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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 3

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inSt. IdsUnited« * S*st.r-end bis fathier »11, lluCidy Ayme and Mg_ loyd, 984; Sharon "d'Mud hem fatber AI, MPy SOUM ansd her Mere 6. md eheulewill Co.,- IMu 7th àt the usual SA LE14! Mr?. Md - Un. John King- ~~~-M ~InfEJnIy, Zion; Mr'. 'MM ifls. Bob andBlackburn, Uftn. Bo andBrian Black- Mr actMm-. on Welah, Mis Jean Willett, * ?roato; MIsses Joan Westîake M4an Jean Baker, Solina: Mis XM'a Griffith,, town, attend- ed & Christmas Party at Mr. and' MMn. L. Welab's on Friday * evenîng. Frwl Mmr.. and Mrs. Frwl Ultckburn anti fmnily, Mr. and Igo Gerald Shiackleton and fghiffy were Monday guests of Mt,, and Mrs. John linghorn. Mi'. and Mrs. GeraId Sekieton and family, Mn. * an4d Mrs..Ken Shackleton and lem ily, Mr. . ad Mrs. Fred 84,c.leton and, farnlly, Osha- w;Mr'. Bruce Stainton with Mi~Gordon' Shackleton and M B. . Shackleton an Sunday. Mmr. Lawrence Squair was a 8wSUday guest of Mi'.and Mrs. WIIMoffat and Mr'. and Mrs. Jack Mottâtt Orono. Mr'.and Mrs. Lloyd Rich- aiýdb and family were Monday eseof Mr'. and Mrs. Ross ne, Shaw's. an. d Mrs. Ted Boricic sud tanily, Mrs. Florence Ge4.dard,- Orona; Miss Norma (u lffiths, town, were Sundav gueâsaof Mr'. and Mrs. Lesl*i Mr. and lira. Ken Shackleton and' family were with. her i¶.nts, Mr'. and Mrs. Wm. 4t , Kirby, on Monday. mÎW and Mrn. Barry Cowl- fixéand John, Misses Eliza- eth -and Hiary Johnson, Me8hin. Philip Johnson and Lirry Welah, with Mr. and MÉÏ. Tamn Baker, SolUna, on Sufiday. $.and -Mns. Barry Cowling en*i John were Sunday dinner Sof Mr'. and hus. Perry ling, tawn. àfrOinsd Mm. Ken Buttery \ anfamlyPeterborough; Mr'. and h#s. Bob Cra'g and fam- iy er wt Mr'. and lira. 8#h Elttei on Monday. *r'~ H. Parsons, Mr'. Bey. *~fo.,Mus. Margaret Mack, ~ad'lirs. Doug Flewell, were with Mr'. and lins. ffltthew Marchant on Sunday. Pair. and Mn:. E. Twist and lui-Dy, were Sunday visitors wIth Mt. sud Mrs. Howard c*ederàm, Maple Grave and f Ti~dsyevening guests of t, s;-Wm. Laird, Maple Grove. 1fr. - id Mmn. Herb. Craig àu famlly, ,Janetville; Mr. 4 Min. W. CragweeSun- JIm Coombes W7 and lin..John Coo r1ad family attended tr'Coombes famlly Party at a *neHall. Xî. and Mi'.. Ken Fletcher épent, the- weekend .with 'Mr'. Sand4Mrx. DonFletcher, Kings- to n d called on Mr. and Mns. H*rold Csweil, Port Hope, on sirnday. Mmes. T. Cowling, lins. K. Tennant and family, Messrs. CihIr and Murray Cowling and 0«6 Madsen were Sunday viÈvltors with Mri. and Mr'.. Lloyd Smith, Tynone. r Sliriks Pile Ï6, M W pk - 'h-k LJ A rous m a osh insthtute hbu ~~ a aqmn hgsubstance dehu>sbalig of the. ipjuwed. &sesam MM , while pntiy M.stimpona < al-imait. ~oe1bsughth.thi.npsove. mt~wa~utai S Per poiodr T~. as. ooom~sdwith a __growth ofnewç Mr. and Mrs. David Kenneth Werry, shown in the above photo, exchanged marriage vows in St. Paul's United Chu rch, Bowmanville, on Saturday afternoon December 3, 1966, at 3:30 o'clock. The bride is the former Miss June Ann Bain, " daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Bain, Hagersville, and the groom is the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Werry, Newcastle. Photo by Astor Studio United In Yuietide Ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Robert Caldwell Kerr shown in the above photo were united in marriage on Saturday afternoon, Dec ember 17, 1966, at 3 o'clock. The ceremony took place in Eldad United Church. Formerly Miss Min'ije Patricia Knox, the bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Knox, R.R. 1, Hampton, and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr, R.R. 2, Acton. Photo by Neil Newton Mir. Gien Blackburn, Rich- mond, spent the holiday week- end at home. Mr. John Twist, Queen's University, Kingston, andMr Eric Shackleton, Carleton UinJ versity, Ottawa, are holiday- 'VW eddirigs*4 New. -Dym.euofu'ediuu'int- Mr. and Mrs. Alan Wood-ý mm d »altoy omceUed ock, Mansen, Michigan, arei MmWeà îM1.akfeetatIldru8 spending part of their holidays j OrY~mOfflW with her mother, Mns. K.1I hd. Tennant. li1WERRY - BAIN bow placed at the waist,1 &l nr . eleaniers %.4fluc#Ue! ihe h oko h Standards nf white 'mums lgtdte ako h iHer shoulder-length, foeried an attractive setting tier, scaloped French DE INTINS SOBin St. Pauls United Church, was held by a hand-r DEVMTONS -SNOB Bowmanville, for the mar-1 orgafiza headpiece mdc Orne wh, l elmbl, te lddero! uccsekises he age on Satunday afternoon,'wt ee e1s.Sec «We Wj&,lu "big he addr f scceskises heDecember 3, 1966, at 3:30!ihse eal.Sec et tâte *» e sead, »ad kicks the head cf the OneC'o'ciock o! Miss June Ann a bouquet o! white carnnt ~~nlmg ~~~J. ~Bain, daughter of Mn. and rss n tpaoi Mn.. John Bain, Hagersville,! green Ivy. and Mn. David Kenneth Wer- Mrs. Sidney Macklin A ny, son of the late Mr. andil matron o! honor and Mrs. Kenneth Werry, New- i bidesmaids w e n e IV caille. Canol and Kathryn Baln Bey. Harold A. Turner of- sisters of the bride. ficiated. Mn. Fred Graham, a were in floor-length gowi LAI' ~Jp.close friend of the bride and noyal blue peau de soie groom, played the wedding ioned in an empire motif g#o ulubl: -T. have aIl yoar clothe kept freshlymusic and the soloist was Mr. velvet bodice trimmed 4MIfb dil i ai rour local dryeleaners1 Ross Metcalf who sang The lace and styled with a juasir wuhr ,yetsaia atLord's Prayer and The Wed- ncckline. Each wore a ding Hymn. . flower headdress accente Given in manniage by her a two-tiered veil tinti IV T PRYER SERVICES father, the bride wore a full- match their gowns, and * IuIp (~weh- Jn. , 4 ~ length, A-Uàne gown of white cannîed cascade bouquet CIO" an. , 4,59 CLigada crepe with scoop neck- white carnations with toi line and long lily-pointed o! matching blue peau aleeves. The siceves and bo- soie. Little Miss Kim b dioe were enibroldemed with lin, niece o! the bride, seed pearls andi crystals, flower girl ln a frock idei which aiea extended down to thase worn by the,, th kimt front. A chapel of houer and britou * trmin, iIoWing tmm a lange àShe eanwled gàket of, I eiiaton wlt touches ef 1404, Ajax, Ont.a blue zpemu deiaae A reglstered -nurse, -the ai ,'Mr. Piter "Wieý *- bgt bridein, a graduate of Belle- b Mfal 'for hisbrotheir and - . ville ý General. Hospital sndi&j WM* éMI Dog 1a gduate of Bowm»avMle tI Lne,. bousin ,i fetHg SchonL 7The groom at- b groomtendeti Shaw's Public School]E l'h. reception was held in snd is a graduate cf Bowrnan- c e,. Paul'. United Church ville Hlgh School. A teacher, i imurlor. The bride's mother the goom i on the staff af!r recelved wearing a drees and P&rksde Publi c hooL, Ajax, b écat. ensemble, the coat of teaching Grade VI. r dre* designed with a bro- KERR- KNOX I cae.bôdice in empire linel and pale pink crepe skirt. She The marniage of Miss Min- E ware a garnet red brocade nie Patricia Koux, daughter g: hat, Inatching shoes, white of Mr'. and Mrs. John. Knox, IV acteseoies and corsage of R.R. 1, -Hampton, and Mn. E white carnations and garnet Robert Caldwell Kerr, son of g red roses. The groom'. munt, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Kerr,W lins. Rose Lane, assisted ta R.R. 2, Acton, was solemnized s] neceive. She chose a powder in Eldad United Church on n blue lace dress with matching Saturday aftennoon, Decemberu jacket, white satin hat, black 17, 1966, at 3 o'clock. Ar- tf accessories and corsage of rangements of red and white st white carnations and prnk poinsettias formed a lovely gi sweetheart roses. setting for the ceremony. i Following the reception, Rev. C. Catto of Hampton v' the bride and groom left for officiated, assisted by Rev. F. ci a honeymoon at Prudhomme's Reed o! Sunderland. Mns. Don b: Matai' Hotel, Vineland. the Taylor played the wedding n bride travelling in a blue and music and the-bride': brother, gi'ey tweed walking suit with Mn. Ken Knox, was solo ist.C fox collai', powder blue bat, Given in marniage by h-r ai black accessories and corsage fathen, the bride wore a for- B o! white carnations and red mal-length gown of white B Fire-King sweetheant roses. ribbon fabric styled with long i They are residing in the Han- aleeves, scoop neckline and R wood Park Apartments, Apt. sheath skint. Lace appliques irb~ New stock adornet ie bodice. A wd border of the sme lace bIghm ,Lted the edglos of--tb tanwhich Ilfoi W bows placed at the backià Rer shoulder-length veil *Wï caught to a white wedding ring headband and she, car- ried an elofigated,, trailing bouquet of American Beauty' roses and white caimnations. The bride's attendants were MIrs. Grant Down, Sunderland, Miss Nancy Knox, R.R. 1, Hampton, Miss Mabel Hug- gins, Toronto, and Mrs. Paul MeIIntyre, Oshawa. Little Miss. Eleather Down was flower girl. Their floor-length gowns wiere of red velvet with-long sleeves and high rounded neck1ine. Gathers at the wvaist-line added fullness to the skirt, and they wore strands of pearis, the bride's gift. Their wedding band headdresses were of red vel- vet with net veiling and they carried white muffs accented by arrangements of red car- nations and ribbons. Mr. Brian Cargili, .J Camphellville, was best man and ushering were Messrs. 3nian Knox, R.R. 1, Hampton, 3rian Bessey, R.R. 2, His- burgh, and Donald Anderson, R.R. 2, Acton. The reception was held in w w w w w w ~ ~ the Quebec andi o«. ouffb the New Zngland St&tMs. bride w»s wearing, ferti ve- a ling, a turquoise bllù complemented by a,,cofs.4 0 », pmnk roses asud caraIn. = present they are resldflgAtbrid'. 48 Main St. NK, Actots, A su The bride attendd BI'd- with M leys Public Sehool, Bowmiii- <=plx ville and Courtice E ig hp~' Schools antd is. a graduate ot Peterborough Teachens! Col- lege. She taught Grades 1-4 in Tyrone Public School for three yeans and was a C.G.I.T. o leader,. church choir member, participated 'n 4-H and Junior Farmers Clubs, and at present is Vice-President of the Jun- S 'T ion Farmers Association of Ontario. She was also a mem- I ber of the Sweet Adelines, a singing group. A dairy farim- r'AT LAS8I pImbUS r' w w w w SA'Ni styles and new f abrics are being shown ...We inusti clear aur,'prese2t, to Makte roomI Sa we're off ering top quality merchandise ta yau at Greatly Reduced Prices Many one of a kind No repeats at this tinie Flaor samples onlyl HERE ARE A FEW 0F OUR MANY, MANY VALUES!, 2 -pc. CHESTERFIELD (COLONIAL) by Kroehler Hi semi-attached pillowed back, show-wood arma. Reg. $449.50 SAVE $50.00 $ 5 NOW ONLY..... 8 2 - pc. BRAEMORE FRENCH PROVINCIAL PiIlowed back, Acorn show-wood, In nylon fabrics. Reg. $399.50 NOW ONLY.. .. 5 ,5 . ..J .. 2 -p. BRAEMORE ITALIAN PROVINCIAL Aeorn show-wood, hand-tufted back. Reg. $399.50 e35.o NOW ONLY ...$ 5 SE VIRAL MODERN SUITES Savlings up to 250/o SLEEPER LOUNGES - STUDIO LOUNGE Over 18 Suites to choose f rom SEVERAL DOZEN. SAVE $$$ HEREI OCCASIONAL CHAIRS SWIVEL ROCKERS - RECLINERS HOSTESS CHAIRS - ETC. - MANY ONE ONLYI1 - For Example: H-Pillowed Back Kroehler Recliner In Brown Tweed. Reg. $129.95 - FOR ONLY --- $99695 OUR 2nd FLOOR.. Loaded with KITCHEN and DINING ROOM SUITES. Anything from a small apartment size to a large family size. For Example: 36" - 48" extends to 60". 72"" TABLE GeuneAboietop $ 2~ "id 6 chairs - ONLY 3 -pc. COLONIAL SUITE by IMPERIAL' LOYAIST nt-proof construction, plate mfirror. A speclal construction that expands and ooe- tacte with çhantfng temperatures, draWeUs w*ll never stick. a$Iav Reg. $44995 NOW ONLY .....39 by KROEH E HLE!MR1I mÈ anubactsrern. RegING49ROM SEVERALLTR.D....NA MODERN EROM ]ÇSPU, té Ail priced as 3-Pc. dresser, chest and. b.d. Night table extra - if required. CLEARING ALL. 0 0 '66 MATTREI &BOX SPRIIN (Except Nationaîîy Advertl Several Simmons "ýBACK-(, ~ ~>4'611 size onîy. Standard moi N 7 , with heavy Belgin tickig., - Advertised at $79.95 i < I BACK-CARE" Deluxe (Quilted) smooth top, extraA . Advertised ut $89-95 NOW ONLY SEVERAL MATTRESSES and BOX SPR11I For spare room, etc., 280 coil construction quilted, smooth top. CLEARING AT -___$ !DROP IN AND CHECK- OUR CASH & CARRY SECTIONS.. ~~ CUSHIONS- HASSOCKS - POLE LAMPS - TEA WAGONS - VANITY STOOLS I $ $ $- ALL CLEARING AT GREAT SAVINGS -$ $ $ STHE CANADIAN FURNITURE MART AT THE EXHIBITION PARK, TORONTO, 14 ~OPENED TO THE PUBLIC JANUARY 13TH (5 TO 10 EVENINGS) AND JAIM, (1 TO 10OIN AFTERNOON AND EVENING) 3 FLOORS 0F FINIFUUVW f 4 whiIa 4 ~ ~m~ir~urnu iuiwi,'r-ii-~ ~ iin~urr (I* ÀÉL ý& ý& ÀL ÀdL ÀL Aý ÀL I& ÀL ÀK Àà r F'q

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