11 CaaD t t~EOIDnifO~Ia.Artic Igloos. M ake First A p a n A ok at Ontario 's Schools Eht> 15 i.oqdti-Cr rmst nHalifax, N.S. taughtToronto Globe and Mail and oestern Ontario br goigt foïr years in a suburban T author of the best-seling tge .an u ifle o = at oeto hiçh achol, is naw éditor ,Needham's Inferno." Ini a Ontario achoolini on Monday, of "Tins Magazine ts About column last August Mr. Need- Ibruary 6. Schools," and a faunder- ham wrote a tongue-in-cheek This Io their annual "r. teacher oif Te Everdale Place, p 'sriton for preparing ~o n 1 d ve api en " d y.an expérim ental, non.gr ad d, yor chldfor h g c o l u istrict 22 of the. Ontario residential high holna signa al aver the house saying Seoadary 'Schiool Teachers' Georgetown, Ontario. "What's "Stop thinking, start memor- rïaderatlon has arrailged arng lth the public schools"' izing," and "i$cholar$ make pmnel of speakers ta give them a e Davis ha. asked. "Children doilar$, and "Don't get an ane~inusuaI look at their own are nlot educated in public éducation, get 98.7 per cent." proileulion frani the outside. schoolz - they are processed. and "O0nly troublemakers ask %Ôbe af the spakrsi If they have begun ta make questions." »lbert Macaulay, Who vias somne sense out of their world The teachers' day-out prom- ohlte f Energy Resourcel and their own place ini it they ises to pravide some shocks, flrce and Developmnt have done so despite their much ta think about, and a " ~ ' " e 1obarts gavem foe schooling, not because of it." real opportunity ta see their mmen beore The fourth member of the own lives and schools "fromn bê~ugned for health ressens.pane l i Richard Needham, the outside"- as others cee Xe, la nOW à corporation law- Y' 8fdCflOl ietr. He outspoken columnist of the ithem.k -e sid: "P'ew children begin -Ir liyes stupidly, yet stupld » 9»tlig they become.. OY PL u etona1 :ystemi... is s OT P O t8rlif alrt.attntie ad MssArlene Brown had the Cochrane. A vote of thanks children into little misfortune ta break lier right was given ta Jack Payne for Êewho are afraid, bored. armi when skating recently. bis many years of service on and under tension.", Arlene is- a registered nurse's this board. Ajiother who is ta addres assistant in the Soldier's Me- It was approved that an tic 800 teachers is L. Fr4ncis marial Hospital in Qrillia. annual report be printed of *nids, principal cf Emer- Congratulations ta Mr. and individual givings. The meet- &. S sjCollege, Sussex, England. Mrs. Lamne McGill, former ing adjourned. 21rEdmunds founded this residents o fthis village, who Pontypool U.C.W. Meeting Mr. and Mrs. AI Martyn, R.R. 6, Bowmanville, the ternptation to photogr Ilge in 1962, after 30 years celebrated their 4th wedding A special meeting was held have been receiving quite a few callers lately ta see Sitting on the bench and s( Ofteaching a the first Eng- anniversary i Oshawa. at the home ai Mrs. Rennie the igloo~ built on their front lawn. The igloo is even Probably the warm weath eaking Waldorf School. Two local residents on the on Wednesday, January l8th, illuminated at night. Mr. and Mrs. Martyn visit up da.maged the igloo that w ~~the autlhor af "Rudolf "'not well" Eist are Jim Mc- to bonor one ai the members eEducation," and for the Muilen and Master Danny of Pontypool U.C.W. There north quite regularly and have on occasion had Eskimo freezing temperatures, but 1years has visited Can- Stinson, a patient in Civic was an attendance ai fourteen guests at their home. Oddly enough, although Mr. are enjoying carloads of c ad the U.S. on lecture Hospital, Peterborough. We and Mrs. H. Van Wieringen Martin buit this large igloo, he had neyer realiy seen Martyn is shown peekiný t.~snearly every year. He wish theri bath a speedy re- presided. . one on his trips north. They are also collectorsofepodatEneC 's b--described the pupil-teach- covery. Mrs. D. Preston was in o mlyda ri a' 1< Telationl in l this way: Miss Carolyn Fallis spent charge ai the devotional. FOI- Eskimio carving and our photographer couldn't resist teacher knows as lie last weekend in Rochester. lowing the devotional, a Life ~dbefore bis chuidren that Mr. Harold Marshall ai Membersbip certificate andP u h i s e f s ei g u d e d a t T o o n o , w h i a f r q u n t p i w r e pt a g e s t M s moment. The children visitor in the Pontypool dis- Willard Skuce af Bethiany v . FI Waarigbt ta expect ai him trict, passed away on Jan. il. (the former Mrs. Harry Rich-P u p s n d at g s o *tiN he should be a true rep- Mr. Marshall was a Christmas ardsan af Pantypool). Mrs. *Mtative for them ai the tree grawer and with his wife Skuce served as president ai beot farces la manhood." and family have spent much the Pontypool W. A. for aver èçbert Davis is another af time at their home near the thirty years. She aiso heiped o m n a k t n or t*e',peakers. Mr. Davis got bis west boundary of Manvers. the church in many other ca- k -spending several days at Mr. ing as Treasurer, Envelope and Mrs. Howard McMullen's Steward, Sunlday Schooi tea- r o i KENDAL in Port Perry. cher, served on the Parsonage o Annul CngreatinalA car driven by Miss Eve- Board, Presbyterial Commit-.h i t n s T e r wr 'M'e nulCnrgtoa lyn Brown ai the village was tee, Maintenancean Mission- An easy way ta riches onymity towards any responsi- ber 25, gave the industry a eitng was held on Tuesday in collision with John Evans' ary Board, and at present is brought înexperienced ndi- biîity ta contribute ta Work- doubtful reputation, and hind- 4f'iit week. There were nine truck on Friday evening an Eider of the Church. Mrs. viduals into the business ai 'sCmpnstonrCn d progress in gnrl fflent. A deliciaus Pot luck about twa miles east ai Pan- Skuce is the first member ai growing C h r i s t mn a s trees. men'sCmeso , Unay dagnrl ýl1nrwas served at noon typool. In spite ai the exten- the Pontypool U.C.W. tobesa Where other areas ai business Pension Plan orBoal h creation ai a Marketing d*d aterwards the business sîve damage ta the car we honoured. Mrs. C. Fallis, Past demand somne training, regis- ment Insurance. Such benefits culture would regulate the *à$ transacted. Reports were are glad ta say Evelyn re- President, cxpressed appre- tration or licensing, the tree that became avoulable as a industry through every phase ,grpfreim the Sunday School, ceived anly minar cuts and ciation for the many years ai business presented an oppor- direct resuit ai the efforts ai and give the pbi au o cmd Church Women, Mis- bruises. dvtdsrieMsSkctnty ai small investment at the Cbristmnas Tree Growcrs their dollar isedvabefor soary and Maintenance and At a recent meeting ai has given. Mrs. VanWierin- the start whiie retaining an- Association were taken in are saine ai the passible ad- t-Churcb Board. It was de- J.O.L. No. 444, Linda Strong gen presented tue pin and their stride by the unqualiiied vanages: udlipd ta add new members ta was elected president and certificate, and Mrs. FallisHA fn growers, and the desire ta re- ~Lcniga i rwr Board -and a cammittec Pamela Reid vice-president. closed with prayer. Mrs. .JJJL main anonymaus kept themn andl dealers, which wouid end ,NU appointed ta interview C. Curtis and Mrs. D. Pres- Skucc gave a short speech ai from joining aur Association. theit ai trees irom forms or p*pective nersans. tan have been making a visi- thanks. Sunday schooi session at These seliish individuals bave ioading stations. 4al3e Women's Institiute met tation in the community in The secretary's report for 1:45 p.m. and church service been responsible for the glut 2. Record oi number ai -1t "the home of Mrs. Wmn. regards ta the work af aur December was read and ap- at 3 p.m. on Sunday. in the market and the dciivery trees lne anulyadi *bg'ansky with seven mcm- cburch. Tbey are vcry picas- praved, and other correspon- Election ai aificers ai the ai trashy trees for a pricepane analy ad lie present. Mms. W. H. Fos- ed with tue response received. dence read and attended ta. Sunday School was held on wherever unscrupulous deal- acreage going wild. te';gave the topic on Citizen- Their efforts are greatly ap- Dues for 1967 were coliect- Tucsday cvening. ers couid be 'faund ta take 3. Comparative price quota- a7p nd Education and read preciated. cd. Mrs. Anderson was wel- There was a good attend- them. The number ai sucb tions sa that the grawer wouid aft- article on Canada- Boom- One af the chiidrcn seen comned as a ncw member. ance at the church service on trees leit an lots ater Decem- have someeidea in deaiing. t'Salute for '67- a look on "Ramper Room" Ch. 9 TV Mrs. 'Preston reportcd a Sunday afternoon. ]Rev. Nor- b--tk with pride and a look this week la five year aid succcssful card party heid at they gave a fine message. al wlth hope. A reading Cynthia Lee Rowan who visits the schooi on January 13th, The euchre party spansored deSrJohn A. MacDonald Pantypool rcgularly with bier and procecds wcre turned by Club 21 Saturday evcning ,%as given by Mrs. Turansky. parents, Cpi. and Mrs. Cam- avcr ta the treasurer. Mrs. was well attendcd, seven tab- SR. C. Whtes sermon eran Rowan ai Ottawa. GadnKk was appointed les in progress. Winners ~s aoteronTe Little On Tuesday, Jan. itb, the ta be in charge for Jan. 27th. were: high lady, Jean Siemon; aIr of the Founding. Fa- annual cangregational meeting Considerable discussion took iow lady, Jean Garrard; bigh of~ a the ChristianChurch was beld in the church. Rev. place as ta whethcr we sbould man, Donald Ttowin; iow t~ fromn the second letter Piercy was appainted chair- haid an Aiternoon Tea and man, Wayne Blackcburn; door ef"?eter. The tcxt was "Grow mon for tue meeting. The Bazaar in the spring, or wbe- prize, Douglas Blackburn. e' -Grace". The Christian minutes ai last ycar's meeting ther wc should have a booth Mr. and Mrs. Raymond ditws his strength from the wcre read and adopted. The at the Annual Gardcn Party Paterson and family, Oshawa, 8Ji,,of the Abundant Grace ai trcasurer's repart was given ta be beld la June. This mat- visited Mr. and Mrs. Roy CWd.Canada's Centenniai by Mrs. D. Preston. It was ter wiii be discussed at the Paterson and family on Sun- ~s l a challenge ta Chris- approved that the caretaker's next meeting and a definite day. tuata stand up and "Stretcb and thé organist's salaries be decision made then. Mr. and Mrs. Jim Johnson 04W Seuls" The choir sang a raised ta $10o. Treasurer's report was read and f a mni y, Peterborough, Dtàiber with Mrs. A. Faster Other reports given and by Mrs. C. McKay. were Sunday supper guests ai at-the argon. Next Sunday adopted were the following: A Centennil contcst was Mr. and Mrs. J. Patta and .wi be aur Communion and Missionary and Maintenance; conductcd. by Mrs. C. Foulis, famiiy and Mrs. Martin. a 1--embers are asked ta be Minister's; U.C.W.; Parsonage and the winncr was Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Wood, p nt. Board and the Memorial Preston. Mizpah bénediction Oshawa, wcrc Saturday even- ar i . .Luxtan was taken Fund. New doars have been closed the meeting. ing callers at Mr. and Mrs. to ý1Bwmanville Hospital on instalicd in the church and a Mrs. Skucc was then pre- Charlie Garrard's. risday iast but we are giad bronze memoriai plaque is ta scntcd with a iavely table Mr. and Mrs. Tom Smith, tÇýÂRY hle la improving be placed in the vestibule. iamp from the U.C.W. mcm- Stoufiville, were sub~pe r àz ehope she wfli soon be Two new eIders werc ap- bers. Again Mrs. Sk uc c guests ai Mr. and Mrs. D. itee agoa. pointed. These are Larry thankcd the graup, and cx- Cameron on Sunday. NMW Un1r. R. Manning and Mrs. Bradley and Orviile Ander- tended an invitation ta have Mr. and Mrs. B. McDonald, UEPO E*t Tbampson are still pa- son. Mrs. Wfliard Skuce is a meeting at bier home in the Bowmanvile, visited Mrs. A. tents in the bospital. aise an eider. New stewards neor future. Lunch was ser- Thompson on Friday. ~UsCatherine Stewart at- appointed are Jack Payne, ved by Mrs. Rennie and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Tay. end a meeting ai the His- Cliii. Curtis, Les. Fairhurst, McKay. lr and family, Enfield, werc e flav iahi 1e Cmmittee for Clarke Wilred Richardson, Mrs. V. Beginning in February, the Sunday dinner guests ai Mr. y j~ u Ibw6nshlp on Friday night. Lethangue, Mrs. 0. Anderson, meetings will be, the first A. Thompson. N4".. Reg. Lovekin, chairman mr" . Preston, rs. .AM- zusdy n-hemothraher Mis yne ca ws un DEPARTMENT 0F AGRICULTURE HEALTH 0F ANIMALS DIVISION TONOTICE -TOALL DOG AND PT OWNERS Anti-Rabies Vaccination Clinica for ail dogs and cats in the 'County of Durham wilI be held at the time and places listed below. This service is offered free of charge by the Canada Department .~fAgriculture, Health of Animais Branch and ail owners are urged to ,6-.pres.nt their dogs for vaccination. RADIES CLINICS - IDLAAAV -'w.'. u gy% U I y TIME 9:30 a.m. IFerayth Newcastle Communlty Centre 10:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon RBwmanvuIe ire Hall 10-.00 a.iu. - 6:00> p.m. ~1buay~Bethany Tow=shp Hall 9:30 a.m. - 12:00 noon >*Pontypool Orange Hall 2:00 p.mi. - 5:00 p.m. i; Orci». Town Hanl 9:30 amn. - 12:00 noon Trownshlp-arage, Hatuton 2:06 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. caatu« ie Fî anR 9.3<>a.m. -12:00 nmon CaVaitT.uullpIL- 300 I4 7:.009U Fout ope2:00 an. -8:00 p.Uî., iOnaiodesCmmty wIlI b. held en completion of Durham ~~ Tb Mds mmd e .b. ammouesaer. -12:00 noon 5:0 -1.. PLACE Blackstock Comuiity Hall -Enikillen Community Hall guests oi Mn. and Mrs. F ails, lion U.C.W. The annual meeting ai Zion U.C.W. was beid an January loth in the church. A welcome was mode toalal and aur out- going President, Mrs. Paul Sobil, thankcd evcryane for their co-aperation in the past yean. Mrs. Mary Dart and Mrs. Phyllis Botrel iead wonship, choosing as their theme " Faith" Scripture was taken from Luke 7: 1-10. Annual reports were distni- buted. Mrs. Cata reod the alate ai officens for 1967 aftcr wbich Mr. Catto instaled them. Bei are aur ncw President, Mrs. Mac Fice took aver, the remainder ai the meeting Mrs. Bradley thanked Mrs. Sobil for ber good work la 1966. Business iollowed at which t was decidcd ta hold a bake sale at Simpson's, a donation was also given ta tue care- taker. World Day ai Prayer is ta be held at Eidad Fcb. lti. Voting delegates for the Oshawa Presbyteriaî meeting were chosen. A donation will be sent ta Sick Chlldren's Hos- pitl. Jeweliery was honded to Mrs. H. Gelaberger Sr. ta ho sent ta Angola. The programme canslsted i group discussions. Tapics were 'Lestake a critical look at U.C.W."1, "Why wc Iose aur young people fro,» Church" and 'IWhat cun We do for CIM- tenn.laL" Each group dlscussed anc ai tue tapica and then brought award thefr thoi ghta ta everyoinc. Il was a moet; en- 'joyable programme and manY goad suggestions came for- ward. Mm . FiesclouSd WUit an4 bm hflo~q GREENHOUSESA 'ce ereMidv "tsBt Aux 4 MI To* Conclude Schedule by Sbarlee Cain In the third perlod, Lam, coian er8,, ts on.Devitt broke tue lie whcn b cludd e dul wen thrughtue whole Aja, an a wlnning note as they team, and put the puck away downed the Ajax M-gt 4-2, Bawmanville wos ane mai Soturday night. short at the tfrne. About +-,. minutes later Gregg Cra 2-0 lead In tue firat period Grave Bennett ond B aiter anly five minutes af Simpson. In tuis period S* ploy. Bawmanivllle's firSt 9goal dy Brown watggdwt> was scorcd' by Bob Howes ten minute amisconduct, ais with Joe Hircock and Grave Ken Gyles and Grave Ben. Benntt ett~lieassists. nett were invaived la a scuf. Joe Hircock tlied for Bow- fle which did not amnount tc manville's otuer goal at 5:30 much. ~~ ~~ .\ ~with Bob Howes and Grav Ti audy ih en Bennett assisting. There wr hsStra ih en oniy three penalties handed Minor Hockey Week, the Mid. Out with Ajax receiving two gets and Juveniies will play ai the thrce. exhibition gamnes wbicl In the second pcriod, Ajaxsol rv itrsig camne raaring bock ta make Don't forget Young Conada ~the score 2-2 gaing into the Night Thursday whcn Britt final farne. Ajax got their Selby will be the guest ceieb. first goal an a siapsiiot îrom rity. It starts at 6 p.m. the Oint Thegoal-getter was Pettit th M D ik n a nd Crumb assisting. The tic- FOR OLDAPPLIOANC ing goal was scord by Ken FRODAPINE Gyles witb Dan Peotrawski throutb earning the assu5. There wcrc CLASSIFIEDS twopealianded out, anc STATESMAN raph the two Eskimo loyers ta each teamn. Phone 623-3303 set them in front of the igloo. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ her of the past few days has was at its best in the beow iwhile it lasts, the Martyns 1 .umber, Oshawa. a____ "Russia on the Screen"y *No Passports Needed *No Vaccinations Sec inside Russia in words and pictures by world traveller Dick Reddy. Bowmanville Town Hall THURS, iJAN* 26th 8:00 p.m. THIRD IN BOWMANVILLE 4. Record of acreage being cleared for replanting. 5. Promotionai campaign for the fresh Christmas tree. 6. Introduction of grading at ail levels. 7. Eventual-distribution through one or several agents. 8. Control of dealers with sharp practices who have fail. ed to pay the grower for his trees. 9. Maintenance of a central office and staff for the pro- tection and development of the industry. The Board of the Christmas Tree Growers' Association have developed a Marketing Plan and have set the issue into legal terms to corne with- in the Act. Every grower who can be reached through the lists which have been coin- piled, and every grower who will register with his local Agricultural office, will be given an opportunity to vote for the plan. The vote will be held very shortly. The machinery is ai set. Respectfully submitted, William W. Breslin, DDS., FICD.,& Managing Director. ROTARY TRAVELOGUE SERIES he ax tr. kg [y it r igcApril lst 1967 MENT INSURANCE le for most employees of NURSERIES -HORTICULTURISTS FRUIT, VEGETABLE, FLOWER GROWERS (1) If you. are employed in any of these fields, it is to your advantage to find out if you are eligible for unemployment insurance protection. (2) If you are an employer and have people working for you, there are new regulations that you must adhere to. Learn about them now. %.ie. Important information now at your nearest office of the UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION te ;I 1967 ,>?,,ebruary 3rd 6.enaai. W' i rue 1 AL -l IAXI y Ak-Y JLXL«xi 14 1 ICHES t_- 'qwýmm ýwvww