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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 18 Jan 1967, p. 8

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Mu.ba m ovr pad b t belng a great bowler or e m n e r that matter, but If this happen.d t any Oumir ~iM Iu4pDer(Mid we tound out about it) the. repat would h«&e.TIl* Ueth» t ory ls en thiscie, sowe _________ * ~ l.Pmuit along. V bat ln Ithe longen thlima you would thlnk Ihat anyone - Who e l.cl imSl a tabowler ba eSm wltboul a strike? WeD tri~DV doUbWu If any league bowlershave ever had the. problenia The. mistortune was ours to go th.efrit 26 conoectiveiMalrLe *&rMU. Wlthout onm knocklng ail the pins down wlthý a single S bIUS<titWhen w. were about to give up hope, would you John Carter headed the lisd ovWe - a stke In the. seventh frame aoftthe Uurd gamne? ibis week for hlgh triple ApIttedly, we bad a'tbugh ie beflevlng It urelf ad Care had games of 270-319 -W. wen't too surprised whmn It was right back to aur usual 1 o l 0 rpe tbm elivriu he nxt tme.ThIrteen bowlers crasbed delivees o et tie. 1brw wl b he700 mark. Dr. Howard Nowwe no tht afe eybros 111beralsed wheund e bt 790 (281-302), Sw try to tell yau Uiat we wound up with four stralht George Glanville 784 (308), ta~L Sut utfor 26 frames, Ihen five strikes lnathe las Murray Tlghe 779 (281)-263), tOmr? Tat'. jtlst what -hpeelBill Westlake 772 (285), Larry apediPiper 756 (296), Norm Hen- COM ON- t t t nlng 753 (273-301), Erni ' M ONCANADA - BUT Perfect 746 (282-269), Howard The. Canadian Nationale, along wli varlous teanis Ibat Bromneil 738 (276), AI Os- *'o't before theai have, 1h seenis, always been subjugated t<, borne 732 (276), Harold Ben- f tl«clm from sports-writers, clear across Canada. Now, it nett 720 (257), Don Oke 714 (279), Elton Brock 706 (303), 1o=g lst, as the result o! a plan orlginally instlgated by Ron Maynard 704 (286). lather David Bauer, 1h appears that this country is on its Ted "Pippy" Bagnell cane *&y to bavlng the best teamn to represent 1h ln many years. up wlth a big 345 single gaine This reporter was fortunate i belng able to have a higli for the niglit. Don Bag- neli was right behind dad, look at th. Nationals wlien Uiey downed Uic Russlans 4-3 at having a nice 324. Lou Wise- Maple Leaf Gardons, last Tuesday nlght. We say fortunate, man 287 and big Bruce Adams because 15,878 fans flhed the Gardens to capacity - even 287. tbe press box was jam-packed! Ken's Men's Wear teai had At that time, Uic vicbory gave Canada a bwo wln, one hlgh single score, 1272, as well Il; ecod aaina th conraes fom he .S.SR. copleas high triple, 3583. te ecod aaist he omrde frm, he .SS.R A ;î I the averages Howard çf nIglits later, the. Ruskles came up wlth their firit decision Bromelil u seting a terrific éver the home side on the recent tour. Of course,, bha's dis- pace at 263 for 6 games, while counting some o! those 28-0 and 19-0 scores they posted last week's leader Bob Law- *gainât some manner of hockey beama in thc maritime ton lias 261. In the third spot is Bowmanville's well known provinces, sportsman Dr. Howard Rundle W. should point out that this corner lias neyer had averaging 258. gnythiag detrimental to say towards the players who carry Pepsi Cola teani captained , e - ur nation's banners to bthe World Championships. We cor- by Bob Lawton, is ied with credi, for the Lander Hardware boys. tainJy think bhey deserve a great deal of rdtfo there Each team bas yet to taste de- tre several of this particular club who could be drawing big feat i the second schedule. -aioney from an X.H.L. club. The record, six wias, no losses. You miglit say that they are presently gettlng a good Standing second Week ¶ oducation and will still be abi. to play for pay ln another Second Sohedule threc or four years. Quite truc - but a guy like Bob Pulford bas sifl managed ta do well financially for humuel!, while Aeae Samnng a college, degrce. We would rather tblnk that 1h lu Name Games Ave. dodlcabloei wblch motivates these athietes ho represent Howard Bromeli 6 263 -~Canada. Bob Lawton __ 6 261 Dr. H. B. Rundie- 6 2581 4 ~Apart front a brie! look, via television, when ho played Don Oke -____ 6 249 ; ~r. "A", 1h, was our first opporbunlty ta sec Fran Huck i Larry Piper 6 242 iction. IJndoubtedly ho could b. hi the National Hockey John Carter 6 241 Leaueuigitno. GryDieendln' ply ecuseo!anMurray Tighe ~ 6 240 teauerigt ow.Gay Dnen ddnt paybecus ofanGeorge Glanville- 6 237 laJury, but from what allier reporters hold un, he would be Jack Lander 6 233 a clacli 10 nmbe 1h. Then Ihere is Jean Cusson, Marshall AI Osborne 6 233 Jobaston, goal-keeper Wayne Stephenson and a guy namied Ted Bagneli __ 6 232 * Carl Brewer. Hauic ABIét 6 .232 'tes - Canada lias a darned good National club Habt roldeerfet 6 230 " ýe'theInk Uie Bussians will beat theni ln thc World champ- A Saman -___ 6 228 I loshpo.We're speaklng malnly o! Rusala and Canada in George Bebee- 6 227 tbf prhcuarcourabu Ui milImresue ea ~KarI Piper e 223 thi prtcuar olmn bt he os Iprssie e-mweDon Bagnell 6 223 lia,. Çz:pbl.s to ha Czechoslovakla. Lau Wiseman 6. fi 221J .-ba lait week's encounter, don't foret Non Henning a 221 ~ ~ 1fy* nby a single goal - and Stephenson Bill P9i Mak - _t_ *fai ond of tb. gamet' stars. Wble lt'i truc thal Dinen Fred Thomison 6 219 b alang wlth Zimin and Yakusliev, another pair. o! to Si Trewln _-___ 2162 Math Harrison - 6 209t Verrmers, out of the lino-up. BraMry......6 20 XI ns aso a onldr.dtht icCanadians were Russ 0k. 6 207 ,~. playing aI home before a huge partisan crowd. That's. another Bruce Adamis 6 207 gtem lhey Won'I have golng fo;- hem la Vicana, camne March. Ed. Leslie __ 6 206 ÎN.&Bruce Milne 6 206 .. Anohhier Item whlch could hurt Our chances overseas Ia lack Maurice Richards 6 206 of depth. The Russians obviously bave capable rePlacomnenta. Dave McICnlght . 6 204 ~- Could you Imagine Canada bencblng Ilve of their best playens Bob Richards 6 203 4,Clarence Oko 6 202 an isngolyb oegol Harry Akey - 6 2026 -Whlle oae game migit not ha Iruly Indicative o! the Laureace Leaman- 3 202 antIre situation, Mthe t. acIs we have polnbed out here Bob Kent -___ 6 2009 cannaI hadlsregarded. One Uing Uie Nationals do. have going Russ H-alIman - 6 200 ' l or. flica , although thcy don't realize lb - our prediction Teans StandingM __ tetord so far la pretty sa<L Come on Canada, let'srecapture Tean W Lpts. 2 tic world tltle Ihat rlghtfully belongi lier. Peps Cola 0 O 6 t Ater Uic game wc vsîted the NaIs' dresslngroit Lander Hardware- 6 Q 6 9vomt "2 #ay hello I. Ray Cadieux. We had labervlewed his brother Ken's Men's Wear 5 1 5 B PMI ecaier ln the day on CX.LBflol9 h eeas Beaver Lumber - 4 2 4 yraclce whoaskd us10LecRy. lobalowng t k Wrisl ysr' __ R R.Laird _ __ G 234 mmKmEuEmAIB. Milîs___ 6 226 mED v~ ALJ. Siomon - 6 222 ~ 1A L Reynolds 62217 A~FLIA Cec Muls __6216 Hl. Mcauhi 6 214 AREN'I JiaiCoambes__ 6 214 "'--B. McDonald 6 211 BOWMNVMRR. Cacabes - e 207 BOWMAVILLEE. Dlckey ,..- 6 205 Telepho 8352 C. Bruat 6 204 _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _D . T e n n a n t - 6 20 4 -XK MCGII 6 203 J.Peasane - 6 202 iI h~B. Bothwell 3 201 PUBLIC.î Cartwel -3 .M00 F. Beeket _ 19 ~KATIN4 T. Pleaance 9 SKATNQ B. ITaulor ion FRIDAY, JANUARY-2OthDave 1 - 849ole iL P.' U193 or 4wJ. 19 elr193 _C. RusseU - 191 - AND *A. Westlake a lo..... i 1 __A. Marinla 6 190 L.-annnt - 6 189 SUMAYPJAUAR ~2a-oûgRcnolds -6 1880 ___ 187 T. ott p - 6 187 SKAIG ~ .Wl o ...6185 t.. arn ______ 6 183 ~les Heye Where Did That .Ball When the Harlem Diplomats basketball team. visited B School reçently to play a tearn made up of teachers, the Sta phershot this rather unique picture at the start of the secc main participants in the jurnp off are B ob Sheridan at right *ho are 'either, bird watching or waiting for the ball to corne tôss up. Unfortunately, the bail does flot appear, but it eventu to the -lawof gravity and return to the players. Misxed-League Bowling lm oïf % .ad best.Jin Bedford .6 niglt O 1 lie on 'ËJriday H.fIda ok--z. 8 nlghb whel ieh bowled gaines Joan Brunt 6 o! 265-250-355 f or a Ire- Elton Brock 6 thendous 87Ù, triple. Etcher's Hazel Donoghue - 6 355 was also higli single. A Onie Etcher 6 tip of the old straw hat to AI Lobb--------- 6 Morley. Matt Harrison - 6 Vince Prout hit 792 (276), AI Blanchard 6 AI Osborne 772 (299-283)' Joe Nowian ____6 Gord Wilcox 724 (263-278), Murray Grant 6 Hilda' Brock topped the gais Hap Palmer -___6 with 710 (214-295-201), Joan Don Myles-------6 BrunI 692 (257-253), Betty Teani Standing Lobb -663 (253), Connie Wise- Tea man 628 (246), Fera Bradley eaW L 621 along with the top single Prout .___ 5 1 game o! 338 'for the ladies, Harrison -___ 4 2 Mary Wilcox 620 (274). 'E. Brock____ 4 2 Somenieéie single garnes Glarville 4 2 were - ecorded. Hap P l o bbhe 3 3 293, Hazel'Dbaoghue 288, El- Hob ton Brock and MatI Harrison H. Brock 3 3 262, Don Bradley 256, Howard Perfect 2 4 Broniell 254, Ai Blanchard 251, Bromeill____ 2 4 Al Lobb 253, Jin Bedford 254: Osborne 2 4 Joa Bedford 241, Onie EIch- Brunt-____ 2 4 er 235-204, Dorc Multon 229. Wilcox____- 2 4 Ia the averages Al Osborne las 256 for 6 gaines while MIorley Etcher is second, Goodyea r hitting 255, Vince Prout i h el om lb third, 241.Th etRo clb In the teain standing Vince the Reclaimators as did Prout's outfit has the lead Hose over the Office by with 12 points. Malt Harri- sounding 7-0 scores. on's liombers have 10 points Crackers thumped the 1 for second spot. bury 6-1, the Miilwri 2nd Wcek - 2nd Schedule wrenched a 4-3 win over Braiders and the Machii laeGames Ave. turned down the Comb Al Osborne -___ 6 256 4-3. The Power House n (orley Etcher - 6 255 ed back into their most Vlace Prout -- 6 241 miliar spot by taking a 5-2 [oward Bromell - 6 235 back aI the hands o! the lord Wilcox 6 232 Beits. BANNER lý&SSANT 023-3258 - 90 Duke St, Bowmauvlfe *Lit. inuurance * bcot.. Dluabillty * ension Flans * <nqpIpsrace '-r~ Aff lain ~gnpn -of Caead ;e. :ered Sthe 7re- The Ban- ,ghts .the Iists bies iov- f a- set- Stu. Carson had the nig'ht's high triple wiîh a 763 foiiow- cd.ciosely by Jack Bond with a 759. Four bowlers clipped the 300 mark with Wayne Haisma leading the way with a 312; Bob Nicholis. Frank Wright and Andy Heidinga were the allier sharp-shooters. Jimmy Aluin again found the hidden score. Teani Standings Beits 84 Hose _____81 Mach ne S op - 76 Braiders _________72 Banbury 72 Combines ________65 Office --__________63 Fan Beits ________61 Crackers ---.________60 Reciaimators _______60 Millwrights 53 Power House _____51 Youth Bowling' IANTI mas AX Cbttlk 2 7,1< obb 4 O, ounjoy0; Tice R. Selleck 241 2 O;J. ru c 3,Bryson 2; Daduoi 3, Me- 217, F. Burns 24-200-203; C. Mulen 2. Bradley 218, D. Brock 204 B. Team Standing Wereszczynski 210, D. iper ~ BroMieili _ _ _ _ 8 204, IL. Woods 226, W, Lewis dson ________ 8 224-264, D. Stevenson 207. oie -________5 H319b Triple Bron5W.Lewis_______ M ountjoy 4 P.B urnsîl __ _ __ 2 Bigh Single 0 R. CSeilek _ _ _ _ _ 12 D . B ro mie l _ _ __ 2 0 5 R . _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 7 I Go? ~dî.s filai S. Davey Dul 162 *' The Ladies' Major Leaguers S. Broe 259___ 40Mixed M ajor returned to action last Mon- R. Daey-23 day night, i the opener of The league got underway ther ecnd chdue. pir BANTAM BOTS on January 9th wlth 12 teame of shutouts were recorded, Sohe5,VnDrieI 0; bowling this second schedule. Hazlde tunin bak Dnogueà, Jackxnan 2; Jen- We welcome ail the-new bowl. with aedntrigbc son 3, Coombes 2. ers and hope they have an Tnat 3-0 adPti ln. Teami Standing enjoyable night of bowling ing ake Jensen ___ 8 with us. Maurice Annaert Preston edged Bowers, Etch- Shred-________ 7 headed the league with high er won over Martyn, Brooks VanDriel________ 5 single of 326, triple of 777 and defeated Buttonshaw, and Joli Coombes________ 5 average of 259. E. Perfect downed Bickeil, ail by 2.1 Donoghue ______3haanie74tpl.Dv scores. Jc a ie74til.Dv Bernice Joli started off the Jcman _____ 2 Reynolds with a 764 and G. BighSlngîe Bebee with 706 and a 305 second haîf in fine form, only G. Jenson17sige m i ss n g h e 0 0 a rk b y R . D e M ll e1 5 5 A v e ra g e s - 2 0 0 o r O v e r ngle pin, with a 699 total. Hg obeM nar 5 Shirley Bickell was close be- G. Jenson M2 . ARelrt_____259 hind at 685, followed by Kay R: DeMille _______242 E. PRfectnolds, ____255 S tep h en 617, Jean H arn ess M A a s __248___ 4 . e e _ __ _ _ _ _ 616 and Laura Hazelden 611, B Brunt ~ 3 .Bdy235 Kay Stephen led the w33 UIR IL .Halin______230 wit a30 sngeother toP Patfield 5, Henning 0; Mack- j.Bruto scores going to Judy Bragg lin 3, Piper 2; Ayre 5, Me- K. Bickell -- - 221 285, Bernice Joli 267, Shirley Murter 0. F hmo 2 Biekeli 264, Hazel Donoghue F hmo 2 258 and Shirley Davis 257. MakiTeamStanding D. Joli __-------__21 8 8R. Maynard ______216 Team Standings5-Ayre -8 A. Colwell -______215 Patfeld t~.Patfeld___________ '~'A. Saman 21 Hazfeldn3 ~Piper -7 V. Connors - -207 ~ cMrerOL. Connors ý209 Preston 2 H0nn --------- J. Webb 206 Joli 2 .High Single F. Hill 203 Brok L ipr210 S. Bickell 203 Bros2 C. Ayre-------- 210 R. Wright 201 Bickell 1 K. McMurter -- -- 200 Bowers iHigh DoubleTemSndg Martyn -1 L.Piper ----------- _ 3.86 Colwell---------2 Buttonshaw 1 K. MMurter 372 Patield2 Baeo C. Ayre------ . 356 Annaert 2 Tennant0 JUNIOR BOYS Coole 2 220Gams ad Oer Preston 5, Holroyd 0 ouw- Joli 2______ K tpesmeester 5, Ruiter 0; Wilson 3, Sutcliffe 2 K.Stphns300 Preece 2. Wright 12 LJ.Hzlenn255 Teani Standing Bickell 1__ J. ennnt -230jBouwmieester 10 Dunn 1_____ S. Bickell 223-264IWilson ________ 8 Buday ---1 L. rosey- 251Preston ________ 5 Buttonshaw ____1 M . P e r r i s _ _ _ _ _ 2 2 0 P r e e c e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ 4 H y ei J.Brg - 25Ruiter 3 High Singe-M. Annaert 326 27Holroyd ____O 'High Triple-M. Annaert 777 0. Patfield 254! hSngle HighAverage-M._Annaert 259 H. Nicholson 246 R. Bouwmeester20 D. Joli 267-226 S. Parker 216- S . D v i s - - - - -2 5 7H i g l a D o u b l e J. Harn.ess - 225 i S Parker---____350 H . D on agh u e . _ _ __ _ _ 258 R B u ~ e s e34 D. Adms _____225 SENIOR MIXED LEAGUE e ULDN C. Bowers ~230 Colville 5, Etcher 2; Selleck BIDN M. Jones ~221 Badley 2; Cain ,Gown2 224ing5, Br mStn 5 dwPRODUCTS . AKn -233 Cain Ta tnig 12 J. AlmondHig ir 224 Selleck -10 Natural Stone, Sis, atowmanvillotogîÂTo veagsGoodwin _______g Brick, Block, Steel, itsmn hooga-D Joli 233i Colville ______ 5 Walk Slabs, Cenent, >nd haîf . The two S: Bickell -_____ 228!Etcher 4 lue Tules, etc. and "Goose JrË," S. Davis 209_______ Y ý2 down from a high K. StephenS 209 Braley ingleEN F NLO T Lîally did succunib J. Haznelde 205ý B. Colville 282, R. Beauprie L. Haelden2041200-213;- H. Moore 238, N. PHONE 623-7431 ____________H. Nicholson 200! Goodwin 249, S. Martyn 208, Grande Parisièene Lta@beau! iful automobile. And that optional vinyl top pro vides an elegant touch. Pont'iac gives you luxury ai aprachicalprwe. Andspeakug Get today's brand of action at a downright practical price. Go Pontiac JInteriors have many standard safeîy-features, including the GM-developed energy-absorbîng steering colamn, front seat bell retractors, padded instrument B. Martyn 21 D. Oke ____ V F. Wright 21 J. Bond--21 R. Westlake ____ _21 A. Lobb _______ 21 D. Perfect _____ _ 21 H. Bromeil______ 2. R. Hately ________ 2C A. Rowe _______2G G. Brewster 9. M. Murphy 20 G"T CASH TODAT FOR O0D APPLIANCES . breugi CLASIFIMDO STATESMAN INM no 3-ma5 1907 PONTIAC'S COMPRIHENSIVE WARRANTYS ® 2 4 m o nth sl2 4,Fom i e r m ons *...,. @~ 5 y nt e r O O O m .. , .. . AuTHRIZEDPONTIAc DEALER INi DOWKNVmLLE ROBSON MOTORS, LIM.ITED' lotKIDKs LKto. 82W. "I il m - , ýE 1

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