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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 12

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Furthering ,Unders tanding Ontario. Bottom photo shows Ron Brooks presenting Mn A. Tieleman, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, with a beautifu transistor radio. The Tieleman family earned the mos money ini this area for growers with less than oni acre of cucumbers. Andy Tieleman on the left anc Robert Carruthers on the right watch with approvea Both Bob Carruthers and Rau Brooks are inter ested ini extra cucumber acreage in this area in 196' te fiIl the housewives' increasing demand for Bick' quality i~rodiicts. abroad do nôt have cautac with the local community ai they have na introduction: through a club, he explained. "The success ai the Botar3 Foundation Feliawship Pro. gram is oeefai individusl frieudahipa. This is a quiel success but it is iirmly estab. lished," Mir. Yaple said iu con. clusion. Presideut Bob Stevens on importance af thc are sent to different countries sud cther diffemences Mr. sddess, uarfrs xsouveno Feu~dalo Feloahis t aquie kila.Yapie spoke ai the vistas ai Zbis visit pesented him witha therlng international lu- The uusettled state of wamid green lawns sud clapboamd copy ai "Severi Patha Uo idiug sud gaodwill wa5 affaira was discussed by the houses oue secs in North Peace"b. zized by Henry M. speaker. He reierred ta the Anierican comulunities. In Dr. Kejth Billett, s past Vcksburg, Michigan, in war in Viet Nami, tensions in France lawus sud gardeus are presideut, waa the winuer of iress at Uic Botary Club Europe, sud distruat a mong not au view as they are fenced the Hockey Draw. Ted Reed, on meeting af the Fly- nations. He said that there is in because of the resideuta' Oshawa, sud Simon P. Runie, itchman on Thursday. even a certain amount oi mis- preicreuce for privacy. Stone Burlingtou, Ont., were guests W. M. Budell, a psst uuderstanding betwecn bis houses are standard there, he at the luncheon meeting. ut, received a 20 Yeam country, thc United States, sud added. Preaident Stevens umged the tAtteudance Pin. The Canada. "One ai the great virtues ai Rotarians ta aee "Doctor in tation was made by "Canada sud the United Uic Rotary Fauudation's Fel- the House", a play ta be pre- suce Chairmans Jack States areclcose together lu lowship Program is that it seuted by the Bowmauville %The birthday ai Mcl culture, sud have an amicable goca beyoud superficisi dii- Drama Workshop on February another past preaideut, border,"' he aaid, sud deplored icreucea. By staying in a 2ud, 3md sud 4th. He au- lebrated. the iset that there were mais. country a full year a Rotary naunced that the Rotary Ciub's national Service Direc- guided ideas prevaheut,-despite Felow camnes ta know the Ladies' Night dînuer sud airman Bill Thiesburg- this. people sud their customs 80 dance wili be held on January lntroduc.ng Uic guebt The Rotary Faundation at- weil that mînor difierences are 28th. , told thc club that Mr. tempta ta allay mistruat be- no langer apparent. who rereived a Rotary tween peaphes, sud is rcally "Another virtue ai thia pro- B A~ L UI tion Fellowship, studied making great pragress in this gram that comîng ta a country BCSTOflP Lnivcrsity ai Marseilles, difficult sud geatly ueeded as a Rotary Fellow anc la last ycar. He said that cudeavar, Mr. Yaple stated. quickly absarbed into the cam- (ueddfria ek pis la ow a studentF "My expeicuce as a Botary muuity through the efforts of Motnday or Januar 2, 967 University of Toronto. Fellow at a French University thc Botary Club there. This la A aymid anuig , 1sud ucat spaker ten pro meusuhtam. The people oeeoa the valuable benefits yestemday was alsa nice wea- the ecal Rotary Club viere friendly ta me sud I waa ai Botary's warid wide argan- them, Uic ight snowiall af banner ai his sponsor- able ta take part lu many izatian. Esch Rotary Club timsjt epdho wh ary Club af Vicksburg, cammunity activities. gives a wonderful introduction msjs epdtoewt ,.He rcmindcd Uic "On arrivalinlua différent into Uic saciety ofai aath akidos, obggns ec.cn )tartans that 1967 la Uic country eue first notices super. The gucs at r"oid th mcve.Wc trust this sversary cf Uic lu- ficial differences," the speaker club ai privilegea accordedhim ewar mybrtheaeo ou cf Uic Rotary pointed out. He said that he in France, which would not Erh don. immediately natiecd the food have been obtainable had he i The arena la in full wark- 'aple spoke feelingly ef lu France, whlch lie found not beeu a Botary Fellow. He îug condition now, with Uic ndatlon's furthering af mucli better than ta imniudFlbih ciw Bruce Mounticys in charge.1 vcives through Ifs North Amnerîca. Hie added slips awamded by the United ~aee cnsa u Polowslp ragau that flie use af spices sud States Govemumeut ta Ameri-godm yeuydsktn 3tdExchanges udWines lu French ceoking is eau studeuf s for study at Weduesday sud Sa t urda y. L !Ri lnIng Awards, mont palatable. foreigu universities. pull. Curling la to commence te- whlch young people Referring ta architectural b ighf h olars whilc studying nlght. Wc hope ta have a full achedule next week. The New Ycar's Eve dance sponsored by thc Agricultural Society was quite successful. 9k for this booki et. SYmPathy ls xtended Mma teli opj/ul inte death cf Mr.Stanad, ray oblain ediStJhsCuhSa-8 ~ 1D1 banSplendid New Ycar mes.: IolpsarlipU-4d,~ Glenn Larmer odemidze o ag 'o thecIvry PaIý lmwa aditteW iu both w"d Y~- pUmUnitedwi.- Mm on thi~ e ité LIrh A. ~It LoalBick'sPicldu roesWins Prizesý- ORONO a KIRBY S(HEDULE A.M. 8:00 10:35 8:15 10:45 8:30' 10:55 me 11:30 11:45 P.Mr. 5:35 5:40 NEWCSTL KRN BOWMNVMR10:0 A.M. 10:30 10:20 5:5 OHAWALE 00 OSHAWA 6:30 *Trips t. aMd from Kirby ili operate Saturday pnly. Connectionsat Oshawa for Toronto and Port PmSv Al i rPs opert. daily except Sunday and Hoildays CHaRTEIR COACHES AVAILABLE FOR ALL OCCASIONS P.M. 5:30 5:15 4:25 5:00 4:15; 4:30 9:30" 9:15 4:40 Te tuers! service for the late DonldAexander Me- rgof ciR.R..Bethany was heldfo the Chape! of the MIackey Fueral Home, Lind- say, on Saturday atternoon, with burial at St. Mary's Ce1nete, Lifford. Boy. Arthur S. Ailerton of Bethany, ofilciated. Paflbearers were Hugh De- Geer, -alh Rowan, Lloyd Caln, ei.Hamilton, Donald loge! and Percy Sarghnsn. Mr. MeG-regor, aged 51 îerwu poedwith the "'earten 0"a waysand was at his w en 1he took Rsudden heart attack on rhuruday. ne wau rushed to Iplne but died wlthin a kW isuvi hhswe ~ t o e m o e E st h ,: 01M I s, James of Gri, 'or (Mm ra.slph muon) receit1y wlthMr. end les., Mm.>rank Cook Som ma ft~ .1 ~ j1 Bow7 rankieasd MrLar d andwSE Ne éal with 3fr. mns sud lira.Graham .o r e and M ur. To ma and fa n- Cb st 1fr To y A amb lo nd ~ by olle m .tti y we e mmsa ary Lou Mr. sd li C =ra, std lMr.s N r a mslkeo e- d b ' eEmtt ai 14--Chafham; 16--An- Flynn, COshawa, 3Mx. and l)a. famlily were 1fr. Hamoefs pr boroug, were Saturday sup- Srre8 dancerg In Bown..eae;l-crbruh 8 ar Cowling and John of entsansd relatives fromierok Per guests of Mr. and lr, vill wound up Uthe 1966 Oshawa; 19-Guelph; 20-Port = ansd Mr. and Mrs. H. linl and surrounding district. Stan Rah an Pa l. he easo wj h a m a m 1ot 6Ne C redit ; 21- T renton ; 23- S car- O r niston of B ow m anvi le. H oliday vi stors w ith M r. latwa hmeanforaul.Tek-«30ar'sEve pa tsdhaeborough; 24-Barrie; 25--Bur. The many friend oaiM...sud Mrm. C. Ramer and famlly later as omefo th wek. ears ve art, ad hvelington. 27-Seaforth. 28- en.re-opened classes snd clubs Toronto. Muriel Johnson are -pleased wre Mr. and lr. G. Browni Mrd. WyeMSae ig early in 1967. Bill and Jean suko hei mroigad family, 1fr. sud is. ?red li. ayeMchaeIin- aryannounced tiat opening ta, nw hliympom Watson and family, Mir. J&41V ston, spent a few days, and nghtsfo the three groupai~ New Years gusts with Mr. Hancock and Miss Karen Afiss Elaine Mountjoy, Osh. were Jan. 3, 4, 5. SULIINA and Mrs. Lloyd Broome and brac orie ~ aaan RyWatrlospntToronto and District Square family were Mr. John Broome, Christmas guestwith ~" the holiday a w ith the Bruce 'D ance A ssociation is giving the Intended for last we k Do g a , R c rd s d a en a d M s. r e t g cI da a W Mountjoys. push-off to square dance Cen- h lldExlr il of Tyrone, Mr. and lirs. Loran imil3' were Mra Mises a nieBes n1enilclbrtoswith Bda oatenjoyable skam Pascoe, Osh~awa, Mr. and lirs. Boe u a LnaKyte are returning to specîal workshop and dance, rt n Dec. 28th 'at.CrydRomnvBrooe, nds KLois sh-arry Ble s f. su li. Guelph Coilege; Miss LornaiSaturday, Jan. 14, in DOwns. aWeon u aermnil, n isLosAh arHoes.a ereotta Wright ta Waterloo; Larry view Colegiate. This s, in a veryontatylunater eff o fl.j e eytsyl nch oy te-ton.Wr. Ryare gaid ndep rt . Hoskins to Hamilton. Teach-ieffect, setting the match -te home aoflirs. Ross Cryderman. Mr. sud lira. Lloyd Broome lr.ByLnmî u i. ers are.getting back ready for the flreworks, for 1967 promis- On Thursday, Dcc. 29th, the sud family visited recentlv Ernest Hockaday were able to school tomorrow. ýes ta be one long celebratiOn, Elclad C.G.I.T. girls and lead- with lir. and lirs. Wallace return home toesVend Christ- Louise and Lois Van Camp. 9o far as square dancer.- are cshl hi hita at Munday and family, Oshawa. mas with thir familes. spent Sunday te Wednesday concerned. er edterCrsmsp Rt ast week with their grand- lIn fact, sanuch enthusala in x the commnunity hall, ater Recent holiday visitra with Mr. sd lr. Browes and parets, r. ad Mr. Ro, da few intercsting and -humer- Mr. sud ?Mrs. Franki Westlake Barbareai Bowmanvllle, Mir. ot . lanYebthemaribuspln eo sqre Oua pmes arranged by Mari- sud family were lMr. and and lira. Ernest Hockaday, Morrw, Hilton, Ont. î h aiu pasfrsur y Cook S Miss Cathy Ranyin, Sara- dancers for this year, nc foels noax sd Ellen Cryder- Rs s CoSelley sd JacîkieEilen and Jean were New ma.Christmas gifts were o Chatham;; lirr..F.a R. Cook Yearry gucats t . ad wa, ane Ilnd woisarather abashed ta hear that ecsgdb vroe A Mr.wLawrince; lir. sud student at Waterloo, spentisome folks are already plan- lira' lira. Barry BrGorgoMarowewes.an m st ai the holidays with M iss' nng ta feel a bit "b a n d dlicious lunch Ne cv d î e r e M rl w , J f u i. L wn e S ar cf "bondthe lawer hall and al had a John, Mr. and lr. Lamne Salcm was NwYa' a Lorna Wright. off" over centennial - of dlgtu ie Parker, alaif Oshawa. gutitwith thc Roy sud Chas. Saturday, about midnight,,course they aren't dencers! deghand tme. Rb.Se- M.adhr.PryWs-Lnm ails same 20 or sa gathered on We were horrified ta rcad Rev. su Mrs. RotGhr M.adlranPercy Wes-Larladfails Carnaghan'a Hill and lit a that aur good friend Column- W ad fmiy ura ae anrs. Grnelaspdiln bofrsang aangsecte ist Bil miey i hnngOfancent a few days with Mir. E: . an n ardla yoe GLT CASD TODAY bonir, ec a Bh s LIîlun .Taylor and Mm. and Mrs. Bruce visited with lmas. Westlakc Sm. FOIR 0W APPLIANceT welcome in the New Year.! quitting the country te avoidTalradfiy.M.Eg New Year's guesta with Mr. hob They returned ta the village ver-expsure ta miles ni Tayo n aml.M.Eli ho and enjoyed coffee at theiltape-cutting ceemonies! We Taylor retuned home with and mrs. Frank Westlake CLASSIMIDs ho m ai Mr . W W Va fu ly sy m at ize - s ch eve ta the Sherw ins t a spend a few w e e lM r. and M rs. on ST A T ERM A N Cam p. W hat has O ttaw a ver could be quite boring. But da sB o me u d el y M .s d l o 6 -3 0 Blackstck? ! ! 1the thing that is needed by Mr. and lrs. Wesley Hila Mr. and lr. Ron Drink-IBull (and any others whr are sd family were New Year's water and fanily, Ottawa, Mr. apprehensive ai centennial alests with Mr. and lrs. Gr- and Mrs. Paul Riding, Mr. boedom) - is an introduction an Hils ai Hamilton. and MrS. Stephen Saywell and ta modern square dancin!Ahl Recent holiday visitars withi Miss Margaret, and Mr. Ted acroas Canada, square suncera heWs.Hlîs family were Kemp, Miss Helen Van Camp, are hailing 1967 as the biggest, Mr. and Mrs. Chaude Watson * Oshawa, Miss Mable Van mast exciting year ai their ai Don Mills. Camp, Toronto, Mr. and ra lives - new clubs ta visit, new Mran Mrs. Wes. Yellow- M Blae Gntr ad amiý riedsta dance with, dncing lees visited with Mm. and Mr. SH O PPINGrq C EN TRE< were Sunday supper guests af at Expo, the Trans-Canada Roy Grlls ai Valentia. Ms. W. W. Van Camp. square dance train, conven- Mr. sd Mrs. Ge. Knox .Mr and lr. Russel Mount- tions and festivals too num- and amily attended the "Knox joy spent Sundy with Mr. erous ta mention. Many cm- famnily" gatheing for New and Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy, munties have asked. square Year's on Sunday evening at BA BY Hampton. dancers to add their colour- Brougham. Mr. and lr. Kenneth Sam- ful presentations ta thse tape- Mr. and lr. Harvey Yel- cls spent Monday with the utting ceremonies. Bredom lowlees and family were Sat. IO U Melville Sameils and other just can't exist where there's urday guests with Mr. and A A riends, Bowmanvile. modemn square dancing! But Mr. Ralph Larmer and fam- .y Miss Barbara Sedwich, Nor- don't take ur word for it - ily, lackstock. D A wood, was weekend guct ai ak Rau and Marilyn Bilsky - lr. and lr. Rosa Cryder- the Murray Byers. local well-known enthusiasts man, Ellen and Larry, Mr. Mr. and r. Wilbert Ar- who say square dancing has sd r. Sam Carr were Sun-Wi cher spent Saturday with the brought them more hppy day tea guests with Mr. and Elmer Archers, Whitby h ura ai recreation, and more lrs. Everett Cryderman. Mrs. Joan Mott, Whitby, fun and friendship, than any Mir. and lira. Ian Smith and speut the holidays with hier activity s i ô o ; oomgi'.faiy M.ad r.Ji 0 Parents, Mr. and lr. John S, Dear Bill Smiley: Don't Phillips, lr. Ella Taylor, ahi$, 0 Venning. run away acrosa the acean ai Toronto, and Miss Doris 2 î lr. G. V.. A. Scott has this year - Plan ta go ext Milson, Oshaw, were New0 Cash Y" ans Choque et ony "e«î goetaBilvll a pndayear instead- and, thia year - Year's guesta with Mr. and shpignrestore mont wlith e tefriend assjoin a cîas -take up modernlira. Stanley Miilson sud boys. * F111 Sut award <Ontie ist tY blamk end depouit la bellot box et mim P riest. squa e dancing - and have the M is a H elen B aker, T oronto, fî l . ( o p r h s e e e a -. n 1ne uove s $30.00). M m. and lin . K eith John. tim e ai your l ufe duri g cen - M r. and m . T om B aker 0 If b llot ls st« dore a ire pu o f pu nisose ît e i . w m e e tennal yer! viited on Frid y with Mr. cve, 5$100.00. stan, Linda sud Pearl, Belle- During the month ai Jan- and lira. H. Ormiston, Bow- 0 If Prn whffli m aes drown 19 et the Shopping Cer t a, porb ville, spent the weekend with uary, Earlc Park of Saskatche mnanville. minilutil if thse diiw hoi nelue$ 200.00. s t helia J . on wan, wilî be on tour in Ou- Miss Laurs Lee Smales, DRAW IS ON THÉ LUST THURSDÂY s t a .M m s u l i a . r e d T r e t a r io . E a le l a o n c o f t h e t o p O s h a w a , s p e n t a f e w d a y s0 F E C O T 4 T 7 : 5 P M Mr. nd rs.Fre Trwi, international squae dance with little Misa Catherine Ba- Lloyd sd .Zarle, sd Ms A eachers and rcoding artits, ker. Catherine rtured ta FRC OTHA :5FM Wright wcre Sunday gucas 8and bis smooth calling makes Oshawa for a few days with of the Earl Trewins, Ennikil- hini popular with local danc. Laura Lee sd Mr. sd Mnrs Shop At The len, and Monday with Mr. ers. Ris achedule is: Jan. 9- James Smale". OSHAWA SHOPPING CENTRE S. a d lra. Edg r H mu, 051- H anover; 10 - Peterborough; M . and m as. Tom Ba e st Mwa. Ry egul, r ad11 2-Ottawa; 13-St. Cath. and Misa Helen Baker visited Mn. Bill Ferguson, Mr. sud le lira. Lloyd Wright sd fani. ýd ily Joined the et of Bay's & iauriI at the home ai Uic for supper on Suday. MX. sud lmas. Russel Wright, s Tyrone, visited Mr. sud lira. Harold lartYn ad sons dur- - lng the wcekcnd. U L Yu N ST 4 : Misa Ruth Marlow, Toronto,L ta apent a iew days with the 623-3811 ta Ivan Thompsons. Misses Eliza- O M N ILEM 77 beth sud Susan Thompson y sud Mary Lou Malcolm are i. expectcd home fromn their kî holiday iu Flomida tomnorrow. R U E F O A P O O W I B tSaturday evening guests fRO T RO aiT N T W IB 1. M . sud lr. Frank Bailey V A T U T N R A -were lira. Redman, Scugog, VA T U T N RA lira. Lcighton, Mr. and Mrs. ii AUssi Bailey sud childreu, eMr. sd lr. Hector Short- READ DOWN ~ idgc sud Bill. ]ÈD l r. sud lr. Hector Short- A.M. M. R A U amrdge are the new caretakers PM ai tc Caminunity Hail, Re- creation Centre sud Park. 1 : 0 10 tMr. and lmas. Roy licLaugh-1 000 :0 Hampton 10 6:00 flin sud Debby weme Friday ,evcning guesta ai Mr. and 1001: 5S ln Ro d255: 5 lir. Harld Wright, OshawaS ln o d 25 : sud Sunday they threc sud 1 :1 Bey,_sud-lira .HFu- 1 0:15 fa ReoetlY, BlàS Of Canada presented two. local, oWM«u with prise for harvesting the highest dollar' "tIue fur cucunbers for the 1966 crop in this area. I'OP Photo above 1&.. Bon Brooks, local representative mBkk's, presents a beautiful wall dlock to Mrs. G. 'pgrcf Newcastle. W. Riegger and Robert Car- ,'.I ield supervigôr for BIck's, watch with ap- Ito &.Tii Regger faiy won the award for receiv- i the Most money per acre for growing one, acre r)mo re of cMmmberm. A well, they received the most beyPer unreOf any cf the Bick's growers in Foundation FeIIow Pro ject's lmportnc ~The -duerstav JZuuchui i.'àIàg Du Dr. ~prosigie , Iten Ztor Chî . tm, iu reeaker, .xapie,i '01at Uic L oolir. Ya ýfented awl 1 :i80thAù OBITIJÂRY ,4 1 it )f a 5t e e AINL PJL KIR-BY

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