cSocaIl& Eersonal Phione 623-3303 Mn. and Mis. John M. James, sons Bob and Rick, laft Thuasdey aflernoon for Cpglumbim, Souhi Carolinaae- ~ ghomeSunday aven- .Bb s planning 10 attend University o! South Car- '"llna this falU. Mi and Ma-s. LeRoy Short and Allen hava just netua-nedi Imom an enjoyable trip through 'Ver-mont, Maine, Nova Scatia, Prince Edwaîd Islandi and Cape Breton Island. Ennoula home they stayadi in Quabac City and did omre sighlsaeing thera. Mn. and Mis. Clifford Mac- Nai, Oakville, ana holidaying wlth Ma-s. E. Henng, Hendry Apailxmant, King St. East. Mi. Mcmi wms a iemban o! The Stalesman staff quite a !ew years mýgo. He is opeaming his own pîimling plant in Claîkson. Visiloîs with Mi. mmd Mis. Ross Stevens this week weîc SFrank Carafoot o! Vii- Man., (formeily Mns. Chas. Kerr o! Mapla Gaove), Masters James Weary amd John Drew, Oshawa, Cmrii Peace mmd Douglas Hutton, Ebenezer. Mr. andi Mas. Bruce Emland family have reluined tb Bow- znanvilla !îom Oweîni, East- ern Nigeria, wheîe Mi. Bal bas bean teaching at the Gov- ernment Seeomdmny Schoal. Ma-. Bal will ha eahing mi 7 MREHOB THhian ChritianRChristia Churh Worslp services il arn. 7:30 p.în. Hack To God Hour 1 Ci"s Lry Sunday, 9:15 P.nx Mr. andi Mis. Douglas Pies- ton, Tarante; Mr.. mmd Mis. Hariy Richardis and Esther, Toronto, and Mis. Richards' Iwo munIs fuain Scoîlaidi, Mi. mmdi Mrs. Lloyd Gildars and Mn. and Mis. Roy Gildene, Pet- erborougb, and Miss Leona Gildens, Ottawa, wenerecment weekand guests o! Mis. Ethel Preston, Churcb St., mmd aI- tandedi the waddlng o! han giandison, Mr. Bruce Colwall, and Miss Eiemnor Piokard, bath o! Bowmanville. New GM Sales Zone At Ottawa Cremtion o! a naw Ganaral Matons o! Canada sales zone cantredi at Ottawa was mn- nounced July 161h by E. H. Wlkar, president amd geneam manager. The new zone will include the Ottawa Valley andi parts o! Nonthamn Ontarioanmd Quebec. "SOui present estimatas cf the growth o! vehicle popu- lation in this ganarmi aiea bas made the ciealion o! a ninth GM sales zone in Canada essantial. Thearmias caveredi by the new zone areaemong the fastest growing inx Canada. We mean 10 give the fullesI and most completa support 10 oui deamiers in Ihis teriitoiy," Ma-. Walkcr said. Construction o! a new zone salas office mmd service train- ing centra wilh 20,000 square feat o! floor space on the north sida o! Otmwa's Blast Roadi, just wesb o! St. Lawrence Boulevard, is schedulcd te be- gir. this month. GM expacts the building will ha îeady for accupmncy by Dacember 1. The office will be staifedi by appioxixmately 30 people as wall as fieldi epresanlalives. The building will contain a mcavice trainiing classroom wbeîe deamiers' mechanics wiUl be tralmed in thc latest pie- ducî developnenta. Il wilU misa house a manpowen frein- ing conference ioin fer sales personnel. Architecte a-e Burgess, Mc- Lean and MacPbayden of Ottawa. GM mow maintmins zone sales offices at Moncton, Mantreal, Toronto, London, Winnipeg, Regina, Calgary and Vancouver-. TRIMITY UNITED CHURCH Minuter - Rbev. George X. Ward, B.A, B.D. Organist - Mr. Arthur CoUion, MULE, L.R.SM lUaIted Servie« Wftb St. FaulTa Ceagrgati.. Durlng July and AugusL MORNING WORSHIP Ne Churcis SehooL.Nurury for edrum dudug the meabm ee. Celebrate 5Oth Anriiversary Ma-. K. Lee, Chicago, IIL, Bowxnanville Hlgh Sahool is YtiUng Mr. and Ma-s. Frank next Fail. Oue ntan'o Street. -Ma-s. Florence Rea o! Por- ~vdGoheen le spending a tage la Prairie, Man., hem been 5MW wek iTampa, Florida, visiting han sistea-, Mis. W. J. with Ma. Joseph M. Wallace. Langmaid (Louise), Oshawa, Ma. E. Murphy o! Murphy's anid spent a day with ber sis- Pua-hture netua-ned this weak ter, Mis. Rosa Stevens (Mai- mlter a week's holiday aI West- ion) and Mi. Stevens, and Port, Com. vlsited her broilier Ted Moi- Ma-a. M. E. Leask spent a ris and Ma-s. Morris. week at Baptiste Lake wlth Mr. and Ma-s. Wlured Slmp- her cousin, Ma-. K. Hawkins, son, Roly and Bruce, Duke Romne. N.Y. St., are holdaylng in Monc- M-inMs.adton, Prince Edward Islandi familiy, E L Ca l Uic and Cape Breton. They plan weeke Elmnih rspntte tour the Cabot Trail, etc. Mr-S. M. E. er the. Ma. Norman Van Nest, Mn. and Mr easg u. Windsor, is spanding a month ton, lbeMS.reorgeut- dwith hia ister, Mis. Sam ton, SAirayStreet, neunBrooks, Wellington Street. tour of Northeîn Ontario in Miss Carolyn Stacey, daugh- thehr Camper. te o MrcadvMrs. Mnseil Ma. and Ma-s. Boy Webber, Stceed orrdvfoiewQus e. Ontailo Street, iecently re- Uiveîslty tha she has een tUraned fa-cm a pleasant trip ta wred$0 Universtîhtsehsiîye Vanouvr, .C.Ennutathay Scholership for high standing tpe a lnîa adJs in Latin. This terni Miss Sta- per. cey completadi the second yaar Mis. Arnoldi Anderson and cf the Honouns Classics course. Joanne, Kingson, were guesîs MnadMi.E Wilts o! Mi. andi Mrs. S. R. James Librtyad St. . uh, ntrne last week while Mr. Ander- îaenty St.routholiday atd soinn mToaronoGad. XIIThelgai Lodge nemi Young's Lati lxiToroto.Point. Unfoîtunatcly tha holi- Mins Tina Hughes returned day was maîredi when Mis. on Sunday te St. Joseph's Hos- Willatt's sufferadi an injury to p ita School of Nursing, Peter- her left knee when sha fell boough, after spending a 3- fîom the dock while fishing. week vacation wlth her par- Mis. Willatts is convlascing ente, Counil len and Mis. et home. Glanholma Hughes. Mr. and Mis. Gordon Phil- Mr-. and Mis. Waîd Hoff- lips, Montreal, visited his ien, Sally and Wmnd Jr., E11 maunI, Mis. R. M. Cale, lasI wood City, Pa., spent Friday week. Mi. Phillips is organ- and Saluaay with Mis. Hoff- ist andi choirmastar of St. inan's motheî, Mis. Gec. W. George's Church. At the close James, King SI. East. o! the service on June 26, Mis. R. H. Pickaîd, Mi. Carl 1966, e presantation was made Fickmrd, Kingsville, and Mr. ta Mi. Phillips for complet- Bill Pickaîd, Biockville, re- ing 20 yeaîs service et St. cently vlsited Mr. mmd Mis. S. George's Anglican Church. R. James and aîtended the Of particular interesitet CWweli-Pickard weddimg. Mis. A. G. Scott, King St. 'this coming weekend is a East, was the photo ini lasI long oe which includes Civic Fridays Globe and Mail o! Holiday on Monday. So don't Unitedi States Piesident John- lergalte phone in items for son receiving A. Edgpr Ritchie, tbis colunin. We'Illha glad to tha niew Canadian Ambassa- hean froni you. Just dial 3- dor. Mi Ritchie, whe is Mis. 3303. Scotî's cousb, is the son o! Mis. Harîley Lewis,, Mis. Dr. Stanley Ritchie, Andover, M. S. Dale andi Mis. Mor- N.B. Ha has been in the dip- ley Vanstona racently spent a lomatic service for many yeaîs week with Mis. S. R. James et andi was a Rhodes Scholar in the James cottage, Gooder- 1945. barn. Mis. F. W. Bowaîs îaturned Mi. and Mis. E. V. Hoar, on Tuesday le her home i King St., East, spent the weck- London, Ont., aflai a waak'a end with their son andi daugh- visit with Miss Ivy Hockley, ter-in-law, Mi. andi Mis. Chas. Liberty St. North. Mis. Bow- V. Hoar, Barbara and Tom, at ers plans te visîl her daughlar tbein cottage, Port Sandfild, in London, England, next Sep- Lake Rosseau. lembai. Mis. Boweîs tbld Ibis Recenî visitors wlth Mi. and writer tbat sha foundi Bow- Mis. A. Saundens, Waveîîey manville resîful and deligbt- Bd., weîe Mn. and Mis. Ver- fui and bas anjoyed han visil mon Saundens mnd Mis. D_ mmensely, but that sha great- 'Irlbe o! Toronta,,mand Mi . anâ ly missedi the aid post office Mis. Gao. Clark amd son Ern- Ibuilding at the main Inlersco- au+ É%. si.... l ion. Mr. and Ma-s. Robert James Keene are shown ini the above photo following their maîriaga in Free Methodist Chunch, Madoc, on Saturday afternoon, July 2, 1966, aI 3 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss Norma Jean Wagar, daughter of Ma-s. Thomas Lough, Madoc, and the late Rev. Norman Wagar, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Ma-s. James C. Keene, also of Madoc. J1) Ilanmd their bouquets were o!'f Weddteq I m ad pink caja 9 Mr. HaroldYellowlees,En nislRen, was hast man and KEENE - WAGAR the usheni were Mi. William Wagaa-, Bramialea, axai Mn.S ASangetnmenit.5of pink ila- Carl Robinsion, Madoc. ' dioli and white 'muuns Lormedi A reception foliowad in St.1 mn alla-active satting for the Pters Presbyterian CIurchJ mairiage of Miss NoiTla Jea Hall where the biide'e mothea-f Wagaî mnd Mi, Robert James reoeived in a light blue mate- Keane in Médoc Free Metha- lasse jacket-da-es with match-, dist Church on Satua-day al- mg bal, mmd white accesson- ternoon, July 2, 1966, et 3 j«s.he groom's munI, Miss o'cflock. The bride Ila the dieu- Victoria Robinson o! Peter- gtercd '!Mis. Thomas Lough, borough, assîsted to raceive Madoc, anai the late Rev. Nor- weaîing a îwa-piece rose linen nian Wegar, and fthe brida- drcss with white lace insert groom is the son o! Mr. mmd aI thc meckîie, matcbing bat Mrs. James C. Keenie, aloc o! and white accasmsries. Bothf Madoc. wore corsages o! pink sweeî- Rev. G. W. Sadore officiatedi heail rose. amn the guesl paws werc For travelling, the bride ma-kadi by white satin bows. chose a pixik brocede sheath Ma-. G. W. Sedone played the dress with matching thice- wedding muic and accom- quarter length coaI, pink hat, painicd the soloiat, Miss Bren- whlite accessoes and white dia Sadore. orchidi corsage. They wiII re-T . edaet Apt. 201, 63 Larribai Given i mima-age b.v ber Ie, Bowmnaxville. brother, MT. Williamn Wagaa- The bride, who attendedi o! Branialea, the bride wore Madoccpublic Sdxool and Cen- a !uU-length, empire A-lina ta-e Hastings Secccn darny1 goPwn 01 white de lustredi Sebool, is a membem- o!fthe peau de sale wth bodica o! îeacbing ste'!! aI Vincent Mas-î scuIplured. Guipure lace styl- eey Scboel, Bowmmnville. An1 ed wit.h a scoop necklixic mmd cmpioyee o! Gemea-al MotorsI bell geeves. A detachable, of Canada, the groom attend- spit chapel train ta-inmedi cd O'Haam Public Sehool and 1 wâh band8 'O! Guipure lamCe Cntre H.-etlngs Secomdiaryi higllglued the gown. HrShd toua--tier, eQbow-length vail Before ber marnlaga, the. tel fio Il a Oown of Pemala bride was honoied i wth sev-i id orystals, and ixe cariled cm-l parties. Vincent Masseyq a bouquet ci pink sweetheart School Staff andi Bowmaniilc ranmd ivy, oenired with a friands beld a party in bera- white Utcbl. honor. Miss Nancy Empey1 MWssLob. Elilottt o!Foboro ws bostem or à linen show- w» nld of houSanmd fthc er aI ber hI n Eldorado.1 bidemuaids weMn-. Joan A shcwen was givan by Mins W"w.Br="ansmdi MissIàois EllotI of Fcxbom-o; mmdi Breq4m Sedare,,Mmdoc. lbey thOý brides pupils beld a pmty ««e in famiuul lenth gowns mi the homme o! Mns. Ruby of pkxk dxUm ovea- tfttm a - lm, owmamvifle. Ma-a. with em b'e~o et !whitel Wiliam IMIMn wua haslea ambmolomd lac. wM s quare feraà --- ai ber homme lai neckllme, bel l sievu and Madoc. âMlk *11r. Thcy woa-e px ow rei aIGenenai Mo- wfflka -rIng homdpiem bwlh ta a mde a pr«OentatloIi ta gam, and ber hushandi, and Mis. Bernice Buday, wldow e: their son Bill. The wall known and i bghly aegrdcd 501h annivea-sai: calebrants have lived lnithe district for many yemrs. They were mariledi in the land of their birth, Hungary, and came to Canada i 1929. They scttled i Oshawa whera Mr. Budai Si. was eimpoyed by General Mo tors o'! Canada, until ha movcd to a farn i R.R. 6, Bowmenville, lxi 1939. The Govairmor -Gemeral ot Canada, General Georges Va- nier, sent a congratulatory telegram te Mr. and Mrs. Budai Si..,mand Ihey icceivai a lattai of congratulations and best wishes f rom the Prime Minister o! Canada and Mis. L. B. Pearson, and aise one fram Russel C. Honey, M.P. for Dur-hami Coumty, and Ma-m Honey. le Bert Budai, Jr. on behalf of the childa-en, daughters-in-law, son-in-law, and grandchildren of thxe Golden Wedding cale- brants expressed their best wishes for many more years of conti*nued happiness. He presented tihela- gift, an edec- fric dryer. A handsozne a-e- clining cha, the gift of! the large nuimber of friands ai thea ggthering, was also pre- sented by MT. Buxdai, Jr. Frank Budai, Montreal, ex- tended congratulations and good wisihas frorn relatives and friendis in Europe. Many cards, were also rec'eived from friends and relatives in dl!- lèvent parts of Canada and the Unitedi States. Almost 90 friends and re- latives of the honored couple enjoyedi the delicious dinner served at 3:30 o'clock. With Mr. andi Mis. Bert Buai, Sr. at the head table we-& the nernbers o! theia- ininiedlate faxily. This table was effec- tively centred wlth a two- tieredi wedding cake icd In white with floral decorations formedi of the frosting and in goldi surnxounted by 50 ini golen numerails. Two large golden wedding bellis were suspendedi by goldi coJored streamers above thxe 5th an- niversary celebrants. The large asmbly aat down for another sunmptuous meal at eight o'dock ini the PvenaJ5 whAn ml ot.yp w n s 'ci-ved.1 ENNISKILLEN Ma-. G. Stevens, Mrs. M. Slemon, Mr-. and Mis. J. Sie. mon and Robert visi>ted. with Mr. and Mis. R. Weaving at Jack's Lake. Robert remained for holidays. Mis. John Sienion recently spent a weelc at Kemptville attending a landscape paint- ing class sponsored by the Dept. of Edua-ation. Mr. andi Mis. A. Sharp, Mr. and Mrs. I. Sharp, Mir. and Mrs. R. Sharp attended the funeal o! M.as. Charles Wil- liasnson in Toronto on Tues- day. Mr. and Ma-%. Geo. Irwln weaerecment visitors of Ma-a. Vea-na Ferguscm, Bowmn. ville. We are very pleaaed tic re- port Ma-s. Roy MeGiUla i gain-1 ing in thxe hospital. .Soriry te report Mies Wla Wotten 19 In the Bowmunvie Menorta Hospital. We wlah Wilma a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mis. Keith McGlI and boysattended tihe MeÉGIlI p,=i o Satua-day et Peter- Mr. and Ma-s. Joe MoGill, Shaun. Dean andi Todd, Cooks- ville, MUa-.nd Mns. Ralpk Vi- tue and Judy weae Seuday evening dinner gueste of Ma-. and Ma-s. H. J. MoGlili. Mr. andi Mm. Garth McGill, lin and mark, Canningto, were weekend visiiors o! H. Me- Gil's and B. Vlrtues. Judy returned hmie with thein for holidmys. Mmi. Don Roberts mnd dau- gliier Dawn Marie, Downa- view, Ma-s. W. E. Peilow, I Whlty, were recet visituis o f Mr.and.lmd iLHare Ao- ton. IMr. and Mm-s. R. WDue IWestunout, Quebs-, imite ber brother, Mi. m ma i. A. lSharp. Uk Md Mm. Brock 01Me lu 'I ______________I SPECTROCIN FOR FIRST-AID USE Prevents infection f rom minor burns, cuts, scratches. %.oz. tube Sugg. Iist $1 .50 s1,29 ________________________________g If's New! - If's at l.D.A. MAZON MEDICATED AEROSOL FOAM A modern way to relieve the ltching end scaling cf PSORIASIS end minor skin irritations. 2-oz. Spray s3.89 ,The Camadian Stateian, EowmnvM% ,uY 27, 190 TL fl.... Urne I ii~ VI VilIv *WWN Clinton, .« eMDliday ovea-- roled b~y mince that event night guets et Mr.anid MaM. look place, lt was the ressont E. A. WM, eaa-aite ta viui for a fasnily party at thxe their daughte, Miss NancY Cammnunity Hallin Enniskil- Olde, Prince EÔ)WalIid and. len on Sunday, Juy24,196 Mr ndiMa-a. Lonne La.mb I attendance a h ahr were visitons on Sunday with ig were OrvlWea mother, à&. anms. Alen Wray and Mns. E. C. Ashton, aMa most !sanily, Bownmwlle. o!f the Inediate members of Mr.anid Mn-. G. Wern --j hie farnilY, also mn uncle, Mr. family, Mr. and Mre. Clarence Allen Siaintami, and a few Stainton me girls were Sat- specWa friemids, Mr. and Mis. urday evening sppçer guests E. J. Harrison, Toronto, Mi. mi S. Laimb's. mid Mis. C. Grahbat, Prince Ma-.mmd is. . ar<nAlbert, andi Mr. and Mru. J. Heatiher and Dale leift Sunday momning with Ma-. and Mm 3 . Considerable time was Ment Belle, Philip and Karen, of In posing for camesra shots o! Oshawa, on a week's vacation VaiOJu5 grouP arangements. with Ma-. and Mis. V. J. Belle, Mi. Haroison's Polaîoid cam- port Arum.ea-a produoed finished prints Mr. and Ma-m A. Sharp were fMr viewlng ini a !ew minutes. SIMxday goeta ofMr. and The buff et table wua Cen. Min. W. Sudenson, Colurn-bus. tied with a be.utlifully decor- Mr. andMi rs. S. Lamb and ated three-tier weddlxkg cake Mi. and Mis. G. Werry hlave wbich was oreated ky one of ipne for a few dae aation. the fm y culinary ats Ma-.mmdMis O.Be. Mis. G. Beeoh. Silvea- ana T. &to, vse0.l teatpisik candiles were mdded to Tornto viite wih te lt- h.e rtistic flower axiange- ter's sisteran md fnflhly, Mr. ment o! pink carnations and and Ma-s. A. Leadibesler. white nmunms wfhlch adoa-nad Mi. and Mrs. Angus King, the dinner table. Little EnItai, Mr. Joe Rek- Mirs. D. Weldon, nlece of ker, MapIle Grove, we-e Su-~ the groM, who wag a tlny day even!ng dinner guesta Of flower girl twenly-five years %&. and Ma-S. C. Avery. ago, receivedi the honoured Mn. Jian Swaln, Blackstock, coupqle and plnned a lovely ini OTpaIy with Mi. and MIrs. n'osebud oaasage on. the bride. A. L. Weaa-n ami Susan were Mis Lois Asihton piesented Sunday supper guests at Mi. lier fatiher with a boutonniere. and Ma-s. Don Wearn's, Dun- du.Mie DonaWeaa -n The thlrty-eight guesta en- tumned homme with hem- grand- JOY'ed a deliclous inr i parents for holidays. E.Ji. iariSn was M.C. and Mr. Geo. Pethick, MT. Lloyd in a hurnonous speech exlend- Pethick, Toronto, Mrs- H. cd congratulations to thxe spe- Bradleay, Oshawa, were recent cilSIguests. Mr. W. J. Boagg vieitors aet S. R. Pethick's. propoSed a toaut b fthe bride Ma-. ami Mrs, la-vin Cook, and groom o! 25 years. Mis. Mi. Gary Lutes, Ajax, wea-e Weldon, assisted by her lîttie Satuîday evening vîsîtorsata dau.ghter Terni, pa-asentedi a C. Avery's. gUi-to!fniatching walnut end We welcoane Mr. and Mis tables and a Blue Mountain Goddard to ouivil1lage; the potteny tray from thie fammily. aie living iMis. C. Boyd's Lois and Chartes Ashton gave home. thirl parants a pair of table Mi. and MSs. E. J. Harrison, ialfl¶26 The groom's sistai, Toronto, wcie weekenid guests mme. S. Podmian, who has jusi of Ma-. and Iisa. O. C. Ashton. iatixrncd from a trip 10 the Congratulations to Mi. and west coast, hadi a souvenir gifi Y is, O. C. Ashton on thei froni Banff!, a miniatur-e bra5.s y 25th weddlng anniversary. dinner bail. Several other k Mi. and Ms. Franik Mc-Gill gif s arrivedi, lncluding star' Y Toronto, Mn-. E. Page and ling silver Jewellea-y, L.P. a- >f Mess Elsie Oke hadi Sunday cOid of piano music, bonE d spper NwjihMT. and Mrs. china bon-bon dish, anda Y Stuart Prestion, Courtice. pouon !bauiulc-d r. and talaphone messages. y' 25th Weddng AnniversarY Margaret andi Orville Ash- a, or Mr-. ani Ma-s. 0. C. Ashton toneicpressed their apprecla. n lion to tIhe relatives and fii D- On July 21st, 1941, the firaI aends for a delightful paa-tý >f wadiding te ha held in the andi the veiy lovely gifts. Au L- United Church at East Teni- intea-astirig conversation piec y pleton, Quabec,' was that o! was a scrap bock compile& . miss Margaret Hazel Dalton and editedi by Miss Lois Ash- d and Ma-. Orville Charle Ash- ton on sonne ce the highlight, i ton. of the twenty-lve years oJ ae As lwenty-five yeaa-s have married i 11e o! han parens. ing a short oeua-atu W" at Queen's Unlversly. Xb4g' iEn. mrs. Wm. stuît la et the Liodge Nursing Homne et NOv.' caffle. Mr. and Ms. Win. Fairburn of Lakefleld, Mr-. Ed. Sargent of Peterborough visited Mr. and Mis. R. E. Logan on Sun- day. Mr-. and Mis. Bian Piest- ley and daughter Alison leave on Frlday for their home in Vancouver, :B.C., atter viait- ing her parents Mr. and Mis, Cecil Jonxes since April. Mr-. and Mis. Sterling Ma- tbees Patey and John are vWatlng rekteives iNewcas- tle, New Brunswick, for two weeks. Mr. and Ma-s. Ernest Bry- son of Kirby retuirned home recently f rom a bus toua- to the Western Provinces. Congratulations to Mr. and Ma-s. Robert John Hoknes, the formneer Mla Aalene Suzanne (Sue) MaJor, on their mar- riage in Orono United Ohuîch on Saturday, MÙly 23rd, 1966. Rev. Basil E. Long off iciated. Mr. and Mis. Holmes wiU a-e- side in Cooksville. Mr. and Mms. Fred Peters and familr, Mms. Hull cd Na- panee, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Watson and Larry of Water- down were dinner guesta of Ma-. and Mi's. Alex Watson on Saturday. Rev. and Ma-s. Basil E. Long 1vislted Mr. and Mrs. Cyril -Knight at Pal'merston and to- -gether visited in Flint, Michi- 9gan. eMa-. andclMa-s. James L. iJohnson attended the 25th eWedding Annlversary of their idaughter and son-in-law, Mr. àand Mrs. Loirne Atkinson, R.R. 1, Whitby. Mr. and Mirs. Ray Brown eJr., Rox~anna and Jimruy of eSt. Catharines vlsited Mr. rand Mrs. Charles Cooper on ýSaturday. *e Mrs. Bruce Mec-cr and Mirs, GtCordon, Simpson of the Oronn iPublic Library Staff are tak- 3%-oz. 79c value for 67c COOL ______M I I RAI-D HOUSE & GARDEN Bug killer 11.2 o. $1,19 KKO VAN SALTS 4'k-oz. sugg. list - 79c 73c 7'/soz. sugg. list $1.19 $107 Sure Tan by Nomzma Tans in 3 f0 5 hours Sugg. lisf $1.25 99C ______I I M DYNACHROME. (olour Film 8 mm. Mtovie Film - Sugg. lisf $4503,79 3S m.m. - 20 exp. - Sugg. Iist $3602,b99 (Film price Includes processing) Sugg. List - 39c ~~ PRESCRIPTIONS - 591 m-RAY NEET HAIR REMOVER 2-om tub. or 4.oz. lotion $125 2 for69,,ci , L D. A REMEDIES ALEX McGREGOýR 9,D-RUGS 4 5KING ST. W. - PHONE 6e235M9 DETTOL THE MODERN ANTUSEPTUC POLAROID YEAR-ROUND SUNGLASSES 1Ovo OFF (REST Toothpaste THý DECAY PREVENTIVE DENTIFRICE 1with FLUORISTAN Mr. and Mis. Bert Budai Sr. The Golden Wedding Anni- law, Mlr. and Ma-s. Bert Budal versary of Mr. and Mis. Bert Jr., R.R. 6, Bowmnanville, giv- Budai, Sa-., was celebrated on an by their sons, Bert and Sunday at a most enjoyable Victor, and their wives, their aryat the home of their daughter, Ma-s. William Mor- eldest son and daughter-in- gan (Ethet), Fat Rock, Michi- Summer Wedding 11 : 1. ovarnt*lt wlih M .Tài Ccx, Bowmnmmfe. Mi. and Ma-m Gary ga=O*c and obilda-en speni thefr holi. dmys eI Omitba. Dr. mand Mi. Keith Taylor, Bonnie mnd Nancy of! Em ton sMent the wekSied wit Ma-s. Meishaîl Chatterton and togetheci visilad with Mr-. M4 Mis. Qa-vile Chatterton, Canot and David mi Iheir cottage o4 Sund y. Mrn md Mis. Oeaad &ho- emmiaker o! HoUland are vWmt. ing M. John Sdhoemrm.ke Mr. and Mis. Klaas Sehoen,- maker and ehldren. Jimnxy Br-own o! St. Cmiii. arnme spent ibis week wih Mr-. and Ma-. Chas. Cooper w-àd Mr. and Ma-s.LaMwre Greenwood and Bian of Ken-. Mis. Hàrry Bland of Mount Peasamnl visited hier cousin, Mis. Ivan Farrow, for cevea-al Mr. and XMi. DonBrooks ci! Male Grove vlaled Mr. and Mas. Ken Bail mid daugh' lais, Kia-by. Mi. and Mis. Russell Chat- terton o! Lekefleld vinited Mis. Marshmll Chatterton on Tuesday o!f1aI week. THE OSHAWA BUSINESS COLLEGE .1 anneirnos the opounugof &0 FALL TERM en Tuesday, September 8 Nine day school oourmes front whicb lao hoom. job placement service for graduates. Individual Instruotom 28 yem'Exeea e Tui"~ Gel Four Copy o! f %rIatg For Responslbli In Business." Regiter Iow - Inrmeut h l Limlked f541.78 10 Sine. St. NOM fo-h - al- If - -e Naine: L ddrem 1 sic vruil