BAGNELL - WILLIS of white 'and pink carnati( MisThe groom's mother assie The marriege ot MssPet-lin receiviag. She wore a bi ticia Ann Wiilis and Mr.!i boucle dmess, which was sti Donald Edwax-d Begneli took length, and a rnatchingj Place in Courtice United, ket trimmed with lace.1 Chunch at sevea a'ciock on, accessories were pînk, ýYiday evening, Juhy 29th,, hem coisage was composed 966. Rev.Dex-mat i-ctpink and white carnations. o!fciaed.The bride is theý daughten of Mr-. and Mrs. Aftex- the necept"n James Wilhis, Courtice, ai, d andgom let tie groom is the son a! Mn.1 edding trip ta, Ottawa and Mrs. Ted Bih llBaw- Naxthema Ontar-io. For1 mnanvilie. îgneveling the bride ware ap Stanardsof wite nd tr-'green sieeveless s h a in t u QoStnds i hiteantu r iess with rmatching coat quase intd crysntemuins accessonies, and a corsage attractiveiy deconated t h eyeowseteati-e. chumch. he wedinMr will reside ait 97 Kin.g 5t wasplaed y M-. A. Camp-JWest. bell. The rid, wo wa gien'The bride att.ended Co In manriage by lier fatheritc uleShoadB WOne a formiai A-line gawn ofimanville and Courtice Hi white silk oganza with anI S<hools. She is a clex-k atE Empire waistline. The fitted NichaIs Matai-s, Limited, Bc bodice was o! lace and ther manvilie. bell shaped sleeves weme lace 'Plhe groom received edged. 'Plie chapel train of;educatian in the Bowmanvi s.1k organza with matching~ Public sehoois and Bawni ca.loped lace trim was cauglit, ville High Schaal. He is e &-t the shoulders with sweet-iployed in the office a! heart bows af white silk )i-- Goodyear Tire and Rubi gaza. Her bouffant shoulder: Company o! Canada, Limit length tulle veil was held byrliene. He takes an active p; a cluster af white rases anàl~in bath the Men's Town So lily o! tic valhey, and she car-i bail League and in tlie Me ried a bouquet o! white gla- Major Bowling League. dioli, white carnations, and turquoise chrysanthemuins. HLE AO Mi-a. Lai-ne Tink. Oshiawa,, OMS AO was the mati-on o! honor. Hem' Pink and white gladioli a floox- length gawn o! tur- carnations attractiveiy dE Çueise hed a bodice orated Orano United Chur covered wlth white French,ýfor- the wedding af Miss Ai-h laewth a scoop neckline. i Suzanne Major, a dauglitex- ,,*r-lxadpiece wa.s a fiat bow r . and Mrs.' James Mai( o! turquoise crepe, and hem Orono, and Mr-. Robert Jcl cascade bouquet was o! whîte'Homes, a son o! Mr. and Mi and turquoise carnations. 'Jack Holmes, Newcastle,i Misa Jill Stocker, Bowman-rSatux-day aftemnoan, Juiy 231 Ville, niece o! the groom, wore 1966, et thnee o'clock. a pnetty cattan lace dressI istyled with turquaise satiRev. Basil E. Long officia iribbon ait the waist, and sý,ed. Thle wedding music w lied a circlet o! stephanotis onrplayed by Mrs. Peg Hancc( lier heed. She carried a bas-iand Mr. Glen Aia was tI ket filed wit'h turquoise and soloist. white miniature 'muins.. The loveiy bride, wlia ý Mr-. Loi-ne Tink, Oshawe, given in mariage by h, wes the best man, and Mx-. ather, wore a beautiful wli Ro'bert Stocker, Bowmanville,. gown cf nylon chiffon ový brotlxer-fn-law o! the groamj satin. lit wes enhanced w:l Was the ushen. lace appliques, and it had t' Thle reception was held etl!tiny nylon nosebuds on ti thxe 1867 Restaurant, Courtice., fi-ant. o! the long ski-t. Tl ?M. Willis, the mothex- o! the lace edged train was join bride, xeceived wearing a ýta the law back by four lent( sti-cet iength gawn o! Dior- nylon rose buds. A pea blue organza over taffeta o! crown encircied witli la( tAie sanie shede, with a match- peteis heid lier bouffant vei fIg duster, and coffee calairdand she carried a cascaè *ocessonies. Her- corsage we ibouquet af white carnatioi NOTIC E Garbage Collection THERE WILL BE NO PICKUP MONDAY, SEPT. 5th eARBAGE PICKUP IN THOSE AREAS 4NýORMALLY SERVED ON A MONDAY WILL BE ON TUESDAY, SEPT. 6th R. BYRON, Town Clerk. BACK - TO - SCHOOL BARGAINS Denhertog's Clothing TEMPERANCE ST. BO0WMAN VILLE BOYS' PANTS Sixes 6 to 12- ----- ----$2.49 - $3.25 BOYS' PANTS Sizes 14 to 18 --- ---- -- -- -- --$3.88 - $4.50 BOYS' SHIRTS Long Sleeves, 8 to 16---------.$1.89 BOYS' SOCKS-------- -59e - 79e BOYS' PANTS Sizes 4 to 6x----------$.89 -$2.25 GIRLS' SLIMS -- ----- - - $2.95 MEN'S WORK PANTS Bargains--------- - ------ --- -$3.59 - $3.98 $4.49 MEN'S WHITE DRESS SHIRTS Short Sleeves .~- - -$1.88 MEN'S WORK SHIRTS --- ------- -- $2.49 BOYS' JACKETS --- $2.98 - $3.49 BOYS' DRESS SHIRTS $2.77 X*RPETS, 4' x 6'____- $14.95 4ZNRPETS, 3' x 5' ---- ----- - $11.95 WHITE FLANNEL BLANKETS $2.98 SHEETS, 80 x 100 Pair $6.45 SHEETS, 63 x 90 ~~__ Pair $5.75 MENl'S DRESS SHIRTS $495 - $3.88 - $2.98 - $1.88 MEN'S SHORTS Speclal ----- $2.19 rink. and herrt 'Sl*s #Md and Lois <Goheen) Parke ofýThe Canadian Statesman, Bowinanvlfle, Aug. à.1, 1968 MWiss Maril.yn Major, sister Port Hope, Jack Goheen ofifrBtayLeiMGl - of the bride, was the mald of Bowinanville, Evelyn (Go- 1 BETHRANY frBtay honor. The bride'. other heen) White of Barrie, andioeig Bob Carr was in thU attend ants were Mi,.. Joyce Edith Sparling of Lexington,MmBleSih r.Ja mound for Cavan, Alex Rut Major, Orono; Miss Carol Kent, Michigan. Mi'.. Boul SGortdonMsmJean ' - Newcastle; Miss Peg Hallcrow, . Argue, Mma Emestine Roij-cthn.Gro T1t n, Petrbooug; MssBety Jan onbave rturned from Tr- Bob Edmunds were the heav Heeoo uges, N Mise sisean son d he tnedabatters for Bethany, eacl theom, NwastleMist cer of EDAJjfoi aysession ce organiza- credited with two ru nj Mahjgor, nd in biheir tional meeting of The Fed- Ir , in. Umpires were Maoor, legfthe drese ide t- iMr. and Mrs. Melvin White, i eration of Wamen's Teachrs Ken Blair at plate; E!' Chai'. floorlengh drssesof ient-Lindsay and Mr. Charles Associations of Ontario, held lice, L. Hudson, bases. .. ical design with empire wast- Smith of Buffalo were recent in the Royal York Hotel. Mr. and Mrs. Walter lallas ilnes had long sleeved white guests with Mrs. W. Mercer.ý were preented with a ches- lace bodices and skirts of Jimmy and Ronnie Clancy Mr.and Ms ery ak- e' ed ndmach gchair at chiffon in pastel shades with yY1inan have returned from aadg r ans machng rais.Ther wd-of Toronto are spending al1 tri t Port Arthur and Fort pa soda' evening held in St. ios1acigtais hi e-five-week holiday with Fred William. Paui's Parish Hall on Friday .sted1Iding ring headpieces each ac- Mrs ndHee. k ~nig'ht, i!n honai- of their récent eigelcented by a front bow aiso 1BM.ydraknWhiHelennton .reetiha chiffo veils i pastelMr'. and Ms John Thomp-, teps ekwt e marriage. Mirs. Kenneth Sin. jaetihadechitontheilack. pstel crson were in Peterborough 'spent t d *î wekwih erclair read the address of con- j-sHe e ried buqets of They car- Wednesday evening but wereldaurg ter and son-in-law,Mr gratulations and good wishes and nations and carnations tinted j:~unable te see Barney Watters, liid Mrs. H-arry Ryley. fil their fil friends in te mtchthepastl sade ofBetty's brother who under- Guests through the past this comm~unity. Leslie Fair- Iof ac h ase hdso went an operation Monday week with Mr,. and Mrs. Ross hurst, Wailly Reid and Dave their dresses. and was under intensive care Car il re i. and Mrs. Clif- Masters provided the mi the! Mr. Don Holmes was best in St. Joseph's Hospital. ford Carr, Roseie Mich., for dancing. in a man for his brother. The ush- After about seven weeks of Mr. and Mmr. Nelson Berger, and ers were Mr-. Russell Major, hot dry weather with only the Bay City, Mich., Mi-. and Mrs. tra-1Orono, brother of the bride; odd light shower we had a Bob Patton, St. Thomnas. B1.9 Petl th palellMr. Douglas Barrabaîl, Orono; real goodrain on Monday that Mr-. a.nd Mx'.. James Liddel, l 1n glMr. William F. (Rîck) Rickard, has spruced things up and Guelphhv been gessRelee n£iue and Newcastle, and Mr. Gary Shu- .. md h rs tr ogo ih 'hv uss eivd~ vrue f1paTrno osno h again. It was too late for Neals. hev groom. The ring bearer was potatoes and some of the, Mrs. Mildred Brist-ow ils Relieve Pain As It reet Duane Major, Orono, nephew garden'stuff. home fi-rn Civic Hospitai, Shrinhs Hcmorrhoids. of the bride. The reception was held in Kendal Juniors played an'iPeterbox-ough. sufcayrle rn Tercpinwshlinexhibition gmMi-h etr-If yuwn aifc eiffo Ou-the Odd Fellows Hall, it ee -Mr and Mirs. Robert Gil- YO it borough in Peterborough, Wed-l mour and their sons Terry Itching Piles -here's good news. lo-The bride's mother received mn nesday, August 24th. The, and Paul spent the weekend A renowned research laboratory bas Royi pik dress with white acces- gaine ended in a 5-5 tie. Matariy' Ms found a unique healing substance W-sorles. Her corsage was of white .. Akey pitched for Kendal Ro ile.porpl rleestebunn and pin carnaions. Goom's ~ .. ~Ralph Kennedy behind the Miss Patricia Bigelow, nrehem panauly rik pikcantin. h gom' edal had 12 hits. intaiig tTo-noi orrhoids. This substance has ipinkig carnations.el The egroomcesamoit effec- his'mother, who assisted in re- '~' Brian Foster (borrowed fromi home fair a few days with her hieae nf hang produermkln ille ceiving, wore a turquoise chif- .the Orono Juveniles for the parents, Mr-. and Ma-a. Morgan ai hit an- fon dress with matching ac- evening) had the most hits' properties aso hep pre -wcsth threde.r orsgeiasBigelow. Iinfection. ii-n cesaris, nd er crsae ws ' ~ .j ~Donald Scott, Newburgh, the, of white and yellow carna- .~- '~ Vacationing at Ken - Gar1 was home fax- the weekend Incsatrcsevr tkg ber tions.- . ~Huis for the month of r. improvement" was iltedeven ýted, v'ollowing the reception the wr ac yil uhAdsnSot mn ae fln tnig n pai-t'newly married couple leit for . . . . .. . ~ ~*' were lNoran Wrag i, Rurh nd Ms.Wolimnusths mlovmn t aninAd lf-awedding trip te Cape Cod. '-..WrlNra Rick- M.adMs.WlamR- loyer a period of monthsl e'For travelling the bride wore .4Hu:YY:e~~ lstiBr ueDn aanWesdyeliPtrboiaughwere pl_ This was accompfished by a né* aTrojan green suede suit with ... ~ ~ -'. usiSsnKy *mWsdyget ihM'.IaPl healing substance (Bio-Dyne)w Kenny Walsh, Paula Saunders, mer. . wihqikyhlaha nue beige accessories, and a cor-.................... . . . . . . Mike Garbutt, Gary Garbutt, Bet'hany teok the wîn bei-ew sage o! white carnations and : *'4 Peter Kelly, Janet Doge, Billy over te Cavan visitons Sun- oeils and stîmulate grawth of new yellow sweetheart roses. They Starke, Libby Starke, Lillie day aitennoon witli the score tisneNowan Bio-Dnelaorff i and;will reside at the Orchard ~ Ann Stax-ke. Guests foi' the 5-4 in the third gaie of the ainteo rptn aup ito for. ec- Grave Apartments, 2427 Hur . .weekend were Mr. and Mrs. orh Duhm e cial e rprto R.Akfri re naro Sret oksilJack . .rNotttandufhaii semi-finas at an ding stoeo-Matw.actode rch ntaia tret, ookvile, ~Gaibtît ad fmîî, Kîthsoftball series. Bob Ednlunds money reunied. ene Ontario. Swarbrick, Har-ris Salum and hured good hall ail the way .of The bride received ber edu . David Leiteh. ____________________________ or ain n heOooPîly visited Sunday with hem 'hn School, and she attended .5 ", mother, Mrs. Wm. Mercer, and on employed as a keypunch oper Mis. .as an i hye ll gtame.ndr '...Ieaners %.,iu ý lrd, 'atar in the office o!f eeal >""Ms CyrliCaha n Matai-s ai Canada, Limited, Tommy Foster were dinner at- Osha wa. The groom attended M..n Ms.RbetJonFINITIONsile Ot, repctr- boeFRst unaENDnn wt ?aClark e Hîgh School, the East- ing the registex- aftex- their wedding in Orono United Church on Satux-day a Mtr . and Mx-s. Jack Fonk. EITON - F ED tck ernOntriaJnsitue o Teh- oon 196. Te bideis ofMx- an Mr. JmesThere wps a gond attend- iasr ntroIsitt fTeh on July 23x-d, 16.Tebiei rsJme Major, ance at th~e semi-final play- 1. One before whom one rnay thlnk aioud. tenology, Ottawa, and the Ryer- Onono, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. JackHolmes, Newcastle. off gaine between Oxillia and 2. One who has the smre enemnies rots have. heson Institute o! Technology, sg a !wiecrain.Kna uir ntekavY3 n h nw i bu o duiIlvsit vas this year. He Is an electricalsaew owhtcrnin. Jackson Memorial Park. Ken-3.Oew kosalbuto ndti evsru Tornto werehe rauatd \4arie a Co rtie he rie ws euctedatdal won by an 8-6 score, with just thé sane. her 1technician. a re t C u tcThbrd a dctdaJonQatilptigutl ,ie Te rd astegus fHillcrest Public School, Whit-JonQatîlpthgutl vehn a Tu erid pastes peso!the last inning when he wasA ,ier Ihni tsvrl ate ro y; Newcastle Public School, relieved by Gai-y Akey with 4f tht hem mariage. Hem fellow Bowmanville High School, andR1h K d ein te 5To employees a! Engineering De- Clarke High Schoal. The RalphKnney bh h he pantinent at General Matai-s gomrcie dcto plate. Kendal got two i-uns in he gave a miscellaneous shawer i t Bird's Creek Public Schooltef-tinntoi h CLOTHES CANE BNTM' ied for hiemat the home o! Miss and North Hastings High fifth and four in the sixth, Juy AleOshawa. Mr. cholBacrft.Bwh h ilerli ottoi h ScholrBacrft. Bah h onte in gte seven thend our Appearance In aiways erlsp and fresh when yon have AiIRusll ao n isLnbiena, namar ep oy- h n nth ee n arl ussll ajo an Mis Lndaegibrie ad goomare'mPoy-three in the nînth. It was a roui- ciothes drycleaned regularly. Brlng them te your local ce Jefferies gave a niiscellaneous . ed by the J. Andei-son Smith vey itrsig gme t r -nrfr xetatnin showen at the Honey Hollow .. . . . .Company, Newcastle. vr an .,d-eenrri xetainin de Rstarant Necaste, nd *:y ~watch. id MissauCanal Kenctlane Misand' The bride's aunt, Mrs. David Mr-. and Mrs. Jack McTag- GET YOUR TICKETS FOR ROTARY CAR WASH., ..... Ibbotson, and the bride's sister, gart had ail their family down M4ary Jane Bmaugh aiso were Mrs. Garnet Smith, Qi-ana, an Sunday for a turkey din- AUDY ET h- ALL DAY .rîstesesat micelaneus ~were co-hostesses at a family ner. They live in an apart- showen for hem. A community ~..~shawer for hem held at Mrs. ment now and have no roomn shce.r was arranged by Mrs.. ~ "~ Ibbatson's home in Orano. A ta have the farnily and theii-r Sidney Barrabaîl, Miss Mabel .4i community showex- was held farnilies ail corne at once, so __' Goode, Mrs. Gladys Gamsby, in the Newcastle Community had a real celebnation on Sun- Mrs. Gardon Watson, Ms................................................................l Iren MurayandMrs Stri-............................~ ~t.. Hall, and it was given by Miss day ~~ lfary ea an MisSU a M. and Mrs. George Cia- ing athr, t te Od ~' .-" ~ Flintofi, who were assisted by wene down ta theix- summe Mws WillamLake,.NMr.caten........d. other friends o! the bride. A home for the weekend. entrta inediam ano o!the . . . .. . . . . reception was given by the Mr-. and Mrs. Lea Wood- entertained in honnir of the ~~~~gioom's aiî. r.J ute-cc n eahro oot couple and a presentation was ' . . .nMr.J uhr okadHahro oot mad t thm.................................. ,. .. and his mothex-, Mrs. wene also down for the week- 4047 1 madet_____ William McCaskie, at the end. i......................................................~~&Orange Hall, Bancroft, one Miss Marilyn Youngman Baroweoug - reewarweek. alter the wedding. Athe liayeth athweekoandoMns- presentation was made ta erasteps ekadMs At St. James A ng lic tn ' -. . . . . . . .. happy couple at this event. Youngman's parents, Mr. and Chu.rch, Kingston, at 2 ip.n., Priaer ta his marriage a stiag Mrs. Black fi-rn Courtice August .20th, 1966, Carale prywshl n oo fistd ihhr udy Elizabeth, daiughtei ai Mr. and -iat a hl nh noro-iie ihhr udy the groom by his brother-m Mrs. Hatcher Foster, Mrs. Mrs. Stanley Greenway, was . ... . .. ~ ..~ . .~ law, Mr-. Gai-net Smith. Orono, Mary Luxon and Mrs. Irene united in niarriage with Wil--adaif !oevapr- Mercer attended chur ch at~ liam Harld, on o Mr.andsented ta him. lElizabethville, Sunday. It was Mrs. Harold Barwciough,.i Layman's Sunday and was BUY THE BEST Wesleyvillle. Rev. Desmiond uder the auspices of the Men's Hunt perionnied the double Club of he huc Thcoi ring composed o! 12 men and M iMi- M. Bickle at the organ., mariage by hier father, and *W hesrvn..stke y r The bride was giveiî in uamil, ricfIC GThaeview a kenMr Mx-.FO BYSAN GRL w.ore a street length gown ofWhtwogaessinpe- SAVAGE ORTHOPEDIC SHOES white bi-ocade o! original de- Ui0letdasowythrws sign, made by ithie bride freinNe r C . otmespiua inest FOR CHILDREN matemial sent as a glf tft-main uton nt oe n theitsrpf. M rcetal n- rap he msteyes, this remark could be meant for you, radiant un a sti-uments wcre plyd t Courtice United Chunch on July 29th, 1966, at seven feature o! thie prograrm was b. pi-avide background music and o'clock in the evening. The bride. 15 the dax.ghter of an unusual travelogue contni- ' gown from our newly arrived Fail and Winter collection Calvin Brown was master o! Mr-. and Mrs. James WiIlis, Courtice, and the groom buted byv a trio, Ray Goheen, ' ceremonies for the toasts at is the son ai Mx-. and Mrs. Ted Bagnell, Bowmanville. al of Toronto. hydsu-palbae aeapius ird bcs wth e eigt ar.olmidin ecsteUt-hus.M.GintSihTéSc-tam y e dilvîhlsee-n The bride's ong Saway cOs- SUTHERLAND - WHITNEY igreen with white trimmings. Europe carly this suinanc-heedigdne. e hi1nsetv fi e À ishyseei trains * * , lflJo flo dreas with mcd pilibox hel The marriage o! Miss Linda Her hat, gioves and shoes wei-e Their intei'esting and anxus- dpa noi'gw om and other accessomies. Honey- Maie Whitney and Mrm. Ken- white, and her bouquet w in descriptions evaked much imoon was spent in the Ka- neth Ross Sutherland was composed ai yellowchy an-lughtei-. ~ rth arortar slen ae n NwateUi-ten .M.GantSih h ertr edexti'acts< 'ALOFSIN FO TH Caoeattended elementary ed Chumch e Satumday efter-ibi-therin-law o! the bride, fi-rn a dozen letters of gretI A SOFA HON FR H and High sehool in Kingston faon, July 16th, 1966. Rev. E.!was the best man. ing tram distant Goheen fain- . and received tr-aining for hen C. Woodland oificiated. The After the wedding the i-e- ilies. Musical numbers inter- BRIDAL PARTY profession et Peterborough bride is a daughter o! Mi-. and iception was heid at the North- apersing the program erajý Teachers' College. Bill attend- Mrs. Kenneth Whitney, New-!way Restaurant. The mother duet by Pauline Rreak and~ For Appointment Dial 725-1912 ed Wesieyviile elementary. castle, and the gnoomn is .a son! o! the bride received, weax-ing Beulali Goheen, another duet Part Hope High Schooi and O! Mrs. William McCaskie, la pale blue dreas. Her acces- froni the Hamilton sist.ems, e,, Queen's University where be Bird's Creek, Ont., and the Isanies were white, and she and a frouv sang !ram pont / i iecevedhisBA.He attend- late Manley Sutherland. r wore a coi-sage o! white car- Hope arrange , apnG-i ~ ~ ~ -~ . ~ " cd O.C.E. dui-ing thxe Paat two Given in mariage by ber' nations. The mother o! the heen. ~- l sumcers and taught in North father, the bride wore a, groomn who asistcd in receiv- Pie wrel atet. ~ ~ ~~ Grenville High.- School et beautiful white wedding gown 'ing, wore a brawn two.iee isce te ih a Eit Kepîilednigthe past designed with a lace bodice 'doawt rw acsois pnin iLxntn ihi 4 K- toyvears and wlli be teanh- and a full net street icngth and her corsage was ofiyeilow dars neaofestiAgton, Kein 'i ing in Peterborough thts r1 k-.Hrvelwso ulcarnations. gan; Boy and girl with birth-1 " .LA ES W ARTD where thc address ofthxe new and she carried a bouquet aif7 Fallowing. the reception the GOheeno0!1 Port Hope and Uvsa home wiil be 718 River Road mcd roses and white carna- bride and g-room.0 l:ft for a yobenest ciiii pre and te - South. tions. jweddjng ti hru North- yu o! t chil prs~e; n d St -' ~' G nests were present from Mrs. Gai-net Smith, Qi-ana,ci-n Ontario. For travelling plien Goheen of Toronto. Hamnilton, Toronto, Scarbor- sister of the bride, was the the bride ware a smart gray (pnFia vnp'i .. Ough, Wesicyvuie, Port Hope matron af honor. Hei-attract-'a nd white striped suit with New mnembers added te . Ot»FiayElnue'ti~ .. and IXnntvi}s. ive two-piece dreas was pale L white accesires, and ber car- Coormitte. we:e Donls uarti