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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 3

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ILànda and Tet Shgrp, Zn- -e eelved guesta ln a dreas of Stadacona, Halfax, N.S. te fMM canadienStt an omivle 7.li 16 NÂYDON ~ ~ ne~~ar~~.ra dy .,M, rrIycflow crepe and gold bro- train as Radar P1otters, and____________ -nad fIhy mdRoi .CrofiàUt- onhrd Un.eveie G la hno anPr ent ,. . adbrocade ahoulder coat and B.C. later in January where teddbt3eiaI7a te i wayd ri .lro aha Mon hrd a. leeslginGrhasatr pMn pa anMrs. gl a n hande o-sh iltanas.Rdo o a II w OTO dinner guests oit of Mr. Roy G rhaW s b rthday. Ivan Sh rp, bEk mkfen, were e c onssted of coral sweet- O eao.? " i lr eu aie, M a eather, Ma.on aturdayhe.rtroses and white-'munis. B ra r*a ra Dose,! OntaerioL Mim oaldfThompon and The groom's mother chose a Teachers' Cllege, Tono, C e 1le bra !D'etMii Ms ReteM.AlnBonjacket dresa of Imnperial peau spending the holidays wiUiClre 1ol- o pizon, wcre recent vstr de sole with beaded neckilne. her andnt Mra r. fail dnSPStY M 01 MB. A InMatching tulle at and tinted Harry Ro./vUUiYY N4f arn d Ms a TOflP- shocas completied the ensemble. Karen Pascole, daughter of eda i oeo i son, Bo CLEARANCEi Mte Her corsage was arranged Mr. and Mrs. Wilf Pascoe 's On ThuradayNvme i .Elt hty _______________ uMn. A. Thompson on Monday. wlth pink sweetheart roses also home from the Ontarlo 1966, Mr. and i.Atu a Ms lr.wr Miss Joan FaIlà, Leakard - white munis. Teachers' College. Clarke, celebraeii Oh~Wt W acit3 was Sunday aupper guest of The couple left on a wed- Mr. and Mrs. Adam Hawley Anvn~o hi e mcar daCfdiI~ Mi. and Mis. W. Blackburnding trip to northern skiing and Catherine, Peterborough, at thei resideneq 5Lnb _______ and family. areas with Uic bride travel- Mr. David Ryan, Toronto. Mi. Lane * .and M . . on, Mr ndllng in a Jade green A n n . Tm oblMoMrs. Clarkethefre and Mrs. D. Cameron, Mi. andwool dress, a matching taîlor- Miss Lyle Stainton a lr rnh and Mr.Cakc Jorn Mis. J. Potts attended Uie .,ed coat, white hat, ad a cor- Frank Lee, Oshawa, Mr. and wee ar ed n Bo an il s . K . C ote w l d i n g v i s t d h i c - l m e a n d M r . o m S o i l Smith White wed d ng a sage Of Pink rosebuds and Mrs. Alan W erry, and fam ly, by h Rev. Sele y o Trnt Stouffvllle on Saturday. whe orchids. Enniskillen, Mr. and Mis. ~h Tebride attended Orono Grant Farrow, Port Credit and United Church. r ndMs Mis ste CysaeBo.and Clarke Hi h Schools and Mr. and Mrs. Brian Lee and Clarke farmed i apo o Maniss ser Cnldale ow. - .famil spent Christmas with 42 years befortirn d manvîlle on Monday. ~~~quet combnectwhite Arnabilis - oigt hi rsn d s G.Ne Tabb ad faily graduated from Ryerson Poly- M. and Mns. Ross Lee. dress. Spent New Ycar's Day wîth technical Institute in HomneM.adM.Cakehv < Mr. and Mns. Stan CowlingMran M Salem. 1 , _ Economlcs. She had been ELD wo daughters, adMs The ainua Congegatonalworking as a demonstrator in ENFIEL osCako Tornt PuliLScoos o <ntended for last week) and Phyllis, Mr. Abr metn illb held on Uic Conse's Gas Comay The wsa unulyElitOfW Thursday, Jan. lOth. % ,. fter graduating froni Bow- manv-ille High theol large attendance at our church Bruce oi Floa d iv grscmlleneousdsaowerrwasin Christmas Day. Instead of ha grandsons. hed n he seofl on Wedn s- . - Igroom tralEnei e deg re lSunday s hool session t he During the atrn o a d dhp E ry f r e t S l c ay, n i efor Cat ari e Lp A rc lu a E gn ei g from Cta abri de e o! Sdatdy . ve the University o! Guelph. He pu~pils took part in the ser- evening more tha 5 fins S Iio E a r y f o B e s S e e c ti n C a h ari e rc civ d m a y lo e- L15 p ese tly o nti uin g his v ice . M iss D o n n a S am is a ssist- n eig h b o u rs an d re a i s c a l ly gi!ts. ~engineering studiesatth ed the Rev. M. A. Doughcîty cd to extend thercngaua Barry Garrard hart his ton- WNv.cta ehia o- ocnutte evc.Tetions and bestwshs Tos siegemve HoHapaxei.ad i Si. boys opened the service woasse nsiigwr sus removcd on Friday. lHope Haifx. r..nd ts YO il oo e eligbe Gibson will be residin Vwith a processional !ollowed Mrs. R. Clark, Ms .Elot teouan ;ak t,-co l Bagy.atb Y a choral prayer by the daughters, and nee i. C ter nd aekto MholJBn1" 5261 Kent Street, Kent Ma nio r high girls. Piiosca Bal- Yco. Their nec Mi.K ____________$3.y.0 Apts., Apt. 19, Halifax, Nova an adMain rsct ra Palmer was inchreoth Scotia. antancMri onure ps e ad agetbo.Alretre CLEARING AT s- 0ZO citr asg n yd. (Intended foi last week) p a e;th iwrare n ith d e lîs c nted Ui Holiday Visitors K D O primary classes sang a special ly decorated withwierss SIL PINS r. ndMr. lln Fshr ED ONnumber; Ms. Keith Davey ead doves and gold laetpe Mi. and Mis.Allan Fisher(Intended for last week) Rev. Dougherty gave a brief dining roomn tabl.iulsS ae werc Chîistmas.Day:gueste atJunior Choir nem be s e e Christm as m essage. M any beautiful fl r la an e R egular to $.2nd.49 Fr d ard an guests at a pot-luck supper in 1 V isito s at C hristm as and nents, attractiv it , n m I an o n ed t i c k ! EXTRA SPECIAL! !familY, Newcastle, at Wes M.adMs Rudolph Frank Petzer shown in o wîao ns Cameion's, Christmas Day. the above photo, exchanged niarriage vows on Satur- day evening, sponsored by the Mi. and Mis. Allan Taylor, received !rom teTw fjie i ahri i tm Mi. and Mis. Russell Stain- day afternoon, October 15, 1966, at 3 o'clock. The seniorcor David and Marilyn weîe at Bowmanville, reltvs red !StatR ae eea On Christmas eve the junior Mi. Fred Brown's, Kingston, and neighbours ogaua nuac, Kn t at, (SAMPLES) Reg. $7.503 - $9.95 Days.adNwYa' Church. Formerly Miss Jean Elaine Moffat, the bride choir and members of Prince terprise. Excellency theGoeo-Gnnaie!Bo avlewhr Mi. and Mrs. R. C. Stainton is the daughter of Mis. David Sheldoni Moffat, Orono Albert choir to present a Mr. and Mis. Elmer Lee, Mr. eral and Madam an ieTeh teddpbi n i and daughters, Mi. and Mis. and the late Mr. Moffat, and the groom is the so special pre-Christmas carol Norman and Miss Judy Lee, Rt. Hon. LesterB(ero col.FrUcps he CLEARING 1/zolz ndsos er service. Reverend W. M. Brid- Mr. Don Griffin at M. Don and Ms. PasoeHnyearsh a eno u CL A I GPRICE ChariyPt zasndagsos w eî of Mrs. Rudolph Boris Peltzer of Rosemary, AlbertaI ges conducted the service. Lee's. John Robants,M.Rusistf o! aton sunc _________________sh a a.a n d th e____M.____zr.C hristm as D ay services w ere M r. and M s. R obe t S tinson H oney, M .P .; M? l x C r r u n o o t , w e e h . CREPE SUZETTE Collis'and O sh a. J * Stainton conducted by Rev. Bridges. and !amily at the Stinson ruthers, M.P.P., an th To n rc v d a god g un ng i - Reua $.0----- 2 5Mcdsn amdeChrismasDyTejunior adsno hishm.o omnil Regular $3.13 *JV andsns awe Cd hnitas a combined to present special Mn. and Mis. Frank Small- Guests were peetfonsrnebsns.Satn ct gOstsa enr hawas. music. Solos were sung by wood, Mr. and Ms. Lloyd Rochester, Toronocxnde ek n ae ilb t M.adMsHer atMs. R. D. Love,t4Bithday of Stewart and Laverne, M. and Greenbank, OshawBwa-tniga nuac eia eteîtained their family, Mi.aKig", adGa ascoe and Mis. enMKa Bobby and ville and local aras an r.FrdDr adfm Bruce Hancock took the solo Lanry at Mr. John Catton's. A wedding stpe a edraywl aeatrewe WO Sily, Woodville; Mr. and Mis. W e d n s at i h anthem "«Rejoice M.adMs KnCCrn a h oeo *$1Arthur Daît and !amily, Mr. 4 for Crs Is Bon.'and Dawn, Mi. Howard Cow- R. Clark for hirprnsa-o n egular to $4.50 and Ms. Bob Dat and amly Sunday School, which waslling, Whitby, at M. Leslie CLEARING AT ______ on Christnmas Day. mot held on Christmas Day, Cochrane's. ,> , _______F.___B.______________________will eueo Ne ers M.ad r.'EA.Knn _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _Ms F. B . G l a p dl rO s . D a y a t th e r e g u la r tim e . l a n d G a r y , W a te r d o w n , M is s . j ' M.UHON eCrsmase Jan and Rsofs Al treasurers are reminded Myrte Tamblyn, Toronto, Mr.ltU & fZ .1.4 V E, Regla $.5 George Hilts, Oshawa. to prepane a financial summary and Mis. Bruce Bowman,St _$ 6 0 .and dagtrs SRoTomghs for publication in the Ana Paul, Minm, M. Lloyd Avery, Regla $.53 .and Mighes. ScRoTha Report before turming their Bowmanville with the J. W. EXT R SPEIAL! isitd at ussel-Stantons onbooks in for audit. Rev. Brid- Bowman's. TEWEL EXTRA SPECIAL! Uic~~~th day before Christmas. PELTZER - MOFFAT grams were read by Mr. Har- ges requests that copies be Mr. and Ms. Don Lee and TH WHE:Mn.reta vntoutlh g bil Mr.andMrs Gery lasellgiven both to the auditors and Keith at Mr. W. Fowler's, M* Mneti. nd the Glaspell fam- Orono United Church was l Peltzer. herself priai ta January .7 ta Hampton. RE N N Sily at abirthday paity for i the se o! oey obe For her wedding trip, the facilitate preparation o! the Mr. and Mis. Fred Samnis R2E MpN A N T SM is 2 r . G1 96yGla sp d il a d o ble - e n t w olds y e i h d u l - m e i g J n a r 4 r fi n a i y r n ¼to 3 yards mother, Mrs. F. B. Glaspell on ring ceremomy on October 15, orde chose a royal blue complete report for the annual and family, Mi. and Mis. Fred WOOLS - BLENDS RICE Mr. and Mis. Allan Fisher Elaine Moffat, daughtereof bîeasted limes. A white brush- Mi. and Mis. Grant Hunter, Mis. Neil Smith and !amily, SOME COTTONS visited at Harvey Webstei's, Mirs. David Sheldon Moffat cd felt hat, white gloves and Prince Albert, entertained the Columbus, Mr. and Mis. Leslie Little Britain and Archie and the late Mr. Mo! fat of black accessories completed senior choir and their guests Watten and family, Mn. and 54" OOLFLA NELParin rs, yrte, ecetly OrnoOntario, was uniedi her Costume. Her corsage was at their home recently. A pie- Mis. Ernest Wotten and fani- CLOTHES CARiIT 54 WlarFNNELMr.Panridrs. Grge Fiscertly. rOnO, with Rudop Fran white roses. Afteî a weddig sentation was made ta Marg ily, M. and Ms. Stan Wotten Begular $3.513 PL.JV ~and sons, Oshawa, wene visit- Peltzer, son o! Mis. Rudolph trip to the Maritime Pro- Burns in recognition o! ber and family, Oshawa, Miss Judy Keep your cloc lend ern amu lhu ors at Allan Fisher's, Decem- Bonis Peltzeî and the late Mi. vînces, the happy couple mo- work with the junior choir Lee and Miss Apnil Rice, havlng It drycleacirglrItrasde oedmg ber 26th. Peltzcî o! Rosemaîy, Alberta. toied west and are mow living since its formation. Miss Burns Hampton, with Mis. R. Gni!. than hundreds !dycenna Mn. Allan Fisher attcndcd Bev. Basil Long afficiated. on the groom's faim at Rose- bas moved ta Ottawa. fi n. thc funeral o! bis cousin, Miss Wedding mnusic was played may_ AibertiH oliday guest,$ of Mn. and Mn. and Mis. Wallace Pas- O D D Clara it at Toronto. by Mis. Richard Morton who Out of towÊtguests lnd'udedi s.11R. Dale imcluded Mis. coe, Mis. Keith Davcy, Elaine E OI Mr ndMs Aln ihr loaccompanied the soîoist, several couples from Alberta Dale's fathien, Mr. George and Garth with the Sargents, M M RA OPTLANA I ~ EU ~ attended a !amily party at Mis. John Frise a! Peterbor- as well as guests fnom NewiDumlop, Coldwater, Ontai. Ida. Ontario Str. V a.I. tj hi C - George Fishe's, Oshawa, on oug. She sang "Entreat Me York and many points in On- WREN Sandra Eccles and Mr. Mr. and Ms. Donald Pes- 'utao retCus-ve.,lf.oa I - WFniday night. Not To Leave lhe befone tania. John Goton, Bannie and WREN cott and family were at Mn. CLEARING AT r -___ adM. and Mis. Walter Haass the ceremony, " The Lord's Pi-bridai events included Patricia Demayen, Oshawa. Hoskin Smith's, Hampton. entertained some o! their Prayer" during the ceremnony, showeis o! gifts to the bride, The girls, who spent thein Mn. and Mis. Jim Harie and friends ta sec thc aid year out and "Oh Perfect Love" duriganc at Mis. Fishcn's home in training period at HMCS Coin- family, South Monaghan, Mr. and the new year in. the signing o! the reitr Bailiebora, with Mis. Harold wallis with WREN Bonnie and Mis. Murray Prescott, SEW ING ACHINESMs. Alex MeMaster enter- Given in maniage by bier Peltzen co-hostess, and nc at Blair will report January- 3 Susan and Cindy, St. Cathar ELNA GlaspelI and Gwen, Mn. and bride was radiant in a formai Orono, with Mis. Jack Morton Domnayer and Dale ta HMCS home. Reg.$39900 -SAVE$80.0 $3 9-00 Ms. Grant Glaspel and son, sheath gown o! ligoda silk. co-hostess. On SatVrday, No- Eeg $99.13- SVE$8013 -Tyrone; Mn. and Mrs. Allan The fitted bodice was fashion- vember 26th, the bride and WIIEGlaspell and Tnicia; Mr. Gea. cd with a shel mecklime and groom were treated ta a sur- WHITE'I~ Hilts, Mr. Bill Burns. Oshawa, lily point sîceves. The slender prise party when aven 80 U VEeg. $149.130 - SAVE $49.003 Mn and Mis. Ray Scott and skirt was enbaniced by eut friends visited themn at thein LLrV .. Dogls Clubs;Mr ndlceaplqu a hewas-adhome, bringing gifts and good Wn WHITE MDsuger laslun ls; and ac apiuer aterofthe aiand *ihes.Re!resbments an d Reg. $179.013 -,SAVE $500 0 129.0 lyn, Mn. and Mis. Tracy Glas- at the bottao!o the skirt. A lunch weîe served byth' eWntoey pell, Mis. F. B. Glaspell at a chapel train o! matching silk ladies, and the bride and !amîly party on Monday. with lace applique fell !rom groom passed wedding cake. BUY NOW AND $AV ATDors, îmod ad Mke hewaist fastened by a self Guets were present !rom as Dant, Woodville, spent the bow. A niatching silk wed- fan away as Calgary and Me- holiday week with their grand- ding ring band held a French dicine Hat,. parents, Mn. and Mis. Henry tulle- veil edged witb chan- Dant and Mr. and Mis. Nelson tilly lace, fallimg softly in tra- GISN-TR LLdioa.fso.Secaie mie iiatrana tios.ik ingStu-day, Debr 1 O OB RN DMy .A wideC p__ fion eltste amres Hrod ibon Te1edi S L I M S S W E A T E R ~~~~ halos. Ail o! the attendants was played by Mis. Richard Prdcdnert msridquly SLIM SWE TERScarnied white gathernig hp'- Morton and the solaist was kets o! white ligi 'munis, pink Mi. Glen AllUn. RE - $1.95 carntionlest red amers taTe rdel, as aido!hoornded ysandar.Collecting y t at i edn .00t $49 ~ ~ M Reg. te $12,95 $000 sweetheart nases accemted lier two sisters, Miss Margeryj SAL PRCEmatch their costumes. Mis. C. Maartcmse, and by The groom was attended by Miss Sharon Stric'ken, Mis. T. bis brother, Harold Peltzer, Carleton and Miss Patti Lunn Wl N TI COATSA L L A T Sand thc ushers weie brothens as flowen girl. The attendants U C L N A M WINTER COATS ALL HATS of the bridean groom,. Wil- were gowned in floondlength O C L N A M Damn Moffat and Alfred Peit- sheaths o! emerald gren UP ZCte, French velvet, with empire rd . Clearing or bier daughtei's wedding, bodices and thice-quanter- 1/2 P ostmeofoysten silk waisted a single white commercialï NOW DELIVERED TO YOUR DOOR ...O ian A-lime style. Her bat chrysantheipum, the stem en- AVAILABLE AT OUR DAIRY BAE DR SS Squoisc brocade. A cae girl was simnilarly desdi T cnss-ingo!a ree rchid floor-length gown amd carried 30Y mSmTad yellow swcetheart roses a wbite fui muff ccntred wlth - 'iRNE ORPODCS F ' 1 IDTcomplemented ber ensemble. pink rosebuds. Flat green vel- ONTbe gioom's mother ware a vet bows, covered witb match- W goomwasLOU IC N pece cstue o! royal îng flowers, !ormed the headDR r A4. AT DRASTJCALLY Ldy Mlh to thers and she wore a corsage brother, Mr. Douglas Gibson ire ofpink 'sweetheart roses, o! Coineil University, as best REDU PRCES 3 L0 U ESAlter Uic cereniony, a re- zmn Usheis were Mi. David ception and dance wua hld mi Gibson of Ryerson Folyehi th L.... Hall. Mi. Robert cal Institut.,'another brotheri oUbr acted as master o! cere- Mt. Terry Caneton and Mi. AtL SALES CASH ALL SALES FINAL monies. Mr. W. P. Rickard ltom Wessnan. PHON 6235444 fOR N MS D I,1V M0O EXCHANGES - NO REFUNDS bride ta whlch the ronr-0ooUi* hrbMi 'MWopoaC=MtUic o t ien !.>Thé wed la m the

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