Ibo- drîIt QWO W.e Mmimtered Wren Blair lmsm a ~e«->Mwholer-d«elr vWUlthe. Oshava Truckmen whe Stheziwuasdèsthed tte al incherak f< ocey jî_.,,vus naalyduminbed '(aznd probably il is la sne m tht blunkety.blnk mn end so. Se when we were 1 IINI§ -1e - weeka bock te attend a testionial dinner %or Wri, wbiinh as held Prlday niglit, It was bard to ha."' Just wliK te expeet. L 11,.1Certainly lite Raccm pliahments deserve a btter descrip.. IMthamMrely outstandlng, because this guy really atarted at th* bu" Mî ud worlte4bisi way up te anse of Uic bosti Joýbs tu hockey. ,At Wren hkmpoIf stated - ho didn't oxpoct anyone te aay whta oic. gurh.e was - and they dldnl! Put lie dId recelve the recognition helielchly descrved, along *illithe_ diga le almse ured qulte .hoaeslly - to turn thus dnulto a great evenlng, net*only for this reporter, but Oeryone we had the opportunlty to upeak vlth. S Actually, P~lahl's participation ln sports began with got MII a e cbadied. and manâged several teamin theb Qahawa ureIa.Ris rt hockey club waa Dodd's Motor Sales Wlh von cliamPlonshlps lu twe beagues thc saine season. tht vws te b. Uic beglnnlng of a caroor that waa to bring IMOnY more titlos te Uic area - and undoubtedly mostlyj duo te Wren Blair.1 Rscognlzing Uic hockey talent of the area, he assembled the Snli Truckmon lu 1952. The followlng year, Oshawa ,àeta burned, se Blair promptly ncgotlatcd a deal to bring0 the Truekinen te Bovinanville. Probably local observers vil remember that Finie Dickens vas playing coach, wli Frank u"SonnY" Hooper and Maxie Yourlh also members cf the club. ýCommercial Hockey League M. & G. Sheli Beat Frank's 5-1 Bryson's Edge Brooks' 6, to 4 Mutton & Gould Shoîl scor-m ed thnee unanswened second1 periad goals to skate loaha easy 5-1 vin over W. Frank1 Real Estate in the big battie1 for firsî place, Sunday monn- ing aI the Memorial Arena.1 Both eains bad been deadiock- ed for the top nung. In the opener, Bnyson's Sinoke Shop moved into third, defeating Brooks' Supertest 6-4. Grant Flintoff's goal into1 the empty net ith five sec-i TYKE COACES 1EETING J There wii ho a meeting of ail coaches ln the Tyke Hockey Loague on Monday, January l6th, at the Mem- orial Arena, lmmedlateiy foiiowlng the third game._ onds nemaining vrapped up the final gamne victony for Bryson's, after Don Bishop had scored at 17:10 bo drav Brooks' vithin a single taily. Lanry Perris came up vith a fine four point performance on anc goal and three assisîs la Pace the vinnens, the athens going to Bill Crossey, Jin Coyle, Joe BaIson, Bob Heliain and. Flintoff, vith tihe g, keeper ouI for a sixîh attate- er. Ray Crombie iurnéd' la"I& glittering dlspiay -to earn tva goals, viîh Don Prout and Bisbop netting the athers. Brian Rave notched a pair in the second gaine tb ead tbe Mutton & Gould attack, singles gomng ta "Anchie" Cnossey, Ro1î Pollard and Ron Burgess. Jin Clarke vas the lone inanksman for Frank's, vith tbc goal coming in the open- Looldng for largor cnowds, Wren shlfted te RKingm homue base for thc playoff s, resulling in the Senic ~"O.H.A. chamiponship. The following year the club ta Whltby vhene under Uic sponsonship cf Dunlop of C a naine that vas to be widely known, camne Into be the Whtby Dunlops. Aflen another Sr. "B" .tille, Blair applled for adr te the Sr. "A" O.H.A. bague. His motion vas nejec Wren, sbowing tbe dolerminalion thal bas made hin a sucoess, became the real drlving force in formlng an f division cf the Sr. "A." The upstart "Dunnies" weren'l 4MY- chance againat the faincd Kitchener-Waterloo »utchMcn, but they beat Uiem in the playoffs. Whltby knocked off North Bay Trappers in a seriE 'lncluded a gaine at Maple Leaf Gandens, vhich the 1, A. Hewtt described as the best ho had ever seen. A Wffitby Dunlops astounded the hockey critics by wn 'the Alaun Cup. The foflowing season the town cf Whltby galned .»cognition wlihUic Dunnies defeating Russia 4-2J î tal gaine at Oslo, NorwaY tb vin tbc Wonld I 1 goimplonshlp. QuIte a feal for a eain whlch vasn'j ,j#.ed tebe trong onough for Sr. "A"' hockey, on. ,. Tenext aon Blair vas te scee Wbilby vi ~oerAlan Cup. He aise becanne goneral manaî -CltaCornets, a boum that bad vound up last lu the 1 Sltes Este, Hockey league. Under Wrcn's guidance Won the league tille, vbile Dunlopa vere taking the su nCame bis exposure ta profossional hockey '«nPabnlck slgned him te manage and coach bbc- Ru *mte. A couple Of acasons later hi 1962-63 âiôt her doubla lvin1ner "us Kingston von UiceM OshumPnrvs ded ythtft fline ln 1953, W*rad br Bairjn wat e trmsbitmont difflcu qIgnmet . Once more lii, fantaslic abillty to organize .*feftjy" tournabocanie evident. A Mémorial Cup v .ý1ibdO BlaWS r'sgap, but lb vas indeed a tnibube te bise 'IiheUi Generuls reacbed Uic Canadian Jr. "A" final *=any ustute observons remarked, Frlday night - if it 1 Zbiesnfor Uic lnurY te Bobby Orr, Gonerals probably1 :bave vwn bheCup. Nov Wrsn faces bis most diffleiut challenge. As gc l"Maager Of Minusota North Starsho vil attempbt t !the boumbInta an N.H.L. contender. Don'l be surpris ,Minnesota doesn't become the fîrsl expansion enîny th -the, Stanley Cup. . As BObby AtteruleY remarked, "'This dinner could : forever If vo vore te, relate al bhe anecdotes conn wli Mn. Blair." This column could also gel out cf this scribe vas toeovon pass on the cnes vhicb vend ,.t'the dinner. But saine are jual boa good ta pass up. IncldentaliY speaking cf Altersley, vhen Dr.E reads Ibis coluznn, ho vil be glad to knov Ihat Bobbyi lUS te "saY hello te 'Doc' fon me." The late Ed Summeri Dr. SiMon vere fanilliar finit nov fans ut the old A ýdurlng Bobby'a oarly junior days. HarrY Sinden played and coached for quite a lime t Bliand probablY through hi, long association knovî M as vl as anYcue. Harry, Wha bas donc pretty vo] binselfas coach cf the Boston Bruina, tld the largo c: that Wren MMli takes credit for being Instrumental in 'wnning goal belng scared againsl Russia. WihUicescore* deadlccked 2-2, thc Dunnies bad 11gbi up dus te Uthe pressure. As Attersloy bft Uic bench : PlaYer change, Blair sansllcaanunYcmntod, "I'm net a. sr about your polical Inclinations." Babby sccroc vinner, Blair Clalmed Uic credit, and as Sinden sald, "Mi fVWreu sresponsiale, vbe la to, dispute il."1 . Lyan aNtlk tld of bis firsI oncounter vith V we vho le zelwed a phone cal nequesting that the Bi selLong" JoIM lHederson te Whitby. Patrick sbaled when the aPld-Waking Blair flnally finlsbed, "-ho had vlued meheld, b. doing us a favor by taklng Hendenso: eur ha4ds" .ê ?trisk, thon Boston', genenal-manager dlaimed,1 en, tht. Biair, depite bis fine reord, let Mm down bec Top Ten Scoreru H Standings Dec. 18 AI G. A. Pts. Jii S. Burns 15 14 29 Gc L. Perris - 15 il 26 M R. West 12 9 21 Vil T. Fairey 5 16 21 Ha G. Flintoff - 6 12 18 A. B. Hellam - 6 12 18 Onj AI Guernsey 8 9 17 AI ý Gel Cash Today Teý For OldAphaucs 1 rough PHa C L AS 1P 1 9D8 Eti Phono 623-3303 Bri Pei L Pts. 3 121 4 101 5 81 BANNER PASSANT 823-3259 120 Duke st, Bowmanville *Lifs.-Insuracee *Immone Diuablity *Pioii Phan *:Group usurnce Sun 11f. Asurance , Ce oC. ud B. Lyle _____ 10 6 L. Prout ___12 3 B. Crossey Il 4 1 B. Hughes - 8 71 Mixed League Hovard Broincîl started tbe econd schedule viîh gaines of 18-278-218. for. the , higli Iple of 784. * Al Osborne tolloved, Brom- , bving gaines f 260-221- 80 for 761. Jin Bedfond had 63-229-225 for 717. Murray >ynl 685 (298-292), Joynt's 98 vas high single, G-ond Wii- ix 666 (250), Morley Etcher o0 (265), Hazel Donoghue id 644 ta vin over the girls. lazel also had high single 282. toec Wiseman 628 (258), Onie tcher 622 (220). Bob Glanville's leain took 3 ro Osborne tb lake the iead ithe leain standing. Four ains are lied for second lace, baving Ivo vins. Standing Final Week Second Scheduie AUl Three Gaine Averages Lirno Ave. .wand Bromoîl ____ 261 ,Osborne _______254 nm Bedford ______239 lrray Joynl 229 ord Wilcox ______222 mley Etcher ______220 ince Prout -______219 azel Doaoghue 215 Wisemian ' 209 ie Etcher ______207 1Lobb 202 Touin Standing mnx ~ W L Pts.1 lnville _____3 0 7 romell _____2 1 5 )bb____ 2 1 15 rouI __ _ 2 1 5. arrison ____ 2 1 5 Bnock _ _ _2 1 4] :her ___ 1 2 3. ,unt 1 2 2 Brock 1__ i 2- 2 2 icox ___ 1 2 2 1 borne 0_ _ 3 0 1 LegionP idies' Bowling y, The Legion Ladies started off wiîb thein second schoduie at Thunsday nighl. High triple for theo evenîng was balcon by Fran Bruce vith a triple cf 639, she also Iook high single with a 234. A fev other aice gaines vore nolled by Denise Annaent, Bernice Partner, Hilda Slmnick, Ber- nico Bothwell and Joan Bur- ton. The club vere ploased ta veicome bock Marg Blake af- ten sevonal veoks' absence. Naine Avg. Fran Bruce - - 213 Denise Annaert ____188 Jean Burton -._____185 Bornice Partner ____160 Hilda Sininick -____159 Marg Blake 154 Rose Vanessa -____152 Bennice Bothwel- 150 Audrey Date -_____150 Mary Wostavcr _____146 Mable Williams _____135 UMe oBates ______132 Barnoy Boisvent- 130 Grace Murdock ____128 Nybl Sbseban ____126 Axx&ha Saman _____123 eraloBruton ____12n ,,iPiper -___ 1 Dorothy Richards m0 MeçLauris e ___ 94 - S? 8 Inter-Town Youth Bowling Third Month Resuît. Girls Ajax 6 Oshawa 2 Whitby 2- Bowmanville 6 Team Standing Oshawa ________16 Ajax 14 Bowmanville _____ 10 Whitby -8 Boys Bowmanville _8 - Whitby 0 Ajax 2 - Oshawa 6 Team Standing Bowmanvile _____ 22 Oshawa ________16 Whitby 6 Aj ax ___ 2 Hlgh Single- Girls P. ;'rosh, Ajax _ 295 Hlgh Triple- Girls S. MeIlwuiý,Ajax . 625 :_Higli Single -EBys R. Whiteley,'Oshawa __331 High Triple - Boys R.Whiteley, Oshawa - 7101 .January 6, 1967 Team Standing Pts. Pins Snowden - 78 44,357 Dakin ____ 68 42,005 Bond ____ 68 40,898 Westake60 40,409 Macnab____ 58 42,788 Prout ____ 56 40,002 Brock ___ 55 39:724 Woodward - 43 39,325 Nolan -___ 37 39,416 Marshalli_ 35 39,402 Hen's High Single - Jack Boild 302, Harry Snowden 247, Ernie Roberts 241. Men's High Triple - Jack Bond 709, Milt Dakcin 692, Ron Brock 653. Ladies' High Single - Di- anne McReelis 273, Dot Bond 256, Faye Allen 231. Ladies' High Triple - Di- anne McReeLis 747, Fayo Al- len 649, Dot Bond 597. O'ver 200 Games B. Allen 207, E. Archer 230, 210, May Alldread 203, 200, H. Snowden 247, 200, F. Stub- bert 235, G. Dennis 214, P. Buma 218, R. Westlake 210, J. Bond 219, E. Roberts 241, B. MeReelis 213, M. Dakin 227, 233, 232, B. Griffin Jr. 214, 227, M. Sedman 213, G. Marshall 209, D. Bond 256, D. Me1Reelis 245, 273, 229, D. No. lan 228, 230, C. Roberts 210, F. Allen 219, 231, R. Brock 240, 233, B. Buma 201, G. Prout 205, B. Griffin Sr. 203, 3. Patter 217, S. Milley 201. Averages R. Brock _____ 221 JBond ____219 H. Snowden _____2171 R. Westlake ______199 G. Prout -________198 3. Griffin Sr. ______197 PStubbert _______194 ). Bond ________193 TMacnab _______189 W. Dakin _______187 FMarshall ______186 rMcKnight _ _ _186 Archer __185____ B Nolan _______184 qMeLean _______183 .Allen ~183 3Potter __1______ toy Woodward _ __ _ 178 CRoberts _______175 Roberts _______174 McReeli ______1731 *ay Alldd_____ 171 Veana _______171 oSedman _____170 McReels ____ 168 1Griffin Jr. _ __168 Allen __1_____ 8 o Dennis _______167 tCrawford ______165 Buma ______164 Denn!,______163 Tippins 157 Woodcock 155 Luke ______155 1Zondervan ____133 Woodward _____152 AUdir.d -152 l 1' ~, 8owmuaylfl.~ 3~. 12, F IL w -. r 'I Md Topics w i Tremendous basketball sii plus many hilarious beachers were, left to right, front row, Bob McMullen, antics fealured the biggest show of Centennial year Bill Brunt, Bob Sheridan, Bill Miller and Earl Wolff. at Bowmanville High School on Friday when the The Diplomats are in the back row. The gym was famed Harlem Diplomats basketball team played the jam.med with applauding students, teachers and Ail Star teachers in BHS gym. The rigged score was visitors. 68 to 58 for the visitors. Those taking part for the Tea.'n Standings W1 Mutton & Gould Shoîl 6 W. Frank Real Esaae 5 Bryson's Sinoke Shop 4 lw 1as yod Eda, don , 0 iich1 1. Night Hawks Bowling, (Dec. 28/66) B. Mils _____ 40 J. Woodlock ______40 K. Ralston _______35 V. Plckard ______29 L. Woodcock _____26 D. Cochrane _____22 Hlgh Triple-J. Lunu - 683 Hlfth lngte-J. Lunn - 293 Averages M. Camipbell______192 J. Shearer _____-187 J. Luna _______183 J. Woodlock ______180 M. Hodgson- 17,6 I. Wright ________172 D. Sallows _____170 B. MIS _______-169 J. Mairs ________ 168 M. Sedman _____-167 J. Rowe ________163 C. Adamas ____ 163 M. Coombes ____-161 V. Pickard ______-159 F. Land ______-157 L. Woodcock ____. 156 L. Mutton _______155 B. Keith _______-154 K. Ralston ______-151 V. McDonald _____151 C. Ritter ________ 150 200 Gamùes J. Lunn 293, J.- Woodlock 260, J. Shearen 245, K. Camp- bell 241, 211; M. Sedman 237, K. Balson 206, A. Lorusso 203, I. Wright 202, B. Milis 202. Teamas - Second Sehedule No. 1-R. Campbell, M. Sed- nan, B.* Keitb, J. Harness, P. Iroome, A. Perfect. No. 2. Sheaner, J. Mains, Land, A. Lonusso, A. Burg- ss, C. Marchant. No. 3-J. Lunn, B. Mills, L. Voodcock, C. Bale, D. Coch- ane, D. Kelly. No. 4-J. Woodiock, J. Lowe, V. McDonald, V. Pick- rd, B. Beers, P. Bagneil. No. 5 - M Hodgson, C. dains, K. Raiston, C. Ritter, Coombes, O. Moffaît. No. 6--1. Wright, D. Saliows, Devell, M. Coombes, D. ýden, L. Burgess. Second Schedule Beys Rn. 4 il 18 25 eb. 1 8 15 22 lr. 1 8 15 22 29 Pr. 5 12 19 26 1-2 3-4i 2-1 4-31 3-5 2-6 4-2 1-5 1-3 6-4 5-6 1-2 2-3 5-4 6-4 3-1 3-5 2-6 4-2 1-5 1-6 3-2 3-4 5-6 6-2 1-41 5-1 6-3 4-6 2-5 1-2 3-4 5-4 1-6 Playoffs ýen ven ,ing ne Br hat1 W. P. ýing W( ýbal1 the RO' key arc the E. ngD1. of Oe ed ey AU an en ton À&r Fet re as- an- te, Ai] rts Ase Wou *MEMORIAL MENA 130MAN VUML Telephom 02-52 PUBLIC SKATING liIDYrJANUARY l3th StWDYJANUARY lSth W. ~ - ON., JAN. $jh rai Ild i ;e 1< rd la, 'or 1- he e- len ho pronisod that Lynn vould bave no worries as long as kl Blair vas lu Uic Boston crganizaîion. M hr. Patrick cf course vas replaced by "Hap" Emnis, If whlcb pronipted hlm ta point ouI that Boston badn't in- i proved their bapless record, even vith the addition cf "Hap." Sinden countered "We're veny happy - if's only " unforlunate Ihal bappinesleads la the celiar." d To illustrate Wnen's villingns te tangle viîh anyone, d Bil Hannah, Dunlop P.R. man vho accampanied the Dunnies Ite the vorld tournament, relates the following stony. Bunny Aheorne told the young hockey execulive that lWbitby vould nol be permitîed ta wear anything advertis- Iing Dunlop - il vas against international nules. Blair Istannned out, made a cal and roeltu r n ed inlime la to 00 Bunny caavensing on the tolephone. l'Apparently thero are tva rules cf tbought on Ibis," said Mr. Ahearno, r"and you may wear your Dunlop sweaters." Nol satisfied 1 vllh being anc cf the fev mon ho top Ahearne, Blair went ron ta lot Bunny. knov vhaî ho thoughl cf bis ancestery - tunprintable lu Ibis column. We furtben heard boy Wren vas advised, pnior ta an interview on television thal the veuld be absôiutely no referring ta the teai sponsor an theb B.B.C. Oh sure, said Wren, and Ihen pronipIly gaIDulo Inl every chance ho gaI. Sounds typically Blair. I Uink il vas M.C. Bruce Afleck who painted ouI Ibat Wren dld most of bis coaching frein bbc stands, although ho vas thc Genenols' genenal manager. "But I notice Tod O'Connor nov doos the saine tbing," said the Crava Attor- ney, ta bring dova the bouse. Just in case someone doesn'b know - Ted is curontly unden suspension. Acîually Mn. Blair spont niany houns sitting beside us lu the Auditorium press box. To say ho gaI vorked Up vould be pulting il niildly. I think Wren made every move eut cn the Mce binseif for bis players, and the pon officiaIs - or even the goad officiaIs, very fev oscaped his wrath. We can anly imagine Ihat a donkey must have poo y-sight because that vas Wren's favorite naine. Guest speaker for Uic moniorabie evening vas Sain Pollockc, gonerai nmanager cf Uic Montreal Canadiens, vha funthen onhanced Blair's ropulation as a shrcvd bargainor. Samn painted cul boy Wren had talked hum lu la helping eut bis nevly formed Eastern Senior "A" loop by alavwing Uic Jr. Canadiens te participate. Ho complainod about lend- lng Uic Dunnies playens for Uic Wanld Tour - but nol really boo strenuouly. Pollock menlioned bow bis Hul-Ottawa Canadiens vere lnmmning Uic Dunlops coenighl, vbereupon Blair In one cf bis sarcastic touches, attempting ta gol bis team geing, yelled across Uie nlnk, "Av came on Sain, lot un have Uie puck." Tho stonies vent on and on,, as dld the reminiscing among tihe hockey execubives, sportsmen and playons who liad beon assocated wlth Wren. One follov vbo vil be cf luteresbte local fans vas Boss Havo. We talked wi Ros; a fermer goal-keoper vith anc of the mare necent Bovinan- ville Intermedilate clubs at saine bongbh. Au vs bave stabed, lb vas quile an evenlng. Wren Blair has an umuzlng hockey record. Look out for bbc,. Mi="eot North Stars Wonder If Blair on Patrick vauld buke us along as a publlclty direcor-? t t t i~ t t Dunlng the recent holday, (vhlch iuckditsDy tw - porter extsnded Ibree mare deys by dumqgig ' . ni- monts around bis elbov), we fell a 1=eh bebind lu eue r4i, of th hmehlockey draw wi~nsera. Mar the."#euthree veeks - vp M WÇM- Je l Duit4 <Qod M*iur Mad lbMW&. F- CallanSr 26, hn Glourilde ..L B. .. 1.. 41- ri lp.Zr ,tj,* w n ie U a t c ar e ow le d B A N TAW G IR L S 108 for one game. Bromell 3. Tice 2; Dadsou 5 Six bavios started the sec- Mountjoy 9; McMullen 3, Bry. ond chedujie with 250 or son 2. botter aveage: Bob Lavton Higli Single 283, Howard Bromoîl 279, Jack S. Morris ________140 Lander 261, Don Oke 259, Dr. in. Bromeli ______134 H. B. Rundie 252 and George T. Tighe 132 Bebee 250. Not a bad start G. Dadson 130 for the Major Leaguens. 1 Hlgh Double Firat Week - second schedule D. Bromel______258 Averages Fer Thres Games G. Dadson ______256 Name Ave. T. Tlghe ----- 254 BATMBOYS Bob Lawton ___ 283 JeilsAn 5, Dooghue 0; Van- Howard Bromeli __-_ 279 Dniel 5, Jackman 0. Coombe, Jack Lander -____ 261 3, Shed 2. D o n O k e - - - - - - -_ _ _ 2 5 9 i h S n l Dr. H. Rundle ____ 252 G. HighSingi 150 George Bebee_____ 250 R. Donoghue 126 Ted Bagneli l 238 Hiali Double Ab Saman------._____ 277 M auice Annaert ~ 237 G. Jenson, ue ----- - 271 Lowel MacDougal 234R.JD NOR-------24 Lanry Piper 231 B JUwNIOsR 5 B lOY 0 Kari Piper 228 Ruiter 3, sIen ,2 Wlolnod5o Fred Thomson_____ 228 Preston 0.ree ;Wlsn5 Ed Leslie 223______Sin223 Jim Callan Sr.-____ 223 R. BouwmHîeeSinglo 1 Morley Thompson - 223 meeter Dou2le AI Osborne _____221 R. BouwmHîgli Doubl 9 MuarlyTegnett_____219 R. Wilson ------------ -3 22 Sira Trei _______ 217 JUNIOR GIRLS DoTrn an- _____ 217 Macklin 5, MeMurter 0; Pip- Honry Akey _____ 217 er 5, Henning 0; Ayre 3, Pal. Jack Paker 216______Sin216 Bob Kent 213 S. Firth Hi17ige ! Woocok ___u__P!iper 226 N . W o c c15 C .B 1ggs 203 P. Buma -_____ 150 Hli Double R. Nolan ______ 149 L. Piper 413 I. Andringa 149 j. Patfield ______327, R. Ov'enden ____ 148 C. Aye 323 V. Luke _____ 147 SENIOR BMED LEAGIJE C. Schwarz______ 146 Seileclc 5, Etcher 2; Goodu F. Snowden _____ 146 win 7, Colville 0, Cain 7. E. Prout -_______ 142 Bradle'y 0. M. Tippilis 140 Higli Single B. A]ldread_____ 137 F. Burs 247-285, K. Cobb F. PotIer _______ 136 277, R. Etcher 268, M. Slleck H. ovenden _____ 134 235, J. Tucker 259, J. Bennet J. Crawford _____ 133 214, C. Evans 228, M. Bradley, S. Milley 132 236, R. Bromeil 218, D. Stevae M. Archer ______ 125 son 231, N. Goodwin 239, a. N. * 9 _________1.23 Sellers 228, 221, 239. B. Hawkins ____115 Higli Triple S. Hawkins _____ 103 F. Burns 698, D. Sellera 88% S. MoLean 98 IL Cobb 627, J. Bromel Mode Marion Aldread 98 J. Teken 615, ZI.Stfeck '0, SSPECIAL 1/-3-P R IC E PA SS ;:IDAYjt.AN. 1 KINSMEN SUPER, CAR m-BINGO-- PETERBOROUGH MEMORIAL CENTRE I M i I J 'j Why flot visit us t. diSs oYur possible future as a techlcan lu 1h. Canadian Forces; BOcontact the mobile Ee«Ciutlug Team et' BWMIANVILLE LEGION 12 NOON TO @ ?.ML Brand Nov 1967 AMBASSADOiR Sedan or $2,000 la Cash; $1,000 Hfi-Le Gaine; $1,500' Big Snowbafl (57 nos.); $1,400 5maI Snowball (54 no.); 0600 regular games; $450 Speolal gaines. Don't forget te buy th1e ecenomy pack fer valu, und gave nioney. Plu 4 Early Bird Gaines (Slîarc the Weuitb) Startlng nt 7:30 p.m Many Frec and Valuabl oo rio KINSMEN Leari a Trade wluile Seing Paid'1 Through Canadicin Forces NAVY, ARMY, AIR FORCE L7 - 24 yoans - Nqavy M - 23 rears . Amy 17 - 29 1ra.-»AiPerc lave Grade 8 or botter I [I I I & CanadienCitien or WB OFFER - 1207.00 a monili while trainint la eleotronlos, mochanlcal, Oonnunja- liens, adinîlnstration or many other fiolds, Fe medical snd dental cure Free uniforins Froc sports faclitIe. A ver'y generous Penélon Pl"n MailCouponbelw te: Csnadian Fore.. erultlng Centre NAM~E ADDUSS CITY E D U C A T IO N _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 1 reques information for NAVY C ARMY o AMN FONCE n M -. t I Harlem Diplomats Put On Good Show at High School c iMen's Major Leau The second seliedul., got Gog Glanvifle - 219 away te a o tunon W.d. 9udHennlng - 213 nesday nht wlth Bob Law- John Carter ___1__ 3 ton putn on a one-man KarlI BIckel _____ 212 show. Maurice Richards - 212 Lawton startod hittlng the Matt HariTson ____211 pins lu the firit gaine for 237, Stan McMurter __ _2-11 his second gaine was 310 te Frank Samis ___ 2_10 win high single. In the third Lou Wiseman ____208 gaine Bob bit for a grand high Ernie Perfect _____208 triple of 850. Lawton la cap-. Rus ately 10a4 tain f thc Pepsi Cola teain Bruce Adanm ____ 23 and thcy walked off with high Dave McKnight - 203Iý sgle gie 1219' as woll as Laurence Leaman - 202 blgh triple 315 . Yes, It vas Ruas Haflnian __ __ _ quite a nlght for the manager Tea mading of the Toronto Dominion Bank. Toua W L Pts. Howard Bromell vas Off to Pepsi Cola - 3 0 3 a good start, having games Of Lander Hdwe.- 3 0 a 281-294264 for 839 triple. Beaver Lumber 2 1 2 Jack Lander 782 (304-302), Ken's Men's Wear 2 1 2 Dr. Howard Rundle 757 (281), Dykstra's Food 2 1 2 George Bebec 751 (263-279), Mutton & Gould 2 1 2 Ted Bagneli 715 (295), Ab Nels. Osborne Ims. 1 2 1 Saman 710 (273), Maurice Whytc Bras. -- 2 1 Annart 710 (268), Loweil I. G. A. -___ 1 2 1 MacDougaî 702 (262). Jury & Lovell -- 1 2 1 Stani McMurter had a 308 Selby Grant Heat. 0 3 0 single, Larry Piper 289, KarI Frank's Variety - 0 3 0 Bickell 286, KanI Piper 279, Maurice Richards 276, Jim m m m -1 IF Tou ARE - 1 ouin Dowling COF Bowling