~- c~iimu téatoo BmEomnIfl, ion.2,10 DEADIME FOR CLASSIFIED BirthsIn Memoriam Cards of ThaDk Articles for Sae FiSl rRn omadBadRa sate for Sl Real Estarte frSl elEtt o LfIDma and Karie ALLDRED-In lovlng me- I would like to thank anl STRAW. Phone 723-1308. 4-2' H!OUSE, available Feb. 1, 1967, BOOM and board available. NEW, large ix-roa om ;âD )are happy to mary of Roy Alldread, who friends and relatives for their BOX trailer, 4 x 6, $30. Cail six-room brick, semli-detached, Phone 623-5512. 4-1 Peler Kowal, Jr. Newcastle. This hm a u EL N U E the arrivai Of a died on January 28, 1962. sympathy and klndness dur- 623-2318. 4-1 garage, basement, gas furnace. mnany extras, lncluigcrt L4gbter, Karleen Marie, 5 Fondly loved and deeply ing my recent bereavement. - Apply 46 Tudor Ave., Ajax, [1<st REALTOR tliroughout, fireplae îcri elo .15% Mo., at Memorial Hos. mourned. Jrene Fowler. 4-1 MID baled hay. Telephone after 4 p.m. 41 pita), Bowmanviile, on Janu- Heart af my heart, I miss you____ 263-2675. 4-1 - -.1* ,% Beagle. lost iiinort"d GENERAIL INSURANCE heat and is on a 10 20'lt «ry 22, 1967. A slter for go, Ernie and Nellile Deeley 7-PIECE dining-room suite. For'Rent end of Durham County Forest. t .Ewmnm aing $.5 onn ithre Tara-Lee. 4-1 Oflen my darling, my tears wish to tbank their neighbors Phone 987-4987. 4-1 Phone 728-8088. 4-1 623-2453 midro ~%NHA flow, and frnends for flowers and SIDE of beef, steer, 5O bFRIHDbdomi rv fe ..Pe ~ otae hn 8-94 ot n.Lredpe Oc . _______home,_______n-2wit 7 xtr ltsyealy en BETRUNE,-Barban Gene Dmigyu picturefre cardsand special thkst Ralph Hls 263-8448. hoe4cnr-1 octd Wanted to Rent Bsns potnie .$,6.EcletIvsmn 3 tu e a hap an amm gy our bef Mre an u o aeeyhn HBusies-1 4-1 A. .tie no une tear iaippy e Bto me e s he o e n M in an D d fo-ee 1ti 400 BALES mixed hay, 35c rrvx-oom apartmnent, two SMALL ouse In Bowmanville For the independent mindedat.fA $1,0 . ... ChOSen daughter, Lisa Marie, heart that lies. -_mles____o________ for.18. G AV born November 3rd, 1965. A The stars seem dlzn as 1 1 would lIke to thank Bow- SAWDUST for bedding. Tele- 623-7150. 983 -5184. locatin Bow main. res-RetsaeAkn ol l,0.Trs aiter for Laurie and Lindsay. whisper low, manville Pire Department, phone Thurlow 477-2508. 4-2 3BDOlooseaedae Auto Sls etiyoperwati s eautySecnd t. Reaoelric 4- 80.arig o, is o the W. . lpa rick Plumig WATER for sale and delivered, possession. Phone 725-6649 - Salon and Varlety Store. 28 D ivision S.h m n la o. A kn Sa. f-o n Ci r LvMohr - u oater ponMdinight rCali Cliff Pcthick 263-2131 ,after 6 p.m. 4-1 WE 0MSAM siInvestment Property, con- t nocetearvicla.3tfTObdoom bouse, 2mûes bJ1LLO sisting of ag store with four 62ent. erchosen daughter Gina BURNS-In loving memory W. C. Kilpatrick. 4-1 STANDARD size ping pong east of Newcasle, $90 monthly. st Durham County SaesArn apartmnents in the heart of 9 ce ih6ro oe A t~ n e. A sist r-fo r u y a n d a B e atr c a r gJ a r en u r n s2 2t a b l e, $ 2 5.Dr .P h.n. M6 2 3 - 1. P o e 9 8 4 4 .4 -1 ' O r n o - E v e r y T h u r & , 7 :3 0 P m . p r o g r e s s iv e B o w m a n v ill . P r o s p e c t S t.J u t l s e , a i e da r ; 0 a c s w r k flEE- OO. C etenta tpy ave he p, ores tc.i. Swin~e, Prcedfor you ta ....e maney. lansaped ot.Nwy eo- 10 ce wth oo oe 14.Kenzie, Orono; the staff on WATER for sale and delivered. ground for eta.ApyCavs heec -A. Rid Excellent condition, duplex, ated. Asking $15,15 em.nwbtrolrebr,9 SoPE-Eon and Judy (nec Three years have passed since Third Floor Memorial HOs- 24 hour service. Cali 623-5756. Statesman Office. 3t&SoalsManagers. 52-tfceta. etheaamnt 3ArsadIdpnecearswrkbetadcos- ,rown )aehappy ta announce that sud day, pital, Bowmanville, and ta our 29-tf McERnhtral.patmetLetoK thned ayfroupr prt g 1e3 Acrge2sand (luc thfe arrivai ai their daughter I know she ns happy in aur neighbours for get well cards, 250 AESMyODcbae Ew Rg ad stave Ats. 40 frit forri trees lr ered A .1Michelle Lynn, 6 lbs. 13 oz., Saviour's home abave, and the Newcastle Masonic12_ Beautiful4c aienew bungalow foAuls' Wok W ntd r tean e uglw.sokAe) Bany at. Pon 27 - 1 py taema Ofce- -t WILL look after pre-schaol the people who desire same- $5,000 dawn will ade ftrHuiPlaeCi1 'Uprial Hospital, Bowmanville. In the sunshine of his love. G. H. Hadgson. 4-1 ehn.26 SEVEN-raamcd newly decar- children in my home. Phone thing bettcr than average. Highway No. 2, nal e Zpecial thanka toi Dr. Miklos. -Her husband. 4-1' GOOD quality bay for suie, ated bouse; possession Pcb. 151, 623-5966. 4-1 Centrally locuted. Priced from brick bungalow withfi ae ne Jresn-9749 4-1 We would like ta express any quantity. Phone 623-3097, $110 monthly. Phane 723-0452. D1,0.0.mnRAcrch COX-In loving mcmory af a aur sincere thanks ta aur Bowmunville. 4-1 4-1' DRPES-Custom mude, also $7000.mneeti et 0', - same alterations. Telephone For the fumily tired o! the 175' lot. Caîl now o mr PARlK-Ken and Dianne (nec dcar wlfe, mather and grand- friends and relatives for thc STUDEBAKER Service, new TWO - BEDROOM upartmcnt, 623-7458. 4-1 bustie and bustle of city liv- details. Jc -lemalre) wlsh toaunnounce mother, Christina Evelyn, who lovely guifs whicb we rcciv- and used parts. Graham's uvailable Pcb. lst; also sto reIDmnep-inc ing, 3 bedroom bungalow on High Risc Apartet ie thé suie arrivai af their daugb- passed uwuy Januury 26, 1965. ed and a special thanks to the Garage, 416-263-2233. 43-tf on King St. Phone 623-2-t. mile;R .O.P.mantest.phne % acre, within cammuting dis- priced right at $9,(00 'br Angela Ann, 7 Pis. 12 ozs., Her smile is gone farever, cammittce. SERDrconfrca -6351.41d Bidn os ¶'hursday, Junuury 19, 1967, Her band wc cannat touch, Gladys and Wilfred Wood. SEARD rccon fr cut _________Ville.___ Il ,Oshawa General Hospital. Sil we have so many 4-1' witb matcbing pilîbax bat, TWO ramndbtpvte6351.41neoOshawaan-Bamun idingfotsariauie, R k Moter nd augterfin. mmares _____ ize1416. Cî26-8885. entrance, close ta hospital. DRESSMAKING and altera-w h 4-1' 0f the anc we laved so The family af the late Mrs.2-4' Avuilable Pcb. ist. PoneiesrPae 2-39, rs .foCoer 23245 c ae.mnymreTrp 4_-_alter_5:30_______623-259._4ertnlicfor sale. TelD. us yourreoOwm987-426 much. Orland Rohrer express their KEYS cut automutically, while a -e :0pm,6325.41AieHpo.23D .Mcrgr-9746 requirements. *TAPLETON - Sherry and Her mcmory Is aur keepsake sincere thanks ta neighbours, yeu wait, ut McMullcn Hard- HEATED apartment, 4 roams CLEMENT Poultry, Custom P. Kowal Jr.- 623-5868 Carolin are pleased ta an- With which we'll neyer part, friends and relatives for kind- ware, 36 King St. E., Bawman- and bath. Immediate passes- Picking, ready for freezer. 4-1 Mortgawge MoneyReuel6320 nounce the arrivai af their God bus hcr in His kceping, ness shawn, curds of sympatby ville. 3-tf sien. Apply Sam's Restaurant, Phone Newcastle 987-4353. If you bave ny yu BwmvleHos baby brother, Thomas Cecil We bave bier in aur' heurt. and floral tributes rcceived BUYING or selling furniture 14 Division Street, Bewman- 38-tf Rooms for Rent would like ta investu %o:RHRVE LD 'Warren, 7 lbs. 6 ozs., January -Lovlngly rcmembcred and during their recent bereave- or appliances, caîl Elmer, ville. 3-6' OINgaod first mortgagepes ,<h, 1967, ut Memorial Hos- sadly missed by husband Fred, ment. 4-1' apo:buies23224-TObdra etd - MVGClIe a n ing Up? ROOM, privute entrance, Tele- caîl me imnmediatey P.ECsy3erombikuna pitul, BowmunviileHamptrnudbdsuneters3-d2th -andWAudreyr________dapart-Tbrowing Out? Cail me, Il phone 623-5610. 4-If Gravelle, Real Estut rkr o iblreflyfns -Staleta. Mnand Me r R audgtrndnJhand Auriaey ihtaepes n hnsresidence 263-2695. 6-tf ment. Possession immediately. will take away discardablesi______________rc.Zo. Pvd rve _____________4_____ Gay. 4-1 ta my team-mates, couches SHELLED dried corn $62.50 Cbildrcn welcome. $90 a free (Avaid the spring rush) ep\ ne 9 YEARS EXPERENC W$690-Trs andt Mr. Perguson for the per ton F.O.B. Brow view month. Phone Newtonville 623-7276. _________ _________ ALL PHASES FJ N T cro e i ~a.iyuy~m~ni HOGARTH-In memory ai a presentation af "The Player o! Parais, Newcastle. Telephone 786-2461. îîtf PITN n E atdt er isl ELETT ~a dhm.$.0 on dear father und grundfathcr, the Year" traphy. AIso special 987-4474 te arrange pick-up or HA-MPTON - -One bcdroom ecrtn-AppCHURCH ST. 767,BcdroTh Mr. and Mrs. J. C. MacNeil Fred W. Hogarth, wbo died tbanks ta the Solina commun- deiivery. 2-tf ground floor beatcd apartment. Quality workmansbip and mu- plyAn dvcrSttiscr 76, Pc/ ox iherdn rwib t unouce the engage- suddenly, Januury 25, 1966. ity for their support during the COB Cern, $40 to-n loAalbePb s.Aut terials, guarantccd. Por fre Ca0nadian tate, O. 4Box Bi Gard -- 23885hm ineclntodto. nient o!f te their ter daughterny t Sheila hapSae manyiningslngs. uhavey aybapcbainedeicup-winningCal coseason._ Hrdwuent3-77y.3hayAR Y45 LObalerak dcliv-- 'ta Alan B. Brock, son aif Sice yau wcre called away, Larry Welsh. 4-1' cred n 2-ton or 100 bales or any 59, R 31. 4-1 Hadae 2-74 -FoaE oU LO OKpING pr-- rn Hcet-Mnil R2MssySc I 1,0 I~r. and Mrs. Ray Brock, an af Sa many things ta share witb more. J. A. Carscadden, tele- APARTMENT, anc bedraom BOOKKEEPER, experienced, job? Aven affers a marvelous COBOURG - BOWM ILL UE N N.SS 13owmanvilUe. The wcdding you The famiiy of the laIe phone 983-5769. 3t prmn i a nil, requires -full or parttime work, potnî.Pes eehn 7-476324 ulxwt uhhî !hm .Winltuke place an Saturday, Had you been left ta stay. Robent Davies express their CMIAINwrrb n close ta bospital and school. in office or borne. Avuilable 2 66 - - eunn edmnhyicre T'ebruary 18th, 1967, ut 4:00 Every day in some sm al way sincere tbanks b ncighbors chcst ai drawers, rnutcbing Immediale possession. Appîy Pcb. 1.Cacryfulst $500-Tr. In Trinity United Church, Memories ai you came aur and fricnds for their sympathyyotbcwihokcsba- 205 King St. E.,, ater store books ta trial'balancadaiaLERY oulhvebr ,Bwmanville. '4-1 way, and their many kindncsscs n bourd and drawers under- heurs. 3-tf payroii. Phone 263-8885 after moins thcy wiii supply rent- Jh F.D Tho' absent yau are ever near, their r e c e n t bereavement. neatb. Phone 623-2817. 4-1' ONE and twa-bedroorn apurt- 5:30 p.m. 14 free te someone or a couple onF e ihNUSR UIESo Mr. and Mrs. Ovid Reynolds, StiIl missed, laved, alwuys Special tbunks te Rayai Can-- wbo will came and look ufler REAL ESTATIE LD ryS.N -er rc ,'zounce the forthcoming mur- -Sudly missed by son Fred Club. 4-1' od, with rock woei. Werk- Private. Close ta shopping OEIG o aeudf-Poe6335 ', iage af their duughter Doris and Barbara, grandchildren man,,hip guarantecd. PFr ee and bus. $80 and $101 per Plumbig & Hforngmale aplcnsi ankdai LBERPhST.eN.22Bcd o r a â M r s . R o y y _ _ _ _ _ _ _l e B o l i g e a s P h o n e N w t o n v ul l e 7 8 6 - 2 2 5 6 . 6 2 3 - 3 4 3 4 . 4 - 1 M ons o ttBw a v l l r a l . M i n i m u m G r a d e 5 5 A C R E F A R M , n u o - r a o n n 3 a r s j s 35eN eosonlSi.Bowling TeamsII. G ad starting salaries. m aiff ille. M odernize u u u o t ! o n o n w t r ~nnOro, Ontario. The HYLAND-In loving mcmory friends and ncighbors for their 38-tf THREE bedroorn hause and 1-tf Apply in persan ut Bowrnan- stane bouse. Barni Sru.Aklg$690 "weddIng te take place in the ai a dear fther and grand- kind wishcs, cards, fiowcrs, USED washer parts, motors, garage, central, Bowmunvilie. ville Brancb. 4-1 and pond. Fucingtw pvd NECSE Brdnei 'United Church, Orono, on Sut- fatber, Francis W. Hyland who gi!ts and prayers, aise nurses, Beatty, Thor and Crosley Avuilable imrnediaîely. Write ERNIE PERFECT DEPENDABLE Bus Drivers roads. Cail: George aDkbikhm nAde E :urday, Pcbruury 131h, 1967, ut passed away Pcb. 2, 1966. doctor and staff for the lappliances, naîianaliy adver- Advertiscr 769, c/a Canadian PUBN &HETNG for regulur and charter serv- 623-7437. ""Po P.m. 4.1 Farewell, dear father, thy wonderful care they gave rnY tised Uine o! fumniture. Paddy's Statesman, P. O. Box 190, $16.60 - ode&2-ycr-ol work 13 'er, wife Dora during bier illncss at Mr 0,Hmtn 6-24.Bwavle 4 Phone 623-3540 icc, aise scbool bus drivers. SCUGOG ISLAND.7 cehm nOalyC. 1,o ,M r. and M rs. Do gla In- Thy wiling hand will til MemoMus Hobavelclearrkdrivamptgnr2-3-224m.BoGaodibuildings.ustBrick 4ar Bedroomrebrick. bomebuwiti gré. f ad Mpb. DouglSo n -tyi gbn ds miorta, M oh Bria Hosp tul Ie34-tf P.O. Box 1599 cord and able ta be bonded. home. Oil heated, 4-pe ah ag xr o n E Iy S qrm la sed cf Cumpb elled, Ot.,A vne motr, Joh BiraNntonvile '49 - '52 CHEV. parts: tîwe N otices 78 Ontario St., Bowmanville Appy Burey Bus Lines, 64 Barn pond. Cal: To Da - $ l6 0 -T r s rme as t a a nonc theA loving ther, k n u d4 -1' orns, clutch, n crly n w; gas E f ci e J n a y 2 ,1 w l 1-tf King E ., Bow m anville. 3-2 nely 987-7264. O O O - $,0 o n agnin a her aghe tu, on' filter and purnp, distributor, EfectveAanuEy 2, Iwii oeoemh.--- ne longer be r ýslsbie fr$,0 NAMnhi o ai son of 'W. anIe 'S'U. Eva Awde îwish te express knuÙckleintchn,2-28 et iÏure yni . _* Tc T mmc.tr ha gwn »rc oe Frtank7 Robinsen, Mudoc, Ont. -Rcmembered by son Leroy, aur tbanks and appreciation te oit Po4 2-8.dbîHa~rly name. t, PEPI N X $the0 wmA nhis n et Oee 12 CR PAMwih37,B000ne 3beroo bic e wedding wil take place dughtR.R. 2, Newcastane.al43ho4senTakeowshortaautoR.tri, NewAirtleu4-j* y0.623-3614.t audobal!s.home onuPrinces23-St14 Tabernacle United Churcb, grandchildrcn. 4-1' and messages o! syrnputhy at T YP E W LI T ERS, $49, ne WHITEWASHING STABLES mail P. S. Dickersan, Pres., 100 ACRE PARM. Ol 0$l00 &glsh Line, on Pebruary il, telm ! asn ! u enroney down, $2 wkly. Add- As ai this date I wiil net be B RTT M KN Soutbwestern Petroleurn Camp., minutes fram Osha. rc uligLt -67, êt, 1:30 pi. 4-1 MITCHELL-In leving me- aunt. Aise a speciai thank ers, Cashiers, Pile Cab., new, responsible for any debîs con- 534 N. Main St., Pt. Worth, home, gaod bam.Srarn.The 58LosnTîr mary o!f our dear brother and you ta Mrs. Childs, Rev. Wood- uscd, rentals, service, trades. tracted mn my nurne. Phono Newtonvllle 786-2552 Texas. 76101. 4-1 Prîced to eld.StAiesx-00losn3r 141Mr. and Mrs. Thomaus Harry uncle, Sdney Gordon Mitch- land and Marris Funcrul Bill Hamilton, Raglan (North Thomas Whitehead, Call Clct 41-tf MALE, qualified tool and die 80 ACRES, rollin ad ieo lrcTp,1ml ,,- Ideratone o! Newcastle, cil wba pussed away suddeniy Chapel. o! Oshawa). 42-tf R.R. 4, Bowmanvilie.--mkras xeindlthwt agero i " tarlo, wih te announce tbc Junuary 24, 1966. Louise, Lloyd and Edwin ONTARIO grown feundalion 2-3' FRANK BRINK maerso, cablsexpeifncdlate itb large.ro ut uindevrfam igwy1,ut$ gagejn enltaiftheir daugbter Godtbock him home, il was Hancack. 4-1' edptteSbg n tooetocablea! orking nd 8,0. Nouldinges. rieea deï, Gireho rteaycloseWn, eeoieranceebao. nforenhdea n 349-269.CaiWseyAdr kadq Guion ta Mr. an e Hs Btis will, Ie lveKennebcc, $3 for 75 lb. bag, Readers of n igmodern plant. Top wages, ôube " ubeson a! wcMrtlend Mr s. B t ila r he rs e la e MY sincere tanks ta my discount on large quanîties; SEPTIC TANK benefits, permanent, employ- 10 ACRES, with lre G r e iad - 6379 ~Wtrio., The marriage te take His memory is as dean baday, muny friends, relatives and alse discount with Januury Sttesman . .. INSTALLATION ment. Apply L & L Tool. Ce., streain. Locuted nrba ifr coad-6331 ~ce ta St. George's Cburch, As in the heur be passed neighbours wbo rernembered arder. Phone 983-9119.Orono. WinI appreelate letter giving 0 Ltd., Simpson Ave. South, or Bowmnanvillc. Cal: ereWllakOoo9357 ]ewcastle, Ontario, on_____________TT away#~ Hampton 263-227 write P.O. Box 329, Bowmun- VanDyk, 623-7437. .biuary 3, 1967, ut 4 a'cleck.. We aten sit and think of hlm marial Hospital, Bowrnv_________INFORMATION___ ________ville.____4-2 248 ACRE PARM with Deaths Paresfowr ATRAIN ae hstr REAL ESTATE CAREER roomed home, 2 barn n . Memoral Tht gref ca cal its wn. deplyappreiate. Thaks lassocs, lestategsAgentesforatBowentfanvillenilTerms.s ______d 16,En - GaeuliMrh untre igS.W. F M LE n Decorators ferred. Joig n oneo Canada's a going concern,' wîth 0ha IE 4-1' In URHAM or 27 ElginSt. - Bomanvlllelargest reaitors. Experienced o! purebred Hoisteincti.1KD . amnîî GereL. Heari, 167 King mary o! Sid. wha passcd away 1 odrn onisaon rMinaeratsistapny. Con-g Pk ullneo!a.machnryL arg et East, dean mother Of suddcnly January 24, 1966. Tink-We wish ta cxtend FIRTH BROS. odrn onisaon Phone 623-3075 practodaLeeassistan iceCo-39-64 Lucy and bbc late Frances. Qed saw you gcbîmng wcary aur bearticl bbanks and ap- 47 King E. Phone 623-5081 1910 and pir- 39-tf tact Lloyd G. Lee P.R.I. EW2394.STLnE.Ohaa nADitrc sted utthbbcMarris Funcrai Sa He did wbat lie tbought preciation for bbc acts af kind- BRING VOUR BEEF G U G SS residto, H.1KEginthLAve.. eywIkpt 5 uPOI'omnil.Fnrl bet es esgso ,mah, O OKT SG Em stn A KB R ETarante 12, 487-3333. 2-4 vbryick kugplo. 5R1 m 9ss ;as bcld in St. Joseph'$ He came and stood beside yeu beauliful fierai offcrings and Vv pcaieI I UNR UNCES kitchen. Wall ta alfoo aehoeayin tet un à'àCutbolic Cburcb roccivdd frornOPENING FORandvringtiCnsan astapin. Excellent3ocation.urchill ededya10am Ine- rs.rcie rmncîghbors, relu- CUSTOM CUTTING G FOR.b Larg l o s rent Bowmunville Cemnetery. Please Qed, put your urrns tives and many friends. SpecialCU T M U TIGBimnghÂam, MA'h~,, PHOMNG E ATOSRESaNSILEotBamuviie- PosecxS.e _____1 amound him, Ihanks te Rev. John Romeril and 'WRAPPING 4809ONLY$3000AMWPTON -Berombrik omeIdobl OR E - t M m r a o - M ake up for w h ub e suff rd their conso ing w ords and h ip 5 c per b. 4-1 ' 2 6 3-2 15 1 M A N 5 roo red brick bung a o . A g r ge r c e tan ao , w i P , awmanville, on Mon- And ail that was un!air. in aur sud bereavement o! a 1 ai Adrss J8nuPtry2,6, Elii Spayeda ute fmiie bes, lMany hbh anksdthe N rtbut VTO RSVanted 1P.O.- Box 543 - Bowmanvlle Capable of taking lob. Low taxes. $,0 on y, Porery2,6, b Eloe izu- Munyedba lus ionmemris, lovng buand ao hen fther._______________ INCOME HOME. Prl oruvie-I ntuat Ethe late Churles Porter, in Wisbing Qed bad spared him and Smith Funcral Home for CashWER onte1~t ACKERMANchreo Sa s rented. Large lot withsrl.mn ulig ul etd er 8lst yeam, dear moîher af Just a few more years. their efficient handîing o! thel $50 up Caho h pt-ch rg o Sle Close ta shopping urea nyBikcntuto;2yasad Violet. (Mrs. Clifford Paiis), -aîyrnssd ndlainlyaranemnt. »-- xr rI nM, r- wa PEINES .UtIULvstkFrSae Phoan 623-2318. Etae, Box 7, Bawmunviile, Corner King and Division lt.a aresa00 72 tesehers ni RUO-!>H5 ceswîha rikho 1 - S C N T b r a n d le , o o d o n t O n & t r io , o n o r c io r s f o r 1 t h ee w L c t o2 0 0 p p l s . K I N O S T O N , Ot n t onNT A R R O a le p r c e P o n 6 3 - 5 t a ri no b fer e t he7 , f l lt hP h Wo e 6 2 3 - 5 2 5 2 S ta te s a la r > ' e x p c te d , q u a li - - 7 r o o m d h o m e . O i l , u e , A U p ~ e SEC O N D-hand pia D W b tino,, me asen- da a f eb r c 96 flai .17 tf M iations, refrences, sd e. - 4-pce. bath, on 4 ae s w t Mr - 1 .- M wm ena - Pla agaker br la he osiion e 41 I=parti l a th ad eiec.trout strea. Price nlCal6 -31 ]R fi ci es lf er =7 ne"W10AC ý ome -teaBera santhd pf BlSU EuO F-.u $12,000. Ca: Wesley Adr lO .. 10 151h day or!vll aea WIt 0February, 1967, oi, lil be reccler tly m 'Dason 349-2669. la se'rUmmtonfe >8.u e- p r ileura. Wrte Norwod the assets o! the deceased wil & wI ereevdutlI 15d 7UI028 8. Overhc4l Rd., Toronto 13, Ontario. 4-2 b. distributed mongst the QUICK -STARTS FERUAR 6, 1967 We List Photo XL.~ 7302 728a627 LI~IE paultr,' old fea pate entitled thei'eto, huv- THESE MORNINGS su ad Exclusive Rýmpâ=ýmS eric OooYour Tractor tich. M vis R R 1, Btb.Ingregard onlyr ta aims of rig Your Car In for Mr. H. R. Moàrcrof t, itr HeuresCli: . PtTe 37 M d O n i COeO fic E oul gaTO HA E r ny. Phon o 13 a c ne t- w ic b the s oi 1citors for C«n aln pîo non lde tJ w W olnAr-i Sa"EFOR $?MJG 2-fthe Estate shall thon bave CHCKUP and TNEUP canlbbpto68-13 Db ehstn 7548 B« " bW tO D C I,- 8 tnotice. Alwork doue by lice Ph nt rj D nld Mbeubbe '- 633 U (in o uluh . 1374 $l uD C in , u lv r d llrs, D A TM at B ow m anvlle, m e héndsPH O N E H A M T O N 3 2SDo n t >' - ' 5- 3 4 *5 7 £ 75 - - 1318 t u-Mt4 8iRnJposd a- Prioes. 623-3157. à197. 3-2 ~~ _______ Luis Maiebon38340 etr-Ocuo388f »Pêp*I4~pa W Q*O- wup 4j~Fergu8nsB...or urray. -1 Rose D& s'rWCE, n - Bethi, ,..~. .~* ~ 5Hm Bsml.2e. TUTNEA 9Mw e&i g h EDurnng 1965 in Canada Ddien - debso r'32HuaiVri nwaware ~ Mail2OC TAUTONef> OAI>à>î 1,00-1200 bu., 2 yi j>j<i. jit oO e Esta te of there were 5,703 cases a! tub- Wse ueun-3830Dokl 35 34 EREF1,ORD 00 bul, 2t S & ohncIJosp rs l ate o Knfs.W. wnavieerculosis reported. O! these G g VanDyk -8373 ereDao ....~ ~ ~72-c8etnti -ri.n,,Box 7, Bownvmlfe, Phone 123-3134 483weeelyepidHn4CSte 15- 1