defendant told the court that he had new laid footings te, increase the size of bis house and would have it up ta township standards as sean as passible. He was fined $50 and $7.00, or seven deys. Earl Alfred McInnes 374 Ritson Roed S., Oshawa, was fined $25 and costs, or five days, for illegel possession of liquor. Constable T. A. Yardy, OPP, seid he laid the charge after checking a car parked on Courtice Road. Albert Billion, 121 Larin- dale Avenue, Oshewa, pieaded guilty ta eperating a boat without previding a life jacket for each occupant. Douglas Nickson, R.C.M.P., steted that at 7:30 p.m., Sun- day, June 19th, Mr. Billion wes opereting. bis boat an Lake Ontaria near Darlington Park with eight persans aboard-four aduits and four children. There wes only one life jacket. Mr. Billion seîd that he purchesed the boat the day before and thet he knew it was unwîse ta go on the lake without the proper life pro- serving equipment. He added that he bought life jackets the next morning, Monday. «"Not only unwise, but un- iawful," said Magistrate Bax- ter. "W1ýet good would they have been if you and your passengers were at the bottom of the lake? Suppose your new boat had caught fire and everyone had te take ta the water. They would nieyer ail have reached shore, ospecially the childi-en. We would have had another boeting traedy"l. Hie seid that smre people think this Is oniy a suggestion. It is net. It is thc Iaw. A life preserver for eech occupant must lie cerried. "Now that you have thern, keep thcm in your boat and net in the garage", warned Hum Worship, imposing a fine cf $50 and $5.50 casts, or seven Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Souls with whom are now merted Monteith, Riehl, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants Montreal Windsor Edmonton oshawa Winnip~eg Prince Toronto Regina George Hamilton Caltary Vancouver Gordon W. Bleu,. C.A., RIA.L Burt R. Waters, C.A. Oshawa Oshawa Shopping Centre 128-7527 p. e Yo uU. I EVIRY WEEK ELMER US iGIVING AWAY.: IMPERIAL '700' DIKES ONE BOY'S ONE GIRL'S IFLYTE ACCE5SORY KITS loch Ki contains bicycle l.ck, honcHe grips, bell, m"i flop end streamer. I I i--i Hlow TO INTER l Cui $Ni oso of .poper mffg demi k.mm d.4W 1dm mkw. oew esaIr*A* hé. " MMON u .1rN 2 List « »pare. moed. pop e »V« Ihiffl wiwif la *4,0 Uiciv. dem.. on lh rrAen. Do# fer- O~ b la W nmm d Newcastle Area Man Seriously lnjured. 1 - - - -- - - - ~~~1 Lots of other dundy prizes tee! I or Elmer's Summer Safety C.tst contest is baod on EIm.r's ruic -Ride youw bike safelY, I p il isigns and signois". Find the sevon errers in the Pic- thon coler It and mail t.a ddrose bolow. lis fun i tI 4 NmmM. beOem. 1*. pro- oel f Eli m wtieSf.y b- plu w à@~umotb.. emtwwd. s tibIdmm of eumpso hi e M wpapMPU f» Omovl 80ef«Yi toam OWmaiCCM. ...y ,w« OFmM à Aay dld of d.hmoIy $Ch"ela"gRoy ~fe. 7 Juo«s wlN bu Trfflc SfeWy t JULY 27 te: 9 t:LM M AM .............. C/0 QI4TARIO SM AM YI!AGM I- ýý 2W K40 TU~TWUS AE U.wow.. e. '#llccailof o tila Gntst sponsor*&. by bowmANVIL KlNsbmENCLUB 8Thomas Sherwln, aged 44, - n electrician, Cacsaea, plead- 14 guilty ta fraudulently and maliciously uulng electricity and thereby committing thelt firom Uthe Ontario Hydre. Robert McLennan, a secur- lity officer, stated that Mr. Sherwin's power was discon- nected at bis summer cottage et Oasarea for non.payment scf hiii hydre bill. Hie present- c d photographa showlng how -a Une had been tapped and -threc wlres strung down Uic ecottage roof and ini through a eprtal opened wlndow. On Ju1y4theh found Uicse by- p5 heicmeter and were In operation because Uic lights were on In the cottage. The officer dld flot knaw for sure how longf this opération had Mr. Sherwin told the court tthat he lied a nervous break- 1down last feUl and expericnced efinanclal difficulties. He stat- c d that lie owcd over $3,000 incarne tax. Whcn the Hydre idisconnected Uic uine for non- Spaynient ts summer ho hoak- c d up hlm own arrangement ta toperate him refrigerator, water pump and lights. He addcd that he had sald his boat ta tpay the Hydro bill and. have the pawer connected agein. Mr. Sherwin deniled havlng any previous record of any klnd. Crawn Attorney Bannycastie asked fer time te chcck this last statement. He sald that information from Hydre re- presentatlves was that Mr. Sherwin had been in several business ventures and haçl lssued some very bauncy cheques. Hie suggested that Mr. Sherwin might have sold his boat soaner and paid his bill sa the power would neyer have been disconnected. Thé case will continue Aug- ust 9th. Lea Ehasoo, 16 Coe Hi Drive, Tarante, pleaded guilty ta going through a red light at Liberty and King Streets, June 2nd. Corporal John Mc- Guey stated that he laid the charge after investigation of a two car accident et that corner. Thc fine was $10 and $7.00 costs, or five days., Lloyd Maxwell Fancy, eged 17, 84 Ontario Street, pieeded not guilty ta carelees driving June 2Oth. Corporel McGuey investigeted the twa car acci- dent on Ontario St. Fancy's vehicle had run intoi a parked car and sustained an estimet- ed $500 damnage. Mr. Fancy said he remein- bered stepping for the stop sign farther back and nothing more. He believed that he hed biacked eut and rejected the Crown's suggestion thet he had fellen asleep. He ex- g lained thet he had injured is head in an accident sme time ago in Nova Scotia and believed this was the cause cf his blackout. Thcenietter was adjourned for a week me thet Uic accused rnight go toaa doctor for an examinatien.. Alice Clark, Waverley Rd., was charged April l7th with placing poison where animais had access to It. She pleeded guilty. Evidcncc was that there hed been disegreement with a a.igbourabout, dags and - at-tlernng at large over her property. She unwiscly took the matter in her own hands and set eut bread spread with a redenticide. . Magistrate Bexter palnted out thet there is a township by-law prohiblting anirnals running.et largc and muggest- cd thet action be ta k en through this channel. Hé suspended sentence for one year. Over 275 Canadians drewn- cd in 1965 because thcy lesti their balance and fell inta theE water. Your Red Cross re-1 minds you ta be water wise.-1 Albert F. Cox fis many friends in this ai-ea will lie happy ta learn that Albert F. Cox of Oshawa ceiebrated bis 89th birthday on July 12th. Bai-n in Bowmenvîlle in 1877, he learr.ed bis trade of piano tuning in the Dominion Orgen end Piano Company loceted here and in 1909 moved ta Oshawa ta furtber bis profession wîth the Will- iams Piano Company. fie is the youngest son of 13 cbildrcn bei-n ta the late Mr. and Mrs. David Cox wbo carne ta Canada fi-rn Engiand in 1872. Mr-. Cox, enjoying good l#ealt#-,bai. been, e resi-j dent of fil> sdale.ý Manb)r since' August 1965, following the dcath of bis wife, the former Blanche Pingie of Bowrnan- ville. He ceiebreted bis birthdayl with a fish supper et Sturgeon with bis sans Frank, Arthur and Clarence and daughtcr Florence (Mrs. F. f. Smith). Mrs. Clarence Cox, formerly Helen Darcb cf Bowvmenvilie, cooked the fish. ITT'ICrmT ltIPlLKT Mr-. aind Mrs. Oliver Rohrer and Mr-. EarleBowers bave i-e- turned frSin a pleasent mater trip ta Balxne-town in the Red Lakoe District where tbey visited Earl's brother, Jerry, 'w'ho is wit!h 'thc Ontaio Pro- vinicial P olicee detachmrent there. The~y elso called on Dr. Jack Meriow, Mrs. Meriow and family et Lively on their cireuler tour cf Lake Super- ior. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Thomp- son visited reccnt]y with ber sister and brother, Mrs. James Naylor and Mi-. Robert John- ston, Peifferlaw. Mr. John Siem-on, Enniskillen, cailed during tbe weelc et the Thenupson's. Mr. and Mrs. Thompson are now boiidaying et tiheir cottage et ViewIake. On Sunday the fa-ily enjoy- cd a bdrtihday party for Mi-. Thonipson. Those present were his mother (over nine- ty) Mss. James Thonupson, Whitbiy, bis sister and ber husb'and, Mr. anid Mrs. Nor- man Warmnington, Toronto. Mr-. and Mirs. Neil Baiiey and Howard, Mr. and Mrs. Neil Werry, Lariry and Carol and Donna Swein, Blackstiock. Many happy retumrs. Grant! On Thursday the Bowers enjoyed a famiUy picnic et Orone Park. Thosoe ttcnding were Mre. Lonnie Chapnan and fainily, Noirtlh Bay, Mrs. Wiliford Vine an-d family, Mr. and Mm-i. Arnold Williams and fasniiy, and Mr-. and Mrs. George Bowers fi-on Nestie- ton, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Sut- ton, Mr-. and Mns. Ken Gray and fanilly, Orono. The Ainold William-s wcre hasts tor a family party on Sunday. They enterteined bis parents, Mr. and Mm s.Clai-ke Wlliame, and bis sister and her husband, Mr-. and Mrs. Doug. Falfls and family, Bow- nmiville. Lait week Elaine Jackson, Port Pei-ry, and Donna Jack- son, Caesarea, visited with ther grendmiother, Mrs.. Wil- fred Jackson an-d their uncle, Mr-. Alan Jackson. Thiis week K-athryn, Carol and Carmen Jackson. Port Perry, are hall- daYlng wlth the Jackso'us. Holidaying on thc farrn witb grandmother in always ai inroable occasion in any chl'.lUte.1 Mffany people, durhIng tic heat wave, have suftered in- ommia, but a peaing cyclist wan kmmune ta suê fra4iltiet. Lut week a gentlenua pak- Mr. Brown sustained a fractured jaw, fracturesý of bis shoulder and ribs, an injury to bis right eye, and scalp lacerations. He was taken to Memorial Hos- pital where he received treatment in the Emergency Department, and then was transferred by the Bow- manville Area Ambulance to Oshawa General Hospi- tal. Constable Tracy Davis was the investigating off icer. cd bis motorcycie on the boulevard in Nestieton, i- fleted bis sleeping beg, and~ spent a restfuà night in the village-ne worries, no fees, just the occasieal bark of a dog ta mer bis dreems. Front and tail ligbtis on bis machine showed he was safety-con- sci'ous toa. This community has lie- come basebail entbusiasts and The Malcolm Mernoriel Park is the scene of meny a lively gaine. Lest week the Cart- wright Pee Wees piayed the Em=rerson Pee Wces, Port Perry. Congratulations, Port Perry! At the weekend the Nestieton Foresters piayed the Burke-ton teain. Congratu- lations, Nestietan! These jun- ior and senior gaines foster a feelinig of good wili and good sportsmanship and teech these young men to iearn, eariy in life, that 'Life's Gai-ne' is not always smooth sailing and anytihing worth havingi is worth working for. Severel froin this communi- ty went ta Sonya to see the Sonya Braves defeat the Port Perry Merchants. Nice going Sonya! Mvr. an-d Mrs. Earl Ross and Mr. Gordon Fleming, Scarbor- ough, were Sundey guests of Mr. and M'rs. George Heaslip. Mr. Fleming is currently visiting with bis -sister and ber husband, Mr-. end Mrs. Gil. Purceil, Leaside. Friendis wish Mr. Fleming iinproved heaath. Several boys from this corn- munity bave joined tre Black- stock Scout boys and are camipin'g et Coefill, Mcnday ta Friday. Mrs. Cecil Wilson wes hos- tenss for Uic -Nestleton 4.IAdies' Aid on Tuesday, July 12th. Ontarilo Leader lWill be Guest at liberal Picnic 1ne annual Lilieral Picnic wiil be heid at Waltona Park this week on Saturday after- moon, July 23rd, 9tarting at two o'clock. Andrew Tbomnp- son, M.P.P., Leader of the Liberal Party in Ontario, wil be present, and of course Rus- sell C. Honey, M.P. for Dur- hamn County, will be there. Bill Williams is the Picnic Oharman, and everyone is invited te carne and to bringý their family n friends. There wil lie free swimiming and pony rides, and ice creain and pop for the didren. There will aise b. a good pro- grwm of races and otiher con- tests starting et three o'clocic. At four o'clock there wili lie a keenly contested annual bail ganie between the No.r- tbern Grits captained liy AI- ian Beer, Beth«oy, and the Southern Reforzners, captain-, cd by Herry Wode, Newton- - ville, the President of the Durhamn County- Liberel As- saciatien. At 5:30 o'clock tiiere will lic free ceffee for peeple ta have with the picnic suppers they have brought. There wfll aise lie a Big Draw. The «a ners will have tiheir choice the prizqs which include a Coaey .22 Rifle, Picnic Bas- ket, Jewel Case, Credenza. Coffee Table, and Cm" Longue. e Local Violinist Wins Bursary Miss Madeline Merkley, 8-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Me ~ey' Concession Street , rcVved word this week that she had been awarded a Schol- arshlp in Violin at the Toronto Conscrvatory of Music. She Is now studylng Grade 3 Violin wlth teacher Miss Joyce Gundy et the Conservatory. There was a good attendance 1 and a splendid meeting wtihl Mrs. Grant Thompson chair- ing tihe meeting. Mi-s. Fisheri and Mrs. Hogg, Toronto la- dies who are bolidaying et their cottages, were welcome guests. Mina. Thompson gave a reading, "'The Value of Money," Mrs. Fisher a read- inig "Sangs", and Miss Ruth Proutt a poem "Ail Worth- whiie." The coimmunity wili be interested ta know the Presbyteniens are planning another turkey supper early in Novernber. Mrs. Chas. Smith, Biaekstock, will be bhostcss for the August meet- ing. In the Preshylerian Cburch Sunday morning, Mr. Lloyd Fourney, B.A., delivered a fine sermon,.fie stressed the need for workers and disciples cf Christ. Mr-. C. J. Fisher, Toronto, was again the guest organist. Several Tcrronto folk, who are balid.aying et their cottages, attended the ser'vice and Nestileon friends are always pleesed to wei- corne thein. In the United Churah, Rev. Philip Romeril chose as bis subject, "SiPfPelry Places." To avoid thiese pitfils, as people go through life, they need, (1) fine memorjes - home, mother, Christian teacbings; (2) trust by others -most rcspond ta a trust plec- ed in hem; (3) quiet assesis- ment of the ultimete resuit cf their actions. The Malcolm, quintet provided the music with Mr. Lawrence Malcolm et the organ and Gai!, Bannie, David and Dennis slnging the entjhem, "Blessed Savieur." Severail Toronto folk were weicome visitors at the ser- vice. WEST DURHAM ADVISORY BOARD U Centfrai Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation T. K. CREIGHTON, Q.C., CHAIRMAN 0F -THE BOARD 0F DIRECTORS 0F CEN- TRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION, HEAD OFFICE, OSHAWA, IS PLEASED TO ANNOUNCE THE FORMATION 0F THE WEST DURHAM ADVISORY BOARD TO GUIDE THE DEVELOPMENT AND GROWTH 0F THE COMPANY'S'-BOW- MANVILLE -OFFICE ON A. REGIONAL BASIS. MEMBERS 0F THE BOARD ARE - ROSS STEVENS, Bowmanville, Chairman Fermer proprietor of Glen Rac Deiry and Dairy Farrn; Member, Bowrnenville Pub- lic Utilities Commission; Formber Darlington Caunty Councilior; Former Deputy Reeve and Bowmenviile Town Councillor and Past Master, Jerusaleni Mamonic Lodge. WILLIAM REID, Orono, Vice-Chairman Weli-known Fermer, foi-se- man and Breeder of Aber- deen Angus Cattie; Director Durham Beef Association and Mernbcr of the Odd- fellows Lodge. W. KAT LYCITT, Orouo Well-known D arli n g ton Township Barrister prectis- inglnO'rono; Solicitor fer the Clar-ke Township Arem, School Board. R. MURRAY PATTERSON, Newcastle Sec't.-Treasurer, Toms & Sons Limited, Newcastle; Past President, Newcastle Lions Club and Member, Durham Ceunty 111gb Scbool Board. A. ALLAN H. STRIKE, aowmanvillo Barriater, Partner in the Law Office' of Strike & Strike; Municipal Solicitor for the Town of Bowman- ville and Darligton Town- ship, Memlier and Past Director of the Bowmen- ville Rlotary Club and Mem- ber and former Chgirman of thc Durham County 111gh School Board. N. BYRON VANSTONE, Bowmanvilie Proprietor, Vanstone Flour & Fccd Miil; President, Ontario Fleur Millers Asso- ciation; Director, Canadien Millers Mutuel Fire Insur- ence Ca.; Member, Bow- manville Committce of Ad- justmcnt and Past Pi-esi- dent, Bowmanville Liens Club. wILLIAM TAYLOR, EoYwnanvllle, Secretery Menager, Bowrnanville Of- fie Central Ontario Trust & Savings Corporation. ) Gordon C. Brown, age 22, R.R. 2, Ngwcastle, was seriously injured when his sports car lef t the Wharf Raad on the curve near 401 Highway and rolled over in a gully. It is believed the unconscious man lay alongside his upturned vehicle for more than an heur before the accident was discovered at 12:50 a.m. on Friday when motarists passing some distance away on 401 Highway noticed the car's lights. (onservatives, Plan Picnic at Orono's Park The Durham Progressive Conserva t i v e Associations Picnic will lie held at Orono Park next Wednesday after- faon, Jui1y 27th, anjd everyone is aéked te attend. There will be races and sports and al the fun of an aId time picnic, the origanizers promise. Alie x Carruthers, M.P.P. for Durham and sev- enal distinguished guests, of- ficials of the P-C Party, will be at the event. It will start at three o'clock in the afternoon and those attending are .,requested to bring a picnic lunch. Hot water and coffee will lie pro- vided. Tecichers <FROM PAGE ONE) nology. Courtice wilI have a. staff oft 42 teachers, en in-, crease of 12. Clarke High School wfll have a total teaching staff of 17. There will lie four new w-ho resigned et the end of the 1965-66 sehool year. Part Hope High Scbool wil bhave 21 new teechers sterting on is staff in the auturnn. They will replace 26 teachers who left.aet thc end of the lest terni. At tJhe bcginining of thre 1M6-66 tem i here wcre 69 teachiers aet Port Hope District HtJ Sdiool. The teaching staff iu rlow betng re6izcd te 64 with the shif of pipproxi- mately 150 sttudeinté frein there ta the Courtice Scon- diary Sdîool. Completion of thec Courtice Ig'h School's new wing in Septemnber will resulti the ellsnination of Uic nieed for some. of Uic portable cdass- reoms used et Port Hope dur- ing the past year. One portable classroocn frein the Port H-ope Higli Sehool is tai b. placed et Clarke High School whuere one more class- r'oom is needed this year. lMilJbrok High Sohool wi]i have eiglit teacheirs in Sep- tembner. 1 -J 89th Birthday

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