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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 4 Jan 1967, p. 5

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- 1 Towr luteËoardc e ktion cf ber 3 et the 'ni HOW MUCH SAVE ON Y INSURANi STATE I DIRK BRII Phone 62 8cugog St. A~iM-1.STATE1 <,MNC utual Automob cac. Offlc: Bown BOWM Single T r' LARGE 14'1 - 4 KING OU]R wi c PLAINà DR UNI ,IFU SI ALI.LS ~raionBoad A ard J ivoe Generations Photo ENNISKILLEN ýrat"on oar Awads'(Intended for last week) Mr. J. A. Werry, Mi. abd Mrs. H. J. McGiI1, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Virtue, Judy and1 Polcea ew Contat Laurie, Enniskillen, 7Mr. and Polcea ew tr ctMrs. Garth McGill and aly of Arbtration ing on ail parties. Provisionsiday off with payfe ahCnigonjyd = n th poiceforrevsio orcancllaioneigt hurscreit.Christmas party with Mr. and i h Plcearreion or canceationhegthor rei.Mrs. Joe McGill and family, Bowrnanville r nacodne bte Annual Vacatien Cooksville. >ration of the ie Afto naoAter one year's service eachý Mr. and Mrs. Ted Werry vmanvlle re- The Board of Arbitration constable wiîî be entitled to and family were Sunday ment to be in was composed of Judge Alex two weeks' leave with payl guests at Mr. and Mrs. Clae iuary lat, 1967 C. Hall, the Chairmananland to three weeks' leave Perigoe's, Caesarea. lat, 1967, was two members, C. G. Plkevwt a feregtyas Mrs. Harry Gregg and recent Board and J. P. Sanderson. T. F srieMcal nune ay ng. It is bxnd- Storie was counsel for thjervic ialan , is sendn is May Corporation of the Town of' Statutory Holiday. holidays with Mr. and Mrs. A. Bowmanville, and R. D. Hum- In lieu of nine statutory! Sharp and family. Mrs. D. B. phrey was the counsel for the holidays each year each offi-,KyTont;M.ad rs local Police Association. cer shaîl receive an additional I Ross Sharp and family, Mr. The Arbitration Board met nine days pay per year, a davl and Mrs. Ivan Sharp and in Bowmanville in October, being calculated on the basis, family are Christmas Monday and heard representations of 209 working deys per year. guestsa t A. Sharp's. from counsel for both parties. Cleaning of Clothint Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mont- both of whomn presented gomery, Oshawa, were callers b r ief s. Subsequently, the Whenever it is deemed! at Mr. and Mrs. A. Sharp's. Board reconvened on twe cei- necessary by the Chief Con-ý Miss Doreen Trewin left by casions. The Board eventueîîy stable that a police uniform' bus Thursday to spend Christ- made an Award that wasý be cleaned, the cleaning shall mas Day and the holidays et agreed upon by ail three be paid for by the municipali-1 Hollywood, Florida, with Mr. members with the exception ty. The decision as to whetherý and Mrs. Roy Trewin and of the dissent of Mr. Sander.ýand when a uniform shall be girls and will accompany son in connection with the' cleaned shahl be the responsi-1 hm oet Wsnafr * item concerning Sick Leave bility of the Chief Constable. New Year's. Cd Severance Pay. Sick, Leave and Severance Mr n r. alTei and Donald spent Christmas it 1ie binin ponto th t ScklaeCeorndr-~. . ~ Day wîth the Fred Trewîns and norationshll e arnd.Mrs. Wright, Blackstock. iprto of the Town Of Bow-,Each member of the associa-1' Mr. end Mrs. Jim Rowan, Imanville and on ail membersti<i wiîî receive credit of one! r n r.Mr.Egih of the local Police Associa - day for each month of service' Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Her- * tieoncli a emloyeand f;from the time of enlistment Above are pictured five generations. Front row, great-great grandfaVher, man Taîsma and Mary Lynn, the osle Doprtment, and less the time eech member Mr. Walter Rogers, great grandmother, Mrs. Edith Palmer, both of Frankford. Also Miss Marilyn Yellowlees, Mr.' en cntal o ivhane- has teken off in sick leave. Philip Balson, Hampton; Mr. ployee engeged during the The said credits shaîl be ac- frnnt row Miss Annette Allen.'Top row from lef t, holding Eileen Alldread is Allen West, Zion, were Christ- proviMAYnstermlof the grementwIt cumulative to 70 days. If a grandmnother, Mrs. Vivian Winfield, Mrs. Noreen Allen and Mrs. Dianne AlI- mas Sunday guests of Mr. and 'OUR CAR poin in cldeth fll 1 member dies or retires he dread, ail of Orono. -Photo courtesy Orono Times Mrs. R. Rowan, Cheryl, Janet ing.shaîl be entitled on severance and Donald. CE ITHHours of Work 1'to pay of renk for haîf the- - A Christmas family party A police officer shail worklaccurnuleted sick leave credit. M A~~f ~~ "~wes held et Mr. and Mrs. E. FARMI a 40 hour week consisting of1 It was suggested that the A. Werrys, Christmas Day. five shifts of eight hou rs each.1 Finance Committee might pro- L AK SW C Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lamb Any officer required to work, vide for this in the annuel were Christmas Sundey guests over eîght hours in one dey,ibudget by a reserve fund. (Itne o etwe) fml.Ohwed Ms u n eiy eebrof Mr. and Mrs. R. Lamb. or required to work on off. Dec. 26- Here's hoping al Ethel Thompson. spent the weekend and Mr. Mr. James A. Werry, Mr. duty deys, shail be grantedi Insurailce lhad yesterday or are having, Mrs. 'Lorne Thompson is and Mrs. Vincent Archer, Bow- and Mrs. Harvey McGill, time -and -one -haîf for the. The Corporation of the a pleasant time today and15pending a4kw days this weekimanville, were Monday guests were Christmas Day guests hours so worked. Such over-' Town of Bowmanville shahl may have a Happy Peacefullwith her mother, Mrs. Cob-1 <f Mr. and Mrs. Tennyson with Mr. and Mrs. John Bar- time shall be taken as timel beer two-thirds <f the cost New Year. ýbledick Orono. Semelis. rowdaie and Brien, Oshawa. of e atie grcaletothe-anti the officer bear one-third O hrdyeeig te Mr. and Mrs. John Mew,i Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Dayes Mr. anti Mrs. Davidi Stein- jChief Constable, or pay inýthe cost of P.SI, The same two junior classes of theUn Jane and Robert anti Mr. antientertained their familiies also1 ton anti Deanna, Belleville, lieu thereof et the option of arrangement ta be matie for ted Sunday Schooi went oui Mrs. Richard Mew, Torornto, Mr. and Mrs. Reg SfoO.wr ekn ussa r the Chief Constable.pamn fthOtroPl, caroîîng arounti the village.lMrs. Vera Moffatt, Mimiro, ono, Monday. aunodr-Mwr weeketndgts e Mr CourtAttenance for Hospital Service, When their voices were nearlyI vSre Suniday guesta <of Mr. Sunday guesta <of Mr. andanMs.DoLi Stainton, r.li Any officer required by hisý Wages worn out, they went to thelan r.Asi ecc.Rb Mrs. Herb Swain, Don andi Hospital, spent Christmas holi- poic dtytoated out'Th 16-67 scale of wages Sunday School roomn and en-lert remeained for a few days. Ralpuh were: Mr. anti Mrs. days with her parents andi forlte urp ote fgng Cvishe: eat 1966 -$ joyed cookies andi cocoa. A bit Mr. and Mrs. Henry Thom- Rupert Byers, Bowmanville; family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Stain- forA dene i prosecutgiinge- sha 970,1967 - 6,420 1C9o6r$poral lter the High School Glee as, Scîîgog; Mr. and Mrs. Fred Mr. and Mrs. Bob Bennett, ton. 23 3621 rece iea cret i three hours 196-20 ; C97r-oral0*Club also serenaded the vil- Real, Mr. andi Mrs. Frank TÉ Oshawa; Miss Janice Byers, Mr. and Mrs. C. Stainton anti iz3-362fr eea c a.m.ofapeare . First9C6- es5,2 Const6eb-le6166; legera. The Hi-C entertained bin and two girls, Greenbrank; 1Guelph; Mr. and Mrs. Leith girls, Mr. and Mrs. M. Stain- Bowmanville 'of t rtr-ornv .. perne. in 25420C197 -$5C20stbecond6-this group to lunch and soc. Mr. and Mrs. Rusa R<idd, Ux-lByers, Mr. and Mrs. Murray ton were Christmas Day the f ut rh -'ee n 5,20, hi7 $,80;S ec ndiel time after the caroling. bridge-, Miss Mary Kayes andlByers anti Jim Byera. guestsaet Elwyn Dickeya, Bow- l e fernon then an audi- Clasa .Constbe1966- $5.120, mav1e FA M tional three hours credit shall 1967 -$5.520; Third Clasa Con- Fine services were helti in Miss Mable Toady. Oshawa'1 Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Drink- mranti Ms.C.Stno W1FnuARc mpn be given if hîs attendance is stable 1966 -$4,820, 1967 -51 both churches Sundey morn-' vere Suntiay guests of Mr.,wtradfml r pn-M.adMs .Sano bI~~~nsuraneeCompany ~ing. In the United, the choirlandi Mrs. Bert Gibson. wtradfml r pni and girls hati Christmas Day 0: Scarbozo, omit. n ed in the afternoon, even 220; Probationery Constable sn w nhm Te Mrs. Nelson Mollon, PortJn~g the holidays with rela- spe ihteDv oh i edoes not give evidence. 1966 - $4.420, 1 67 -$4.820; itagtîe oed ta ethlehe"T Pry ethe eeetives, Suntiay Mrs. W. W. Van se îhteDv oh Titeleffad o Ceterhem"P1966 spen4the w. .ndCamp was hostesa ta the wllMaple Grave. iTeofcer wîl receive one lr (cîvilian) 16 - $4, andi "A Sang oif Christmas". wîth the Harolti Mertyns. Dinkatrs the Gunters and Mr. and Mrs. Cameron Oke, 16-$450Mran r.AsnTaylor, . Oshawa; Mr. Joe Rekker, 1967 - 4.560.IRev. Romeril gave a short but Mrani rsAso Misses Mabie anti Helen Van- Maple Grave; Miss Elsie Oke, Mr. Sandersons Dissent impressive message on "Whati Scerboro; Mr. Harry Brown, Cm. nM "Itis îthregetI W Ge frm hritma". e-Oshawa; Mr. and Mrs. Gar-IC Rev.n Mndey ber gueats Mr. Murray Marshall, Bow- thalfel ember Lave came dawn at~ net Murray and girls, Cressiwr anirsedit- manvilie; Mr. and Mrs. Frank w w m m z bhietita issnt romtheChristmas. Jesus is the win- well; Mrs. J. Farder, Port andMiss arbar Riiîng, Mr. d ren ere Christmas Mon- C mO mL D mlo) Award of my calleagues in, dow in the heart <f God. Sev- Perry: Mr. and Mrs. Ar nt Mrs. StPauh dn g, Mr.l and day guests et Mr. and Mrs. >connection with Sîck Leave. eral carols were sung. Con- Tayaor andgrs elbad Miss Margaret anti -Mr. Jack 'isDeeAeywsF1 "In my view e Board cf Ar- gregatian was almost as large Christmas at the home oif Mr.is Vae Ceywa Fi Corne with us to day evening Tadlrnernguest etp bitratian constituted under as usuel. at r.RyTyoSnay. M. nm. Ro rowdaevngdie ust In St. Johns Church .there Suntiay guests of Mr. anti Mr. antiMsdo aroM.at Mrs. J. Rekker's, uu.sthe Police Act bas authority was aiso e gcîod attendance. Mrs. Fred Trewin anti boys Hilton; Miss Doreen Van- Maple Grave. L S m Bermuda only to consider and ta make Several cerols were sung. Rev. anti Mrs. Albert Wright were Camp, Toranto; Mr. and Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Ralph Virtue, an Award on a metter speçifi- Rose on "How We May Oh- Mr. anti Mrs. Earl Trewinad tnfarti VanCamp were Sun- Judy anti Leurie, were Christ- ~1on tain the Peace of Goti." The Doaldi Enniskillen, and M. a guests of Mr. anti Mrs. mas Suntiey guests et Mr. caliy referreti to the Board. Sacrement of Haly Commun- an Mrs. Edigar Horn, Osh- Richard VanCamp anti family. anti Mrs. E. Masters, Bowman- "S B dhemate o cf antias Mrs.isteed aaCa Mr.anti Mrs. H:rry Van- ville. 1H R . A . t ev a n fthe itms Mr_____trng Vn Mr. antir.Wleta-Ca !pssa r n Mrs. S. Kersey, ON OÛ S AS N'Scosiertin, he matVan-of th B bMndaoronsu pe gusHampton,. ay MrnrofMr.a dantiJ.Ha pMrs.r.an LenLe THURS. JAN. th reerred*&theBard fo its ouverWas wekend ucat cliw.ouestsors. HPerrIs n Pat Pery, Sunay.aPnyer etti fmily, owman ON YOR SEAON'Sseverance pay was et no time Stronga. GrtanS r Mr. anti Mrs. Glenn Van- ville; Mr. anti Mrs. K. Pooher TICKET FOR 83e referredti t the Board by Mrs. J. A. McArthur anti Mi,. anti Mrs. Neil Malcolim Camp, Robert anti Bill, Ar- anti family, Oshawa, Rev. anti iiith aditrim ither of the parties or in any Misa Betty anti Miss Idia anti family spent Sunday wîth thiîr.VanCamp anti Miss Con- Mrs. E. J. Kersey anti femiiy, in th audioriumwey tcaît with in their re- Dempsey spent the -weekend Mrs. A. J. Cook, Braoklin. nie Carnagie Port Perry, areHeJmilton, were Mantiey gucats of the spective submissions. In my wîth frientis in Stratford. Mary Lau Malcolm, Eliza- ta be guests oif Mr. anti Mrs. of Mr. anti Mrs. H. Ashton respectful view the itiajority Mr. anti Mrs. Dalton Dorreil beth anti Susan Thampson aedHerry VanCamp Tuestiay. anti boys. -hes exceedeti their jurisdic- anti girls got moveti into their ta fiy ta Floritie Tuestiay for Mr. anti Mrs. Eti Lawsan Mr. anti Mrs. Don Weern na vle T w a ltion in considering anti mak- new home during the week. a week's hahitiays. anti Bruce, Yelverton, spenit andi family, Dunties; Mr. anti ing an Awerd regarding e Mr. anti Mrs. Allen Bea- The complete Murphy fam- Christmas Suntiay with Mr. Mrs. E. Pettifer anti Ross, DON'T MISS IT! metter not referredti t the cock moveti into the home ilhes are ceebreting Christ- ad rs Marwoti McKee I Downsview; Mr. anti Mrs. A. Board. Thus, irrespective of vacateti by the Dalton Dor- mes et the Roy McLaughlins .IM. Wearn, Oshawa; Mr. Jim qANVILLE ROTARY CLUB any views I might have as ta relis. 'toay (Manday). Mr. anti Mrs. Fred Craw-iSwain, Bl1a c k staock, were the merits of the provisions We are happy ta report Mrs. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy McLaugh- fard anti Mary Lou, Mrs. Car- 1 Christma Eve guests et A. L. T RAVELOGUE respecting severence pay, I Charles Smith returneti home lin anti Debbie spent Sonta nohan Sr., anti George, were Wearns. feel that the Board is without from hospital Fritiay. We hope etternoon with Mrs. Mtiith Sundey visitors wîth Mr. anti Mr. anti Mrs. K. McGill and îcktsavalaleat oo - 1.5 uthority to issue an Award she will continue ta gain daihy Murphy, Tyrane. 1 Mrs. W. Pearce anti Mrs. boys were Christmas Suntiay respecting a matter nat pro- now. Mr. anti Mrs. Neil Werry,'Cafod gucats of Mr. anti Mrs. Lyal perly befare them?" Mr. anti Mrs. Gardon Strong, Carol andi Larry, Messrs. Char- Mr. anti Mrs. Kenneth Sam- Brock, Bowmenvilhe. Mr. anti Mrs. Bob Strong, Mr. ence anti Bill Marlaw were ells spent Suntiay with Mr. Mr. anti Mrs. E. Wright and anti Mrs. Eric Barr anti Bey- Suntiay guests of Mr. anti Mrs. anti Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, Betty were Friday evening erley, Mr. anti Mrs. Gerry Wilbert Werry. . Hampton. visitors oif Mr. anti Mrs. Jim Fergusan were Monday guesta Mr. Harold Swain, Helenl Mr. anti Mrs. Melville Sam- Muller, Oshawa. Mr. anti of Mr. anti Mra. Rasa Curtis, anti Jim, spent Sundey with j cls anti family. Bowmenvilhe, Mrs. E. Wright anti Betty spent Orihhia. Mr. anti Mrs. Jack Swain, anti Miss Anna Samelîs, Orano, Suntiey evening with Mr. anti Miss . - T. IestMefor ,MawaIwere Mond avyguests of Mr. Mrs. Ray Saýntirsn, nBr- ETTER4DRESSE Mr. anti Mrs. Arthur Rabm, Guelph; Mr'.ILarr'y -Hskin,IMrs. Dowtiing, Nestîcton; Missat l1 AN..BBowmanville; Mr. anti Mrs. Hamilton, anti Miss Judy Margaret Wood, Mia, . Eliv.t AND .. B TTE DRE SESCameron Porter, Orana; Mr. Cochrane were Sundey guesta Mrs. C. Meson anti Mr. Dwa-1 FUR..TRIMMED Values ta $29.95 $1 Paul Rahm, Peterboro, anti of Mr. anti Mrs. Haroldi Kyte, yne Wod, all of Toronto, Mr.j STU ÂLL CEARNG 99 Mr. Cecil Hill were Sunday Flaoyd anti Bob. l'Wayne Rum, Melville, Sask. CLERIN $ 4-9 qust ofMg antir.ýta r n Mrs. Ernest Lar- Sunday gucats <if Mr. andtoiv a IIA TIC LLYRahm. Paul was home for the mer, Mr. anti Mis. Ralph Lar- Mrs. Haroldi Hamilton anti *fII~*'%ALL OTHER DRESSES weekend. mer anti femily, Mr. anti Mrs. famiiy: Mrs. Ann Taylor, Port. R D C DMisa Hyacinthe Booth, Cov- Harry Yehowlees anti faxnily, Perry: Miss Pauline Jamie-' than ai' ED CD TO CLEAR enant College, Toronto; Miss Saline, celebrateti Christmas son, Mr. anti Mra. H. Blomme, __ 0EDUCED Mary Romerîl anti Miss Vi- with Mr. anti Mrs. Glenn Lar- Mi. anti Mrs. G. Bernarti anti CLEA ___ ____kie Hichen, Hodgson, Maini- mer anti boys, Seturdey. family, ail oif Toronto, Mr. antid toba, were weekenti guests of Mrs. R. Ford has anc .ta Mrs. John Hamilton. Montiaycau UP e.adMsP.RmrladTrnofra extendedviait cailer eeM. adMrs. Dennis. Rev. anti Mrs. John with her familles. Percy Hamilton, Millbrook. 1F RST 5 / O F Romeril anti famlly, Courtice, Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Turner, Mr. anti Mrs.. Gerry Warne 0 Naturai Gas is todai 'N EA O F joind themforçhristmas ,Lorraine anti Janet visiteti Mr. anti family, Kingston, spent, fuel for vvater heating DACRON - WASH "W A SIZES 8 - 24% festîvities ody anti Mrs. Goltile Campbell Sunday - Tuestiey with her hoating fuels may off Suda uetso M. n adfamily, Campbell fao r di, parents, Mr. anti Mrs. John features, only Naturel Mrn. Wilbert Archer were Mr. Sunday. - Hamilton anti brothers Haroldibt ustnnih anti Mrs. Elnîer Archer anti Mr. anti Mrs. Don Pargaterlanti Brian anti families. bt usadn o kjiI SELECTION 0F - * .Jim, Whltby; Mr. Ronald Ar- anti family and Mr. and Mis. Mrs. M. P. Philp, West Hill; and a truly economnic cher, Toronto, and Miss Mer. Roy Graham anti family, PortMr. anti Mrs. Albert Abbatt, ilyn Archer Peterboro; Mr. Penny, spent Sunday with Mi.jOttawa, anti Mrs. Bob Smith, U M S 2 .5S V o SW EATERS anti Mn. Vincent Archer anti Mrs. Mervyn raham. IToronto, s ent Christmas with sa Z.owmnanviile. Mn. anti Mrs. Ted MeMahonIMr. anti s. Chas. Smith and Netu M.anti Mrs. Barry Duns- anti family spent Suntiay with1 Oliver. mmo and chlldren Brampton; other members of the family Suntiay guests cf Mr. -ind Watr TSB O S SMn. antiMn Bey Dealy anti at the home of Mr. andi Mru. Mns. Wilbert Toms were: Mr. and foi ý 0 FTracy Toronto were gucs iusuel Larmer. anti Mrs. Lloydi Slemon anti Mr. and Mm ns. Kenswo,1M.adMs ayVni hlrn adn r.F Bra ehad Mrs. Mc- adPn sôtPry n os nikle;M.antid uL!S CASH AND FINAI. . .Mn. antid u.: E Lttle and Mns. Haroldi McLAugWiti àid suna gueula of Mrs. Lornelfamily, Whltby, upent Sunday family, Mr. anti Mn. Stuart12 NO RFUNO OR XCHA GES Thompson were: Mn. Wm.'wth Mro. (Chu. Vennlng, Dorneil anti famlly, Mr. anti S.. our Heating Co NO REFUNDS OR EXCH MG. a:â1 Wayne -andi Linda. Mm .Keith VanCamp and~ tïii coad=andMr. aad MMMawioeSam- bamily. E. Wriglbt, ~r lretWriet. Janice anti Litiu tea gue# otMr. mm 9. Mr, andi Mis. Jiin Kinsmaan andi girls spet Cbnidtmas1 Sunday whth Mn lr4man, Courtice.1 Mr. anti lis. LE. I.Walker, 1 Daîphine anti Joanne, 'lo- burg, were wfekend vi sltor" etl R. Gniffins. Mr. anti Mms John Belle, Phlllp anti Karen, Oshawa; Mr. anti Mis. Wal- laci Gniffin, Heathen anti Dale jaineti the family for Suriday dinner. Mr. anti Mn. W. Gniffin, Heethen anti Dale were Christmas Day supper guesta <of Mr. anti Mns. N. Co-i lacutt, Bowmanvihle. 1i Mr. anti Mns. Roy MeGiil hati Suntiey dinner with Mn. anti Mrs. Roy 'Langmaid,i Saline. Mr. John Hoar, Tyrone, hati Christmas dinner with the F. Drapera. Mr. anti Mrs. F. Draper were1 Suntiay guesta <of Mn. anti Mrs. J. Griffin, Oshawa. Miss Marie Draper spent Sunday with Mr. anti Mrs. A. J. Hoar, Tyrane. Mr. anti Mrs. Frank McGill, Miss Clara Page, Mn. anti Mrs. Ed Coombs anti girls, Toronto; Mr. anti Mrs. Howard Bradiley anti Brien, Maple Grave, were Christmas Montiay guests with their mother, Mrs. E. Page. Mr. anti Mrs. 0. C. Ashî,.-n anti Charles spent Christmas weekent i wth Miss Lais Ash- ton, Turonta. Mn. anti Mrs. A. L. Weexn spent Christmas Sunday with Mrs. C. B. Wagg, Uxbritige. Christmas Mvntiey they spent with Mrs. A. Telfer anti femily, Scarbaraugh. Mr. anti Mrs. Roy Werry anti femily, Sudbury, is spentiing Christmas hahi'Jays with F. W. Werry wilere a1 femily o¶rty was helti on Christmas Mon- day. Suntiay even r'g callers et Mr. anti Mrs. R. McGill'ý were Mr. anti Mrs. Fxeti Biliett anti Jim, Scerboraugh; Mr. ai Mrs. Doug Billct, Part Credit. Mr. anti Mrs. Ivan Sharp Mms D~awson andti mly R Sunday W16 Tr S. LaÙb. Mr. 1O. Bec tand, ett, FarwarreMntb ~ ' Montiay supe Beckettu. Mr. ant i&Ms. Fped Barbarea'and' Bevqe, È manville, were callera et anti Mis. N. E. Wrlghts,Fi attendeti the annual ChgioluaS 1party cf the'Darllngtn Tecll. ers' Association held atGOriàdu view olf-anti Coutït7 ClUI, Oshawa. Mn. anti lra. M. J. Itobbo anti frientis from OÊhaw'a 4 Christmas dinne r t tti Fl ing Dutchinan, . BO 4.""&II anti visiteti Mr. andi Mis. Wm Olesuk, Beau Valley QUI'~ù, Mr. Herbert Wr gh~ girls, Mr. anti lis. N. E. Wright antiMius Marguerite Wright, St. Catharines, were Christmas Suntiay guests of Mr. anti Mrs. P. Tresîge, Oiba.. we. 4$ MASONRY, BUILDING PRODUCTS, Natural Stone, Sills, Brick, Block, Steel$> WaIk Siabs, Cernent, Flue Tiles, etc. END 0F NELSON ST. PHONE 623-7431 i I.. PAUD ON G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFICATEi * ssued 1 to 5-Year term * an61/417 interest, payable hýa*t yearly by cheque. autharized investment for al Canadian Insurance Companies and trust funds. \STERLING TRU, V12 Scy St, Tornto QvlIllm ,act Ngatural Gas jeatel iO fIl1t te for Iess moflY ,,y Otfleî '1 , .12, iys Most economical igl While Qther water ffer fast-recovery il1 Gas cen givo yeu )t water performance ial pricel *For just a 42.70 monthl' «fl u Natural Gai charge, yoU end V' can enjoy unlimiteti hot watr..# greateat value là bot*pwmt. u ri Gus )rg.t yur bot watoerwon.uf mtrmctor upbr pIltnOq 35 Dunlop SU., .Barrie Thi IL - -- - 1 Il nr 1/d 1 JAMU A

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