uli dUee ota r five The. Canadian Statesu ,Ewinll e.2 9i Classif ied Ac<n @n'U o etn ilC rmte iega mSsin ngnes ie n i m lquor. 'flomas Janiet Gry, ~ou~T UUOS A ccîdner f the n ontund ichard Grant. 1oC o >lAI threeingyStfret lic., nOhwaEg-e WotiSwas frn&d $10 an ecets, or A meber i th nurinn nto end ichad Grnt M. frm çari cýtian. Bioth ad qo x OCMTU staff of 8Scai kmpad tai n "l'-F 4wr T Io sao fJIHHs tl U IlJuy arer, aenlnu'car, were aU taken ~ N .w ,W U E~guilty. r s n - A U&Zrsona hav . aie 22, whosc bognisla la P1 -Ito the o Mcmorial Hospital ~ RCntbeD.Adro i ~U tontn hvn cams: as inJured wbeuiheca ywhere ho ae TeCnena omte itet oiyR .Iyn tewr en ecn ho laid the cagsfollowlng iï7ï I telandat. of Jthe vn by a es Bes yKand . mes ueevnre mta for acidnt rgrew out of a number of Clerk -Controller, reg rdnP uc50-50 Draws, TagnYa.complaint from the ym h I e u d lit s of J lt i he i e w b a m edsiv Bn au 9 nd o es s reve i n ro t eaen dnt.au r h e I t r t e r o i n chvn e ir an o s C n a s t ai e P a R s ar es b9, T rnL eýof Eowmanvile, in thi en, wersa na cofl Cn onastable G. Kozak, OPP, end In wel b l.Inerthirmtin nvlhnotei ada oue avd bo ai.PtRetarntthe , re t Un ve si- ci Durhami, dered o1nlhay m * ca 0onstbe. .~Sericlubs of Bowmanville. project of "Park Equlpaient". funds for the projeet of play.WhIhefudbttea- w,10,the Sand Ui' Courtic ad stOetConsatJ. .a rtwrigacieh'th, alttatc bckin At cunilmetig fiwgrunseuidint iodeet css alep.Balc hd Ten Unvesay a'Uendntiversityssd a dion ops,19 r tab o rsut Pivsigtc h ciet June of lou6, when the Inter weeks later, tiiis malter wasland fencing. part boUtle of liquor in his cle a gife er- on ëdt andie brke.Te ciden hap ned at At 5:30 c'clock on Tuesday Serviqce Clubs were loolcing dlscussed and enuncil are toetm h omte okt borough Profession' ni-TetUuvrly frtè cSoctosfr 1120a&m. Constable A. H.Rut- afternoon a car driven by for a Centennial Project. t appreteciati.on ofnin wsfiedersWie, ssc to oUonsor tor thCentennia1 had plannecd te place KihTniewsfndoraWvs soitoa.toUhflaihlilltp RuSais, Bx 7, Eoan ,~ OPP, lzlvestigated. Misa Percy Lawrence liardicastle, 98 T.A. Fanning, Director of Park Project Comnilttee. ment in Lard Elgin Pa two dollars and seven dollars establish and endow rz s fUcPtrooPoe. 14fte, z 71 on or bOfOO t i Barber was taken by the Bow- Simnpson Avenue, went Out Of TRcreation Town et Downian- fe oea.moeisig VnetMseMmra otor five deys, for failing te b. awarded anualtoeuoaEnacrWva' - Onari or i bar te10,mimanville Arta Ambulance tecontrol on No. 2 HighwaY, ville, waa lnvited te anecofai Uic naie asParkmetins ,Vnc nt arlosey etmd alt us dlces.This student who hw xelnescainl i rgesc perticilar, cf Udor claim Menorial Hospital whcre she near Cobbledick Road, and their meetings ta explain A "Centennial Cor= i t ti e", Lions Centre. However, w. was arn infraction af a town inthet f ield of physcls-UiUrvcitsn ce tub day et TbruaPatient Djatmient for eut# te Mr. Hardeastle was taken te ment and f0odghting, a fa- Hubert Hooper ag Chairnimn, Centennial Grant, equipaient Roaia, Dog Contrai Offîcer. by the President adVieceen.Ti.Psdatot lôhdyo Fbur,16,hrUp edci.Memorial Hospital by the cilities survey conducted bY T. A. Fanning Vice Chairman, could only be placed on the Naoman Hooper, aged 45, Chanelr .H .Smn.e a i.Uieat' rw be ditribuci amorigst the At 5:*36 p.ni. on Frlday a car Bawnmanville Area Ambulance. the Recreatian Committeé anc and Councillor Ken Nicks au town property our section cf Ottawa, charged with car The prize, which wilb gnuercpizuco. se cntiled thereto, bey- driven by Egbert Frshai, 559 Re rccelved treatinent in the year ago. Srtay.Treasurer, 0 t h e r Lord Elgin Park and Memor- theit ln Ottawa and illegal awarded to a studentI i rhp i wr. a en read ôl e c&m 1Giliore Street, Peterborough, Out-Patient Department for At an Inter-Club meeting Sec berar e: W pehn a ak sin 0 h a n hrd ya f udrrdae m i ~ sbs b c gnp I t@ssolcitacrIs for wnlîutouornrolonH themltple faiallaevaiol. eldetudiLinssubenwin Jckb.nyn.amed, J TeTpaew sthn ty an iqur nsuepportvilestf i, wlter-ai Estat c hall thon have w ay 115, a m ile and a alf C onstable H . E. Cook, O PP, th, l w as a gi-ed that there Fr n , A tu r c , S .t a e b c r v s darea Janu ry 7th, Pleaded Peterboroughu Pr ofessi o a n es d i di du ] a d rg e nout. south of Kirby, and went over investigated the accident. was need for "Park Equip- Durn, P. Tippins, A. Colo, ground equipment and a wad. ontaleL.F.t) ' rs e". A. DATED at BawmanvilD' the west bank beuide the road. Twa cars collied on Tues- ment". D. Gilhoel, Councillor J. ing pool in Lord Elgin Park onstable RisFWoryden ie this 16th dey cf January, A. Cnsae . AcW.Schultz, day mternoon at flve o'clack A motion by A. H. Strîk okeeC. Mtton, rs. t tand a icnic rio De. n neeigt bic J. w A . W. aheltorig nar fokrda1,am cnNo.2cte information appovhBoukre . Mtnoanno L an a ig thehltestab. fronivi infrmaianyrooDe-hermepartsbis oi 198i7siatgna ikrdsfr nN. i oayClbsapo. Mason, R. Whyte, W. K. floodlights and playground tective Devlin, Ottawa, thata STDE TRK. fier. ,'Highway. The drivers of thejcd that thc Inter-Club Cen- Brunt and H. Hammonti. lishet focf this Prîzear Presi. Canada.fro. th Soicior c tc Etac Af ccradr vndrRivOnecas nvbvyr tha ccdet ennalComite supot qupmntforMeoralPak. aria benstoepfiporte John Jeo etb the EateofAlbert IHunt, age 22, Scarbôr- wr EîaMestert, R.R. 2, the. Park EupintpoetThe follewing are IHonorr ttcpeettm i prs&Sn a etisi-(bD~à~ ~ ~ ~qq$ Bohn7.Josneouwn otetcnrelaonwdsl, and Charles Will. ta i enpsadr- Patrons: W. R. Strike, Q.C.; Centennial bas raised $3,- vice in that city about 3 p.nu. IVI Box ,IntaloiN.40 Hgha, botamnuBonathan, 69 King Street qe0 Tw oncl eoti .C oey .. lxCr 01.76 towards the town's Mr.H}ooper was arrosted driv- Ontario.quarter of a mile «Sat of the West. Constable Kazak was the Centennial Grant for snch ruthers, M.P.P.; His WorahiP iare of Uic Centennial grant ing it in Uic Bowmanvilîea GI CSHTOAT junction of 115 Highway, an the Investigating officer. Ui ot MeetingIE. nHeu H.Gay; of $7,002.00. ai-ca shortly before midaîglit un CABIRSaturday attornoon at two This marning, Wednesday, et hurpoCa3etty eni.I ol'Lteswr etott h an ae ewsca N ow V in FOIOLDAPPIANES o'clock. This car went on ta 9:39 o'ciock, there was a bal-ho oun unil.ityou dt.h.eehcr Lter er gnt, u te tu ls aiedte ew hig FO R eub hemeia ad -oedovr.liio o Sug tretat tclbe tichespnib8tya t Members te tic Centennial vprious mrins uiecd under the Liquer Contrain ui thoub h mdin n rlld vn isono Sugg tee e teInter-Club Centennial Comn- Committee wcrc appointcd bY organizations and banks in Act because he had a part Trade Minister Wintrro-aadnoeoy dc- STTSA uac rnpre r -u~driven by Donald G. Lee, 141m t h fie de hti t ST 34303 blaMemorialsptal. Hnt Miillane, and a Burley Scicol prajcct 'L's motion was sec- organizations in town. condnctlng business bers Te ofiinadd iatl o rogram, dubbed Oetiz$1¾blonaadtoalc. Phn 8-3teatedrin toita en vn y n.P1gyondcd by Mr. 13,Brunt of tic At anopen meeting oai tus Bowmanville. tawa the kcya iad been le txpart 1967", wiich wil rn ot a16 e erahd FINE QALITY Departaient for extensive con- Terry, 75 Scugog Street. Ticre KnmnCu emte e tte T heTicmembcrs of thisCen- lainthe ignition and -thc mater morerthaentO6 senioer Cnda hog adwr on ContNbe Rtta inestgae tti e.n a maegestinthecusfor Bowmanvile, T. A.P'an- September 201h, H. Hooper a wortiy project that de. "And the temptationwa sioners from ticir posta ruimn, esi."prto MARKERShua aciîent.two vehcles aountedta les ning, was askcd by thc Inter-land Cauncilor Nicks explain- serves the support of the peo.- mat toe great?" quericd Hia !he world ta Canada.Trvi-xuot16isaciUcma- MARRAltisacibdentW.coietien $100. Constable Ian Smith Club Centennial Project Cern cd to those attending that the plinlatis town. Worship. gasarupthywlvstur adateailehee. W ~no ime was injured in an accident ln was tie lnvestigatlng officer. accuscd. over a period, oen eek.ai catet eatc tie Coresdale F'ertilizer plant Two cers callicd an Churci D. There was a long list of con- At eaci centre, indvuapae onmsrterpns OF - STAFFORD la Newcastle on Tuesday ai- Storeetonoarite a a dnT ir!v3:o2a0la i or p iat nd p r P o i cil g a en e de BO.LT. trno.M wsgve m Stretnr tediay a Tire.m ivaisrteiondating back ta 19,8 Traie Comnilssionerswi btrmCadabulsmn. gcncy T. tere a ien t emralTic drivers were Heston L.i fer* E frgery, artaci robbery, soal ine fr vte a geospitaaten transfcrrcd MacKay, 146 Windsor Street, breatr te S c oitsling icti-y asnt in t, e-.businessmen Cnaianmnternene vî- bye ptic Bwn hnanerAi-caOshawa, and Raymond Bur-1epr eth akt suitetlngvll re eli f r a to mnd spent nî habitre e tr i r vn :dir Ambulance ta Oshawa General gesi, 8 Wellngton Stree t. iWeld in Bo miornaaeThe ry sd adhpelitedtbary-etert tica tueare t aiotte er na r Hospital. He iad 5ustainedl Damage was lcss than $100 t 'loi" OW ~~;I~ rie acsc siho had e Oe fiii resationcd rdeascwtoailacae cistijuietic two cars. Constable Smith rlac ls aJne 1965 and i prto iloe i-d dcabr icu- S thffo rwaB rath er ccartcollision.investigated. animai-y S s , 19 7m mr ck rom Uthe i-ar. beI, weeklag avenitmdce Apnil 17 mn M antr ai ani Uic nierce tiaroug7aun tic coamtj Theetee arnwoaarUcolisdoC ur padManpoer. Trade Commîssionrs mIvptAplcto on o ne- LIMITED on Fiiday evening ah tic souti James Thomas Porter, mai- TTi.-afiic ticketG:o(Cntrae mber.camto as- Magistrate Baxter rema nd. ouvW 1ner, doton ak.vesaenwgmgott ommnt unction af Higiway 7A and World production af apples ried and tic father of six Parklaui-ît pi taon Winnipeg, n idgroHalifaxauthoritfosish 141fmns No. 35 Higbway. Tic drivers is incrcasing at a faster rate chiudren, pieadcd guilty o a crt laded net guilty tiat any churci congregation when sentence wiIl be passedSatJonN..onun . itrbtn ho Idvua Bu la33 ai these vehieles were EvelYn tien world consumption. drunk driving and cfsedigo igwy40 ol alwsoeh 'Shk ~oig Gteo, ofat, d avd e digo Hgwy 0 oudalo onehn lk nCoboug an on .. n GyaTrnoen Dai ail for sevea days oe atec ctober l2tb. He tld tic tuis ta happen. I knowit ~ A Family and Juvenie The Trade Commniuoesfn.Te a hoh baa 318 fluudas fMt. Z. - Whltby Cumimings, R.R. 1, Kars, Ont. A new apple arciard rne- mJanuary 28tb wbcn h ourdbytic ehdbe an ifcl e vl adla.Cutssinwie olwdwl prt rmte Pboue Wbitby 88-3courtitaGtyhorhaddbeenpawarn- difficuitteta0avers tandtl srn.rrCourt.sessionas anch«Piellowedlperatet 6rorn Pho o W lt y 6 84 52 ls~ Ga nor an he' p s- quios cigt a 1 yc rs ta t- was arrst d. hee w staeTans or lat epahme t i B tol iBauar ai dires ectcacîumerah 6 .m.m'dms la ac oe tre hndi g i T ade ancCo mecee, senger Miss Zla Clark, Toi-- tain coamercial production.atomarcnsspenion i 11 May that anc ta beave the organ, pcws and _________ ali-hour interviews betenhwo n iissxrgaa autc ssens ioor12m n of more conviction would mean pulpit there with tic windows 9:00 a.m. and 6:00 p.m.ec ofcs - es o 2mn.lama of bis licease. Tic officci- broken, îeavîng them open ta weck day. Trade Depae t Coi-paral M. Nimigon, OPP, desci-ibed ciocking Uic accused tic weather and dust and Designat officiaIs estimate that sorn1 -- ~ M ad Magistrate R. B. Baxter fi-rn Hait Road ho Courtice du-rt. t 000 interviews will ho om LO E E estigating an accident at the fine was $15 and coas, or i- r. Davy and Mr-. Endicoît wo Roadpîas teddn iourseai __juniction oi Highway 401 emd etii-ec. aya. di'v ads as . I op Ortouper U D 35 wth iids cruiser parked on (Constable J. A. Legate, tic latter ls no relation te the Me t aybnsinessmanw t ~Whe o nrth siulder. A westw O )Rober-t A. Pilkington, formner Moderator ai thc Unit- L./evelom ent ',unaw an exporter orwhlaI N E WVV e 0e e N E W crasici into thiei-car of the miles an heur on igiwey buildings in Ibis re1blogAlex Carruteu .'P, po-wiis o asCeia cru iser, in fl7titapeca nn g 70tcd C h u1cs.ail bl n ,aIl lnt14 . e., o p r ti es foà cru me, inlltag an esim t-401, $10 and Costa, or tii-cetea benaone w o pays taxes Durham, nnouncci tday tic produets or services. ed $200 danuage. days. and is i-es onsible for t hem. dosgnation sdoveeien betc i rgaiot Thc coi-parai said tic ac- Paul Dennîis MereOonnP erbapithi ws a thought i-c s fer pre-ongineering, h develp thie ESP* -wlch csat a dinkannassancen wam coavicted of Iliogai pas. less act or a prank but cor- fellpwing sections. the Dep a rtmecn t ' s exo braute ta hinendetacimea session of beer Navemberifl6hili those two young nmen (a) Tiat part ai the road means Expert Sales Potenta bofic e.the dmitc uiag and fined $50 and cashs, or sbould have kn6wn botter. between Concession 8 and 9, of Canadian fn-ms by bing bafill.e a lior b uKingtonseven ca day, tic beer con-. Ticy shouji have faunai me- Darlinghon Township, 'corn, Uic services oaithc TradeD and tarofliunKingsonficateî.Y$a body wio would bave given, mencing ah tie Nanthuniber. partment inho-e c ________________ an trigoff for Guelphio ethclnadDramrn u-sbespoto Camui drikîg fomil o i-oo.Constable J. A. egao rkden1, tiem permission taeidmiDnaiiadNms il upr f ~ ~ U~ C U T Tiiceîau'safer lsai--etOPP, sai he laid the chai-goe ti pulpit. I suggest ber 57 and running eastenly te businessmen. 1h la inteni bi-choaftia er es rrestedaiher checklng a car parkcd tiat thcy pay for thus and tic lino botween thie Town. ri-ch ibath experneimiCnsi .Mmbrc i 2a.lbpatsahi r t eisard. in lie Orono Reforestatlan reimburse Mr. Miller for ahips ai Dariilgton and Clar'ke potentiai exportera, hot ci comîn ici-182 lA, I rope ln tic viciauty of tie Mospont achievo the Goernent'a ea O N1 e S tme ct i d a , p ea e ila;e da , N w a - C - inotruit aindcaybesadvntcaaeaed WlimTnaNembeq" r in fioda tic mre way." (b) Tuat part of ticroad $111/ billion and taere s net uily o caeles divi g ti. w o apeaed ove berbetweea Lots 28 and 29 Danl- experts in Uic years ahe i January 21st. Bt)u chai-ged witî assanîhiag Crown Attorney G. F. Bon- ington Township to the nati Ti-ade Minister Wintersne H M IL K 29'o A l Jersey Lindsay De:cmhaenttesuflad Inet Euilty but wa covictedthie laci< of intêt er2nt Ceurtee hlelteraet dicnvic tota i:LTELIT Ros Temer adjolowd orsentençe. Ho was Siven R.R. e, was finei $10 and Counties of Nor-thumbeland eluding exportsaet ViuJy-1amu Plus Wîlls' small English sparts suspended sentence for anc cost, ai- tii-oc days, for public and Durham AReai Numbor 1 factured goods, la thie kyhoR a Ette ar 3-QIL c plu c ~~~~ DPous t milsouah on H0 h lOB35iles lflth onde t c$00totoxicai--A.s tMicelCre$ trnSudgot ~î.3Q.about 9 pm for- over nine ardered ho repart once caci ----- J J t Dsit miesettrm o e 05mie r noe rbaio e heu LOWEST P kI O N11thc aceuged wicri stoppei was John Lai-ny Davy, aged 20, ___ beligeremut aid refugeci te end Peul Endicett, agmi 22, r accet a tnaffie ticket foer 345 Menton Street, Torointo, PRE-FINISHE AA 24c: Ewmanville, where hoe was a pulpit a rnoum M cCrae's 1 Loaves MM ~ciarged, ho wau rude aid bel-. Church. M HGN 'ROE Lo y' -- ligem'ont wihh the. Justice of Sengeant J. E. Clos$, OPP, PLAIN WHITE 1.Y ~~te Peace. saitie tho hewas norti- PrS.Ft cU SEP~ was dismissand mai spcoiing ho abservei a car outside thie No. 1 Fresh Sebaciders No. i Lean- Tender chai-go laid in ils stead..'Tis church wlth an abject wiici _______ Peamoal Back ~brogi a fine of $50 and nino e as unable la idenify la316x4 Peaine mi Back2 C dollai-s coets, or moen d ys. ss ng, on the i-aof f i. H e/ 6 x x / 1 x~ Chicken Legs RBACONilClàckZlbpt- ____14ntc-A$3178 $443. SAVE 49c efn as$0adcot,;âfasioedBe rn andOTBEA IC F-c-U Royae - --ROS-FRES-FRES oryS te t, Cdeosr. p e mae i w , vuin t e i-* ip c.P O R T A B LEM~ ru le B Y 1 m R S R S R SIJoseph Zak ajsek, 41g X n V ld&a hied tnes ait ieDA M'AD bI Per ToweIs (O FF EE Rodishes or gultY"Of imapairciirvi ed by a gentleman living in DIAL, HEATERS F L VO RI L G reen Onions $30 ndcont, or sevon dysbrekeitand 0Je iem' prici ONE *14ST CK CO OR Pack Q bceunsel wai d.ii a sentimental value. be- *TERM(M~TA ?.P CONTROL .080 GA. 9"x9I Roi! »"7T. .'e U frn wic wa uc .- C nstable T .yady, c)p eau$@ Of the ntricate camvn 00 W T LV R » C S A R onth rot hh . vng100WAT1500 WATTD SV 12c LSAVE 20cebnci-L i-yodthe vehicle about am-i. M a uc h utELSIA 9 O E, W 9 3,,25 seven in Uic evcning wesht. acloed.te 50, ungIt wel F LORIA JUIC E IE R PE1lEb un a h th e as end of Dci. Cbe ve $5rsy i i t r pic, IM I' ea ORANGRIPTOMATES avle off ontotbVa r ifctteepa. not ti:r ak cosJohn Larry D4vy vent i a TOMnte go 1 ck.9 34-9 A T O ES tic centre lino, off onto0thex ai tatteî Ua et oe . ea. _ uhoulder and baek 4ain, ai--wus a hilgh uchool teacher, _ _ _ _ o w y m ss n g a n m s b o s d r d u a h c o f C ar le to n Lnv r.I ~ aolmi-. Tue accusctouui ity, aid atei-ested la fine Car. The acimd twothdet, Me aid bisfriad, vie ,2 7C 1 c Pg- oboug.vas il a s final yéar et uni. Vtritty. hai atored thI net guilhy of careles riv!ng froien ug mait been me O schie ti netgta 1;iaec eiet hnl' c a wlasVFSHPIGCTE A afficer wvau Constable J Uitt lctitkn t Legato, OFF'. Conviction aple of COla rstim MM E8-61 II61I11 3 0G NZ Jbrought a finsefl$5o and $10 ship, iucioh i uerhlyan -61 I YS r'SCosti, or sevon, imys. dsteci l o ictly beLIi mia7 Shirley Pi-o"ir hetified reneved 1h. e adraittrd tiit t-tut sic was northbound on tUeybaatiuwseyn FOOD MARKET HighwaY 35 abouta 3 0 t- - - - - - - ALM.ON jet KING ST. W. 1BOWMANVILLE PIlON 23-3541 Sic sli tte akie u nnan rged ulig omi ALN H ET UL N OPEN TMMRDAY AND FMIAY TILL 9 rigit signal and îiowed do" el that he vias a UulteiAM o UID )N dclroadi t p ekuap a pas. Chureh m am be0r ttsdlag