JThé Oro ~ I Mrs. James E Un o McRoberts is aHope on Satui pgâten inMemorial Hospital,1St. Louis whc Bowmianville. at the home oi e. xd Mrs. Russell Hep- Ethel Payne bji o Enniskillen vjsitedpatient for se s i, Mr. Don Stephens, the Port Hop MU?'tephens and daughtersl Mr. and M » * Cathy, Janine and, cheil and son L" Carolyn" on Saturdayý Mr. and Mrs. ev'ýng. at Peterboroul Mr. and Mrs. Edward Hoi-1 evening. land of Oshawa, Mr. and Mrs.! Mr. John P Thomas Fairbrother of R.R.!staying at ti Newcastle, Mr. and Mrs. Or- Home. ville Challice, Mr. and Mrs.ý The Clarke Kclth Tregunna attended the;tennial Histo Speciai Centennial Dinner atjiwere dinner Honey Holiow, Newcastle, on1,C. Reg. Loveki Saturday evening. 'Holîow Restau: Mr. and Mrs. Marwood on Friday eve: Heard of Enniskillen visited1 Mr. Thomas Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Heard, of Orono is a Debbie and Wendy, on Wed- late William nesday of iast week. Son, age 28, of Mrs. Lola Hobbs of Oshawa i ton, who was spent Sunday with Mr. and 1 day when hie v Mfrs. Perey Morgan and Roy. la tractor. Th4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Baileyl the late Mr. C of Oshawa were Sunday sup- sonl, was a fre rper guests of Mr. and Mrs. Orono, especi Lorne Bowins.1 Fair days. Raye West Jr., son of Mr. Miss Daie C and Mrs. Raye West, has aý valescing at hî cast on his right wrist after ring surgery oi a flu at the rink. week. Mr. and Mrs. Grant Moffat Mrs. John C, and sons of Oakviiie visited ville is spend his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. with Mr. and' S. Moffat. ton and is mui Kim West is staying with health. her aunt and uncle, Mr. and Mr. and Mr Mrts. Roy Forrester, Susan spent the wee West is staying with her un- Neil Rainey an cie and aunt, Mr. and Mrs. nington. Keith West, and Scott West is Miss May Il staying with his chum David weekend at he Chatterton, while their mo- rone. ther Mrs. Ron West is a pa-i Mr. and MV tient in the Memorial Hos-!Ormiston o! Ei pital, Bowmanviile. ed her aunt, Mi Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Joncs1 Mr. and Mr Visited his sisters in Port vîsitcd Mrs. OPEN NOV FOR ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTI( AND DRUG STORE NEEDS WATCH FOR OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING FREE GTFTS - PRIZES FREDERICIo Prescription Pharri 67 KING ST. 1 PHONE623-254 ]BOWMANVILLE JANUARY ( 1la tura/izers Illusion and Walking Heels Reg. to $16.95 JANUARY CLEARANCE WOMEN'S DRESS SHOES Illusion and Stack Heels Leg. $7.95 $9.95 s..9 LEARING... CHILDREN'S SAVAGE and PACKARD PATENT SHOES ýg. $5.95 to $6.95 $4..99 UEARING ATm KEN WATSON CURLING BOOTS OMEN'S - Reg. $16.95 LEARING $1 3.95 [EN'S - Reg. $18.95 LEARING$ SKI BOOTS '/3 OF F Re ci wi CL CL RI M abclng thc theme of the pro- Meeting of Hampton UnitedThe Canadian Stategman, BowmanvMle, jan. 25, 196? 5 Il u ew lea r Uc shoa's teachers.r evening at 8 p.m. We hope te n o e w oThonhllwitdagher ThSubcm MssngrsMr. and Mrs. Jack Carter' have more on thisnex wk. assstng with the hurch ser- t making fet booknrkeru Richrds e w s-atr' aet, r virscinaC odn herme. ta eto!durhin C. E Hll Tetigirls bch Ted Chant o! Hampton. Sun- ing there aise on Tuçsday at lights have finally been in- their study book etic day visitors at the home of 6.30 p.m. sMeeetth one !su. Ba ing eTa wl tl ast is convalescing1 Port Hope oni Saturday 4 Mr. and Mrs. Chant were Mr. Hampton Brownlcs met ggadTuna od. rasrgt' etn a ela f e sser~. r adMr onMle, "and Mrs. Vern Chant* of Tor- lastsda corner has been the seene o! joylng slides of Disneyland Wednesday attr EripChantwith many accidents in tch at honthcm by Mr. Lionel', afe en 1Fy n adc !Ew no atrEi hnGuides meeting at 7 p.m. o! and At is hoped tiiat the newlHatLedr !Ucog* everal weeks I 'manville, Mr. and Mrs Jack grandson o! Mr. and Mrs.l the same eeig Both meet- intledlgtsw areLrmrat e~~~~~~~~~~ Hsia. BrsoSroadShia Catspnlateeedigs eeng nieuigtwIll bea great zatiOn arc Ruth Stajntcnel4 e ositl. Barsow Sarn ndShil 1inswere held in Hampton help in preventing much of ShirleyMai Lrflr nd n. Abert Mit- werc dinner guests on Satur- Paisi thing t iot OhrMsa hrh hsnels bloodshed and Ann Aistein. i Steven visited day of Mr. and Mrs. Pcrcy PalFrhn !Ohwa. Gordon, Cotter Morgan and Roy ta celebratel Young Eric mnakes his homel The Tyro boys group meet heartache in future years. The Aternoon Unit of theé' gh n atrdy hebithayo!Mr Mrgn.with his grandparents. j tonight in the church hall at Miss Cathy Shcwring and U.C.W. met last MOIda and': Cong aura tebrtulaios! rLadiesao! the3HamptonMWo- Cheryl Bertram heiped Tuesday afternoons in te Conratlaion! Ldis o te Hmptn o-!Weare looking forward to with the worship service at church hall for a uitingle Paterson is nowl Ellen Mlilison, daughter o!f e' nttt lne o a visit from the Hampton the last meeting o! the Ex- Mr. Nels. Fice was installe($ lie Orono Rcsti Mr. and Mrs. H. E. Milîson, is journcy to Orono United Public Sehool Choir and Staff p1orrs which was hcld in the as president o! thc A.O.T.S.- wcaring a cast on hier an n. ctr a aternoon, at this Sunday's chureh ser-IC. E. Wing o! Hampton Unit- at last wèek's meeting o! thbe Township Cen- again after a recent accident 25tl fh a tae bpar n aviem in amptnocurch. cd Church, with 33 girls in group. Rev. Catt ficae ry Committce at school. bers of Wornen's Instibursso! the group will lie attendance. Mcxnbcrs worked at the installation. guests o! Mrs. Mn. and Mrs. Dean Hodgson from their own and other out- ,in at the Honey o! Ajax, Miss Minnie Horn, lying districts in the locality. rant, Newcastle, Mrs. Frank Werry o! the This display had prcviously ning. Marnwood Nursing Home, been planned for Jan. l3th 1C. Stepheno Mrs. Gco. White o! Bowman- ..btwspspnddet a kbrother o! thelville, and Mrs. Alden Hoar o!f' wcather on that date. More on, James Stephe!n-1 Tyrone visited Mrs. D. G,.hsi etwcksise f..1 uk- opr Saturday dinner guests atI kiiled on Sun-' Mr. and Mns. Everctt Cr3'- the home o! Mn. and Mrs. M. was run over by'1 derman o! Solina wcrc dinner S esy apo.wr eir erandfath'-'r,Iguests o! Mr. and Mrs. Wm. M. andrs. J amptLon and "harlie Stephen- Hoar on Fniday evening.!aiyaso!Ha tn.S-I quntviitr o Mr. and Mrs. Hcnb Bradley day visitons with the Kerseysý lally on Onono o! Hampton visitcd lher par- were Mr. and Mrs. Len Pla- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert er and boys o! Bowmanville. Challice is con- Mitchell and Steven, on Sat-Rentdnrgussath ., er home follow-lurday. home o! Mr. and Mrs. T. Be-. n hier foot last 1 Mr. and Mrs. Stewart kr o! Hampton were M-r - ~ ,, Twcedie o! Locust Hill visitcd and Mrs. Mel McGovern with ox o! Bowman- Mr. and Mrs. James E. Mid. Edwand and cousin Bob, al] ing two weeks! dicton on Sunday. ..~.. ~o! Bowmanvilc, and Mn. and Mrs. Reg. Sut- Mrs. James E. Richards ' Mrs. T. Bekem and son Lanry. ich improved in visited lier cousin Mrs. J. Paul Andrus, standing, after four years as MaEn- O! Enfield. Mr. and Mns. T. - Wesley Roc and Mr. Roe, who ager of the Bowmanville branch of Beaver Lumber, Bkmadfaiysetlast s. W. B. Hoar are vcry i11 at thein home in leaves this week for Sarnia as manager of the branch Mun. Merle Aln o!nith d. Dkend with Mn. Toronto. 1Ms el le fEfed id sons at Can- Recent dinnen gucsts o! Mn. there. He will be replaced here by Jack Lynn, sitting,1 Miss Elaine Annis and a' 'absettliand Mrs. J. W. Bowman and of Peterborough, who in the picture bears a remark-; ginl friend, both o! Toronto,................... rabY_ spn fh amiy o! Enficld wene Miss able resemblance to Mn. Andrus. Mr. Lynn has beenispent iast weekend visiting at n hmeatTyJean Tamblyn of Oshawa, with Beaver for seven years, is married and they havethe home o! hier parents, Mr. aeadMrs. L.Anso! ap Irs. J. Russell Mns. Russell Best, Mn. and three children. Aside from working his hobbies include! ton. Anso ap :nniskillen visit- Mrs. Geo. Canson, Mnrn.iHi an find n heds ns DBrwnMns. Ivison J. Tamblyn and an interest in sports. ___________tit will heieadsedntohearis-Il rs. Cecil JoncssoBiao!Ono that Mn. Fred Ashby is ne-.l, Roit. McHoim I D u cupenating nicely after under- HMTNgoing surgery recently in. wasLE Bowmanvillc Memonial Hospi-~ ~ SALEM ~~Mn. and Mrs. Ralph Ballard o! Mrs. Helen Craig, who aiMnAhbwasufrg Ourannal onregtioalvisited with Mn. and Mrs. injuncd necently in a car- fnom blo osoning in his OuranualcongegatonalManvin Appleton o! Scugog tractor collision, is that an, lod o ichc onwa ed at the.18 Island iast Sunday. is siowly impnoving in Osh- tion. vn anu o * hurc on Wdnesdy, Ja. 18. The Doubles Club spent an awa General Hospital. IM.JmsMGertrc meeting with scriptune fol- ejybeeein uln n Mn. and Mrs. Robent Cour- to is home in Canada's fan iowe byhymn434Bowmanville last Saturdayl tice o! Countice, and Mn. and 0forth last week after spend Mn. dougeynol434a. ap night. They are planning an Mrs. Gordon Wilbur o!Harnp-1îgamnhvsiigwt î )NoMn.ed ecReay.n tes o! he îtîng a otvitngwhhs poitedseretry Miuts o od fashioned sieighride toelie ton spent iast Sunday visitn nephew and niece, Mr. and last year's meeting were read i nFbun twahn ihfinsi elieville. iMns. F. Ashby o! Hampton. -' *and approved. penmitting. Mn. and Mrs. J. Mctcaif of Mn. McGee, who spent bt Rotsenreporte as fo- Che UC..o! Hampton Hampton returned home iast Christmas and New Yean s Ro ts esnrepgivt by M. therc met last Tuesday in week ersending a plea- holidays with Mn. and Mns. Sam Buttery, Stewards reportth C. E. Wing a! the church, sant fu asvstn ihAhy uthv eta by Mr. Gerald Shackleton main business o! the meeting fric fou r. d s iain dewthoshye mus inha e frît a Sunay cholMrs Sm Bt:being the installation o! the Tcnd S, irMn g . Cadetoughsle cwas fin the ep tery; U.C.W. by Mns. Leslie ncw slate o! officers for 1967 VsTuno! s atnling. thesoluth ay as hcoes nmtRe- Welsh. Rev. Northey gave the by Rcv. Catto. Officers in- Vitosatwek tthsoueBywa up nth HiCrpr.stalled wene: Mrs. Lewis Truili home o! Mn. and Mrs. J. Met- North West Tennitonies. g Election o! officers rcsulted president; (the officeo!frtclwneRvadMs.H- M.adMs.P Dwe, r sfolos: esio - . quirvice president was lcft open o0 Stainton o! Oshawa and Doug, Carolyn and David, al asfl S essieon - . utyanir te resn) n RnM. and Mns. Dick Metcalf o! O! Hampton, visited iast Sun- daKih Mn.n rs rc *S akeo ,Seutr n fr te pee t; M s W. Craig. Stewards - Gerald Clemens, second vice presi- Bowmanvilie. Bro wni h .anda. re ShcketnF. Blackburn, R. dent; Mrs. Lorne Annis, sec- Last wcek' S Open House, Mon and Msw.RaCoou oc raig, L. Richards, J. COImes retary; Mrs. Fred Payne, as- bake sale and dollar drive M!. en e s uday si B tO DD O O ( IN I D. elh, . lacbun. sistant secretary and cornes- held in Mitcheill's Corners o shaat te hoe o! Mrand Trustees-E. Twist, Gerald ponding secntary; Mrs. ClIII School was very successful,0r.Gro ibro ap E, Shackleton, L. Welsh, Gordon Ferrill, treasurer; Mrs. Ron with many parents attending' . o dn.luno ap Shackleton, D. Reynolds and Clemens, press and publicîty; This is the one event in the ton. CUAl I I w a lst M. Marchant. Ushers - B. Mrs. Art Blanchard, supply; yean at whîch the Home and Rev. ay t servic e a a stnd, l 16 Richrds, D Weish BnianMr.C. Slemon and Mns. B. School Association attempts ndyseriewsaecdv e f s a, e . Ricnads, .oWemeetBiathe rming, on aking Our Liv- Wde dy , e. I Organists-Mrs. Sgin But- M. Catto, Mrs. R. M. Shon.t budget for tile yean, and ae- being "APrmie iistPo-y16 teny and Mrs. K. Shackleton. and Mns. B. Killen, program cording tae Éeir president, mise.~"ATh Proise s a Po- Music Comittee-Marioa But- convenons; Mrs. R. M. Short, Mrs. Jean Adair, this year's teofnn ttî evc.1-.30 pm to 4:30 .. and 6:30 pM to 9:00 .. nepresentative ta the Officiai retunns more than balanced athe Suernd ay'sopin se s- Board o! Stewards; Mrs. Art the budget. sion o! the Conaiongcsas- Reynolds, manse committee;, Plans are now underway ta ses being held in Hampton Lions Centre, Bow rnanville Mrs. L. Clemens and Mrs. F. hold a School Centenna ntdCuc ortenxPO R NPO TTO AL6391 Py emmesi;Mrs. Evening in M.J. Hobbs Sen- sevenal weeks was wcll at- FRTA SO TTO A L6391 :qL E A R A 1 C E Earle Luke, Mrs. Roy Metcalf, ion Public School next May 5. tended with seven girls and Mr.Hrl atradM' hspromises to be a most fîve boys present. DAY 0F THE CLINIC fi ~ . ~Pency D e wc l, cOmmunity interesting event with music The annuai Congregational Percy Deweii, cards; Mrs.9wlm 9 Harold Beilson, Mrs. Gond. bb, d 7REWiibun, nominatîng commit- tee for 1968. Members o! the I~~JIY î ~1966 executive took the wor- ...~... ~ship service. Following the N~ ~ '~business o! the meeting, a de- liciaus lunch servcd by Mrs. WO E' B illett, Mrs. Slemon and Mrs. WOMEN'SB. Killens was enjoyed by ail Cuban Heelu andPsnt Scout mothers held Cuban Htàe anda work meeting last Monday evening in onder ta makeý 1' deconations for the annual Low ress Heelfather and son banquet ta be ,Rpt- 92-qe A.heid next Feli. 25th in the E 'LLIS SHO 9ING ST. Nh. Odr -gest s peëaker, Mrs. D.NYOSLPiz324 ME'SSHESNorthey, told us about her ex- RNESLSENSNELIPSGiEE 24 MNSSOSperiences as a guide at PioncerHAFSIS-ET By McHaIe and Dack Village at Morrisbung for two DBABY DOSE # HLFLS GON -CPIGPYJAMASS ycars. She also showed pic- .AYDLSGWS AR YAA CLEARING AT turcs o! a number o! the REG. TO $39.95 Sizes: Smali, Medium, Large hanses, stores, churches, etc., situatcd there. She also con- SIZES: 7.-20 2I o/b__OFF thrTe 141/ - 221/zo g- Mrs. E. Twist nead a letter PRE - INVENTORY MEN'S - WOMEN'S from Rev. and Mrs. o. CLEARANCE ........... well who are an a mission_________________________________________ and CILDREN'S field in Brazil. Mrs. Sam Buttcry conduct- AELEIAIMs cd thc business. Several thank L SAE CASH FINAL N REFUNDS OR EXCHANGIS SKATES you notes were ALL I wa Clearing et decided ta send a donation ta Quin-Mo-Lac Camp fund. Mrs. John Coombeb and Mrs. G. muO1~Shackleton werc appointed as ij 00/ OFF representatives on the ManseLA IS Cornmittce. Mrs. F. Blackburn L D E conducted an original namesI Uic group. K t Rre Ancent test showed college G.W EAR BOWMANVILLI quently were found baaes7INBOMAVIe fewercold andbettenDealvil IGS.W O M . L than students *ho did not cat ilapplea. . s, 'I