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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 16

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Reie -LoQs ad CaU , of Ail Size an Shapes Line Uplfor Clinie 1275 Donors Attend 'the Birds of Canada'ScesfiBodCnc o~olgls. ad amateur our forests and annoy us gen- ~~A d 6 ote o B n "S=-oyrscan fnd a w=at erally. It adds that the hunting ' el ne: aeiiianew ofo gane birds in season pro- Ad , 20Bt 'fi Brdso!Candaby W.vides hlthfulsport to xnany £er 01ofe aatro ro thousands. The Canadian Wild. Logyat YicN=tionl Mus- lUfe Service estimated that inR dC r s o t r f f e em c Caada 1961 some 344,900 hunters of Rd- r s o hn rl ooriustrations by waterfowl ini Canada spentTh Fbuay ounerwkwreMsJFthM Wdmnad r.K Jon . rsbythe artlst-nat- $27,258,470 onl that aspect Cof Bhood donor lnic hl Wed- J. LivingMrs.Sj. urtrpovdd rasrain u rledtEling tment and gaine bird hunting alone. Boddnrtiihl e.J ii Ms .m ditncin othshandsome This book should be nesday at~ the Lions Centre, Mrs. It HibbenMs J h dnr was a"dgreathsu"must" 275 don-SôtMsW.RudelMs Furelni ti tou e, wis y h Ina"for the library Odataes -sccs, - ctt Ms Quens ±itrOtaw. every bird-lover. It has great ' ors turned out and a total of W. Reynolds, Mrs. A.Mrî raacWd c knwnt li inapel o yug n od260 bottles o! blood were add- Mrs. R. Sprysu MisDAg.2 and We.1o Thp bock coers ail 51 bird appea for youngand old ~ d to the area blood bank Wcs.seils. Mr. H. DaveyBodPei akteedtsn knownto ocur malike and will undoubtedly Thlxctv !telclDnrCaraM.M orclna dnaaor to have occurrcd take lts place with the best of!h xctv ftel i o himn Wltbin historie times. Crosy the bird books published not Red Cross are very grateful has IUlStrated more than 420 only at home but abroad. t.al h . - atndd spse.Some are shown inA bembieta ed vrosPluages, thus provid- Andb e mr ordon from Tor- Ing a rcady means cf identi- ezIO onto odepfo si Tor by fication. The text also has M N ot eo a sitdb white andigst local volunteers. Local nurses clarlyldrandMs.K Rhe m orete d agt The Anne Reed unit cf the ...: looking àter the rest beds làECIN apoi f ditoaliteet r UCW.rwerc Mrs. A. Squaer, Mrs. E. WE the flight silhouettes providcd Mrs. Paul Sobil with 18. menm- lthe aftern. . and Mr.n L tô facffitate recognition of the bers present. The leader, Mrs . Bteter Mss andt Hics.and hawks and-shorebirds on the Joanne Geissbcrgcr opened ButY Miss JanM Hio c ksan wlng.. the.meetlng-with a poem. "As Ms .MCloh The text contains invaluable! You Wèe". Marie Stewart Refrcshmcnts were served Information, such as simplified and Irene Ayre had. charge cf .. .. s to the donors by the ladies o! lied denifcaton quckrec te wrsipservice. The stu- tePetcotiC-.hMs ô9iln nte ad maue-d o! "Introducing te__ . ' the ...............He cnctald M rchM.sAdams Ens aia rfrneGses fMatthew, mark, Mrs. J. 'TomJinson, Mrs. j. !oce, ncsting (including incu- Luke and John was started Kingsley, Mrs. V. Adams, Mrs. bution summaries, and sub-1read an interestiflg history of JRStlI3T spcis Caaaaegvnl ealorcuc hc as buit tainly brought out a large crowd of pets and owners and continued throughout rnost of the day, epigad looking after the clerical2KigS.W - Bomnll The distribution and status in149, also the settling of on Saturday at the fire hall. This picture shows only the Health Of Animas veterinarians extremnely busy.1 In anaa ae ive indetilDurham county ,and Darling- 2 igS $or cuch species, province by ton township. Ail the ladies O IU R prepared many different ways provmncc, with peripheral loca- brought antiques to show for e a fa t 5 I n p r a n such as poached, boiled, scram- YOU ARESUET . tics and> other data. the enennTeme.sberar B bled, fried, or shirred. For a * Srprsm hl RedadJan esegr MES. DAVID RAE B r a f st lmIp o t n elethane ylgt crube *Wrmaher The book points out the had charge of the lunch which ore ontaining cube ;value of birds, especially in a aSnoyduhenxree- Te et ccre sde al noe.Tenx et h et curdsde-bacon or chopped ham. Pani- Booat amrl dollars-and-ccnts way. It tells ing will be at Peg. Harts ly, February 3, 1967 at the~ cakes or waffles can be sub- lhow vast numbers of bîrds home. family residence, 63 Orchard 3titutedforLtoastUpd a faci wage continuous warfare on View Boulevard, Oshawa, e W 13is e e y a tyti course. Keep it interest.*M daqare inseet hordes that strive to Mr. and Mrs. Douglas John- Mrs. David Rae. She was in igb evn ihbcn devour our crops, devastate ston, Oshawa, were Saturday her 71st year. Dîd you eat breakfast this 1. FRUIT COURSE - Vary this mint. hamn, or sausagç, with sauces Tei unbn GET CASH TODAT evoingget tJmSan The former Margaret Jane morning? Or didn't you have course by using different juices, 2. CEREAL COURSE - Hot or ady * Ease ain ton's. Marchbank, the deceased was time, which is the usual fruits, or comibinations o! both. cold whole grain cereal with 4. TOAST -, Plain, buttered *Wloeasrne FOR 0WL APPLIANCES Mr. and Mrs. Tom Sobil left a daughter o! the late John answer. Then make time, ad- Try starting off the morànmg milk is always nutritious and toast often is a popular break- *Wlo 1 throui on Saturday for a holiday ini and Janet Marchbank. Born vise the home economists at with orange, tomato, grape- can be appetîzing. Cold cereals fast item. This too can take on ~ GLASSDUIDS Florida. August 8, 1896, at Dumfries, Macdonald Institute, Univer- fruit, pineapple, apple or apri- now come in a wide variety a new highlight with different Pesdt uoueta STAA MANMis LarieStanto spnt cotand sh wa marieorsty ! GulpheBrakfst S ct jicealoe o cobînd s wh ne choseyourown bradsau s asraiinci, amo weareexcusie aentreo Pion 6233303the weekend with Maureen March 27, 1914. one o! the most neglected Haîf a grapefruit, a sliced or VarW hot cred stitit or rye."M TO"FnEgls and Susie Reed,_Oshawa. yerselvdamlealns and yet is one o! the sectioned orange, or a mixture drizzle of honey or syrup, or A good breakfast can set -ChInr year, se lvedat Aberaimstneeded. Getting up just o! the to is especially re- a spoonful of raisins or dates. you on the road to a good day. for10yersandfame wth15 minutes earlier to cat a'fireshing. Then for a real treat, 3. MAIN DISH - Make this Why flot start flrst thing te- ho 1 ersand n th Burkton fully-rounded breakfast can tr siced bananas in orange dish, usuallY of protein like inorrow morig with a break- hrhsadith uktngive you valuable nutrients for jucor an etr ri ok gsado aoa xi-fs eindt etyu C EN TE N N IA L G A M -Earaosm ersbfe vitality a nd energy needed tai garnished with a sprig o! ingon as posbl.Egsc ie-fs eindt etyu Sha wsa ebe.f .Breakfast consists of four Andrew's United Church, the main food groups plus bever- Sîlver Cross Mothers and Vic- age. Three groups as one, two, M R. OSEP M cC URGtory Lodge, Ladies Orange and four, or one, three and Nestieton Ontario Benevolent Association, four, are sufficient for the Mrs. Rae is survived by hier average persen, whereas a WILL RECEIVE A $10.00 GIFT husband; t h r e e daughters, very active'person may require Mrs. Gordon Griffin <Chris- the entire four groups. Sec CERTIFICATE FROM tina) of Bay Ridges, M rs. what you require. Harry Fayle (Peggy) of Osh- awa, and Mrs. Robert. Leg- grandchildren. BRY O N SM KE HO gette (Alberta) of Newton- The memorial service was BKI JIN VIê4I~ ~HOP ville, and two sens, Thomas held at the Armstrong Fun- 31 Ring st. W. Bowmanville o! Oshawa and William of eral Home, Oshawa, at 2 p.m. Toronto. She was predeceas- Feb. 6th, !ollowed by inter-D EOSRTS PRIME MINISTER: cd by a son, George, who was ment in Mount Lawn Cerne- killed in action ini Italy in tery. Rev. John Morris, min- E SIR ROBERT BORDE N 1944. ister o! St. Andrew's Unitedl u AIso surviving are 10 grand- Church, conducted the ser- cide an ie great- vice. l / A , i ' h. i ri; ^1 r 0»0 P e 4. * ~ c~~~an aatesman~ uow~aii~in~. Feb. 8. î~e~ i 110W WELL DO YOU KNOW CANADA'S PRIME MINISTERS? PLAY the (entennial Game'-You (ould Win WE WANT TO BE YOUR EGGAN TOO i R Glen Rae DAIRY We Guarantee Our Products For Lif e PRESTON TRANSPORT] 19 .LTD. AGENT FOR ALLIED VAN UNES VAN MOVING AND STORAGE 623 -2493 Ail Loads Fully Inured 24-HOUR TOWING SERVICE Complet. Service and lepair t. ail Makes x and Modela - Licensed 'Mechanie - Mutton & Gould Service * Station 72%4 Scugog St. 623-7451 8N'ECIAL! JUwGoïM1L K HKOMO 2% Film Depeait m1 eing W. 6352 ç~3T a[ AT ECIStWay For Dinner, Theatre or that important day.. Lu nes we'iî style your hair the Highway No. 2 "PROPER WAY" D OpenfBowlingNI I Except Wedneday 5EgnT SALON Znqil,. at 7234-5 -<£5 hl St. E. 023-7541 UPHOLSTERY SPECIALS A 2-PCE. CHESTERFIELD As Low A -------- $129.95 PLATFORM ROCKERS As Low As ------- ----$29.95 HOSTESS CHAIRS As Low As - ------- $14.95 Sampies Taken to Home WHYTE BROS FURNITURE AN UPHOLSTERING 55 King E. 623-5252 JURY&LOVELL Prescription Chemists Ail your drug store needs CAMERASM COSMETICS PRESCRIPTIONS FREE DELIVERY 2 King E. 623-3361 j When you Iist with us.. Be ready ta move. K DeWITH .RIeoitor 14 Frank St. 623-3950 Kelvinator '- Mode! K581 REFRIGERATOP. FREEZER 13 cm It. z *102 Ibo, Fïeezer ON $309.00 SALE -------- wjth trade L ..COWAN EQUIPMENT CO, 1 &ALI bN MAIMUMAN R N j - - ,,~-,, ~-w- 'r- '- ~2343P4 W hile Prices are Lowest!' 1966 PONTIAC- PARISIENNE 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENNE CUSTOM SPORTS HARDTOP 2- DOOR HARDTOP V-8 englue, automatic transmission, power brakes, power steeriug, V-P englue, automatie transmission, ipower brakes, power steering, radio, white vinyi bucket seats, tlnted windshield, white walirs hd-tewn hilaiowiewll tirean h ldies. Fnse wheel dises, console floor shif t. positive traction. Finlshed lu luxurions saelt idhed aiwiewi ie n he ie.Fuse Astex Bronze with Black viiyl top. Lic. J17359. lu Marina Blue wlth Black vinyl top. Lic. J14700. SUGG. LIST $4,327.00 SUGG. LIST $4,144.00 - -SV $,980 YOU SAVE $1,155.00 Y 5 NOW ONLY 3 NOW ONLY 2989 BRAND NEW: LOOK HERE.. SAVE$$$ 1966 Pontiac Parisienne Custom Sports............... V-8 englue, automatic transmission, tinted windsbield, power brakes, poiver steering, radio, white waii tires and wheel dises, windshleld washers, white vinyl bucket seats with floor shifting console. Brand uew car. SUGG. LIST $4,249.00 YOU SAVE $1,160-00 NOW ONLY -$089 _______ 1966 PONTIAC PARISIENNE 1966 PONTIAC STRATO-CHIÉF 2-DOOR HARDTOP 4-DOOR SEDANS V-8 englue, automatic transmission, AM and FM radio, power steeriug, TWO TO CHOOSE FROM power brakes, shade-lite windsbleld, white wail tires and wheel dises, 6 cyl. englue, automatie transmission. Choice of beantiful Saudalwood two-Tone Bine and White with- matchlug finterior. Lie. J14934. Tan or Boiero Red. Lic. J11313 - J11496. SUGG. LIST $4,126.00 SUGG. LIST $3,240.00 YOU SAVE $1,157.0YUSV $1450 NOW ONLY'- -$2L 6.O .YOU AVE $1,1$50901$ WILF McMECHAN AND SALES STAFF CORDIALLY INVITE YOU TO COME IN AND SEE THE LATEST SPORTS BY GM The PONTIAC "FI-REBI1 RD" on dispiay February I3rd GORD OONSTERRY MASTEIlb Sales Manager - STEW PRESTON IERWYNNE TILLCOCIi 166 K1iNEà" S T. EAST UMM115Ll PHONE 623m3396 .1 For the Best In Dining and Entertainment THE A FLYING DUTCHMAN MOTOR HOTEL AND RESTAURANT Hwy. 401 623-3373 SELLING OUT I of al N Winter Footwear Save 25% to 35% JO0E'S SHOE REPAIR AND PET SHOP 80 King St. W. A $10,,00 WINNER WEEKLY Just read through each advertisement, find the letters and put them together to form the naine of a Prime Minster. Von could win a $10 merchandise voucher from any one of the particlpating merchants. Entries should be postmarked no later than Sunday midnight and maiied to The Canadian Statesman, P.O. Box 190, Bowmanville. *SHELF AND sUDII HEAVY HARDWARE auc.iEvuR *ROOFINGE UUIA Iuj *FLOORING c E Hadware *POWER TOOLS E 95 King W. 623-5211 FOR THE BEST IN UPHOLSTERING AND REFINISHING E 1 Darlington Lucas Arthur BACON.. 89c IL. BUY 1 CARTON KING SIZE COKE and jet à carton of E ýSPRITE FREE! LLOYD'S General Store One mile east of Oshawa Town Line on Highway Z Open weekdays 8 a.m. - 10 p.m. Sunday Il a.m. - 10 p.m. u5~fflflProtgsý VotarCar a 1 r% .. f do-% . Ir Àk si à-@ 8 À 8 - - zm7), FSHELLI V* ýl,/

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