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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 11

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m i. m il, Edito. Phone 987-4213 Village's- New Council Launche d With Prayer On Monday evening, Newcastle's new council held its inaugural meeting in the busy Community Hall where there also was bowling in the basement, a Library Board meeting, a Lodge meeting and a Scout meeting in progress. The meeting was opened with prayer and a message from ihe Rev. E. C. Woodland. Photo shows, fromn lef t to right, Mr. ýVoodland, Coun-1 cillors Erie Foshay and Robert Wàlton, Reeve Earl Walton, Councillor Alfred Gray and the Clerk-Treas-1 urer Glenholmne Hughes. Veteran Councillor Harve Bonathan was absent on winter holidays in Florida.ý Iread. At the special meeting, Councillor Walton resigned Two Firsts for Public School Ic e Nwaent tiiie fo ManthemNentaertificiel Howard Quinney was appoint-i ilc ig , te take bis place. Bills far i<eceive New Safety Fa. n oh ikr aspeeta temeeting, and on first ap- praacbing counicil expressed MeetNew rossng G ard words ai congratulations ta those now In office, sayinq that Newcastle:- Two firsts for and old, obey the Crossing fmom school, we asked how ry on in the sainie ca-a erative the Newcastle Public Schooi Guerd ilecause suie was there she made out. #-Just fine," manner as In the past. ce then toak place an Monday morn- for their safety. ii,"n rtofra presented bills ta the counicil Ing soon mlter the students Juat araund"four prm. youm suieas ecuested from the Artifl- tiled inta the school. They Editr took aodrive m ound about my being there and cial Ice Intallation Cammittee. amsembled in the auditorium the orner whe re Mme. unit went ahead ai me, but I cal He alsa explained ta counicil and were greeted by the tecrr heMs.ht ed out ta them and they e- how the Community Hall friendly smule ai Constable H. ney was on duty. Driving tumned ta the sidewalk and Board first thouguit they had R. Comnel ai the Bowmanville pu w lerbyed w aited my okay. My biggest hada surplus of $700.00 until O.P.P. Detacuiment. Constable the window rolled down, she osoftedyw nefafulbilcminor$9.0 Cornell was et the achool ta overuicard them say "Aw, te thboosa ter day was anc ai a fuee ame in fre$69000. resent theni with an Elmer cr aet so o sany- probebly I grade anc or two, ai stacking chairs, feeling they he aftyElehat lag Tisway." Thase boys have thewl ingI fottci m.As I should have et iest 100 naw s legiven ta schools ta remind wrong idea, it isn't that the we îngin temndlo f m e. adodrohr ae.Ti X- the cbildren, whether w1k cars have ta stop, it's WILL stood tiletthe mdlaosi te wandarerosthers500lbt er - Ing r rdin bies e orfro thy?.Andis it worth racing excused huiseif for walking tainly bath the fuel and the sIhg to r mmdig bes t sal e-aiout into the oad ta try and in rnt aifnme, tuen getting chairs were a must. yc fiitruls hih apl a fnd ut Prens reurgd e heother side, waved back Mm. Rickard, as Cheirmen of a tiremes wihapl teta mpress upan thein chuîd-ad thankd me." Let's hope, the Public, School Board, was Aiso lntroduced was Mns..ren thc importance ai stop-: ith parent tanntahras tCuclo nte DI orthy Whitneyawho has pn n okn ohwy riig-n the guidance ai matter. Ed Barchard, secretany bec n liired teaect a a Cross- before crassing the street. cnassing guards, ail the child- ai the board was also there ta ( ng ,Guard at;thie Beaver and Tal.king ta Mrs. Whitney ren will continue ta neach the represent the membera as they XfiC Street corners. It was alter bier first day ai what other side saiely ta wave bark asked advice frorn counicil ta sessed by Constable Carneil probebly seemed an endlesseand yell 'thank yau' for a a deficit ai $2,255. The board thet ail tic students, yaung line o! children caming ta and great many years ta camne. bad spent came $20,000 because ai the lncneased number of studenta and no place teaec- commadate them. The money was spent for twa portables, Tougher Policy ofl Construction and Mr. Rickard further ex- plaincd, that witb the repart 0 recentiy received tram the school Inspecter, lt wabis Without First Obtainiiing Permîts opinion tbat the board muet continue tbinking in terme of eycn mare additions. Returning ta the money the board bad spent aven in their J n ou cd tInu urlMetn present at this meetingan Newcastle:-. ThWe t1st regu- Mm. Woodiand ofered hie present ie being celebrated, saked bi dieh lfî theyil a Jar meeting ai tbe 1967 Coun- sincere congratulations ta the as men are now walking î couîd show it under an aven cil was held an Manday even- men ncwly-elected and e- the footsteps ai great annd lcevy an this year's budget. ing in Council Chambers, elected ta the office ai Reeve wisc men ai the' past. Tbey Councillor Walton, asldng wlth anc 'member absent, or Cauncillor. Hie reminded now give e service ta help when the auditoms wene ex- Coucilor arv Baathn. theni ai the aportunities corn- Canada and ta make their pected in the village, learned The Clerk-Treesurer, Glen- ing et this wondertul tume, own community graw. that it was witbin a very short holme Hughes, introduced the Canada's lOth birthdey, the "The. wonk ai God je cat- tume. On a motion made by ]Rey. E. C. Woodland and in- celebrations great and simal ied an by men like yourseli, Councillor Foshey, counicil will vited bu ta say a few wards that would be taking place ai in your caliing, and in fia bring this matter ta the audi- ta counicil. over Canada. Not juat the ameil wey, I feel very strang- tar's attention and ask bis ly that you will carry on in advice as . how the board and Christian work, with guid- counicil cen show this on their ance, lielp and cancern. The books. people gave you tuiir trust. Harod Fak, Cheimman ai 1 wisb you God speed and the Centennial 'Committe ai I At thîs tume, witb the mem- cil and reminded them aif bis Ibers béinq sworn into office eariier requet ta have caunicil c~oc ,I n £J {'r ona et mn carier date, the cauncil grant the committee $500 under S oci(l an D 'e sona wes given guidance with the centennial program. Four prayer by Mr. Woodland, with signe et the entrences ta the cauncil and those attending village wili be installed, et a Newcastle:- Those who at-i chance that there will be the meeting joining in the cost ai $20 each. It wiil take tended the Christmas Dance Cubs, but it is up ta you. Lomd's Prayer. at leaet three manthis before sponsared by the Artificiel Congratulations ta Mn. and Councillor Bob Walton gave they cen be ready and deliver- Ice Association have no doub3t Mme. Ronald Patter, the New- his' eppreciative thenks on cd. They are ta be ardcred been waiting for the next castle parente ai the tinst behaîf ai the cauncil for Mm. right away. Councillor Foshay dance te be announced. Newcastle baby born this Waodland's klnd words, hie wae appointed ta represent Everyone there spoke an the year. Their little deuguter prayer, and for taking time council on the Centennial wonderfuh tume they had and weàs born on Januery 8th and out froni his busy scuiedule, Committee. Iookcd iorwamd ta the iie\t was weicomned by hem mothcr, Reeve Earh Walton added 11s Under correspondence, it evening. Wehl, here we are and father and two brothers. thanks as well. was revealed that a coniphete teaennounce that the New-- Friends and neiguibours i Befone the meeting got un repart will be aveileble from cate Centenniel Committec Mcm oriel Hospital this week, derwmy, the Reeve formelly the engineers an Janueny 25th, have plenned a Centennial are Mr. Howard Anyan, Mm. weicomned all ai those wha mc the sewers for Newcastle. ]Bell for Saturday, Febnuary Bab Baiser, Mme. Gwen Bar- wère in attendence et the firet A letter received tram 19. 4tb. Ail proceede are ta go te chard, Mr. George Colins, Mm. meeting. R. Lovekin informed the caun- the Artificiel Ice Association. John Davis, Mr. Sendom At this tume, Councillor cil that the cantroversy with Tiieme will be door and spot Fenyo, Mme. Hemman Genemu, Bob Walton got ta bis feet the Montague Estate, whicb prizes and a lot ai fun is plan- Mm. Bob Goulder, Mn. Clar- asking ta be allawcd a îew the Public School Board bas ned for yeux enjoyment ence Hale, Mise Sandra Jesup, minutes, rciemnlng ta hiniscîf been fighting for three years Visiting with Reeve and Mr. Albert McIvor, Mrs. Mary as "the old guy an caunil" o»ta bring the Montague Award Un.. Earl Walton over Christ-! Patter, Mmm. Dorothy Stmple- He gave a warm welcome ~ back teae Newcastle student ma.nd New Year's was Mrs. ý ton, Mn. Henry Tebble, Mn. Uic two newly-elected mcm- hsbe ete.Ti wr G. -Wtkins, knowri ta menyi Evert Vierhout, and Mr. Mer- bers ai council,. Councillons will be givento the Newcastle as Jane Singer. Sh. la naw tin Wind. Eric Fosbay and Ahf Gray, a.stde ningtin hraest1c3 vtulting witb friends iin Bow- Same ai the young hockey well as ta the new Reeve.deicsain inGde1 manvilie before eaving for players donned their skates "I tbink we'll have a succese- while theme scUl is a Grade 13. hem home i Tomnoto. lest Friday evening or Satur- fuI year, but we need te work The student -nmust b. a New- New Yeem's dinner gucats et day aitemnoon ta give theni- tagether and handle prob- te studre t e oet ai M. an Mm. W!selves a wblnl on the ice for lems, and there will be pro b0 edingCaePrHoer the. home o r n r.W b Bowmanviile High Schools. E. Hagerman wene Mr. and'the very firat tume ibis ses- lemis" he said. Hie explained Letters asking for donations Mi. H. Jeiiery and Stephen,' son. The Newcastle Bantam that it waun't penhepa up ta weme deait with, with Coun- M.,aend Mm.. Robert luger-I tearm met Orono et Omono Fri- hlm ta say anythlng, but as cilor Walton meking the and Pemele, and Mr. andI day evening, playing a vPry it wesn't said carhien, and as motion ta send the t1suah do- John Stutt and iamliy, good gamne canidering the he bad servcd an caunicil for ntosas nmade in the pesi ofa Bowmanvillc. Mr. end, littie practice they've had, and the longeet tume (in Council- ntfic hemet Sheldan Mclntosh oai while they were on the losing Ioi Bonathan's absence), uic Councillor Foshey felt caun- lgwerc weekend g eii ed, the score wes fairly close felt be sliauld give Mn. Frank cil ahould neserve a surplus, aues t thet, 4 ta 2. Pldgeon credit for the great if there was eny, and net ap- Douglas Jase, no 01 b aven't been able ta work be had donc as clerk. prove any requests for iunds N.S., spciit Uic holdayS ieamn how thc Mldgete rmade treasurer duing the time lie outside the village.. He feit at the homne o! bis parents,.oui thal sanie evening, and on, aerved with counicil. '-I truly thet theme were enaugh service e4. md Mm. emry ase a Satumday it wae just e pracise.,fe b e did a' good job for clubs ta take cane of these. enjoed enewng cquant-tice for the. Pee Wees. Workl Newcastle. Once In a' whie Cuclo aln ar suces with frlends Uiouhutl stil oing strong et aur'be gai hi. Irish up, jusi ike' wiu Councillor Flosha. but Sunday nnrgetloth . uc and co-operation freim but he got Utaxes un ailhave elways been look iter+,. oiUat b.a"yroom lI the lnsurancc hIthe -eveait of an Included thie C.P. . ubway.The. Canadmni Statusm EBmmnIe, J*i"11-1m tal tuet six., but posalbIit cet Also at this tinie A north of the village. the ques- ;hère wus sorncthlng eliewherelmotion was approved tai- to rsn a htrepn ecudgy h Qck o 4,i n the village. Both Counctiori crease the insurance carrled. o ran e htrso-h ol letecwclasvs22 lrl ii'32 3rsy and Fochay voiced simi- The regignatjiof ri er poF. sibiiity it was to b. to thp sarnidea wh*t ta expeet uand Maureen oU23 or opinions that h was worth sh&y from th@. Newcastî ~tw.Afrhrnetgtle paM oaelupra.dlaTw 1,Go *oklng lnta ta ses what they reation Cammittee. was read will b. done by the. Councilt a n wr #her tha Eto31 .u1d find out. and accepted. Councillar Po- Thrcc applications for bulld- perhsmF~d Mza A cnvetin a th Ryalsha ad Cunellr Gayare lng permits were read. Tuicy hyv had trne ta Iid out. over* laV&o 13 Aor coves tion e tebRuay oya hyondtheouncrealor CniGray Non FCouncilior. Walton bra ht Embley 38,m »16 ouncillor Gray felttlhe could mittee rcpresentlng Council. castie Block and R=osaCbblw: oC- uclàatnintetc 4,Lrvflt ~tnd the three day con "en- The 1967 appolntments, are dlck. This stirred consideabetht the creeks runnlng behld Médifi , a Ruthi.uu on, the te, will b. paid in as follows: Llbrary Bo>ard, discussion, as two, Frew Parma and Nesbltt'a, George Chardsa Albsr Poires 231, DIM )rder ta b. sent ail brochures. under the new act, the Reeve and Newcastle Block haed ai- an uhs own roperty have 230, .uaie KIBr m 2 A convention will be held noorohrwr apltdraybii.I ylw~~ been mode ta anc.cr«ek, lyn lembley 218, Gl "May for Ma yors and Reeves, annually by thc council. A let- up by thec village, a fine of Wlth ail that water runnin 1,Gr Ga 1,BA " Niagara Falls. Cauncillor ter la to b. sent ta the Lbry $100 could b. împoeed for this, into one strearn, 1 duoi't have Powell 204.,mtiltCU8~ oshay 3uggestcd if Reeve Board asking a Lrayta tell you whet wll happen Ted Roar 202, Latin e il t big e oudafnafis a complete lust with some of the councîl feel-U4 ealton could atten ewudonafsand the dates o! îng this ls exactly what they ndth e rde Soe thatwlldeor1 ieal obigback excel- their appolntments af mem- shauid do. Former Reeve 1edt ~dn bu ha r ________ ent information, valuable ta bers aiready on the L.B. Cunningham mald It wesnt eil have a mess." Couneilior îe entire council. The clerk Alb Perce Mm.Kî a number of them Gray la ta look Into thceinatter. VT~W II iCsisrce t rn.teKiAbr ereand suaisana away Mike Malkiewlcz, the build- AUUV&IaâTOK tatr p aganinbri. rnal h onclora have done it, adgotten aw l ng inspector, han sent ln hus again iaAdri. imbaîl lt CareilonGraywith it. lte irsgein nbe (Intciided for last wik)< A copy af a letter written Community Hall Board. "Well, this la the first time lt g etsen t repl ae m o~1~u y th C.NR. ad set tathe Representatlve ai the Merm- with this caundil, and It watheltabakdtatyanMs . Wbon wh oard af Transport wes read oril Hospital, Harry Jose hpe gi,"rldRee anatuier tew mantha. bràtcd their Cetwei i -o council. With only anc roed Are& Ambulance Committee, Waitoii.Athitmehe etngnvrryoNw rnsn : ing .cansidered for gates and Councllar Waltan, wlth Coun-' Cauncillor Waltan auggested was adjourned. The Wilson familles oàurved mshlng lights when the fast cillor Bonathen eppainted ta they give themn the appication the occasion et the Taek ~ zain gaca into effect. Council- the Ganaraska Commlttee.. naw that it's up, and agreed son's on Sundey. o atnsoeta the caun- The accaunts were broùght with Cauncillor Foshay ta Comm Sympathy lau ndd .il on the matter, and advised into Couneil, and authorlred have the Clerk print up a unito"MGor a îey act now and fight if they tabCom erlgt per ntetomu" Me Dn ilgr n ave to before the village etsn th the' ** amily in the suddnn dcalh.oç iaet eoeth ilg esOn the bills however, Caun- local pepers along with theal.ano er husband. Don. wam tuck with a mighty big bill. cillor Foshay volced bis opin- by-law.,M WIU likeable chap who will b.' 'suggest we get hold of Mr. ion that rcr details shauld "I don't like lt. I dan't think o i widely missed. loney (M.P.) and get any be given an the bis that were it shauld be donc this way, Ladies - 200 and over - Bet- Mr. and Mmm. Floyd Stlnao md ail advice we can irom premented. He asked thet those but l'Il second the moto vMar25,KhyAmanPr weNwYuelif tim, arwe'1l end up paying a working around the vlaeltteeg ul mùIl frtune i vilage et thse go thi me, sad sirng 250, Rasemrary Kelly dinner guests of M. and M "There are others east of stt hr n hat thy Cunillr Gay 241, Elaine Dost 239, Frances Walter Wright and gils oÏ, had one.Conielor FoshaY, opposedI Wright 237, Joan Ard 236, Blackstock. ere, some of theni in Col1ywrl Threr h%..laws were given to the motion. asked the clerk Elao ern 21 al r n r.Hward Mal'* ho ae bhin Necesle ri hre redins, ne as*~heto Dut it on the books that Goode 221, Teresa Langstafflc0)l and family were fortun. îhting this. We pay the larg- borrowing by-law, givingihe was opposed. ý216, laLnsaf24 on st share, but it's their busi-,council power to borrow upAt agtaf24 on ate in finding a new Pontiaq, ess, sa we should get into the ýto 70 per cent of the estimated Councillor Foshay then readl Hutton 207, Dorothy Mercerlin their Christmms utocking. . jht riguit now," saîd thej 1986 taxes until such time as that he would move, or chusel204, Mary Foster 201. Mr. and Mrn. AIda NimîtoQ Leve. Ithe 1967 taxes came in. Thisito be moved, e By-Law ta in-, Men - 225 and over - Ron and Lauie, Mr. and Mn. Royi Mr. Cunningham agreed with; was expleined by Councillor troduce a correct order af Good 318, Brian Martyn 301, Werry and girls were NMw îu.ncil ta start action naw,lWaIton that it's just a way of1 business for cuncil ta fol-IGog Kibl25, ereYa'sDyucsa Mcna, ying too, how wel he knew heing xurepared, but that they low. Hie explained that, it' Glanville 251, Larry Pearce A spc.edy canvlescence -tè jho gets the higher cast to haven't in the past ever bor-'shotild follow the Uines Mr.' 250, Jack Chard 247, Don Misa Adele Page and Mis, ay. "They tell yau what to.rôwed near that. Hughes had set up the first Good 244, Gary Forget 229.- Clarence Page wuio are botbk ut ln, and they pay the amaîl- The second by-law was ta meeting, wlth copes af the Newtonville - 175 and over - under doctar'. cure. t share of anyone." amend by-law 782, granting evenlng's agcnda prepared for Jean Hall 226, Ann Cooper Mr. and Mme. Floyd Stin&on-, Cauncil were advised by Mr. each councillor $300 with $600 bath council and press. If a 226, Angela Hollen 210, Ann and Pam were recent dinnecý lughes that he bad written for the Reeve. This was flot; proper business pracedure Vogels 205, Marie Vogels 197, guests of Mr. and Mmm. fBerl- eir insurance company con- a raise. This year's council will cauld be carnied out it wouid Myrtie Harris 195, Hilda WiI- Gibson ai Biackstock. rning the probleni placed receive the samne as pald in no doubt help bath the citizen lems 186, Janie Whitney 182. The services oi Mrs. Lloyd;, arîler by council. He lied been 1966. The third by-law was toaend counicil. If the public could Thursday Mixed - 200 and Wright ai Blackutock havêm Lvised thet Iiired, paid heip do with unregletered lots. be made advised ta write ta over - Shirley Black 268, Mary been secured as school teaclwiý iere côvered by the village, Matters referred ta council the clerk priar ta the meeting, McGregar 256, George Gian- et Yelvcrtan. WHIY PA YMAORE? LOW PRICE SLICEO lM.69 SIDE PORK DYTHE L59C m PORK SPARE RIBS LB 59c m SLICED PORK LIVER LB 39Cm SA VINQ PENR POUND 100 1loc A & P SPECIAL BLENU - POLY-PAC TEA BAGS 1O' 69C Choic. Quist A&P PEAS 2U>-tflzS29C A&P Pamfoy Quality BAVE UP TO ne. QVER OTHER BRANOS TOMATO JUICE 3az61,80 Jmam ParkerPI 24-OZ 43 PIE E- Reg. Pri e ah 4§a - SAVE Oo Jane Park.e' Southem PECAN PIE 24-OZ PI 59C 1a PePrio.e .h SMe - BAVE 10s Maxwell Heuoo (Mo. Off Deai> Reg. Jar *1.18-BAVE AN EXTRA 4* INSTANT COFFEE 'ozirl09 White or Coleured! FEATURE PRIOEI KLEENEX FACIAL T1SSW 3 Pikg#af 400 1.00 (10. Off Deal) Nos. Prioe.box . - SAVE AN EXTRA 14o AJAX 'Au-y PIEREBIT W. b.x69c Bl, RgePimpc » B AVIE 10. M ARe-AIN 9c ONTARIO'5 FINEST GRAM AN POR s SA VECASE AIYA.9! . 10 70 12 LB. RIM POBOM- 7 RM CSJT L».b. 1 PORK LONSC4MM POR% LOUES TENDRLI ML CENTRE CUT POUK LOIN ROAST CENTRE CUT PORK LOIN CMIP BHANKLEM BOOULDER NURKROASI "MOLE OR HALF PORK MMTTROAST 4e-7c a 18c m7.5c a20e m79<-m 20c te3 9c MI18C t.49<- 1 8c %VOEOR HAL 1 oc KUASIINI. HAMS o69c -20t CUtffINTO 9 TO ilCHO"S 6c PORK LOIN QATESL69c - 1j& e. h ro u e FLORIDA FINEST EATING TEMPLE, FULL OF JUIC.È, ORANGES EASY TO PEEL, No. 1 GRADE, LARGE SIZE IWOs DOZEN O moemc 3 Ifrhab" a P Mexican Vine Ripenied, Large Si»., Ixosleut for 61w"', TOMATOIS NO. 1 GA NONE PRICHO H1GH!R AT A"P Floride Fresh Green Firm Hondo CÂBRAGE NO. 1GRD NONE PRIC[0 HICHER AT A&P Ontario Grown. Crlap, JuIey À&AlIS WOSH cl NONE PRICEO HIOHER A AP POTTID M N S lwt~ocowq ".,s4_ ~1I< > eo eh AUJ& brands are flot better than national brands é el*e re oulyjust aS go EIl"" "~P l w. beami Pro a in . gue a e.âd t. b. bettm er *" a s w i.Fei 1fa,..ntional brande. Pick one! Try id Avre.e.. r i iemw'*t ggSyo a penny. Wer. prood 0aisur pIw riv bad producie. They'v. Mr fibust Values. WHY DO WE HAVE PRIVATE BRAtIOS? Brande 1ke A&P, Ana Page, Jae Parker, Ionaï, Bail Detergents, A&P Coffees, Yukon Club Beverages, buper-Rigkt Moita and others. They help as te live u tooaw pledge ... te providu the boit food t. the meet people for the lesSa&Mount of mon.y. Are A&P pr ivate brandes a good raàson for shopping AAP? They're Ont of manyl Value-Priced! 1 ". 1 - 1 ---Md» 1

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