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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1967, p. 10

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lacâàtïm ohIé1âÊ, I6bwwkap1Rh, Ia. 18, 116? tioen d Maintenance:-.1 Use af Pesticides; Leion Opntiôhao C tr a H d ' G>pen Informatio Centre atsHylros Nuclear Station U ~ai idés.This co4naotq .bt field the Ontarîo GoCrvn4ménnt OP gLida.eeiml n C entre course alsa given March 1. Club Canara, lellevilie; Mar. lm,1 Memisl'Hall, Guelph - i m las n Wii. March 2Znd-1:0 m. - Mastitis Workshop, Le- of c c at ni nrgy such matmnlala tu urninlumand 'MlkProducen welcome. ôrutvé uëes la color- uranium "ul. They wtll be _______ lu Ontélo HYd.ro'a Invlted ta meamure the- radio- cintre on the activity of radlum.dial wnrist W S V T I nucléan Pôwàr Wàtchet with a ge g or counter. WESLE VILLEa& "M mU t f Cdown- P'romn a piattorin béhind the 7 *tùt. building, which la on high (Intended. for lait week) centre openéd lit Sun- rud work i rg.so This is the season for hold-, January13, at b à.m. tbMlHIIié-kilowptt gstation ing arinual' méotings ta close theii one-storey bui- itiaY be obiirvêd. the hooks on 1966 and autlino si 4,0M-wé-oot dis- Casual visitera are welcome the work for 1967. The U.C.W. Mané anda 150-Set hevin dayé a weok tram g held the meeting of their ini which visitôr* Wili a.m. ta 4 pan. Groupa should executive at the home of the >colon film on nuclean write or téléphone Hydro pub. président, Mn.. John Groene- Dsplays trace the lic relations afficer Don White veld, last Wednesday after-ý story froéni the ditcov- Mt the centre in advance ta be noon, with Mesdames Clar-j .f X-r*yt in 18965 ûtO he ivén adéq&uate attention. ence NichaIs, H. and E. Bar-i ,Milo nucleàr-èlectric Desîgned by Atômic Energy 1ocluh, K. Dinner, A. sud; èn whose grOunda the of Canada Limitéd and On-'H. Auustin, Gea. Tufford, H.1 Irela ucaed.tario Hydro, Pickering ia f'èove, sud Berniece Béat pro- -â wiitswlhl ueo diagramas eheiduîed ta produce first "sent. A meeting of the ses- Information centre at Ontario I{ydro's Pickering $266 million prOjeet, the contre has an observafion gpaphs sud simples ôP power lu 1970. sion for Wesleyville church nucleàr power station opened to the public Janay1 eka er tutbcgon sfrtratrbid was r he l ad Tuesdfyevu at 9 . O high ground overlooking the -site of the ing, with walls at 120-foot height. deed r a ur e .l a e s i f R v . . O Agrcutual~aen arIeQièrodscended on the Eare Bponding the holidays community this wèek foflow- II!fàipaensMr.ad4's 2 'thurà. Jànuary 19th - 8.00 Tué. February 14th- 1:30 ing the numbers of cîty hunt- V. Peacockan other roia- >»à.- Durhamx County Junior p.m. tô 3*30 p.m. - Grain Corn ors who seem ta ho un&ware l c.1 6O f i e s a tives. They had Christmas 7rMers Annual Meeting, On- Production, topic ta, be cover- of laws regardiug hunting pni- with Mr. and Mrs.. Wen Trew Ateol Department of Agricul- ed by Harvey Wright, Soils vileges, end came out taoen- ansd famuily;. .tviiêand Food. Gueit speaker aud Crap specialiat, I.O.O.F. joy the holiday time. There__IIl g * n, Mr. sud Mn.. H. Qunrl n.-Andnew Watson, Agricul- Hall, brona. is pleuty for nature watchers, - U p I m p o v inn Me t n held Christmas. Ther untîl t~r1lerseutative, North- Tue . ebruary 14th - Cana* the occasional door is seen Their.an rs. gueits1 -wbnàdCotinty. AIl young dian Swine Breéders' Associa- end plenty of winter birdsas Wallace Gsllagher from on the basis of s draw ta those plannngMeeting for 1967 wiîî trili sud Michelle, Oshawa- l«. 6 lu Durham Coun- tion Annual Meeting, Royal well as the occasional fox and Laurel in Duffenin County was who were. on timo for the beo heldglu thé bépertment of Miss Gloria Quantrill, Peter- are lcome. York Hotel, Toronto. Wolf. the keyuote speaker et the meeting. Those prosenting the Agriculture and Food, 14 Frank borough sud Mr. John Cunnier, Tue. January 24th - 8:00 Wéd. February 15th - Hol- Mns. C. Beigh ton who has Durham County Sou sund Crop prizes were Harvey Brooks, Stréet, Bowmanville on Tues- Port Hope. p..-Durham County Milk tein-Friesiàu Association of been very M1 is feeling sanie- Improvemeut Association An- Ed. Ruthven, G. B. Rickend day, February 28th at 10:00 Sympathy is extended ta ýýkomttee, meeting, Board Canada Annuel Meeting, Roy- what botter, end has been nual« Meeting in Orono ou and Sons, Gerry Brown, J. A. a.m. At this meeting, there the, Muldrew family sudc ,YtàOm, Ontario Department of al York Hotel, Tnoronto.. fortunate ta have good cane Jauuary 9, 1967. Mn. Gallaghen Rosevear for Bishop Seeds, will ho a comploté discussion fniends iu the doath of the late à Agriculture. sud Food, Bow- Thurà. February lth - On- f nom her daughters, Mn.. R. pointod .up the importance of Ceresdale Fertilizens Limited, rogarding theofeld crop wonk Mrm. Violot Walters, who diedr UMaville.. tario foot Improvoment As- Bee, Pont Hope, Mrs. Peter building an offlicient but ocon- and the Durhami Couuty Fan luI the couuty sud ail diroctors on Monday, Decembor 26. a Wed. January 25th - Guern- soclo Annual Meeting and Clarkeansd Mrs. Shirley Me- amical setup for feoding live- Sefety Counicil. l are ungod ta attend sud allJ Mn. and Mn.. Harvey Mul- "-y Cattle Bréoders' Associa- Banqiuet, Royal York Hotel, Kenzie, Uttenson, Mrs. M. stock sud thon produciug as The aunual directons project ifanonrs arewecr.dnew held Christmas aud had tin Anual Meeting, Holiday Toronto. C larke sud Mns. V. Scabo af much homo grown feed again _______________________________As___ guests Mn. sud Mrs. Bruce I=a, Ottawa, Ontario. n. Febnuary l6th - On-I Hailton and Burlingtou.. as economically as possible,.lui jcltosh, Coîdsprings, sud Thurs. January 26th - 10:00 taria hepBreedens' Asso-1 TheewaS a spécial mis- a feedlot that handles fromi !Mr. sud Mrs. R. Avenys, Osha- ani. - 1967 Poultry Industry iaion Anuel Meeting sud sionary pnogram et Sunday two huudned ta two hundred u lW&. School, Wan Mémorial Hall, Luncheon, Royal York Hotel, achool on Sunday morniug lu and fifty steens, the main feeds i Square ance N ewMr. sud Mn.. V. Peacock University of Guelph, Gueiph,lTononto. ýcharge of MrÈ. M. Payne and are haylage, the whole crop of! Îheld Christmas with Mr. sud Ontrio 1 ri. Februany l7th - Ontario 1Mns,. Harold Best. They told barley sud harley silage andý by Mollie Elliot isaie af the roveis there. The!Mrs. W. Honey, Millegen. 1.wed:-Fri. Jsnuary 25-27th - Cattie Breeders' Association Of te wonk af the former corn silage. Mn. Gallagher AlAordfr30 i'stapovens wilI ho repeatedi rMn. dMrs. L. Muldrew Annual Ontario Soils sud Annual Mee1oting, Royal Yonk1Muniel Stevens by meaus of stated that propen use oi these il badfr30 ie across tho country ta Vancou- weunt toa M nsd Mrs. W. Mul- Crop, Improvement Associa- Hôtel, Toronto. 1pictures sud childreu's narra- feeds with proper minerals1 ai Square Dancing!" That'siver. drews, Oshawa, on Monday. tftou Conférence, Coliseumn, Mou. Febnuary 2th - 1:301tion. Julie Payne sud Alleen iorm the basic portion of thelthe call that will mark the ý onno aamm r n r.R aoy C.NE. Grounda, Torouta. pm 33... ln tieWilson shawed the location af nation lbeginning of one af the most O Dmiio Dya am- Mn. sudMs.r. aonyr We.Fehruary lat - 1:15 Berrister, Bowmauviîîe, wiîl hen irnl Angola sud theo Mn.' Harvey Wright, Soils! astonishiug a n d ambitiaus math birthday panty is plan- Btr llkwaville . ud n, pin. - fluham CountnD.H. spea onqEstat PlanninginIChr0twoî BwhMnvi Anel ;zn -Duha Cuny .H sea o Etae lanigCongo on a largo meap. Miss'and Field Cnop Specialist for journeys even undertaken in nedriawn square daucensthe' ta wt n. ni f.A. Annual* Meeting St De- williq, fathen-son. pârtnorships' Steveps was born in Bowýman- the Ontario Depantment of this countny. Vtrialer. nbe sts ta the JSmith. rteut of Agriculture sud etc., 1.0.0-.'.Hall, Onono. 'ville and took nurse'. training Agriculture sud Food lu Lind-1 ln June, 1967, The Trans- Itraveilaes aryespctto rai'Mned Mn..W. Torbencho od Frank Street, Bow- Mon.& Tue. Fobruary 20th "th Miss G. Aniderson, a sis- Say along with A. O. Dalnym- Canada Centennial Square UidStesaeepcdtansd Leigh Aune, Pont Hope- pe .Mr aod l ,& 2lst; Ontario Plowmen's ton ai Mns. Clarence Nichais. pie, Agnicuitîînal Represeuta-1 Dance Train wilî roll acnoss inî uscebrate, thon toI;an.sdMn,. R. Crombie speut DaýyFelma orth n-Asoiaio nn*Alain Wilson explsined thet tive ion Durhami County led inu Canada, ail the way fnoni cebrato t hein own July 4th Chitmasa n u r.C aroDpartment ai Agicul- tion, King Edwad Sheraton she had ta beave honr wok in the discussion on the 1966 Halifax ta Vancouver, sdIto. isitos fom verseas,,Mcesala n. ud n. le sud Fond wi]1 discuas ra- Hotel, Toronto., Angola because af gavern- pnojects. Considerable uInor- back. It is one ai the mnany to~ a ddet o teitra 4ný hty à t or the -Dalry Cow. Man.-Thurs. Fobruany 2th- mont restrictions; Banry Best mation was recorded sud any projects beîng planned for1toh'"tma ph etn rog Mn. sud Mns. C. Beatty', ~v~ne welcome! 23rd - Canadian Aberdeen told af iehonwDrk lu a hospital fermer wishing a copy ai the Canadian (modern) square Thser an rtns og guests wene Mn. sud Mn.. îri.Fhur n p-AgsAscainsdJ inl the Congo sud with ne- Durhami County Sali and Crop dancing dnn etuilJse u Edmonton, with Ras. Beatty sud iamuly. Ti. ebrary3rd- Aspe Anus ssoiaton nd oin duing cenen are stop-avens, sud plans lu- Mn. sud Mn,. P. Woolacatt em1 'Swlne Conference will he Beef Bneeds Association Au- habilitation af refugees froni Impravemeut Association An- er Aomohetanrili e uesSur acn a oewt n u r.J bel4 at University ai Guelph. nus! Meeting, King Edwsrd Angola, whose pon condition nual Repont may socure this hundneds ai square dancers, 10er- flnther information cou- Sheraton Hotel, Trrnto. wass described by Nancy by eantactmng the Ontario with thein colounful costumes; at Expo iu Montreal. Hanaka. taect' Ontario Depatment ai Mou. - l. Febnuary 2th- Payne; Neil Graeneveld ex. Depantmeut ai Agriculture sud calions with thein P.A. equip- The tour is open toaial gra- Mn. and Mn,. O. Merce's T grculture sud Food, Bow- 24th 10:00 a.m. ta 4:00 p. , plained, haw Weil the two Food, Bowmnviiie. ment,-everythiug needed fo duates of classes lu Canadian visitons were Mn. sud Mns. E. mrie.dally Annuel Fareros'Week, peoples worked togethen, and The noon luncheon was this most unique sud exciting (modern) square d anc i ng; Baty, Toronto, sud Mn. sud FXl. Fobruary 3nd - et 8:00 War, Memonial Hall, Ontario Steven Dinner tald ai the pnovided by the Ladies of the holiday. Stnipped cens will ho squares aud rounds cunneutly Mns. j. Fajt sud chiîdren, -J.-- Durhami County Milk Agicultural College, Univer- building ai schools sud hos- Onono United Chunch lu the attached ta the train sa that beiug dauced thnoughaut the Pontypool. Fmcors annual meeting, sity ai Guelph: .- pitals for them. Olden girls, folm of sandwiches, coffee sud it cen be really dancing cross- countny wilho features. Que Mn. sud Mrs. H. Thickson Town 1slI, Orono. Date Toplc ai Patti Payne, Linda Tharndyke do-nuts. Appneciation was ex- country. At many pme-arang- * mfthesur aietan..dCrsms n a r eIa'Fbruary &h. - 8:00 Discussion anld Sandra Payne nead ex- pnessed ta the ladies by Win. ed stops, local -square dancons is ao pramote friendshî1,s, sud and Mn.. H. Stsats, Brantford, --'atrureesIcan-1, an. Febnuary 2th - Foragescnt oiMss Stevens' Willin while Bey. Gray thank-1wili heoan haud ta greet su an geunie n ins corn- Mn. sud Mns. J. DeKoker, t~, unhm Cau nt yTue., Fobruary 21st - - Beef diany. Al ai this story pro- ed Mn. Gallaghen sud Billi etranth rvlig danc- mncartio btou lubsCasd WeshyuMs ud oMrs. Rhe;r. I . .O.F. Hall, Onono, Wed. Fobnuary 22nd - Silages sonted ta the Sundey achool Tamblyn oxpnossed the eppre-jors. céremonies sud celebra-dacs, hnuhtCnda esesrBw uvl;M.- Wed. February 6th4 'rhums. Fohruany 2ard - Dairy childnen, a Pictûre af tue ciation ai the meeting ta tions will ho held with civic ayd theo.S., nthatnges Msil . E olradf uLal -Péyrmin .1$fetg Fmi. FebruanyM 24&J Gr4lnswOr k, doue by., othens w1th Harvey Wrighi ~ leaders, as Weil as squareme Yfel necag iisiy and Conierenée, Phy- Tue. Fobruany 21st > Cana- th m1 ~ssvnnai.y'- '%îerinem. 1 electic afficors was dance clubs, throughout the sud dence,. Mn. sud Mn.. Allan Peacock $11 ucation 'Building, Ui- dieu Shanthamu Associationi~s*'Stevens Was recentIý cOnducted sud :they gro 'às country, It lis -the ailraf square i-nT e c TraisCnd en- ad fanived et Mln sudaMe. -eslyoGelh.Annuel Meeting, King Edward marrîed sud Is nat flaw lu the 1ollows: dancers that many thousands niai seduan spoordbV.Packfrafe dy. Tue. 'ruary 7th- 10:00 Shenaton Hotel, Toronto. samne woik. Pictumes shown, Wliam Allun, President; ai Canadiens will thus hobe bentaapoe, s eso u r b nV. eocsdina tew dsys.l X<m. té 3:30 p.m. - Durhami Tue. Fobruary 21st - 9:3 on a sceeon Illustmatod the Bev. Gray, 2ud Vice-President; ta 500 sud take part lu Cen- SDCu n iteoda o h aeMi atr a tO<lntyi, Hog Production Day. a.m. - Canadian Hereford As. stoly Roy Strng, Vice-President; A. ade's national dance. SDCu n fteods o h aeMs atr a Guest upeakers, Professor For- sociation Annual M o o t i n g, *Mn. sud Mns. Ken Ashby 0. Dalmymple, Secnetemy-tneas- The train stants et Halifax sud znost active clubs lunimod- hold lu Pont Hope. After- 04w, 'Swiue specialist, Uni- King Edward Shenaton Hotol, wore et the Gastie famyniet unon. Diectors:*- Cheinnian:1picks up dencens aloug the Onu squame dancing. Chair- wards the U.C.W. ladies srved V*Oslty ai Guelph, and Mn. Tronto. 'Peterborough on Sundey ai- Cantwrlght wey ta Moutreal, thon an ta man ai the Train Counittee, lunch ta the iamily sud <Oérdon Tobey, ares extension Wed. & 'rhums. Fobrueny tennoon where huge cnowds *'Richard VanCamp, No. 2, Ottawa. Hoeea two-day colo -ArJakoisw1-konned. oelie. 22nd &. 23rd - Ontario Asso- ai people weme eujaying sleigh Nestleton; Bah DeJong, No. 2, bration is pleuned, with oui- figure iu squame and round Mr. Gordon Fowlie, Detroit, eBat%February Ilth - Zone 2 ciation af AgicultumalSce rides. A huge cowd ai thous- Nostloton; Ernest Swain, No. 3, ciels ai Canada'. Ceutennial dancing thraughaut Ontario. spout s iew days with the 'qlU-'- Famer Lemdershlp ties Aunual Convention, Kiug suds was in attondanco on Bunketon; John Walters, No. Commission takîng part. A Muldnews. 1>W School, ýPeterhor- Edwamd Sheraton Hotol, Tom- 5 tumday sud pomhaps as 2. Nestleton; Glenn Lemmon, civic lunchon ar l e ta hgests ELIZA Mn. sud Mm,. Russell White Feb onato. mauy en Sundey. lu other No. 2. Nestleton; John Bons- when dacr reLiegusýA T VILJLI cludCistmHasoland fami1y, Min- tii FhuamY I3th- On- Thurs. Msrch 2ud - 9:00 s m. yeans this ha. been à pnivato me, No. 3. Bunketon; Harvey af the City ai Ottawa. A Bon- fad udhisl n faily, il-u tmr4 -SwinoEncoedera' Asia- -4:00 p.m. - Chemicel Weod entomp ise but this year was Graham, No. 2, Nestleton; Joe Voyage Party et the terminal (ufne on Iast week) foPet, P s artHp;Miel su ad eI#ton' Annuel Meeting sud Contrai Courses, iucluding: assistod b3' the Agniculturel Wygemde, No. 1, Nestletau. wîil give the officiel send-ofal Chnch e rvieswen h Pdatc,PotHpeMril.n 1Imcheýon, Royal York Hotel, Herbicide Use on Cropi, Road- Society. Those psrticipating Cavan thon the train wili pmacoed et Gardon Hill on Suudey. Mn. sud Mmi. Rau Provoat ?omgnta. aide, Brush; Spsyer Opera- rOceived coutonnial pins. * Albert Olan, No. 2. MiIl- wost, ta pick up athen sections. The Sunday Schooi heldarspdigtoNwYa' M.sua d D nds Cta rail icM book: Luther Olan, No. 2, Toronto ad district deces thein Christmas concert sd wekend with Mn. sd Ms.. aIssud Donld pen Saumdy illbmook; Donald Lowes, No. wiîî stant ironi Union Station tmee on Thunsday eveuing. A 0. Mec . night sud Sunday with Gloria 1, Cayeu; KarI Heeninga, No. June 26th.Pas renwvyouybl evîgws MsdMn. Mencer ar Nichalsin oot1 ser l:Mol Wood, No. heing formuiatd ion e big had. gaiug ta M. Roy Beatty aud Cn oteDon Robinson, who ha. heen 3, Millbnook; Leonard Hender- send-oii, and dOais wl r adsud . John De e, Mns. Carnie Beattys, Toronto-, womking on ailnoad mainton- sou, No. 3, Millbroak: Russell reloasod jeter. The Toronta Whitby, cm down ou Sat- Mm. sud Mns. R. ProOostantsd CANADA'FARM & INDUSTRIAL suce sud living with the Kney o ,Mlhok eto lllnk u tCp ne u tydutlSn o ocrt n u m.J Harol Bamnwclouh's eýn Seve, N. 3. Milihmook. eoton w - oflf t napuday etThcksnmhe etTj~,Pnyol H arPI T 11 Wo l d ay inw e hi. h om le 1.nte lo,-sud the prairies!4ta DeK - --- ,. r a s e d tio kl u n.fo r n M r sud ^ M, E F-m1r Mufot bWil. are. rellable reprduers' The 'mmmi that are flot, that have "off days", or weeks a bord'& lime end lucarne, ArtificWal hsemnatlon unit. wlth modern Isbratryequlpmeut, eau deteet and lay aside Umsbui uls, eliminatiug a major cause of delayed, SOntari,'. top cattie breedens today rely. on 4~ gvlj~of tb.fr ALcoopt4 for tegutaicrops ~ ýquality cuves. cirna*i ouruIo Ont., where she received--i her '3 UISborneNo- 1, port education. On December 12t maHope. 112, aie married J. Roy1 avr Kuox who survives. * Roy Strong, Bethariy; Mrs. Knox had resided et Lawrence Staples. No. 2, Beth- Hampon or pproimaelyany; Harvey Malcolm, No. 2, 48yH amndfora o tealsoJanetville, Howard Malcolm, 48ive ind ToonSe e asO a Jnetville; Jack Wilson, Janet- miembieron Hton United aville;, Ralph Heaslip, No. l,ý Chubrchf tampo n nitedt Janetville; Duncan Fowler, No. aIChsa hurch kwoa itrk nd 2, Pontypcol; Fenton Fallis,I al s@ fachngin he SukndyNo. 1, Pontypoo1. aScho t She wainate uber ofDistrict Director, Russell S c h o l . h e a s m e n b e o f M o r r i s o n , N o . 2 , B e e v e r t o n , Hampton Women's Institute Ontario; Harvey Wright, Soils and was a member of the Wo- and Filid Crop Spec., Lindsay. montms itâte for 51 yeara. A. O. Dairymple, P.Ag., Agri- Mr. and Mma. Knox celebrated cultural Representative, Dur- tjr54th weddig anniver- ham County. lar3' %M~ Decemnber 12, 19ft Wm. Allin, Mel Wood andi Surviving, besides her hua- A. O. Dafryniple will be the J band, are -three daugliters, delegatesropresenting Durham Jeasie (Mns. John Slemlon), County ta the East Central Helen (Mms Howard Millson) Sali and Crop Improvementi andi DttY (Mliral1 Murphy). Association for 1967. Mr. Bev. thé' fu*eM lservice was Grav, port Hope, wlll alzo at- held tram the Morris Funeraj tendi as it la expoct.d that a Chapel, Bowrnanville, on Tri- district Grain Corn Day will day, ý ioS2Y 431.Md iWu be held at the fan of Mr. c«4t 1 Y .CloGa n Octobor lSth. The an m.I. Resi. Inttrmont oficaidelegate ta the annuai was Ja Iwmville Cerne- meetlig in Toronito tram Jan- uary 26th ta 2m hwiflbe Mel Mneur. .Wod, PaitPrésident of the. eene Association. NO NEED TC PRII You print tion. HELP PR( KEEP MOI Patroi plant. The ana ian tat s m a has o n. of ev. C. Ca t a chose ion uis The anadan Satesan hs on JfIfittiug sermon on Sunday, tihe most modern printîng plants1 Jn. 5h "Making a Living". in Ontario. Little Boy:" was a vemy truc example to lite. The chair sang as their antheni "Wand- erfuI Word ofI Love". The '0 GO OUT 0F TOWN FOR VOUR loveîy fîowers at tho front ni thé church wene lu loving NTING REQUIREMENTS memary ai the late Mm,. Roy Kuox ai Hampton, and the late Mr. Hilton Tmuk ai Eben- are invitedl to discuas your ezer, placed thome y hein, ting nh.ds, without obliga. The annual congregational, Cai, or Phone .623-3303. Thursday, Jan. 26th l h basement cf lie church. Wo are glsd ta report thaI Uns. Frank Gilbert la home DVIDE LOCAL EMPLOYMENT &gain after speridiug sanie NEY CIRCULATING LOCALLY B lu thile. M enions un-ia abje ta ho home for Christmias Ibut sald the nurses sud staff >nie your local printing lot.the hospitai rmade à mont patients. The Eldad C.G.I.T. girls wiJI MW ithl le church basement, b tilt« e F$1day, Jeu. 2Mt at 7:00 p.m. inab~anMr. sud Mrs. 'Tom Baker man "dathenine visited on Sun- day wlhh Mn. sud Mrs. Maur- ice »alçer et Ixbridie. MW éu M# hEi"y mport Butter fo Supplement Stocks The. Canadian Dairy Com-lin Caadal are the lowest uiiice Mission ta=yannounced that 1951= d 952. These weré the. It had pirhae ont thousand lAut years butter was lmportêd. long tons of buttrta e nesotg aphaiyn Zeiad Dairy Board for Fb. western Cnda. It would nor- lxuary delivery to Vancouver. mafly be met with butter pr The butter will supplenient chased during the prviun holdings of the Agricultural lprnU nd summer Pby the Stb *izton Board ta meet Stbilztion Board. =eninees in wlnter butter The continuing availabillty supplies in western Canada. of Board butter at a fxed pre While thete have been sg la the stabillzing influenpe iin gestions for smre time ta the butter market. leprtawôuld bé requirèd b1, Governnient stocks are *p- tar te end of the present roximàteîy 20 million pounds winter, a decision in thus res om- i tha a e r go Th Met was delayed utiî it wasawh ier a in per ouct eI chrthat some would be mih nraei rdcinI necesary.recent weeks, coupled wlth necesary.reserves, will not ho sufficlent Stocks of butter In storage ta ensure that demand can be . adequately supplied and suh- lcwles and family were Sun-1 stantial price increases avoided day tea guesta with Mr. and during the remainder of the Mrs. Ernest Larffer, Black-1winter. stock. Supplementing C a n a di a n Mr. and Mrs. Joe Snowden supplies under these circurn- were guesta at the Lowry - stances will make possible, in Làngmaid wedding in West- the interests of producers, a nlÔunt Unltéd Church, Osha- continuation of present con- wa, recently. sumption levela of butter and, in the interests ot consumnera, Mrs. Lloyd Preston, Kolicen a continuation of stable prices, and Janet of Bowmanville the Commission said. isgitdwth. adMs o Agricultural o r g a n izations Langaid.have urged that stepa be taken, Mrs. Doug Flett and Linda, as necessary, ta ensure ade- Miss Pearl Leach and Mr. quate supplies ad that an y Florence Yellowleé, Mrs. Elva importations be made through Glbson and Mrs. Gerry Glas- a government agency. Cana- peli f Taunton visited Mrs. dians consume about 350 mil- Edith Leach at the Strathaven lion poun-ds of butter eàcli Nursing Home, Bowmanville year. The scheduled importa- on Wednesday to celebrate tion, at 2,240,000 pounds, rep- M'rs. Leach's lirthday. Her resénts leas than ane pér cent relatives and friends of Salina of Canada's annual require- also send their "fleat Wishes" ments. NiY EAR ROUND PROTECTION NOW ... 196 pricos hold tili March 31 CENTRION/67-1 Equipment Storage Shed or Barn 60' x 60'. I4igh centre drive-through are& -side storAge areas. EconomIcaI <heuslng fer yorrîdn'epsatuv aorm equlpmfemt or Illvmtock M COWEVE mRENNGSYSTENS 1 ___________ TAM BLYN I-I 1« Un at The. Cana" Farm IndutrIal Equipmeut how BOX 21 - OlRON9) PHONE 983-5131 BELL UNES by John W. Lowry your telephone manager Announcement wus made a couple of weeks atooaif Bll Canada'. Centennial Fellowahlp Program. For Yeara aur Company bas boon unterested lq education projeoda, tram tihe Hlgh Sehool Science Pragrains ta those ai unlveralty lovel. And flaw. as a Centenniel Tear project, the Fcllowship programx bas been established ta support tho further develop- ment ai poat-gnaduate education - anc ai the Drgent needs af tie Canadian educational system. 1 was mnt unterested ta note that lhe followahips will b. truly a Canadien program. They are for excep- tiouai Canadian studeuta who plan ta do graduae work lu a Canadien university or college. Beginnu this year, 1967, tbis program will be adminlstered by the Association of Universlties sud Colleges af Canada and wiII pravide four ne%-. fellowshipts oach near ta asulut studenta ta achiove their educational objectives aI a post-graduate love!. And, there wilI ho no restrictions as ho fthe nature afthte studios the suceesaful candidate rnay pursue. Preterence, however, will bc given ta those subjeet areas whioh aippear mant diroctly relevant ta the scientiflc, poli-. tien, social or economie nooda of Canada. We. at Bell Canada hope hhat by cammemoratung the paat 100 yoars ln this way, we are lo uaassing nome of tie yount Canadiens who are tie futurset af ur country. I've decided ta. make an addition ta my list ai rosolutions fan 1967. Aiten hearng a bnief run-down on the hewilderng varicty ai projects which will help celobrate Canada'. Centeunial, I thiuk I'd botter take a deep bnoath sud <'go toto training" for the husiost, most exhilaratiug sud iutoresting yosr most ai us will evor expenieuce. Tram tho sound ai things no one shouîd ho able ta say "I've nothlng ta do"p during 1967. The difflculty will came hilntyiug ta select the moat intomesting ai the natlan-wiÎde pro- jocts lu addition ta aur own local coiebrations. Alneady the Canfederation Train has begun its coast- to-casaI tour ta brnug Canada's stomy ta 03 cities sud the Confederation Carmvans, whlch teil the sanie &tory, will visit 657 mare communillies. Ton teamu ai hardy Voyageurs will follow the treacherous, 3,500 cross-country route af the original Voyageurs between Alberta sud Montreal. Iu the sumamer 13 teasaof mountaineems wiil chimh 13 ai the highest uuclinibed. unnamied peaks In the Rackies snd name anc for each province sud the Nontheru Temnitorles wlth the highlst peak designated Couteunial Peak. For sport enthus oasthle Pan-Amnenîcan games wll b. held in Canada for the fint tîme - lu Winnipeg July 22 ta Auguat 7. The RCMP wiil stage spociai performances ai their famous Musical Rde. And, oi course, there là Exp" 67 - the fantastlq spectacle ai Man sud Hm World beiug held lu Montremi tram Apnil 28 la October 27. Expo people, fée! that ail roada wi lead ta Montres! this year as millions ai Canadiens sud thefr gueula make a visit ta Expo 67 martiheirCetenual Yer pi4ne. WhiIo you are thee, If hope you willilmsa visit the Telephone Asso- ciation ai Canada pavillon, which I understaud, Ji even now quickiy nearngcompÏio.Tere yau wili mec an exciting film "Canada 67". ll teil you more about thst lu another columu. Sounds lik. *a lascintlng year ta ho a Canadin, doesu't il? 1 hope you enjoy luit as mauy ai the celebrations as you posuibly cau. -i *1 i

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