a .e 4 ANNIAL ANMA RY 1 n, "You .11 be Smitten ,wit# àaig bouku M O AmLUà S on'<IiWIL' te [,telstedthe board- * ~ ~ie Inany f ler rob- o WIphP*OOf the botaken lfp Ain a choolethee Y a o hSer Kahlee eiaty WeCh arles sk -o the picur ilue a ef Mis Lan tn, tw ' my sisterOf the uierfieite aie dYan- ]Isa een, IÇtlletts mýUianotr, two I ~déeVt>oe exactly the age il j cos o85 W t deu f ltschool1 1completed. t. t wlllleave alotso! memores. * (Intended, for last week) The CulL'heistmas Con- et- rO- inrilàUnited Church 8u la ShooiWas held en 1%zeU.day, Dcmbr2oth, in the church. Many parent and frends were -present, for thenfs4e»ar- t-a vulesUpt4 First anid substandordquslty ,towlbl"$_f thick, ab;or bent terryciàth. ýChoosd om~e~cînof atrîpedj, floral imnd-plein shadles. ATCNM FACECLOTHS WIde ssortment of 1rt ae ubstmni"rd quatte. 4 for97 Substandards.,zWide selaction of solidse *a*. &W flor4l patterns. Assorted colors. SUBSTAN DARDS 0F .UXUOIJS QUALI 'CALDWE1L"-IATI & BAUD TOWE Variety of patterns end colorain the group. IBathTowels: Reg. 2.98 to 4ë98 1.99 en.. Hand Towels: Reg. 1.49 to 2.49 67een.. &&CALDWELL» IITCNaMRIT TOWILS R...SV 74«0 Firet quality. (ly prnted pmtterns* iià veriety of colôrS. No qqeglor pric"es Will go ino*Ff*ct-immediatély ater thisà WMABAýSSO®"HIGHLANDER COTTON SHEETS AHI PILLOW CASES Five Year guarantëeelSheets-feature 3# top hem and l# bottom hem. Approxi- ma&tely 135 threads per square inch. Laun<fered, ready to use. Pure white finish. No added weighting.or filling All 63 sae rx s10a0erhemi 63'f-x 10011 2.-98 sa. 2.9e 811,xl100# 3.29 ea.- 3.09.... Fitted bouble 3.39 e. 3.19 e. Fitted Twiri 1.29 ee 3.09 ea. MATCHING PILLOW CASES Sale Style Hemstitched '42* x. 3Y 1.79 pr, 1.59 pr. Size Reg. -sale V , an,a vr, tek ohelp defray expenses. go,' cf cady and an orange given'tà each membler e -Sunday School. Dprogram was as follows: dmnan'o,.addreus. Cai'o1 oz SÏlpntNÀght", "Car- nQI, Te, Vitt 4owel". PreIl> MP l age. Merry Christmas: M. ]Renderson's class; % Clark; vocal ail"oy. to e., *orYd", PLeY.41C stmas, ;,recitation, L-ma ayle %on- trio,,Brena. c, ii; recitRtlon, Caty gaIs, the coir an ~Who, Rave Hçard, on »borne, ench, sé uDiane 4e- reitation dp *Un; tcItatlMnJim ~~1so3o, June Mavn 14* Obre FEATRER PILLOWS Reg. 4.98 Pr. 3197 Pr. Rol'al sfiti~d ticking. PiPed edges. 20-x26. FOU RUIlERPILLOWS itou. 4i77«e. 3970.. ..,oased'ln a white zip-off cover. l5#x24'xS'. * '"Ifiu" FORTRIL' PILL@WS LuxurIous as down. Machine washable and dropie. Won't mat or lump. AIerày4ree. t i beige, green'and gold. Twin and double rnend blankets Ina varleivof fnlar. n.4 defects will hardly be r'oticed. Twin and -----. OOUDIe bed Itoil .,~. R..12.98 @à. 888 SeÏutiful soloction 0 f first quality Iuxury blankets. in 100% Acrian*. Alergy4free. As., sorted p#Lstels. 7' x 441. First qu2& ity.blend blankets in asserted solids.7'x8' Up to. 7.98 1388 TIICKLY PADIEDI MATTRESS PAIS I StronglY 'stitched, rip-resistirrt wlbite -otton padded' wth. eu4. cottôn filling. Neat boun~ lsê ohr " a firmly in place, Twiin Bed Siz.: R"fr eg. 5.98 31 Dojble BdSz:5' <. et%9 plu & UmB RhnoCecsiany lnsuloFoum »porous .~*)lînot ao!Ium À AIIos imï ojff ~t~Ueow ~,4Otand zipplers.. St. in-ond- ~eo~l~.eais Wl Suie, 9 l co ver fn« i3f8h ast ronrt SFta ndard 544'boerds.: tL "t, vPWP~~U~t 'a - ~ 6uINLL Add a tciuch of elegance to your bedroomq decor with this firit quality bedspread. ln tufted, wavy-patternhd "chenille. Fringed on three sides. Machine wash- able. Pastel shades of pink,.blue, white, WOVIN HOMESPUN ReS.98eaDS8 n This washable, rough-Inl.tumble spreàd will take almost any amount of wear and tear. Ideal for 21 boy's roomn. Choose from a handsome assortment of patterns and colors. Slightly substandard, their sliglêt TEX-MAOE® FLANIELTE BLANKETS in furmiy woven cotton. AsSorted colored borders. Whupped endts. Subsksndords Size Reg. If 1,f. Quality 7Y x 9r 6.79 pr. 8Y X 90' 7.49 pr. 80'xlOO' 8.49 pr. 6.97 pr 80' x 100' 4.99 i<r. 6.99 pr. 5.99' pr. I - PRINTED LIN RTEA TOWELS- Mufti colomd designs. Hand printed fast çofrs. Sale 5.37 Pr, 5.97,pr. m TE ShETS &PILLOW CASIS liistUyflstqualuty muâlin. looming ali-over print in Çaintyý 7ô, x 100es- 'Speciel Purchis. dao k IOO' ý3.27 ea. Ffterwin00'3.47 ea.' FftedT.n2.37 ea. Fîf~Double 2.67e. MATCWING PILLOW CAISES Ir' x 29'. Reg. 390 eu. 3 fo a88< 22, x yf. e 590 en. 2 for 884 Wide assortmnent of cheerful patterns in a varîcty of colors. 17 49 -fr 9 l7'x2Y.fhg.49d.a.2f.i. 70< - - I.. -IAUIIATIS V*YI *-Firi Quality * 0x 9r * w 80' 90 Reg. 4.99 pr. 5.99 pr. Sale 5.99- pr.~ PEINES ILLOW CASES 'Piht.d cotton' pillaw cass ih pr. *,»lfopOd endi. Assorted colours.pr KOELO & ONYLON - SATE Sil S"8filudes Seat comer andl a deeply ot' 1 itUmtmeàiure24x 36'. r ~ wltè. qua, ntique "RLADY SALT"n DIE LOTISý 4-<or88SÇ lIn finely WOvefl totton. pastel checks, 1 thfstow 9. 1 9 x.cL3 P~L1OW »My. 5~q.2for SP Senitauy pillow protectors te prolong the Rfe of your pillows. In sturdy quality whltw Cafn muslin. Zipperedi enda for New acetate prints irispruig 67's new#st paisley designi. Pastels. 441 wldths. LIGHTWE .169T WOOLENS. Rhg. 56 1yd. 1.88 YD., Sp4ringtime waves in lovely pastels. Tweeds, checks and plains. Will make up ideally intç suits, slifts; tslacks and iumpers. 540 wldths. IINWALE CoîIOW .Co wURoy SAVE 310yd. SS CXOTTON PRINTS 5;ve Up to 400 yd.39 * 'These washablo, botter quâlity, fast-coloç r ints are Canadien.made. T.,hi$ greup ls an accu muùlatlom ef Mill over-runs. SPringpattçrns an4.oaàfels«. 35'*Widths. 1 PRESRIINK EROAIICLOTN * 790 39 For dresses, blouses, aprýonî, quilts, boys shirts endehome decor. Front a é«.klnlwn Canadieninlill, Afsorted #OIid colore. 354, widfths. ' DOWN -SO T P ITESFLA NELTTE Reg. 690 yd. Florals, stripes, geomestric an nýrI6ry desîgni. Wlil.mopped, soft, havy qualuty. Washable und 1CMor- fast. Worîd.rful for better qualuty'ilghtwear, 38'f widths. IMPORTE PRINRefb. 1.98jso .077. rfius iuve HopsacI"spen wooLve,.wi bel much le damuand thlsh aasonfor Ibe newlosions. Verlety, olr,3'widths.1 eonofviscose &ne Ucttate twjsted yern. Marveteus for gl stor lu - fs uit,,spotweg Iuldrelh> sprlWg ce*. 44' WIdt. ýwov!jlanoue.bIewc. This,, ovelty tweed'wütt moite excuflns oaaal'wqg lethe,4t-Me67 SsBoft d ' ad aM t O MM..4 ' wlOw (t,, orF ai bock sol. 'w- ---y -1 1 - 97- 1 a Reg. Mmunik» 1 2.98 ea. . J 8.49 Pr. [ 80- 100- e 1 j