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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 25 Jan 1967, p. 16

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New Year's Day, more ations fromi coast to gog"Happy Birthday a"in their Sunday As one would ex- ehcelebrations were of i nature as 100,000 tIonists embarked, on a long offensive %whicl'ih» -captloned "Mission to the] *Arrny, having observed centennial jiist two .mm, has set several am.n to reach niany un- e'people, a . itimmoth will be made ta contact onlt50,000 new adher- - sweil as to increase its -mnember strength. Christian education pro- bas been streamlined ta. ge greater involve- * by lay members i the s- evangelical mission o t bring new spar'k ta 1y Suaday Schaols. addition, new ptojectsare launched during Cana- Centennial ta assist the y i its overalspiritual btxmanitarian raie. Among hare three new- Harbaur t Centres and a Farm ~ect fo r the rehabilitation ~kholics. These wiIl be lished at strategie points ~sCanada. Another House oncard, geared ta assist OBITUÂRY FIVAN L. CRAWFORD ~an Lloyd Crawford of 265 kSt., Oshawa, died sud- at Oshawa iGeneral itai Thursday, Jan. -19, W. He was 36.. Zresident oai Qshawa ail fle, the late Mr, Crawford ïried the former Lorraine ebi, Sept. 19 951. He was 10yeda4 lnifustriai Min- ,Whtb:K,ýfor five and ý-haif years and was mana- ýof General Tire bail team Oshawa. er. Crawford is survived hlm wife and parents, Mr. 1* Mrs. Joseph Crawford. is aise survived by a dau- Ïr, Lynda; thtee sons, Da- ' Eward and Paul; ane ir, Mns. Ken Butsen (Mur- aio Burketon; and four Liers, Harold ai Nestieton, rrnand and David cf Bow- hvile and Leanard of Osh- 9. limerai service for the late Crawford was held frani Armnstrong Funeral Home, awa, Manday, Jan. 23rd ~pm. with Archdeacan H. Cevrdon of Christ Mem- Il Church offlciating. 4erment was at Mountl Eowauvs~ oe.U~ US?'..JFrreenr Log ~uv~e '"~Public Utîtîes i Army Helping iDiscuss, New Sewers C eua meeting of theI ($entennial lo!nra edi h Comrblsslon's office on 'the UDI.UAflI titoffenders froni the courts, ert, British Columbia. iaocontemplated. A teani of evangelists, t mealiosfpeseth, 19l6a7aetTJonps Carruthers,. ChailmangRrStev- 2 Nat ta b. outdone, the equIpped with a specially con- Cartes ;iraR tv women ao fThe Salvation Army structedt Centennial Mobile ens and Mayor Hobbs. OnJnary 12, 1988, are formulating plans ta raise Unit, wil tour ail provinces ta ioated lemetnlhome af ber nephew, $30,000 tow ard a new hom e ho d evangelistic m eet lg n iii w a R B n, ý t1hk-C on r i h mp a N s i o fo r te e n -a g e d > I d ia n gi s , c o n n e c ti n w ith th e " i o n 1 er, R . B y r ot h eni n g o n u i d i e T e r c d n t o r e t oE ti now being built at Prince Iup- t a th c People- Crusade. lInsp et r an an , Buti ger, tg ret Thompen t r Cansulting Eineers. Cartwright Township, scw< jUth eldcst chîld o!fUcel On 0rda S LIN A The matter offuur sn Rbet hoMan rl gaine afCor Wis asilen- Gimb. nt¶ofMOshaw a wasidonwas discusseci. Mr. Butler an- generation she was pre-dca joyedaith Sauina SchooL Tuesday last witb Mr. and sn eare a, qetin elUd ed by a sister, EMens, and~ t~ Pnizes were won by the' fol- Mrs. Roy Langmaid. is eean atcrme 1 an arbrathers, William and er lowing people: John Huggins, Mr. and Mrs. Ai! Ailin,1 Jim- quird and wa rinsre t Born on thec iamily am Mr. Gord Brown, Mrs. Charle my, and Kenny, Mr. Chas. prepare 4 report. inear Nesticton, shc asai Langmaid, Tom Langniaid, Mr. Allin, Bowmanvile, were Sun-. Thc minutes af the at'ways kccniy interested rlt Fred Watson and Mr. Walter day visîtars with Mr. and Mrs. regrilan meeting af December operatÉon. Her hobby 4 Parrinder,-Misses Sheri Lynde, Wes Yeliowlces and Murray. 13, 1966 werc rend. On motion gardening and for many cr Jane Lynde and Jo-Ann Hug- Mrs. Robert Kerr, Acton ofR teesseoddby I.sic shared her beautifullo. gins; Bob Fraser, Bob Eakins visitcd rcccntiy with Mr. and oi h iue wr dp a s an enKnx h piefrMrs. John Knox and family. ted as rend. A dvu nlcz Uhe lady wearîng thc mast aofA' e i was a willing worerh her 1986 Christmas gifts was Mr. and Mrs. Burney Hoeyccnte!teEcri S.Abn' Chrh o th won by Mrs. Lloyd Broome Mr. and Mrs. Larry Spires and actmit fo the mleti i boundary betwee C rtwrig and the man coming thc great- Robert, visited rcccntly with December 1966 amounting te n avr, en hi est distance was won by.Mn. Mr. and Mrs. Gardon Scott and2 1 ce rsntdfr membersnd at atmeh" Wesley Hilîs. A very tasty adfm tBatod On Monday, January 16th, members of Court A. Clemens (60), H. Richards (50), H. Hamm (5); m ssonby R tvns t secndorganist. lunch brougit a pleasant even- Mr. Joe Cvetas has returned Bowmanville No. 964 Canadian Order of Foresters, at Second row: E. Clarke (25), J. Balson (25), M. McClel- cd by I. Hobis that' the ne- 1 Miss Thnpn wa ing ta a close. The wlnner of te Mr. Wesley Werry's after an catrmme !Nsît tic lace tabiccloti was Mrs. enjoyabie holiday in Yugosla- their regular meeting honored 25, 50 and 60 year land (25), S. Allen (25), F. Thompson (25); Back row: counts be approved as prescrit- cWotme mnsie, hf e o Taylor aur junior teacher at via where lie visited with his members with a crsnato-f oins. Those honored, F. Blackburn (5,R. Ormiston (5,J. cNb(2)erbin neocde.ai SaUina Sciool. * mather and famiiy.1 front row, left to right:- T. Philp -(MY), H. Porteous (50), M. Conway (25).Phtb e Accounts of the Water Deielped ta organize this b1ni On Saturday evcnng ia large Mr. and Mrs. Foster Snow-,!Pot y Astor'partmcnt for tic month af Less than a year ago sic a crowd gathercd in thc Solina den of Brookiin, Mr. and Mrs. u a * uof theicingforthepsnt December 1966 amounting tOI50 happy to bc able ta ttn Hall ta honor aur 1966 Senior Roy McGill, Enniskillen, Mr. Infor ativ A dd ess r un r ebeent.OBIU$44,479.lO were prcspnted for a banquet cclcbrating itsl On Saccer champions witi a ban- and Mrs. Joc Snowdcn and1* m n and Ms ce n lL Ai Commission approval. It was annivcrsary, and so prou t quet. Mr. Edgar Werry callcd Bruce werc Sunday gucsts oU D children arc staying with Mrs movcd by R. Stevens, second- wcar her lufe membcnshippn on Rev. Charles çatto ta ask witi tic Roy and Chas. Lang- G i e n - o i e v o u Bebee's parents in Port Hope WALLACE HOLMES edu by I. Hobs tiat tic ac-1prhersevra aIl mjuticaidôtfamilles. ahe raneetsae Having been in poar heati cd. I docjutcet tcboniflMiss Bey Wright and Mn.rd. for two ycars, Wallace Holmnes i In 1949 Miss Thompson oi meal, Mr. Wenry caled on Mr. Richard Kooiý o! Bowmariviîîe A t v e a a i n i IM N sigit deiay was caused. passed away suddcnly inSutl Tic manager reported tint ed witi her brother Heny i G rd Ferguson ta prescrit the visited witi Mr. and Mrs. t e 'sC na i n l bbytie numnber of cars parked Peel Memorial Hospital, Coaks_ cheques cavcring a rcfund Ofai -rk wee h "eer of' tic Yean'" awards Ernest }{ockaday and famiîy. around tic building wicn fine- ville, Janury lti 197,at ail manies paid by prapertylmuch ai hen time assîtn ta, bath Senior and Junior Tic Januàry meeting ai tic club that tic Provincial men arrived. Tiese had '0 tice ageo 8ye ,197 onesfo.rpirst ac i nu inclwr tems M. ary elh fmrn, le nd r. asrydwen- Bowmanvillc Mcn's Canadian Police force was finst arganiz- be remnovcd ta gîve firemen ae wai 78 yandrs. n and scwcr connections since Sec'y-Treas. of Cartwii tSalm s Mn. Lary Wcsho! a n, Einnd Lanry tsw et r.Club was hcld on Wcdnesday cd by Sir Oliver Mfiatt in and trucks frec access ta tic tic hamcstead at Lot 24, Con. cd ta tic owncrs. Salc wa voed b usSalra S Hewasbornandiivd o June 1956 have becri forwand- Township and otien towsip teammates ns tîcir ciaice of andaMrs. uc.Jew and evcning, in St. Andnew'sý 1875, which has gnown from burning building. This iap- B F Clarke Township, wherc twsmae yR.S es scieties, and until ticiE the most valuable player on byTroe rch Hall. Ladies o! tic anc officer to a cc ut opn frcqucntly iasd and his 'soannd îam ai y . teen, fher deati sic was iwa~ ticSenoSenior i th teamhurh novdtdthecin1966h pboysfrce.Tynorie.ie i thi lst dtic f aý ft- sccdeunty. obtathtpcnsenl andrstmucnth sesa. n.NelTik asti'Mn. and Mrs. Ernest Hocka- Thcywr ineey Iio îm stusls. i]y now ]ive. Son scoof y oistatheny ntnstdinti eol season. Mr.reciaus I of ticelateetadvertisc I cntdbe placcl insticd andMafiairsMai.tichn wnsmip, h choice of 'tic Junior team- day visitcd with Mn. and Mnsr udy r s. J Bl e The speaker was thankcd Sna eolwsil tM.adMs onHleh adrian Snt tcsman dving hen sic souldhenomln~ mates. Mn. Ferguson pnescntcd Lorre Monehouse and Mn. and spondcy d n bhaîJ.i ticla- byIvison Munday. W.G. sý0 ..Ms.D ansenintaenesflfreri aaia ttsmnavsngWe hecudn spondd on ehalPas-te10a-_ a.m.te Mrs, o. ntd es, u - was andsucc essfl amdr athat ail manies, ta tic bcst O! attend chunci sic woult i cae prscntcrCorpnal Ami- *dent, condutcd tc daiying rd apfes, ad a tc Codissso's knwlcdg, besde hCoradirand wit$. bniath La r and eiorwthisann The Boag o irull is Ln e, .tagc witi a maple leaf tic clip session. There wenc 25 pres- Igoad reigibou. th ae ow beein's nwe eded.lieiy r rok andaerb Mnr.vduaStopiJfn ts n Sndy eenng.Mn S presi- an beinîf o! tic club. cnt. Susie Eyman was happy 1 Marricd ta Winfrd i haenwbnrfud.Ifym bok ndpyr horion. Mn. Ran Baker, tic 1065 Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tirk, dent, was in ch arge of tiche________ ta be chosen ta take up the o Cutr rr i- any rcfunds have becr i md- open, follow tic Angla teamn wirncer prescntcd Mn. accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. meeting. Wesley Down led usual collection. sonhouleFcbruary 18, 1914, ventcritly overlookcd tic Mari- servicewicscsonoy : Larry Wcish wti tic B.A. Pene Dewell af Hampton wcre in a sing-sang, with Les Col- woprcdeceased hinm on Jan- ager af tic Commission uhould Mis hmpso senti Senior tnophy. tc16~Wcdnesday dinner gucsts witî îacutt nt tic piano. MOBRISIL Holy Communion Service uary 3lst, 1962. He belonged be advised. l ise jr mnsen aî Mr o etae h 95M.and Mrs. Don Goode was held jr Zion United ta tic Prcsbytcnian Churcli . famin, scting sd tenoc 2 winie, rccnedMn. Neil Lakefield.W . Brown, past presi- 'Church in conjunction with and tic United Churci aiter pepl wr wrs oftin e.d se tgasrvehei Tix'l with tic B.A. Junior Mn. and Mrs. Bruce Tink who introduchecd lurbnaggThtie sînerse smpthy a ti Mndanis Unit d CuriOrunon1:125inNecatl. Surviving are hus son Jack, sic lovcd. Left ta mou]r i favncdticclu Wih1tiseomuniy i exendd t Snda, Jnuay 2nd t l:, They movcd ta 62 Simpson R.R. 3, 'Newcastle, and two passing are four nepiwl tropiy. visited witi Mns. W. A. Onmîs- two Mtlosard wpas tîark Mr. and Mns. Donald Bebee the Rev. Ian Munro officiat- Avenue. Bowmanville, in 1958 daugiters; Mns. Pollard (Ruth) Donald af Nestietan, Mereo Mn. Bon Baker an iciaif of ton of Bnooklin. RosMtclan aîtak ng. There wvas a good cor- and transferred thein mcm- and Mrs. Robent Siupak Melfont, Ss. vno lc4 ail prescrit moved a hcanty Mr. and Mns. Geo. Smith cd by tic presiderit. and family in tic unfortunate gregation includirg mary tram bSip t nnt ntd(en o ooia w itrsok ask-Harvai oia1 vote of tianks te tic commit- and family o! Bowmanville, Mn. Dave Gray intraduceci fine a n i hme an Satur- Morrish. Churi. TJul y Unit96, e Meas. ofoo ntl o; wlandnan, stckfancHalrveinS4. tee In change. Thc boys also Mr. and Mrs. Howard Milison the guest speaker, Corporai day marning, January 22nd. TiCws a omuin ocd ta Y stree1 62,ard iv- rdss oE. M. anOonTefuea s wcre sean dcckcd eut in tîcîn and îamiîy visited with Mn. A. T. Armitage of tic Ontario A ciimncy fine go t eut of! addis . .Halmes, Osia- Jahn's Anglican C hiur ncwsoce jakes.Mns Tm rd ns Fnn WetlkeardPrvicia Plie, etrbr-hard, penetrating îetwecn Service ol and al present cd wîth hîs daughter Mns.,wa. Blackstack, on Jariunry i Baker prcscrtcd the soccen family an Sunday. agwogv nifra walls and roof, causirg con- apcited tic revenent, quiet Glenn Pollard.. .wa club with n considerable sum Mn. and Mrs. Cccil Raîmne af tive address on police worl, sidenable damage ta this p art onder of aur first Communion Mn. Holmes j oined Cowan- Msncsriewsil nRs adce yBv.. af morcy from tic tickets Union visited reccrtiy witi aise tic exammnation and test of building. Water and smok o h year 1967. ville Loyal Orange Lodge, tic Morris Fureral Ci oin' R s e tment. sold. Dancing and cards Mns. Ida Westlakc. an applicant receivcd befone as asdmuidmg. *Tiere was no churci bulle- WJan puary 3st n19 aed wms Wcd eayE.vC.ing Janar Pallbearens wenc D av1 braugit a plensarit evenirig ta Wc wish Mn. Clarncec Vice he is acceptcd into tic force. Pr oendHp on tir owirg ta tic breakdown o!fWoohinsu Masterii140e e NRr.E.C.Wodlri PortHop an Hoe Twn oind Drha Loge k &conducted tic funeral se oins, Mcauln JohncsitHa close, a speedy recovcry ns lhe is Large rumbers o! pliat ship firemer respondcd quick- a typewriter. Repairs will beine d Duniam Loge A.F. &ervtie Tic annual congregationai now a patient in tic Oshawa fail tuis examination for vani- ly ta i alan eesc made durig tic week and it A.M. April 15, 1919, and wasJaur lth trmitùMLugln Jon H i1 . applîcadntssc Mseri 12. omnvle eetr. Victor Malcolm and Ha1 l meeting o! Eldad church will Gencral Hospital. ous reasons. He pointed eut ccssful in saving tic main is cxpccted tic weckly bulle-Matri196BwmnilCmtey Martyn. be ield an Thursday, January Mrs. Thos. Flctt, Columbus, some af the prablems an, ofi- part o! house. Ms ! tinis will be in churci for next Aithougi Mn. Halmes had Palîbeaners wcrc Hanny Jase, Amang tic tnibutes 26th at 8:15 p.m. in tic church was Sunday guest with Mn. cen as ta cortcnd witi, es- funniture and contents o!fi urdy nay2the. anfnc eg amputatorardw arles lr, iim orlt éive s r nes w~ basement. Evcryone welcoxne. and Mns. Doug Flett and pecially stolen automobiles, home wcrc remnoved safely, Joint service at Morrisi chair, hie was always cheerful, Lake Jr. and Gardon C. Mant- Womer's Institute and Miss Vena Ginubltt, Tarante family. Tic speaker aise rcemirded seme stored i an urused part Sunday, January 29th at 11:15. 'mintining that s0 many ir. J,î.+ WKoEN (OME 'T To MME îo BO WMAN VILLE il "m e' 1FIRST GRADE FOODL INER BEEF SALE BUTTE R15%9i ICE CREAM 1/2GALLON 8 9, STANDING RIS ROAST BLADE ROAST Blade Bon. Removed BLA-DE ROAST Bnls SHORT RIB ROAST CROSS CUT RIB ROA4ST CROSS -CUT RIB ROAST Boneles. SHOULDER Ro A ST Bnl ROLLED BRISKET PLATE Boneless BRISKET POINT Boncless BElF ,STEAKITTES RIS; ST EAKS CROSS CUT S'IEAKS Bons In BLADI STEAKS, Bone In PLAEBRISKET Boe i BONUESSSTE WINGBIEF MATY BIEF NÉCK DON ES ~LICD SUF LU VER Siff KIDNIEYS WhoIg,« aa SlIP HBRTS À i REG. PRICE lb. 95c IL 79c IL 89c IL 79c IL 79c lb. 89C lb. 79c lb. 59C lb. 99c lb. 69c lb. 1.15 lb.,89c lb. 89c. lb. 39c lb. 49c lb. 79e lb. 25c lb. 59C fb. SU lb. 65e lb. 67c 20% DISC. 19C 16e 18Ce 16C 16C 18C 16e 12c 21 c 14c 23c 18e 18C 8e !oc 16C Sc 12c île 13c 13c PRICE. irOU PAY Ib.76c lb.63c Ib.71c Ib.63c lb.63c lb.71c Ib.63c lb.47c IL. 78c lb.535c lb.92c Ib.71c lb. 71 c Ib-31c 16.39c Ib.63c Ib.20ci Ib.47c Ib.42c Ib.52C1 lb. 34c Pnicca Eu Seamoned Waxced or Green Delmonte Beans Carnation COFFEE MATI lielnz KETCHUP Pillsbury - Ail Varieties CAKE MIXES White Swani Toile TOILET TISSUE: 14-0E. Tins 4for79c E i-oz. Jar E 79C 20-oz. BtIa. 2 for 79C . eg. P ""3» 2 for 79c Twln Paks 2 for 53c k -,e% Pr - Reg. 39c pkgs. bTABLERIîTE 'Z! CANDIES 2Ifor 69c CANADAS FINBST Kraft Canadian 8-oz. Pkgs. QULIY EDOR Cheese Sluces 3 for $100 BL E B AN f Flonida Marsh Seedesa Ruby Red or Whte Bie 48't GRAPEFRUIT 10Ofor 49c SSweet and Juley Caliona Sunkist Slzi 1133 fr *ORANG3ES doz .69c lec- v -- - - - -- 25. 6. We ]Réserve the Rlght te Litat Quatities Dutch Cookies 3 pkgs.$ SAVE 17e <IRANULATED -.-~ I DelMonte Fancy 28-oz. Tins PEACH-ES .3;or$1.OO0 York 3-lb. Jar PEANUT BUTTER 89C ]Royal Guest COFFEE 1-lb. Bag Big "G" Cbeerlos-Wbeatles-To 'tal.Lucky CharnTDu Reg. Pk gs. (EREALS 3fo.r$1.OQ, BAKERY FEATURES IGA Oven freah FamtIy Sise RAISIN ORANGE POU 49C Honey Dip Pkt. d- 9 MARGARETS DONUTS ',39 WýHITE SU'GýAR -. 35c5 CARNATION EVAýPORATEDMIk2L I e -i 1

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