iThe Orono News Mrs. James E. Richards, Editor Art of Landscape Gardening 1a Canadian statesinan, Eowmanviue, Oct 8, lm -Mr. and Mrs. John Agner;son of Mr. and Mrs. Victor of the usual tirne of 8-3&. of Dunnvllle, Mrs. Samn Brown Robinson, is attending College Mr. and Mrs. Lamne Bbwins of Pontypool visited Mr. and of Education, Toronto. ýattended the An niv ers ary: Mrs. orne owin, Congratulations to Mrs. ViolaChurch service andi alter were Mr. andi Mr. Clarence Eng- Smnith on hem P3rd birthday. dinner guesti of Mr. andi Mrs.: lish ni Bowmanville visited' Mr. andi Mn.. Sterling Math-'A. Bailey nt Sterling on Sun- a end Mrs. Cecil Jones on em wîth Mi. ana Mrs. HarryldaY, Sept. 5h 1l" evnin cilait week. ,Mereer visiteti in Wilberf omcetM. ad Mrs. Mike Enioff even ary ln ci onin udy and children of Preston were Albert spent Sunday wlth Mn. E. Penwarden o! LongJ Mn. and Mfnep. 2tK gened Mrs. Ivan Farrow. jSaut returned home after!eG r .andvit. Knnd Mn,. Kenneth Syer o!l Cavan ,I visi tingp Mrs. Fred Kelly for Gr. and DMvi. RyodCap Mr. anti Mrs. Ed Hogg o! severai weeks. Mr.Handptn siteaymCaunt Fraserville visiteti Mr. end!. Mr. andi Mr. Chas V. W lk- n .G opro udy Mn.. Wm. Robinson Sunday, er of Don Mills viited Mr Mr. John A. Patterson is etening. jand Mrs. Chas. V. Cooper on visiting relatives and frientis Phone 127W Orono ne yourFnîday evening. 'in the Western Provinces. ubsription ta the Statesmaný The Unitedi Church Womený Miss Barbara Mitchell spent et $5.00 a year and save $2.80 Units helti seven meetings on the weekend with Miss Janna as annotunet lait week on the'Tuesday afternoon anti even-!Ishii o! Oshawa. front page. The new pries is ing: Unit 1, Main Hall ut 81 Congauton to r.nd 15e a single copy. !p.m.; Unit 2, Upper CE. Audi-jMrs. Caneron Porter of Mill-' Rev. Basil E. Long was the torium at 2 p.m.; Unit 3, Main brook, the former Miss Carol~ guest speaker et Haydon!Hall at 2 p.m.; Unit 4, Upper1 Rahm of Blackstock, on their; Thankoffering service on Sun'C E. Auditorium at 38 p.m.; recent marriage.M.atMr day evening, Sept. 25th. Uénit 5, Home of Mrs. Dorothy Porter will reie in the Dent~ Mr. Terry Hardy is employ- Bailey at 6 p.m., supper meet-lApartments on Main Street,! ed nt Rolph's Hardware Store. ýing; Unit 6, Home of Mrs. Orono Miss Bonnie Pughof Prince:Lois Cox nt 8; Unit 7,! Mr.' and Mrs. Chas. V.! Albert spent the weekend'Home o! Mrs. C. Robinson at Cooper yisiteti Mm. anti Mrs. with Miss Dale Challice. ý2 p.m. N.B.: Unit 6 will mneet!Ceell Coulter, Oshawa, on Mr. Robemt Robinson, B.A.,'thià year at 8 o'c]ock insteadlSuntiay. Juniors Blanked by Port Hope William E. Hartnoil People who enjoy gardeningspiritualiy, and to have real have an affinity for the sou ifeeling for tht funtiamentals' BH S S nior Bea A ja 40 - anti like to ste flowers grow!,of life, William E. Hartnoll 1 by David Goheen lGeraid Harness' place of last, out of their backfield andfudt esldl nemtt i rcn drs ee The Bowmanvilie Senior, year we have mie excellent'i tftowing them for losse the mentally, emotionaily n M.Hrolwathgus <'" oobal eai ndr herunnining and blocking backilway we did on Thursday. speaker at the meeting of the' TPV'OVB o w m a n v ille otulra coeching of Mr. Brunt drop-ý in Larry Simpson. The line& Any tiefence cannet 13LrCKSTOCKI Society helti in the auditorium' peti an "H" bomb on Ajax on any' football team idoesj att efficiently if tht offensie o htBwnavil Pbi Hig Scoolto ht uneo!mos o!thewor blckig'teani cannot score points. Wei The U.C.W. resumned mneet- Libmamy. Vice-President Eber 40 to 1. The gamre was playedý and protecting the quarter- seem. to be blesseti this yeari ings holding an open meetingSode prsedntha- on Thursday, Sept. 21), underý back on passes. They open with an excellent Snesv<inteC sta dct oeno h preside n te Ms. tht same adverse conditions! tht holes for their team matesý and offensive team. 1Centre Tuesday night. Hus- Lawrence C. Mason. as last week's contest. The: to pass through but if it The next gaine for the sen-'bnsadeitrnwr f~ r.A asnsiii a slippemy fieldi and hall made wasn't for an excellent offen-!!lors will be on Thursday, Oct.- vited and there was a splen- an honor to introduce the lead-, running anti passing a chore sive line the b a ckfi t id th, when Anderson will be did attendance. Pr es i de n ting authority on horticultural ,$or ome f th plaers. wouldn't score al thet ints.lh poiin Lts!p h The me !tt ayr. riThis year thet une Pcluds thn t oppsition. Lt's hoetht'Mrs. Harold Kyte welcometimtedi aaa h at gain strtet raher1incudesrai stas aay his eekbe» il reset ad caiet on thhat-Mr. Hartnoll is a Director alowly as each team, trieti toi ends Oharles Flwent and Brian cause a special hsll-tirne show Esther Unit for tht devotion-1o the Gardeners anti Writers assess the ability o!f their op-! Peters, with John Hooper anti is being planneti. Here is an ai piod. Mrs. Haroid Ma-1OsoitnofAeiadW ponients. In the f irst few~ Glenn Rabb the tackles, How- invitation for everyone Oi tyn an Mr. Hrold ar-ICAoiain o tPo! A enîca, a minutes there were sonel arti Mutton anti Jim Groen corne out and set the Redmnenl Laughlin presented an 'Im-:Ethies Committet as well as, anxious moments as eachi tht guards with John Groen o! B.HS. in action. presslive wrsp on tteigCamnfrCnda! teai fublei te sippry ht cntr. Tereis isothtRefere's Whistle: The Bow-'itheme "We would ste Jeus."' this organization. pi-skin in enemy temitory.ý flanker Bill Morrison who manville Juniors were de-' r.Anl alr nt "ei ebro h Cn MioMurter, the fine ru n-J plays anywhere in the baek- feateti 19 tao0 in an exhibi-1 r.Anl alr nt "eiamme fte ning half-back, opened the field, io aieptyd tPot leader, hed charge o! tht pro- Amnerican Horticultural Coun-1 tiongaie Payedat ortgram. Miss Judy Swain rtn- cil anti of tht Council for' aooing for B.H.S. witih a Th ail nti playeti heatis- Hope on Fridiay. The next1 dereti a delightful piano solo.: Agricutural and Chmri pitch-left play exeuted byl up footbaladtihey hati Aja[x gaine for tihe Juniors will be MsRihrVaCap into esacCse saerican quaterackGuyPams adJ ondmin wht tey ad o Wti, Oct. 12th, when Cour- duced the guesi speaker, Miss atideti that he is a Feiiow o excellent blocking by the of- do to get some o! our mnen tice will be tht opposition. Beatrîce McLean, (Yh',1he oa otclua oi fensive line. Lamry Simpson sawate Ryal Horticltural Sole-1 also sori on an of-tackieue woshowe oner tonp ful'tY of Great Brîtain, ont o! thtl Play executed perfectly by al Npcue akno e n to!only six Canadians who havel conern o n the play. Tht N E W T O N V IL L E the Holv Landi with the "Ob-iever received tbis honor. Htl ertr pont y Dn Meurtri ervr Tur" n 165.Herýisalsowel knwn orhis, MMut r M. anti Mrs. Lennox Vasey Mm. anti Mrs. C. H. Lane commentary was so interest-itelevision anti radio prog-' wsgooti. of Port MeNichol spent a few went to Nomwooti on Sunday. ing that ail went with her on'rams. In the second quarter,idays with Mr. anti Mm,. Win. Mr. anti Mn.. George Skeld- thîs trip. Mr. Hartnoll spoke on lanti Charles Ewert openeti the1 Stapleton last week. îng of Blackstock. were Sun- Mrs. Glenn Larnier expres- scape gardenîng, which hei georing on a pas% anti run play1 Mn. anti Mrs. Hamry Wade day visitons with M.adsdtetak ftead-tre.a rbcueoe for the touchdown. Tht extra entertaineti a grbup o! rela- Mrs. Clinton Brown. M. n s Td httas o! tht adoi terme an athecausertont point by Don McMurttr was tives Tuestiay evening, in Mr. and Mrs. Fred Henti- Paisley gave tht financial of having the night plant inr good. Lary Simpson, with honor o! their house guests, erson, with Mr. anti Mms. Jack sitattment. Benediction was the ight place. He illustratedi somne help from tht uine, scor- Mr. anti Mms. Melville Holda- Elliott, took a drive out Min- prono'unced by Rev. P. Rom-' bis talk with many coloneti cd a 25 yd. of-tackile Play- way, of Flin Flan, Manitoba. tien way, Sunday. eril. Lunch was serveti by slies showing the, beautifu Tht extra point ly Don Mc- Those present includeti Mrs. Mr. anti Mm,. Clinton Fan- tht Candace Unit enti a social gardens anti landscaping whichi Murter was true. Near the Vera Anderson, Mns. M. row, Miss Lînda Caîl, Mn. ha-if hour spent. he anti an associate hati car-' endi o! the quarter, Ajax Walkey, Mr. Hammy Hoidaway Glen Farrow, Mr. anti Mrs. C. The High School lielti theiriti out at homes in metro-1 etanted ta thrtaten but some lo! Port Hope, Mr. AI! Holda- M. Jones were ail visitons in initiation dance ip the Rt-I politan Toronto anti Oakviileý key taekles by the de!ence way, M r. and- Mrs. Allan Oshawa- Sunday afternoon, at creation Centre Frdyh ngt'at also at certain industriai, he th Ajqaxteni scoresHoltiaway, Mr. anti Mrs. Arn- the home o! Mm. anti Mms. Grade 10 did tht planning sites. Thtthrdquate fatuet ad Wade anti Grant, Mm.. Jean Frank Reatier who were ob- anti informed Grade 9 as to1 Ont scene showed tht efftc-; ho eoingbytitertti~ibu Cohrneanti Gordon, Mr. semving their 25th Wedtiing how they were to drtss. tive use o! Mountbatteni junip-j ech teazn threateneti only to Jack Wade anti Douglas, New- Anniversary. Pnizes were won as follows: .ers placed between larget »elir es sones. Ajx tuiycastît; Mr. anti Mm,. Bill Watie Mr. anti Mm.. Perey Bath- girls, Kay Porreli, 2nd beams along tht front of!aa - h s u oternut teporuty anti boys. well o! Fraserville, were visi- Leanne Dorreil; b .oys, 1lst'building with a single birch toi this qeuarter btht sretiout Mms. Jack Hart o! Port tors, Sunday, with Mm. anti Don Wright, 2nti Terry Cran- ont side anti below it a Jap-1 defnc utir tt irctonCredit anti Mrs. X. Heuker o! Mn&. G. Stapleton. deli. There was a gooti at- anese yew. Another tieron-ý oftell, Joh ntoer, vCol - Edmonton, were callers Wed- Mn. and Mirs. Carl Farrow, tendance anti a very enjoy- strateti tht use o! feather rock Wle, Fredn Stniker Charesntsday a!ternoon, with Mrs. Downsview, weme with Mrs. able timie spent, dancing ta as a backgroundi. A sînglel gth red ! orikeellend Frank Gilmen. R. Farrow, Suntiay. music by records. Lunch con- yucca was summundeti by large the estof ur ecelentde- Mrs. D. Eliott anti Mrs. Bill Mrs. H. Trmm was a supper sisteti o! donuts anti pop. white stones, anti neamby somel [ence helti Ajax scoreless. Wade attendeti tht dînner anti guest, Sunday, with Mr. anti Gooti congregations attend- yew anti cedar besitie a strearn In the fouth quarter, Ajaxishow in Cobourg, Wednesday Mrs. Chanlie Trim, Bowman- eti World Comm-union ser- whieh was kept continually finally got on the scareboard venngcountesy of Mrs. E. ville,.ie nbt1huee u-mnin nfoto building, whenBila Bod kiket the~, or tt sasona t- Mrs. J. Dubeeu anti two day momning. In the Unitedi by a circulatomy type o up hall out o! tht enti zone for mato pickers. tiaughters left Montiay on a at 10 a.rn.. Rev. Herbent Me. Mr. Hatnall tolti tht autil- ont point. Bownxanville nowi Mns. George Spelier of! holiday trip ta Vancouver. '-heo! Jarnaica gave the adi- ence that dulI backyards canl undr hediecio o BllToronto spent Thusday with! m niMs .Gle dress andi as.sisted in the be transfommeti into iovely' Monrison, our fine back-up Mrs. G. McCullough. were supper guests, Suntiay, communion service. The choirigarteins with tht use o! imag-, quarterback, guided the teami Mrs. Jas. Stone o! Oshawa, with Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Gil. sang an anthemn, In tht Cross! ination lots o! womk, anti tht, ta two touchiowns, ont bylwas a visitor with Mm.. Cecil mer anti family, Port Hope, of Christ I Glory. In St.1right bleiing o! plants o! Dennis McFeeters on a tive-îBurîty on Wednesday. laftem ail hati enjoyeti a motor John's Church, Rev. R. C.1various colors, atones anti left play that went for 65i Mrs. Arthur Clark-o! Buffa- trip out north ta ste tht Rose delivereti an impressive water. lardis unconverteti anti, byIoa on e-time summer esi- changing colons. sermon on Unity. One exquisite fountain wasî ýnMicMurter on a pîtch tient o! this village, tiied thene Mr. Jim Nesbitt retunneti tai Rev. Herbert G. McGhie,' pictureti thnowing jets of water, right which he converted to a week ago anti was burieti on Lakelanti. Floritia, on Mon- Janiaica, Who is in Canada for high in tht air from a highi round out the scorîng. 1 Monday. Iday, after spending tht sun- a course of training anti wiîî pool which overflowed into a! SAl ! tiee pay metin- Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Kimbaîl mer here, with bis sisters. .i be returning to Jamaica ta watenfaii aven flagstones flank-, ed take practice anti excellent attendeti a family party, Tues- Tht U.C.W. resumeti theïitake over the work o! Dn.Jet with colonful annuals anti' execution by everyone on'day evening, in Toronto, at regular monthly meetings onl Howley James who is oon.Isome perennials. At tht cornerl each anti every play. If any-1tht homne o! Mr. anti Mns,Wednesday evening, Septeni-,ducting stewardship caxn- o! a bouse a fiagstone patioý ont nusses an assignment dur-!Chanie Walker, bononing Mm.1Jber 28, in the Sunday Sehool pinwsweet us !bltu nfu aeso ing hatpanicuar iayit: anti Mns. Vance Cooper o!f hall, with an attendance o! 24 coulti endi in disaster. Tht o<saa n h caio !mes nitme iios v. P. anti Mrs. Rorneril anti stonts was shown. Th e wasi -isawonte csinofmmer ndtre istr DiÏenns.aspnayheati fountain in front, fensive team, this year is coin-J ti-iir Silver Wetitiing 'Anni- President Mrs. G. Stapîtton, Wonk on the new addition o! chrysanthemums anti azal poseti o! ookies anti regulars veràary. conducteti the opening exen-4 _-, .- _-,_attPn al a a ihceasi h a1 froied-beauted LMd hm? ~wfth tuiey.lne ltkbi n00W,»love IITm »slact Tour =i. vgh h waek i Ymw amu. smeelniJ,.S*m e t, saiye 'iwo a.ienad. eOm o lbon h* âcthma oey "tï he eat9"god enough lSe D=iml..-. gnd uiouqh lot Yom lIeaiyl S eiv*. wy magieOM~ WX in IodaIo Dmiim-. .otil b.haWidTo Fresh Produce Features A HOLIDAY TREAT - CHIQUITA BANANAS 2Ibs. 2.9 Ontario Grown Fancy Grade Poly Bag Mclntosh APPLES 5 Ibs.59c Ontario Grown No. 1 Cnisp CELERY STALKS 2bnch.29c Flowers For the Holiday POTTED MUMS ea. $1.69 ib's- MONEY SAVERS - LbysFancy 48-o.. Tins Tomato Juice 3 for $1.00 5 Vaittits 15-oz. Jars Bick's PICKLES 3for$1.OO Club Hfouse Loose Fac 12-o.. Jar STUFFED O IV S55c Shirriff 12-oz. Pkt. POTATO CHIPS 69c New King Size Filter Tip Craven "A" CI GAR ETT ES 2,',: ATE Orange and Orange -Grapefruit Pkgs. Tang Fruit Crystals 4 for 89C - 'BAKERY SPECIALS - Rlchmelio - Pkg. 0o, 121s DINNER ROLLSI27C Country Gir 20-o.. Sise RAISIN PIES 39,c Sliantz Brand Grade A 18 Ibs. and Up YOUNG TOM O 'c TURKEYS'G B ONLY AT DOMINION DELUXE GOLDEN BIRD GRADE A 6-18 LB. AVERAGE YOUG ENTURKEYS 45 c TOPSY GRADE A 6-18 LB. AVERAGE YOUNG HEN TURKEYS 43'l Ontario Pork - Wholt on Haîf Meaty Fresh PORK SHOULDE R49 P Ful Cut Pork Butt ROAST 591b tht nw shte o offiers hîeh A h-ittie surprise party for be held this month, anti conm-J Mrs. J. A. MeArtflur. ldb een !tes wai aceepteti by the members.lMrs. C. Burley's birthtiay, was mittees for saint are ta be; Mr. anti Mms. Ma.xvood Me- hetiges or fencing ta create the[ They are as follows: Pnezu- helti Saturday evening in lineti Up by the executive.'ý Kee were Saturday evening Jfeto tiso udo dent, Mrs. K. Lowery; Vice- Port Hope, at the home o! Mn. Mont dishes are ta be pur- dinner guesta o! Mn, anti Mrs.irfof aneiésyfpaths. r President, Mr. D. Moffat; anti Mms. Ron Bunley. Present, chameti, filling out tht set. Ken Ganibeil, Oshawa, fd Other lildes .howeti many Sacmtary-Treasurer, Mrs. J. as well as tht chie! gueat, Appreci.atlon was expresseti Suntiay evening they visitedI types of garden plantings, aildi Ifoy; Pneu Secmtary, Mis. B. were Mr. anti Mn.. Don Vinkle, for tht extra work whieh tht Mn. anti Mrm. Fred Bradburn, a number depicted the un- Jngnaham. Mrs. Eanl McEwen o! Peter- custodian ha hati, iuring the Jametville. lusually beautiful esults thati rirN olmes discu3satt Leann- borough, Mrs. Keitb Bumley washroomn instalhlng.' A con- Mm. anti Mrs. Eliner Archer, can ba achieveti through the ing Cap.clty Testa and asked cf Cobourg, Mr. andi Mrs. Clan-.crt i. ta le put on early in Wiiitby, and Mr. andi Mns. massing o! such flowers as f r epresentative ta thtecet Gilmer o! Lindsay. Son November, to boost thé speelal TOM Carter, EoB avle, nprgocutme1aaes Teàchesn' Insittute meeting un Keitb is in Englanti on a funti for the latter. More de- visiteti Mr. anti Mrs. Wilbemtlzinnias, anti othen blooms. Otober when the teachers business trip. and son Haroldi, talla later. Archer, Sunday. 1 Camson Elliott on behaîf o! 4.tttSchool for the Dcat also a! Cobour~g, met with an Mr%. Alfred Allun o! Bow- Mr. anti Mrs. Ted MeMahonithe audience thanketi Mr. Balleèville. accident just a day or sa manville entertaineti t he anti family, Mns. Mervyn Gre- Hatnohl for his interestîng Hie appointeti a committee previaus, having hati the end group, with a showing o! harm, Misa Etina Lameer, Mn. anti instructive adtineu and for ta discuss Physical Education of his finger eut off, while some o! thé interestlng pictures andi Mrs. Oscar Grahamn et- showing the many hovely and Field Day. thepairing a bus, sa bath were taken this ummer, on a trip tended the shawer în Devitt's slides. Mrs.Wanon haned nabl tebe resnt.ta thte Bitish Iles, whlch ahe Hall Saturtiay night in honor Merle Shute, tht Secretany- Mn. Wannfor thank elInthe, urand te be present. 'andhbrhusband anti two sons o! Mn. anti Mmi. Lawrene Treasumer, congratulateti the by Mm. anti Mrs..hdeJy as membens of Larmen. co-chaimmen o! tht .oclety's Uen. aoweyto hreo .Hlaawent aNigr tetaro Farm Gnaup. Mm. and Mrs. Ted MeMahon, necent Honticultumal Show, on th~e business of the meeting Fails on the wtekend, where Mrs. Y. Gilmer, on behaîf o! Lotus, were Suntiay supper tht success o! the event. *e h.meeting wua adjoura- 1the. lattera& o= la in hockey aIl present, thanked Mns.. guets o! Mr. anti Mm Ted Prizes were then dlstnlbuted ' training. Ail.moMalion aid iumily. ta thc wlnnema DOMINION tienlf,%5U Shneiders Pure Pork Sausage Meat Presswood's WIENERS 1.1b. 4 pkg. 49~ Presswo od's Compass Breakfast Bacon~ 1-1b. SNOP WONI CONFIMNClI vkma ko Frum « h - i ftuud m roOVIRuDm SFICTIII VOL. 1 sti I -~ on $aIoyl 2 9 a.1 8 O MIEVRYWf( OUTSTANDING BOOK OFFER!