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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 9

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ISPOIRTopucs .Mixe ao Lau B r nh «-24Howard Broneit~e i t ek.348lSUV Dy Frauk Mohua 1234231 bowlers on Fida anbv vn -ing a 780 tripemeUpo OSf MOEAOTBWIG204-281-275. a- 10 9 Severai fine scores have be tredlwa ibet 1 a theAILghsngegae 36 Etvarck - Âeinyled by the manager hnsef - AIrdOWborne 726 Marand thcher - 1 Silec 383 ingle last Wedneuday nlght in Mensa Major action. Matt Harrisoi 1 2721,HzlDngu 5 1 ÉIHae Donaghue r-tcked up a 341 garne sud 829 triple, while ~AI Osborne71(2),DcHoadBoei-1 Olive Patfleld registered a 331 total and Dlck Perfect had Perfect 711 (22.Ji4edod - 1 1 a844 total al ln Mixed Major play. MWr He el cod eeluariePfct- 1 3 .The Youth Bowling singles and doubles champloi ev D>iot s for HrrSO - 15h frZone J wMf be lied at Liberty Bowl oe rm M n s Town eague H cky adaen tsl.adeHzlVcePut - 1 1 *unday - February 191h. We expect tb have mor details YsinglWL N Ge gaine oa 7.A Lb 5 3 i& k.Bantam Girls Hlgh Single - M. Roberts single. ukeBut29 l nl thr - 1 uext twt t. Dadson 5, Bromnel 0, Mount- 182, R. James 142, M. Cooke ton Brock 267, lxWsra a amr1 - BUT ~Three Teams Tied for Lead iy5 Bryson 0; Tic. 3, Mc- 135, T. Woodward 135. 268, Mary Harioe 6,BbLuWlh1 i TMi.M LD * BT .1 I Dubei XRoers ithel 63 1 Il should b. an interestlng encounter this Saturday nlght 24M8, . ighT. Doble d 24M. Robertu Mitchl23,keNcos26,JaBrn - 15 1 %when th. Ontario Juvenile Champions of 1950 play this year's I~pi a, Dadson ______ 21 Danoghue 228. Prout 251, MarNoan37TamWLla U juvenile club at th. Mernorial Arena, startlng SaturdaYA s ob on sD on O yp a . rMc lle _Standing 14 -iiiior Girls ivt ae 3 ___________14 f Ps l sbcne. That tIle-wlnnlg leam uder lb.excellen coachig of -T--ce 10oPiper 5, Patfield O; HennlnBombers, AI Lb 1weteBce 961802 Tlht M (,uu.jea, un" th exclleMountjnoy 10 5. MeMurter 0; Ayre 5,Mac-Mrey tcher'sCres ie rot - 961273 Don Masters and managed by the late AI Clarke filled t] . CIV ras E g e CBrysoIý9n ______ 6 lin 0. ou'PesudDcPr-erct - 871692 Arena to capaclty as they contlnued Iheir mardi to theU ty , ytI IHil Singl G. Dadson 151; Team Standing fect's Swlngers.E jc 961572 provincial crown. We con well remember the tough lime D. Brorel1813,B.Cx Piper 20 In the averasAisbreGavle-871031 they had rlghtlin their own league, before gettlng pait Whitby Three teamu waund Up lied following two perioda cf play. n t he h others. . Macklin 16_____In t tops, havig24 fo15Boel781211 __oHigh Double, - D.winBromeliq tAdret,________the____ te games. LGardPeWilcoxDublev-e.dBH.mBrockre-5 a8ns13G0r and Port Hope. It just happens Ihat this scribe refereed m Tforsdf irat'pac, T owinMcky ty' ie lesar he Fr h asraar3 e- 280. G. Dadson 255, B. Cox patfield _______ 2itoseodpleat26wleHrin-78113 th~sele. annoq.,tn Pwasa, ~urda ngh'sTow Hcky hidbut when the dairymen ris picked up five points on 224.In second pli toesre.League double-bill, as Robson rapped in three qulckles it four goals and one assist, 224.s oy Henning 10Morey Etcher rpe eWlo 012 NextcaeGnnq, a snow-bound trpt a ssn Motors knocked off pace-set- appeared 10 be ail over but while Raye West taflied twlce, McMurter ______ 2 th Ihtting23.But31 147 O wllb 1h. gaine not gettlng underway until somnewhere around tiln pi.etuatsd1.soitn.Hwvr h h others gaing ta John 5S rd ,jasc0;CorbsHlgh Single L. Piper 203, 11 o'cioci<, then knocking off Alliston in a total goal serles edç y~e îi ~e aregc~gi Hughes sud Gary Donoghu . aDre D. Bradley 200, J.arn TradeBein21au, tha ws eciedb b. es c ou rcolecio b a inleRobson's and McNulty's had stage for McCulleugh's game- Team Standings Shred . 9% Hiui 2 Double - S. Firth 422, L aw ul maker. Ini the finals, Bowmanvllle won over Wingham i been deadlocked in second winner. W L Pts. VanDriel 2u____L. 1 Piper 394, D. Bradley 383. nemorable serles la bring 1he 10wn Its first jiiyenile crow onsofl.pc, ilLl1n7a.Wry lmi earn 1 ome ______ ow pace two pit f h ae ilLl n aeWryOypaRsuat971 ome 15 Junior Boys ln a decade. haig Into Thursday's ac- paced th. winners with three McNulty's Sports- 9 7 18 Jensori________I ns isn0 nu gato't ppers~ f latggetion.d Now he are ed goals and one assist apiece, Robson Motors- 9 7 18 DonoghueT hrough 1 okdwihOypiegtGrant Flintoff and Irv Gil Crystal Dairy 5 Il 10. Jackrnan t onu5,eester 0; ree5 pîaywl e nato o Stra' i gie nobed iyponts1headf Crystal. . oceyter tndn0.aad evegoal nefrene here owa ay"Witcey" Prstan, Jm la ne n te opener, Olympia took Commercial LeagueHokyTaStnigC c i ga.O eec hr aRa 'btyPrsoJmCaka2-1 second period lead, after Preston 20 IL and Barry Cowllng. a scoreless opening session, Baouwmneester _____15 a NAR Y AR OC 'Up front one lin. was comrpnsed cf Bob Fairey at centre but Robson's poured Il on Ho.' lrogr# dA15ý Wllb "Mort" Richards and John Mason on the wings. "Hank" apn isi olWaeanr e a ~ilson______ 13 ?OIAR -w on - LaeB Clesd e Flrymae pth thr ntwtheb.win. Gary McCulloughF rLUE EE D oIJ1L3LJfts 6 5to4J reece ________9 270 amot wih Lue ilCl n TdF1e aeu teohruiwt collected four points on a pair Ruiter 3________ 17 - 24 rjn-Nv John Osborne and Paul Herbert noundlng out the original of goals and assista, while i High Single -B. Holroyd tann u eetols ta.Terry Blackc and Bill Crossey Mf~5 ~ 0,S akr20 3ja is' mcaia, cmuia These guys are len years aIder now, and perbapa flot as each scored once and set up 204, S. Park-Hih Dube 20. »orod-an 2o3 rYeeui jueilsasBia eerJonOyetwo others. Singles went b eo HTIgT,> IDo371S lekliosB.dmIIstatIn o faut as such cunrent jvnlsa ra ees onOlr Howie Pollard, Sarn Tharnp- M . G .t i B y os o Te , 31,. Parker 34. 17 - 29 yu i oceFe eialsddua etc., but w. cheened for "Mort", "Whitey"', "Mage" and those son and Jim Rickard for 1he. Senior Mlxed League Havarea other guys un bard, Ibal we klnd cf lhink they'll win. winners. With first place already W. Frank Real Estate locked winners' big gun, scoring Ibree Bradley 4, Colville 3; Good- Hv rd rbte nfmî Aren. Ilwil be bus nibl fr yors nuly butBnyn HuhesMuray Bownclinched, attention focussed on ui> second place on lh. strength times and assisting on another. win 4, Etcher 3, Cain 5, Sel- siayftudluo Ave'eerusesh Don't fargel - Saturday night, nine o'clock at th. Mem- Olympia mankurnen were th. scoring race between Steve of a 6-4 decision aven tail-end Larry Piper nolched the single leck 2. ]hdal onlal Aea twl eabs ih o or rlbtBynHgeMra rw Burns and Lanry Pernis i Brook's Supentest, while Bny- with "4Mort" Richards picklgmStning we're golng ta do aur best to make lb - why don't you? and Joe Balson. Sunday morning's Commercial son's Smoke Shop battled front up three assists. TanSadn aai t t t t tThe nightcap produced a Hockey League action. Burns running Multon & Gould Sheil ,Sprettlmes went ta Goodwin ______ 27 ACadaniteno BERMUDA BOUND? high-scaning thriller - diller, scored lwice and assisted on ta a 4-4 lie ta dlinch third. uper le Fiey Cain_________ 25 British Subecwlhpi with goals coming fast and another to take aven 1he lead In the openen, Brook's led Marjerrison sud Ray Croinbi Selleck _________17 o 1t t 'I .. It could b. that one cf lhe 28 Bowmanvllle ares bowlers funious (seven in seven from Pernis, who managed one 3-2 headlng inb the third, butle Colville _______ 14 Why V5noOutC5 OWPS.uOati who emerged victoniaus in the bouse round bowled at Liberty minutes> early in the third goal and one assist. Both play- Frank's moved int a 5-4 lead Perris led Bryson's Ibird Bradley 13 as a tecnca iteCnda ocs Bowl, will be hjeading ta Bermuda. Judging by the tenmpera- period ta create an 8-8 lie. ens have scored 23 goals, while and put il an ice with Burns' period rally that broughl lhemn Etcher ________ 9 contacteMoieR ruinTema lun a wear wilig hi, i wul b.a îc plcetaPaul McCullough nolcbed 1h. Steve has 19 assisîs for 42 goal mb 1 he empty net, afler fromn behind a 4-2 deficit, lu spnda lnervaaton Olytrube u Iisreorerwînnen aI 15:30 of the final points, and Larry 18 assists for the lasers had pulled goal- th9ecn aieBsssig Wih ige A.Brde spn itrvcto.Ol rul a-ti eotrstanza. 41 points. Only one week keeper "Slip" Rowe for a Sixthý one goal and scaring anather. 325-262, S. Cain 303-217, D. BW AVLELGO 2NO O6PM lan't ane af bbe 28, who wIll now enter the Zone "J" Central CytlDiy ed 39romains in th. regular sced attacker. In addition ta Br1' e bad a breakaway with 20 Sellers 222-262-211, R. Beau- Ontanlo inals. mrgin afer one ad led ~ule. pair, Lloyd Hamilton was the seconds remaining, but over- re26 .Moe21 .WENSA AC t,16 Ontaiofnals____________nead____5_ skated the puck - samthn Selleck 214-208, S. Mitchell Not anly does the top bowler receive an ail-expense paid wbich couîd have cost himîthe 208-203, J. Beunett 241, J. C vacation in Bermuda, but belevision sets and other numen ousR dr enscaring crown. Bob Hellai Tucker 222-228, M. Hately 252,CadanFreRertug ote pze ilb wreinrcgiino ghsoe.r.Hockey iegu uvenl es R d m nnatched a pair for the Smoke D. Brock 218, B . Colville 222- Pont Office Bidn eebrub pnieswil e wade i rconiio o hghscre. r.Siioppers,.Johxn Masnad ,226,RM.Bromell 2D.20, K There seeme lao be a certain arnount cf confusion concern-- the cther. ason adding 200, 231-207, K. NAME jing the rules regarding the final round. In several paul yeans U 5I) fIiI v Gill accounted for liait 208, B. BIcher 208-232, C. DRS you had to beat your previaus score in the final round. In flns M nDI t ron t the Mulbon & Gould total wlth Evans 204-201, N. Goodwin other words a bowler wba bit for 750 in the bouse round By Sharlene Cain manville's John Oyler. and a iglsgin e"nc-29,K"ob 5,M.MChI TYrr Cap hv.. ettht ha ae tpetytuis tel" Crossey sud AI Guernsey. 206. woul hae labea tht. Tat adeIl pett boub, a Ie tue ltie Tii. Bowmanvllle Juvenile Orono's Garner. Each were Teans Standings Hlgh Triple - C. Bradley EUCT N________________ nule has been changed se that you bowl fram scratch again, C p ure Tte Redinen trounoed Orono Juve- assessed five minutes for flght- W L T PtU. 761, D. Sellers 695, J. Tucker EUAI usn yu riia hnicp oM iq BilS niles 7-2 ln the.am played ing and a 10 minute match M & G Shell - 10 4 1 21 641, S. Cain 623, R. SelleckIreutIhOlaonfr uSlkng u oinlhandicap. ustuytogt ewr audyn gam e ae .misconduct. Frank Real Estate 8 e 1 16 615, B. Calvifle 636, R. Ena- NV rw Spekig f anicpsyonsbrlytbugt w wre~ ule atranvighelate rna.3-1Bawmanville took full coin. ryson's Smoke - 6 8 1 13 menl 601, R. BIcher 622, K. AY E cinch to wln with a 66 handicap. Only trouble wau, afler we at he enB ofthnvie l ed rio3 mand i the third period, out- urook's___ 4 10 1 9 Cobb 600. had bowled 630 sud added on 198 for a nice 828 total, man- U yJ sorneg nd fScÔ AR1ORL ager AI Osborne infarmed us lhe handicap was for all three the Bowmanville uquad by ofSli»ourhwi-il goals gaes-not jusl eue. Well - you caret blame a guy for Men'is Wear apezd netting two 'goals. The other caes otalfo the ck0fBrs the Junior hockey eagu e goal wass cored by John Plr.Hsttlfrtegm trylngl championshlp ou S un d a y Oyler with Tom Carter earn- was four goals. The othen bwo Doris J011 racked Up a mlghty fine 346 game, wlth Lau night by bombing Bill's Bul- ing lbe assist. The lone Orono goals for Bowmanville were! Wisenman hltting for 331 to emerge wlth top individual houns fora irst om0, 1h a entrebaofMthi erwitobbls oedkForsey. Rick Woolner r.ceived KZ CND liatfrn eetrds9 e0,wlh a upebygoa f bi er i ows ced credb iBowkn o duricg the lwc-day noli-aif. Gary Woolner led the Liberty a sis nDn osy' ol E3owl wlnners with a huge 871 triple, wblle Roly Ceembes Otv u ns i th or ns a5 suWlgtaisng There were a lobai cf five SeeBriwtlw g Oal osordte nygslpnlte ne uti h was close behlnd at 8612, The ethen qualifiers sud thein scores and tw cassists. Gene Balson Ooosce i uyga eate addcll h arefaufoll<> hsd ane goal sud two assists of the second perlod. The goal third period with Bowmanville and other scarers were D wss credlted ta Stark aI 13:22. receiving four cf the five Bob Richards (830), Don Jenuen (815>, Bon McLean (814), Wilkins, .BkrWeW l i.second peniod was mosbly penalties. Xlton Brock (809>, Alan Lobb (802), "Moe" Richards (796)' roff B krse ,. adera- noted for penalties. The speclal There will be su exhibition Rou Maynard (794), Mary Anu Richards (793), Jlm Bruton Ron Best. Ken's uoaltender feahtune math d ewae . ngin. pae bsS ra (786>, Lou Welsh (783), Jack McNulty (782), Doris Jdil (779>, J. Nefis played wel lhtin g ac ewe o-ngt Marlou Wiseman (776), Cecil Milis (773), Frank Wesllake the shutaut. (767), Lou Wiseman (766), Tom Pleasance (758), Jack Park- For BIU's, G. Leaver and L.ç'm Hazelden (754), Bill Wesllake (750), Ken Wisemnan, VI In the nightcap, Leglo kaems Osmond, Hazel Donagbue and Bruce McDonald. huita , ihlgi oon s b 7e In the early battle for first shutout victary aven Patfield,tht ATOM SHNE T NWMARET a4,auigt w goa bl- m place last Monday night, Etch- and Joil blanked Bowers 3-0th appoin rnen O A tip of the bat from this corner ta the Bowmanvllle two assista le lead the attack. break ted elden 3-0 be o e tid akes nle posin0f Atom Ail-Stars who dlstingulshed themselves ln the New- Other sulpers were B. Camn- Ladiu e xss'ngMaejor Ih e hinrok snl on e market Novice Tournament on Saturday. The local lads cran with two goals, Tini Brooks tayed righî ou the Preston edged Baker 2.1, __ knocked off Kitchener 2-0 in the opener, sud edged George- Westlake and Dan WestlakepaestrshelwihS30ib Mayn dnnseig- &-- 0 he3sanietrea ment...Buh.o-- S8rRADWICKS followed with a close 253 JJ Hzle _ _ U V ~ . . u v m ' ~ . COICE OFIIARDING L eu i ige wn utnsbw___ . U W U N IN r ~y ur l i g roO f!1OR CELANESEI Betty Wcstlae wibh 261 and __________ 244 My il rea olled a Patflcld 5_______ upurwliviag221. Baker._y___________ 3 H A W D A Y'S ~~nice 237 aud Norcen Klng B w r _ _ _ _ M. AID If amyou cno. What's rmou... "ve up tb $1500,00or xMme Gaines 200 and ever were Tennant and_______ 2in I buo ul i.Haldywy otc ju elrtdyfrrolled by: G. Prout 212, 204, 220 Ganses sud Over jHOMES J7 fnTis~ year a 1!aMday Home ln a botter by d 239; B. Marshall 205; N. King D. joll____ 240-303 k.>'#0 grioct.'vl *, eireaue roae. 221; J. Bond 216, 306, 213; S. D. Bond______ 28 Brock 219; B. Westlake 261, H. Depew 122 iIceev 0 M 0MORE STYLES -MORE FLOOR 244; B. Allen 214, 237; R. J. Alexander - 246-2351 Fred wlib. werking , slywith bei ie una KMSTHA EER FM Crawford 212; N. Zoudervan O. BIcher -____ 221-221 225; D. Bond 214, 209; D. No- H. Danaghue - 245, ana eh Yopirt hi ei 0 NEW DELUXE KITCHEN lan 209, 206; M. Archer 217; M. A. RIchard - 243-285 CAMET AD ANTISI J. MKlgt 217; N. MeLean D. Colins 290-277 22; .Dens 17 . e- .Cromsy. 2 businssad loeks forward te servicn i W ieRs 0.. .. . . MAJOR KITCHEN APPLIANCES shall 215; B. Gniffin 201;- R.f M. PerrisÎ62-276 ILI<TALLE~IJtD UDRASNL Brock 206, 256, 221; IR. West- K. Stephens - 246* *- i SIElaite 253, 221; May Aildrcad W. Neabltt____ 288 and Sheil rouc customar' in orea MORIGAGE IF YOU WISHI 237; J. Macnab 204; E. Anch- J. Baker -___ 233-251 ri fl ----------------- P5LUS TM » DOEDLUXURY 0F FREE ROADLOOM Top31.Il H ard______22 VALAB * OU Teins Standing.Tp 2Aene IHALLIOAY HOMES LIMITED Pit .Jl.._____ 4 g.i MAPE AVE, SURUNT~~ ON. M AD~ ME M 3. Bond- 24 11,009 0. Patfleld _____24FU TERMlkEat Nl E....... ..t ....eue*M ~ W M M cnlh 18 10,924 B. Butlonshaw ___ 201 FOR FUrvKma.uNFO * JNM . NVUG ILML B. esae- 18 91999 K. Stephens 201 t SREE.................Macnab 16 10,601 H. Doaghe 951__ lu 'Imm .MA T Marshall 15 9,793 O. BIcer 1941 ', ~S I Y...............IR. Westlake - 14 9,726 S. Davis _____ 1921M 11OMLT ....... »....... HOE1 N U.92Prout _-__13 10,452 M. Perrig 192' M UMMOE 95 IOWA Y U PON RNO 983J'5S12 D. Bond - 9 9,841 D. Bond 1 U A1 ~C~5AV 9,892 J. BaIger 8 M" N I NIM T4 ÇJ CMM =IYLdoi- MMM K Mà 9,472 D. lit____ u

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