-~ - .t I s' __ Ffre -aTowbua 77~ ,a *TflVtfl e -' -- - --, ~...-.- ',, vvK AJÂ'JDLn, ENUA.KY 11, 1967 1~Pt-opy To Eaton'ys* Basement One of Bowmianville's oldest business blocks was threatened by fire early Tuesday evening, when a blaze broke out in the basement of Eaton 's Order Office. Known for many years as the Martyn building at the corner of King and Division Sts., the struc- ture housed a large num. ber of business firms as well as tenants who lived ' on the second floor. Former fireman Orvil- V. le "R ed" H ooper w ho .. ............ ... Scene of the Nects New Officer Fedration WItIurh Fitrso.ý ,- 1r ta~e I.J. IEfiîQiph) sçe ..1, bupo~lad-ýi article-pua- ~~ig tueeStar,Weelçly of l't -answer.d ta 'two prevdous *Êtk41es ýone' entl tled '"Slng Me a dong ô! Sex and D)rug C~ ,the iither, "Why I don't wAduits." Her title *was <~p'-tune us out, Youlng wiier" Congratulations ta Mrs. Fra- ývr, ho -formerly mas -a itraesinan eorrespondent. B1tOKEFN SEMAPHORE *On Wednesday morning, thee C.P.R's semaphore signallingj poie in front o! the stationi was Out of action, Its top rest-t ing. on the roof ledge of thev fftation. - Apparently, a truck driver backed in to the steel pale, Ireascin it of! a couple of4C feet above grouifd. Wins Bea ________________ lHotel, just east of the Firemen Try to Enter Side Door While Others Martyn building said lie Lying ôn Sidewalk Pour Water Through Cellar Windows loke uRNt lisGEWinow (TUER TO PAGETWO)A Thratnig lae arl Tesayevnig ccident Pigeon Fonciers HoId Schol ppRA sthruhu ____ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ___ ____ ___ ___ ___ __ A *~Ontario have a half day's holi- Thr ate ingBla e E rl T u sda ev nin ~~~U VI ~ I f~ w v~ p ~day.today t ai mark the 152nd neý s Exce1[ -nt Showing H ere anniversary of the birth of tic, I un -Up t. Sir John A. Macdonald,"Can-18 ~verEntres aa's irstPrime Minister Two cars were damaged !n ih O er2 0 E t î and one of thýe main sponsors Wlf an accident on King Street The ,Bowrnanville Pigeon H. Caldwell; Fantails-lst and of Confederation. Rt. West on Friday at 1:05 p.m. Fanciers Association Exhibition 2nd, H. Caldwell; Rollers-îst' oinieo ntath Prm Baars, 35 Nelson Street, and Centre on Tuesday, December Len Richards, rmpt os rable John Robarts also was o ~e B e te R la io sone driven by James Levy 27th was very successful, with lst and 2nd, Merve Laundry; born on this date, 50 years Dui l eR latStephenson collided as the a registration of 200 pigeons, 3rd, Haisma Bras.; Pouters-:ý ago. is te t £àr ons, latter vehicle backed from plus a good turnout of people lst and Znd,. Haisma Bros.; U ~the driveway of Mr. Stephen- in town and surrounding areas. A.0. V. Clean-Leggedîst and son's residence, 170 King The judges were Len Rich- 2nd J. J. Norwick, 3rd George arnree FamW'U inbet no the roacL ards, AI MaeGillis for Racing <TURN TO PAGE TWO) NewlIy ie( am Fi r-m e-rs ion onsableDonAndesonwasHomers; Harold Caldwell for the nvetigaingoffier. Modenas and Tipplers; Frank by RHarvey Malcolm j Centennal year. The resuits A car driven by DonaldFormosa for Trumpeters, Roi]- B yS o t e d e IThe January mneeting of were. as follows: Mr: Dlo Mills, Oshawa, pulled to the ers, A.O.V. and Jacobins, ando t e t, ic r s e DtiratnFeder4tlon o g'-Drelwa eunda rs- side of the lOth Concession] erv. Lundry for FauWIs .g clte wasi hed i wanr, dentfor a second terni; Vice- Rpad, near Burketon, to a.vnid Al the uA di re Vil o husayvnig peidents onrder of ~. e-a ticgi pnd ettg. A tkt ene L*-phone pôle..- The. acthý. h elr ~ ~ Pies. Dalton DôrTellpresidWig. nedy, Douglas Kemp., The 3:30 'clock. Constable eorge follows:. Jacoiins-îlst -and 2nd, yi abd F x 06 7 D * 'olldwing the reàding of, the incumbent represetitative tai Evans, OPP, investigated. UD MBNGTrte-ya -ld ond RevH.CMu psdd preceding mônth's minutes, the provincial -organization A car owned by Roy Wel- SNDePlaDIG hiteen Byereld on ald f R eev te H.nC.guir petided o Donld els pesied t t e . B uce Talor wa ac do Coton Do nsiew On., The Liqiior Control Board ed the toughest task of bis life the 1967 Darlington Township election of officers for the TURIN TO PAGE TWO) whieh was parked i front o! o! Ontario has once more re-re Gle Ra DaryKin Steetlaed ts eguatins.On nd ently.. He shot his dog Council, which was held in Wes, n Fidy at 455p.m a t régul5athonse.Oad after it had just saved his six- the Township Hall, Hampton, R ta y l b hO Sed awa down the street in licensed prenises will be iYear-olaied yrîndfo.R ev CalasCaogvea R ot ry lub Sh nd truk aothr prke abe t hae adrik o liuorSkoter athree-year-old inspiring ad dr e ss entitled car owned by Ernest G. Twist, with their meals on Sundays. brown and white collie and "Centennial Fortitudeo". I:il.TnRt.err u3, nd Bowmanville. The The 'e regulations wl ap- Donald's constn corpain He reminded hspren FilmTrip o Ber uda ront o the Darlington Up- Dutchman and the Bowman- the farm yard while Donald corded time men of vision The attractions o! Bermuda burger ol the large audi- (TURN- TO PAGE TWO) ville Hotel when it re-opens. ran for his father's shotgun. have built great cities and 1 nce r tId ~~~~~~~~~~He kle h o ihoegetntos Nhma as an ideal vacationland were ee that the club had just i llete o.wthon reat on a ete n s. Neem graphicaily portrayed in albought a new 16 feet by 12 Ibat rato rae euae wonderful color film, one ollfeet screen for the. presenta- I They were called ta the and built it. The Egyptians, the Rotary Travel and Ad-Ition of the successful series.I an yard by Linda's cries when Greeks and Romans erected venture Series, shown in the The new sereen proved to be o s and e ieces the fox, which had been chas- towering and beautiful edifices Town Hall Auditorium on a distinct advantage in show- ,mig a cat, turned on the girl. that are stili admired and are Thusdy eenng.in th eenig' ~jya~e CYCLISTS -Altoewoono a epa- When the boy's father, David stili a challenge," -he pointed The Bowmanville Rotary motion picture. - ning to purchase a motorcycle are invited ta attend LaPld.oantav told him"Skooer o t. hn ,S.Jh Club'sInterationl Serice Te narator o the ilm, Motocyclemeetig nèx wouldy, probablyth haveoyto beuse"Ahgreat thethiine erok St. tJoCit Director-Chairman Big, Thies- (TURN TO PAGE TWO) at the Town'Hall, Bowmanville, at 7:30 p.m. The have been bitten or scratched o! God coming down to take new regulations concerning special licences for iný th% fight, Donald'-decided its place upon earth and o! iver Lumber Television motorcyclists and other information will be ex- hie d do it himeIl. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) plained by competent personnele t t t t yKinsmen uonate Equipment i INSIGHT - Columnist Bill SmUey tells all about the every day workirigs of a weekly newspaper in his'article on Page Four of this edition. Readers who assume that on a weekly newspaper, the staff only work about one day a week, will find his comments most interesting.î, t t i~j~t tt MISSED - rTlie Statesman gave great credit to Clarke Township's Centennial Committee for ar- ranging to have a series of huge fires lit to wel- corne the centennial year. Somehow, no information reached this office until this wuppe about 2 t+.mn 4 k,~ , Newcudte, et right, Wus the winner thi0 wegâ, o! the *t béa bien cnducted at Beaver Lumber. On Monday evenn ed M'~fthia -Westi]ýghou-ie Portable televiuion by Manager PaÏul i hoiiebd~ ben drawn f -om the many en tries. Mr. Clairkos win 'h.Aîwe in 'h#. lar ,er draw fer a -57 '3arracudia Fast Baq)c itrpsi' that omtest wil ;nciude winners fromn the over 80 Beaver Itco4ynebusy -- --- auvui t.a t.. mejn- dous fire that Sam VanCamp had buit at his farm, R.R. 2, Bowmanville. It was shaped to simu- late an Indian Teepee and shot flames high into the air on New Year's Eve. As a matter o! fact, it was so big that when the wind changed th 'ere was considerable concern that the house was endangered. As Mrs. VanCamp said "We thought we might have sacrificed our home to patriotism." t. t t t t ESKIMOS - Albert Martin who lives just west of Rahme's B.A. station near Courtice has con- structed two igloos similar to those used by the Eskimos in the north country. Unfortunately, The Statesman photographer couldn't obtain pic- tures o& them this week, but possigly they will flot have melted before the next issue. t t t t THREE'S - Many folks swear by a theory that most things such as fires, accidents, etc., happen in threes. Many firemen also belleve this and events of the past two days more or less confirm the theory. On Monday evening about 9 o'clock, fire- mnen were called to the Fina service station, Lib- erty St. South, where the'back seat of a parked car was on f ire. About 4 a.m. Tuesday morning, the siren blew again when a fire broke out at the Goodyear.Reclaim plant. Then, about 6 p.m. Tues- day, the third blaze took place ini the basement o! Eaton's order office. Al should b. quiet again for a while if those threesomfe theorists- are right. i.t t t t RAMPTON - W. regret ta advise that Mn. Doris Holroyd, The Statesman's Hampton - corrsod, bas notified this office-that.,Èhe 'ÎU e IvMu the post this week. It wouhi tbe apprc;ee i volunteer ta carry on the aisernblig -of Haiptn' weêly news budget would contact the pâioras aozu m posable, % Robert Nixon of B3rant Countywas acclaiMed: ew leaderof Ontario Liberais at a sùSressful Cc- ' on held in Toronto Jast weekend, attended by- n ffl0 delegates<and visitors. He is shoVn, here w1tffi ife, Dorothy, being congratulated by Prinie Wi>ràg t. Hon. Lester B. 'Pearson,folw ghs Dveral Liberals from Durham County wvéer» ýthe two day affair. Unfortunately, RusseU C.*0 trhain M.P., was among those. not, attéffin- stili recuperatingZ followIng an operation. cted ReeveMu First Me. 0 Kinsmeh- Ur T<Iflsmen tteai Winneru in tue-1e t> 'Wry., uhwe"ào ey, S. DUU i,,C. B. muttoV.7suge Wifl iaa$,0 Because of' a shgrtae X ertries Bowtnanvfl', S 6ei Men have cancelled -out .........open Bonispiet the, ctib, ........Saturdi3y, 50 icewi* bê* able for ip.ntaL -Poi Harold C. Muir 2670 If you wud k for Physiotherapy Dpt On Friday, 30th December'1966, representatlire oW1edtt oc of ýthe local Kinsmdn Club turned over tb NMofI beabe <,.u Hospital 'a fürther $1020, wortli of eqw'*-meslt. ,in.'athe phti. brings t« $5,505.00 the, value of eqwipment donated' Pb 4olir Iinsmen,and Kiniettes tb thig Department pince»C. ib« Incemoeddemnandi, particulawly bý ou$-jatié,*'-i he met .bbN tIti work o! gpe e prtnwt i tt pa gient to f1unetIo»,ý pr efficiezti Over 1ý *- I b -. VOLUME 113 il 16 Pages TAlLTITA»mr ý. .--- JHold Fire TOý wn 40WIdANVU..U. ONTAitin- WRI WR.cn,&-v . 1 ' ' ' - 1 Acclaim