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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 1 Feb 1967, p. 6

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'j, à"' 1~U~ .5. Former National Pr Spuaks at KIRSMRn V Internatonl Servic j :: qsV noie Ila icWoldla n ,6 end the Ni Cncil et Young Men's 8cr- Holland lb66. AUl wcre Vice Clubs, and the work et mendüus1y interesting, mei gretnizaution on anui stimulatung, and an inq tntmcional mcale were vivid- te t service, ho declare youtlined hers on Tueuçlay, »- un Worîd Council1 Jfu8i'y 24 by William Klein. aidalitlon ai Service Clubx Segina, Past National Kinsmon szckange and a forum. M Présidentand Vic-Premldent lier associations differ fori etteWorld CoWicil. Mr'. tical and geographical rehi a dynamic address was but afl do worUiwhle w give he club's Vice-Presi- The council'u central offle eot'. Nqlght. lniLondon, Eilgland," N lots Bc-relcn . Waod- President Klita id. liad pcmlcdat the dinner He mentioned Uice meetng, hichwas heid at member aosuclatioâs indlu( tueFlyagDutchnian Motor the Round Tables af G EoteOtbru at Uic head table Britain and freland, nmany ~adltin to Wonid Cauncil ganIzatioiqs ln aimait m211 vac.Pesdct Kicin were cauntries of Europe, thase ~qmanvlle President Ralph Australia, Africa, New2 WbtZone C Deputy-Gav- land and the Americas. *tlrJ. Pllkingto, &di'Otai This year the World Cou. I1 Saht, Trauer Alex conférence wiil be in Edn lDNichai, Kinsian ton, ad It will provide 1 UoaiChaf ofn Intr-marvelous pppartunity Mtionai IRelations and Don Rinsmnen and lnettes ta ir I~CilfDistrict 8 Itra young people from many la tional eltions Chi'ifli. aid acquire valuable kni IrvIne (Jake) Brown, Lite led ge af their objectives, ho Membur af Uic lacal club and and customs, the speaker si former District Governor, in- H. explained that there troduding the guest speaker, 44 arganizations with1 told of hlm outstandlng career membershlp in the Wî ea Knsman. Mr'. Klein was Council, and two with a lbx *Jcd National President in cd membershlp whlch does 94 b: acclamation and took include vating rights. Kin1 Oce in 1965, ho said. two votes as do thc Ital Mr'. Brown predlcted that organizations thiat have 'Wi11 Klein will lead th e World single cornbined membershi Counçil cf Young Men'is Ser- "At a World Council Ci v1ce Club. for thc next two ference there is no openi el "Or. 1ther clubs ln thc tionecring as we knaw it. enci look ta Kin for guid- Io donc on a diplomatie bit abce," Mr'. Brown stated. He The election af Uic Vice-Pre 1t91d of Mr. Klein's election as dent le kcenlY contested,1 ~VIce-President World Council that af Uic President la not CMt~erence, at Uic Hague, Hol- Uic VIce-Presldent usu; lànd at year, and sald that moyes up automaticafly to1 blI s pressed by tht, official's highest affice. drive Kinknowedgeand Thespeaker dlscussed1 j unr Km koldeadWorld Council's magazi World Council Vice-Presi- "The Forum", and showed Mot Klein sald that the Kim,- recent cap y containlng a xu * Wèn'a participation ini this sage froni Mayor Jean Drape vitally important arganization of Montreal on Expo 67, a ha a means of progress towards many Informative articles. 2. s Klt ourth amn, Uic fastering "The World Council provid et a spirit of co-operatan, toi- ideas and suggestions ta eranc4e, and understandlng be- participating organizations, tween people af ail nations as the Kunsmen National Exec a roqulsite for world peace. tive does for local clubs. He tald ai attending threc also gives arganizations World Council annual canfer- help wlth urgently necded pz ences, West Berlin 1964, Fin- jects in ic emerging natio iIROYA&L0~±--- - '.THUR-SDAY TO SATURDAY - FEB. 2.3.4 MATINEE SATURDAY'AT 2 P.M. '1RU~D.THE WORLD UNER THE SEA"# Staruing Lloyd Bridges, Shirley Eaton Exciting seismologlcal expedition li color SUNDAY TO WEDNESDAY, FUIB. 5.-6.-7.-8 ONE COMPLETE SHOW AT 7:30 P.M. 0#mms »Don M e WUmU1UMLM A0itf.u~steACOMpmUIBO fuis PAtot *umm... »mmm COMING FEB. 9. 11, THURS. TO $AT. ""HARUM S(ARUM"y wlth Elvis Presley PAID ON G UARANTEED TRUST CERTIFI CATES * ssued 1to 5-Yar terxj *earn 6¾% Interuit, payable half- yearly by cheque. * authorized lnve.tment fôr aul Canadian Insurace Campantes and trus funds. STERLING TR USTS/ Mooeff -'w., oud.m p l3ua -l--i1 em*Om op. Night on iWork cf fL=can d lu @mre ir-Ama eoarums. fui."Th.Salisbury chemt, S Pr-inated at a World Coun d.CnjfrceaInhoda la 198. a ai nxaked smcc, î, a Tboug Itclubs ln theUicx gcm. affluent nations arc contai POUi- by organisations lni net :ons lands ta help with praji rk.Thuh t Io ln much e la =ie onc. We arc a doi Vice- eountrand ave assigted, W théestbllhxet of refu nayhomes in Hong Kong, and:I idI njrNose and Thraat Climp IâýndaaLeff Cc c or. aCd a y'Cnr aAfrlî. thc Mr'. Klcin aima told oft e ta assistance given to tUeic f Zea- stricken people ai Italy' Cmnadian Kunsmen, and oai mni 26000 ralsed ta help thecsi non. Morsfrom Uic tidai wave disi e.a teri'n iBritish Columbla i or long ago. zest Discuusing International se mndi vice he mentianed thc Sa, 0w- thc Childrcn project. 'i zpes Grand Falsa Kinsmen Club]h ad. adopted 42 chidren n are eache mmber. eYourecub1 full adoptod a chlld, and your Ki orld ette Club hau adopted a boy mit- India," ho snid. nOCt There wilfl bWdolegates fro has every part ai Uic world th an year attending Uie Wor a Cunil onereceinEdmoi iP tom, Sept. 12t1i ta lSth. Mo ýOý .than 15 0are expccted," M 'l: Klen Ho R toi d of tUic AUcollent agenda and of t II.wQnderful prorai ofente: 'ell tainnient that hansenpa but ned. be i asy "Ater Uiis conference thei the wll W six different tourst Canada for delegates and the: iahomes,>and we will ail nia. c-friends ta have for Uic restc eau aur lives. mnd Mr'. Ricin cangnatuiated M- Brown on tUic Lue Mcmbex des shlp bestowed on hlm by th it Bowmanville Kunmmen Clul as This is the greatest honor any cu- one can receive because it1 It given by fellow xnembers w] ta sec you a eUi time and knoi ro- juit how geet y aur work Is, ~ms Uic speaker sai . ~-The' visiting officiai a1s, praised the local Kinsme, Club's autstanding 17-year re. «dd et service. Ro spoke of th, provision of artiicial ice f« Uic Arena, eluipment donatec ta Mémorial Ilospital's Physlî therapy Department, childre, sent ta summer camp, thq provision of scholarships t( Hlgh Schooli, and Uic locé: Kinsrnens leadership ta Krt District No. 8 lni raising maie3 for the Cystic Fibrosis Fuxi «You can be praud ai yoti succosaful work and the 13,00( Kinsmni Canada share yaii pride," ho asscrted. The Past National Presiderl aima dlscusséd the Kinsmen1 present significant nation. project, Uic establishmenit 0 Uic Kin Institute an Mental Xetardatioxi. "W. are praceed. Ing ahead of schedule. Wt have ralscd 5180,000 ta caiff and $80,000 li piedgeg. yôu have nlayed your Part," he tald Uic local Kunsmen. Hl naid that ho ho p s Uic sod wilJ be turmed for Uic building thts year, and that it will be in operitian for Kin's Jubilée Year, 1970. Dan Welsh movoit a vote af Uianks ta Uic principal spegk. ci' for hlm splendid address. He resexntcd a gift ta, World Conil Vice-President Klein fromi the lub as a souvenir af hi. visit here. Kinsmen National Cammittee Chairmnan an international Re. lations Chairnian Nichai tna Frèd W ad Ltndsav. nI--" Minden, THans Aagermnan, &.,- awa, Aubréy BélIers, Bow- aianville, John Thafon Co- bout&, Glen Sellers, Imnes- bruck and CIar Hardsanci, Oshawa. ]Èob Faircy and Treasurer: Wisenten w*rc ln charge of Uic draw. Mitchell Emry Agin. court, wu the iucky wxnner. SOLINA A nurxubén cf Uic Séllna ladies wb.o took the course of "Mats For Voix" attendeit Uie Suniniary Dyhem4 ta Orono« lItM week. Tey'repontoit a w6maful varlt of new winter bats xmade by thevari. ous clubs andspmt a im6st cf Mmiderlud wmre Sunday. vistas wfth Mb. and M10 John Koxahd bu&ly MrMd m m uns Caaw, wute 1 h «Button club loi Plans Pro joct n. For Centennial De On Moday Jan. 23rd t] Ploneer uto Club met he chome oaiMn.. EH. An, the: erson, Oshawa, with 16 mer There was quite a diacussic ne rng adthe Centemn 'Of asked ta make a note af U eii' Canadian - made buttons In their collections and neoe )ur their- findings at the ne: ke meeting. ai Mrs. M. Joncs gave an fi teresting talk on the Gi [r. Nineties Buttons whIch wei r- quite elaborate and attrmctIv, Lie Buttons for Jaxiuary displi b. were Stars and Back Mark ýy- One Bmck Mark wms - Bigc la and Ca., Registered Dcc. ho 1847. Another back mai )w was Uic picture ai two zcbrî " -Daed1849. An aid hustoricai picture wu sc shawn depcting Laura St n cord wlth lier cow, milk stax d- and milk pail i Uiciore ýe ground and in the backgrouni or werc the Fathera of Comtec d eraton. Toc titie of the pi o- txure read - "Laure Secord en Toc Woman Who Made Cou mc federatioxi Possible". ta Saine buttons were exc1hang ai cd or sold, ater whIch lune] in was aerved. d. hu ssae Dfrectory r Ir Àccountancy rt RAY. J. IJILLINO i's Chartered Accountaxit ail 93 Churcli Street >1 623-3861 Ril WM. j. H. COGGIN4S- . Chartercd Accountant r* 115 Liberty St. S., Bawmailli à Phone 623-3612 lu WILLIAM C. HA L 16 B.Comm. le Chartored Accountant il36% King St. E., Osawa [S Telephane 725-6539 n ce BURROWS, SELBY & C.- Charted Accountaxits )f 323 King Street West - Oshmwa, Oxtario e725-6451 - 728-7554 d William A. D. Selby, C.A. n G. Edmond Burrw-., CA., G. EDWINMANN, D.C. tChinopractor iOffice: -15 Elgin St., cor. af Horsey St. e- Phone 623-5509 eOffice Hours: By appoiumenl D.D en 1al X.W. M. RUJJELL, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmmxvile Office Houri : *9 a.m. tao 6p.ni. daily Closed Saturday anid Sunday tOffice Phono - 623-5790 1Res. Phon Nwcastle 987-4261 DR. C. F. CATTRAN, D.D.S. 75 King St. E. Bowmmnville Office Haurs: 9 .m. tao6 p.m. daily Closed Saturday and Sunday Telephone: Office 623-5459 DR. E. W. SISSON L.D.S., D.D.S. Office li lii.home 100 Liberty St. N., Bowmanvllle Phono 623-5604 Office Hours : 9 a.m. ta 6 pin. daily 'Clascd Wednesday - Satrday Insuranco DONALID A. MeCGREGOR Lifo, Auto. Homte Insurane 52 King St. W., flewmaxivle Phone 623-5902 Land_ Sureying MERKLL D. BROWN P.ENG., O.L.8. 121 Qucen St. - Bowmanvlie Bus. and Res. Telephone 623-7231 ZUITU . ~ILLTlO.». 4 3 Kin g S>t.E - O1fvin UedPreston Md famIt, Bowamvife. Mr a.m m Us.Poer yDoel Cao mnad Devid 31f. mnd Un. The gjIdad C.G.Z.T. wtf meet ln Uie church basemMut onj'la eb3 a7 D. çaxicel their meeting on fl- day Miegt because of road conditions, but wil hold their meeting on Priday, Freb. 10th, when therrol Sil wlll W to have a "lentlne" made. Thc annuel congrugational meeting cf Eided church was held on Thursdmy, Jan. 26th. 1Thern were favorable reports, .fron ailU thevarlous commnIt-, 1are Mesurs. S. E. Werry, Jt es h ooay Eders Taylor and F. G. Leask. Mn. Howard Mllion was appot-t- cd ta Uic Elders anM Burncy llaoey andFaci Jobriston arc ncw members of the Stewards Conmmltte, wlth Uns. I. B. Taylor as Uic U.C.W. representative ta Uic Stewards. Tho cUioncomnxmit- tees add iembers remaineci au they were the previcua year. ThieNominating Com- mlttec fan 1988 lu Meusrs. John Knax, alph Davis and Frank Westlake. Toc cammunity la remiinded Of Uic Women's Institute an- muai "Pamily Niglit" on Bat- urday, Fbrua.ry 4Ui, at 8 p.m. I the Solina hall and please brlng a dock of cards along. Mr..and Uns. Roy Enterprise, 'Mr. -Ga andi Ur. John- Mc] tawa weru visitai AI%%n Taylor'. Mrs. Godfrey Bow ed Mr..and Mns. Hai North Oshawa, an sion oiMn. James' day. WiUi no many' i rahies in the news i ant ta report that a of thia commityi by a sick cat whi have rabies. We are tho iamuly. Mr. and Mrs. A. A are moving Into Ui new houme whlch n. summer. ..J. isu years ai picasaxit lit )n beautitul location. el Your correspander re ty of forgetting ail ce news this week. I- ln cmling me up ta ne rt occasioxialy, xieiglibc 1- OBITUAF re ALEXANDER1JOB 'Y Foliowimg man illneà s. yoars, Uic doti tt Alexander Jalixstan [, at lis home li B 'k Tuemday, January 17, 18 waa in hlm 85th year The youngcst son a! ,s, *"Aje was bn at ICadmus mnd lived aIl lis 111e -ixi Cartwright. On May, 24, I1911, lie marrled EdiUi May -Fergusoxi and tagether the -farmed nemi' Cadmus nr -their retircd mmd maved ta -Blackstack fourteen years mgo. He was a man with a quiet, -retiring disposition wlio loved b is home and fanully. Yet a - taunch niember oi Uic Pros-» byteriaxi Churdli pntiliunion, then lie joincd the United. Héro het was a steward, then an eider until hlm deatli. He -sang in the choir for many Yoars. As long as health per- niltted lie wss a regular at- tendant at Sunday School Bible cdams. Ho wam isa an active member oi the Federa- tioxi ai Agriculture. Sui'vivtag are his wife; anc daugliter, Mns. W. G. Rtoy *Aveiy (Fox-gm), Tilîbuzr; two sans, ReiUi ai Belleviean Neil ai Boissevaun, Manitoba. one sister, Mns. J. E. iRow- land (Lizzie), Cobourg; and seven grandchuldren. Hoe was predeceased by their aldeit son, Arnold, who paid Uice T EI supreme sacrifice ta Worid War Il; anc brother David, and a aister Agnes. L I i Toc fumerai service was held irom the McDermott- O T R O Panabaker Chapel, Port P.-1 ry, Thunsday, January lth, and was conducted by ]Rev. Phu1p Romeril. Intermexit was lxi Union Cemetery, Cad- 11V rsSl mus. SILS Pallbearers werc Messrs. SAUSAGE c, 5 George Jalinston (cousin) mnd nepliewa H a r r y Johnston, Johnston Rowland, Howard PREMIUM %0CM Brackcnrldge, Hmrry Sander- WIENERS 5 son and Dalton Dorroil. -WTm70wgm Many beautiful floral tri- B EE F butes spoke of the higli cm- LIV ERm 5 teernilxi which deceased was held. o4ac fCreat -Arts th* MfletUUOOSU ortane ~Owximusiciana, actons end vmtrs ntl teyhave won accWaln t New Yark or Lon- Cad mea Fe tilaidon. It has beexi difficut for 's~~~hr (etuoilFstvlmake a naniefo Improve Understandingercoaei', M.Galdschxmldt stated. Canada's largest cities for Uic Club Spaker ,Declares phoay rc btla and otheronrtimm e gave an accauxt of Uic great a prs utn Goldaehmldt, a natfd syni- xiunities will bexiefit. lu ta Uic numnber of theatres and audi- grem Ih oDY orchestra coxiductor and beginnlng af a new ers. toriums being huilt during Uic y>t C.ngapr directoi', who la naw tUic $Ïve av nyg. Senor Pfniorming Arts Officen This la Uic age ai an af. Cexitexinial, and statod Uiat Uic stana~~for Canmda' Centowgnal Coni- fluent saciety and tis lias a joyedult onlbmefit w présenti C taa aahsancee - earig an the cultural expialoyednecany y rent Idt Ottwa Candardas c iin aU C 7cy tathe intmen andt t a lso byfuture generatIons dstndrd aneofthe h1gh- thala n. 97 athe ntimenanpt Cndas ad i x C lu w olesdtU c o r i nai hé m ake a xarked adv mnce ita ail f _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ muitnt li Caa~1dns te matizonsle of cultural fields. It givos us an hurch material thias M Gold- pprtnity to shine In aur BTS BAS NEW NAM£ Exposin."ucinlt d l~ 1 à ofa own riglit and ta carry Our usnt, Mr& thUI mportance of e4ùcatîo utua essage beyond Uic Accarding ta aprosurelease mded tuh and of thc value af an appre- fraxitiers ai Canada. from the i;t.cfRoform ni - eet Rdme:liclatiof tUic-créative arts. Mr. Goldschmldt said that stitutions, Uic Ontario Training lucéd $4n. Diaouslng Cmnada's artistlc anc of the first présentations School for Boysa ta Bowman- Uictae hegûst speaker ai Festival Canada, the Con- ville will, ta future, be nanied OD goIntod eut that Uic niew must federatiaxi Train, was vlsltcd "Pine Ridge Schoo." mourlshied by tradition. Tih. by 85,000 people ta Victoria Centennial has given groat and by more than 100,000 in W SE IL "artnian, stimulus ta evMr type ai Vancouver. ierr artrst inclulling composers ai He also referred toa axother E L Y I E !Bride, Ot- miusic, painters and writers, lie great success of the program, If we beileve man aid adage, as at Mr. statcd. a unque motion picture pro then Jamuary has been a spicy c"I arn sure that thus great dued by thc National Fl month, with a short tixne mgo mani visit- cuturai expansion will mot 'ne- Board-. This has been met with temperature so mid garden rr~Jamsmain an Isoiatcd plienomanon general acclaim, and shows the bulbs must have ,jurely felt t, tecc-but willi bi a continulig country as fllmed from a hi- then this past weckend so 81st birUi- expérience," he said. The cul- copter, lie said.- He told the chilly, people were glmd ta tural recognition being accord- lbta lhuhteCn tyidos tws' x ict laicd performers and teachers f tennial play had flot received actly cold weather, though, tipea-the arts will have far reacli- favorable critical notices, audi- that kept s0 many away frani young lad Ing resuits, he explaixied. ences have loved it wlierever Sunday Sclioal on January 29. wch didtntCanada is xiow becoming a At has beexi presented. Severmi familles were away chaupa for ce aebe "Festival Canada's programi at special gatherings, and scv- hpyfracross Canada four tîmes this includes 67 musical works by oral more werc il. and a few AL. Emet year, and coming ta know ail 41 composera, financed by fcd- couldn't get througli drifted Parts ai this country well has oral grants. Elevencmper lanes. Superintendent George elr lovely bee Tufford was in charge af the aerlvl e ncnaio the moat rcward- were commissîoncd for ane 4peet BryBa n lbas been lng results ai becoming a pub- wqrlc alone. It has 21 xiew pimys Ni4 reneveBdrr elndUi ince last lic servant. ai uias he prs N il e n mmd rc h ing lI the Heastethtxrowp- several ballets. There wrnl be clama led in the lsenig r s' ochialismlias a detrimental 10 special events in popular Li h ls ryer nt s gil»eflect on the understanding of entertainnient, and 16 for Lida Thorridyke was pianist. about the fellow citizens, handicaps young people. One quilt was finlahed at ow about knowiedgc, and la a cultural "Mr. hn$,6000la the home of Mi'.. T. Wilson an mid drawback. Moedmy $,60,00md Dlsusingth umea been spent an the creative arts Monaad Tuesday ai iast ors? Discuspok te imexity ofby the tederlgvrmn ek n w rbqit Canada culturalofforces and .wcre finished at Miss Clara ences in the habits, environ- aoe u utrlfre n ment, customs and background creative arts must become part Darke's on Wedxesday mter-q IY btwee thepeope ofNew- oi the daily life of this mar.- noon. Tos. are ta be sent1 LYou coettryn Uicapeonal cf the hospitai for retarded foundland and British Colum ni- ycaouty A natnal dren at SmitsFls EINSTON bia as well as ai those in the ett antb rae li tsFls provinces in betweexi. People without the dovclopmcnt ai Mi'. and Mis.. John Grocrie- os ai four are mistaken ta believe that the country's cultural and art- veld, Mi'.and Mns. George ai John differences in Canada cmxi be istic forces. Tufford, Mrs. H. Reeve, Mns. occurred reduced ta anc af language, he Mr. Goldschmidt prcdicted Harold Best mttended the îlackstock, further explind. that 1967 wll be the turning annual board meeting for Wel- Iý 1967. He "The Centennial Yar la point, and recognitioni in this came charge held at Morriali providing an opportunity for country will ho given ta its mat Wednesday niglit. )f Uic late Uheic iabitants 'af ail parts ai own performing artists."y Pre- The crakinole party Planmed E1 M. John- Uis coqntry, and maller con- viously we have hesitated ta for Uic Sunday School iast M OBITUARY JOHN HATELY Toc deatli ai John EHtly, mgcd 75 yemns, accurred at Memorial Hospital, Bowman- ville, oni Saturday, January 14, 1967, foilowln.g an i inesa of three weekm. Son of Uic late Mnr. and Mrs. Gorge Hteiy, lic was born at Ballina, County Maya, Ire- land, andt reccived lis educa- tio in taIreland. lI 1914 lie niarricd Uic former Ethel Brock wlio survives. A madhiniat, the deceassd waa Om'pioyed by Uic Bow- maxivilie Foumdry, retiring Unre. weeks ago. Mr.. Hateiy came ta Canada fr*xn Ireiand as a young mmm, and h4d re- sided at 03 Qucen St. for 55 years. Ho was a momber af Jerusmioni Lodge A.F. & A.M. No. 31 G.R.C., and serveçi overseas during Worid War 1 froni 1016-1919. Surviving, besides its wlte, are a daugliter and two sons, Elleen (Mns. Rupert Jackson), Walter amnd Jack. Toc funorai service was hld from Uic Morris Funeral Chapel, Bowmanvtlie, an Manclair, Jmnuary 16, and wmm cacucteet by Rev. J. S. G»-. crs f St. Andrew's Prou- bytenlan Chich-I xtenment wus la Bownmville Ceme- ta'ninu the xnany beautiUl floral tiutes, evidence of Uic estem in tawhlch Uic dacused wus leld, wcrothffl froin GOOdY'er Machine 8hoap, EowmanvlfpiTre DptGM C. se Dpt. Social Cubnd Dacco Ste., Toronim P 1~U wfe us. bemus ÎiYroads. 1 Cari Harrison retulMd We from Port Hope HaspltSl 3 week whem e owu under ob, servation and tests jOflOWiflg a recent lflneus Mr'.and Mms ClarepO Nichais, together wlth ob Ontario winners of the Improvement contentwe tertahned at thc Ming c lni Toronto laut week aesL of the Minlster ofai Artzl Mr. Stewart. OnIy tw@ were unable to W e s Gloria Nichais wan framn Toronto for gtc.w*- end; Pearl Austin and Gwm Ford wcre lni Toronto lag Saturday and Mr'. and Mm. Clarence Nichais and lamll attended the service i Toron- ta where Mns. Nichais nepheV wam christened on Sunday. What do you know, about "Second Cern Shouid both car carr the sanie insurance? hs the cost the sani for bath cars? WHI teen- age drivers make a difference in the rate you pay? These are only a few of Uic questions that you'l want answercd if you're a 2-car farn- ily. Cmli us today. Wc'fl be happy to give you the amsers and h6ip pilan the right protection fon you. . JAMES Z GENERAL INSURANCE 24 Rias St. E. Dowmaavill Office Remidenc. 623-5681 028-541 y y s j' s Il NGor JSE L oBAnS& wiEmERs 2 »M99 -PA"O1 o Nu Mm iA. ma FOOD 8 .89C ROYAL GOLD (ICE CREAM ½ga.89c TABLE STRop 216.- 49e M~R mm 4"'.' 2 P>69C ùaz Eaài7 :45c PREM Lu NCHE ON MEAT 12 OZ '9 TINS GOLDEN DEW PARCHMENT MARGARINE LB. PKGS. 99 la TAILE.RItEV -CàlAibàF IMIT ODALITTi Rit wUn#eue HASIF IVERY DAY LOW SHELF PRUCES AT BOWMANVILLE IGA Am stralied BA BY A FOODS NIBLETs2 CORN Caxpbcilm TOMATO 2 Ovn Fresh ORE AD3"3 Jan 46c ~37c Tlm27c Pt$ce Effectlv.February 1, 2, 3, 4 W. Ncsm. tise Right t. Limit Qumntll.u Potatoes ITY Poum e aiU.8.A& Ca".N& 1 in"rde 4-. 1rkg (ELLO TOMATOES 2 for 39c Uwfet a"i Jus" lim un FLORIDA ORANGES 3doL»99cl i a' - u - N - a:'a'-I a a' 'a' Ml 'a 4~.~ ~~5 a' a' q. a' 1' q. q. I r 'z a' s. 5- a' MI a' a' ~4 *~ a. a' a' a 0 a' a' a' a' a" a' a' BOWMANVILLE FOODLINER 5ci -1 1 - .1 .11 Il- MWA wMoumu Umm 0-v-el" * - - uý Can. No. 1 Grade PXL - 25-1b. ý said liems on Fnida, Hie rDke At thé Cari ofW« M rham Trinty Upitei à "lCaadas dtunàl1 1/4

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