1eAWA-The mon t of Uic Quebec ein- in the Federal Cab- luManpower Minister Marchand acknow- in Janumny that lie hasacccpted the title ai /Queb c leader "ater somne héetion." The besitation was no doubt prarnpted by several factors, the most important being tbat bath Canada and * Qucbgc have cbanged radi- cally since the days wbcn (1 the Quebec leadership ai th c Liberal Party was a mighty pst For aqsuarter ai a cen- tury - since the death 'oai Ernest Lapointe - the position has been declining in importance. No one since Lapointe- not even Louis St. Laurent as Mackenzie King's right band man - ha. exercised the saine power and prestige In Quebec. Mr. St. Laurent was cen- tinly a great source ai strength ta the Federal leadership,. But he neyer acbieved, or aspired ta, the close kind ai partnership thtexistcd between King and Lapointe. fWhen Mr. St. Laurent became leader ai the party and Prime Ministen, there was obviously no need for a Quebec. leader. Rather, there was a need for a strong man in the.Englisb- speaking provinces an d that man was suppiied in the persan ai C. D. Howe. As Conservative Prime Mînister, John Diefenbak- cr had nothing but trouble in finding and keeping talent- ed and responsîble leaders In Quebec. When Mr. Diefenbaker'% strength evaponated in the provinces and Lester Pear- son became Prime Minister ai a Liberal Government in 1963, the position ai Quebec leader was filied by Lionel ,Chevrier. Mr. Chevrier, however, wbo came fromn Ontario, was neyer able ta win full acceptance in the Province. When be resigned irarn the Cainet ta become High Commissioner in London, thc ill-starred Guy Favremu was. cnowned Quebec lead- er. Mn. Favreau's failure as SMinister ai Justice, bis *rgi embroilnxent in the investigations ai scandaIs within the Party, quickiy destroyed bis useiulness and bis heaith. Mr. Favremu remains in the Cabinet for the time being at leasti but in a let- fer ta the Prime Minister eariy In the New Year, he rcsigned as~ Quebec leader on the advice ai bis doc- tors. A week later the Quebec Liberal caucus named Mr. Marchand Quebec leader. Mr. Pearson the smre day Issued a statement appoint- cSprin g Ip*iappy - ever - after MI en d- -if r- it b- er a. .y le ýd le ing Mr. Marchand "leade ai the Qucbcc Libera caucusY" The distinction bctweei "Quebec leader" and "iead er af the Quebcc Libera cauctzs" may be too subtli for sorne. But it bas mean Ing. It seema ta define rathe: mare careiufly the raie o Mn. Marchand, drawing ine bctween Party asq Cabinet, Neither Mr. Pea: son non Mr. Marchand,i appears, wishes ta estal lish nything resemblini ah officiai Quebec headei witbin the Cabinet. Whiie this kind ai reI& tionship may have existec in the past, it no langei applies. Mn. Pearson ha: other strong Quebec Min. isters, and he must reiy ai much an thern for polie> advice as he does an thE Quebec leader. No man in modemn Que- bec could presume ta speak for the whole awakened Province and no mar wouid want ta unIes. he suffered fram delusions. Mr, Marchand certainly suiferi irom no such thing. The concept ai Mr. Mar- chand's new job i. quite different irom the concept ai carier days. The Prime Minister's parliarnentary sec- retary, Pierre Trudeau, has frequently citicized the aid colonial concept of "The Negro King", inter- posed betwecn a people and the real leader, the real autharity. The Feder- ai leader iound it expedi- cnt ta exencise bis author- ity not directly, but through a native leader who was able ta use bis awn prestige and autbority to ensure the carryin~g out of policies. Now that Quebec i. be- coming les. and less homo- geneaus. mare and mare in- dustnialized and iarward looking, this concept lases its political value and its practical value. Aiter ahl, there i. fia On- tario leader, why shouîd there be a Quebec leader? Apparently there arc still good reasons for retaining a leader in Quebec, thaugh bis ole will not be the same as it bas been. Mr. Marchand bimseif said that Coniederation bad special problcms i Que- ec "and as long as these problems exist we believe this position ai leader i. important". He regards the job as fundamentally a role ai ca-ordination between the Qucbee caucus and tbe Cabinet. "I don't believe in a two - beaded government"?, said Mr. Marchand. "'Thene is one leader, Mn. Pearson. The Quebec leader is sirn- phy an advisen."l Mn. Marchand'. views about what bis job sbouhd OPEN NOW!e FOR ALL YOUR PRESCRIPTION AND DRUG STORE NEEDS WATCH FOR OFFICIAL GRAND OPENING FREE GIFTS - PRIZES FREDERICK'S Prescription Pharmacy PHONE 623-2546 BOWMANVILLE VISIT '67 Wedding Days be are probaly just esImi- portant as Mn. Pearson'. vicws. The Manpowcr Min- ister has cstablished a position ai great authanlty within Cabinet - nat only because be is a strong min- ister from Quebec but aisa because be is a stnong min- isten pcriod. Unlike 50 m cpreviaus Quebec leaders, bis view, is a broad anc. It takes in al ai Canada, al ai tbe warld in iact. He rareiy views a problern simply in a Que- ec context unless it is a special Quebec probiem. He insists in panticipat- ing in decisian making as a realist, a humanist, as well as a Quebec national ist. Mn. Marchand's talents as a minister are weil recognized nized and his power is rap- idly growing. He is no Negro King. But he may same day be Prime Min- isten. KENDAL r. Mrs. Alva Swarbrjck came 's home Tuesday after visitine with Mr. and Mrs. Conmi]lle -at Toronto and Mr. and Mrs ýe Freddy Anderson at Sharon. )t Mrs. R. Manning has com ýe home from Memorial Hospitaý -aiter being there over threE is weeks. ce Mr. and Mrs. Howard How- )f son and family from Peterbor- .- ough visited the Hoys a week .e ago Sunday. e Miss Marion McKelvey, R.N. Toronto, came down Saturday -to visit John and found thE -travelling not very good. it Miss Katie Stewart attended 0the Centennial meeting in n Orono. There are 13 in the ogroup, Miss Stewart and Roy ,f Foster represent Kendal. Miss C. W. Stewart visited Monday and Tuesday with her sister Mrs. G. Lofthouse, Osh- awa. Mrs. Mary Luxton. is muci simproved and was allowed to sgo ta Port Hope to the home of her daughter Irene, Mrs. L. Martineil, on Thursday, ater ibeing in Memorial Hospital for about 10 days. Mrs. Marlatt accompaniec *Allen Foster when he went up ta sel bis tobacco and remainec to visit Mrs. Cowie, Otterville, and other relatives. *After the heavy snowf aI Thursday night a number of the students did nat get out ta school Friday. Our January thaw was a real one this year lasting frais Saturday afternoon until the next Thursday afternoon, melting most of the snow away. We were glad to see the green grass again. The paved roads were like summer- time but many of the side- roada were rnuddy with orne bad holes in them. However this warm spell was followed by sleet, freezing rain and eight to ten inches af snow with the temperature taking a real dip down, to near zero. Mr. and Mrs. Charlie Gay of Bowmanville were Sunday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ralpb Geach. Mr. and Mrs. Allen Foster visited Sunday with Mr. Pete at the Toronto General. Mr. and Mrs. Bob Carrutb- ers wenit south, for a two week's vacation in Florida. Their wee daughter Jo Anne is staying with ber grandpar- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Hatcher Foster. There was a fine turnout at Orono on Wed., January 25thi at the Achievernent Day for1 the special course 'Hats oni Parade.' Kendal was one of1 the six Institutes taking part.j Mrs. Helen Henderson and Mrs.1 Joy Brown had taken thei corein Orono and had donc a good job of instructing the Kendal ladies and also sorne from Starkville and Newton- ville. At Achievement Day each of the ladies had ta model two bats with Mrs. Henderson giving the commentary. Three groups had to model their hats while the other three had to fix them up on tables for dis- play. Mrs. MacMullen who bad conducted, the course in Oron gave an interesting talk on 'Spring Hat Tricks' which some of the ladies would like r . BLACK'S BRIDAL SALON 0 0 a begin with gowns that portray ail the romance and enchantmtent of the occasion .- for the entire bridai party are now on display in our gown room. gowns FOR APPOINTMENT TELEPHONE 725-1912 BLAK'S oshawa P resernted Wifh, Diploma A. MacDuff Ottawa Report SimpIy an Adviser a position with. the Midd, County Healh Unit. Mrs. C. Patrick, 'wha been doing inspections nursing homnes, aisa left staff and bas been repli by Mn.. E. Cumberford af bourg. Mviss Ella Feasby af thr partment oi Indian Afi visited the Health UnitN Mrs. E. Curtis ai Uic Pi boraugh office ai Indian fan-s. Charlotte M. Horner, B.A., M.D., D.P.H. Medical Officer of HealthI and Direetor. lx visits were mmadc to a mer- ident who was 95 yasa i e r d t t a. 'i 0 P u P ti ci pg vi Pl ir g: tc th ai sil 0f the 711 visits ta families madc by nurses in Decemben, seventy-sevcn were ta tuber- Culosis patients on contacts ai cases. Visits on behali ai this disease autnumber ali ather visits ion communicable dis- case. The figures are fairiy consistent thraugbout t h e Yean, but bigher this Dccem- ber as the Northumberlandi Mass Survey required atidi- tional fOllaw-up visits by the nurses. Audlometry One hundreti andi twenty- one heaming defects wene dis- covered during 1966 by means of mudiameter tests. This brings the total aifelemen-tany lit Îta try. Miss Wray, the Horne Econornist wvas aIma present. Mrs. W. Mercer wishes ta thank Miss C. W. Stewart for carrying on the Kendal column while she was away. If any- ane has sOrne news 1 would appreciate it if you ring me at 983-5374. Martin Mander. went ta Delhi Wednesday witb bis Joad af tobacco but did flot get it sold until Thursday. A number irom Kendal at- tended the Burns nigbt ini Bowmanville. Mr. and Mrs. AI SteVens and Brian of Oshawa vlsited witb Mr. and Mrs. Miller Sunday. Miss Dorotby Mercer had dinner Sunday evening at Mr. and Mrs. Joe Walker's. Bobby Foster visited at Bill Skeldings, Newtonville, Sun- day. Five af the Kendal ladies enjoyed an evening of sewing knitting etc. at the homne ai Mrs. Carl Langstaff Friday evening. Mrn. Vance Allen, Mrs. Ted Caatham and Rev. R. C. White were among thase visiting witb Mm. W. Mercer the past week. Miss Katie Stewart took aver Mrs. Elliott's teachn duties two days hast wik when Mm,. Elliatt was sick. On Monday ai this week Mrs. Simipson taught ini Kendal School when Mr. McCoy wasj Dot weIL TO a LOIve 1ve VLenri Ne .Mt Eng ageien t ring $137.50 CIVE HER THIS BEAUTIFUL NEW DIAMOND DUE the Iatest design, styled by BLUEBIRD. Guaranteed perfect and insured free against loge. BLUEBIRD diamonds for happiness J(ooper's fjewellerg 1 P>hone 023-5747 29 King St. L. DowmanviIIe lasex has 1of rCo- .De- ffairs with lter- Af- Mr. M. Bradley was unani- * mousiy elected chairman ai tbc Board ai Stewards ai Hampton United Church at a speciai meeting ai the board and cburch eiders, behd last Sunday evening in bis borne. At the same meeting a carpet committee eansisting ai Mn. R. Ciemens, Mrs. Ufta Kiilens and Mi-.. M. Short was iorrn- cd. This cammittee is ta, look ~" '~ * mter the installation ai a new carpet in the church sanctu- amy. * Hampton ladies wiil be par- ticipating in the March ai Dimes campaign in Hampton '~"~'~" ~this week. They hope for a gaod response ta the carn- Public Speaklng contestants .................irom. Hampton Public School will be makîng their speeches . . .. . .in the C. E. Wing ai Hampton Chumch at 7 p.m. this Fniday evening. This promises ta bc *Carl W. Billings a vcry interesting evening for During the Orono Senior Horticultural Society'si aents and any othen inter- Christmas meeting hehd Dec. 8th in Orono United. e HoncmoonastCubsa Church, Cari W. Biilings was the recipient ai a beau- Hampton United Chunch will tiful framed Service Diphoma for his many years ai hoid a Sleigh Ride this Sat- faithful service to the onganization. District 4 rpr-unday evening, weather per- epe<Mitting. The ride will begin sentative, Mrs. Frank Stephens, made the presentation.' atl 8 p.m., windlng up with a -photo courtesy Orono Times luncheon ta be served in the C .Wing ai the clîurch by ladies in the group. Nortumbeland & DuhamThis Sunday Rcv. Catto wili Nortumbelan & u rna be instaling new members aif t h e B a r o t e a r s a s 1 rueautn Unit Report well as the ncw Elder ai Uic:1 church during divine service1 ithe C. E. Wing. Report for December 1966 schaol children on regîster, It was with regret that the Communicable Disease in the United Counties, with resignations ai bath Mr. Han- Ther wee 17 csesne-a heaning loss ta nincty-six. old Balson, Sunday School Ther wee 17 csesre-Each ai these are retested Supeintendent, and Mr. La- ported this month, 101 ai once a yemr and if iound ta verne Clie me ns, Assistant these being chickenpox, iarty be normal, are discharged. Supenîntendent, ai Hampton mumps, eighteen ge r ma n Fifty-two retests wcre normai Sunday Schoaî were rcie meale. thn dsese r- during 1966, indicating that at last Monday's meeting ai ported were iniectiaus hepa- in mast cases they had been the Sundmy School teachers ai titis, salmonellosis, scariet seen by their iamily physi- Hampton United Chumch. Bath feven and whooping cough. cin men bad held their positions Twelve rabld animals were Enviroameatal Sanitation for the 'past 16 years. Rev. C.t neported by Laboratany find- at thkdbo gnl , ings - five foxes, three ici- The mjaity ai rural build- Cat hnedbt gnte ines, anc canine, twa bovines ing lots are inspecteci ta de- mfaihul erce. ea o and anc skunk. All these were termine their suitability for aihlsice.ailstTesa in Durham County, in Cart- scwagc disposal by septic ihgtsola Tedy, wright, Cavan, Clarke and tanks and ion provision ai a evenrng's congre ga t ion a 1s Dalington Townships. Six- satisiactory water supply by meeting ai Hampton Churchy teenboxs o raiesvacinedugor dnilled weiis. Twenty- wene the addition ai Mn.e weme distributed ta doctors, eîght such inspections weneBue e Etdersolnl Uic i for preventive treatment ai made during December, and aE sa t ndSear the dd ein-ofs patients, during the month. total ai 859 duning the year. tsan a M-.Stevard rntyheandr- ruenuossDespite the iact that new sMnsondM. Chattate Boand n Thbere er tnc ces ci-housing is under construction, air.tewrd. hn teiBadti Thee wre hre chst li.theme is a dire need for acidi- ai bteathdM. Th Weikionsan nles held during the montb, tional new! and rehabihitated ofMn rELilkinsrand h itwihs~ypensons re'.housing. This necd-ia Perticu- board eeacpe ihre ceived a chcst x-ray. Thnee larly obviaus in some urban dVIeacptdwt e cass mvedino te aea ndmunciplites an isappr-gret. Foliawing the meeting, -1 ase maec ino te reaanc mnicpahtis, nciisappr-reiresbments wcre served by w Dne new active case was ne- cnt when familles are bcin* uc adeel pôrted. The ncw case is re- visited by public health nur- Last Sunday's church ser- civing dnug therapy at borne ses and conditions are being viewsbt ntrsigac nder thc supervision ai bis investigateci by the publieceorative th a desialguand hysician andj the chest ciinic. beaîth inspection staff, sefrmnivon th a subloet af Immunîzatîon The need for lower rentai "Chumch and Sebool" repîme- di Sevnten cinis wre eldaccommodation for much ai ing the negular morning ser- W Sevnthen hc.ceb the labour farce is recognizeci, mon. Participants in the dia- n umngth mnt.At these, and isi being stressed through- logue, which was very wdll ir ;eventeen childi-en completed u aaa i rban mni- attenclec, were Mn. Gernot te ýhe initial seies ai Quaci vac- oCip a.it mhube a îgGebpicpla apo mne, andi five received a ne- ia y Pubud e gii lic spiciphandof aron nforcing dose, while 227 ne- housing prianity.Pbi Sh-,an u eived neinfarcing Tni a d. Meat Inspection Rcv. C. Catto. Two musical be here were thirty-fivc srnail- _0f 984 animais inspected bysetions ubligSbolthoiRamp-eae )ox vaccinations and 147 re- a veteninanian during. thetnPuleShocoi r c raccinations during the month. month, eleven wcre condemn uhenjayeti by the congre- th 'ublic Health Nunslnt cd, being one caw, four calves gation. These were "Fathen ci' andsi swne InaditinWe Thank Thec" and "Dean dl There weme 65 visita nmade ain sixrsin. Inadditon, Chiid Divine." The chiltiren's Y' ithe month ai Decemben tO demned. soyws"HsF tR p ive nursing came ta patients ad.P ithe home. This bings the General ReniarkiCar. adMs .Js fo tal ai nursing came ion the Mn. Walter Lonc let the Hampton leit last Tuesday ion ad car ta 1085. The majanîty ai Northumberland - D u n hl a m a trip down ta Montreal to ti( ese visits are ta the aider Health Unit staff ta take Up attend the fur sales there this c( Andi wby? Because they [o nat wmnt ta be vaccinateti nd this Is a free county.' Quite a range ai iniectiaus iseases bave been vlntuahly wiped out in Canada by im- munzation - immunization of ifants whose cries ai pro- mst were heard but not heed- ci. If the sme attitude coulti )e adopted witb teenagers ind they could ail be xnamch- ci alang for immunization' icere is fia doubt that the in- Jdence ai tuberculosis would Irp shanply in the next few cears. Since BCG provides g0 )er cent protection it is neas- amble ta ask why the Can- dian Tubenculasis Associa- an and its aifiliates are net :înducting an alh-out carn- aign ta get ahi Uic tuberculin kegative men, warnen nd ildmen i this country vmc- ýntcd with it. (Thase who ive been iniected and remet D the test bave as mucli pro- Lction as ean be acbieved>. Some idea ai what is in- olveci may be estimated by nyone who will take the rouble oi asklng 100 peaple ,et at bridge, the office, lubs, curling, bowling or in uses, trains or 'planes, if iey have been vaccinateti 'ainst 'flu. If two on marc have been, ie questioner bas almast rtainly run into a mcdi- lly sophisticated group. Yet chances ai cantracting lu are many tinies greater in the danger ai contnact- ïg tuberculosis - as thous- ids ai Canadians learn every ca. The useiulness ai the Rcine bas been demonstrat- 1Like BCG it is nat a -arantce - but it bas a high grec of effectivenes. [s this clmssiiied informa- Dn being conceaicti lest it !leanneci by enemy agents? aro the numben af people ha go ta their doctons for jvaccination, anc would ink se. Actually, the bene- *s ai Uic vaccine have been iblicizeti. [The trouble ig that people not like being vaccinateti. the case af imnxunizing à1dren this doca fnot hinder eoperation because Infants' sent is not asked. It bappens, bowever, that iee the incidence ai tub- culosis is low the best tirne r CG vaccination ia not fancy but the teens. This net onhy Uic opinion of thc iMadln Tubereulasis As- riation. It la misa the vicw the World Hemlth Onganiz. >n. A fcw, a vcny few Canadian xniunities, haiec undertak- a programme ta get bigh ool students vaccinated. ere Uic effort ia preceded a sound. educational cern. i, the programme works. rhere were 5,703 new active, es of tubenculosis iound In nada in 1965. 0f these 3,385 re females and 2,318 were ne, ci cir ha, ta tec tro me clu bi the aga the ce:, 'fIu tb: i and yea vac cd. gua deg tiar be Fro whu thir fit, pub do* In1 chil cor It whe ercu ion if Cmi socf atic' cas eni schc Whe byj paig Th Cana wer oema §le& Canadian Statesanr4 Bmmvlfe, iFeb. i,. 196? cweek Providing that tlxey have sultable weather for stheïr trip the Jas may apend fa few days following the sales eenjoying the beauty and 1sports of the LAurentians be- fore returning home. Dinner guesta last Wednes- day at thc home of Mr. and sMrs. Roy Metealf of Hazupton- kwere Mr..and Mrs. eruce Metcalf, Mr. and Mrs. Diclc Metcalf, Mr. NormanMetcalf, Mn. and Mrs. J. Aberncthy,l and Mn. and Mn. E. Cox, ail ai Bawmanvile. Sunday gucits at the home af Mr. and Mn.. S. Ikersey were Mn. and Mns. H. Ashton af Enniskillen. Mr. and Mrs. F. Holroyd af Bowmanville wcre Saturday guests at the borne ai Mn. Holroy's parents, Mn. and Mrs. F. Holroyd af Hampton.1 Mn.. Dcl. Halroyd and Mrs. F. Holroyd Sr., bath ai Hamp- ton, were supper guests last Sunday at the borne oai r illiam Launie of Bowrnan- Mr. and Mrs. P. Clemens> with Brent and Bnad visited last Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Wright aif Ennis- killen. Mr. and Mrs. Gea. Yeo ai Hampton with daughter Lynne were Saturday visitons at the bome af Mn. and Ms Delbert Yen and Lama aià Oshawa last Saturday even- ing. Master Eric Chant ai Hamp- ton is spending this week! visiting with his mothen Mrs. Paul Farthing ai Oshawa. Friends and relatives af Mr. Ted Chant ai Hampton will be wishing him well. Mr. Chant is spending a few days thîs week under observation in Bowmanvîlle Memorial Hfospital. Mrs. Helen Craig ai Hamp- aon is still hospitalized in Osbawa followîng ber recent accident. Friends wish ber a speedy recovery. Members ai Hampton -Wo- nen's Institute as well as five othen Women's Institutes took part last week in a display ai hand made bats in Orono United Chunch hast Wednes. day. BCG Vaccination A gainst TB NOW' 1965 EPIC DELUXE One owner car, windahield washers, padded dash. Balance af GM warrant>'. Lic. 1B91155. 1963 OLDS. DYNAMIC '18' 4-DR. HARD)TOR, Automatie transmission, power steetng, power brakes, radio, power windows, 6-way power seat, white walI tires, wheel dus. Lic. 1986368. sl875 1961 CH EV. IMPALA CONVERTIBLE Sparklint red wlth white top, automatic trans- mission, radio, white wall tires. Lic. .319885. ,$1199 1964 CHEVY. Il N--OVA DELUXE 2-DR. Automatie transmission, radio, rear speaker, white wail tires, wheel dises. coller Oold witb matchlng Interior, Lic. J85380. 1$1477 1 960 HILLMAN4 1CONVERTIBLE Sharp blue with black top. Original mileage only 19,533. Owner's namne on requeat.misýar Lic. .J5025. s466, SEE THEM . . . AND MANY MANY MORE AT ROY NI IHOLS MOTORSI LIMITED -TWO'LOTS - -COURTICE- 7284206 BOWMAIVtLLi- Get set to go in a Dependabi. Used Car from Roy Nichols Motors -'..who is ever mindf ul of J?1 adce for ]fleinori .es! LADIES' WEAR LTD. 72 Slmcoe st. N. (Opmn Frday Egventugu 'fil 9 p.m») ite" ON SALE At the Canadian Tubencu- [amis Association they are gctting tired ai nemding thal the' Association is againsi tuberculosis. It just i. not so. Dr. C. W. L. Jeanes, execu- tve sccretany ai the CTA, states that for years and years the Association lias urg- ed BCG vaccination for all tuberculin - negative bospital staff, nurses in training, med- cal students teenagers andi nembers ai households where there i. a persan with active tuberculosis. This adds Up ta sorne ml.- ions ai Canadians for whamý vaccinations is recommended ;ho have nat been vaccinat- SEE THESE 1 Bowmanvine