I ocm& -'Phone 62 * . taey sopent New1 s wth is o lu yandi A. .Swlndeflh visited1 4Cbrhimas WM b er on9 Iltf and fmily, Dorval,1 slt~r, out LEa ing Mc., spent1 th oliay:with their parents. Mr. Chris MeTaviali, Grove 8thool, Lakefleld, wau wth hi. nta, Mr'. andMi.Stwt =V111l forthe Chistmas holidays. Mr'. Melvin Wilson, !Univer- sity of Toronto, lia been hali- daylng with hi. parents, Mr. &11d-Mi':. Leonard Wilson: Church St. Mr'.and Mrs. R. K. Wallace *nd son David of Hamilton spent Christmas with lier par- ei)ts Mr. and Mi':. S. Stewart, Division Street. Mrs. L. W. Dippeil spent Christmas witli ler daugliter and son-in-law, Mr'. and Mi':. R, . Muirhead and famiiy, St. Catharines. H~oliday guesta witli Mi'. J. Carter were Mr. and Mi':. Fred Carter and Marie, Pieston, and Mr'. and Mrs. Kenneth Cargill: and Jack, Toronto. Mr'. and Mrs. Jin Brown, C.3., Bagotville, 1Que., spent the- Christmnas holiday with .,Ur. and Mi':. George Brown, Libertjy St. North. Christmas Day vistors with their cotisins, Mr'. and Mi':. Frank Janieson, were Mr'. and Mi':. Carl Williams and Mr'. Ilicliard Williams, Oshawa. Mr. Larry Jarnieson, Uni- versity cf Toronto, spent the Christmas holidays wlth lis parentssand brother, Mr. and Un.FranlcJamieson and Don. Miss Dorothy Taylor and Misa Marjorie Blakley, Well- Ington, Ont., spent the Christ- ias holiday with Mr'. and Mrs. James Hlall, Liberty St. N~orthi. Mr'. and Mrs. H-erbert Leigli- ton, Lamb's Lane, spent Christ- mas Day, witli their son and dlaugliter-in-18w, Mr'. and Mrs:. Les. Leigliton and family, Oshiawa. Mr'. and Mrs. D. B. Harnden and famuly, 'Windsor, Ont., formerly of Oshawa and Bow- manville, were Christmas guests of Mr'. and Mi':. Pete Tullock, Courtice. Miss Donalda Creasser re- Sturned home on Tûesday evenlng, December 27th, aiter spering Christmas wlth Mr. and Mrs. Hlarold Needhani. Quebec City, Que. Mrs. Christina Dunn enjoy- ed Christmias Day with liez son and dauglitei'-in-law, Mr. and Mmi. Murray Dunn and faniily, -patricia, Phyllis Kath- leen and'Steplien. Congratulations to Cpi Chari«eylOtchei', O.P.P ., Pie- ton, .4h-, this. week was pro- ,oA Sergeaiit, Sgt. Flet- cher t. a son of Ifr, agnd Mr': Mr & ý'ait. spent the VbrstDS4 olldays witli her mon an d turin-law, JeMr ond an lë ait, Oshawa, whc returned home with Mi':. Tai to spend the New Year liolldaYs here. Mr'. and Mri'E. L. Macaulay spent tlie Christmas hélidays in Barrie, guets cf Dr. anc Mi':. Henr'y Swan, and wCi'E New Year's guests of the William Simpsoesii'n Don Milla. Mr'. anid Mi':. R. L. Evans and ianiily, Colingwood, were Vsitor: witl Mr-. and Mi':. A. A. H. strike, Beecli Ave. Mr. x'vans has been txansferi'ed by Goodyear ta their Plant in Quebec CitY. The first child born at Pentocostal Church '15 Lberty st. S Phone 123-5100 ruiler: IRot. A. Kudra, B.Tb. Bible School 9:55 a.fIn. il a-nt "ME BAD) NEWS OTHE GOSPEL 7 pm OQUENCH NOT THE HOLY SPIT Attend Week of Frayer Services at the. Triamty United Church "YOU ABE WELCOME» «»M lth e ri cf G. lNet usur 's à i Lt Ted una hrket c uant '- - est, Mr'. and mm'. Fred Caua Rosswdf R. CaflOn and sons ~3-3303] James and Tom. Mr'. and Mn'. ?1330 FredMyles, uncle of the tam- _______g______Ily, lield a dinner party at their home-in Toronto on the ~n ara! H i Bownian- following Wednesday. oNew Ya' Day a Flying Officer and Mm. a baby girl, dauglter of Mr'. Oliver, Cathy and Kimberly and Mr$. John A. Wilson, 995 of R.C.AJ'. Station, Clinton, eeédar St, Osliawa, wlio ar- visited last week witl Mm's rived at 4:44 a.m. Oliver': paret, Mi. nd i Holiday guests with Mr'. and Francis Williams, Pice St. Mi'.. S. Black wcre Mr'. and Miss Shirley William. and Mr'. Mi':. B. L. Lay, Marquette, and Mi'.. Percy Bourne, Toi'- Midi, Mr'. and Mi'.. T. Comfort onto, also spent several day: and family, Ottawa, Mr. and at Christmas with Mr'. and Mrs. Akerton and family, Mi'. William:. Miss Shirley Hamilton, and Miss Sandra Willianis spent New Year's at Manthorne, Sudbury. Clinton' with lier sister, Mi. Miss Edltli Cowan and Miss Oliver. Ruth Hancock, both of Toronto, A f amily gatliering was held spent thc holiday week wÏit on December 26tli at the Fr'ank Mr'. and Mi'.. Wilbert Teeple. Jamieson home on Wellington Christmas Day visitors were St. Those attending were Mr'. their daugliter and family, and Mi':. C. L. Upper, Peter- Mr'. and Mi':. Neil May, Bruce borougli, Mr., and Mi':. P. B. and Erie, Peterboroughi. Cooke, Bradley and Lynn, Mr. and Mi'.. Michael Lucyk, Sca.iborough, Mr'. and Mi':. J. Flett St., were deighted to W. Moore, Oshawa, Mi'. and have as visitors during the Mi':. C. R. Bickle, Mi'. and Christmas holiday: lier sister Mi':. C. L. Bickle and Char- Mi':. Annette Frost of Yar' lene, Mr. and Mrs. H. G. ;mouth, N.S., and also lier niece Biekle and family and Mi:: 'Mi'. L. Brown and children, Shirley Irvine, Town. Clieryl and Allan, of Ottawa. Christmas supper guests Mr'. L. B. Nichols lias re- witli the Walter Goode family turned home after spending were Mi':. Barb Worsley and the Christmas holidays with three children, London, Mr'. hi: :on and daughter-in-law, and Mrs. Hon Rogers and three SMr'. and Mi':. Douglas Nichols, children, Maple Grove, Mi':. SKingston. Mi'. and Mi':. Doug- Stewart Clarke and June, las Nichols spent New Year's Oshawa, Mr'. and Mi':. Ray ,with hi: father at lis home, Stacey and two chidren, Co- Carlisle Ave, bourg, Mrs. M. Richmond, LNew Year': Day gue:t: with Cobourg, and Miss Brenda ,Mr'. and Mi':. L. Crawford and Farrow, Town. New Year's Jeffrey, Oshawa, were Mr'. and dinner guests with Mi'. and SMi'.. Fred Goodman, Peter- Mi':. Goode were Mrs. Barb borough, Mr'. and Mi':. Earl Wor:ley and three children, 1Goodman, Peter and Douglas, London, Mr'. and Mi':. Hon Toronto, Mi':. L. J. Goodman Rogers and three children, and Mi'. and Mx-:. Clarence Maple Grove, Mi'. and Mi':. -Goodman, Town. Hon Locke and three chldren 1Chiristmas visitors with Mr. and Miss Brenda Farrow, and Mi':. W. Maindonald for Town. the long weekend included -Mi':; Maindonald's aunt, Mi':. R N LMabel Farnsworth, Belleville; T R N a nephew, Kelvin Symons, hi: :wife Margaret and son Ian, (Intended for last week) 1Port Credit, and Rev. A. W. There was a splendid con- and Mi':. Harding, Town. gregation at Tyrone United The Statesman extend: its Churcli Sunday mornlng to thanks to Manager Dunc Ulley hear the Christmas Message .of Lombank Finance Ltd. for by oui' minister, Rev. David 1its gift to the office of a daily Northey, along with Christmas ýcalendar. The staff flnds it carols, and Misses Christine .mo:t useful a: a means c f Brent, Earla Vivian and Ann keeping a record cf coming Hamilton sang a Christmas ,events for the convenience cf number. Envelopes will be .organizations setting future handed out by one cf your .date: for special functions. steward: this week, please use sMr'. and Mi':. H. Quarry, for month cf January, as there .Hamilton, spent Chiristmas and lias been an unavoidable de- New Ycar's with lier daugliter lay in the regular envelopes. .Mi':. Fred Cowle, Mi'. Cowle On Friday evening there ,and family, Churcli St. Misse:i were five tables cf Eudhre in Nancy and Vicki Cowle re- the Hall; the winners, high turned home with their grand- lady, Dorothy Vivian; low ,parents, Mi'. and Mi':. Quarry, lady, Myrtie Virtue; high tci spend a few day: between man, Cecil Wood; low man, 'Christmnas and New Year's Clarence Woodley; dcci' prize, ,witli them. Sam Reyenga. Rev. A. W. and. Mi'. Hard- ing spent Christmas Day at the home of Rev. Harding's daugli- ter, Mr'. and Mi':. Harry McCamus, Robert and Donald, Ida, Ont. Rev. and Mi':. Hard- ing visited in St. Catharines for a few day: at Yew Years at the home o! Mi':. Harding's son, Mr'. and Mi':. Paul Sym- oi and f amilye-- Boxing Day 'dinner guests wlth Mi'. and Mi'.. Alf. Brown: were Mi'. and Mi':. Bill Lake and son Bill, Newcastle, and Miss Gloria Avery, Salem. New1 Year's Day dinner guests wcre Mi'. and Mi':. Har'old Skinner. Mr-. and Mi':. Brown were also guests during the holiday: o! Mi'. and Mi':. Lake and Mi'. and Mi':. Skinner. Mr'. and Mi':. W. A. Davis, Anna and Andy, Mr'. and Mi':. SW. Wrighit; Darleen, Greg and SChuis, Ottawa, Mi':. B. Lidster, Suzanne, Lynn, Beverly and ,Carol, Oshawa, spent Christ- Smas weekendj with Mi. A. Wrighit. Miss Joy Wright, Town, spent Boxing Day with liher cousin: at lier grand- .mother':, Mi':. A. 'ight. Sout-of-town Christmas and holiday guests with Rev. and Mi':. A. G. Scott, King St. East, were Rev. and Mi':. B. C. MacPherson, Stirling, Ont., Mi'. and Mi':. John Merrithew, Oshiawa, Mi':. B. D. Ar'mstr'ong and Miss Margaret Ar'mstrong, Toronto, Mr'. and Mi':. Wiley Grant, Kilbui'n, N.B., and Mi'. and Mi':. P. Toft and son Bll, ScarboroCugli. Mi':. Del. Sarvis and 'sons MinistanR fre ]Rev. A. VandeffBei'g, B.A., H.»., M.Th. Worshlp Services 10 &M. 7:30 p.m. 11:15 a.=. Sunday School Back To God Hour CKLB Every Sunday, 9:15 p.M. Il vicm 30 Welcomo" UNITYUNIT ED CHUR(H IOWnis-t.r. George IL. Ward, B.A. B.. O«~uM- 1Mr. Artblur CoWson. Mns.., LAS.M 11:W m.U. -Sacrement of the. ýmd's Supper '1141 IVER PRISENT CHRisT" W?4DAT SCROOL 0 monIuidIt*and Senior family, Port Perry, were Sat- urday evening callers cf Mr'. and Mi':. Stan Goble.' Mr'. and Mi':. Ernest Deeley celebrated their Golden Wed- ding Anniversary on Friday,. December 23rd, witli their son Dudley and hi: family. They i'eceived congratulation: fumnr Govei'or-General Van-- ici' and Mrs. Vanier, Prime Minister Lester Pearson, Mi'. Russell Honcy, M.P., relative: and friend: to mark the hap- py occasion. They al enjoyed dinner at the Aeroquay Res- taurant at the International Aii'port in Toronto. Mi'. and Mx-:. Jack Oliver and Jolinnie, Fenelon Fails, were recent supper guest: o! Mi':. Percy McCoy. Mr'. and Mi':. Norman Cox, Stouffville, were Christmas guests cf lier mother, Mi':. P. MeCoy. Mr'. and Mi':. T. Mortlock and son Tommy, Ottawa, were recent dinner guests cf Mr'. and Mi':. R. Gibbs. Famly gatlering was held at the home cf Mr'. and Mrs. R. Gibbs on Saturday. Mr'. and Mi':. H. Hardy, Bowmanville, were supper guests cf Mr'. and Mrs. George Alldi'ead. Congratulation: from Ty- rone friends to Mr'. and Mi':. Er'nest Deeley on their 5th Wedding Anniversai'y, Dec. 23rd. Christmas dinner guests cf Mi'. and Mi':. Stanley Goble werc Mr'. and Mrs. Keîth Goble, Mr'. Fred Partner cf Orono. Supper guests were Mr'. and Mi':. Rober't Burgess and family, Port Perry. Mi':. R. Scott spent Christ- mas witli lier sister, Mi':. W. Macdonald, Bowmanville. Mi'. and Mi':. J. C. Cook spent Christmas Day with Mr'. and Mi':. K. Ci'oweUls and family, Bowmanville, an d Christmas Monday with Mi':. J. C. Cook Sr'., at the home cf Mi'. and Mi':. Ted McBride, Brampton. Mr'. and Mri. George White, Marilyn and Lorraine, Mrs. F. A. Werry, Miss Florence Wei'ry, Mi':. S. T., Hoar, Mi'. and Mi':. W. McLean and Rcdncy, Bowmanvilie, Mi'. and Mri. Ken McQuaide, Osh- awa, Miss Marie Draper, En- niskillen, Miss Linda Smith, Mr'. John Hoar and Mr'. John Harmer werc Christmas guests cf Mr'. and Mi':. Aldin Hoar. Miss Mabel Awde, Toronto, Mi'. and Mrs. J. Wagg and son, Oshawa, Mi'. and Mi':. Russell Wright, Miss May Wright wcre Christmas Day guest. o! Mi'. and Mi':. W. Jewefl. Mr'. and Mi. N. Winacott spent Chiristmas wltli their daugliter, Mi'. and Mi'.. Gor- don' Selleck, Sellcck Lane, Oshiawa. Mr'. and Mi'.. George Al di'ead spent thc long Christ- mas holiday with lier sister, Mr'. and Mi'.. Walter' Stewart and family, St. Lambert, Que. Mo.. J. . Bond, Toronto, Miss Betty Newton, Taranto, spent thc Christmas ween~ wlth Mr'. and Mrs. Neil New- ton mnd daugliter. Mr.and Mms F. L.Bym Mi'.. W. Miller wlth Mr. and Mn'. D. Miler and faiY. Mr. and Mas. Walter main rpet Chriatmua'Sunday wth ;à ndMm'..J. E. GrI and -MI)NOdhw& à Special Prices Effective until Saturday, Janucsry 7 - Save 40cl Snus ~. For fast nad 'feoloble' reliof CoricidinD 24's Sugg. lst 1.89 S1.49 Shampoo MISS CLAIROL Complote Kit -Sugg. lit 2.50 Save 30e Save 50e Gent!>, omJ ie d ow Cold Capsules l's - Segg. 99flC Lit 1.49 20 Tbeete Seg .lt 1.50 CONAC LOZENGES 9àc Save 3 Save 28e- JOHNSON JONO MICRIN w A ntiseptic , 14oz Decongestant Tablets 125- ý 99C DNISTAN NASAL MIST 1 c. Sug. 9 c4 lt1.2s - 9 Save 25è' FAMILY SIZE 62'1 Sugg. lit,8 73C 97c l8ar ~LjI3O YAMILY V1AMIN LIA pAM ' -PMRDEC 70U<-W1SOL' SYRUP LIQUID DROPS 20 ounce 16 ounce 50 cr. Sug. îot .50 Sugg. list 3.50 Sugg. lost.2S Iinerol Tobltt 90Is Sogg. Iist 3.95 iPI3IA DROPS 50 cr. Sogg. lust 4.25 *;ILr m q *.c fsvviiIY 1OOTHB~SH ~FECIAL ~~e3rosiI..NShhEqlUd G.t. FUSES 15 cr 20 amp. o.3 ter 28. 12 for § Bag of TOILET E!.P Fie,5tO HOSPITAL COTTON HALiBUT LIVER OIL CAPSULES 500's Sugg. list 2.71 R*S [CILf DROPS 50 c. fsggîlt 4.7s .your locol' En TronO, eleli@lO 662694 for location of n.arest l.D*A. DrUe StOre.ý AIfn roIfeo h n i Re 'W sve 21 FREE CALORIE BOOK Sve20e '<.>/ Nowou geta REE Calorie Bok wtth every ' UKE' /t / puchseof Slim-Mint. The Sim-Mint Plan U LE ' îimps you Iose weight fs totstarva. %#MIXTURE plan yau eat 3 meais F~geh à aday-yet lbse 10, 15., ut od m 20 pounds. Start the . lmmn Plan today bocii Rie Site - Sugg. lst 79c 222VAUEISR59c ÂQUÂ SUAL BABY PANTS Whlfta, ae. 39e Pair SCLARA VACUUM BOTTLE. for hot or cold lquds BATH SALTS Voriety ocâf t To save money on drugs, always buy tliem lxi our I.D.A. Save ~ GSy HolW ained eteiî cil, Noir îola tobl stn 790 9 Salve 170 Save 30" Chocolat, j Lanay ail Ctrh $ pend b"g SCONOMY EPSOM SALI Save 32c s.54. ba ENFALAC LIQUlO 3 fe, 3 TqQ~t ALE,.X McGREG OR DP 5 KING STREET WEST Prescriptions - LD.A. Remedies - - -lm 4r'f 1 V', 1 HOT i