t Tht ~~iiSdiifleJaS. il, 1%7 CDci oudetrcmm te tir s=bo Board te meà U tht meetIng. Deputyr E1ê= Clorke's New Reeve. ewu«jtyiforatonof ifwe did attend Toronto. l thn eshould know Idiat Suggess fhff'iw'mmapovn w4e t n b SI s E laringcornes befr us. At thspint ini tht discus- M Djmiisa. sin Cuclasked that tht Me ,. p. P l nn ngpetitiener. take this pooa p ~again te the achool board 'at R Be OY Poster at a meet- fit, said the clerk, if both lWhl oarne th coul io jhg i ClrkeTownship Coun- parties ceuld gr. to present tt oul board t leat tdil enl on Friday, Jan. fth, stted a unlted -front. Tht clerk a metgwihttMnerF tiat lhe would like te set tht stated that the Council had ea Od:ctht.nit appoitments te tht Planning now te express their opinion O ala raàt a Board increase aid would al- aid decisien tu tht Municipal RaleyCosig de recommnend that Clarke Board in respect to tht ob- Deputy Reeve Walkty aser Coundil again, appromch New- jections that had been rtctiv- head o! the, Road and Bridge chi castt conctmning joint plan- ed te the Restrictive Ares Committee, ecemimendeci te cer utrng between tht. twe muni- By-law.1 councîil that protection equip- mu épahitles. . It was a decision of Council ment be obtained for tht rail-1 In speaking on incrtasin htaseilmeing b way crossings on tht south joù wembershîp teetht Pannengng lthctht Hope-Clark. boundary. Tht of mebor hipt re ttedPlannnged wt teTrustees, Plan- deputy reeve stated that he har Boar thereee stted hatning Board and local coni.d ounc ilo avlhwr i the Board could beha afour, six Councillor Gray suggested .inageCmnilon Crth eremWm d ' elght party board plus the that tht local Planning Board innameent lowngthiseetm- (mi piembers appeinted fo m ha fîrt set up as desirtd be. mindat e follooing Hae e ceuncil. At tht present time fort calling this apecial meet- Cmg i, eers ies t he a(S à inte fou "W.obave te ing. "Let us get oui' OWflRailways and Transport Board the et thretouPlanning bavego-house iorder," h. said. ancitht read superintendent, Mc] g, thetPsanidg ard o-ld Council through resolutionm. Rss I lngke te saidsoe ynger oldrt-appointed Reeve Roy Fos- Althougli tht total cost et Seri .*11k ttoaerd.'yune men ter te tht Ganaraska River such pretective equipment Mol * ot th t oadpt ReeE Conservation Authority. Dtp- would be in the regien o! Rtl Walk t eyadCunciliRe Car-E uty Reeve Wallcey rtcoim- $50,000.00 tht cost te Clark.e veh aore an C apiorate mndtd tht move, stating that aiter subsidies, grants and eWcastle C oro ar- a number o! important events participating with Hope town- -Newthlonte.Cut thatrCarkt were now under way through ship would be in tht neigh- eth onp t h lak this organization. Reeve Fos- borheod o! $3,ooo. Tocasip surrounded New- terrerec te htfur Deputy Reeve Walkty ex- cslonthree ides, valut of tht rtfoesttd artas, plaineci that tht railways Indiscussing planning, a By resolution Council gave wert now preparing for the letter was introduced !rom approval te tht Orono Hydre nèw spetd trains to atart this tht Ontario Municipal Board te borrow a maximum of smr he taiso tt coîcerniîg t h e Restrhcted $4000 00. Suchlo an is te be Torten trai rns o ilh Area By-law which lias yet rtpaid withun six months. travel at speed e! 95 miles per to receive final 0MB apprev- Ceuncil feit tht request was hour. This, ht said, weuld be ai. Tht 0MB letter referred a easonable request. txteided to 160 mph. in tht to a letter from tht Cern- Disena. etition future. Certain monies, he i5nunity Planning Brandi con- eernlng seme recommeîded Ceuncil epened discussion stated, had been allotttd for additions te tht by-law. on a petition which came be- crossing fiprevements which Tht cltrk, H. E. Millson, fere them concerning tht could ha gates, lights, or stated that tht Restrhcttd Public Schocl building pro- brushing aid gradhng te lm- Area By-law was in reaîity a gram.- Tht petition which hadiProve vision. On equests zening by-law. We have goe been tableci frem a previeus frem municipalitie, s o nme through censiderable number meeting in 1965 asked that a gates and lights could be hn- ef stages, he said, and have committet be set up of meni- stalled at certain crossings detcensiderabt werk on bers from Ceuncil, tht Public while others may bt clesed, this by-law. Schoel Beard aid tht High hie said. *Where brushing is te Ht pointed out that tht Scheol Board aid. that this be carrxtd out they would Orene Police Trustees had committet seek an audience want te clear everythlng for egistertd an objection. te tht with tht Ontario Minister 'of a distance of 1400 feet up tht Restricttd Area By-law aid Educathon. It would be 'tht track and 300 feet back freni had requtsted a meeting with purpose o! tht cemmittte ta tht track along tht road ai- Council. Tht purpose ef the discuas the present program lowanct. meeting was te, discuss tht Of tht Public Scheol Board Tht Board cf Transport by-law aid if possible te in light e! changes that are Pays 80% e! tht coat, railways c orne te an undtrstanding be- i pregressanad will ha under- 71/2%, and munici p alitie, tween tht two groups. I t te in tht future by tht 121/2 % o! wbich i Clarke la would be te everyoe's bene- Dtpartmtnt. Tht clerk point- subjtct le a 60% Department __________________ed eut that ne action hacl been of Highways grant.* taken and placed on tht books Dtputy Reeve Walkey said coîcernhng the petitien. they Censdtred tht protec- Tht reeve stated that .jhj5 tien control for the beundary waé a contentious thing in cresshng due te tht heavy the Tewnship aid that he had Woedted area Which weuld heard ani sides. However, he only grow up again. said, these sterits do net add Other ail crossings in hte up. Ht alse pointeci eut that Towvnship came up for discus- tht Public School Board was siOi with at least oie being an eltcttd board. -If a coni- thought a candidate for clos- mitte. could meet with M., mg. However, it was net Davis, Minister of Education; kîown whether or net tht h would be happy te go," stat- Transpert Board had author- ed tht eeve. itY te close cressinga. It was Deputy Reeve Earl Walkty stated that thtre were te be stattd that "It ha. net ended 35 pretecttd crossinga be- up tht way h thouglit it was twten Toronto and Montreal. going te. What tht best ans- A request is being sent te wer la I don't know. I do the Board o! Transport, Rail- think," h. said, l'thaï; tht e- ways, etc., te meet in Clarke yqueat of tht petitieners ila!o view thtei'emaîing cross- logical." Tht reeve agrted hni mgsanad te set up a poliiy for sayiîg that tht petition did them. Tht Railway Cempan- net requet aSything other les îow have thii plans fer Sthan meeting with tht Minis- tht cressiîg en tht 'entire ter of Educatien. route. Reeve Foster said he would Deputy Reeve Walkty me- '110W MUCN YOU MAy like te have more information quested tiat anl o! Counehl \ ý 1but did net know how seon meet at tht Township Road ýfAVE ON YOUR CARt they ceulci get an appoint. offices and garage on Jan. \IS AC IH ment way tht Minister 16th fer a special meeting ef ANSUANC WIH ConeilorCarveth said there tht Road Cemmittet. 1 was ont ayte find eut and Mr. L. M. Hallowtll was me- sTATE. FARMI' that weuld b. te write him. aPPointed Livestock Evalua- Tht reeve then said they toer. -Times. .were net sure the School Board weuld go. "Then con -' U flvv tact, the Scheol Bad"si R. Carveth. EBeard," said Mr'. R. Forrester stated Tatdeddissmmp that a rtpresentation cf thethatcks adu isasell aums petîtioners had met with the chilcimen. Mrs. awcellMal-s scheel board whici was ret colni is curentîy suPPlying for quesed hen thtpetition oie of the senior teachers wio came before tht 1965 council. ha hil with tht malady. On being asked what action Mr. aid Mrs. Harvey Rogers, the achool board had taken, Davidi aid Kim, Rexdale, were h. said, "I know of noie." Sunday visitors with has uncle, Ht said tht purpese ef tht Mr. Normn Roer. rvey--- anew 88 automatie Oldsmo- TUE HO SE'jbile aid anotherneigbor lias By Ted Willis frein tht novel by Richard Gordlon Dkrected hy Wynne Wonnacot THURSDAY - FRIDAY -,SATURDAY FEB. 1-23-4 1967 8:15 p. bowmanvill.. Town Hall ADMISSION Aduits $1.00 Students 50o Tickets available from: Jury & Lovells, Canadian Tire Store, W. H. l3rown'a, members of Draina Workshop and at the door. Mm.. Wey Bruce, White- woed, Saskatchewan, Mr,. Frank Watson, Whitby, aid Mr- and Mm.. Alvin Bruce, Seagrave, were Friday evenlng dinner guesta wth tht Bruce Heashlps. I the Pre-sbyttrian churcli Sunday mer ning Revertnd Fred Swmnn chose as hlm ser- mon, l'Christian Unselflahntss."' eé sald that tht unselfshnesa of Christ was f0laeon tht H. Visser sang "Great sTh Tralthfulntss." I h Iff the United Church Sun- day mornang Revemend Phllip Romemil chose as hits subject, "ZPiphany," tht twelfth day after Chrlstmus ln commenior- ation of tht appemanceOf Christ te the agor phioso- phem. of tht east, "and they bruh lmigold mand frankun cenue and mrh." Ini modern Urnes the gi7dwould be mat. trial pseions, frinkincense wouldbe the culture o! the individual and mymmh the trouble-sodsrrows. Tht choir l un he Ubm Cihi lst lm B * T L A ~ 5 ~, ~ .tha Y on W. neuday fter n r y r~ w th te them % i th the them e s'Tue * tr ___ K =m kW W thay on enuda ni Gd Sek n .A se bto fthe Church to U*0 -. K. WU M <ÊM Rue = ,ee ->r Dnad LOWesreceved Development Of Canada." ofT N, eg ecmdte h&William LawrmoeIni' (hnt~ed or mat eek PI*ty ad RbertPteey ag Th proe~~~ t~~ Bnioames were tfloyed Mm Ross Davidson gave the troduced the niew sUyb M rs. for e ag t e, w ho iére" B n i d A b t P e y D W c m î g ~ ~ ~ o ~ ~ >'~ w 1 th rg e t S m ith ca flln g th e f n n l l r p r . T t n w s c T t G o t f t t C u c (enIn Pterbogog sceBy hta woPd s '*Me rrowohnOfby Mm M nfGor ge~1t a P ffl i Whou . l t tem & o- Cba w g wn o hen m er.fn nca e or.TeAwae-vn C n da rten b r n PirboRaioughirc e i__ tIi orR-Ir Ereai Mrs. Addison S&ott, nCnd"wltnb r menay 0' BAtla Daheéa r tbb, Mm .waern' by sm theminutes Of revious Douglas Wilson, whichCgterp. gr.enandoahrs. thi pmGlim'Sm by wthe a real WilliamR<>wvnii Mrs.iýfor gits rectived from, Mm She mentioned C an a- dian ~. anâ Mi'.sHamold Mmi RvPer"; htSeAorThscratn wuaceal- WilimrCla=ece RoWan, AneChs-t Ms Hrymusic anid folk-lore wlh their tunt Ega Ber ~ ~ unor Mmi ens.Thedeati tomk ilia Phlllps and Mmm. BelowMrs. James McKhin- backgrounds from other coul- Mr n m.choir 'uu"Blow the a ittwnalott aeToa aclsn r.Thms and M ga . Â, o.ne Jnirchoir'notht Thomas Malcodmion. tgieW, aadfew old- grs STromas Ward nd Mselcin a 4S f the hall festive for this event. Mi.Thomas Jennmngs ied ion eaherb els andMrs. ries, and gaveý Modm t B"let u"ogO h Many of tht ladies were wear- a lively sing-song, with iiMrs. p ttell ekiy rui. m pend tht next three ýweeks in ing- attractive -old-fashlOned, Pou <rr n tht iao.Pln were made for a Ptrneas odce orida. Douglas Wbite and Philip gownm to celebrate the Ct»- Lunch was served by Mm. Luck Supe nconcinciil Map contest. Mrs. Alex Sinclair is a Beer gave aceordion eletlonÏ tennial Year. iw,1'm.Hg ~ wt tht annuin conrttonal a evdb iten i Cvi Hspta, et YKtameYoungaapandueDm1. Muic was provided by Wally and Mrs. Walter Neals. meeting to be held on Janua lunc wasJeinga, TooheYugnnpaedapaod~ Reid, GarmY Van Dam, Ellwood Mrs. Ina Palmer expressed 20th. Thma Jjnnýs% htBethany United Church A n W hite and M mm ene Ryley, Kerr' and Lloyd D vd e.t tt a k ft oe pee tto It Was aied t h et eit m. M r oir p ovdeŽ a tlghtul Pl ne ols.Hamold Ghin-n mnstth ostea g o p f ra dl ht with the Officiai Church Mms. W illiam Law e an nert of sacred and secular Mm. Thomas Jenninga av u G ren a d Eh sretthse fup rty. frd fa padtegve aM ii. William Piercy. isic on Friday evening. a humrnoous mtading "Mychr dances. R RAY Year's subscription ofTh b-o this meeting -a number Tht senior and junior choirs gown's G t-Up and Go, han G t 1M rs. server to every famly Th Obl des w re-ar iin a groti of folksongs up and Went." ht ll no Johnston wOfn ht nlted Church Women congregation. their Centennial gowns, whlch r may lgds «Mr Eien-In spcia grupig o th luky oorprize, a silver- held their first meeting of tht Tht World's Day of Prayer will be featurtd again at mafty man lnci -"D. Ese- I aspcla goupngo!wame chest. Mr. and Mn.. year on Tuesday night with on February lOth will bea f ________________he ear rd" (Glerman), "Daughter Christmas music tht Senior Harry Ryîey won tht pizefor 25memberspyigthi fe.joitunioshogotthyer Fii You Marmy?" ffOnt.. Gem- choirsng "If Ye Would Hear a lucky spot dance; Mr. and Tht ewl lce rsdnAgin hurc nihl i EOILIsI iii>, BakEydSai"ttAngls; tht Junior choir Mrs. Robert Gilmour for tht Mrs. HarldWhiechire tt tt nied huch American), "Keel Row" sang two camols and the Piemcy fimat wtddlng miinivtisary i tingHanld Wite, he hetgheveranieted hrs il ttn.W LY REPORT cotih) "iaha (usia)fanuily trio, two carols. tht new yeam, andi Ted H1opklns remarks vocdttapel-ttana tebruhpe. Week of Jan. 2-8 Inclusive ci to Sottih sngsfrOmi Tht audience was asked to for the flrst January birthday. tion of tht group to tht past byterial meetingthahlinAdisos------9 cMHebridesowit . Janearticipate in alnother rouporAthmei oliday pamty president, Mrs. Carl Porteous, St. James Church, Peterbor- Births-4 malt, 5 female 9 IMn a sooSist lsatoes.hTh final number by for$thtsSeniorCitizens o! tht for ail her efforts. ough, January 24th. Discharges-_------------ 61 [n agrop ofspiituas, ht tt cmbind coir was"h s areawsaranged by tht Mrs. T. J. Jackson and Mrs. Mr.AlnBepogram Major operations niser" A1 choir sang "o on Land soWlali avesbac o h a - E. R. Edwards shamtd in ltaci- convener for 1967, spoke cf Miner operations- - 27 sts, AIlGo's hilun" rs.Wilia Perc ws danRed Cross Society and1 ing tht worship service of program plans for each meet- Emtrgtncy trentments _. - 31 av. William Piercy, Mrs. pianist and diector. held in the township hall at scriptume mtadings, meditation mng cf this- Centennial year Visiting hurs 3-8 p.m. dily j Bargainsç by the yard... during Walker's Annual January SALE FABRIC Here are jumt 17 of the many, many fahrfrs yeuIl vant for your Spriag '%7 ardrobe, COTTON PRINT Reg 7Y 39e Y4L CanmOmme pnt- c #e o m Wshe md colorhst. Aosorted spdfflputer and peau ahadoL3r wickh& PRE-SHRUNK BROA DC LOTH Re.79J yd 39cyd& fkui pr.-woukt*edcoh o.a uifte4,w Canadianm mLWashable mmd oos Wý è Pkik. o. guéA, roe. blua W wiÉhs. DOWNY-SOFT PRINTED FLANNELE Reg. 69e Yd. 4V7ed Woven and prfinted by a weil-knowm caaedma mill. Washable and colorfast with floral, siipes, geometric and nursery desigms Pink, biue, yellow, green. 38« width&s WOOLLENS J ~' cI Reg. 5.98 yd. Well-known mill accumulations ef Spring woaves in pastel,, tweeds, checks and plains. Pink, blue, green, navy, beige, grey. 54' widths. '1 TAFFETA LINING R eg. 98ý yd. Plain, waahable spring weight acetate raing in Spring 'V7's newest shades by "Celanose.- White, yellow, mauve, Pink, rose, turquoise, spring green, grey, navy, black, beige. 54» widths. PIN WALE COTTON CORDUROY Reg. 1.»97d. 88cyd. «Mis fine pin wale cottom coerduroy s washab. and colorfast. Red, royal, turquoise, Keby; gold, brown. 35« widtlis. SATISFACT'IONJGUARANTEgD OR YOL'R MONRIY IP UNDID.0 WOVEN NO'YETY R -.L Y Wd~mtrnfil mm e*10% vomnovetty soit. OikpW-mahiil-M id "idde-shed& .99 Wwyd. Of P.. a uiUW mwmdib..Cornbatomof a <hrl'ed.I md daame% cuesto Nue, vivid goký -WO me. rwmr WIMLL O01Wp CO-ORDINATES Embossed tM %Coflen bY Tex-mads" iniprints with matching solids. Magicarel® finish. Machine washable and colorfast. White, pink. blue. 38' widths. PRINTED 'HARVIE' HOPSA' .77 yd. Reg. 2.25 yd. lmported printed hopso, washable and colorfast New Spring de«igns and shades cf Shannon green, rembfing rosb, violet ray, vivl orange, bitter Uime, Rio blue. 35» widths. 57c yd. 1.7d NUBBY RATIrNE Woven of viscose acetate twisted yarn. Hand washable in Spring 'V's pastel ahades of sum- mer sky, pink ice, angel blue, citron, red rose and white. 44# widths. PLAIN.8 ARNL BEN DENIM ArneM anad cotten blend with crease-resistant finish by "~Cohama."~ Black, bluebeli, ink, lilac,j Erin, pom pont 44' widths. 'CASH MELAINE' 94e yil. Bk*L»y.& sfimw mdlke coma- Weutd nid corm n *a vadofet ml m : ulie, pis*, 3rN Wibm e& ,wb, m on POPLN CO-ORDMNTES "hi and ooehst wkMm Mgcam* fgUm w. dominat shdo f ensgo »W, sinzu g. ksmon pa,, Uneme, regal blue, lavender, royaL 4r' widmh MIX IN MATCH 'SAILOR CLOTW 1.33 yd. 100% washable cotoninb a hopsac weave. Pre- dominant shades are marine blue, sunshine yellew, pastel pink, green grass, sunkist orange, robin egg blue, string bean, sweet cerry. 46« widths. LINEN 1BY 'COHAMA' SoU)lds Reg. 1.59 yd. Prints Reg. 1.89 yd. 80% viscose and 20% cotton, washable and crease resistant. Spring shades of. ming, sand, pom pom, lilac, navy, yefllw, bluebeil and white. 44' widths. S IXTY-SEVEN PRINTS Reg. 1.89 yd. Woven <if 100% Eastman citron acetate. Hard washable imported print. -New Spring designs with pearlY Pink, hazen blue, salmon, rambling rose, zippy green. 44' wýidtfis. Reg. 1.98 yd. ~4hm.~THE HOME OF THE BRANDS , 1, - - ilée lý» ye Ree 75J yd- Reg. 1.98 yd. 88e yd. 99eyd. le 8 yd. yd. 00 1.59 yd. 1.67yde j