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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 15

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(LASSIF F D and Mr. adM.WltrPrshle t.i n omnflJL1,10 Couneil mét in the Com-j were New Year's dinner guestu 5ycahur. laigt h a ult otiIgt t Cad fThno n eoim munity Hall on Tuesday, Jan- of M(r. and Mrs. J. Gibbs and gi t a e s Cor 3a 1967,s l a .m.wý,jand sons. Octoberon fil Iwudlike t&IIn a ADAMS-In l= ,ngmeoy fe inutesltr eeilf- Michael Gibbs retum~ed te okan a Uoefriends and neighbours of Dad and Mot her .o ed by the Board of Education. bis Officers' Courusadan as 2Wr their sympathy and kind- ed away January 5th, 1938, Decat0ion fi office WMr ladt Wednesda . qu1malt, HeId in owmanvili nous dur my reoent be- and January 30t1b, 1961. cooepleted and ut nooin aU B.C., afler MUpegti. hall- vaur èh 97 gd6 a ovce fI.73 ..R on a at ebliced twas moing hnh oConAtr Thparec crw eln o otPrr oteRi ih .n a red vl;-ng Decenber lIth. uing in a ouhwesely dlrec- hard and sid tt h bcJrieBxe Chas. Fothergil. 2-le cannot tell, Rsarntfrmnnr fer ruer.Bt epek ide eIR.B-H. wua flned $50 and coa= So to on esoteaut corner oaI h.VierWuey 0 0f the loua of the. one iv wards they re-convened at the Sryta lon. Mr. amd-Mrs.Bte rLddOe traffic seven days, and bislcne about 20 fret frorn a truck Mr. Greer SUatdht j ,, dIV ate rs d andsb oved so w:fl, a Hall Ia Blackstock where f avDerPhasey and children court whule Magistrate mmended for three months. which was Iying on its side client haed no priusrcdCl, as brg Do be bred me with card and paceful sleep message tae assembly, have bought a farm near torney G. F. Bonnycastie deait said h. observed the accusedtoalwreck and the. driver questioned by thi r i. . a at Christmas. Their memory we shail directlng niembers of Oni Castleton, and. moved Christ- with other charges in the westbound on Highway 2 make Iying l njured on the roadway Hall adznitted thaheatM.ibl rrsad U Alice M. Jones, always keep. tu te importance of worklng mas week. Council Chamber. a U-turn at a service station in a state af shock. The accus- tbree points lait etme agtrwr otbu4o ~(r.G. W. .Jones). -Sadly mussed and always re- In conjunction wltu members Mr. and Mns. Gene Roberts Dennis Cobiereki, R.R. 2, lot and go frein the right cd was tue driver of the truck. becaui ofa a Opeengcvi-LbryS'.t d ol & 2-l membered by Earl and Ruby, of 'senior grnups of govern- of Chattenooga, Tennesee and faccd thrcc charges. Re plead- shoulder across the centre Uine Crown Attorney Bonnycastie tion in Oshawa. aae»uh he byW ______ Pearl and Alf and family. Ment - that je Regional, ?i'<> Mr. and Mre. Don Lindsay and ed gullty and was convicted on about six feet, The officer foi- asked that the charge be dis- Th. fine was$5an 1.0tuc by n atomd e' 'i I wold liketo exprss my ______ -I vincial and Federal. Business fanxlly, Selkirk, wcre holidU all of tueni. îowed hum for about a mile. missed because the driver ai caste, or seven dy.H a rvnb i.acud for th day we thendeaitguests of Mr'. and Mrs. T.Corporal J. E. Close, 0pp, On bis third tryih managed te car was not presetigvethewektapyCroalJMGuyad . sincere thanks and apprecia.. ALLEN-bn îovîng memory ai with. Reporte of meeting wW iPhllips and family. told Magistrate Batten that lie ta pass the Turner car and court te give evidence. Paul Getlik peddntacsdepundta ev thon ta everyone for their a dear niece and cousin, Edith be publiehed ater minutes Mr. and Mre. Wray Falla- inivestlgated an accident on stopped it. Tue driver, an try- William C. Bucham, Peter. gulltY ta carelesedvngoonbswytMdoadaW thoughtfulness and acts ai (Nimigon) Allen wha passed have been approved ut next down, Burlington, uDent last Hgwy2u al rveigt e u e n the road baough, awner of the trans- Hlghway 2 Novemr thHengrodtucuvwadm klndncss during my stay in away January 13, 1966. meeting. Frlday with Mr. and Mi'.. E. Road on Navember Oth in and had ta b. ele u.He port mcntioned In tue last case was defended byK.Sui-zedytemonnsn the hospital. Nolonger here aur lives ta Splendid congregations at- A. Virtue. whlch a police cruiser driven sald he was giig pdink. lae e ulyt emt oNwate Ellen Living. 2-i * No hare tendted ailth c clurch services Mr. and Mrn. E. A. Virtue, by Constable J. Schultz was ing. ting a vehicle ta be driven in Leslie DelaneyPrHoecrn. I would like ta express my always there, R. C.* Rose cammenced a ser- Chas. Shaw, Oshawa, on Sun- tue accuscd. Tiie cruiser was1 feUl Street, Oshawa, charmed dition. HIe was represented by bound fram Oshaabot8cidnehdip i a incere thanks to friends and Quietly remembered every les ai addresees on Epiphany. day. castbaund on Hlghway 2 ai 40.with carelese drlving Octab)er N. Canley, Peterborough. pm. when hoe ved a nescto h&»pr relatives for carde, letters, day, In tue United, ht belng tue Mr. and Mns. A. Hoar visit- miles an hour when tue Cob- I3t, pleaded nlotgity Grant Gardon Moif ait,a ahead af ihm offontasuutc]rydgeu t out vi it , l w e s n d g o d c h e r a d y i sc a o n Ii 'u frs t S u n d a y a t e r E p ip h an y , c r n n J . M - I r k v h c e c m n o h o i e M r e c k rt o n. aid C ro w n w itn ess. sta te d t ua i h e sh o u ld r. H e i w d d o n b u d r f c boxes during my stay in Part wy Rev. Romeril spolce onMahon, Toronto. Maple Grave Road ai an esti- that uhe was northbound on had been the driver ai tue when lhe saw tueh f inl Tecag a hma.. cer o pitalanhome.sice-Ever remembcred by Unce "Christmas was God's Gi ttae Mise y Cannai',Tro-mac 0mie nhour, pro- tue Cartwright-Manvers Town. truck aituat time but was no corne an On tueGilkcr I Paul, Aunt Edna and cousines a pa~ eman gfita, spent the. weekend witli ceeded oui into the hlghway ship Uine, &ing up a bill. Alne mlydb uhn suin a an acm '~ Wilfrid A. Williams. 2-1!Janet and Paul Jr. 21 t God." e rchair's antuem Miss Lynne Stainton. wltuaut stopping. In the hock- car came aven the brow of th Transport. He said lie had oui anto tue easton bn.RE U T C U T wae "God Reveals His Pre- Tue.h ie tables af cd tnunk were 16 uints of al ie bU!wltb the driver looklng of complained ta a mcchanic, cm- Insiead it startcdara ue CnuiaMebre b ~f Mr. and Mrs. John Hancock ALLEN-In îoving memory ai sence.l carde hast Fniday night. Win- whlch the driver claimed. ta the right. She sounded hier ployed by Buchani Transportlighway. A collisio eute.__ ,jwould like ta thank their aur behoved daughter and 115 - Tuirty-twa yaung people ai nern were: Mrs. W. Park,* Leaving the scene ai the born and applled the brakes about 6 p.m. the nlght before "It looks 1k. six ioem fifriends in Tyrane and sur- ter, Edith Ann, who passcd the cammunity, Rev. Romenl Broome, Eari Prescott and and costs, or 10 days; driving ision. I e ta avoid a cal-n tha c bke w ere fo bail ad o fteohr"M M Mrs.R. GbbcMeses. Jhnracidet cat Mi.YCaierei $5, bu wa u1a3,aring6N.xt'arnng fcocamentd Crwn Atorny I f I K. rhaui g ar e fry th e g tla ey w ay tJanu a 3, 19 6.an f ur ou cior a H -CM iss Flrence Gardiner. w ithout a licen e $10 an d Constable G. Evans, opp, truck em pty w ork d fine s a hie B nnycasle. M a gita. B x _ _ _ chaivr It and very thoughtfu A ndThey cay usim e b a s hfor ra et i t e Ch iti n Ed c - M r. and M rs. W . R y and c st, or tw o days c nseective, tated that the deb is w as in assum ed the brakes had been ter concurred a nd d a i s d _ _ _ _ ai e erya e an we ppre iate And elpe us t for et, tien Centre Sunday vening Debbie, were New Year's Eve and illegal poas ession af liquon te middle cf the rad, sa lie rpaired. W bn It was loaded te charge. M L I L I T N E V S I very mucb. Thanks again. But time se far bas anly and bad a fine meeting. guests ai Mr. and Mrs. W. $10 and cocus, or two days con- charged bath drivers. with 14% ions ai gravel chips A.Rbude and I. Ruewn I~c 2-1 pracd ems o e. M.adMs o Mahaîy Henderson, Bowmanville. secutive. Tere was an ut- Te charge aginst Goddard hie fund ta hie horran tuai eacb fined five doar an I wauld like .ta thank al God gave us strength ta iigbt h maid family and Mrs. Victor, Mr. and Mrs. H. Paynie, Mn. matic suspension ai license. He was dismiesed and the anc tuey failcd. caste, or five days,foviltn visite, cards, flawers and giftsi blow, from England, Mr. anid Mrs. were New Yean's gueste ai Mi'. Peter Smith, 343 Moore drawn by the Crown. She was bull appraacbing the intersec Wlla Siven ta me duing my stay But what it meant ta hase you Grant Mahaiiy, Part Perny, muid Mns. W. Roy and Debbie. Park, Toronto, iplcaded guilty reprecented by F. S. Ficher, tien, applied hie brakes muid, au lae a i n the bospital. Special thanks No anc will ever know. were Sunday supper guests, Mr..muid Mns. W. Monder- ai careless drivig December ara nt0 wheui tbey failed, veened ta ta Dr. Rundie, nurses mand -Ever remembered and sadly anid Miss Joyce Mahafiy, Tor- son muid Cale, Bowmmnville, 4tu. Conviction brought a fine On Decemuier Oth a case was the night. The. truck struck thce__________________ staffai Third Floor in Me- missed by mother, dad muid onte, was wcekend guesi ai withblber parents, Mn..muid Mns. ai $35 muid caste, an seven days. heard bere i wiicb James car, fiipped over an its aide, marial Haspital. family, 2.1 Mr..muid Mns. Bill Mahaffy, R. Roy. He was granted anc week to Bone, 91 Lowcresi Blvd., Agin- caughi fine muid burned. Mary Jane Kiipatrick. 2-1 Grant muid Neil McLaughlin. Rev. Chare Catteofa Hamp- pay. court, aged 18, was chargcd Mr. Canley pointed oui thai BAILEY, Ethel-Ilulaving me- At home with tbeir parents, ton wae guet speaker Tuesday Constable L. J. Mahoney, with failing ta repart an mcci- there was no wnitien complaint wishta ian myneig- mry i ar der mthe~w1oMr. mand Mi'.. Vernon Assel- night, Jan. 3rd when the Hi-C, OPP, told tue court he investi- dent aitue junction ai Hig.-amud hie client bad fia know- bours muid san-in-law who passed away on Jauiuary 16, stine, over the holiday season C.G.I.T., Tyros, Explorersanmud £aied an accident an Waverlcy way 35 mand 115. William Ai han ledge that the brakes were helped at home during my ili- 1966. werc Gerald ai Ottawm; Alan a number ai adulte beard Bey. Road December 4th li wbicb Mack, 10 Crelgiton Drive, defective muidthe vehicie un-___________________ nous, aiseo hase wio sent carde, Mther yau re not forgotten of Hamilton; Mn..mand Mxr.. Catta speak an "Operation a sauthbound vebicle failed ta Scanborough, mged 20, sid he safe. The case was dlsmissed. ihowens mand called at the bas- Though on earti you arc fia esie, Kitchener. O t h e n Beaven", uuing gides auid films negotiate a corner, ekidded 165 wms a passeuiger li tue car oni Rose Francis Hall, Hamnpton, o ý1taI, mand epecial thanke ta mare; gueste were Mrs. AseelstIne's ta explain wbat "O0peration icet into the ditcb mand struck the way from Feuiclon Falls. pleaded net guilty ai cmreless stetre ohv orat r. Siemon and nurses ai Me- Stili in memory you are with motuer, Mns. Violet Chaplin, Beaver" means. He aise sang a iree 45 feet from the road- Their stanies were iaund ta be driving on Tauntan Road Nov- "Tune-up" forlksat nteecl mariaiHospitl, Bamanvile. usOshawa; auid Miss Mary Frcy, several Indian sangs muid mc- way. false muid bath wene chargedeme 4bMewsdend Ernet ocada. 21 s yu hwas wrebefreNestîcton. Aisea during the companied himeeli oui the Mr. Smith told tie afficen witb abstructing justice. Cn- by John Greer. mornings. --Helen and David Park anti holidmys Mn..muid Mrs. Vernion piano. Tu1a uiai u eiTrnaa or mie îto nhecag a rn Mrs. Margaret Snawden, Mysner hns eryifml.2-1*î Asseistine, Colin muid Teresa, pneciated and enjoyed by a"I. b back roads muid wae look- a penalty ai 14 yemrs. Tii R Hampton, tectified tîat Bning your cari oa n aeafo-ro may fsinereativnestand fmly ____pent a couple ai days in Tor- ing for Higbway 40 1. He bad wene represeuited by David ý *Ï diin as nTau- cekwt neigibaurs wba remembercd GIBSON-In îoviuig memony onia visiting Mn. and Mre. N. mready gone over tic over- Rase, Toronto. to.c wlth oui' . - * p.m. me wbule I was in the Me- ai a husbmnd, fathen muid ancin muid saw Chistcmas Vt'1TTI1 pass before remchlng tuis point This week ecdiyoutb was pt on hrom brigtsigier 4pnd marial Hospital, Bowmanville, qrandiather who passed mway Fairyimnd. an Waverley Road. given. suspended sentence for put edo th beern t nal muid-T with carde, lettere, îîawers, January 15, 1964. lI honor ai an aunt, Mn.. Tic furet meeting cf the. Mary Huethen was fIned $10 anc year. Each was ardered a pulle offtieme n t otyLE-R NCSOEA A Y E giftemuid visite. They were Preciaus forever are memonles Wesley Bruce, Whitewaod, U.C.W. was beld mi Mne. W. anid caste, or two days, for send bis liceuise p laies, oweraot fsiderad ar.,hcIar hittie boytor Leepîy ppreciated. Tianks ta ai you, Sask., Mn..muid Mn.. Mrwod H. Foster's on Wcdnesday ai- hauling a Tceny platiormn trail- sbip permit mand driven's licen - oi er carb. STic car bebidG eAo, ate ryilgPitSatr Dr. Siemon, thc staff and Today, iomonrow, muid li McKee entertmiuied tue follow- ternoon. Tic attendance wase ci'wiose licensebad expircd ta Constable M. Joynt, OPPbre cuitbyoi.brkadf er nurses ai tie Surgical, Floor. lifethirough; ing Sturday evcuiiug: Mr. nîne, muid we bmd anc new four mouitus emlilen. Tic officier who williretin iuem ionr sixIcrreck:ai rakmueid fbir lenoCab toEc Mi'.. Roy Langmaid. 2-1* Juet me you wene you will muid Mns. Alvin Bruce, Sea- n'imbei'. Mre. Low took was Canstable D. Stuart, OPP. monuis. car st'uck fom bchnd by lwmys be, vrave, Mrs. Frank Watsoni change of the Wonsbip Penlod Clarenice Tinline, 45 Chui'ch Norman H-oaper, ciarged Secndvebicle wbicb had been Al okDncyFctrTaie Meh ls I wshta hak ml îa Treasured fonever in ouri'Wutb ,Mn..muid Mn.. Ed and tic program cansisted af Street, was fined five dollars wituhmving a car -ibis pas- atruck by anatier behind it. 1were 50telpiuk l l ngmwmmnyhawai M.Brc"L"Yn akn lans fon aur worhc mud caste iorniliig te have session, kuowing Ih was sae, fy Toms, R.R. 2, Orne- 6 CYL. ElGN T..EGN stay li Memonial Haptl Sadly missed muid lways ne- Yelvertoui, Mr..muid Mrs. Ger- fan 1967. New presideuit Stew- tic rcquired number ai ligbte and ililegal possessio of , quor ice, statcd tual le wae pro- Specil thnks e Dr 111Hospta mmberd bywiie Elva muid don Strnug and Mrs. Ceci! art gave caci ai tic officiers an bis car October 301h. Tic was nemmndied in ustody ceedng eat on Taunton od7 bard, Dr. Anfossi, nurses on fauily. 2-1 Hill. muid portfolio secretaries a officer was Constable D. Stuart, Jauiuany l7ti. when ne smw Mrs. Snowden's$7 58 ,5 SucalFor e.FapoMn udMs tnPy diffenent dcpartment te look OPP. Grant Gardon Maffatt, R.R. rigbt-hand signal. He showed Jugclobs Aht ar il , AHARDY-lI loviuig memory Mand mily, Scm anugPaiesier.Iwsdccided to use Lmwrenice Sauve, 142 Wmlton 2, Marmora, plemded net gullty down muidbis car *as - PrtsExta Ladies, isa many finude for ai Mrs. Isaac Hardy (Emily ILinda Hyde muid iniend, Tan- moniîily envelopes ion oti' of- Street, Port Hope, was finedte ta iling ta stop mi a stop sii from bebind andi driven inta guifs ai fruit, ilowens, plants Dobson) who pasced away onte, visited Mn..muid Mne. ferîng muid te continue Oui' slx dollars muid caste, on two ai an intersection September hers. ff andi card . G r mte u lly , J mn u ary 11, 1961 .,i c T om H odg c an d b oys, S n d y. Bi th a B x. S e er l C e - ay , o a en i m p r in oBox . . as re re e te i y on ta l B T fi on P P 5 M . . Pa so s. 2- x efsoavras edte ni l ac iv ti s ee planrkin g onreet, W .RJoin Gree tdiyC o n statn g.affice, e - O P P , ~I l ____that sad day, Mr. muid Ms. Rupert Bycrs, neti fan 1967. Tic nexi mcci- Magisirmie Batten isa banti- Constable J. D. Coe, OPP, mateti damage te tue Snowden When anc we loved was Bawmanville, were Sunday ing ie oui Feb. 1 aitue home led a long lieu ai trafice tickete tld Magiuirmue Baxter hie wau car ai $600, ta Mn. Tome' ai H N 0323 W. wieh ta express aur cmled mway; 5suppOi guests afir.Mn. ud Mne. ai Mrs. Wmn. Hay muid will be mud PCV cases toc nurnerous calledti nvestigate mn mcci- $200 mud ta Mr. Hmll'e ai $400. sin en th nk t ah o i' od to k i i' ho e, t ms ie L e ti yc e.a i 2 p.m . t a de ail. dent a i an intersection ai H . added th t the e w a e a i 219 K IN G S . E.B nelgbbons, friends, relatives, wiîî, Mr..muid Mns. Stuart Tuomp- Rev. R. C. White gave an- Patrick McGmnn, 1514 _Col- CouMty Roa4. 8 andtheii Sixub 30 foot skiti mark an the pave- clubs, U.C.W., for giits, carde Within aur hearts sic liveti son muid Miss Debra, Yehvcr- auier message on Suhday tak- bal?îe Streci, Oâhmwm, agéd 40, Concession at Claxre aboutirment muid a 60 foot anc on ticl muid visite ho me whîlc ini hos- cull. ton, callcd on Mr.muid Mr n.. frnmtue Little Books ai plemdcd guilty ta impaireti pital muid al belp given Stan. -Sadly missed by husbmuid Marwood McKee, Stunday. the New Testament, the Book driving Jauiuany 7th. Me wms muid girls ah home. Specialamud family. 2-1* Mn. and Mrs. Bey. Dcaly ai James. I bis sermon hie reprcsenied by E. C. Wildmaui. ubanke ta nurses muid staff o an____mud babe, Toronto, visited the pointeti out tue necesaîty ai Conviction brougit a fine ai Surgical Floor muid Dr. Runtile, TOMS-I laving memaory ai Ken Dunsmoone an Suuiday. practisiuig aur religion muid ai $50 muid costs, or seven days, aiseO ur minister, Rev. Nortiey. Fred Toms who dieti six years Mr'.muid Mrs. Vincenit Ar-. baving rnuch faith in oui' day muid.suseni abs driver's r Sta midIrneHall. go on January litu, 1961. I cher, omiil, visiied andi age. Wc hati a goati chair hiense. MgittR B. Barx- 2.1* oving tiubute ta a demi' hue- Mr.muid Mn.. Teuinyson Samn- who sang "Have Tuine Own ici' gave h ma e a py. R E ~G IS ~ITE R bandi mud dad. cils muid Mr. anti Mns. Wilbert Way, wiîî aur young argan- Constable J. Bird told tue Mr..muid Mn.. Norman Wood. Na longer here Archer, Stidy. ist Anne Fadter accampauiying court bie atoppedtheti car about - cock, R.R. 1, Bowmanvie, Oui lives ta shae,, M. andi Mrs. Ed. Marris te choir. An nnouncement 9 p.i. because af information -N OW would ile ta thank their But in oui'. hearts you ane were Sundmy visitos witi tiie was madc on the annual eccveti md foundthti driver fredly and e ta aursaidwioen To us i nae wleven JacMis hel ThortPen le meeptatondalnin. ti Plant si avîng Tes chne araemci-f , fine navaged aur home on Tic key tiat uniocks memory; vlsihing Mr'. amu i n. Donaldt ry ta attend, dent wmç withdrawn by tic December 28. Aisea oui' sincene Wewo ovtyuwilTmpoN tltn Our beet wish.u go tei.eCou.-FR. thank e bthic Bowmanviile neyer fonget. Mr'. and Mns. Orr Vennig Chas. Tiompeon wbo ccee James Robinson, R.R. 2 - Fire Depeniment ior their -Sad]y misscd by wife muidmuid Mn. anti Mn. John Rahmn brateti ber iety-uhlrdi birh Newcastle, uuiemployed anti specdy auiewer ta aur calior famîly. 2-1 calleti mi tue fiuienal parlai', day oui Sunday. Mr..muid Mi's. disquahiflati from. driving a W, ellp W&~ are siucrely grate- Stoufiville, unay hrG.Ctcthtidne wîmorvbie, as founti Nonm muid LoisG.Woodcock. Rad diAne uityrhcle fui. the laie Mn. Ken Reeson w4asber andi Arthur te celebrate ulyo dolig sa in Newcastle 2-1 MEMORIALSMr an~'mud Mrs. Donaldi Lane Mise Catherine Stewart muid pushlig a car wltu a Geuicral Wieman- Te îmiî ai Dlalfed ud Istnctde Tcrry anti Mns. L. Pearce, Mns. W. M. Faster attendeti an a ongr truck. Beeause ai suc Wisemn - he fmilyof Dgnifed, nd Dstintive Oshawa, visitet Mr..muid Mi'.. executive meeting ai thc Osh.- tiong l isi of previaus convIc ER the haie Minnie Wiseman wisî Monrument. - Flet Markeru Wes Pearce muid Mrs. Craw- awa Prisbytery in St.* Pmul's tians e was seniencedte t two ta expre$s sincene thauiks ta ndein for sn need fard, Sundmy. Unitedi Churcli, Bowmanville, in. m Jil. rem:vsiiedeatinig 152 Slmcoe St. S.. Ouliaw Oiivoam aseraie, isa4iquumlii9dw 'RO lbM.mi n .AteAti n niM. lruc ell _amsEa ~Mrs. C. A. Fannataro, Kitch- W. Faley, Towni, were Fridlay I JMAuM ~ Celle Pack Golden enlw uer, spent New Yemr's week. supper g4ests et Mr. anti Mr.. ed thern for the eeiug es"TOMATOES BANANAS end wîth her dau1hter anti E. Twist. Mn.. B. Colwdll, (Inteuideti for lmst wek) l9pgB . s 7sn-in-4aw, Mr. and Mn. H. Towni, Mr'. uid Mn.. H.'Cry- Mr..maid Mns. John Buttans,JN e 1 À 19 pg b.2 C Day Mn ntiMne. Clifiord Foley, Maple Grave, Mn..muid enliwn pusa veli Smniti ai Wterdown were Me.ros ln nifiyoiitoswith M' onTii 80Wt r10Wt k.o ave thier guests. Newcast n ud Mns. Ger- Mr. John Twist speni New SA T :0P GI.LIG T B LBS~..Congratulations muid bout aId iàmeketon anti Ruth join- Year's weckeuidli Mindien C..LG TOL3 s 4C wisbes ta Mn. anti Mrs. Ken.-ani Cnuarvon, visltlng Mn. __________________________neti McQuaid (nec Ja-Anne FmNEQYAITY anti Mn. Clayton Rogers anti For eso rIsr aer Hoar) wha were i'ecently mai'- MON1JMyq'J3AN» iD8hy otuer friends. ,,UCEO ET CUT GREEN BEANS N'ew Year's guests ai Mn. M R r.adM iKnSac:eo PHONE .728-1611 or 72 - 61À SAE 9 120& #315o&5 BVSanti Mn. Ross eRoflbert 4 mIhu hebti a immly party ln honor nCunTn Cse were Mr. Frank Mouq , of her _aenut., Mr. anti Mn.. 8.Ottawa; Mr,. anti Mn. HenWn.»U Wood anti Joe, Mn.and olrs s mFOR» Wm. ,ofrZbyLon thc oc- Bg Nj AvE William Robertson ant i mîyS T.cio iurSt edn Mrnd T. Mcob Wod, sMr. ho- <IL inW ood r du t Ï T Rsine 60 Mnant M.. CBoberlWad n ' on 7the honoretiguetta O shiaw a, __________________________ Mn.T. Mre . hberl sa.in md nd wI r en ud Mns. Clarence D KRA' S Mn. IR. Scott, Mn .R. Vintue, Sair riai lday, Mn. anti Mns.. Buc M COURTlicE LUMTED uS Mn.. A. Hoar calIeti oui Mn hfr Iràr tLé anti iamuly, Picton, antiIITDM11 M nday -brtda.New Yearls geUwt r van '-'~-s.~,..,w.Ma" meI andi Mn. E. Twist were Mn.- MIl A»J S AVW E ËIVW7 aper mui OXlued Mn. Fred Twist, Whitby, g f l o ~ » i i > A V E E O N U l d a t t e r l ( w m M 1 3 r . a n t i M n . R a y T w i s t , O u i - _ _ heldorattre me o faiMr. anti $18 Duadu hetg. W utby awa, mud M ns. H. Vol" , Ma.U U ~ u' I A U I I f MM U DAOMd W u9 x Mn. Rem ySainton anti New Phone Wiltr ple Grve. Mr. Robert obin- wwLNmHEN MET Umwt ONU Ye r'a gathe iMn . Ulanti1 MOhwk 8 &M 3son, Omoo, waz an evnt gO mm ve ta tW oVA& eore. "(a Là

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