k Coi~pIes 25 Y~rs As M rate VOLUME113 le Pages DOWMNVILLE4 ONTARIO, W USDAY, JANUARY 25, 1967 154 Per Copy NUMBZ 20 Cases Since Nov. Four OBri.ades Aroused- Mass Inoculatfin 0f Ail Dogs and.Cats W'1I1 Be HeId Feb. 3-9 United Counties council met et Cobourg on Monday a nd agreed to assist in a mass inoculation clinic of domestic animais t'O stem the current outbreak 'of rabies in the. lake- shiore area. Council was approachsd by Dr. . W. Harris and Dr. J. F. McCorquodale of Bow- manville and Belleville, respectively, district - -- -- -- .veterinarians with the Dminion department of agriculture. Dr. Harris said the incidence af rabies in animais has been Exioioshighest in the Orono-Burketon Ex loiosarea In Durham County and SI Il N there is a -danger of the ies Like Ve a spreading as animais move ta new territories. r PaintWarden Merrill Van Camp, rrom an (ans Reeve of Cartwright, tl on cil that four new cases were discovèred ini is township at Early this marnlng a west- the weekend. bound tractor-traller loaded THREE AREAS with paint cans went off the Macdonald-Cartier Freeway Counties council agreed ta 'o' Juileas ofNewcstl. ~help the department in three Magitrae R Baterand he ift He ecevedplunged down a steep cm- major areas: ta tighten dog * Magitrae 9 B.Baxtr ad te Gf tsHe ecevedbankment, rolled over and contrai, especially in rural burst Int flames. areas; ta advertise the series _____ The driver, James Daw- of animal clinies through the C i ic O fi i is A te dson, 50, Hamilton, manaed 4TRN TO PAGE TWO> A f ire that. started in the kitchen of the Voyageur O f i i i t e dt apewasrshe Mmria Otwa nnay 3 - rService, Centre, east of Newcastle, alerted at least n oit al, Bh omialB a usl .Hon;three and possibly. four area fire brigades early Tues- sufferéd a dlocated should- bas returned ta his duties day morning. It is believed that close ta an hour went er and other undeiermined bere ibis week. He has been by before fire fight-ing equipment arrived. Apparently, Spetatrs t he cen in sccesfu sugey jst ontctd ad hw.Eventually, Bowmanvile brigade sai itmut hve ee sii-borough Civic Hospital. was called out by the phane operator ta the Voyageurl ~HeIdby, Bank of Montreal a a________ el a wih loud explosions for sev- eral bourg as the paint canaTaspatKiny Bowmanville and Darling- Peterborough, District Man- exploded, the 11dm flylng hlgh(7 Objectie 47,0 ton0 Pul thies omissionhe C rMyirIvarnton PUC w ltot are . p oîal . ~s ard .-ee tY The trailer was a total e $70000adexecutîves of other public Chaîrman Wilrid Carruthers, Seativaiae.PAE pprnl aymr ooit h fG o d mi organizations w e r e guests and the' Rev. F. K. Malane. StwrL.etgtd LTS-Apaetymn oemtrssta d~ the Bank of Montreal Anni- Thehead table was adorned usual this year have been holding off obtaining $600-0 eray ine hl a tewiha lovely centrepiece of red Fl thdir vehicle licence plates before tedaln Flying_ Dutchmani Motor Ho- and white carnations and it Was -R lFb2t hr i enoetnin d n~s ~ r $6,000.0atelý4ý esat evening. -lighted with tal white' tapers FiN6mussia y iCtý> I b local branch, presided. end of! iis table smali stand-, take cary at-the matter soon. 44,000-00 In additiontaM. Bell those ards beld littie flags witb the . t t tý t t el,51.6 a th heAPtbleweNTJhnENTo16CeiteI.*Bnialth Lewanile 5iè1.6 T oronthead ntaereio A-hnExpo'67bole . Bhinad' thae A..INTEN His ay redhewil en nil1 $00.0LsiseT ornt o Ontrl aagr ofAs-ead tale a anad a aeple k ntrse t er ta man J. Scothetwfo sîsnia 200 .0 te an Genel Mana e Lu e af flag, N d O A laGE re licObe ier estef i o learn t a N r an Jor- Centennal $2,00.0NuerbarkeesnendMar-ucîe, (TUN TO PGE TWO Fun0o Toronto has 'a xiew part time job. He is one of Miss wïarjorîe Clemence, ist ra te00.0 the new appointees ta the Metropolitan Toronto Beaver St., Newcatle, I h iv i g ~andi Region Conservation Authority. Mr. Scott has winner of last week's Prime --- - --She will recelve aý Gifi Cer-j Mr'.Lynch was driving westl - (T*uR*m TO PA"Ge Two> of the University of Guelph. tificate worth $10 ai Nlkl's t t t 11 t Deauty Salon, Bowmanvlle.~ SPEAKER - The Statesman was visited on Satur- Ber entry was drawn fromIuu <+ ~ ~ 'F day rnorning by a young man who will be the revles. ude creiU*~~U W~f guest speaker at the Durham County Club of miss Clemence accuratelyn Hallowell, B.A., M.A., and his subject will deal letters ini the contesi advbw with "Prohibition in Ontario 1919-1923." This was and came up wlth the Correct Dies Under Rear W heel answer, Sir Charles Tupper. also the subject of his M.A. thesis. * In lier reply she wenb fur- Wila JmeSebcsnfortnartatoo un t t t t-IL1 ther and debailed hi. career. ila ae tpesn ortnfr rco nSn OUSTED - Bowmanville Juveniles bit the us Because so many, replies age 28, R.]R. 1, Burketon,,was day a!ternoori at 5:50o'oclociÎ4 er big ecledsitoudkilled wen run over by a The accident bappened on. the this week in their hockey playof! hopes. On Mon- ab appreceiedi ontesantsFifth Concession a! Cart- day and Tuesday they were defeated by Whitby In futurec wondIfwrites'Cns ORDERS INQUEST wrigbt Township, a mile and. 9 ta 4 anti 8 ta 3. However, they and the Mitigets tennial Contesi' an the oui- Coroner Dr. E. D. Rubbard a bal! east a! Blackstock. will play in Minor Hockey Night here on Saturday aide of the envelopes. This has ordered an laquent to be Mr. Stephenson was riding will save the Statesman held bita the deathu cf Gary on the fender ai the large with two games at 7 and 9. This is not ta be staff considerable trne. De Luca and John L. Taylor tractor, which was being dri.. confused with Young Canada Hockey night ofl ef Bowmanvllle. The laquent yen by bis wi!e, wben be feUl Thusdy.wlll be held in Bowmanville off, and the right rear wbeel TuSTARS t t t t t INSTALL STEEL ai 10 a.m. on Feb. Mi. The o! te beavy machine went Huge steel girders are iwo Young men dled In a car over hlm. He was rushed te ALLSTR - Incidentally, those who like hockey belng lnstalled today for the accident ai the Cemebery Port Perry Hospital but was and f igure skating will be able ta see bath on roof of the new building ai bridge, ai the eastern bar- dead on arrivai. Dr. George Monday night at Oshawa Civic Auditorium when thc R. M. Hollingshead der of Bowmanville on Sat- Rennie, Port Perry, was th Oshawa Generals play the league AIl Stars. Be- Corporation. urday, Sept. 24th, 1966. Coroner. tween periods, former world's champion Donald ~h o " Jackson wifl demonstrate his figure skating Brighlt New Sign uerClaners prowess. t t *I t t t SUMMER - Last Wednesday the temperature was below zero. Taday it will reach 60 ta break so)me allttime records anti make if e a bit easier for those who have just returned frorn Florida. Probably, by next Wednesday it will be back ta frigid ~37 normal, but the warm weather break certainly has been a welcomne change. . .. .. - - tt t t t~ SITTERS - A publicity release f rom NDP leader Tommy Douglas suggests that working women should be able ta deduct baby sitting costs fram their incarne tax. Sountis great, huh? We foresee problems if ibis shoulti happen. The baby sitters would have to report incarne, and pay incarne tax on it. The workîng mothers would have to make deductions for Canada Pension, Unemployment Insurance, Workmen's Compensation, Holiday Pay, etc. Might be smarter ta leave it alone, don't you think? tt t * ~ tt OPENING - Bowrnanville's newest business. > Frederick's Pharrnacy, will have the frosting wiped - off the front wfindows anti the doors open for cus- torners tamorrow, Thursday. The locationý is direct- ly opposite Burley's Bus Station anti Proprietor FrèI Tippins anti the staff wvil bè on hand to atimfinister ta your neetis. t t j~ t tf LEGISLATURE - Today, the Ontario Legislature, will open for what is expecte4 ta be theè finaàl session bef ove an election. No doubt tW s new Liberal leader RobertNlxoia willbe dobtghis béa te mauce a fa'.iale ipressin -upon ïie .voter,. -.ut there wil F. oféompettin ùr ]Oc------------ leadr e "ldMc d and, Iýe me Master (g - O n Tedymrighntipeu. .taltei,-Mecula 1iobavts whéý wIll b. doing thé aume thin,- W ofyOshaeWoe ttin the fiJh touches o«.a b$ - t, new .1a u s h a f l h o p e b r e 4 n ~ o r ~ a b o-tt ir s l e n t v b ~ ~ , l l I>Sc'ipts ta date: L clin. 12 - Mr. and Mrs. f l l Bowles--- $ 25 00IHoUW Uwmon Jan. 9 - Maison Brewery --- 15500. Dec. 19 . North Wardi Association 245.90 ____nniversary -Dec. 19 - Grass Receipts 50-50 Draw 2s,851 00j Nov. 8.- Memorial Park On Friday evening in thethan 165 lawyers, members of Association 250.00 Legion Hall, Magstrate R. B. the local Police and of the Nov. 7 - Royal Canadian 'Baxter was honored at a drn ýOPP, and other friends at- * Legion ---- 555.95 ner held in recognition of hîs tended. Constable H. R. Cor- OGt. 20- Royal Canadian 25 years on the Bench. More nel OPP, and Constable Stan Legion Ladies Rospond, OPP, assisted by E.s Auxiliary 125Qoi APPROVE PROJECT C. Wildman, and Terence V. Cinss .e 58.3 Final approval -bas now Kelly, Q.C., Oshawa, were in, Mr. Dick Reddy Cânvas __ 284.42! been recelved fôr Darling- charge of arrangements for An authority on the USSR,ý Oct. 3 - Tag Day -- 8.1 ton Township's' Centennial the event.i Dick Reedy, who is also a *Total $5,079.58j Project, a pioneer Village A huge baniïer bearing theinoted traveller and lecturer, F.*enss t dae: 1cldin a restored cabin, words "Welcome to R. B.;wîll be here as commentator £#enses date:tra-diungpost and rural nius- Baxter Night" i'n taîl letters tomarrow, Thursday evening *60-50 Draw Seller --- 250.00 eam ai Darlington Park. This extended along the full lengthifor the colored motion picture 80-50 Dx'aw Winner 1,300.001 wili b. a $30,000 projeet. of the east wall of the spa- "Russia," which will be shown Operating Expenses - 77.82j Cobourg aima received ap- Icious hall. A beautiful ar-i in the Town Hall auditorium Total $1,627.821 proval for Its $19,186 outdoor rangement of c a r n a t io n s,'ýat 8 p.m. This is one of the ______________________swimming pool at Donegan chrysanthemums, and hules- 'Rotary Travel and Adventure Park. (TURN TO PAGE TWO) Sertes. * Civic Officiais Entertained by 'Bank of Montreal *~so*ipwwiili u4.Dauq9a*oaTow" . Irnt ifavpbco of the BAM k of Monitrealacoat-of- Iiumnbs 9 PU>UCO nl<~a i boi~Ia~above are, front left to right, Reeveè H. C' MuWp ~$iS wreet 0w e ~ti.Banko on-JD#rlingtop. Tpwns ;Mayxir IanItobbs, BOW-m~ irmy 4biithst i yng-teh. I if e; bMr., Lesai,,James A.- &U, local &arànch Man- DtOr *p t We*dAy,, evening. Jole' ager, andîKunn.th MacLucicie, ýPeterbootMO4, DistrIcti 'oz4t Asmst.atî Genor. ia -iprof the M4.r -: for Service Centre Blazé 'r at Waverly Rd. Orono's brigade was the first to arrive at the fire, followed within less than hall an -hour by Port Hope and, it is also understood that Newcastle was alerteti. The blaze hati leaped f rom the kitchen into the ventilating system anti then through the ýductu ta the roof. This photo shows some of the Orono fire- men cutting their way through the roof to réach the flames. Damage has been estimated .at over $8,000. Whs Death ),-- for. Nonj B rings An O.shawage1 d s-m it h,w1hen h1-.ar wntout cojz Charlci Lynch, 962 East- tr ,crosace the ý Mâ bourse Avenue, Oshawa, age went Itoaa' ditcb, Went- over 38, died as the result o! in- the corner -of a field and h1t juries sustalned in a inotor a brick wall o! the bouse -own- accidènt 'on Saturday wbich cd by Alex Popadwn. The ýn. bappened at 5.55 p.m. on the jurcd man was taken ta Me. Darlington Second Concession marial, Hospital where h. wam Road, about a mileeato givený emergency treatmani 1 F ý-IL --- - -