WAAg Events " o igX eit ad c hùlc ra.81euet0 *e oiaucoto BOY Scout Paper Collection, A meeting of-, ÈBownian. May I expregsainer ansalg o4to e onsgIn mt BaturdaY, January 21, Bow- ville Bacho Canadiag and i «-- tlntarlaies aks' cl bt«b ute ~ ~em CntbeP grcaint eaieher ca, WThom drvthyswtreyubKnnbfonrtneptl mavll.3-", Cie4nSocety b. lhq» 't$filend"and ogaiatrafo ParkAflenoonthe Lions Centre on Tuésda lfsidgfaad~1wr - 'W aC~ M f4oe PakAtronoff east on H ay lIt n' etuat A ý »87. 3-1 Fi1xÙ*wl1 be shown. Every. Hospital and since returnlng cce dm "Wtlcomé. 3-1 home, and ta Dr, Ruhdie, nurs-Tebk olddwtà.Lne' adae OIif TTue meriaHall.esand staff for their cars andaTebundcr dvnyRchclidth boeoflq9 s8omune and prizes.- 45tf for, emauty'e or Bugs" will be kidn55a. ard R1csroythe had presented by Blackstock Agri. Mabel L. Bagneli. who-had been vislingafln Iaeyuaeol ? 1îi BIngo. Thuruday cultuzral Society et.their.annual 3"oni Toaley's Road, wsaotc1zet i Yô nlght at 8 OCriocir. sponsored meçting :Jaznuary 19, et 8:30 t rv u noHgwy2aefo u osl. 1 by the Sunnyside Park. Red p.m. in the TownshipHall.Mr~. and Mrs. Gordon Lak. wh5fdrse outhe o llso eteia.Suisso h DaM. North Oshalva. '9t Public cordially invitedi. 3-1 lng wish ta express sincere take place.caswhstt ioliu Bowmanvllle Golf Club thanks ta relatives, friends we ogal .eiis r otlkl ob Dance, January .28th. Under M N T R BN O ant: neighbors for their kind- ETans OP,îestgtngaR oreaChca oumyb new m~anagement. For resé j«Mness, expression of sympathy car, gave his evadnea asr hr wl aIt flqo vations Phone 623-2404. 3-1 TUSDAI? NIGHT. & o'elock for floral tributes, during the measurenients and adta eticvuke ~ rmI .SPOamorsi bY the Junior loua of a dear brother. Secilibath Thompson and isNsluic O r"2. Durham Central Agricultur- C)Lam3bler-of Commerce thanks ta Rev. Woo lnd, wOre alive when he ivdA ar ai Socety Annual Meeting, MUBLEZ PAVM.ION Morris Funeral Chapel, forCareJhno 5 _______________________ ~~~~blood test on th a il h y n y Stet r no a 1:0 .m, Saud y, Jn. 2,O SH A W A 8-tf their klndness. dled latar, revealad aac o l ne $2fr Od elwsHlOon.32 Pleseè note change of date- Gardon and Aithea Laking. conttn of 22 par Home Baking Sale, 2:30 . 4, Canadian- Club, Friday, Jan- .1Per thausand.. n at o pbi noia Saturday, Jan. 28th at Salva- uary 27th, Trinity United S. S. Thompson took thesadhin tion Arrniy. Home League Auditorium, 8 p.rn. Nicholas Our sincere thanks toa ail his own defense. Hatl1h osaleInSihsae Centçnnial project, Indian Goldschmidt, conductor and who sa kindiy remembered us cuth n eea te asta hl nmbl Sehool at Prince Rupert. 3-2* director of music, "The Cul- on Our 45th Weddlng Anni- curpatadrgvrË Ai nersa pras lntutlExplosion in Canada". varsary wlth- cards, fiowers, thi bik urngteay drdirprtoamnbln taaten ametnginUi -~'phone calîs and visits. Speciai hae had a couple ofbtsiidukwligaogWlig mention ta family mambers an Oshawa hotel befr an Township Hall, Blackstock, on Woodviéw Community Centre w.bo took time out from busytaUcTcaroThy eranitiatd odtono Monday, January 23rd at 8:30, -:Monstar, B ingoa' Twenty sehedules ta look alter teassitting autside talkin oo-Cuc tetwt oteo ta plan a Cartwright Cantan- gamasW-twenty dollars; fiva table and refreshments, and On Sunday, January 8th, the installation meeting Conway, Deputy Commane iigtn,2dV cle d imed n totMetiaysaesLna 81ip The annual Stay At Home Jackpot, and two ljackpote at Choir for their gift. af the new officers far Branch 178 Royal Canadian Pres. Peter Bathgate and Secretary Ron Richards; bahind him.soAvnepladgityt Party by Club 15, Thursdiay, $250. Door p r 1 z e s. Next. Frank and Violat Gilmar. Lagian, Bowmanville, was hald with District Com- back row, Past Prasident Stan L. Dunn, Seth Hunt "h elw eie a~cres diig Nvme Feb. 2, 1967. Hava a box Monday,7. 8 p.rn., Red Barn, "Th tb Tsde lunch belivered ta your door, Oshawai - 46-tf 3-1 mander Gerry Simpson, Brighton, and Deputy District (Exec.)', Sgt.-at-Arms Ernia Perfect, Chaplain Rev. -J OuJt ta the clubhouse"crtn a iews$0a? - ommaner, Cran Lvigstone of Tetn, te i- . Glrist, xec. member and vveijare Officer Keith uedthb artes Téohr oto ea as for5.eT. rpeMann . on ta3-17t Doctris the Hoe y Nursing__ Home___________officers. Included were, front raw, left to right, FruoExecutive JmEatb acae's Ra u osal a mt etf Mmt.aan,îhoen23514.Fergusonhe, se b -members, JmBruton, E1watthought it -was tooug n hth adtecag ol 3-2 Bowmanville Drama Work- ACCOMMODATION for Senior Treasurar George Thrasher, lst Vice President Ab Bragg, Bob Hilditch and Horace Brown; absent, Jack bumpy. I startecaHih nacdeta iet Newcastle Centennial Com- shop, AFebruary. 2, 3, 4 i Bow. Citizen. at Lintonhurat Nurs- Mavin, Dist. Commander Smpson, President Maurice Baker and Tom Wastovare ohEeuiemmes way 2 ta go .up the nx ia Ùet . hr i cue inittea presant on Saturday, manville Town Hall. Tickets ing Home, Orono. Reasonabie road ta meet them. Diane had mn intoathe re-r of February 4th, at Newcastle availaibla at: Jury & Lovahl's, rates. Phone Orono 983-5639. startadl ta. slump oa t h0pr1dcr Community Hall, a Centennial Canadian Tire,. W. H. Brown's 2-2* heard in which Rama MeKin-ilcft. Sh a started ta loff h or a la o BaIl. Door prizes, spot dance. and at door. 3-2 -esoalinon told thc court. she had leant ta the rîght tacutra ethhargcfa ate m a g IStaArtfical ce s-e srsnaldrivan ta Gord's A-Go-GO net it but could notadc-cocrngajunieac Soc l "Rhiiaio OurCaprs -oftIý hanks gos aldpspi np.m. with four other girls. They car." of the Blind"wathehTrocaderota taboutmil lideds ofthethaswapatnaundlad onvelcdea ti7hp.ni Sec flm on "Rah bilittion Our a prac~tion and thank goa s) maled ostpad inhad attended a Party n Si m- M a lstrate Baxter sl h t R S L S C U T Meeting of the Bowmanville da; Tyronê and' Long Sault for pries ilst. Six samplea 25c. HW di n o m nil tetNrh hr i h a rv ob West Durham Advisory Comn- their làvaly *edding gift. 24 samples $1.00. MailSordier At tgilhe d nce hall Dianne Th Cron'sidthv xe r4ittee ta the C.N.I.B. Every- Loran and -Betty pascoc. Dept. T-28. Nov.-Rubber Ca., Correction: In this column making unnacessary noise In client was ramanAt ntihUi No alpsdo nce ha froneTheavidanca ant h aieso onet :3 p.lcm., GeenRooman . 3___Dot_91_Hailto,_ Ot._,52_________ asreprs tat Nwcaste cobar 8th. Con- same date. mne ni heNsm mse uti h rn viec ntev 31a 73 pmGre Roseat of the car and the others mhotorcyclas sa tha chag w u 3--Tajaml and was found guilty of iliegal Kimmerlay bad revved his Baldwin Street, Oshawa, ap- the hall. The carcles r FLORIDA T UR Luella Knox express their1 possession of liquor. Corporal motor with Unnccessary Vigar pearcd an crutches Novembar Whcn Miss MKno aali ttesm rewsMLIL ITN EYC aLRDATsnd rth ankinnsesAcrdgfnte5 acstdngeros eideca ws mcyas nareeow Dcam b a t 3hesaine____________ IPROAL SOTDadfinsfrta eighboursth McGuey was reported to have at 10 p.m. and takan off with l5th and plaaded not &uilty to out ta check o PERONLL ECOTE aidfrans orthirsypahytold the Magistrate that two a sqaaling of tires. agru driving Mà 1th. Miss N osa l ihem she saw adjournad until nextwck j6 ,ýn t eir ma y ind esesinosa g ttng nt t e J hn DaidRobin on a e O ha c March 25 ta April 16thair recent bereavement. part oI le ofiquor were Harold Smith, Port McNich- Ha was raprasentad by T cf a motorcycle opemated 17, RR~ 4, pleadedgutyoR ae or ._____ ....... .....ý: :.,.: fudithca.Aorngt01 sfne$5adcssorKlyb T mpn About 10 otherlilegal*Possession o For Information' Contact___- -- police, this should hava rend savan days, for speeding. cc»n. Part of the e ee Smtylesad Conviction __________________ COLMER "Netonvme Hopin' Teans"one full bottle of beer and ana stable L. J. Mnhoney, OPP,__________ Jerr B4dord n " 'partBbottrd said ha followed the vehicle TRAVEL SERVICE and 'his partnar, Wnlly, for on Saptember 21st west from '14 Orehard Vlaw Bivd. thair help and- co-aperation in Jn R1th 97 Non at seeRd f ta 100t' EOWAN ILL 'Ppsrgadance.ey Donald Lavarne Hennessey, miles an hour. 62-25(nbehaîf of the Cu) Pickering Beach, agad 22, John Tokich, 1428 Bala Road, 2-3 3- ACCIDENTS REDUCED planded not guilty to camless Oshawa, plended not guilty ta - IN 1966 diving Octobar 8th. Ha was careless drîving Novambar I4de uvenile A sincara "Thank You"~ ta The foliowig. r statisties reprasentad by John Greer. 1 2th an Scugog Rond. Ha wasm relatives, naighbours, friands, fromn the Ontario ProvincialMuoantdthrcrstdbyJhGra O.M.H.A. DANCE U.C.W., Rev. D. ?Nothay, for Police, Bawmanville Datach- cou rt hae was wastbound oni Constable G. W. Brunton, visita, tlowers,. carda and . mes- ment, for Dacambar 1966. Taunton Rond about 6:30 p.m. OPP, stntad that bis invastîga- icmu r'y21 sgesof ood ill A secil Bak ad EterA' car, drivan by Hannassey, tion lad him to believe the ~~~OD5 21 sTaas ,of goo ,Drwl. AEsecitl Breakad ne3-.-.-- came north on the Ontario- Tokcich vahicle southbound had WORTR ORCHESTRA nurses and staff- ai Mamorial (4 chargad) Durham Township lina. It dîd goa ff nto the west shoui- ODHospitl, Bowmanville. Auto Thait iao stop for the stop sigfl at dame then ncrossad bath lanca Lions Centre Milton Virtue. 3-1' (Rawcovarad wîth arreast) Tauntonr.Road and collidad a h hgwyonto the east 62e3aios-21.1 Cordensncee.yex efts causing $1048 damage ta It. end into the ditch. It came taD BAI LUB AI 623-7214 wisy_ h a sn cp arely exrss (2 cbarged) Constable M. Joynt, OPP, was reat facing west w th bath Ei~- - - I3and relativres who sent so many Total value of goods the invastigating officar.* front tires fiat. R E CE I-O N M N U CEF L ES gat-weil, *Christmas cards nnd stoln ------1---------- $2,800.00 Magistrate R. B. Baxter Mm. Tokich said ha had gona RWIF U - gif ta,- ô the Friendship Club Total vau f goods flned him $50 and nine dollars on Saturday marning at Ih S1AT. AM-, ERNQON b! Tinîty United Chumch, Sr. recovarad $ 1,650.00 costs, or seven days, grnnting o'clock ta bis 1h acres at CitiZens sponsored by Club Accidents învastigated: hlm 28 daye- ta -pay - - - Cedar Park ta -a% tw&d'b idmI FEBRUARY 4 1is-and thec Woman's Institute. M AEI Lr Éor Reservations Cointact Edma E: Rundle. 3.1* Proparty Damage 3 Gearit Gerrîtts appeared trcas with a chain saw. Ha was t. ~~Dcambar 2th and pleaded etunlng home about 5Pm Injury Accidents 9 flot guilty ta constructing a wben bis car began ta pull ta COLMER -1 would like ta thnnk ai Fatal Accidents 1 garage on bis proparty on the right and hae îost control TRAVEL SERVICE mfri:nds, neiglibours and - Concession 3 without. a permit. Of it. In turning back, the CNA IN WE IGH UELLN BR D rei iis adfo- Total 45___ A. A. . Strika, Township vhceso costarn 14 Orchard View BIvd. crs and.gifts given to me while ubroPesnIjrd Solicitor, said the building had and fiipped ovar. His insurance BOWMANVI[LLEz in Mamoial Hospital, Bow-NubraPesnIjrc 15 bean ramoved. 'Mm. T. Arm- eompany bad' raqucsted that manville. Maiy thanka ta Dr.- Number af Persans Killad 1 strong spoke for Mr. Gerritts the ight. front tira ha sent ta PORTABLE.I .623-.3265 2- MciCenzie, the staff and nurses Vehiclas Checkcd 446 snying that n bulldozer wns Toronto for examination. A T C ______________2__22 at the hoapital. Wamnings Issuad .71 usad in the gravel pit and in The charge was dismissed. IA E O R OOR TIL -LNNWT . .Esther Eddy. 3.1 the aummer childmen swami Blaili Adams, 106 Chumch flEB AR H AITKR F PLNNO OCharges Laid _____ 192 there and in wintar thay akat- Street, agad 22; plcaded not ATTEND Otto and, Hilda Coathamn During 1966 with the advent ed. The magistrata had sug- guilty to impaired driving * ON E DIAL* 14 STOK'LR RED CROSS VOLUNTEER wish ta express their sincee Of aimrat patrol, a generaîy gestd at the pmvious heaing ecmber llth. tsie BLOOD DONOR ed withthe work bfoe Otto grm along ith the c-opea.. ta covr the bulldozer in place that ha obsaved two carsTHR SATC ONRLX" CLNC.want ta the hospital and ta tion of the motoing public, of the building which wns via- northbound an Wnverley Rond CL Cail. friands and relatives who wa are very pleased to state lating the by-law. Mm. Amm- at 4:30 a.m. and iollowed 1000 WATT 1500 WATT DELIVERED AH&CRYa buin is stay intnchmant amen were reduced disnppamd already. Heandded civen in a "weavey pattern"12 e 1:30 P.M. - 4:30 p.m. Special thnnks ta brother fmomn the 1965 figura ai 651 to that the pit would flot ha usad in the freshly-fallen snow. The and George ,Burgcss who stayed 540 in 19,66. This is a 17% e- much longer and to npply for officar pnssed the second car $0 1 6:30 p.M. - 9:00 P.M. with Hilda during Otto's stay duction and Is significant con- re-zoning the land would taka and followad' the hcad ane 2 9 4e95 LIIF ihospital, ta ail thosa who sidaring there wara more ovar n year. whicb was drivan by Blain ea. a Lions Centre sent cardii nfid presents while motor vehicles using the high- The matter was adjourned Adams. On King Street it L____________________ ____________________ Bo 'anvie i hoipital and ta those wbo ways ini 1966 fhan aver bafore. ine dia. crossed the double solid centre Bo~~*11 ~ visited rim. Spaclal thanks ta Howaver, the statisties me' Lyle Kimmerlay was fined ln ontra casos adD 1 C C ForTraspotatonCal- D. Urayen nusesandstaf ardrigfatl ccient inthe$2gavecotsporrkadda focarsh. hn swida atth -Tisat Others May Liva pital, Bowmanviîîa cauraging. In 196.5 tuea ere obcnroldptacpeare losobsspehmE FhP k A T N C I . 3-2 O t o C o a h a m . -1 sa e n fa al a c id e nt w ith tio n c xt m etin g ta be at a l t lye r v r yslu m d a b sREE u*e-L NewOffEer Intàlect~ &m anvi leLei on Bm nch OWavý ,18 ê £Y1 U T L.rbTvr . xtLi chard12DouglasIN WHIT Prize winners at the W. I. were Saturdaye 1n iit- 2,Kb, ac ae rc. LI HT L W O C I RYFrs-,Crisp- 19c «.. cuchre WednesdaY night werc ora o! Mr. and Ps. v S man ae21, Oshawa, wer C* Pr q t. OTEEL ..ID- ____________________________ Mrs. John. Rahm and M.Carl kinson, Courtica. . ctrigedta cmed Uh ic poiceer ASq.APàmUt Wright. Mms DI Patricia MeMulled, by reporting an offensa which IMde Deodorant - . Bos.Di .a~ M& I.H Mni s. h aghe fM.anddn etbencommitted. Both .1/16 x4 1:/1 7 SPRAYPICKLES and Mr. and Mra. M. Grahamn Mrs. Rye Gibson, receivdbraetdrlymgistat.SUET SAVE 30e SAVE 10e were Saturday supper guests Nurses Aide diplomna and TInrt Brackmen, wbo was eprasent- SSIIART 9 9Ki*Sixe 3 24m owmnx.. T~2 drtfct tCornwailed by-John Greer, pleaded nat SYAKi 99C imLloydrMr.and Ms rd çiguilty. The casa proceaded MOSCLI i.'/c $ .8 $ 3 LodàdEarle attended a FIME QUALFTY against Pamry.I Per Sq. Ft. 14___$3_,o78 mmrwb.ry am LUX family gathering at the Earh MONUJMENTS' AND> Constable L. F. Dryden,BEHADSP TrwsniklenSudy -M Bt4lryJmMNAVE TewisMn.dMn..osk MCan'Sn, .a.ROPP, told thec magistrats Parry_______________ SAhVE. wsecStBrdy .se ~called hiznearlY in the MOM- 9c t"s 3 9c uests of Mr. 'and Un. a.~thft al four tires adwheehs Ja, à .D and . Mrro c O T FOhad been stolen duinç h Kee isltMmM.anwod M. A D niht from i hl car> j!k ot 3l. A ee i e r n r. M . LTD. siï'e hi& hous. oTuer-od mARGARINE vm. c ie. Ward Bruce and Mr.ana Mrs ettKryweeh o _5 Byron Bruce A cton, W dne - d w . ent198a or d w per ts f nde- The O.N.O.Club met at the Mm hon Ia hba.uar. LIMOM ETED DK ST RAPS he4tofrrnetaffronirn hu an habe e tne Thunsday night, wlth 23 mcm- Stafford Brohers mated the value o teaims L11611SOP41TEDTR bonD M RKnETtwo vWtIIOZSruenit LU Mat $15 e«ch and. thetiras at FOO MARKETW The )evey lt ear' busines.jup ~$44 e«ch, totalling $236. il ftld earssnt ss.orma airp IblSSgWben the ciRcerdoubted th $WI HUSATan roqsm-uiepreMm re, Vn Cmpstory Par7 admltted It wpw and ambthi mminsuD438e r. wrUent to that eft.ot. duigteyean d te rew liosWsîlyT4 matter vias adjaurned 5ALLNT « THO NAM TO OSID ON Mf*M adFRIA! T LL 9J. texecutiva took over. Roaill 84=0a .mg zti anny3 lot for pre. IN a1we d1it apicur snteln rpr.M. re wu(g n U igr tei rpr M.Grea lu,