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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1967, p. 6

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*cc w. bave bos bmà et bappondt 7~h«girls bhd a upec simbly last week wb tUltai eI lalvlStlars ~oesuuorrGig Co. put en for t.e girls mni dm thon $me UMMfulrecipes blte. any oai the ver jluciy enaugi ta 1i the auditorium with a p We wauld Ilue ta tiank C4nm=reW u asCo. an be ,ef t.e girls for a very e« .alnng ÏaS well as cligli Mgt visil. the shud ito:. On Mouday t the dents 0 Grades 12 and 13 wcnlta seg« lie Crest Theatre program ht twasJboitg Preted t Clark. Higi Sehoa1 tuai sitar. 1100n. We were lucky enaugi ta have them at Dowmanvle lest year 80 mast ai tic su. dents wcrc familiar wt thte cf= e Ticsiow wau agita dolhiuy entertalulng as w.!! as interesting. it was enlayed by ail and wc've SuM we ail feel tuat lhis lu ane ai the. belten sccompllshmenti af the Departmnent af Education. There wss pienty ai baiet- bail action this week. On1 Wednesday, Jan. 11, ail thei toas saw action lu lie 130W- Inanville gymnasturn. Our bantains sud juniors lait but the'red hot seniors won themr uccond lu a row. On fflday, the 3h, nc ai oun luckier dsys, thicbautams agalu bust but lie juniors iingly won their 1inst gaine._ Tic senior test adiarvchled lta Dui Conservatory Examiner Coming Here Miss Alexaudra McGa'i of th. Board af Examinera, the Royal Conservalary Music wiii cauduct currej examinstians fan -ItheCai servatony in. Bowmanville. Born in Edmonton, Miss Mi Gavin received her advance niustc training in Taranto azi halds Liceuliste diplomas1 r no irom bath Landau, EnI su ad 1h. Royal Canscrvi tory ai Music ta Taranto. Sb asoho iods an Ausoiaeshi JDegree in singing, aud th! cambined nwege af bot staging and piano has give, beran enviable reputatton à an.accompsuîsh. She ha. beei on .,lie Causenvatory Faculi: itince. 1943, sud hus beeni ineniben af lie Board ai Exarr Sfor th past 10 years. YVOUTI drive Mtore confidently wltli biallty Insurance 3'YcW gaSotthe kuni of &Mt lusurancyou eu cou n oin OneuiefnenY... .if trouble aiuoutd pop up around ho.. or Ove wbil you're eniatnp mmrausthe country. Qualty in- suranceof Ibis naurei a hi 4nWy 4w p ~bmnd1%gomcm en oday. STIIIT 1E JAMES e GENERAL INSURANCU e4 Ring st. E. ebwmaavile Ofie a3-5081 RoiMono. 128-5493 The lnternatlonally aI&U Harlem Diplomata Who rapidly becomlng world nowned, played the staff B.H.S. ln a gaine o a: dazzle baajcctbail an prit January <tii. > The sciiaol team, léatui -r Wolff, 1Mr. Brunt, 1fr. 1V n er, 1Mr. McMuflen, Mr. Sh of dan and Mr. Bail cauldn't si of ta cape with the Harlem 1 nt lamnats whO at times van nteachers ragged with their4 pua Of hootlng and bailc c- trol. idMr. 1Miller was the. 1cad id scorer wlth ô6 piwth] in Sheridan collecting 12 pol 9-Mr. Brunt and M. Wolff el il-With 6pts. and Mr. Ball w le 4, but ta make the score ci [j er the Diplomiats gave1 19 poor teachers 20 ptu. ta mi à the score more respectable in the. end. SThe. DiPlomats Who calle he 72Pte. were eed by1 O ialus playlng af Go, 'y Tatum Jr. who àu aiready1 *most popular basketbail pi er in Canada with 22 pts. 1 lowed cIoseiy by Charlie Cc and Méyers wlth 10, Rend, son wlth 13 and Wetheru w 6 ltg. Tht. totailY cxcitlng tel which lOlten called by ma fans as Canadasu teain whi is uimilar ta the ever Po u 1HArle. iGlc>bqtrattr. .P have played ln uuch countÉ as Mexico, Janialca, Nasal Erazil and Venezuela whe they were blled the funnit team oever. The team dld lllustrate ti skil! and by the reaction the. students and teachers wi particlpated and watched, was a succes and the organ ers, Mr. Brunt, Landy Salloç and Bt!! Morrisan necd ta congratulated for a job we donc. Arouai TbicNep bmTe o ning gaines of t baktb chedule were utai cd lu n BS. wlth the Junloi lOslng ta Anderson by tù score of 42-35 and the. Semac and Bantaina wnnlng by t, scores af 40-36 and 10- ri spctlveiy. Bowinanvlfe Nigli Schao basketbail teins comploed verY succeuful wceRwl Bawnianvilll's teas= wlnnir six gaines and loulng twa. On Tuesday, wlth AMax bx lng the Opposition, the senloi and juniors were bath succesi fulinl winning their garni 44-39 and 42-35 respectivel and the. bentamns Iosing 234 AUl the. gaines were weil play ed with the seniors under Mi Sheridan playrlng ane of thi best gaines 1 have sccu ti year. The Juniors played wel in the second garne but thec must get mare polisi arouni the hoop. In the. Bantan game the teai, asuich acon shows, must flnd mare scor Ing punch If they want t( succeed irs year.i. ear NEWS Htospital. n 1 Mrs oyBs an Ms. C. Keneily w ve calliug on their DONALD A. MacGREGOR ;cigibauns v dMn,. Life, Auto, Nome Da Sltia i Hawthorn Insurance Swe.t and Julcy Florida larin, lut weck. eu Kingret. E., Dcwnsonville none623590NOT M BAR %r 49c OR AGE STARK VILLE Land Surveying BISC- UI OEIA 5 (nded for laut wè9k) NMRILL D. BROWN Sz Ti ew Year bas came- P.ENG., OLS. VTmu year ta fuIill eveny plan, 121 Queeu St. - Bowminville 3ON2SBOOS8RSC To rejolce lu tic biesinga ai Bus,. sud Res.* Telepione FOR PEU G4fls aOR ATON Golden Ripe Chiqulta C ada 623-7251 1.ECHANOIS CRTICATES And the oadnesa of years la PEcwwAN uxRnA SîlO TAPE W#IU4 Mv. andn.Mal0fl. M rig ag es FE 0- " ananas 2Ibs.29c ine and md amlly were New D » Produe af USA-Cen. No. 1 Grade Yfev's latswth Mv. DIXHMLON-OO' R M fEmEmperor n. M ke Sanis, New- P on.9M 3-511 tanvili*. it Mortgage Funds NIE lFfEOFH M.. Mr ad m m itle usiness- PrmeGRAPES 2Ibs.45c ampiome d Neryms cmL DI BWIN1ILLE.l s1f Prty etýe mlu -A MuLLBTTO.D. Uow M d vlem, were dinue î in ,Il~n 1 o n 1 a co ~ .îâ &U end c b Mj, b the vlctry s lur»iay r« »Y boys wio a quit. gocio u t a ociîol ban bore'. 1Chance. Tic juwniSd1 InlramniabÎaketbaU 1I form n g. tn up Bol SU In wtt the a ggmaoodneu for nsistlb.teaehers wl iforming a tom again., Comins up et thc ond Inanti, ta bé exact, 'en. 211.. wlI be ticeicone0 of the manl opectacuiar d !v held Intheticina. "Lait Wovdi" are juil tomi name implici, the wordS In entcvtatn Tioh a e troke of go.d and godbusines h han ben rigged up ftnanc Wth a iatlii. tial '% euse can we go wrong. Ifoat-nite ina aso clou baud eai we hope tiat r entrtilinrswllldisplay talents-foirlthe veut af taivuit ahtis time. For adult resiers, mant ai yo% reruber B.H.S.'s great ei tanment prograni Put an year; If you have some fluence wlti a taleated former lrY and get hlm ar aO jota lie hool-nite traup could reallY be uscd. IBy Albert Revoies4 Barry Krawchuk. ti REDUCE TAX You gain in twowayswitha& Sterling Trusts Retirenient Savlngs plan. Payrnents made before February 28t, 1967 can be claimed as a deduction against 1966 1nmorne Tax. It's a great way ta builId retirement incarne and reduce your incomne tex at the urne tiffie. Cali us. STER lINTR . sTSn UZBaYSSVdpt SIug Tr. .r ri * mu mue f» Newy Installed -Officers cf Jerusàlem Lodge A.F..& A.M. se-M tusemr n Thurodey, the. girls who arc MW mi winmm of the c &ta1.11 tdUihsnir wlung aller. 32-12. Battheuicllteamas sccm ta have thc aoorlng re pnefe wi iiccd tt uc- nu& Ccetâs ywar nta tu new agr To mak. the week succes- cagu fua, wihDunbarton thc op- w n posit1on, tic seniors won 4741 éccu and tic jn iwnnlng 55.35. Ui the bantamalasing the aver. 111 bl tiMe gaine.44-42. ofteteamis face Pickering In Uic 27tft, baya'gym. lfanc T: Zion (Hope Township) lalet (nendcd for Iast wcek) lent. Tii.e Zion Sunday Sch)ool luck Christmnas Concert was held dance ln Uic Church, Saturday even. WiI ng, Dec. 17. Ticre was a hregaod atteridance of parents and, cildren. le et The programme was arrang- tlii chuld should have a part lu it. Recently elected officers of Jerusalem Lodge S.W.; Wor. Bro. I. M. Hovey, Wor. M.; Bro. D. W. thc Misa Elaine Casweii had A.F. & A.M. No. 31 G.R.C. were installed at a special White, J.W.; V.W. Bro. P. R. Cowling, Treas.; Bro. H. r the charge af the pvagram, while ceremnony in the lodge rooms on Deoembe'r 27th with D. Sutton, Tyler; Back row, Bro. L. C. Welsh, J.S.; ' re- Mr. S. Dickinson was chair. Wor. Bro. W. A. *L. Ayre as the Installing Master and. Wor. Bro. A. B. Lobb, Chap.; Bro. H. Locke, I.G.; Bro. -tr man for the occasion, opening each wti O Canada. Remarks by Wor. Bro. I. M. Havey taking aver as Worshipful F. A. Osmond, S.D.; Wor. Bro. K. A. Bi]lett, D. of C.; e In tic chairman were toiiowed Master from Wor. Bra. Walter H. Goode. The officers Bro. G. R. Guthrie, J.D.; Bro. J. R. Williams, S.S. pcv; by a number af recitations, are, front row, left ta right, Rt. W. Bra. J. S. Emmer- Missing, Bro. R. S.. Metcaif, Organist. r dialogues, cirais, musical se- sn e. Wor. Bro. W. A. L. Ayre, Installing Master; p, ho lections by several af the sn e. adTugpeople and a welcom. Wor. Bro. W. H. Goode, I.P.M,; Bro. B. E. Cowling, -P ot Rehder aid g chorus. b A beautifully decorated tree a guest with her grand- for the Sunday morning ser- weil laden wlth guifs and daughter, Mrs. Lawrence Far- E u Noe uKu LLEN vice was Mr. Mittier from treats for ail awaited Santa'z now wio usa eutertained hen Northminster United Church, arrivai, He was on Urne, and parents, Mr. and Mrs. Len- The third annual New Year's fet supper was served by the Oshewa His message entitled was i usual fat, joily aid nox, Garden Hill, and her Ev. Dance at the Community Hall cammrittee and assistants, "New Year's Resolutions" was nous self. Ater gneetings and brother aud sister during tic Hall iad its annual gay icans iniing o eo the entnna are much hand-shaklug he called festive season. crowd. Tic niythmic orches- whi a upervised by Mr. aninsiing o i o the b e-a vo- $or same assistance which was Mn. and Mrs. Brian Caswell tna provided Yharmony for and Mrs. E. Trewin. Year. Special prayer was of- faO eagerly given, aud the parceis ententained a group af irieuds round and square dancing. The annual Sunday School fered for Miss Dougherty's kzÈ and bagu af treats were soon at thein home ut a New Year's Doan prizes donated by Mr. meeting was held on Monday speedy recovery. We are Iay, distrlbuted. Sauta tien wish- Eve party. aud Mns. Fred Griffin were evening, Jau. 2nd. ut the home pleased that Mr. Mittier will xi ed vcryone a hippy Chrstlmas Duning tic holiday season won by Mns. Dave Hall and of aur superintendent, Mr. A. be available again as our ing aud bld them goadtbye for an- Mr. aud Mrs. Charles plum, Mr. Elmer Lee. A gift of J. Werry. There was a good guest speaker for next Sundayt (jl. otier year. The sngiug ai Toronto, Mr. Athur McKay mauey from the A. & P. Store, attendance. Thc business per- morning's church service. 1 cri. "Tic Quecu"l brougit this snd Mns. Ida Plum were even- Bowmauville, provided prizes iod included many plans for Mrs. D. Featherstone-}Iaugh *em hippy eveulng toa sclose. iug guesîs ut Mn. Morley Rob- for spot dances for which tic the new year. There were of Pine Hill, Divinity Hall, U.C.W. Meeting inson's home. iucky winners were Mr. and minon changes in the teaching Halifax, N.S., was a recent dke Th li ZoUcd hureingWof Mr. and Mrs. John Stane Mrs. Earl Luke, Mr. and Mrs. staff and executive, also one visitor with Mn. and Mrs. 0. dos.mewsheda the homeUitai OronoWo ; Mr. aud Mrs. CharIiý' Mervin AJIin, Mrs. C. Avery, new class was fonmed of in- C. Ashton. Mr. arec EykwihHait, Toronto, were gueits Mn. B. Adams, Mr. and Mrs. termediate boys. A social Mr. and Mrs. 0. C. Ashton Ming au aence ai înemc with Ms.SoSndy Max Short. A step dance hour was enjoyed and a visited Mrs. E. C. Ashton andt M.biiud cv an Muednc fnnroatwe r.A .Suipnize was presented to Mrs. dainty lunch was served by Mr. and Mrs. G. Beech, Bow-1 ets, i arend eulanMn. are a îgly eecte.dA J.Suhe. Poilard and Mn. G. Stin- tic hostess, Mrs. A. J. Werry. manville. I ThceIwi apednt .Camen aghl reseteass d ram au son. The New Year was bail. Our minîsten, Rev. M. Dou- Mrs. H. Stainton bas returnu .ac Irin pend te metig lng esientpased romouredwiti the traditions! horu- gierty is convalesciug fnom cd home from two weeks'a di with verses af icripture aud midst. The many frieudi, - las. prayer. relatives and neighbors attend. bowiug and balloon bursting an emergency openalion last visit in Toronto with rela. lie The. devotional prognsmn, a. ed service in Bawmauvilie as everyone donned a tiny Sunday iu Oshawa General tives.M iake ranged by Mrs. Rber Mor- Ssturday afternoon. ?aper hat. A delectable buf- Hospital. 0ur pulpit supply Mr. and Mrs. S. Lamb, Mr.:I i ton was given. She was assist- Many enjayed the TV "Sun- e4 by Mns. Chas. -Raby and day" pragram and the seîting ecl. Miss H. Raby. of it in this area, at Mn. Frying or Roasting thc Mn.. E. Casweil read the Tyson's ranch. >ose minutes ai lic Navemnben Mr. and Mns. Bob Robinson tic meeting. Tics. were adopted sud sons were visitons during2 lay. as read. lie seasan witi ber parents, fol- Tie vîniaus cammîtîces Mr. and Mrs. G. Scott, Gardeu ock gave thier reports. Hill. or. At thc close of the 1966 Mn. and Mrs. Llew Hallo- 'tI business Mn.. Inwin thanked well were Sùnday evening HIKN lie members for theur o dinner guests ut Mn. Bnian * .1., .g.«. arn operation sud support, and Casweli's. ..-... Rny declarcd ail offices vacant. lih Rev. Munro toak aven fan Buinss Pc.or Llav the election af afficers. Tien. AVE34 rAE 1t AVElo âe,were very few change.snmade. IPOA ies The. Secretary sud Tneren tic ouna mu, agrecd ta stand for suohher enc terni. Nevcrtheless it wss RAT J. DILLINGMAJIL est raîhera leugthy session be- Chantened Accountaut MIL his and tic îollawing i. tie îist 623-3861M offf filcers for 1967: PasI W M. J. H. COTGGINS ho President, Mrs. Carmen Inwln; Ciantened Accountaut48o.TlRg it President, Mns. Chas. Meneil. 115 Liberty St. S., Bawmauvillec Ï:- ley; Vice-Presideul, Mns. Mc- Phone 623-3612 Tn ks wl, Nall Irwtn; Secretany, Mns. -ILA .HL le Elsworth Casweii; Tressunen, WLL.C. HL el Mrs. Edwin Ruthven; Pro. CharterAcoL unant Canvnon Mns C.36%2 King St. E., Oshawa rwin; Dvational Couvcnor, Ne Mv.. Robert Marton; Repre. eeine7563 tg. sentative ta tie Officiel Board, BURROWS, SELBY & CO.- )r Mrs. M. Inwun; Represeutative Chartened Accountauts Ie ta lie Conimitîce ai Slew- 323 King Street West We t c s ru lards, Mns. E. Caswell. Otien Oshawa, Ontanio he cammittees ta b. chosen at 725-6451 - 728-7554 e. tic January meeting. William A. D. Selby, C.A. Mr. Mnodlscussed levers! G. Edmond Burrows, C.A. î'ls items cauceruing tic church o i e l Ce a and organisation wllh tic th members. Chiropractic ng The. prograni annanged by _G. EDWIN MANN, DC. ~ Mvs. Meu.iey cousisted ai Chrnopnacton SAVE 1l roi.&YCoc e ~ SIT 11 IDLS U b a r g e r w e r e u n d y v s t nsb .r s a l o p t Mn. sud Mrs. Fred Holroyd sud Bill, Bowmanvilie, were Suuday cailens at S. Lamb's. Mr. sud Mns.'Bu!l Kay, Ton- onto, Mn. sud Mrs. Keith West and famiiy, Orono, Mn. sud Mrs. A. Sharp were Sunday visitons aI Mn. sud Mrs. Ivan Sharp's. M. and Mrs. Leonard Stain- ton sud Gail. were Suuday visitons ai Mn. sud Mns. Roy Hope, Prince Albent. Mn. sud Mrs. Will Ashton, Caesarea, Mn. sd Mrs. Lloyd Ashton, Haydon, were Mon- day eveýniug dit-mer guests of Mn. and Mn.. R. J. Ormiston, lie occasion of Mn. Lloyd Asbton's binthday. Congratu- lations. Mn. sud Mrs. Elwyn Dickey sud Velma, Bowmanville, Mn.1 and Mrs. C. Stainton sud girlsi 1 Z' m VI er n dc !ei lu ra ohi 11) 'ez a ýet It il, 0 0 m ni le ýec ac ir ,a. hg th eri ai %n LY a r t 1 Li were Sunday tes guesîs of 102 Ring St. W. Bowmanvill. Phono 623-7341 Froc Eutimate. ~.r. sud Mns. M. Stajutan. DARLINGTON UPHOLSTERY an& lmisC. stainton wr E V R O visitars on Satuvday eveuting Y L M O at 14r. and MUn. G. Werry's. S Mr. -sud Mi. Jim Muller (Intended for kgwek) and DarryL, Oshawa, were Janetville Ares Fine Dri.' guests ah E. Wnighht's. gade have completed heir anv sd Mr.. Cliff Petiick firehali, Installed thein icit- were visitons witi Mr. and im unit, etc., sud bave tsien Mn-. Hsrry Strutt, Oshawa. ihemr fine truck on a few Mr. sud Mn.. Joe Lake spn practice runs ta ensure every- Satundey eveuing with M r. tig. is in arder n thtiivcucu sud n. Serlng Sewaroa a fire. Mr. Melville Wright an M trlng. wrtas been appoiuted local Fln Mn sud Ms. AK L. Wearn, services ai tue brigadri ad !W Mins Susan Wean, Mn. Jîmivised ta pion. ciher af thes, Swaln visited Mn. sud Mrs.1numbers for assistance (JohnDonald Wesrn, Dundas, and Burns) 705-324-3073, or Dcli atteuded the Dedication af auv 37R3, an Melville Wrgit Miss Sussune Wearn at the 705.324-2924. Ph e ase copy Peutecostal Chunch, Ancasten. lies. nuxubers sud place nean Mn. sud Mns. Corteuay Gra-lYoun telephone in case ai ham, Purple Hill, Mr. sud emergeucy. Mrs. Lloyd Siemon, Susan and j Reception ta the Volunteen Frederick, Haydan, were wit Brigade has becu manl ac- Mrs. F. Toms an Sunday. j ceplable sud complirnenlary Mn. sud Mrs. R. J. Ormis- aon lie wbale. A great deal ai Ion were Suuday visitors of credit is due ta tiose icw wio Mrs. J. D. Brown, Orona. have given so wboleheartedly Mr. sud Mrs. M. Stainton i o their lime sud effort la en- iad Satunday supper wîtb Mn. sure ils success. To themn we sud Mrs. R. McGill. express the gratitude ai the local communities sud tic Miss Canal Begley, Oshawa, best wishes for success in visited Mn. sud Mrs. T. Wenryti msonLt sud family. teîr msin e's give themn our complete moral sud finan. Mrs. Harny Gregg aud Mi- cial backiug - Be a booster chael, Gleuburnie, Maryland, not a knocker! Mn. and Mrs. Adam Sharp, Mrs. Onam Moore and in- Mn. sud Mrs. Ross Sharp, faut son have returned homo Gardon sud Kathy, were ne- fromn Ross Memorial Hospi. cent visitons aI Mn. sud Mrs. tl. Ivan Shanp's. Mrs. Hauk Boon Sr. is stay- Mn. Wayne Beckett bas re- ing a few days wîti daugiter lurued to Guelph University Cornue at Malconîs. for bis hast Semester afler Glad bo repart that Mns. spending balidays at home. Donothy Bristow sud Miss Mn. sud Mrs. Ralph Lam-o Adele Page are bath necupen- sud Leslie, Mns. Raciel Graw- ating satisfactorily followiug

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