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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 26 Oct 1966, p. 8

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1S PO t .1C ~.Thé fit thig you notice on cronling the Rio Grande Mio Mexico, ls the woniderful capacity these people bave â onotlg.Yucross the bridge, a guardasaka 110w_________ mreaily on your own - in a strnge country, and everyone M es i eflng Spanlsh.* At asat, aiter standing around the car, yau venture inside &rcustomsis nspection. This guy looks at your pass-port and dom something with your registration card, and tel you àiolns it la where you have your car registered - a veryM a r Lg Iprat Item - so It *was lucky you asked. No problemn Averates *Xhnigyour money Into pesos, however, and you're on Name Games Ave your. a.A son 1 21 V. Froni uninhabited plains covered with cactus and ather Dr. H. Rundie - 21 234 desert vegetation, the country suddenly becomes quite -hilly, Ernie Perfect - 21 231 aimait mountaius. TI a couple af hours you reach Mon- Briaji Martyn - 18 2 2. "ery, a large city of same 600,000 and aparV from the main Russ Hallman 21 221 lanaro pssgewas it ad ar, an papeDon Oke-___ 21 2Z street it snro asg-aswt lcas ayppe Jack Bond ___ 21 221 end animais ail over the place. The latter, something Yeu Larry Piper - 21 221 àon't see ini Canada, la quite common i Mexico. Bud Barter___ 21 22C The city, originated in 1596, is a combinatian of age - Ruass Oke ___ 21 22C Bill Westlake - 21 22C 9Md houses and modern places af business. Visitors can take Art Rowe - 15 22C é trip through the Chauhtemoc Brewery, largest i Mexico. Laurence Leamari.. 18 220 They tell us you can consume ail the free beer you want, Fred Thampson__ 21 21E tI the setting af a beautiful garden. But - it was in the Mike Murphy - 21 216 Frank Samis - 21 216 znorning, and we had a long way to go. Clarence Oke - 21 215 Continuing to drive higher inta the mountains, the excel- Si Trewin------- 21 214 lent highway winds through enormous cactus plants, cavering Maurice Annaert- 21 214 niast cf the nearby land. Throughout this dry area, s0 much John Gould___ 21 211 different to any we had ever seen before, live many af the ohn BsOp -- 1 211 Mexican Indians. We wondered how they would react to Bob Lawton - 21 211 our tak.ing pictures - because alinost ail carry knives. They Bob Williams - 21 211 were quite hospitable, even inviting us into their adobe Matt Harrison 21 211 licind.Ted Bagnell 21 210 hacena.Lowell MacDougal 21 209 S Despite living conditions which we just don't realize, Bud Henning 21 208 the people are exceptionally dlean - and much better off' Elton Brock 21 208 than aur North American Indians, who are confinedi to reser- Jack Lander 21 208 T'Rob Glanville 21 207 ývations, in same af the worst places imagineable - as we Frank Mohun - 21 206 have seen i arlier trips. Don Bagneil - 21 206 - Next is Sattillo, population 100,000, situated ini a broad HaP Palmer - 12 206 Valley, 5,145 feet above sea level, surrounded by high his. Ab Saman 21 204 Sattillo dates back over 400 years a fact that is quite easy Kar Peipr 21 204 ta believe as you drive thraugh the.narrow - and we mean Georgem eHeng 1 204 )iarrow streets. Many serapes are on display, along with Jack Parker . 21 204 yattery, silver masks and other native handicrafts. Maurice Richards- 21- 20' Lou Wiseman 21 203 ..Articles for sale are an display on the streets and also Bob Kent ----- 21 20: ;In stores, which are merely the size of stalis. You have ta Murray Tighe 21 202 -'emember that these old cities were constructed by the Harold Michelson_- 21 2Ô2 >paniards, who believing that land was very valuable, leftHarold Bennett --- 21 212 *Etl ror fr tret.Bruce Milne 21 202 --rom orstees.John Carter 21 201 ..We might mention hans thât although it Is quicker to Teani Standings 11y, the way to really see Mexico is by car. However, it isn't Teama LPt 4nough simply ta remain on the highways. You have ta get Lander Hardware_. 14 7 14 >ito th1e towns and citles ta see what it is really like. I. G. A --------- 14 7 14 However, aur desire ta "see everything" caused us a Mutton & Gould. 13 8 13 Whyte Bras..--12' 9 12 *.mail problem, when the sun disappeared behind the moun- Kens Men's Wear il 10 il >ins and we stiil had an hour's drive. You must realize that Frank's Variety - i1 10 il Ahls was aur fifst night in a strange country and we were Nels Osbarne Ins... 10 il 10 Un the middle cf nowhere. Dykstra's Food- 10 il 10 - t We reached San Luis Potosi at six o'clock and spent an Pepsi Cola 10 il 10 Jury & Lovel.- 7 14 7~ ,rhour trYing ta flnd aur miotel. It was a'mighty fine spot Beaver Lumber- 7 14 7 :Smplete with dining roomn - and let me tell you - T-bone Selby Grant Heat. 7 14 72 éteaks neyer tasted better - at anly two bucks apiece too! e Bowling News ~.Next morning we, were up i timne to see the people bcoTelersfnasarea hit ".' their way ta work, wamen on neanly every street corner their stride. Eight bowlers ý-'1dy ta squeeze fresh orange juldei andthe aven-prescrit cnashied the mighty 800 mark. 1-ml i u sres Russ "Wigger" Oke, the boy !0iml It s treneddta tk ietp anw ho always cames up with the -r1ý Itwasrecmmededtha wetak a idetri toSanbig one, had 853 made up af ý.ýIulde Allende, a smafl city af some 17,000 people, which 226 - 368 - 259. Lowell Mac- Ybad been founded I 1542. We dld - and il cerîainly was Dougal foilowed with 819 (155- - Wrthwhile. 295 and the high single game Sari ai the season 369). AI Os- l :SnMiguel Is one of the few towns i Mexico to have orn a 0 23-7-9 ibeen named a national monument in an effort ta preserve Larry Piper had 805 (272-221- .1és colonial atmosphere. Cliging ta a mounlain siape, this 312) and Dr. Howard Rundie 4'eypicturesque community has narrow, cobblestone streets, 800 (212-276-312). 1 ' , yOne dazen bowlers jumped ý,inst ai themn quite steep. Many fellow tourissYmre in evi- over th1e 700 mark. Clarence .,"nce, al of themn taking pictures just as ourselves. Oke 777 (303), Si Trewin 765 Every trip w've been on, there always has ta be an (262-273), Mike Murphy 758 -ocasin henwegelloI -andMeicoCiy ws s god(291), Fred Thompacri 751 Ïccsio whn w ge lot -andMexco itYWasas ood(348). Ed Leslie 740 (288), sot as any for ita happen. We enerd the nation's Art Rowe 740 (260), Ernie ,4apital aI four 'clock, drove some 15 minutes the wrang Perfect 745 (262), Frank Samis way and flnallygot back on th1e right street. By the time 724 (284), John Gould 735 ~wereahedthespo whre urholl ws lcatd, ou ighf(99), Fred Cale 715 (294), :,Wereahedthespo whre ur ote wa loate, yu mghtDon Oke 700 (301), John Cart- linow il wauld be on a ane way streel, the opposite ta which cr 708 (271). 5ewanled. Il toak a whlle ta gel comig up the propen Brian Marlyn had a 289 1'tay, but aI lasI we were setlld after five days drîving, 'single, John Oke 283, Jack nd ready ta talce it eagy. Parkcr 281, Garf Clarke 269, Weý did relax thatý evening, venîuring only as far as Gepore GlAnvle26, au c Z$ost af $6.40 per day wilh air canditioning, nightcîub, diing New'ville -Starkville j.omand central location 13 quite reasonabie don't you think? BwigLau Averages1 arg McDonald 1821 MEMORIAL Dors Torpkins__ 177 Mary Skelding 174 aot Stark ~1701 AR NA ~ etyBrennan___1708 BOWMNVLELaura Miles ___f_ 651 Joy Brown ______1629 Telephon. 623.5728 Marie Trim ______160 Ina Brown ______1601 Marg Wade ______158 PUBLIC Hendenson 156 ITnyRypaUMa146( lie nyHenderson - 14o SKATING __ Betty Bothwell 130 FRIDAY, OCTOSER 2Sth Lamna Dennis ____ 1021 Shirley Marteil 83 8 O10PLNettle Savery no0 M U Omues AN!> - XM MDonaid 3026,Lx SUNDAYOCTOaER 3Oh &wn3s 23 .~cy212- ____________________________ 2135M. Wade 211.t Gamet Wem S KTIMG - p >, j, ad Oaks ______15 Western. Tire Instails New Machine Western Tire & Auto Sjipply Store, 85 King SI. W., bas recently installed 1an "Alemnite" Undercaater using the latest method of graphite and grease. 7Above is shown mechanic AI. Taylor in the process of undercaating an auto- 1mobile with this new equipment to sto.p the hazards ai winter rusting. Now >is the lime to make an appoinîment to h ave your auto undercoated bef are th( cold weather sets in. Jr. Men's Hockey League By Jim Clarke After a scorcless final peniod wcre 0111cr strong penfommers Legin sage a ix-oalPhil Bragg, Lanny Burns for Legion up front. Fan Bill's cgoebac ageain ixs-a dLryHclmpt ilsunti Iheir collapse, Larry Hel- combac agins Bil'sBil ad LrryHelarnputBil'slam, Phil Bragg and "Bucky" liards, whilc Ken's Men's Wcar in front 3-0. Don Westlakc's Hughes played weil. shot down Nichais' Matons in drive from autside 111e blue- Next Sunday's apener, at Sunday night action. yIn t11e ine finally beat Griffin, who 7:30, secs Ken's against Bill's apener, Ken's paccd by Steve Burns, nolled ta a 6-3 victory. may have been scrccncd by Billiards, whiie Nichols and Legion attlcd home six un- defenceman "Bucky" Hughes. Legion tangle in th1e nighlcap. answcred goals aiter trailing Forty-seven seconds laten, at Last Sunday's winner of t11e 3-0, ta down Bill's Bîliards 6-3 19:04, Wray Randeli dnillcd $4.00 draw was Irv Beaupnie, in the second game. another shot fram centen ice Bill's Billiards manager. In t11e opening game, Kcn's that Gniffin didn'l move on (Intended for last weck) dispayedplety o zip inand Legian trailed 3-2. It was rw fnal 5 diapayedpleny aiZ1J, all downhill fan Bill's in 1the A cow ainry 15 claiming their victory. Nichais, hast 20 minutes. Ai Westlake, walchcd, as th1e Junior Men's without th1e services ai their Bob Cameron wilh two and Hockey League began ils starry farward, Don McMurt- Tim Prout ail scored for faurth season Sunday night, er, who was ill, couidri t gct Legion, while Bill's wcrc hcld October 16111. teveoffnsveangedin hrec ngscoreleas. Ten of 1the 16 Pen- In 1the apenng game, 1the goals Bornsth ein rhie allies meted out in 1the game league's newest addition, Ken's golJ o r thae, Binn Calhi ndtaok place in 1the third peniod. Mcn's Wear, scramblcd teaa Go eelso n adsins For Forion collected il aof111e 16. 1-1 lie with Legion. Wray GNchasonDane sodglrs. o r ot rthe winncra, Bob Cameroxa Randelpolished off a clever ted loa Dae oGeren added with a pair, turned in a strang passing play aI 15:59 aif1the ae w ainghe. renade effort. Mike Bothwell, Don third, ta enable Leglon te a sigle.Westiake and Terry Baker setîle for th1e draw. The Reader opencd 1the scaring Men's Wear squad, in their for Ken's at 1:13 aif1the firsl, iebut, appeared headed for a wilh Wallroff and Slecp assîsl- victory, on 1the strength ai ing. Rodgerson beat Larry Warner Wallroff's ascc on d Nemis cleanly at 13:20 la tic period goal. To be exepected, th1e game. Steve Burns toak 1the anipers werc a littIe rusty, a Joc Reader pass and beatinteya' rsacobu Pat urph of ichos atbath clubs put on a pleasing 17:26. Steve steamed a drive strugglc. from- just inside 1the bluehine, calcing111einsde a 11e ,Warner Wallraff, who was post an Murph's glave ide. rbc yLgo' Cry Bnian Collins and Burns put j Burgess carlier, broke a score- Ken9s in front 4-1 In the sec- ~<less tic aI 11:10 ai the second. ond. P The lead sload up unlil Ran- Bob Lxtondcli patted 111e equalizer, with Bo utnreplaced Larry leas than five minutes remain- Neniis in Ken's goal in 111e ing. He took a pasa from Bob third, whlc Doug Parkins took Heilam and whippcd a drive aven for Pal Murphy. Lux- ton rcceived a raugh greeting . paI Nemis fnom 15 feet out. Bath club's drew five Pen- for Kcn's when Dave Green allies. Warner Wallroff, Brian foalcd hlmi aflen only 18 sec- Collins and Steve Burns show- onds. At 9:17 Dane Rodger- e elfrKns hl o son's hong slap-shot trickled cd ellmfor Kegin'stwpilero out f Lxto's goveandformer. Warner Wallroff, D. Nichais trailcd by onhy 4-3. Hooey and Kerry Dickend Gene Balson made il 5-3 aI eeohrsrogpromr 12:01 and !Steve Burns whipped NT forc ther strng pfoub. n a drive fnom th1e side home, BANNER PASSANT In1the segiond club. chls making Il 6-3 ter 1the Men's 623-32811e osect onae, NichaIs Wear Club. Ken's drew sev- 62338 Mtos Bputiadsw asubbor5-3 en aif1the 12 penalties callcd. 120 Duke S.,BOWManVille Bill's Bilhirdo'secouad5-al Larry Nemis in five periada Stf, Dae Rodgerson'9:secod goe played la date Ihia season,ha * Life Insurance taird11e igteaI 9:44 ain11e been beaten anhy twice. Coach *tid rvdt e11 inr Nelson Yeo reccived a good * Income Disabllity Radgersan opencd 1the scaning two-uy erfomane frm hs *aI 8:46. John Mathens mov- club. prfranefrmhi Pension Plans ed 1the defending champs uhead Steve Burns, with his hat- * Group Insurance 2.0 on a greal solo effort, at trlck, was Kcn's leader with * Business Insurance 4:41 asin1exise o osr- Joe Reader, Warner Walimoff *so wainelefrcs- and Gene Balson »Il turning * Estate Planning checking, when Bill'a Lanny In srongeffots ~fron < ~Permis made at 2-1. Permis defence, Murray Taylor turned Sun 11f. Assurance cworaled arJinddMclne pas in one ai bis best ames. Forsosedaon dfnea th1e lasers, anly Dans Rodgenr omay fCaaa Rîck Lucas and blusted a 10w saroman odfDveCaneadae drive behind Pal Murphy. ton and. ae Geen-er-upBath teamashited m 111gb Jto_ aniy two penloda, 8geanin 1the third, with play the second gaine, Gary Gniffin 9topped logl8on coid and bis 8 Naine cpeInu'op.i rg t h ratsbltua od 3-0 lead. 1 score 2-2 oan a close-inplay, SAàB* teri gjin 1ath- ~aften juol 53 seconds. Dan le ehl' bmich la aking.. 1 Addr.s McMurter gave Nichais a 3-2 siteidt* Ern!?!unadyf@r 1edge, beating Garth LUnIon the ZÎÎQI 1 # 8 ~ W" 1X01 owith a sharp angle drive that zninUCh W-tt ight t3om 1th#8Ocuato zipped between a defender's co L legs. Bill's battled back on1 it ato eBirii1 Ieven ternis with Bragg again fi 9 7-tu»U*Ihe marksman, at 6:25. Nichais' OpatMurhyiWho replaoed Doug Parkins for the last two periads, came up with two great saves on Larry Perria and "'Bucky" Hughes. Dane Rodgerson beal Linton on a dazzling breakaway effort, at 9:44, for the eventual winner. At 18:35, Waalner wrapped Up the scorlng for Nichais, elimaxing a nifty, three-way passlng play. The game was a goad one and leatured some fine end-to-end rushes. For Nichais' Don McMurter was a standoul, along with Dane Rodgenson, Woolner and John Maîhers. John Adams and Rick Lucas pcrfonmed well on defence, with Pat Murphy solid in goal. For Bill's, Larry Hellam, Phil Bragg, Jim Mc- Intyre and "Bucky" Hughes were Iheir beat. Garth Lintan, despile being beaten five limes, played wcll for the lasers, in his firat Jr. Men's game. Nichais' drcw sevën of 111e 12 penalties caîl- cd by officiais Jim Coyle and Bud Perfect. Mary Lou Hend- erson ai Part Hope was the lucky draw winner ai $4.00. BOWLING The boys from the Rcclaim mude a dlean swcep in the bowling depanîment. The Re- claimators rolled up a 7-0 count over 111e Millwnights, while Jack Bond and hisi sulty Crackers snapped th1e Machine Shop 6-1, (salty 11e-, cause they've been aI sea for! 11e lasI six weks). The 1 Power House blew off a litIle sleum and îook . 111cmfinal win by a 4.3 verdict aven the Braiders. The Banbury crcw whippcd 1the high ilying Of- fice boys 7-0 and th1e Fan Bels clipped 1the firal place BeIts 5-2. In 111e final cen- counler the Combines cked out a 4-3 win aven the Hase. Jack Bond took 1the high single prize nolling a 324 lame and his big handicap ýrought il up la 326. 0111cr 300 games, Ruas Hatcly and Toe Piper wîthout handicapsi nd with, Rog. Harnesa, Terry Irice, Murray Locke and Valt Hatcly. Don Oke again )ok th1e high triple with a ne 819; others who capitaliz- 1 on t11e aven 750 pnize were .Harnees, T. Pnice, K. May- ard, J. Bond, J. Piper and - Lobb. Bob Smith an his iraI nighl ai bowling found 11e hidden score. Teain Standings BeIta - -----35 Reclaimalors ____ 32 Hase ________-29 Office - 28 Braiders ______ 28 Banbury 26 Fan Bell._________24 Millwights 22 Machine Shop 21 Combines - - 20 Crackers .._______18 Power Hous . 13 D. Oke -- B. Marlyn A. Lobb J. Bond D. Perfect ___- F. Wright A. Rowe ____ W. Hately J. Piper-___ ___ J. Hauçk ___- A. Langatafi ___ J. Luxlon Dfrector ai Recreatio., I ___ Bowmnvile nvlle pape Juve iles Tie Rick Woolner frorn Brian flLLLThen Peterborough retallat. reieuOr Ugn ed wlth a goal from Bfrch, Self and Dobbins. hockeyve ~a e~ Peterborough quickly used ,: nd oftheir a naeand scored PoceyBoru% lye andi another wlth the goal belng Bowmanville wenl ahead inawrde a obisfr the final pcnlod on a goal by Peterob>naugh hadsc Robert Large fram Dave Bana- their f111 goal from sel Dc'. bell and Demis Hamcniuk. bin and Pallersen belon. Bow. Up until Ihis goal Peterbor- manville slarted to corne ough was dominating the play. back. The penalties were many and Robent Lange scored 1hs John Houper of Bawmanvllle third goal cf 1the nlght with neccivcd a 10 minute nulacon- th1e assisl going ta John Oyler. duct. Then Bowmanville tied th1e Pete boro gh's J. H lmegame again with a goal fro mn scored unassisted to even th1e Lare.sHmnu dRb game 1-1 . Robert Large received points In another rash ai penalties on four ai the five goals, scor- Bnian Peters received a 10 ing three and neceiving ane minute mnisconduct. assist. Peterborough opened th1e The game ended in penai. second periad with a goal by lies as il had been played in Holme, assistcd by Dobbins. penalties. The penalties incneased but Next wcek's game shauld Bawmanville finally scorcd prove ta be very exciting. another goal. Camne and watch th1e juveniles Robent Large scored 1h at 7 o'clock aI 1the Bowman.. second of t11e nght with as-,ville Arena. DING TRIS SPECIAL 1/ PRICE PASS teothe 9FRIDAY,, OCT. 28 KINSMEN SUPER CAR MBINGOm- SPETERBOROUGH- MEMORIAL CENTRE $8,500 IN PRIZES Including Brand New 1967 Ambassador Sedan or $2,000 ln Cash-, $1,000 Hi-Lo Gaine; $1,500 Big Snowball (57 nos.$; $1,000 Small Snowbafl (52 nos.); $600 regular gamnes. $450 Speclal gamnes. Don't farget to buy the econonxy pack for value and save inoney. Plus 4 Eariy Bird Ganes (Share the Wealth) Startlng st 7:30 p.m. Many Free and Valuable Door Prizes KINSMEN BOWMANVI LLE RECREATION DEPARTMENT ADULT ACTIVITIES LADIES' GYM Thursday Evenlng - 7:30 ta 9:00 p.m., Lord Elgin Scool. Starta on November 3rd. Fee $3.00 for season. MEN'S VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Monday Evenlng - 7:30 to 9:00 p.m., Lord Elgin Sehool. Starts on Ocober 3lst. Fee $3.00 for scason. CHILDREÈN BOYS' GYM - SOUTH WARD Tuesdays - 4:30 ta 5:30 p.m., Ontario Street SchooL Starts on November lut. Fee $2.00 for the season. BOYS, GYM - NORTH WABD Thursdays - 4:30 ta 5:30 pan., Lord ElilaSchooL Stars on November 3rd. Fee $2.00 for the season. GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL LEAGUE Tuesdays - 4:30 ta 5:30 p.m., Lord Elgin SchooL Stats n November lt. Fee $2.00 for the season. CHILDREN - Boys' Gym, Girls' Volleyball - Age cabegory: 7 to 13 years of are. Reglster at the Reereation Office, Lions Communlty Centre, 26 Beeeh Avenue, Bowmanvllle, Ontario. For further Informilon, telephone 623-3114. T. A. FANNJING, IT'S YOU R BI RTH DAY. COMING TO THE PARTY? Expo 67 le the candie on Canada's Centenniai birthday cake. The crownlng event of a whoie year's celebrations. It open* In Montréal néxt April MSt for six months-the biggest, most exciting show you have ever seen, Make it a date, now. 0.1 y.ur mntrance Passport now--and save. Rsduced Prices up to Fabruaay 2».h DaIy Passpart, $2, Weekiy Paseport (7 consécutive deys) $740. Aise, big redmictIons on Seasori Pasapoite and Youth Pasaporta. Childrmn 2-12 on April 20h. 1mi, haif price. On sale et banka, travel agents, transportatIon companles, depurtment storets, service clubs, women's associations, labour groupe, and whersver you ss the officiai Expo 87 sign, Ask ambout Bonus Books, too, for big discounts on food. rides and entertanmont Accomm.dationa? Gouarantood. Write ta the Offciai EXPO 67aCconlmodatjon bureau: LOGEXPO, Expo 67, Cité du Havre, Montroai, PQ. exPp06 The Universal and International ExhIbItion of 1W5 Montréal, Canada APRI. 28- OCTOIER 27,107 1 1« m

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