M« rtrgS.creétary w TMW bht.u epot tp Ifs iAnual Metg ' c Kailim e~aoket me to pay Linen, Service $813, Labora- Kcftbbh MPr. Dhilings tory $%77 Médical. Records andAZ *Waltcns, 20 yar ffine venk for thE ;M, 'g0eein $08, Bouse.- Md awo jansital."eePlng $206, and -Piarnacy mm a fuatnk Flum Reort $15, a total of $31,620. a rm ec te for a The annual. report of Fin. Expenditures exceeded Uie of Iai ttai nsce Ceiýmftee Chirman budget by $1,000due.te the 'tMolai Rospital WgltfiSgavI tht, compar.ton necdto run a new electrical on t Wdiieà1*y oif thc1967 budget'wth the 1sriefrmtemi lu Otanlo c t WUel coata I1919898 I7 Sal- = rotévÏfcfor rt4me tuew jail &LàMX. Krlok 00e'@ ai«. anA, iWages $742,M 0elactrio kitchen, h. addcd. A .. Lunpme,a <*04,32); 1967 Médical sud Mn. Thornpsoni gave the fol. miember for several mugcl Su pplies *35,000 lowig hlghlights of equip- vue resigned whcn hao*3,1) 1967 othen cipendi- ment purchases durlng the apitoh the Planing tures $219,820 L$210,961). lyesr: $8,000 X-Ray film pro- Menitly. Salaries snd wages account cerner that cuts develepment .Jcsnwas ne-appoint. for 74 per cent of Uie total finie frein an heur toeleght ~omd iihmuet a short 1967 budget, sud they fcrned minutes; Éteain heafed food of the board bêlA ai- 72 pet cent cf the. previeus Srving unit for kitchen $9,- @h annual meeting. Mr. year's, the eoet stated, and 000; complets new furniture te u va again named POInfed eut thet the h sptal for mat ernlty wing rooma an. evrtes onaà24 hourth e $4,100 Plus $3,400 on patient ~) uthe lectin fl .o ifst bis.tacre 1it emis; physiofherapy sien. le Retnl. J. Dlfl "Mdi 1987 budget le baued equipment $1,000; a linen ~s6a- -h -mlatigOu 2 7900 active Patient dapa, patcnlng machine $800;, a new ~n Ifeecensisted l y81000 chroflie patient days, Gestetner duPlicatiug ma- J ansd Glenholme anhs.sd 2,M00 ewborn patient chine $80. Sutiecrs vere DensPC- days," Mr. Waltcrs reported. Grounds dand w. Wa.ls Nt adAsA that the cost per MnS. McMurter, Grounds eilMédical Staff nepre- Patient day la $5 below Uic Committee Chairman, in liert tatiVUe n thecbon tht, average for hospitals of Uic annual report told cf the1 Dr.. Kelth S ---mn e size. werk done te replace grass S.Sylvester, aun Ne cxplaied tuat the On- lent spring. The parking lots C. Auof<.L M -tarieHospital Services Coin.-vers coated witii cil =nd el eord m M hÉu Oulc granfs a depréciation locked affer lait Summer, she A. nra, Darlign 5low5ice each year and tram aald. She stated that good j W ll, nJSe Necatle, venu eut equlpmenf are by tUc Staff during tue suin. Il , in,.s liao* Abcuh, t, OCSth BME and they were also weilla TmoMbp. d oprovide auy assc* ned for lu the. inter b et=embenu of the board tance for Uic purchase of new montha. M ;dArPria. l te lpieu.publie Relations b andc Jmes losptta na osfo hiliul tue absence cf Public ti ,Atxiuarysud ames , md organlZaf ions art a Relations Commlttee Chair-s *,s,8, G. McMurter, sud source of screly needednmxiBell,hi. reportvas read c J40111 A. Bell, who vere fuiidi," Mr. Waltcrs sald, aud bY MrS. Gibson. It stnted that au i1966 for tv» year expréssed thc board's grati. a merles of advertisements in t( de fn te ollwlg196 the Statesmnan vere run con- t IL X. Dillint Ronorel oe, Jury Estate $300, cerning the workings cf the AnonYmous $2,000, Miss LiI- hospital, and numerous grati- 'Eetlrnug Secretag Dlllg n lien car $2,000, Dr. A. F. fYing commenta hmd been re- 4s houcred by te bir.Meeze$30, Wmen's lins.. celved aottsifrain 400 revd a cn slsudpiaiAuxiliary $2t575, the It told cf National Hospital bfas400 ay coc .mme-1three drug stores lu Bowunan-Daayltndht200 t satard C airéman le$10,Bovinville Kins- 'hospýItal place mats were dis- uwgue nd: "f taa rui m n lb$1,020, sud the. le- fributed te 13 restaurants in h( enrte present ths gift cal Ladies AuxilirY f0 the the area. The theme Was In rnyrlud ayDllllng, ai- Royal Canadian Legion $858, "Heads, Hearts and Hands in 1 thieugh e regret bis résigna- Thèse donations amcunted te Service eOhn" r elr fIn. bordnthey 10 yeav asc 8,3referred te the Dietary De- ai flc oad i bspta bsProperty pnrtmeut putting special cov- e er=aefIt nd b bis abrllty, l ce- Mr. Cowan, Property Cer- ers and favors on Patiente' On 3~rtoaAd ef n. mittee Chairman, reported trays for this occasion. He Mayor an Hcbs, whcthebad that considérable mrave- expressed appreciation cf the tic aun wuyyan nth o mente vere made t e ti Ma- Statesman's éditorial on Me- Hf mm v s a d harmnternity' Wing by eularging meniaI Hospital. e bathroom facilitiez sud the Axucng other Items eata- Se nurses s t asf10on. Architects logued by Mr. Bell vere Mi drew plans sud estimated the placement in the waiting t cost af $10,000, but the lovest roons of racks filled withta tender received was $21,000. hospital information litera- A, He expîsined that Bernard turc; establishment et a poli.y a Holden, the lHospital Adminis- for recognition of patients'1 Iftrator, aud lhe had made their birthdays aud anniversaries; foi YO youov plans for this vork. They the. adoption of the recoinm-r hav hined a carpenter, plumber, mended press code for hospi- tu eletriia suad painter, and tais in Ontario; and the re-_ha cempleted the rénovations for vision and circulation cf the au k$3,600.21, thus Osving the. information pamphlet for pa- hospflal $17,4S0. tients. r MCowan salA tint repairs Credif for the above *en. Il ere made.te the roof wiere tioned information pamphlet w the Materulty Wing Joins the. gees to Hospital Administra.- o Id Surgical Wing, and tint tor Holden, the report stated, en a Wall in the. latter part cf and Mr. Bell aise, reported ou tNhfe building was given a cent Bad Ch mn Jako' b2114MaM ew oThe Instcf alerrion.présentation cf Service Pins- ~'he ye ucd a M - otr 'r the laundry presses ai- lng tie Staff Christmas Dm-. *Ua whe YOU ameinuvolvodi lvRtdte xesieheat nr i lm atmbUl accident. W.'4 problein, and Uic majority of Médilcal Staff 1k. f b. tat fisuA ils vonk hait beén dcne by Dr .F ceegv 1& h OtWhSdI u&d.the engieering Staff. Afo-~Dr. SA F f rêeport fore Y=u hope-and se do vo- rescenit ligiit needed infth the 96 -- taf rebrtfo $Utf accidlent neyer happmnslaundry waz put Ilulhe added 6. egaid thje number rf 0>711.Butifh desýliealô rferedta fthc neW edc. maf Iembers e 3 ~oo~,EtifI AcwVIl be aluninuin Windows lutalled maincd the Saine, sud ie - Close f4ute dial on ftcheI the Openaflng Rocin. spoke efthfe largen numnben ef BI t teqàop- S infor Mn. Cowan tald the. meeting patients due te population iu- E~.~piee.Suu o that Uic committee met witi creses and te almost uni- I 'enSura thatncesai the PTJC regardiuggit Iluth versai insurance coverage. ;8 r.oughusoins. hospîtails water suppîy wvich H. stated tint the Médical7 causes aPProximateîy $500 a Staff hope tint lu Uic near ' Yeun damge to valetc future there vii be au addi- <, Ion vs. ec.tional genéral practitioner te thetie but th pr ylmwa siare the vork load. lHe aise nOtlef lie stated. spoke offlhc pessibiiity cf ob -_ ~?I1A T H.talning the services et boti * Eulpenta full Urne radiologiet anda WMr. Thomnpson, Equipment paItiologist, aise a especlalist 0ff j, miutfee Chairman, said lu luý internal mediclue aud a 15 JAM8ES hs 1966 rePort fiat the board general surgeon. had appnoved i e expendifure Dr. McKenzie reported on off ef $12,600 for replacementuf tfheicprogress made lu Medical ~'OUEaA INSJIAC ornu ouf equlpment and $18,- Staff organization and h. re- 4 ibg nt. x. Eowmanffe 050 for uew equiipint. ferred te Medical Records and ili e outlined these purchases the Tissue Committe.. 'Offie Residence by departinents: Dietary $8.- Womeu'slosiaAxlar làsui s-so 90,X-Ray *8,358, Nursiug Mrs. W. M. Rudeil, Presi- 75 ______________Service $8,200, Administration dent of the Hospital Auxili.. Ofi '$2,525, Piiysiotherapy $1,020. oa.v - ----i - - THE BOWMANVILLE DRAMA WORKSHOP wiii presunt A Comedy ln Three Acte "DOCTOR IN THE HOUSE' ~~I~IPBy Ted mils from thec novel lny ichiard Gordon Direct md Dy Wymeua. ct STHURSDAY -FRIDAY - SATURDAy' FEB FIS13-4 M7 - 8:15 p.M. Behwmenvilll Town Hall ADWMSON Shtude Mo6 Tickets avfilable from: Jury & loelYu, Cent*= Tire Store, W. H. Brownt8, membera -D»M Wqlku , Mld et tii. door. ýý9ary i ne rport for gg sai that the Glît Shop under the capable convenership of Mrs. A. L. Hooey Is the or. ganization's greatest source Of revenue. She reported on the suc- cessful Bridge and Art Show held in January convened by Mrs. Jesse Van* Nest, Finance Committee Chairman, and on the annual Birthday Tea in March as an outstandlng fin. ancial and social success. lier report told of Mrs. Allan B. Sylvester's work as Layette Committee Chairynan, and said that layettes donatedC bY church orgenizations and: service clubs were given the maternity staff to distribute where fleeded. Mur. Rudeil termed the rounds of the, Library Cart ccnvcned by Mrs. William Wallîs a source of enjoyment 5 for patients, and she thanked the donors of books and magazines. BurUarles of $100 each were- even to each cf the three M Sebools In the district served by the hospital, and 1i the récipients were namned by the Principals, President Ru. dcli sad. "We were proud to have the largeat attendance at the 3eonl eting cf Women's- NaptiAUxiliarlesheld in Ohwa hI aY," ahe told the gath rn. "This taRi we had a ser..o Van s9n Teas ar- rangmfj by Ibo. Van Nest. We are grateful to the. many or. 18auSuaJUn, sevice clubs, etc. OrtO Upport of these tea« IMMr wblch W. rqatmd $540."1 "Whidow box« were given for the hospital patio, and we 14ý were very happy to give the 01 H090 al B M $ .5S o b Diec th fi " gmmn. Le, nt 1 MORRISH (Intended for last week) Regular worship service vas ielA on Sunday, January l5th n Morish Unitecd Church et 1:15 a.m., tic Rev. Ian Mun- 'o iu ciarge. There vas an tove average number pres- ift. Mn. Robent Beckefttvas in duty as usher. The chioir, under the direc- io of the erganisf, Mn. lelen McHolmn sang in per- ecf harmony the -anfiern "'A ong in MY Heart" ici vas uch appréciated. The Ciildren'e. Story con- ined a moral te tiink about: Lfather gave is Young son letter te mail and five cents buy a stamp te stick on be. ne dropping if in fhe box evided. Upon the boy', ne- n fafier noticed tie boy id a bag o Candies. Enquir- BusiessEDirecory Kcc ou n f&n c y RAYT. .DILLING Chantered Accounfent t 93 Churci Street 623-3861 WM. J. H. COGGINS Chartered Accounfant 15 Liberty St. S., Bovinanvllle Pioe.623-3612 t WILLIAM C. HALL B.Comm.t Chartered Accountent 361/ King St. E., Oshawa Telephone 725-6539 t SURROWS, SELBY & Co. 1 Ciarfered Accountants 8 323 King Street West 1 Oshava, Ontario 725-6451 - 728-7554 William A. D, Seiby, C.A. E G. Edmond Burows, CA,. 1 G.EWI ANNDC ChiropractorI Ffice : Elgin St., cor. of Horsey St. '9 Phone 623-5509 S tfce Hurs: Y sppoinment C M. W. M. RUDELL, D.D.S. f( King Sf. E. Bowmanville o 1ace Heurs : CI 9 a.m. te 6 p.rn. daily osed Saturday and Suriday U Office Phone - 623-5790 t) s. Phone Newcsle 987-4261 IH IC. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. bi King St. E. Bovinanville fice Heurs: h 9 n.m. te 6 p.m. Aaily F )ged Saturday anA Suuday b, elephone: Office 623-5459 H D)R. E. W. SISSON Of L.D.S., D.D.S.m Office inis home In Liberty St. N., Bovinanville y, Phone 623-5604m âce Heurs : 9 a.m. te 6 p.m di l Red Wedneday - Saturday th re Insurance m ad 3NALD A. MBGREGOIR Lite, Auto, Home W Iusurnce Cf King st. W., Bowmanvllle ' Phions 623-5962 tii Pr Land Survying aInT nel MERRILL 1). BROWN eh, P.ENG., O.L.S. th! Qucen St. - BovinanvIlle US. and Res. Telephone pie, 623-7251 tes pic lanfgages lai ed )IX HAMILTON - OIRONO 1 Phone 983-5115 icli !iZSf Mcrtgage Funda lHÉ Residences - Fanins Bt BusienPropertls Ni Iai ipto.metry 'l ma A. I vManv0-u r- Meurr:By appoiment W Telèhone 623-3252 ley n. -Tues.- Thuns. - vri. ' &M t.o 5 pin. b. W*dýd *at . - la DI Thu CI R 751 Offi Cloi Tel '001 Clos DO 1214 Bu. 43 IR doýn RoayAgain Wins Avýý ýFor DdýicfwoAtd ForDisric Atendance tien, mu .Norma cnlmtin and William Wallis, Hou., keeplng Manager, for theb Mu. Rtdll Oipresseci ga. titude to the mainy volunteen who bhed helped in Uic G02 Shop mm f #hom vVesnol auxliily mmbes.She ex. tended special thanka telies. ifai Administrator lfoldci for the. many. ways he had helped the. auxlliary In- 190 Admintatrator Presentlng -his annual ne- potfr1966, Héotal Ad. ministrator Holden. naId thal ail departments had beec. even buuier than In .1985. n 1988 there were 3,507 Adimit- siens, 145 more than Int the previcus year, and there were 365 birtbs. one for every day cf the year, he poited out. Hie added though that the number of births was dowr compared with the last 10 yea. The average patient stayed a haif day lest than -the av. erage cf the year before, the Admifisf rat or stated. There were about 35,000 days of patient care given In 1968. "The average aduit patient's stay was nine and a haîf days, a child's two and a haîf days, and newborn six and a hall days. This means that an average cf 95 aduits and children and six newborni were under our care each day," Mr. Holden said. Board Chairman Jackson thanked those who had given reports,.lie aiso compliment. ed the good work accomplish. ed by Mr. Jose, Pire and Dis- aster Committee Chairmnan, and by James Stutt, the By- Laws Comniittee Chairman. Mr. Jackson spoke of the importance of accreditation, and predicted this goal would be achieved in 1967. lie point. ed Out that the work of the board is to ensure that pa- ients receive the best pos- sible medical and nursing care, to protect the hospital's assets and its good name, and te set policy to make sure of !n id kt te ýe 1 ie d 1. e r-On Thuroiay Pteduidt» Bob agaStevn fi Sul thpet Atteuýdamne T"euyInplient Ing thslre hiVer, o t Attendance Qaalnahai Lmnden at thc club'& undhm 'a m x th pradent na Ltht ta ri innig Uic trophy for i ýbest atfendance ln Deembea, ef Uoiche42 clubs ln *District 707 ea record lisd been set, n ft Isl the finit time- If had bee.i won tvîce ln a club year. T.club's Magaine Com- rmittee Chalrman, Dr. W. M. Rudeil, gave a fascling account f the f r r a ch Iînfluence cf The Rotar1an, monthly magazine publised by Rotary InternatIonal. It unîtes Rotanlans ln 133 coun- tries, and serves as a stimulus to greater gocals ln both cern- munlty andhItrational sUr- vice, he poited out. The other members cf thec local1 Maaie Comnmittee are Mr.1 For es yland and Walterný DeGeer, a former DistrictJ Governor. Dr. Rudell's addreigs won il- lustrated by a series ci colored slides entitled "Adventure In Fri.cndship." Vice-Presîdent AI Wltherspoon was the prcjec- tionist. Thei speaker told of an article in one cf the Rotarian's issues on thie marvelous chang for the better made by the Hydrabad Rotary Club, Indua, in a poor village sltuated a short distance away. Thus story had inspired the Sjngîf. pore Rotarians te start a pro- Ject which eventually trans- formed what had been a Pcv. erty stricken village six miles t from their city into a thrivlng8 Inmer CenDrhamenr e brenscf DuEatCrnpSar ter, Orer etostenbuilStar waidh flsrewclte temouiin fhiclthlAs msnd mmoried io tueirmwmbetinA ploce, utheNirghvmetingplacenia Hail, on Qucen Street. Thc tiret meeting was held on Tuesday, Jenuery lti, T'he n'embere decided te cem- bine fuis meeting viti s pot luck dinuer, sud if turned out, as If usually dees, te be a feast fit for royalty. With lavisi first and second cour- ses eue hardiy knew viere te At elgit p.m. tic meeting vas calUed ta order sud mein- bers enA officers teck thein places. Mn.. Edua Anderson, P.G.M. sud P.M. of Durhamn, vas given e cordial velcome by tue presiding officens, Mns. Annabeile Rickand anA Mn. Wilson Pring. Mns. Gladys EIlIotf, W.M. et Sunbeam Chepter, Oshava, aud P.M. and P.?. of Oshawa vere aise given a cordial velcome anA n Invitation te nef uun a visif as otten as possible. Al nfhers ver. membenu of Dur- hem Chapter. Géneral business foiloved the. Introduction% viti fie meiibens hearlng reports tram the Weys and Mens commit- tee vie vene busy prepening for fie yean. Alec tiiey icard tie eveings plancd by thec i ing where fhey came frein fie answer vas semething like this - "Well, Dea; I thcught [t vould be alrighftet keeE the nickle for myseit, se waited around until ne persan vas nean the box tien slipped your letter in". Father ex. plalned 'all letters must be stemped te senA it on ifs vsy te whem. if was addressed. Chnistians muet alson vee fie sfamp et God te reach fie ieavenly lhome. Tie theme of the sermon vas "One Wlti GeA". Some of fi. qualifies for a Christian are: Spirituel food te sustein, faitifunees, honéisty, duty, fi- delity, justice and love. The service closed viti hyrn 416 "Creation's Lord, we give Thee Tianks", anA bene- dict ion. Sunday Scicol vas helA ef 10 eni. Mns. D. Haines, super. intendent, couducted fie ses- sien. There vere 23 present. Superintendent and feaciers remain in office for 1967. Sec- retany-Treasurer Mrs. Veneff a Osborne. meeting was hel donM&tnday, ifiti, et 8 p.rn. lu fi. Sunday Sciiool. There vas a good et- tendance. The Rev. Ian Mun- ro- in fhe chair, tie meeting opened vifi prayer sud scrlp- ture verses. - Tic Secret ary. Mn.. Hsnry Beckett rend the minutes cf tie- lest meeting, January 1966. These were adloptcd as rend. The siate of officcrs nemains the camie, viti tic exception of secretary-treasurer. Mrs. Stanley Clark. vas elected for thie position; Mn. Allen ]Petens has been acting sec'y-treas. since tie resigunfion et Mn. Fred McConneil. Tiie date for the Auniversary and Thanksgivlug Suuday la Septernber 3rd, eue service af Il e.rn. Guesf speakers yull be confscted as soon as pos- sible. Tve nîtennate naines were submitted. Rýeports were rnd by secre- taries: fie Ciurch, Mr. Allen Peters; fie United Churci Women, Mn,. Hanry Beckett; Sunday Scicol, Mn. Veneffa Osborne. Ail reports vers very gocd, showing progress Iuring fie past yesn. The chairmen carried fie meeting through te a sstisfac- ory finish, wîshing ail tie ifficers a succestul yean and losedvifiticthebenediction. Tic Jauuary meeting cf the J.C.W. vas lield on Tuesdav. th 17th, at 2 p.m. et Mn. Iarry Beckeft's. Ten mcmn- bers were present. The. meeting epened with hymn 571, "Standilu at the Portal" anA acniptune reading y Mrs. Dawson Bebee. Mns. Earny Beckett rend tic Legend )fChrist and Hic Disciples. Hymu 388, "O Master, let ne walk vlth Tice". Rend- ng: "lThougits for fie New (ear" by fie President, Mns. Eorton Heuderson, aise (tees mid for 1967). Prayer for the qev Yenr. Tic minutes of ie December 'meeting venu ,end by fi. Secret any, Mrs. liton Brnmecomb, sud vene lopted as ne4d, Sevýenal tiank 'you notes vere rend fer fiovers snd inis tias giff s. It vas nmeved sud seccuded eat aur U.C.W. Centenulal >oject be nev entrance, Acon id vindcvs fonrflic church. liese are badly iu need cf epairs. Tic Session cf thé hurci te b. consulted upon [s pnoject. If i. planned te have a sup- r instend et a stnswberry a, wifh iam, salsds, pis, idkes, etc. Details gvon ter. Committees vere tcrm- 1for the above two. lins. Camlus Dickinson lisd lrge of Uie program. Mn. eleu Mclolm prupared s Cin, "The Cburcb Gravi Caada", aise a 'lden m"cent ent. The. meeting sud wlth the beneicticu. A MOve was made te the ningrece vhere thc velcome lu Of tes vas vating, servit [h duilcius relis anA buffer rthe. tes commIlttee, Mns. m ~Beckefttsud Mn. Stan- yh Fruayketnw. ÉIng te bath the nev uidn nohgbut muucc MdA mt thnifor the Chapte. The Worthy Matron then added ber feinsfinit f'hanking Uiche mbmfor the. hoer given hon whlch places oers flc Preoidlnd Meecr ln this 'Centennial Y.ar. '¶Mem os f fond and woe- derful evenings are left be- hlnd ln Our old room. Now, however, we have a brand new, bright and warni ront f0 meef in..IlRock lorward to seeing ail of you. at every Meeting, Withmembers tht haven't' been able te meet with us due to the. long climb in reaching our old room.1 Lov, IyaIyfalfh and bar-. mony filled the root cf our aid meeting p lace, and withj those mre feelings i his.1 new room, nothlng but go' ahead wifl be Ours. Please at- tend as cften as you eau," she y WM tt nt homestrie grounds, Speaker utated. He added that a edmool, boys lui ad a it la estimafed that ns two on OmuUKy centre. ' he peoplcread caei capy M u100 " -« a trip from ofteRtran, and when re- 9=âo Pretorla,. capital prints of its articles i other Arca for Young stu- maga-ies, and wlth their use cdmnts as an Adventuié . Inon radio- and television f 1Cldtndilp sponsored by Cape- r«nealcsmor than 1,000,00 qtown PtoMaulîno who haît read people each year. r f -thc Ottawa Mo n Club's The Rotarlan was startcdin esimilar pnojdect for 11gbchool January, 1911l, by Paul Harris, ritudentshI Ontario. Mie a&W Chicago, the founder ci Rotary related a numben of huant and Chester Perry, Dr. Rudel tw*rming atone, cof help given told thc club. Today thbý 1indivduals h many nations. greaf magazine la publlshed in Dr. ludelexplained'that Evanston, Illinois, he uald. Itin tiiere are two edfitions cf. the annual budget totals more magazine, thei, Rofarlan pub4 than $1 ,000,000 and includes lised hIngInqsh and Revista $227,000 for priuting alane, hc Rotarla I Spanlsh. The twc told the local Rotarians. have a cirultion'cf 407,000. Art Ribcy moved a vote cf "T1he greatet numben cf sub- thanks to Dr. Rudeli for his mcibert- are li the U.S. and splendid presentation and Canad where subscriptians President Stevens aise ex- are cmusr but -voluntay pressed his personal apprecia-, subo=rptons rire gnowing I tion te the speaker. number throughout thc world," The birthday cf Ted Samuel Dr. iludeli naid., As exainplca was celebrated by his feilow cf this lie mentioned that there Rotarians. Guests present at anc1200 susclbns i ewthe luncheon meeting were Zcaand 2,00 luAutralaJim Rlckard, son cf local 2,00hUiPhlpneau Rotarlan Garnet lickard, Alex 750 iFnad Shestowsky and Jackc Snder, là Wine c f the. hockey dAmy Son of the 1sf, Herbent E. m were David Higgon, Don Mer- Tnk and Addeline Pasco,1 41risand I Haris.the deceased vas boru af ris ud A Haris.Salins sud atteuded school there. lu 1929 h. marricd the ar H oldsformer Myrtie Vice whc sur- A fermer for 40-45 years, Mr. Tink had resided at R.R. 2, Bowmauville fan 32 ycars, deet ng movlug there fromSeinSla. He United Church, cf vhicii he was au eider, and teck au a. Worfhy Matron, and if as He as a former diector of fet that ln tuis new and beau- D n s e m r. o O u iful hall, rnany a wnderul aise a former trustee f the[ sUre would b. enjoyed. Base Line Scoc.1 Surviving, besides his vite, 1 As the meeting drew te a are tve daught.n, and two, close, Mrs. Edua Anderson sons, Mrs. Hanry Knox (Lor- vas called on for a few aine) cf Solins, Mn.. Keith words. Expressing hen OWIi Shackeiton (Muniel) et Boy- 1feelings she. tolA iow haeppy manville, Walter and Keuueth anA delighted ah. vas with et home: Aise survlving are theinuev rcom, f hov It was Il grandchildren; twa bro- tindeed a highiight for Dur- thens, Clarence cf Hampton' 1ham Chapter. She enccureg- and Bruce f Solins, and a ted tie niembens te attend sister, Mrs. Percy Devel ievery meeting sud bning (Evelyn) f Hamptoin. semeene vho hesu't been eut Mr. Tink rested af fie lately. Northcutt & Smith Funeral Repre senfing fie mother Home, Bowmanville, viti gciapter, Oshawa, Mn,.'Giadys funeral service in Ebenezer Eliiott thanked the chapter United Ciurch on Satunday, fer the velcome given fa her. Jenuary 14, conducted by Rev. She explained sie had heard John Romenil. Interment ves ail about the vonderful new in Ebenezer Cemeteny. building, and sie and others Palibearers, ail nephews, iu Oshawa vene as excited wene Measrs. Maurice Jebson, and thrilled about if as the Venuon Powell, Murra3r Vice, iBovinanvulle membens. Sic Douglas Deveil, Lenne Tiuk iaise heard fnom the Wortiy sud Irvine Harrefl Patron about the great corps Among the many beautiful cf officers Dunrhamn lia. Wifh floral tribufes, evidence of her curioslty areused, sie et- the estecin in ich the de- tended fie meeting anA found ceased vas held, vure tiiose ti. building sud officens liv. trom tic Court ice Couples ing up te evenything fiat nad Club; Genenal Met ors. Pur- been salA . She extended best chasiug; o es t Acccuuting visiies for a- ihappy, successful Dept. General Meons; Ebene- year te the Presiding Officers zen United Churcb; G.M. anA ail the nembers. Trim, Windsor;- Base Lin. Frank 1'Sain, P.P. eof0Gb.. COmmunitY; JerusRkqcm-Lodge; ava and an honorany memben Palestine Chapter; Durhiam of Durhamn, aise exteuded hi. Farinera Co-operative; Osi- IF happinessansd pride lu refen- awa G.M. TrIm Groun. ff Chuckles Apl enty in "in 'Doctor l he liRloule? Yeu wiil sec mmnefaces ft lar te you, John Amesbury as the chief surgeon, Sir lâmeàkt Spnatt, Ken Dcnn1ài as (ve know, he's always à for - but this Urne he' a aeô with a diffenencel), Mr as Janet, and Ingetborg q- inuller as Vers. Taking parts for théIlroint timne on Uhit stage are CarMoe Orme as lUigge, Manjole Couch as Uic Mafron, Mam GraY as eole ,Lloy d Johnston as Simon arnDevld McKlnley il Tony. Lest week the cait pollshec up on Act Il. ln the course of thus acf, the student doctors try their hand at play-acting There were only fourwptel in the auditorium who vere seeing this for Uic finit time, but if their laughfer ila ny là- dicaficu, ve sliudder o hi ffin cf whaf ve'l hean FébruarY 2. 3 and 4 whcn the. hall là 'Club 15 Pla-ns 'Stay-at-Home'# Club 15 helA their January meeting et the home 'of -Mrs. R. Kelly, Carlisle Ave. Presideut Joan Manun e- Peorted i efa clothlug had been diatributeil te several necdy familles. Final plan. vere made iii regards fa the stay-af-home Party te b. helA eanly là February. The money raised tram this project enables fie club ta carry on ifs work cf slding local cammuulfy1 prejects, as veli as sponsonlng flic Senio Citizen. group. Club 15 membens suppiy, peck and deliver box lunches to any hast eses vho enter- tain in -their owu homes on tie st date. A delicieus lunch was tien served by th hostesa. L DARLINGTON UJPHOLSTERY 10*2 Ring st. W. -Boeninvflt 'boe ns -7341 mme Estfiu Similar Savings on aIl other miodels Servi«e Speçial& «epire Feb. 18 3 PUMP ISLAND SPECIALS GASdJP MIRE - - .-. - - - « *' YOU SAVE $ $ 1 CIGARETTES (2Opk.) 35c or 3 for $100 -n23c 2 NOSTESS CHIPS family size 35c M - 14C 3 WESTINGHOUSE BULBS 60-100 watt 6for99c - m 78c CHOICE 0F ONE wUth a $300 OR MORE GASOLINE PURCHASE 1<01788O0FOPERATION MONDAY TO BUNDAY 8 AJK TO 9 PJML wIGQUARANTU.. *«àt e rile u*ip Jtlois ertee *AU Parts and Lébeur t. et atlsfa.u Ail W.,k by Cimes A" G.vt. App, M.chaah u 'I r .8 e y' A4miù di 1- aminnore, Ita aforumn, a platforr lanAacmmtor," t 1 1- 1 OBITUARY HILTON 8. [INK Tue death of Hilton Samiuel Tink cccurred suddenly at hua résidence, R.IR. 2, ]Bowman- ville, on 7%ursday, January Opening A 1- 1