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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 9

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I ~~-< tion Posters $39 ye Snsupplies $25.73; George nici V zn's stone, welfare accounit m e c S 168.00; Townshp . of Emit' The. ladt regular Couneil and dealt with wene froin Tht $24.13; Béthany Centennial wu onTusdy iH os aiFrlikChlre etownship office fuel $36.35;j m~nbem oreent a.! ~ reuidence of a patient; Russell Road Voucher No. 12 for -na LeWIF MeCililpreulding. Honey, M.P., ne Centennial account $11,823.06; Mmnvens Mlle n eprseningGrant appraval; Dept. of Na- Municipal Telephone 'System, tio tional Revenue canoenning balance of 1966 levy $9,150 04 cli.. o n the Pension Fund deductions for and $5815 fan 1966 tolila(of- and.! esente.! their Council; Dtp t. af Municipal fice); John Mangan, supplies for a Centennial poject Allai-rs ne balance of pen for Pontypool Fine Aiea $13.- 197,wllc ~capita grant for 1966 in the 19 and $48.00 as canetaker ao ~ithe lot on which amount af $3,197.65, Dept. o!fPine Hall fan six months; 1on¶ a Highways ire Interim Subsidy Richardson Bras, Pontypool 'Tl of Manvers io rad meeied inthe Fine Dept. truck *nepairs $36.- nirafor of $314e.05; e pt o 5;inana yra Pny r rw Ioprov e.! and etht mount o 3,2.5 et 15;OtroHdofrPny quest was mecerve a nte unicipal Affairsane list ai pool Fine Hall $10.24. cfmate *1.0 o ti ree a g aresdsvae avn h etngajundsb 1 high unempînyment r a t e; ject ta the cali of the Reeve. Tht Town&Mhp will accept Dept. af Municipal Affairs ad- the piet quotation ai the visIng that Regional Offices John Deyell Printlng Ca. OaIn~ Ontario are being setItîp! 'LONG SAULT Llndsay, Ont, ta pint and ta assist Clenk and Treasur-t publish 2000 copies a0 thtenar with municipal account- Mn. and Mm,. Earl Penwar- *ory af Manvers Township ing, budgeting, etc.; Magis- den and fam-ily were New as a Centennial pnoject, con- trate Baxten with cheque fon Year's dinnen guests ai Mn., sistln.g ai 225 ta 250 page.s!in $9.85 being Manvens shane af and Mns. Clayton Brown. 1 bard back caver for-n ai book fine, fan October; Northumn- Mr. and Mn.. James Parkin- wlhh many pichurés. berlan.! an.! Durham Health son an.! family wene New Mr. G. Adams ai the Com- Unit report; Dept. ai Munici- Vea' Day visitons ai Mn. and munity Planning Banch call- pal Afiairs ne balance of Mn.. Ryt Gibsan. e.! on tht Council and discus- 1985-66 Winter Work grant in On Monday evening Mn. sied Building Regulations in the amount af $390.10; Dept. and Mn,. Gibson were visitons f the township for a two hour ai Municipal Affaira ne grant af Mr. and Mns. G. Bernard rrnod. Further discussion will in lieu ai 1966 taxes on Crown an.! iamily.c be heid in tht new year an.! Lands in tht township for (Intende.! for last wcek) s it appears at this time that $378.10; sheep dlaimsan a Miss Gonnill was a Wednes.- the Township of Manvers numben ai accounts. ýday supper guest ai Mm. an.!d shoul.! introduce a new im- Th.acconberCr suer gust I'-Tefollowing aistmas dayl prove.! building by-law ta be paid: Bert McMullen, weed aisman daMn..ernardst take cane ai present day de- inspector $85.00; Walter Neals, oferM. and Mrs. Renardn velopments. Tht matten s hall caretaker $250.00; Charlesfml very involve.! an-d n-uch study Morton $200.00 as dog contro aily, Ajax. Monday dinner and plnin will be require.!fier 10.oa building guests were Mn. an.! Mn,. peoe n ha ng es q offî nspcr andO.O asMillan, Trent River; Mm,. befnt ny hanes illbe nspcto an b-law enfonce- Arthur Gallaghen and Robent attempttd. Harvey Malcolm ment officer, $10.5() for cur- Gallaghen, Kinburnn;Mn. Fredc thanke.! Mr. Adams fan com- ent monthly mileage; l&st algeM ntaw ;Mr1 ing ta tht meeting an.! assist- six months af Council's PalarndrEi GallaghenMantaa; cn ing the Council withthma-fr16,$2.0 ony f Woodville; Miss Danothy Gal- ter of improving tht building 'Victoria, Hîgh School intenest lagher, Petenborough. regulations in thetotwnsh.ip. and! Debenture P. $9,332.22; Rev. and Mrs. Hienbeckerr A delegation from the Jan- Victoria County High School, and iamily, Madoc, wene Mon- f etvillc area accompanicd by maintenance 1966, $33,403.85; day dînner and overnightn Mn. W. Stead from the Fine United Countits of Northum- guests ai Mn. and Mn.. Bern- Manahal', Office, Belleville, berland! and Dunhan- 1966 levy ard.e calle.! on tht Council and dis- $34,248.92; Ganaraka Region Mn. and Mns. Robent Cam- eusse.! tht Janetville Fine Conservation Authority 1966 cran and iamily, Mr. and Mn.. Brigade which is presently levy $338.o; Pontypool street Clayton Brown and Linda an.!d being forme.! an.! tht setting lights $435.00; Betheny street Mn. and Mm,. M. Kellett -andc Up ai a fine aea. lights $409.37; Janetville street family, ai Janetviîîe, wene i A by-law was passe.! ta lights $143.00; Menven, Town- Christmas dînnen gutats afi borrow $440,000.00 from Tht ship Public Sahool Board, ef- Mn. and Mn.. Earl Penwanden. C Toronto-Dominion Bank until ter debentune peyment dedua- Mn. and Mns. Robt. Camer-b such time as the Debentures tions $39,153.44, Caven Town- on and iamily were Christmas t are issued for the new Cen- ship Public School Board 1966 evening visitons af Mns. E.C tral Public Sahoal which is Itvy $1,250.68; Ops Township Woods, Tyront, and Monday being constructe.! ah tht junc- Public School Board $682.92; callers at tht Kayac'. home. t tion af 7A and 35 highways. Ops Township Separate School Mn. and Mn,. Ryt GibsonJ A second by-iaw was passe.! $131.25; Retarde.! Chîldnen's wene Satunday aiternoon caîl-L establish.ing certain lands in Education Authanity $234.84; ens on Mn. an.! Mn,. J. Park- j lot 5, concession 9 ai the Ted Spenceley, shtep dlaim inson, Courtice. Mrs. Parkin- township as being part ai the $20.00; Robent Stînson, sheep son ha. been veny sick aven Il Manvens Township Road Sys- dlaim $20.00; Lewis Staple,, tht Christmas holiday, withS tem. sheep dlaim $25.00; Lindsay stnep. thnoat. r John Armstrong, an hourly Post, posting ai Voter. LiSt On Satunday evening tht i rate.! noad- employet, is ta be $4.80;* Curtis Letten SupplY, Ryt Gibsons visited with b: pald. for tht standard statu- voter.' lists 1966, $98.90; On- their daughten, Mn. an.! Mrs. tI tory holidays in 1966 an.! each tario Municipal Board for de- Norman Davis an.! iamiiy,C year heneaiter while employ- benture a p p n ov a 1 $440.00; Onono. They spent Christmas ed by thetotwnship ai Man- Township ai Hope, weliere day with Mn. and Mn.. Gien ti Vers. change-back $42.33; Town oi Pugsley and iamily, Cobourg. tE A business tax nefund i. to Pont Hope, weliare charge- Mn. Pugsley who i. the meat w be made to Mns. William San- back $12.00; Municipal World cutter at I.G.A., Bowmanville, M derson of Janetville for 1966 Ltd. $17.15; Norman Wilson, is doing veny nicely now, aten I; iii tht amount af $10.95. shooting two dog. $10-00; taking a ha.! heant attack C Communications received Blewett Pinting for Nommna- while lit work two weeks aga. y3 BU-RiL-Y Bus LIN-ES 623-3811 BOWMANVI LLE service Pins ýat Staf Part y NESTLETON Mr. and Mrs. Lawv Malcolm called on his s Mr. and Mrs. J. Millet family, Wiilowdale. Mrs. Nelson Marlow wi Christmas Day guest with son and daughter-ln-law, and Mrs. Gilbert Mar Brocklin, and a New Yi? OBITUARY MRS. GEORGE WISE1X rence sister and as a à her ,Mn. xlow, cear s IAN The death of Mm.. George Wiseman, aged 86 yeans, oc- curned at Memonial Hospital, Bowmanville, on Sunday, De- cemben 25, 1966, ioliowing an iliness of six months. Born in Scotland, where she received her educatian, tht former Marion Wilson was mrnamied in 1913 ta George Wiseman. She was predeceas- ed by hen husband. Mn.. Wiseman ha.! rèside.! in Bowmnanville for 40 ycars. A housewife, her intenetIs centred around ber home an.! family.' She was a member ai St. Andnew's Preshyttnian Church. She was misa a mem- ber of tht Ladies Auxiliery La Bnanch 178 ai tht Royal Canadian Legion. Sunviving are four sans andi two daughters, Melville, Mn. J. Edwands (Jean), Robert, Lewis, Mr,. B. Goode (Mar- jonce) an.! Douglas. Tht funerai service was ici.! tram tht Northcutt & Smith Funenal Home, Bow-, manville, on Tuesday, Decem- ber 271h, and was conducted by Rev. J. S. Gilchrist. Inter- ment was in Bowmanvillc Cemetry., Among tht beautiful floral nributes, evidence ai thte e- ern in which the decease.! was hel.!, were those from the i4cmorial Park Euchre Club, L~adies Auxillany ta the Royal Canadian Leg-ion, an.! Good- yean Employets. Lii.ý 723-7171 ROUTE FROM HAMPTON TO WHITBY VIA TAUNTON RkOAD READ DOWN 'READ UP A.M. P.M. P.M. P.M. 10:00 1:00 Hampton 1:00 6:00 10:05 1:05 Solina Road 12:55 5:5 5 10:10 1:10, Mitchels Corner 12:50 5:50 10:15 1:15 Taunton 12:45 5:45 10:30 1:30 Oshawa 12:30 5:30 Oshawa Shopping Centre 10:35 1:35 Garrard Roud 12:25 5:25 10:40 1:40 Rossland Roud 12:20 5:20 10:45 1:45 Thickson Roud 12:15 5:15 11:00 2:00 Whitby 12:00 5:00 Ail trips operate daily except Sunday andi Holidays Connections at Oshawa for Toronto and Port Perry CHARTER COACHES AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS ORONO m KIRBY S(HEDULE AJL 8:00 8.., 5 ;0t0 AJL 10:30 10:35 10:45 10:-55 11:30 11:45 P.M. 5:35 5:40 KIRY OBONO 5:45 NEWCASTLE A.M. 10:30 10:20 10:10 5:55 BO WMAN VILLE10:05 6:30 ýý 6:45 OSHAWA WITY 9:30 9:15 P.M. 5:35 5:30 5:15 5:00 4:25 4:30 4:1& *Trbps t. and from Kiby wil .pçrt. saturday umly. Coumetiem a t Oshawa fer Toreto MW Plort PMy Au tnip Qopr*t. dm17 exopt Suumay m=d4illlys, BU ~F~ i~L QC68mM ' 's I. j-t.> id M Lewfc. gi I - 1~ IR tc Ir iv 0 B 81 ai I et James MeKet iS now spending tht winter with her son an.! daughten-in-law. 1Mn. an.! Mm,. Don Frew an.! ;iamily weme Christmas week- îendi guests with their parents, in tht Delhi district. Mn. and Mrs. Alvin Bruce an.! Mananti wene New Ytar's dinner visitons with the Bruce Heaslips. In tht Presbyterian Chunch, New Yeam's monning, Rev. Fred Swann took hi. message inom tht book ai Isaiah, "«Fean thou nat ion 1 amn with thet, I am thy God". Tht same message applies ta the people today, III will strengthen thee, help thet, uphol.! thet with tht right hand ai my nighteous- ness". Tht word ai Go.! fis ail tht answers ta tht won]d's needs today. Mrs. H. Visser sang a solo, "Peace an Earth, Good Will ta Men". In tht United! Chunch New Yeen's monning communion was cammcmonated. Tht Cen- tennia] Hymn was sung an.! Rev. Philip Romenil 's prayer was tht Centennial Prayer which was given aven al Canada. It i. nteresting ta know that the persan, who compose.! tht word. an.! music ion tht hymn, was a member ai Mn. Ron-acil's congrega- tion when he was a ministen on the Guernsey Islands.. Tht choir sang tht anthem, "Christ Be With Me". BURKETON Mns. Raymond Davey spent Fniday in Lindsay. Mn. an.! Mn.. Les. Taylor an.! family, Bill Quinn an.! Pat Smith attende.! tht Ash- ton-Marshall wcdd.ing in Ton- onto on Saturday. Mn. L. J. Gatcheil i. spend- ing part ai tht winter in Ton- onto. Sonry ta, report Miss Doher- ty in Oshawa Hospital Wc wish ber a speedy recaveny. Mn. an.! Mn.. Tony Smith Present Héspia oThe 'h1pMao Dinnen Par ty fr Me*Mbial Hospital Staff was hel.! in triplicate, at noon an Thursday, at, five o'clock ini the aftennoon, an.! at one o'elock in the mmigon Fnl.- day so that =vryoy could attend. Memberu of the Hos- pital Board of Directors were misa pmsgent. Gay Christmas -decorations weme attnactively arranged in the cafeteria for the event. There were scarlet poinsettias, greenery, stars, and miniature snowmen, as well as fascinat- ing mobiles suspended rmm tht ceilîng with numerous OBITUARY DENVER J. DAWSON Denver J. Dawson, a former Stratiord resident, dit.! Satur- day, December 10, 1966, et hi, home in Bowmanville, in hi. 59th yean. Bonn in Stratiord, son of tht late Mn. an.!- Mn,. David Dawson who iivtd for many yeans et 345 Albert St., he was educate.! in Stratiord schools. Ht we, engage.! in thetrtuck- ing industry for some years befone moving ta Tononto in 1937. Joining tht staff ai tht On- tario Hydro Electric Power Commission, he wes transien- mcd fnom Toronto ta Bowman- ville about eight ycans ago. Mn. Dawson wes marrie.! ta tht former Myni Smith, el.!- est deughten ai Mn. an.! Mn.. Peter Smith, Stratiord. Sunviving besides his wiie are, thnee dau-ghtens, Mrs. Fred (Donna) Hunten, Wes- ton; Mn,. Bruce (Barbara) Riiey, Toronto; Mardi, et home; two sîsters, Mn,. Ivan (Miidne.!) Pounden, 172 Dele- ment Ave.; Mrs. Hugh (Lu- cille) Bell, R.R. 7, St. Mary.; e brother, David!, Stretiord; five gnandchildren. A brother George died in 1965. Tht body reste.! et tht Northcutt an.! Smith Funerel Home, Bowmanville, fnom whene it was teken ta St. John's Anglican Church for a service et 1 p.m. Tuesday. Bunial took place in Bowmen- ville Cemetery. Palîbearers wene Messrs. L. Bettridge, Rex Waiters, Cecil Mullenix, Les. Ring, Ron AI- der, an.! Norman Jackson. Day viaitor with her daughter and san-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Symons, Bowmanville. Friends were, pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Charles Briggs, Toronto, back ta Nestieton for the New Year's weekend. They visited with Mrs. Lorenzo Mountjoy. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. MeCabe, Yelverton; Mr. and Mrs. Stan- ley McCabe and family, Lotus, and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hy- land, Nestieton, were Christ- mas visitors with Mrs. Jean MeCabe and Eleanar, Lindsay. On New Year's Day Mr. and Mrà. McCabe were hasts ta their famiiy YMi. and Mrs. A. Hyland and Mr. and Mrs. S. McCabe and family. Mr. and Mrs. Keith Johns- ton and family were holiday visitors with hi. mather, Mrs. Wm. Johnston, Pakenhamn. Mrs. Lannie Chapman, Jeft, Ryan and Lisa returned on Monday to their home ln North Bay after spending the Christmas vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Bowers. Mr. Marvin Nesbitt attend- ed the annual Realtars' Holi- day Dinner and Dance ln the Centennial Room, The Inn on the Park, Toronto. On New Year's Day Mr. Nesbitt was a dinner guest with Mr. and Mrs. James Harris and dailgh- ter Dorathy, Lindsay. Mrs. Rupert Morris was alan a guest. Mr. Oliver Rohrer visited last week with hi, parents, Mr. and Mrs. Orlando Rohrer, Mitchell. Mr. and Mrs. Percy Hulbert spent Christmas with hi. sister and brother-in-law Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Freelove, Peter- borough. On New Year's Mr. and Mrs. Freelove visited with the Hulberts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Fortune, Willowdale, called on several Nestleton folk an Saturday. Both Mr. and Mrs. Fortune are eurrently d oi ng auxiliary teaching in a Secondary Schaol in Yorkdale. Mrs. F'ortune is better known as Mildred La ngifel1d. Mis. Fortune, a reading expert, is aîso teaching night school and ~ the iinfý- versity. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wilson were recent guesta with. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb, Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Lamb, Oakville, visited Iast week with the Wilsons. On Christmas Day Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were hosts tai their family, Mr. and Mrs. Norman Uyons and Lori, Uxbridge, and Mr. and Mrs. Herman Rodman, K~aren and Wilson, Little Brn- tain. - On New Year's Day the Wilsons were guests of their daughter and son-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Lyons and family. Mr. and Mnst Maurice Sam- ells, Sharon and Wendy, -Pet- erborough, and Mr. and Mrs. rim. MeMullen and Harold, Pontypool, w e r e Christmas Day guesta wit'. her parents, M'r. and Mrs. Larmen Hyland. On New Year's Day, Mr. and dis. Hyland visited with thein daughten and san-in-law, Mr. and Mns. McMullen. Christmas Day guests of Mlr. and Mrs. Maurice Nesbitt were Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Heaslip and famlly, Part Cred- t; Mr. Lloyd Heaslip, Mn. Terner Michelle, Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip, Mn. Gordon Fleming and Mr. and MIrs. John Nesbitt, Nestîcton. 'Tuesday visitors with Mr. and Mrs. George Heaslip were Mrs. Earl Ross and Mn. and /lrs. W. Horning and family, Scarborough. New Year's Eve visitons were Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Ruskin, Scarborough. Mr. and Mns. Richard Day!- son, Mr. and Mrs. Carl Elliott, David and Kim were Friday to Monday guests wlth Mn. nd Mn,. Douglas Davison, Blenheim. Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Prout en- tertalned their family Christ- mas Day. Those present were Mr. and Mms. John Proutt, Oshawa; Mn. and Mns. John Buchanan and family, Lind- say; Miss Ruth Pnoutt and Mr. Don- Proutt, Nestleton. Mr. and Mns. Lloyd Wilo, nd Mn.Aln il onan UsUal so tmat tnose wnio wtnt able ta attend coul.! do so.j George Tuiford, superintend- ent, was in change an.! San-1 dra Payne pnovided the music1 ion tht opening hymn. Tht af.- fering was neceived by Barnyi Best and Alain Wilson. 2 5 were present.j Family gatherings were held in mast ai tht homes here1 with a iew going ta relatives( in othen communities. 1 Mn. and Mn.. Peter Clarkei ai Utterson, Mn. and Mrs.1 Mervyn Clarke and Mrs. andi Mns. Vincent Szabo ai Bun-i lington spent Christmas with1 thein parents, Mn. and Mrs.i C. Beighton; tht Karvonens1 26uI, where ne la 1 gery penfarmet.!or Mn. an.! Mrs. 1 an.! daughten an Mn,. Percy Snel af Mn. an.! Mns. Bri andi the latter', im Joncs, with the E iamily. On Sunday morn gmte on a freighh down on tht Une here. Traffic w anounti it and frai helti up there irai a.m. till 4 p.m. Jo a local railway mi train at a standsti vite.! some a! the home for a break Yuletide Motifs. A. hall Christ- L. Aliisan, X-Ray;, Miss E. mas lte spazklng with orna- Joint, Dietany Mm,. D. Akey, ments centre.! the forth waml. Bach table hait a Chitâ Admnisitration, and K. Wis- centrepiece lighted with a tanu niewski, Engineen; 10 Years, ne.! taper.. Crackersi n e.!, Mr&. G. Ogden, Mrs. C. Orm- green nkg aid marked each iston, Mrs. P. White, ail Nurs- place. A doUdcous turkey din- irig,* and Hi-gh Samis, Engin- nen with all the fixings an.! ter; Five Y6 1,5, Mn.. H. Bumg- the traditianal plum pudding eus, Medical'Records-, Mns. L. was serve.!. Miss Norma Butheny, Mr%. G. Davey, Mms. Griffiths, the Dietitian, an.! I. Hetheringsr>n, li Nursing; hen staff wene misa responsible Bernard Hoiden, tht Admin-- for the deconations. istrator; Miss D. Kelly an.! -Atn h no Christmas Miss- L. Kilgannon, bath Nuns- dinner, Board Chairman Keith ing: M. Molioy, W. Ponter an.! Jackson pnesented ServicetMm,. F. Vanstone, ail House- Pins ai follows: 15 Yeam,, Mn.. kecping. NORTHUMBERLAND -DURHAM PROGRESSIVE - CONSERVATIVES ASSOC IATION Annual Meeting- and Electon of Off icer Wednesday, Jan. llth 8 pi.. at DR. POWER'S SCHOOL PORT HOPE Guest Speaker: DEL O'BRIEN National President of the Y.P.C. MMM PRICES EFFECTIVE Afw qw THURS. m FRI.-m SAT. ONLY Jan. 5, 6, 7 AUTOMATIC ELECTRIC )EEG. $9S CIN .95 ................... ....... K ET T L E Reg. $23.95 SALE PRICE _ _ _ SPECIAL TOYS AND CAMÉS 5SOVo OFI 20 PCE. MELMAC 7 PCS. - STAINLESS STEEL KITCHEN UTENSILS $ 9 Reg. $5.95 SALE PRICE----$39 CHROME PLATED ELECTRIC MIXERS _$9,088 Xçg. $14.95 SALE PRICE AUTOMATIC (AN OPENER- REG. $16.95 SPECIAL FIREPLACE EQUIPMENT 1 5 0o 12", ELECTEIC FRY PANS REG. $17.95 SPEC UAL $11,5 R.g. $21,50 SALE PI~CE ~ EECTRIC HAIR DIYERS ELECTIRIC fIREPLACE QlO~ POLS pPUHERS HAR D SPECIAL EG F i. £ and, famly, Vie.! Taylor un.! TI. capaiap Utmum, »mxi'IutiJ.41 Gr Brown al iourneyed te- Stit's Fails on Suniday, visLng Mms Mary Armstrong. W S.Y IL Mi.Beatrice Taylor, 1Mr.Co Douglas Taylor, Dianne and Donald, Stanley Taylor, Wi. KnA Quinn, Udney, Ontario, Miss ffl >f the ht*Q* tla MM .Miltoni $ Pat Smith were Monday sup- tion fur thei, happy Pé.Mr. ad Mm per guests of Mr. and Mm iaUia. lS o kk iii a = sà Leslie Taylor and family On fr Sna, and of oldmr tolk Thi mb»sxikini~ Christmas. for tht coming home 09 lai- PUW cd 1; Mr, a» Miss Edith Holnoyd, Toi- ily Gi>m parudon Walter 0 onto, returned home for the y. Geretinga epu0ie Mn. z Mnld. tdMrhC.Co e frithful postal ativice ad hnmtaas dlnae r nwrdinrs. guoes ro people are surprlaed to, ne- John WleEI Mn, Wr B nn gus fceive Christmas: etngsAchue Ford utiE Mr . W .B ya .from people eto thean olS d- Auutin -t Mr.an Mr. cDleMil-foreign countri-es. Som-e ofthe &i!Ms. D). JerVl brook, and Miss E. Coulter Sunday Scbool girls who atart- Cobourg' Janet Dl were guests at the Rabey cd the round tht world corres- Hlendenon Niee ho-ne at Christmnas. pondence hear from. a modiema Hiton Grahiam of Mrs. R. Davey spent Christ- in Africa and Buddblmt in and! Elva Ami R1 mas with Mn. sind Mrs. H. K. anothen country. 10h.1dUnR.9 Yer' wi n .and N ew am On Fiday evening of lat M. and Mn,. H Yer' wth! ad rs Smweek members of the Carroll et htd' t Grant and family, Oshawa- Nichais family entertain aeilTorontoMr. and Membens af the Taylor Clan iniends at M i s Darllnqg fond, Jo n -d Ra who attended New Year's boadn oei otHpln agi mid-day dinner àt the home candînChotmmicaPortHope;?&-.andulb af Mr. Douglas Taylor, Dan anothen day Lance Payne NIchols an-d fani! and Donald, at Simpson Ave., gave hi. grandparents, Mr. and XMn. S. Lanci Bowmanville, wene Mn.. Bea- and Mn,. C. Payne in Port tonville; Mr. and tnice Taylor iromn Eade Nurs- Hop. a pnivate performance Joncs and Ross af ing Home, Port Perry, Mrs. of hi, happy sang given at tht Mn. and Mra. it Matilda Toms, Enniskcillen, Sunday School party. Mn. and Mms. Aller Mn. and Mrs. Leslie Taylor, Church service was held at and Mi. S. Hold Mn. Win. Quinn, Miss Alice Welcome on Christmas Eve Mn. and Mnt. Fred Taylor, Mn. Fred Taylor, Miss with the CGIT in charge of Pont Hope. Pat Smith, Miss June Taylor the special service. Lewis Thorndy, and Mn. Stanley Taylor. Sunday School was held as Petenborough,' -M -r rdaECÀ th M. G. Xeawym W moday,, D. havirng mu'ç » nd Mnsé I PontHo Mruce- rinthe .enwý" vas rot4i inmen were om about 9"- 'hn Walter, mn saw tI* >, till andil nmen, te ils durlg hsu

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