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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 2

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TeCana 00000Mwn. E$rowmauvme,, Uiln 1, 1IUT ýore Thon 800-Peéopie Heur ýspiring, Addresses af 'eek- of Prayer Services 1tho 80pple at- au Chairman of the Board of ttld Upper Room Discourses. lb.for sec~I$eM- Directors of Toronto Youth isM essage at the first serv- Id OI~lbWeek,,. for Critand has lectured in ice emphasized the greatnesa liiTiilty ljlted: Theolg tLondon~ College of God and the Deity of Tii.~pelà~spekeiand at Bible Missions in Lon- Christ. He also stressed the ée U'*e, D. R y dn, nt.Dr. Faught has importance ai a renewal af ht, ., Th.D!., seredon the National Educa. ane's love for God and of trdujbir, R ey. tion Committee af the Pente- keeping the commandments. In~W.ud~01o the costal Amsmblies af Canada, The entire theme of Dr. tIvh~e>h1Iteral A- ad l no Preide~ofth;Faught's sermons were centred -Evangli eFdlowsip of an the Lord Jesus Christ. He !te at md .Kuraaiaaanatatspake Inspiringly of saivation, thi OSV*gon us r idaals adta n urged that young people wt&umjmýThUs&WDr. Faught had taken part ln Id~i1~i thq atmlusionary conferences and ehnrgd h icp sevce aprevsina ushort terni Bible Schoolu for iand te a oImpatair ht the pejoü natio~nal workers In Chie, inre as ipranh br. ltu t was the Argentina, and ailier coun- x1.d la an 'i2 vangelistic tries in South Anierica. He Dr. Faught called for more >r M, tlxbrlclge; whlch reoently returned frvm the preaching from the Bible. Min- onooted by the in- World Congresan Evangelism istering from the Word af Assoiation there. held in Berlin. God is of the greatest value, àId e.Oup e ci ai Dr. Faught's sermons at the hie stated. His messages were et lrt eric four speciai services here were ai an expasitory nature, and '1Ét e "a ek oA ra based on Chapter XIV ai St. hie inspiringly spoke af the t Dekr.A.rau ut w a John's Gospel, and were en- meanng af the scriptures. U4ht'up on a farmiin iwa Vafloy. He stated PeiuIroe iogldate Memorial Park Assn. Pebrk Ta t a gdate a In that district. la 'aught recelved hi. a fo i e de" _ _upolitica1l "~At Uic meeting oi Memorial v@gsgty Bgis Master of Theology Park Association held on and pochof c Theology de- Tedyeeigi h lb mýe" vererecelvcd frointUicbTusedi ay cvoui lu Uic lb ]ÎâÎTheological Semluary. It î ulDfoi e n 44au beUcpasto r cf UicBazasi- eariy la April. Mrs. bu béenrthe Gor of Ttmpe VI Thonipson, a past pnesi. Xaor . o~ .iaspe se veàdent, sud Mrs.. Mde DeBoo, ico to.Re as e meprliewere appoiuted ca-convenons Cast f 'Do tor' President Charlotte Clarke Cast f ' oct r' "theevethe I ~ I I troasuner, Mns. Helen Park, £ nreaented a satie!actory finsu- Back t W or i atatement. As the Out- MIer a two-week holiday, ide Property Chairman, Cecil the cast cf. Doctor in the Mutton, was unable ta ho pro- lBouse la back at work. Much sont, Mna. Park aIse gave bis1 to thein chagrin, dînector nep rt.1 pIe Wonnacott bas decrecd, heemembers unanimously Stag i nan ge, onen Ki..agreed ta give a supper lu xey beld a meeting last Mon- day aiMed at getting theo'1 bacictage crew into action. Accident - In theTown Hall tbc set lac aàlready tup, eageriy awalting th aiti-s. A» whfl ho eady I Round-Up " by té frstweek lu February. W(PROM PAGE ONE) holsteny store. -Constable John MUKOS Bird investigated. Cl. ilàl ,»U tVe orne Street, Osbawa, waa brese by Constable Bird 1 ad charged with impaired (PROU PAGE ON£) dnlving at 6:47 p.m. au Satur-1 e'ý4med as member ta O.F.A. day aiter bis car struck two E 4i, r cf Governors. Like- parked cars on Temperance ,WWee bcincumbent treasurer, Street. Marc than $100 dam- as-trand auditors were ne- age was sustained by the twa tu offlice. prked cana which are awned tor th. folîowing b David R. Bowon, 65 Scu- homithees w e n e gag Street, sud George Las- aumd: Property (Exprapria- karis, 27 Temperance Street. isi, Insuance, youltry, There was s two car cal- ~Wet, iRuril Devlayment Ilsion on Saturday moruing at and a new camiittee, Educs- 11:45 0'cloko o ih Uio. ýBr*ie ,Taylor .la . cun, Wy, ctono . Uic11 h no n.tanepiber of the Pro- The drivera cf Uic cars In- '$z*1 cnittee Ou Educq- volved were Belon Baithel- si t4lon as wslI. Be gave a-bnif mes, Tononto, epd Kani Hof. a ~ph O im actiisOn et man, 87 ilng Street West. t mengna.u a Constable Bruce Tillson, OPP, D~ mc ecesi - ecld.investIgated.v KopWad Ou-antiW cted - ~ o thln c 1e local Insurance A car driven by Harold r oojmlttee (C.I.A.) snd Dan Lambert, 71 King Street West, CleO.F.A. fielda-an, dis- struck a telephono pale on ousoedan Aid te Programniing King Street East on Suday tj e0ject te he carriled Out in cvcuing aI 10:45 'clock. Cou.-(j near future. stable Tracy Davis luvestigat- A Iu the vola cf New Yean' ecd this accident. f ycaoluhlons, sund ho endeavour At 10:20 a.m. ou SundayC te, uqve Uic bot Irtercat ci two cars colided ou Uic Betb- enoeagcdhI agriculture any Ski- Club Road. The dri- K , e -I~county sud te. pro. vers of these cars were Albert moto greaher harmony uinong I-ockins, 1469 Windemerc 'T touhIltMV's we farin organisa- Drive, Peterborough, sud Mai-- tiens, Uic Federation las toecx. Ion Anne Gulduen, 904 Ka- tend an Invitation te bhc Dur- wartha Drive, Peterborough. ho bePFarinera' Upton to send Constable J. A. W. Schultz, ~ a eresentative (or,* ropre- OPP, was the Investigating I scntaeivs) t attend future afficen. divctos'meetings. Ih lu There wss a twa car cal- * bàu that hy clamer liaison lision at 9:30 arn. Tuesday on be weau these bwo groupa a No. 35 Higlrw4y at the 4th bee undenubending of eacb Concession ai Clarke Town- 0 atcrs leons wlUresuit ship. The drivons ci Uic vehi- and;.uahl asalat la resolv- clos involved were M. R. ln dffrecesa -cf opinion Shannon, 9 Mll Street, Lind- ta tbe fatr benefit aifail say, sud E. Freeboru, 170 Wil- Bi th fre JraIthe outy. im Street North, Lindsay. ir Tornte Roulas George Ramille Calgm Vancouvi th ne he tl lai lac ha cei mi 37 T cd OU el 1celebration of Baden Powell iWeelc for the 4th Bowman- vile Cub Pack, which la sponsored by Memorial Park [Association, on Sunday even- Ing, February lOth. Mrs. Anne Dilling will be in charge, and the Cuba' parents wii be in. vited ta attend with their boys. President Clarke is ta telephone Howard Cordon and offer ta donate this supper. Aiter catimates for the in- stallation ai kitchen cupboards were discussed, lst Vice-Pre sient Margaret Jeffery mov ed that the association have the Beaver Lumber Company do this work. This was sec- onded by Mrs. Thompson, and carried. Mrs. Park moved that panel- ling aud ceiling tules be' in- taled. This motion was sc.c onded by Mrs. DeBoo, and carried. A committee compas- ed af Mrs. Jeffery, Mrs. Park, M(rs. DiUing, and Mr. Mutton was appointed ta look a.iter this inatter. It was decided that the Birthday Bok bo cantinuod and that the contents wlll be donated ta the Cerebral Palsy !und at the end af the year. Les Chittick was appointed1 Bingo Convenor for February.j !ollowing the business meet- i ing a social hour was enjoyed, and a delicious lunch was ici-yod by Mrs. Dorathy Rich-c «rds, Mrs. Grace D5owney, M4rs. Karen Campbell and Mrs. Feru Alloway. Music Resu Its i The following is a list ofc successfui candidates iu ex- i tmmnations held roceutly by the ]Royal Conservatory af Mlusic of Toronto I Bowmna «- ville, Ont. The namnes are ari-- ranged I order ci mernt Grade TU Theory First Class Hanours - Mar. s ta A. Farrow, Olga Nowosad fi ecual); Peggy L. Clark; Carol ti L. Belirnan; Wilma Vande. v meeut; John Duvall; Donald ri Clark. Honours - Karen A. Mc- CI Knight. i Pass - Eileen J. McQuarrie; l bheresa Barek. a Grade 1 Theory b Firat Class Honours - Jane P, WIntyre; Katherine D. Vice; Karen Lowery. i RotaryA Cluba <PROM PAGE ONE) a ob O'Reilly, New York, was ntroducod by Mr. Thicabur- B. lr. Mr. O'Reilly la a wel Ir iown travellor and locturer. bg There were many views ai s ic dellghtful and luxurious in esarts. Includcd were lro~ ýtels, and more modesa e-bi ablishments, aiea clusters th ottages grauped about main dges, and informai guest- nuses. Practically all area cated near the sea. and Most es ive their own docks. Other scenea shawed the de yven principal lalands oait îrnuda which arc linked by m auseways. The aresaio Ber.f lUda la only 21 square mifles. bc i. lavely landscapes lnclud- w d the fiowered countryside,W tee YiorsIff ath Road Ahead!1 wltb Momenrcbp, in thc TARIO MAOTOR LEAGUE Li AUTOMODILE LEGAL AJ>VICEC AND DE. r INSURANCE PENCE - wbea uunaaonud up te M 60for violations of tire Ontario us a. member la Slg&way Tran. Aet or bus. huelOr Muniipl E-Law. (exudn- é, pedesimlanIf lng Parking ffeno). mW y oue# ffl veel <rothe OMESTIO and WOXLD- 1) f I*Wd4b- w iTRAVEL SERVICE.- gns tmad l wM gzEolulve publlallin UP* ~ M aInteatcwaional mei.ber- ~W9 -STCIAL m55 - tour v4 bs -Utptke. EMEEGENOT ROAD SER- VICE - whlch mci. . gtlnt g our cas'- chang- tu n tietrou spare lewbe.l -drum -ewlng ww.a stuol la umow oe fS - Lookani ky service - elvcY of parb - gtu - etc. CANADIAN M0 TO R IST MAGAZINE - givian up-te- lIe-mbiaulI«nratbn en vacation uPOls- automobie devolepuets »uw cluab WUY 15.0 P R ~3($3se bac fcetra. s~'~euhCOLLECTte Mr. moIt«. ihr M%4743 or wrlt NL~AUE -PUTElSO*OUGH CLUB Provincial Police Promotions It was announced this week that Sgt. A. H. Bai-ker, left, who has been ir: Bowmanville since Apnil 1964, has been pnornoted to Staff Songeant and wil be in charge cf the Ottawa O.P.P. detachment, effective Jan. 151h. Taking ovel for him in this detachnient will be CpI. John E. Closs who has been pnomoted tc Songeant. Sgt. Closs was bai-n in Aunora and has been with the O.P.P. since JunE 1949. He was stationed in Thornhill, sud Vaudorf before coming here in Augusi 1963. sud gardens. There wenc a: pictunes ai saudy beach aeciuded caves, sud ses viat Recroation la varied a aponts abound ln Bermut Sailing, scuba diving, swii 1ming, golf sud tennis we pictuned. The leisurely atur aphoeewas suggested by sho, iug hanse drawn carriagi moton scooters, sud small ca: The specd lin-ut la 20 mi] an hour on the highways, si 15 miles an hour lu the towr Bermuda bas marc 1hý 1,500 vanieties ai plants ai fiowers. Thene is theoloes: don in shedes a! pink, ne yellow, sud white. Hibisci i bnilliant colora bloc thnoughout the yoar, ar trumpet shaped hules aboun Bermuda 's picturesq bouses wene shown. The. dwelliuga bave white ripple or tennaced roafs that chai nel rein waîer inte tank There is s law fluaI requin tbe roof ta ho lime washE when a bouse is bulit, ai tach year the roof must ho r( coated with lime in order1 keep the rainwaten fi-cei Impurities. Bermuda is witl ouI springa or wells. Pictuned boa wene the nsi row snd Iwistlug streets( St. George wlth mnauy fascir aîing shaps fiiled with a manner ai unique wares. Als ta o be eu was evidence what the gaverument hE loue te restai-e aud preserv old buildings that are histi links with Uic early deysc Bermuda sud thoir siguif. cance ta Uic early eettlemeu: in Uic New Wanld. The oldeat structure sil standing la Uic Stale Hous off Uic town 8quare. Con sInuctiou ai this building wa started in 1620 just Il year aftet Admiral Sir Georg, Somers sud 140 setlos bouni anr the new coiony a! James ;own, Virginia, were ship wnocked ou Uic rocks an( coifs ai Bermuda. Overlooking Murray's An chorage off St. George's Islanc is Fort St. Catherine, lb4 ergeet af 20 aucient fonti along the chaoeines. Il wsi buill ai Yorkshire atone sbip. ped from Eugland lnu lb erid between Uic Amenicar Pevolutian sund the War oa 812. Ireiaud Island, Uic base oi th Royal Navy's North Wesi Atlantic Squadron, wss pic. turcd, as was the huge United Stales Air Fonce Base in Ber. mude. The latter includes bbc Rirport for civilian treffic. The colonful cixterions oi Bermuda's bouses wone showr in Uic Inavelogue la have coen paiuted mostly ipestel ;hades with pink predominat- ng, slthaugh Ihere are othoe in loues ai green, yoliow, )rown, sud bitue. Some of :e gi-est Bormudian private iouses are open ta the publie luing Garden Week held ,ch yean in isto Manch or înrly Apnil. Bermnuda'. Botanical Gar. [en cavera almoat 20 acres, b as sections devoted ta uses, native plants, peins, erus, an orchld houso, sud irmal gardons encloscd wli )ugainvillaea hedgos iilled li masses o! annuels. Elect Off icers Memorial Park T. A. Fanning, Director cf Recreairion for Bownianville, pr* esicduring Uic eloction ci affce r anthe coming year at, lbe December meeting cf Meoicial Park Association held i the clubhouse. Mm. Charlotte Clarke was re-electcd presideut. Other afficers ion 1987 are: Vice. Prosident, Mn.. Margaret jef. foi-y; Secretary, Mrs. Yvonne Edmonstan, sud Treasurer, Mrtis. Helen Park. The Club Represenative la Mi. Jeffeny. The Convenors for*1967 are: Miglrs. -Fera - guèbire, Mm .Vers Clapp ~lceMm.AnueDlUg vire la asa Insde Proprt onvir; Ou-aid. e pry <r. oud Mn..Cecil IMtlon; slck Cominitbet Mm. Ver late; Idc p ilc as. mnd ida. ime Council Receives (omplaint on Seweri ?r ie ;t os, At the meeting ai Bowman- next month. Il stated that ns. ville Town Council heid lest Hou. J. J. Green, Minister of les week lu bhc Council Chamber Agriculture, wii ho the speciel ýnd George Vice was re-appainbed speaker on Mouday oveuiug, ris. ta the Public Libnany Board February 131h. ,a for the coming year. Mn. Vice Lettons fram the Muscular ýnd bas been the Chairman ai the Dystnaphy As soac iatilon ai In. Lubrary Board for s number Canada, bbe Canadien Meutl ed, of yoars. Health Association, sud the us By-Law 67-1" wae given. Canadien Modic-Alert Founda- =m lbnee rcadings sud passed. lion, iucorpoaaed, explaiuing nd This is the By-Law il is usuel the wonk sud. objectives af d. toa psa early each yeer which hs organizations werc ro- [ue autianizos the bonrowing ai ceived sud fiied on a motion ýsemony fr crret epenesby Councilior E. J. Rundle, ,d pendîng the rcceipt ai nov- seonded by Caunclior Annie il. nuca necivedOkA letton from Mns. Hilda s.A cmuiainrcie Webb 25 Brawn Street, lu- ,es by council anuounced that tbe ionmed counicil that a number ed 351h annuel convention ai the ai sewer pipes bad been ne- nd Ontario Association ai Rural piaced on public propenty on1 'e- municipalities wiil ho heid Brown Street lu 1959 et ai ta total cast o! $412.07. The lot-1 of 1er said Ihat owners ai thei ,h . tu @b ifl tbree homes counecîed te this sewor had la psy the cost. 1 r- * .. "Mn. Hugh McDanaid, ;7 aiofUV Bnçwn Street, paid $50; Mn., n Ma#I Harrison, 23. Brown( mli ~~a£-!t wPOeA Ot .+hGtIf i?.. L... sand saw great sheets of pay $138.54, (sametime eanlie o~flm coigototh we had already paid $85)."l ye basement Windows, be- she read lu the paper thst ne funds wore ta ho made ti of low Eaton's. He ran out people lo bad paid the PU( i- and warned the tenants for repaire ta eewens on publi, ti m m e d i a t e 1 y above Property, she was pleased. il Eaton's and the fish and she telephaod George Val Schip store proprietor. In BigrPCaaea is the meantime, someone Van Bridger iufanmed me tha se hd s ted hebecause Ibis was s pnivatq ee else had sptted te ewer wo wauld reccîvo n ýd flames and pulled the refund (thi-ce homes arc con- alarm. frenccted with il), snd as of nom ýd ohfr trucks were the cost ai any sewor trouble on te scne i mintesHo aiea said that there an. ontescn-n iue quito a number of private ,d and firemen began pour- Sewcrs ou aide streets lu Bow. te ig wterintothecelar.manville sud that tbey woulè É n aerit h cella. i have ta psy the cost oi is They were hampered sewer trouble," the lotte: consieraby inthei ef.stated. - cosideabl in heiref-"We bave Iived et 25 Brown n forts to enter the build- Street over 20 years. We iing because of the dense Thomnas Lymer, who no doubt Ssmoke, until a couple of bad Ibis sewer instalod aI hi: own expense, likely 30 or more -t firemen donned smoke yeans ago. We de ot al dmasks and went in to ea rvate sewer". ffiWebb's letton pointed -open the trap door to the ouIt that Ibis sower coaI the ecellar. town notbing wbeu il a laid and that as il le ou towr îf The blaze was brought pnooerty ahe feels Ihat she is n under control in about eutitled. b a rcfund. moe ! an hour, but in the mean- Ibat Ibis letton be i-eforred Ic time the heavy smoke the special cornmitîee of on had filled the apartments mattera. This was seconded directly above the store, ygCound cr nied. e had also seeped into the On a motion by Councillor fish and chip store, into Maurice Prout, seconded by the Mary C Ladies' Wear was decidod thal the purchase Shoppe and even into the 'of a crawler loader sud tInsu- Fairway Food Market, er whii ho made. two doors to the west. P At no Urne did the flames Pigeon îbreak through the floor <PROM PAGE ONE) into the main part of Lane; A.O.V. Feether-Leggedi Eaton's office. Hor8ner; Tiplcrs-It Andi-ew Following the blaze, Steel, 2nd !aisma Bras. firenmen were busy fr for Rabcg Rmerge teglori. some tîme rernoving deb- iug people won ribbons-.Ted ris romEatn'scelar.BrownMo4rris Goulet, George ris rom at6ns cear.Shea, Larry Basaet, David No cause was given for Brirehsw, Jirn Towcs, Jack the fire although it a- Ralp~ Boyau. Harold Cald- parently started near the well won the trephy fan the furnace. ahaw got thbe lrophy for Uic Several bystanders re- beat borner aud Ted erowngot markedon how fortu- the tno>phy for the best bir marked 011loUic heshow, Congratulations nate it was that the fîre t lte a» i nr hadn't started in the Fauciens Cb wa iiie Pigon middle of the might or thank Uic Recreation Commit- much mor daagetee for thei- assistance, the mtic mor daiageLions Club, McMullen Hard- would have r e sult e d, ware for donating a eeder, with the probability of Gr'oo'sHrdaeHo1' 86ee81 casuialties among Jwiers and Mars Jew es the UPStM rOSWrentS- Lander's Hardware for a The Cemm tteewouid also by WalterDev- Uke te Uiank Mn.. L. Chittick «QM ta lUii,0of O8Wof the Lions Club fer the ex- tva. oelent assItance aud co- NewIy ' FROM PAGE ONE) how God would make1 dwdung wih men. T noblet fmon have the bel that somehow God'u perfecti wifl corne truc lintheir.genei tion. But today it la f possible ta effeet by thc aIro af a feather pen and shout commands lmrnediatelyV into action by thousanda slaves. "We have te deal 'i people, aiten difficult peop, We must honor their righ As a child I appear ta meruber an eyesare on Egi ton Avenue East lu Torori the resuit ai a spiteful av, er's refusai ta co-operate wi progress. "Township officers inu I Sixties face many such difi cuit peaple, and aiten have compromise their dreama b ing settled for what they ci get. But there are son things we can nover cau promise if Cauada's Ceutenni is to have uieaning. We Mu not compromise aur ethics. arn proud ta say that I ha, nover heard af anc instancei graft lu Darlington, snd I hor I neyer shaîl. "Nor need we campram the ideals for which we stan in regard ta humant night Hero is where the need tc Centonnial fortitude camesi Most ai ail. "Nover underestimate th power of ordiuary people. Re cently a Young lawyer, Ralpý Nader, in the United Statei anc single man, wrote a boal "Unsafe at Any Specd". Hi courage and detenminatioi overcame the criminal re luctance af automobile mau facturers ta build safe vehicles, and iu 1967 manyo us wil drive cars with dus brake systema and athe: sirnilar safoty festures thaul ta Ralph Nader. "In Canada Mns. Isabel La bourdais took up the causeo a .Young man who she felt hac been uujustly condcmued t( life Imprisonment. Thanka ti Eber, one single p orson, Can. 1adians will get btter justict in the future. "I brought with me toda3 lîterature on Operatian Beav. er. This Beaver ides now han braught thousands ai younf Canadians, English, Frenct and Indian, Roman Catholic and Protestant, together with averseas frienda, and has ex. pressed the meaning af Canada in several much needed con. struction efforts. "We have saints in aur awn township. Only two weeks ego a member af aur schacl board went ta a great deal ai trouble to sce a handicspped boy was started on a special training pragrani. About the came time a Young marric( man called and offered hi services in yiouth leadership. "These are thc ordinary folk, yet extraondinary folk, and It la they who will build a greater nation. They have Centenulal fortitude," Mr- Catto declared. Aiter congratulatlug aIl elected to thc 1967-88 cauncil, Reeve Muir told theic membens that they would fiu their respousibilities ie con- sumlug an-d sometiruos frus- trating, "But when you sou certain things accomplished lu Uic general Interest af the people ai the township you will find satisfaction in this work. "You wil b. given every opportunity ta iuily discuss aii business as it arises, but when a decisian la reached then thc majority must rule,"1 the Reeve painted out. Reeve Muir spoke ai five mattera ho would like the members of counicil ta con- sider and support during the Centennial Yoar 1967. "1. Our Centennial Project must be proceeded with without delay if we are going to put it over. 2. The township's financial and capital debt position must mn en ,. Tc [ic i Lat an [r. at te< 10 e re te v- ?t is 1Sydney Worden Sfarts HTerm as Chairman oï taionDarlington Area Bd. im.. The Publie Schol Board former ChaimnM. oke T.S.A. Darlington miade up of Werry opecd l-.th e i ted the foilowing, Sydney R e statOe that ho wihei> put dn, Harry 07er, Herbert draw to the attention odj of Mackle, Bruce Tînk and Fran- Board the unhiziished bu& cia WerrY. held ils i naugural for yesr 1968, nonl âth meeting for thc yesr 1967 on petl wrn' 1 Pe. thc evenig ai January 4th. Arts rom cf Uinewsd hts. Present alec ah Uic meeting and also that' Mr. J. Be4 re- ws Mr. H. R. Moorci-ct, B.A., manager of the alk of Mog- n- M.Ed., Supervialg Principal. treal, had extended an invit- îl, By nnmu ag-eement tien te ail Board members.la un-be present at a dianer ln l rith climinated in view of Uic ever Flyiug Dutchmau Motel %u incroaïsing tax rates. Uic eveniuig of January 18thf he "3 Further study must be To complte Uic untWnshoo ffmade ou Uic probiems cou- wiring tiiere was gêeffnl 10t corning Uic development ai agreement that Schachh Ble.- be ur township, lt us nt make tric hoenimployed to do thl. can the mistakeofa a haphazard wrk. me deveopment. 4. The comple- M. Wcry, before turnir;g r- tin of thc roada neds tudy Uic meeting ven ta thc Sec- liso Uic muuicipality wil have retary, Uiauked the Boa4I îst a blueprint ai aur complete members for thei- splendid I roads system for the noît five help durlug Uic year just cor>. Meta 10 years. cluded. ai "«5. Support for thc central Chairman fon year 1987 la ýP Lake Ontario Joint Planning Mr. S. Wrdn; Vice Chair- Board lu their efforts ta salve man, Mr. H. Oyler; and varý. ca sme af Uic problems con. oui committes with mnemberà d fronting 'thc entire district, are as fllows: Prperty, Mr. it These arc jut a few ai Uic B. ink, Mr. H. Macke; Fin~ [o Uings wc wil» ho dealing ance, Mr. H. Macke, M. in wlth. Mnyoothor iterns wil» Werry* Teachers, M. H. O>' ýe time. to time. ad Develpment, Mr. Z e- aI extend ta the membes Werr, M. H. Mackle; Care.. ph o councl, our staff, ernploy: tak nand MainteancMr k' lington best wishes for 1967, As lu Uic pat year a» i-g.. lis ur Centenal Year. May ular meetings as fer as la poi- on Our deliberations tbis year ho sible wil ho held Uic second 7e. worthy ai thia event in Can- Monday of eacb month t 7:30 U. ada's hlatory," Reevo Mur nm. ln Uic now Si-. Scbaol. !er said. ÈreoBoard wll appreclate il of Reeve Muir was appointed if Bny porson or persons wish-. al ta Uic Central Ontaro Joint ing te discusa chol problemb rn Planning Board for 1967. This with, the Board reserve the ks was maved by Counciller sanie for their regular meet- Richard Gibbs, seconded by ings, aud advise Secretary M, a. Councillor Bn Brow. J. Hobbs, EnnikiUlen, i ad« of Councilor Brown moved vance. d that Deputy Reeve Carl Down, té Councilior Russell Dow, sud MÀ to A. L. Blanchard, the former A LE GROVE n. Reeve, ho appainted membens cof the Lake Ontario Develop- Mn. sd Mns. Boy Topping, mont Association. Thia ws Mr. sud Mns.. Ien MacFarilon, ty secanded by Councillor Gibbs, Toronto, were Saturday calions v. and cari-ed. with er Parents, Mn. sud MrS. s Deputy Reeve Down, sec. Fred R.. Stevens, brother, wfe ig euded by Councillor Gibbs, sud fami.ly. Mr. sud Mns. -h moved that Councillr Dowý Harold Stevens. ic be appointd ta the Durham Mr. sd Mrs. Elmen Haweu, ýh Federation ai Agriculture. Whty Mr. sd Mn. Frank cThis was oarnied. Cnaokshanks, Ajax, were Satt Depuy Reve Dwn ~ urday calions with Mr-. and i- ppinted a member of UitMh .C.P.Swllow. Miss Darliugton Township Plan- Danothy Mgrquis, Clinton; n ning Board for 1967. W. . spet a few days with ei- e Br wu ud arr Oy er orecousins, M r. sud M rs. C. p ) each appointed te the Plan- SwllwM. Wm. Ld. ,' i ning Board for three i-Ms. Allan Snowdcen, Mrèt i termes nding on January ist, JmySowde, of Maple il 1970. Grve; Mrs. Len Goodmurphyg e Councillor Gibbs mni Mr. Sam Sowdn, OshawatI d that fos for attendnce al issPt O'Brien, Bcwan s Planning Board ho inc-ad ville, were in London, Ont.~ te ~ ~ ~ ~~rae $1on eeig hi uSunday to visit thefzornii to $1ec erndedtionc.is Dw, er's daughter, Mrs. Johit ysudcrned. onilo oAitcheson wbo lo a Patient IlI Ci On a motion by Cotincillor Lna aptl eDow, secouded by Councillor We *e1cpreq te Canada ou-1 Brown, Deputy Reeve Don new Certenilrsdn, z sd * Counilor Gibbs wer suad Mre. 1 1 »us, Mn I aded t UicCeuennil Co- Hather -Lodgel1ver SprIings addedto te Cenennf L o. Md., U.S.A. , Who ai-e speding ,uuttee. Former Reeve A. . time with Mn. Roy V#i> zBlanchard wss aiepoluted to amp Mi-.sud Mn. Sam thUi Cemetery Committee. Va amp , aeLnpeï The report of Uic StrikIug su C m , B e Lio ro Commtte coposei o tOMcvî n mte h1-haome at 5oundc D mosdc Reeve Brdenrh Peter b o r o u g Mul- sd eputy Roove Down, ares. d was adopted. The _____________ efor Uic comilng year wlll be: 4 Finance, Deputy Reeve DcWn, BET TA V SCouncillor Brown, sud Reeve E H N Muir; Road, Cogncillor CQibbs, Mn.. William plbilltps, wh(î 1Deputy Reeve Down, sud suffered a fa» ou ice resultiug BReeve- Muir; Legialation aud lu toi-n shoulden ligaments in t Aclvisory, Counclilor Brown, naw liproviîig. 1Councillor Dow, and Reeve Mrs. Herb Copplus le Muir; Public Propcrty sud patient lu Cîvlc IHoppit4i, Pet! Agriculture, Councillor Dow, erbonougb. Cauniciller Gibbs, sud Reeve Mn. sud Mn.. Gardon $mltli 1Muin. Totten Sums, Hubickl snd famlly vlsited with rela- suad Associates were appoint- tives lu Toronito during tbio cd Engineering Consultants weekend. for the township fon 1967.' Mn. sud Mna. Vincent Jack, It wss decicied on a motion uap visited wlth Mr. and Ms by Councior Gibbs, qeconded Gorald Staples, Lakeiield, 'cri by CouncilUor Bnown, that Uic Suuday. second meeting ai the couricil Mrs. James McKlnnon was for this manth would bhofield takon hby ambiit4auo rta Peter GIA&NT JANUA&RY SA&LE MacDONALD FORD SALES HAS 1966 14 MODELS WHICH MUST BE CLIARID at thousands of dollars below normai cost by January 2Oth, 1967. 14 INCLUDE: CHEVROLETS, FORDS, FALCONS, OLDSMOBILIS# FAIRLANES, MUSTANGS AND THUNDERBIRDS. kasiest of Terms with No Payrnents Until Morch 1it,1967 Corne ln duringl this January Cl«ence - Moke us an ff.r I MacD ONALD, FORD SALES 29nt,,. wma Si 20 KIng st. W., Oshawe 632534 llePhon.7235241 'j D.Iott, Piender, Haskins &Ssii. wtb whomuo now mergcd ýMonteIth, Riehi, Waters & Co. Chartered Accountants - ~inioe %im~on O"Sawa W-g»e placc OssiosW. 11*1. CA.. R.L A. un R. WatersC. 4OiawS 'OéW& Shopping Ceare U- AA lI

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