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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 11 Jan 1967, p. 5

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M.Lloyd Ayre. As ProMent AM, Mm .Lloyd Ayre was elected She eprtd Uthefolewing Preuident et the Wemen's disbureens donation to Mal Auxillary at Uic an- hospital .$2.500, membershiP meeting held inithe Board fee in the Provincial Hospi- et Memorlal Hospital on tai Auxiliarles Association 1i testlPresidentpadvrtisangart6sho, deest a4e feroe Mrs. foW. M. $ and15,expenseas 1Uic.car y a Uic past r esiW ent 3. 15arty and art f shw e mer - e: Istofie ee fori d irt$3.5da gtes to58 G.Meurter, 2nd Vice- hospital convention $20.25, ,. ent, Mrs. E. R. Thomp- bursaries $200, five window "bon,, rasrr, Mis. R. G. boxes $75, miscellaneous $4.47, Cowîe; 'Recording Secretary, two past presidents' pins $7.85, bM&s. J. J. Cuddahee and Cor- a total et $3,061-31. -xespondnj Secretary, Mrs. -J. Mrs. Hooe3' Uic Gi Shop Nesbitt. 'Ênc Executive Mcm- Convenor, rcported on the bers arc Mrs. Wesley Cawker, eucoess ot this outstanding 1fr.. L. T. McLaughlin ad prejectinl 1966. The total eut- Mrn. George Stephenson, New- lay, which includcd ail expen- c~stle.ses and $1,500 te Uic auxiliary's The Committees for 1967 general tund, amountcd te are: Buying, Mrs. O. N. Plum- £8,201.82. mer and Mrs. Duncan Smith; -TeGf hpblnei Finance, Mrs. R. C. Simpson, TeGf hpblnei Newcastle, Mrs. C. G. Morric bank on January ist, 1966 Mrs., K. J. Ferguson and Mrs' was $349.58, and bank intereat B. R Thmpso; Gft Sopamounted te $18.43. Reoeipts Mrs. A. L. Hooey, Mr. S. R. during 16 ee itSo James; Tea, Mrs. Lawrence C. Sales $7,215.92, Smith Bever- Mason and Mrs. J. J. Brown; ages $829.30, and retund on Marathon Bridge, Mrs . magazines $17.12, a total et O'Neiland Mrs. E. V. Hoar, $1,430.35. Co-Convenors, Mrs. L. W' Mrs. Van Nest, the Finance Dippeli, Mrs. S. G. McMurter Committee Chairman reported and Mrs. Jesse Van Nest; on the well attcnded Card Special Favers, Mrs E. R' Party and Art Show held car- ThM. on and Mrs. Harry Iy i the year which reallzed M.Rudell; Layette, Mrs. Allan cent commission on the 10 B. Sylvester; Library Cart pictures soid. Mrs. William Wallis; Nominat: She toid et the Vanishing Ixig Comniittee, Mas. L. T. Tees started in October, and McLaughlin, Mrs. R. G. Cowie said that the first one was and Mrs. W. M. Rudeil. hcld by Presidcnt Rudeli. Sev- The Board Rooni was filled erai other members, and 13 te capacity for the meeting. organizations in the district The retiring President, Mrs. W. held Vanishing Teas and the M. Rudeil, welcomed the mcm: proceeds te the auxiiiary total- bers, and she spoke cf the îoss led $536, she stated. Mrs. Van te thc auxiliary occasioned by Nest thankcd Mrs. B. D. Till- the death cf Mrs. Aubrey cock, Mrs. C. G. Morris, Mrs. Smith. 1 R. C. Simipson, Newcastle, and 1 "It has been a privilege, a Mrs. K. J. Ferguson, President pleasure, and indeed an honor Rudeli for their fine work te have served the auxiliary during the year. as your president for the past Mrs. Wallis, Library Cart thrce years, and I wouid like Chairman, reported that the te Uiank evcryone for, the won- Library Cart had madc 52 trips derful support I have had,", during 1966. Nine volunteers Mrs. Rudeli sald. had assistcd. She reported that The retiring president then there had been a number o! deciared ail offices vacant, and donations of pocket novels, asked Mrs. J. O'Neill, a past b.ard covered books and maga- president te take the chair for zincs. Mrs. Cuddahee, the Re- ie annuai meeting. cording Secretary in her report reviewed the meetings and Revenue Over $3,000 the auxiliary's activities and The treasurer, Mrs. R. G. projccts during the year. Mrs. Cowle, reported that total McMurter, Membcrship Chair- revenues amounted te $3,309.63. man, spoke of the number et This was mmde up as follows: members who bad joincd in Gift Shop $1,.900; Birthday Tea 1966. Donations $5 19.51; Birtbday Mrs. George Vice, the Cor- * Tea Draw $15.25; other dona- rcsponding Sccretry, stated tiens $16; Cook books sale $51; that during 1966, 159 letters ~ $78; Marathon Bridge wcre sent eut net înciuding r~357.47; Card Party and Art those regarding the Art Show Show $212.50', Commission on and Vantshing Teas. During situe soid $25.50; Decora- this period 524 monthly notices o'gns and foodstuffs sold werc sent, 10 sympathy carde $23.40. and flve get well cards. In her Reports fromle Women'Es Institutes j I -'4 Y 'J EOWMANVILLE W. IL decerations were ln evidence. On a table up front wae a The Bownianville Womnen's beautiful cutwork cloth and Institute regular meeting wae on il was a brase candelabra held on Thumsday, Jan. 5th, ln and seven mcd candies, two the Salvation Army Youth silver candie holders with Centre, witb a gond attend- whtte candies, two flage set in once. Second Vice President l~'eders and a beautitul card Mmer. G. Bagneil was in Uic depicting the event, painted chair for the tiret part o! the by Mrs. Lorenzo Truil, a meeting. The meeting opened birtbday cake with pink can- with (Y Canada, the Institute dies wbich were iighted by Ode and thc Lord's Prayer. Mrs. Gilbert Adcock, as she Mrs. C. Downey, convenor bad ber 75th birtbday on Jan. o! Canadian Industries, was let. On Uce Presidcnt's table in charge o! the pregrani. were two more red candles ta 'he motte, "Make l well and brase holders. ft wlll sel" was given by Mrs. Minutes were read and ap- C. Duan. preved, aise treasurer's re- The guet speaker, Mrs. S. port, and correspondence. A Cmwkcr o! Nestieton, wms in.- mce report came froni Golden troduced by Mrs. C. Downey. Plougb Home in Cobourg. Mrs. Cmwker is a sister et one Mas. Blanchard reperted the ot our members, MT>. 0. lovely Chrietmas party down Brýgp, and a member of Hton- Ucere, that she and Mr. Bien- eËeInstitute and Federa- icbard ttended. A committee tien Representative for On- wme aPPOIntcd o! Mrs. Caver- tarte South District. She ly, Mrs,ý Melcaif and Mrs. spoke briefly on Instituts Macnab te arrange seme en- work. Then went on te Cana- tertalament for March l7th. dian Industries, deeling witb Mrs. Alita was appointed te the ditterent industries -n attend a convention in June Canada and bow plastic is et Guelph. Happy birthday taking qie place of paper for was sung for Mrs. Adcock and wrapplng pcaeec She Mrs. Smmics. Collections were alesoe on our Sait Heri- taken up ta g e i biggest sait industry The centre group were in behig et Windsor Ont. At charge and Mrs. T. Mcuntjoy lemt twice a day you bear, presided. Mrs. Caveriy bmd «'Please pase the sait." She the motte, "The safeet place aise menttoned Uic value o! te live te just withîn your in- sait la our systeni. She finish- come." She had prcpared a cd ber talk with an Industrial splendid paper on the subject Quiz. Mm. C. Downey lhmnk- and remd il. The roll cli was ed Mrs. Cùwker and b'irs. C.* well answered, "Wby I ami Dunn. proud to be a Canadien hn President Mrs. David Park î 1967". Mrs. Merwin Mountjoy preslded for the business por- gave a fine piano solo, "«Old tien et Uic meeting. Secre- Folks et Home" with varia- tary-Treasurer Mrs. I. Munday tiens. read the minutes and corres- Our~ speaker, Miss Patricia pondence and gave a tinancial Wray, our Home Economisi taiement. Business pertain- froni Lindsay, gave a vcry Ing te the correspondence was fine taik on Food and Drug deait w 1It b. Arrangements Act and quacks. Mrs. Baleen were madc for members g o- and Mrs. Macnmb sang e duet Ing te thc "Hats tor You" "Have Thine Own Way, Summary day on Jan. 12th in Lord", Mrs. Mountjoy ccom- 0r.The New Tweedsmuir panied. Several ladies read *lijstory bas been started and excerpis troni people who was on display. have enjoycd the Canadian The roll cail, "A productI h osp:tality.' Il was reported that Mrs. bought because il was adver- Roy Knox is very iii in Tor- tUsed," was weil answered. ente hespital and a card was lirs. iseman asked the mcm- signcd by ail te send ber. bers to tr3' and have their Hope te gel better reports. ginsa ready for the Kopper The blrihday card was signed Zarnival by thc March meet- by al and wiil be put ia our Ing. - Twcedsmulr History b 0o k. uotthalt heur was en- Some lime mgo mmmy ladies yail Many were made their new bats, with becdte visit wlithMme. lirs. Chant and Mme. Smales b- %Emerson, Nestletoîn uM charge. The ladies were al ommpaalcd Mme. Caw- their bats and they parade 1cer. Lunch wiýevdb hrudtero n r.W gA W NW. 1 lon. ýlirMm Metesif, lirs. Armeur The WonWn'so Institute Jan- and lir. Wihiiur arranged Uic VMry meeting w"s held tt refreshments; birthcly cake, Abe t aundvat m tary etlmecreani and 1cm. The InsU- *é . be, muad opn.dbsim- tute grace wus sung before lng 'O Cemada" u tlu"d"~nh. auk wepe the lb 'Ca&tc»"The ladies with their bats Mud LIql> prlye1 an laivted te go te Oromo It sing »V anmd Canada'. Unted Churcli on Thursday, MQh~v f..100yga ed piçaJnum y131h. treport, Mns. Vice said that 11 ) rosesil vases had been sent te meinhers while they wcre .Patet in the hoapital. Moth- ers Dy g*t were in ail 20 cârations, and twe containers ot memorial flowers. for late' members had also been sent. >She aise presented a satistac- tory financial statement. Mrs. O'Neill, Co-Convener with Ifrs. E. V. Hoar cf thc Marathon Bridge, reported tbat during Uic 1065-66 season re- turns from this project amount- c d te $212.50 with two ladies' groups and one mixed greup playing. She said that Uic 1966-67 Marathon Bridge re- turne froin October te. New Year's have aniounted to $133. Mrs. W. A. Courtney, Tea Convenor, reported on the Membership Tea hcld in Feb- ruary. She said that a beautitul crtrepiece had been made for tis event by Mrs. Van Nest, and that it was sold 'atter- wards. She said that in November auxiiiary members ater the meeting had attended a tea at St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday Schoel roonis. Mrs. Courtney rcported that coffee and sandwiches made by the dietary staff werc suppiied by the hospital ater cach aux- iliary meeting, and she thank- cd ail who had heipcd her serve. Al thc auxilhary mcm- bers present signed a card te accompany a gift te the dictary staff as a token of appreciation. Mrs. Mason, 'a past president, reperted that 24 auxiliary members, 14 associate members and seven non-members had worked as volunteers in the Gift Shop in 1966. As Chairman of Volunteers for the past five years, Mrs. Mason paid tribute to ail the volunteers for their work, par- ticularly te the taithfuliy reg- ular cnes, Mrs. Hocey, who in addition te al ber work as Gift Shop Chairman worked there as a volunteer three or four tumes a month, Mrs. Mark Roenigk for her work there on Sundays, Miss Mary Jewell, 'Mrs. McMurtcr, Mrs. Thomp- son, Mrs. Plummer, Mrs. Wil- bcrt Teepie and Mrs. H. D. Waters, severai times a month for five years, Mrs. R. Hendry and Mrs. V. Wilson, Orono, four years, Mrs. Wallis, three years, and two young volun- teers, Miss Christy Tighe and Miss Saily Withcriy, threc years. In the absence o! Mrs. E. R. ThopenTry Tavoes Cm- adSt. imatriek%.Susila Gý u~HaIwe'enl iv es U is Or a itmu; ~ rl t mas StPaul' » rll UntdC.GJ.T.'s. Ma.. Rude aise prcsented is. mSylvester' Layette Report, which -stated that there are two layettes for boys anddUiree for girls on hand. Slip reperted that six layettes have been. given out and - that t our more have been spoken fer she asked fer sug etions as teorganizations wlig te make and denate sBome. WHAT NAPPENE»? Dear Sir:- What ,happencd to, Uic "Sunday" film as advertised, on TV ot how Uic people live in the rural district o! Durham? We talked for days ot net missing the "Sunday"l show and theni came the "big" nigbt for us te sec on TV familiar tamping greunds.. In my wee living room eleven people were« crowd- cd in front et my "lli'l oie portable" weiting excitedly for the "'greet" film te atart rollin'! Wli!! In my estimation how people live in rural districts arc, a fcw famuilies slighing on a country bill, then going to Uic littie red echocihouse for hot soup, horse-back riding in Uic country, skaters on aL pond, cbopping wood for an old- tashtoned cook steve, and a man chopping a hole la Uhe !ce o! a pond te gel water for hie cattie. I could men- tion more and I'm sure others couid tmo. Did the ekaters on Van- stonc's pend go by se test we missed theni, or did I blink my eycs and thcy were gene? N4ow, I undcrstand the scenes were only te be used as a background. "«Had" we been propcriy informed, I doubt if se many people wouid bave sat through the jibberings cf Professer? George Grant. To me ht was a film on Professer? George Grant, Larry Zoit and Ian Tyson. One word sizes that film up, "disappointing!" Signed, .1 ~Disgusted. 1 HAMPTON, wih ai Hampton Church ai 3:30 were dinner gueste at a tam- nmd, MÎ& Don Goode and tain- young people (hgschoo age home of Mr. and Mrs. Harold :LaIÀrefiekI, Mr. and Mrm or over) aRnd adultu who are Ashton, Enniskiflen. BWDadeon and family, Peter- nterested please gét ini touch A belated Christmas dinnert M.and Mrs. Irvine with Bey. Catto ora Senior prywshl nWdedy Osawa. On BxigEider, of the church as so" Dec. 28th, as a famlly affair.1 D& the Tinka were dner as possibi..Mr. and Mrs. Michael Hickey gu aswth Mr. and Mrs. Bill As their Centennial Project, and Douglas, Oshawa, Mr. and Damnat Peterborough. On Hamapton Doubles Club have Mrs, Glenn Hickey and Caria, New Year's DaY vlsited iCentennial spoons to sedi Any- Timmins, Mr. and Mrs. Bill Toronto with Mrs.' J. W. one interested~ in purchasing Edward* and children, Osh- Wlatson. one or more please contact one awa Mr. anid Mrs. Michael. M(r. and Mrs. Hosken Smith of the following, M. Bradley, -Hfic1key and Michaela, Ottawa, were dinner guests with Mr. 263-2248; Steve Artyn, 263-2065 were ail guests with Mr. and aà Mrs. Russell Gilbert of or Ralph Ballard, 263-2234. Mrs. Lionel Hickey and fam- Bownianv ille on New Year's Mr. and Mrs. W. Lawrie, ily. Day. Bowmanviile, were guests Caliers during the holiday A sinail fire broke eut on with Mr. and Mrs. Bill Hol- week at the home of Mr. anda Tuesday around nopn Urne at royd and family on Sunday. IMIxs. A. W. Prescott were Mr.v the home of Mr. and Mrs. Cailers on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Prescott andà Mountenay. Not too much and Mrs. Fred Holroyd, were family, Maple Grove, Mrs. damage was- done. It started Mr. and Mrs. Fred Holroyd and Edgar Prescott, Miss Marion E inurhechulrch Bill of Bawnianville. Prescott, Enfield, Mr. Murraya tauen byRheicn s I must uay Uie hockey game Prescott, St. Catharines, Mr.s Dtrict S evarColithe Cana that was playcd and shown on Frank Gilbert, Solina. New i Distnc Bibe cety.of Re CanRud televîsion Friday evening, Jan. Year's Day dinner guests wereà daseBil the ciren's RV. u 6th at 8:30 p.m. when Canada Mr. and Mrs. John CarriganI asoiplture readen sor beat Russia i the World In- and Douglas, Oshawa, Mr. and chaptue r tourverss 16-37 vitational Centennial Hockey Mr$. Jacob Kessier, Amy andt es furcaersto th37,Tournament was quite a game. Jakie, Bolton. where Jss aWtô-t e sVl epodo h Qieafwrsdnso Synagogue in Nazareth on wesel e ru ofte Qi a ew esdn fE Sunday as was his custom to manpower w have to stand Hampton brought the New stand up and read to the people upt such a fast pace they Year in by giving or attend- who tteded Th pepledidave to keep up for such short ing parties or dances. Hope not belleve what He, said anda time. Good luck to them Im they ail had a good time and woud hvelikd t cst imail the 'events they are going it will be a good year for ail. out. But this you cannot do.toprciae nltr this Happy New Year. Hynins were sung. The ser- Gintr.yRgr was home for ~a~ n r.Gog e mon was "The Relevant Book."Gtrry Rgers t hspretwith M. adursg eeYek Benediction was given. thweedwthisprn, were Mr. and Mrs. Raynard Sunay venngRev Rud r. and Mrs. Ted Rogers. Freeman, Oshawa, Mr. and held a showing of two color Gryi o okn Mrs. Delbert Yeo and Lorna, films i the C.E. Room M Toronto. Oshawa. Lorna sbent the holi- Hampton Church, one on the (Intended for last week) day week with Lynn Yeo. On IlTreasures ot India" and the M1r. and Mrs. Baden Pingle, Monday, Dec. 26th, Mr. and other about the work of the Mr. and Mrs. Stan Pingle and Mrs. George Yen were dinner l'Society ot Africa." Rev. Rudd family, Mr. and Mrs. Laur- guets with Mr. and Mrs. has served about 12 years with ance, Fancy and Larry, ail cf Glenn Smith and faniily. the Bible Society as weil as Bowmanviile, Mr. Peter Peel, On New Year's Eve a party many with the United Church Mr. Normnan Thompson, Cour- was given for Mr. and Mrs. niinistry. tice, Miss Rhea Schneider, George Yeo who were inar- Announcements Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs. Art ried thirty-five years. Their On Saturday, January l4th, Reynolds, Debbic, Steve, Jane family, a tew relatives and the Scouts and Cubs will be and Tracy Lynn, Mr. and Mrs. friends rcally enjoyed theni- collecting pop botties s0 please Harold Wilkins and family selves at the home of Mr. and leave your donations i front were Christmas Day dinner Mrs. William Yco, here in ot your home by 9 a.m. or if guests with Mr. and Mrs. Hampton. They were present- you wish a special pick-up. Harold Balson. cd with a Duncan Phyfe style Phone 725-5930. Mr. and Mrs. M er w in extension table troni their I'm sure this would be ap- Mountjoy were guests of Mr. children, which was grcatly, prcciated and you wili be and Mrs. Gordon MacLean, appreciated. Belated congrat-I helping a good cause. Thank Bowmanviile. Christmas Day ulations for your happincss te you. guests with the Mountjoys both of you! Annual Generai meeting will wcre Miss Anna Sameils, Or- Mr. and Mrs. George Yen be held at Hampton, January ono, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth and Lynn were New Year's 24th. Noniinating Committees Samelis, Biackstock. Day dinner guests wîth Mr. please note: Ail Group Lead- Christmas visitors with. Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk, Ty- crs please bring your annual and Mrs. Sid Kerscy wcre rone, aise, Mr. Walter Vaneyk reports sonti meetig can pro- Mrs. Mcl McCune and daugh- was present. ceed smoothly. ters, Mr. and Mrs. Ken Pooler Mr. and Mrs. FrdY ory If the Hampton C.GI.T. and girls, Mr. and Mrs. Ray were dinner guests on New girls and the Expiorers wish Burns, ail o! Oshawa. Rev. Year's Day wîth Mr. and Mrs. to continue their work in this and Mrs. Ted Kerscy and tam- Fred Hoiroyd and tamlly in field they wiil be welcome to iiy, Hamilton, were weekend Bowmanviiic; aise Mr. and attend meetings at Eidad. guests. On Christmas Day Mrs. Amos Brookham, Osh- On Sunday, January 22nd, Mr. and Mrs. Sid-Xcrscy, Rcv. awa, were guests. confirmation classes will begin and Mrs. Ted Kcrsey and tamly M.r. Frank Hoiroyd, Bow- ..... BeB. The Bargain Bug Says.. ~,Youii bo Smîtten with Savings throughout the Store" Ibm Caaadlah Statamuan, E@wmanvlfle, 3'». Il 1%? manvihle lalted Won. Stra evenlng *O i afs 1 and Mrs. Fred ory& u. - ad mes. rd. weks, Toronto, vilited wlth M. and Mmra Igenel Hickey duri the week. M.. and irs. W. Lwrie, Bowmanville, were dinner guesis on Monday wlth Mr. and lirs. Bill HôIrod - ad family; alse Mrs. Sm 7%Fryna, Margie and Heather, Cedar Creat Beach, Bowmanvlfe. LONG SÀTJLT Mr. and Mas. John Vaneyk and f amuly, Ma. Walter Vaneyk were Sunday aupper guesta et Mr. and Mrs. Paul Vaneyk. Cahiers at Uic Smith home Sunday atternoon were Mr. and Mrs. S. G. Harmer, Clark- son; Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Har- mer, Ernie and Beili; Ma. and Mas. David Harmer and AMm Louise. Ma. Robert Sim vlslted bis brother, Mar. Wm. Sum who was serloualy hurt last Fridayl morning when bit by a ..car 0/ 0'k L E '. ANNUAL UANUARY LIGHTWIGHT WOLENSSave U p to $4. 10 yd. 18 LIGNYWEIHT WOOLNS Reg.5.98 yd. 188Y Springtimc weavcs ln levely pastels. Tweeds, cecks and plains. Will make up îdeally inte suite, skirts, slacks and Jumpers. 54' wldths. SAVE 310 yd. * Y. PINWALE COTTON CORDUROY Reg. 1. 19 yd. 88 D Ever.pcpular fabrlc for bey's wear, sportswear, sheaths and home decor. Red, royal, turquoise, kelly, gold, brown. 3511 widths. T FE LINING Save 150 yd. it Y uarm~Reg. 980 yd.83 . Sprlng-weight acetate taffeta linlng in aIl the new sprlng '67 shades. Washable. 54" wldths. CASHMELAINE Reg. 1.19yd. 94Ç YD. Soft and supple, drapes superbly. Washable. Wide range of colore. 35'f widths'. Save Up te 400 yd. YD COTTON PRINTS Reg. 790 yd. 39Ç» These washable, better quality, fasi-color prints are Canadian-made. This group le an accumulation of milI over-runs. Spring patterns and past els. 351 widths. PRE-SHRUNK BROADCLOTH SaReUp T790 yd. 39Ç lA For dresses, blouses, aprons, quilts, bey's shirts. and home decor. From a well-known Canadian milI. Assorted solid colors. 35" widths. Save 22o.yd. YD. DOWNY-SOFT PRINTED FLANNELETTE Reg. 690 yd. - 47Ç FieraIs, stripes, geomnetric and nursery designs. Wel-napped, soft, hcavy quality. Washable and celer. fast. Wonderful for better quality nightwear. 3811 widths. f'~**kIMaVmf Sav 30 yd .al D IPOPLIN WVKUUfINES Reg. 1.29 y . 77 D New spring and summer prints in fashion's latest colors. Matching plains. Magicaretl finish. Nautical designs included. Make your selections now fer hip huggers, suni shifts, separates, sportswear, vacation shifts and patio wear. Beautiful assorted colors. 45' widlths. MIX 'N'ATCH SAILOR CLOTI Save 2f4 yd. on Solids 1 3 Save 220 yd. on Pit Reg. 1.59 yd. 1 3 YD. Reg. 1 .89 yd. 1.67 YD. New imported woven fabric et 100% cotten. ln a washable hopsack weave for ail your vacation needs. Easy-care finish in spring 67'snewest designs and malching selid colora. Blazing calers. 45" wîdths. 80% VISCOSE & 20% COTTON LINERN%. 1.59 Heu crease-resistant and washable qualities. For alyour sprlng mmd summer wardrobe aewi ngprejects. Brealhtaking pastels. 44 widths. Save 3 1 yd. YD SIXTY-SEVEN PRINTS Rg. 1.98Syd. 1*6 YD Woven of 100% Eastman Estron', acefate M~ new lmported prints, Hand washable. For botter blouses, dresses, shîfla and sun loe. 44 weidths. WOVEN COTT'ON GINGHAM Re. .9y<d. 88Ç YD- Mill clearance et a well.known brand. Firsi quallly. Assorted pastels. 351 widths. HEATHER NOPSACKING WITHM TCING LINING Save 27J yd. On Hopsacklng .tian b Sae10d.OUng.83 o Reg. 2.25 y.17 D. v yddOU ln980ç .< Heather hopsacking woven et viscose and acetâte. Matching, orblendlng llning calera ln ssorted warm weather shades. 4V wdths. NU.AN.50A d.1.99 YD. This acetale clolh In à honan weeve has lb appnurance of pure s;ik pdriait, asl ,geemitric mnd floal designus. Hand washa bic. Hus greater wrinkl.rusbmtnoebtioso lsStrse4ni sh. Assorted colors. 44 widths. WIL. WWISP CORUIAIS .;wyd5Ç Embosad 100% Coton by Tas-MadW. COWp gel d ida WlthMaodur fnish. WM maks charmling chldren's wear. Dresses, play suit*., situanmd nl&htWsr. M8'Widths, SAVE 211 Yd. IMPORTED PRINTED HOPSACKING Rg. 1.98 yd. Ee77 YD. This lively "He-lpsac"l open wcavm wilI be much In demand this seasen for the new fasiions. Variety of colora. 351 widths. NUBBY RATINE Reg . 1.167 »D Woven ef viscose and acetate twlsted yarn. Marýelous for Easter fashions, pant suis, sportswear and children's spring ceats. 44" widths. PLAIN RNEL®BLENDDENUMSave 374 yd.1 8 PLINAREL LED ENMReg. 2.25 yd. 388YD. A popular blend for ils easy.care finish. Crease-reslstant, il literally sheds off wrlnkles. 44r wldths. SPRINGWEIGHT HOMESPUN Reg. 1.98 yÏ. 1.67 YD. Enlarged breathing weave. 1In solid colored new-season shades. 4411 widths. MATCH ANVASSave 220 yd. 1.2 MiI , MACHN'VA Reg. 1.49 yd. 3e2 YD. Cotton duck weavc in maichine-washable cotorfast prints and matching plains. Spring 67,s newest fashion shades. 45'f widths. 'tPUPPY BARK"Save 210yd. 17 D "PUPYBAK"CO-ORDINATES Reg. 1.98 yd. 17 O For mix In, match wardrobes. In checks and stripes with ce.ordinating solid shades. Eye-catching colors with matching solids ef citron, pem.-pem, pink, leaf green, silver, azalea, Miac, navy, blueberry and daffodil. 451 widths. Save 22e yd. STRAW WEAVE LINEN Reg. 1.49 yd..27e 5Yi) Weven ef acetate cotton in spring 67's newest shades, such as, mauve, pink, blue, ycllow, green and white. 45" widths. InEb.I®Save 224 yd.YD ARE@BLEND SEERSUCKER Reg. 1.79 yd . Ie057 Beloved for evcryone's hot weather wardrobes. In fine line pastel and new-season colore alternating with white. Neyer nceeds ironing. 44e widths. Save 240 yd. leD WOVEN CHECKED GINGHAM Reg. 790 yd. ïOç D Orisp cotton gingham n n/.' and /., checks. Many colora. Se fresh looking for dresses, blouses, curtalnay cushions, aprons, quilts and children's wear. 3611 widths. Save 32e yd. A PRINTED CREPERe.17 d.1 7 o ln hmnd washable printed acetate. Fo« dressy spring and swrnmor wear. 4e' widths. UHOSAC TWEDSave 324 yd. V HOPSC" TEEDRef. 2.19 yd. 1*87' YD. A woven viscose blend. This novelty tweed will make exciting casual wear for the new 167 seasons. White blended with assorted bold and bright colora. 44' widths. SATEEN PRINTS Reg.790 'd Dots and stripes. Cetten finishb rayon. ln washable, fast celors. Red, navy, green, plnk and blue pr.doq>. mnate. 35" widths. Save 320 yd. SURAH PRINTSRe.16 d1*7 . New acetate prints In spring 67's newesi paisley designi, Pastels. 4411 wtdths. POLYNOSIC CO-ORDINATES Reg. 1.1 9 "4YD., Ceara nce.of spring and summer pastels from a well-known mMi. In plain and prlnW id 'xW matchý shantung weave, this- polynoslc cotten Lirelle, blond ls washable. 440 Wldtbs. COMI CoirouSUN CMcxSav 221y4I.97 Sanforzod&mnd mercerized for a more lustrous @ppearanoe, Wmhs ls à charm VÎdeisotrnsut sucny sun shides. 441 wfdtiis. PLAIN WMTI FLANNELET 2717 Wldtha ft%. 398P . J àjpw* Rw 0 y 6' aA 10 ys. 217 3 Ç Wl*hS q. 10 Yd. 2J qpqv 20yde.&W PlMvy quallty. Soif napped for baby dispers n-mm w. i.. end us a patienýt lh .O Mmere uygues ad Smth aier BUILDING Natural Stone, ma;s Brick, Block, Stuu&- Walk Slabs, àmeât Flue' TU.., etc. END 0F NEL0ST. PHONE 034*21 's CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST [RE INTEREST ON SAVIN( 'i 'top ald on Guaranteed In- 6 1/2 0/o vestment Certifloates for 6 6 1/4 'tol o4ya Authorlsed Trustee Inventments ~ '/<>en Savingamcunts ]ild 4 1/ 0/0 and compounded quarterly.. on Chequlng Accounts PMl Yo - and compounded qusrterIY For friendly, courteous service, longer, more convenient hours, Monday - Thursday 9 - J5:30 Frlday 9 - 8 Saturdar 9 - 4 flowmanvlhle Offce eleued Wednesdar Switch now te: CENTRAL ONTARIO TRUST & SAVINGS CORPORATION 23 Kin" st. -W. Bowmaavlle 623-22 19 slmcoe St. N. Odubawm PTouiA<Ha» 2-52 4, - * 1 1 'l

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