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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 11

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j: A 1 a Newcatle-The final- School Board meeting for 1987 Wua huld ln the. PubliceSUhool on Monday evening. The minutes cf the. previous meeting were rnad by Sucretary BEd Barch- &rd. Foilowing the reading of the iiminutesthe. three menibers elected' to this office were sworn ini by Ed Barchard. Re- elected were Mrs. Pauline Storksanmd George Chard. Mfewly - eected was Robent School Board Chairman John' Riekard turned the next por- tion o! the meeting aven to Ed Barchard who called for nominations. Those nominat- ed and elected were: Board Chairman John Rickard, Vice- Chairman Pauline Storks, Property Chairman Irv Me- Cullough, Finance Chairmait George Chard and Vice-Chair- mann Pauline Storks, Purchas- igChairman Doug Walton, assisted by Bob Shearer and mIMcCullough. The Chairnman then return- ed to his place at the front of the rôom. He welcomed Bob into the Board, saylng that he hoped he wauld have lots of time ta put into It, enjoy it, and probably, he would get an education from it. He feit it wau the duty of every citizen ta offer his services in the communlty, and was cer- tain he would do as the others before hini had done thein best. At. this ture he aise wel-e comed Mns. Stork£s and Mr.i Chard back wlth the Board' and hoped they would ail en-E joy another year together. Thiswas Mr Rlckard's 12tha yemr with the board, and Il of those yeans were as chair-a ntinued Scho ol Growth 1 kes it Necessary for Bd. IStudy Further Expansion 1mani. He thanked the board iby Ed Barchamd. Hi. report s for the honor of &(gain eiect-1 showed an increase in attend- Sing hlm as chairman. anre, steadily climbing from B usiness arising froni the 1963. In '63 there were 224 eminutes rend bere the nom- students, in '84 there were inations were deait with. 269, in '65 there were 278 and Lights te b. changed and a in '66, 298. He feit that the door that needed fixing were board, who have alnesdy seen left in the hands of Mr. Mc- fit te mdd roonis ta the semail, Cullough. Mn. Wltan and continue in their thinklng that Mm. Stonks were ta attend a addlrional rooma may yet be Hydro meeting and represent needed. the sehool. A report would be Mn.. Stcrks, after heaning brought back nt the next meet- the report, said they would bu ing. wîge ta think of wheme and iThe principal'. report was how ta build. A new school givpen by the principal, Mn. elsewhere in the vMage may Ronad Munro. He reported be the answer, she sld. that on the laut day of school Mr. Rickard expressed his there were 297 students on the roll cal During the month of De- cember, report cRrds had been 1 ieng Doeemb re er, gh suetr-/ei' snt hocm.eregtw ere dur- teachers at the local school. The attendacce for the yean was given on 10 teachers. Out of the 10 thene wene six with S ocial atn Sefet attendance records. Mn. ickand praised the teachers and asked that the principal Newcastle - We sincerely express hi. thanks ta them as hope that your -New Yean he remized this was a great was a happy one. Parties1 record for acy school, mnd he quietly and noisely celebrated1 was pleased that it was the ailiaven Canada marked the Newcastle School. beginning of a New Year and The cames o! the prize and Canada's lOth birthday as award winners for 1966 were well. Saturdmy midnlght wms given ta the board. At this just the begining a! many big tume the board and Mn. Munra evenings planned far next year. of!ered suggestions as ta an Dances, concerts, canivals and awamd cight. It was the picnics are ail on the list. board's feeling that samnething Newcastle bas arranged a hugei should be planned befone the bonfine fan Friday night. Your spring as it was too long for can help by taking ycur Christ-j the girls and boys ta wait. nmas tree ta the Comrcunity Three suggestions were mmade Bail Park cot later than noon and left up te the principal ta hour, Friday, Janumry ftb. decide, with the date ta be This bonfire is to be looked sometime in February. after by the Centennial Comn- The repart of the School In- mlttee of Newcastle and they spector C. A. Holmes wms rend ask that you help theni by v i T a. D v fi lm a] R fi, Sc b sa i ni he ÈLIZÂBETH VILLE âs (Intended fan last week) n Church services were held Jat Garden Hill on Sucday. SSucdmy Schocl won held prier. In the evening a camai service wis heiti in tht church here. nA lange Christmas tree in tht 9cbumch with the Nativity Scene tet the front of the church, scblîidren mode up the yscene uitb Mary, Joseph, thet baby Jeaus, angels, shepherds, eetc. With a spotlight acd r cantiles It was a very pmetty ýt scene. The choir came Inta a tht chunvh wlth lîgiteti centies. Coekies and coffee Iwere serveti mter tht services eIn the Sundmy Stébool romr i wi#ere theme won another tre. 'l ready for the concert on the a 22nd. Oc Jan. lut and the v r8th services will bu et 11:15 et t Ellzabethville.0 i.Oc Wudnemday attennoon the t t United Chunch Women heldh !their monthly meeting at Mnm.0 ?R. Whlte'm berne. A large rnumber ettcnded, iccludinge eRev. and Mrs. J. A. Ramjit.a 1 Mmm. G. Morris, preeldent, d tapeneti the meeting. Mmm, H.a *White rendi tht devotienal8 stomy. A stary o! Christmas shopping wms acted out byS six members. The minutes b ewer e nd an d approvati. AA ,donation ef $75 wam maie toj Lthe. M. & M. fund, and the allo- ication share, and $10 ta theh jbursary fund. Mn. EamJlt condufflthei Induction serice for thene iffAcers for 1987. The.toiow- ing are thtnuw of&k-ens:Mn G. Morris, praidanut-, MmsRs ~eatty, lot vice-prashdent, Mrs. . udew, 2Sud Vloe-Preii.. dent; Mns. K. Trew, Secte. try-tneaure; Mma.Ken Tr.w, ti financa convenor Mns. IL White, corrupeun" sucra- M r s . , . l bc . p e u t M. d no y ls M- rs. ili au )n ar opinion that until such t1w. as sewers were put in tbrdugb- out the village, and until It grows a bit more, the prmunt and future boards sbould firnt plan to finish their own school. Mn. Storks then added that she feit it would be to good advantage to the memburs ta visit other zchools In the area with 12 rooms and su if they learn something lrom themn. Sa far only one crossing guard has bern hired. Mrs. Djorothy Whitney will set as crosslng guard at, the corner o! Beaver and King Streets. She wIll begin her duties on Mon- day, Jànuary Oth. Constable Pat Corneli of the Bowman- ville O.P.P. Detachment wll bu viuitlng the school sometime this weuk and h. wlI pint out ta the children the duties of a crosuing guard, and stress the importance of obey- Ue.Truan t Officer, Ed Barchard, was again hired by the board for service for 1967. After some discussion as ta the wash basin and funniture requested for the teachers' room, thýe meeting adjourned. castie 1Ekersonal KENDÂL saving your tree for then The b nfin. lighting will gu under way between 7 an 8 p.m. On Tuesday theme was n New Year's baby bonn te an nesident o! Newcastle th,. yean. Congratulations are hom ever extended ta Mr. and Mr J. De Jeng wha became grand parents ta aà New Year's grand daughter when their daughtez in-law gave birtb ta a giî minutes past midnight a Jmnumry Ist. The baby's par ents are Mn. mnd Mns. Thoma De Jong e! Oshawa. Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tilisai and fmmily visited fniendsanmi relatives in Burlington &ni Hamilton during the New Yen Aeekend. Returnicg te th illage with therp fan an ex .ended holiday was Maste: Richard Wright, Hamiulton. Turning the dlock back i week, w. bave sorne newi items left aven tram Christ nes. Aniong theni wene thi guests at the home of Mn. ant itna. Archie Bernard, Ter3 and Tare. Joining tbema foi Christmas dinner were Mms A. R. Spencer, Mrs. B. Thom. as, Mms. Dolly Harmer and Mr. and Mmm. D. M. Bernard .11 o! Newcastle. Mn. mnd Mrs. Ray Bennett and Jan trere guests from Omemee Durng the evening, man.) 'isitors stopped in ta visil vlth the Barnard famlly, mnd lac during the evening the3 received a long distance cmll rom Goose Bay, Labrador from Tton and Barbara Heeokin irs. Hackin is the daughter ft Mrs. Rose Osbarne, New. uastie. The Hockins bave been stationed. in Labrador Imyoat tbmee yemrs naw wheme Ren serves wlth the Air Force, rhein famly and fnienda were ýleased ta hean from them. Christmas dinner guests at :e home o! Miss Cana Butler raere her sister Mrs. Stella %nderaon and Mrs. Anderson's n and bis family, Mn. and [ns. Richard Anderson mnd lichard Jr. o! Oshawa. Speedy recovery is the mes- ige te !rlecds and neighbors n Memonlal Hospital, Bow- nanville this week. They are dn. Howard Anyan, Mrs. Gwen 3archard, Mn. George Collins, dr. John Davis, Miss Heidi .antz, Mmm. Elizabeth Mac- aonald, Mrs. Hilda Penny and ir. Henry Tebble. Mn. and Mrs. Lloyd Steph- ison ectertained the faniily IMmm. Menkley Clark at a irthday dincer recectly et mnr home. emuity frleadshp visiting; operation l- i hn', t anmud Miaaooay .1 Iucaion; lare. H. Wbkte, Liturature, and cnu- mtunleons; Mm. Russel lbift7vuw convenor, U. Menominations; Uns. IC.Maty'ndMn. H. Quan- fr11, mânie reuresentatlves; Miss Mary Powell, supply and 1social assistance; Mns. F. -Wh«Ilu, utewardahjp and re- tcruiting; Mr. C. Mércux, plan- t ut; Mns. G. VcMurray, citizen- t shp and social action. Mrs. Morley MeAflhter, programx and membership; I(rs. C. 1Beatty, representative to the 3Boïard of Stewards; Mn. H. tThickson, archiviut. Mns. Mor- jris closed the meeting. Lunch was served. >Mn. Violet Walters went to Peterborough on Tuesday of 1last week and expects ta have Ean operation tomorrow. Mr. and Mns. Russel White attended the services at Han- mony Chuch on Sunday. Mr. and Mns. R. Westheuser, Bowmanville, spent Saturday at Mr. and Mrs. H. Stiats, Brantford, and Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. H. Thickson. Mr. and Mns. J. DeKoker, Whitby, spent the weekend wlth Mr. and Mrs. Stiats, Brantford. The lant meeting e!t he> Senior Hat Course was held on Wednesday evening in. Campbellcroft Hall.i Mr. and Mrs. W. Longyear, spent an eveningç with Mr, and Mrs. C. Beatty last week, A number attended the fun- eral of the late Mrs. L. Daveys, Cobourg, who was Irene Stapleton Gordon and lived here a number or years ago. Visitors with Mr. andi Mrs. Ken Trew, Sunday, were Mr. W. Boyko who is attending university and a frlend, Char- ley Chan frorn Malaya, who is ipending Christmnas with the Boyko famlly. Mr. David Thrower, Kendal, spent part of the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Adam Stec and famlly. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Whitbred and girls, Oshawa, were with Mr. and Mrs. L. Muldrew. They visited Miss Violet Walt- ers in Peterborough Hospital, Sunday afternoon. They are taking Mrs. L. Muldrew home wlth them as she is seeing the doctor about ber more leg this week. Mr. and Mrs. R. Savory, Starkville; Mr. and Mrs. 0. Mpldrew are smorn f the visi- t9rs with Mm A. Smith while Mrs. Walters lanin the hos- pital. Miss Gloria Quantrili, Pet- erborough, spent the weekendi at home, aIma Miss Sharon rrew, Peterborough, was home ton. Mrs. Maggy Muldrew spent ['hursday with her sister, Mrs. Annie Smith. Mr. Franklin Gilmore and M1r. Gerald Kennedy, Port Hiope, visited wlth Mr. and Mrns. H. Muldrew. It's Mainly Because. of the Meat THICK AND MEATY SHORT RIB ROAST BEEFc EASY TO CARVE CROSS (UT ROASI BEEF FRESH GROUND CHUCK ECONOMICAL BLAD Pure Pork SAUSAGE i-lb. pkg. 59C Fi m Ri F Di pi BUDGET SAVERS Faeelle Royalle 3 Colo"ar 2 Rail Pack SAVE Oe PAPE-R -TC>W[LS -2for49c- Facelle Moderne 4 Colours 4 Roll Pkg. Compare BATHROOM TISSUE 49C Buy One Get 1 Free SAVE do Mir Twln Pack - 2 24-oz. Containers Liquid Detergent 79c St. Wlliam's Wlth Pectin 24-os. Jar SAVE 10o RASPBERRY f or J A M 497C STRAWBERRY Farmklst Economy - 24-os. Pkt. SAVE 100 DRIED PRUNES 45C Nlix 'Em or Match 'Em 28-os. Tins SAVE 17a Gold Reef Apricot Halves :larita Sliced Peaches 3forl Gattuso Cholce Peeled 1,5-os. Tin Compare PLUM TOMATOES 19C lys., Pure 24-o2. Bottie SAVE 14o VEGETABLE OIL 59C ALL ADVERTISED ITEMS IN )SHAWA TIMES and TORONTO DA1LY "APERS ON SALE IN BOWMANVILLE BEEF S TEAKS Pnesswood's Coampass Brand Rini BREAKFAST BAC( 1 lb79c Fresh Produce Specials Mexican Grown No. 1 Vine Ripe 2 TOMATO ES2.1 Ontario GroWn Fancy Grade Dellcioum p APPLES 9 Ontario Grown No. 1 5mai! - Cooicing p ONIONS BgJ5, Deep Cut Health and Bea ut' Aid Specials Rottie of 1,00's - SAVE 20e ASPIRIN TABLETS 79ý Super Size Tube - SAVE 26e Crest Tooth Poste$10 Vitalis 7-oz. Size - SAVE 24e HÀA1R DRESSING 9 gmymide Fancy Redi - it-lb. Tin Compare Domino Frosen - 2-lb. Pkg. îO(CK E YE S A LMO0N 59c 1 rench Fried POTATES 'resh Grouati - 1-lb. Pkg. Compare HCHMELLO (OFFEE 79C lchmello - 1-lb. Ja 'EANUT BUTTER Compare 37c1 omino Blue - 2-lb. Pkg. Compare )OWDERED DETERGENT 59c Dominion Sweetened Frozen Save lic Orange Juice 5 Tin Richaxelia Dominion'. Own - 30-oz. BRelUes Soda Walar or -C*mpff EINGER ALE Pl~u Depouit 8 for 9 Grnulated - Save 3o SAVE lEvaporated - 18-ou. Tins S WHITE SUGAR - 35c '*-b. 70c 'CARNATION MILk 2fr Ail Merchandia. la Guarant.ed Te Give 100%01o Values Effective Until Clouing, Sot., Jan. 7,1%.l WE RESERVE THE' RIGIIT TO LIMIT QUA Open Thurs. and Fri. Nlgh*a '*t KWu.gSt Mid Supn v.w ei~ I Y fpy'e-~r-aAl IMay 1967 b. a gond year for Cacadians. Twenty-three people climb- ed the steep bills north af e which ushered ln 1967. Others wmtched It fram the village acd sunmounding ceuntryside. We would express our thankt ta Mn. Bill Reid o! Orono and Arthur Thempson of Kendal 'who got the fine neady, lit it r ad supenvised it. The first chunch service of 1967 was not very welI attend- ed. The uubject o! Rev. R. C. White's sermon was "The Tbreshalds, o! Life". On en- tering a building we have ta 3cross the threshold and do not -mlways, know what lies within, se with thc year mhemd which 1 n rnany parts o! the world does flot promise too much. We hope for Canada aur Cen- tennial Year will be a happy one. We are giad te report that' Mrs. Wm. Mercer wms able ta attend the Silver Wedding o! hem daughten and uac-in-law, Mn. and Mmm. Vance Allun ne- cectly, but had ta returc ta, St. John's Convalescent Home fer two mcone weeks. The prognam "Sucdmy" uvas quite thrilling on Sucday last when Durham County uvas featumed, showing the horne af Ian and Sylvia Tymon, well- known folk - singems whene, macy pensons wene interview-,i ed acd scenes from the farn were shown. Not much o! the church service wms tele- vised, but we did mecegnize Rev. R. C. White, membens of the choir and sme le the congregation. It wms un- fortunate that smre people in- temviewed were cet mhewn fan sme unknown neasan. Sevemal members et the Eastern Star in Bewmmcville looked quite naturel, nmmely Mmm Go Mencer, Mn.. Gamnet Riekard mcd Mrs. Cecil Ferguson o! Newcastle (who went te mehool with aur Prime Ministen, Les- ter Pearson), mime Mrs. Teeple of Bowrnanville who was in- terviewed. Mra. McHolm a! Morrish, who Is aven 90, rnd one o! ber pee. Mn. Swarbrick has return- ed ta her home alter apending almoit two wlêeks with ber dmughter ini Tomanto and Mr. and Mri. Fred Anderson o! Sharon. Two of aur well known Senior Citizens died recently, Mir. Bert Rolland and Mn. Albert Souch *eofStarkvibe. The flowers ln the chunch on:1 Sunday were ln memory of; Mfr. Souci. We extend aur sympétiiy ta the Souei family. Mius Catherine Stewart pent Christmas et Oshawa nt h. home of har aister, Mmi. George Loftbue. Mmny attended the' New E'emr's Ive party et Niewton- vile Hl andmciothereenter- tained 1A thekr hom. Min Cla Sm aoftaer- b vbgh'iflédWttiser ab- tor 'n Ee. 1 zwott ai -ecw yéer a. Cubs Wl! Be Discontinued tNo WiIIin g Helpers Show At Meeting on Saturday Newcatle-Which i. it ta Surely, the parents ar be, this yemn, Guides or Cub? aware o! this. Other pack As you have remd tanlier ln brng home badges for thei Cub news there ln a deapen- effort. If you are one parti Mte need for help. Witb one who shnugged it off thinkini pack o! 15 boys and anothen that your son just didn't car witii 20 and only tira. 1aad. enough to bother for arý ers the beat that can be badges, then you are wronq offered le an heur or en o!fIle dôts came, and he does. worî free bamby uttlng. The 1usd- but try dividing 60 minute ens timd tht boys are quite ameng 20 beys and realize fo: mware that they are flot get- yourself why there isn't tlrr ting the. talUing they know to test them l, or ta poun they can and ullou1d have as out ta theni where they bavi Cuba. Cuba should erjoy gond gone wrong in not passingg times tegether but they shouid test. It's net their fault net expeet an evecacg o! games.they're trying. It's net ti only. There la lways one or fauit o! the leaders, they tc( twe wha enjoy an everung of'get discoummged whec they set gantes, but there are othens the dlaappointed looks of! who are nemi ga-getters, they young lad fillcd with determ. have, the makinga o! good Ication who because af lacý Cuba and o!god Scouts, but, o! help, is flot able ta learr we can't give them what they1what a certain task rejuires, need, "time and attention". Since Apnil, 1966, "A' Pacl STARK VILLE an( Mr fan Ne! Ner ber Mn, cas Hal c and ber Mn. ton Mri Tor heu oi ad Evq Mr: Gro son Mai ,ento til ýr fir ru 13 es ne a 1-, .k (Intended for lmst week) were entertained by bis par-1 Mr(. and Mrs. John Murphy enta, Mr. mnd Mrm. Fred Todd, ýd family were Christmas Garden Hill. nner guests with Mn. and Mn. acd Mrs. A. Gray, Wat- s. Charles Murphy, Paris. ertown, N.Y.; Mn. acd Mmm. MIr. and Mm. Carl Todd and Ancly Gray, Barrie, Mr. and rnliy were guesta with Mr. Mrm. Deibent Carman, Madoc, ,d Mm.. Clicton Farrow, and Mr. Genald Hmllowell, ýwtonville. oaf Toronto, were Christmas Mr.' and Mrs. Barton Me. guests at Mn. Sid Hailoweii's, iiil mnd fanily weme wltb home. r parents, Mr. mcd Mrs. Mr. and Mrm. Harvey Far- tmmun Carsn. raw spent Christmas in Osha- Mfr. acd Mns. Howard Fer- wa. w' ententained al] the mei- MNI. mnd Mrs. Chariip Trnim, rg o! their family acd msa BowmmnvIlle, were diccerj .Walter Farrow, New- guesta with Mr. mnd Mrs. st, mnd Mn. and Mns. A. Orme Falls and laten ttended xrison, Taranto. the fmmily gathening at Bert Zhrlstmas guests with Mr. Trim's home. d Mm. Harold Sauch were At Mn. Liew Hallowil's rmothen, Mmm. J. Wancsn, home weme Miss Norma Hal-l and Mm. Bill Wannan lowell, Mn. mnd Mmm. Bruanl IRoss, Mn. and Mm.. Mil- Caswel mnd !mmily, Mr. and1 iWmcnan, Orane: Mn. mnd Mrs. Maurice Hallowell mcd t i. Harold Geode, New- family mcd Miss Beulmh Hai-5 ;tc, and Miss Donne Souch, lowell and supper guests were rnte. Mr. and Mmi. Orme Fallu acd Wr. and Mrs. E. C. West - Harvey. ser entertmlced membuns Mn. mnd Mrs. Clifford Fonkt their famlly. and Tanya àpeýnt Christmas inà dr. and Mr.. Henb Reid Toronto at Mrý-. R. Lowery's.t et Christmas with Mr. mcd Mn. and Mmm. Llew Halla- r s. Olifford Raid and family, well enjayed Tuesday evenicg( wmanvllle. lest week at Mn. Gardonb ît. and Mrs. John Stark Martin's, Bowmanvillc. V ifamiy spent Christmas Sympathy lu extended te ~t a ftmily gathening at Mmm. Russell Savemy an tht ~John Lapa's, Maple pssing a! ber muster, Mrs. l va. Wralten. Elizabethville, at1 dr. and Mrs. Ewart Robin- week.G mcad fmmly, Mr. andi Mn. Mn. and Mmi.'John Stark andv 5Robinson andi fémily fmmlly were Mocday evening 1 re dinner guetta at Mr. guetta wlth Mn. and Mrn.5 rey Roblnaon's. John Murphy,, last week. n &n. and Mrs. Bert Tn Mrs. Victor Farrow enter- s ortainud the members a! tained' same membuns o! hem Ir family, Christmas Day. fmmily duting thetfestive seau- r. and bMn. C. Pluni and en încluding. Mr. and Mr%.n LIda Plum, Toronto, wen Allie. Connisb ati famni1y,u abs witb Mr. Arthiur Me- euffalo, N.Y.1 The Sundby Sebeol concertp Ir. niMn. Grant Sylves- at Shilah wms weil presented C '0A tamily, Sarcla; Mn. under the. direction of Mmm. a "Hum. Maurice HailowuJl John Stark and Mr. Ewarth *«Me, Morlmh, were Robinson wth Mm. Lawrence I f gumsaiet Mi JliFrrow, ergmnist, and Reu. R. u eeèpb Cnouna visi- C. Whiite, chairman. Bih i t*a. USaxt home were Robinson and Terry Stark ai Xwu ooreand Mr. werwt tbecarraton for the C OM Tonati. tableau. Santa amive iniiiù mi M '. E.Sher, due thsueil dwith bis jolly,n ~pst Cbitm.sait inimitable manner, gitti were b lNtsW IL, diiatIbuted tram the pretyc k< m n ti lPalle, twe, addiagthe. glauful t he ~ ~ti~p~w b. :te the evenlag. Caffe. adit P««,- dougift tram the m mua.served te every- w 'a met with oct leader acd t] " assistance o! a Scout un iMay. Sinci .the neturn. it Cuba in thé faîl, there l.ats g.just- one léider and op a ,casion, the assistance a! yScout for hail an heur. Ic "B" Pick, thcy tocalire Apnil until théenmd oet«MM met wltb ane leader mcd t! eassistance o! a Scout. Sic, ýthe fall there have been tv eleaders, but still tiey ceed aleat eue moret ta hlp ou L With 35 boys in two pack ewhene is the help freim ti 0parents? e Tient was a cmli tram avery Intemested person, inte -esteti in both Cub and Scoi Kwonk, and be lives in Kend2 i This was the first anti on] cil for a day on se, making cilok as though those in Nev castle couldn't came less aboi the youngsters in thein 0w village, but outsiders diu Since then, however, thex have been a couple o! athE colis effering ta corne eut o occasion when extra help wi required, but nethIng steiti: This momcing, getting th: 1week's newm prepaneti, a teli phone cali was received frat Capt. Key Quicney o! th sNewcastle Girl Guide Tmo 1Mrs. Quicney recciveti Browcî -and Guide training herse' yeans mgo, and bas ince car ried on with Guide wamk, giv ing à number e! years te th Guides a! Newcastle. Havin ne daughters hensel! she de 'have two boys, anc alnemdy i: Cubs mcd gremtly icterested i, It. Hem cmli, alter leng con sidering just whmt te do, wa ta smy that abe would give ul the Guides and corne inti Cubs in erder that her owa boys con have the tmmiini they othenwise mmy net ge shoulti the Cubs completelj felti up. rhis is gooti news for thi Cubs. Mena is a chance foi them ta keep golng, but wha- about the Guides? Where dosa this leave theni? Mmm. Quin. cey la sonmy ta be leavini Guides te comne intô Cuba. Shi bas given years te girls whc were not ber awc, now wber hem son wmcts that sun chance no on. seeming13 listens or cames eceugi taheip If Cuba continue through Mns Quinney leavicg Guides, whml wiil happen te tht Guides! Don t yau caen wht ul Semeoce reading this papez must came. Woc't Yeu give sorie thougbt to it. Theru will b. NO MORE CUBS wlthoul help. There la a Group Cern- mittee meeting called for Set. juday, J.acuany l4th at the Lions Boom et 1 p.m. De- pentiing an you thene can bu Cribu in Newcastle. Think &bout it. The leaders are cet jUnt giving up, tiiey punh thuan own cildren by foldicg fap.s Two leaders almeady have boy In Cuba, mnd oneu mult- ont wll sean have a soc !a Cuba. Comne ouita the meet- ngnext Saturday. You are boyded, and do net send your oytaCubu wtthout tirst te. xtivIng a cal from tht lead- ers. There will >bu no Cuba ictil alter the Group Cern- nittee meeting and pessbly, aitbout belp, then ne Cuba aet ai1 1< A LEGE F19 FROM MI-E PRESIDENT 0F DOMINION S'TORES UMRTD. SHOP WIfliCONFUNNCEU bohll, hm=m weh -saion SAVS SAVI Save On Dominion's - Own Brand's q m As w.ente, aiscoutrya ComeInniel vaeu, Canadiens have much Io be thiauifefraend gond reasor on 0celebae by pereonal participation lin hémarty apecial activiis achéduied throughout the. vair evosthe nation. Thei o. aohuinrg note in our countrys prmouts economy is inflation" which hot lnteaaed a&W coa to living. Including food, In this regard, we at Dominion Stotea aolenily pledge to continue thei fight againat "inflation'*bf vesy mains within our power. t10field food pricea et the tairaitpoaaible levai. 1 1 1 1~tOMAS G. !ifmCOflMi&Ct PRESIflENT Copaco Brand DOMIMION,

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