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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 8 Feb 1967, p. 6

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-w--. #_ 1% OcaIdlan Satenian, ownmvlflc Feb. S.*N Irn,;4 ~ D ~jaeno, 191.40; oye servieM UIIYII.50.field UoCrtary andI stff*2,822.57- eerle pense, 15 cents; home teacher adstaff, $209.14, postage pnnigUtatlonery and sup- f O f icisplie 450; recreation, $25.,MN -ReelctAilOficaisat 1 lG. Annual Meeing0 NB iG~~bpcs - ration and historiespo appliances and homecraft sup. In ]DO' Chairma&n Jack Dunn and Hampton, $95.6o; H a y d o ri, wonderful co-openation tram plies, 26 serveci at $24 per per- Blrthda3 Vios-Chairman Geor eVice $15-50, Long Sault, $21; Maple all the ladies an the Advisory son, $024; Divisional and. Na- think o be,,,Were re-eccutemation Grave, $103.5o; Newcastle Commlttee and tram the wivestoa Services - Consultation Meanst for the coing yoar at the $309.35; Newtonville, $24; ai members. She oxpresseci including Children's Depart- and as fImual meeting cf the Bow- Orono, $187.97; Providence, hen appreclation oi thteir as- Ment, Adjustment andi Voca-.ifl*asire -~înueWest LDurham Ad- $9.75; Trn,$21.45, and R.R. sistance. tianal Training, educatianal as- bilities ,,VîuOrY Commttee o , e4anadien ,Couneil for B. Dymi Co.CND el ittcens C te4, Bowmanville, $8.5.Mr. uryChir ai ofthe Blindc, and canipalgn pub, Wednesd jwruûty Cdentrte ons om Carnpalgn Chairman Vice in the PublIcity and Public Re- lic relations, 20 serveci at $27 tarieMi Yïï Tuesday hi report on the 1966 cam-' lations Cammnittee, neportod on each, $702. the upea *è«ereing January 3ist. Paign saici that the total area the dusplay advertiements andcileie ,, u ther members oi the was alinast 100 per cent can- caming ovent notices placec inLibry servic Braille, ie-Me executive who were ail nie- vasseci. For the blitz in Bow- in the pneus for the 1966 Cam- Couiendg bocks, us, Brie non nCu durned ta office for 1967 by inanville the town was divideci paign, and an the ceverageonsveia$0eah$2. tion Bui 1'acclamation are: Treasuren, itt 14 aneas with a tearn given ta it by the Statesman. CNIB Industnial Workshc>ps, At *h .,iJares . Bll;SecetayMn. captatn esponsible forn cc, She aise exprcsscd apprecia- $200- Outsde induitnial Place- Presideri Social , ion rthe Camnpaign posters mne 10 ~ emittce Chairman, Mrs. "Poney Haro has lookeci made and designoci by Mru ot, 10 Catering Depart- Dymond, zi-Bonald Hawthorne; Publiclî tte h ecsl nafr catr ec iBwmont placements, $150; Lake son Elli ÏMnd Public Relations ComthUi past several years. HisnanieHgu cho' AtJsph oldyC tr,$;mdae -A*ee Chairman, Mrs. Wayne efforts thene have braught Deartmlent, hichowene pAc- Residential Services - direct ard Enac ý.4u ,; Bcwmanville Lions great]y ineneaseci returns. cd in the stores by Cam; eatnwhcwr pagn cash assistance equivalent te Prograni ,'ÇIub : Representative, Don ~Mn. Vice reporteci that Mrs. Chainman Vice. Hnrpartn 30 cents per resident day, 369 Grant. .,;Ailin, and Huinonesque Club Carmnen Thompsan has arrang. ala daireith radoad t ee.rsident days, $116.70. Total St. pi Representative, Mrs. D. W. cd the canvass in Caurtice for vision interviewst eonc expenses, $5,995.28. womenc iAnita.somne years, and the returnu tien witb the camrpaigin. Incarne:' City or Co nty hliius ni Mns. Juein P. Cale wath have Increaseci there annually. h NEfGat $5;gnrldntos crh Chairman ai the Neminating The total there in the receniTheCIBEsy Cnteut l 4231,hniitiuin'o rdCr Committee. The other mm- campaign was $572.45, ho stat- which Grades 7 and 8 aiOf *4113Prvi2iaGant26istnibu tian ai f iciCa beso hscmctewr d. uchools in the district tok Poica rn,2 evc tsn i bon issab e mmDavis ced were - paimaart was jucigec by Mns. Ro- $10 Per capital $260; a total ai Piano. Uiake al woVad ce b$ 4,723. The net -deficit is I i Am sb vi s anci Mn. Ctapaign Clwhhaitmass.iste r W. Sheridan, B.A., an $,22.1.nde Atr mofthacAd wth the carpaign for their English Specialist, Mn. Puncin $l,272.1i Ote emesaiteA- lime. anci effort which had neporteci. The Winners wero. n Iteresting film was oi hisebir vlsory Commnittee are Mns. V. helpeci ta makre it a success. 1. Judy Bittan, St. Jeseph's shown by Ernest Wessels try by ac Archen, Mis W. Anrstrong, Mrs. Hawthorne, Chairman Separate Sehool; 2. Carolyn which cicaît with the nehabili- oponecid Mrs. William Cowan, Mrs. ai the Welfare andi Social Woadland, Newcastle Pubiic talion andi ne-empîoyment ai which co ,George Vice, Mrs. William Cammittee, ln hon report, toîci Sehoal, and 3. Hoather Don- the head ai a iamily wha baci openec el ]Xmondson, Percy Haro, New- ai the meetings ai her 10) neil, Cartwright Publie Sehoal lait bis sight. Aftenwards In al "'astle; Mrs. E. S. Jarvis, Mnu. member cemmittee. She saici The runners-up were Gregory Mns. Vice sorveci cafice and tbis courl -L. J. C. Laings, Mns. R. Lis- that visite haci been made a Palmer, Ontanici Street Sehoal; doughnuts te Ihose present. hie had f Cuml, R.R. 3, Bowmanvlle; leaut once ta 21 adult blind, Lydi reot, Lcar u- htbsi Xrs. Walter eynolds, Mrs. anci ta two chilciren.' lic Sehool; Elizabeth Vermnuel- ,g these of1 ýC*rm*en Tiiempson, R.R.. 6, She tolci ai the estabiish- on, Knox Chistian School; Kaî T sts bnings o e cwmjýnvllle, and Miss Denise mont ai the Great Pîne Ridge BrnaHanris,Onai Street ka i g T landcofai xWessels. Club ion the Blindi ai the area Schol, and Nancy Giîchl'ist, voaîlcs The repart ci the treasuren, andci i its first meeting belâ Centr'al F-IeId a lfauntais Mwr. Béil, showeci that total ro- in Cabourg necently, wbich Mrs. Purdy stateci that the Hed a lea w an a turnes of the, 1966 Campaîgn was attendeci by several blinci CNIB Fieldi Secretany, C. G. FlarnSatngTstowrew i amontci a 3,85.0 wthpeople frani this district. Mrs. Hiibann, Peterborough, haci helci by the Bowmanvillc ithouts ,.ixpenses ai $70.40, leaving a Laurella Gatcheil, Burketan, addressed ail Bawmanviile Skating Club at the Arena et ac ...net ai $3,749.40. is a member af the oxecutive pupils in Grade 7 and 8 in last Wednesda ie noon nwlh sta Retrn aith cavau boa this now onganization, Mrs. cennoction with the Essay cvening. Mns. W. G. Cowle, whose mo dsrcswcre: Bawmnanvilie Hawthorne saici. Contest. Mrs. L. J. C. Lange the Test ChaInman, was in brass." S 195-33, Blackstock, $153.35,- A young bay fromn Bowman- was hi. guide. She saici that change of arrangements. The The fý tescia, $35; Base Lino $25; ville attendeci the Christmas she bas spoken ta the Pninci- uie ee Gl cieC Corie*7.5 niklen at o licicren ath paitaithe ighSchools in Hughes, Arthur Petnie, Osh- they did t5;Grael it oac,13501 area helci in the Peterborough this district, and hopes ta be awa, Konneth Pr, htyte ]sa YMCA, Mrs. Hawtharne ne- able ta arrange for Mr. Lang anci Mn.. E. Olaisen, Tarante. ponteci. "There is much ta be toa acdreus their studenîs ln stateci.1( done for the 22 blinci listeci in the spring. She thankeci hon The tests passeci were as deeci the aur district. We neeci the committee membens, M iesnioilows: Pnelimtaary Figures, thausancis See help ofail interesteci mcm- Armstrong andi Mrs. Jarvis for- Candace MyIes, Janet Large, limes," he bers,an wiil be delighted tail their work. and Dianne Harrison. Dutch Ho upal accept any other aLers- ai Mrs. Armisteaci, Hunier- Waltz, Janette Brysan, Susan bastian Ci USassistance," the Weiiare and osque Club Represontative, nie- Davoy, Lynda Burgess, Je- the ceast Social Chairman stateci. porteci that nine meetings of Anne Maniden, andi Evange- JacquesC .f ir st ** hetldth eeting that tlisi.club wero attendecid hn eke.t 55o -tbrough Mrs. Robent W. Sheni- the blinci ai Bowmanville dis- Canasta Tango, Janette Bry- 05ts andci dan tue Eowmanville Drama tnict durIng the fins al a ofa son, Susan Davey, Lynda Bur- andi Wolfe Wonkshop bas invited the local 1966, andi thcy aise attendeci gess, JoAnne Manscien, Evan- Plains ai reglstened blinci la be gueuts a pienie held by the club aI geline Merkiey, PeggY Knecht "Canada' et the presontation ai the Lak cide Park, Oshawa, in andi Linda Reid. Sw i ng gan anlyi; play, "Doctor In the House". July Dance, Dianno Harrison andi lOth centui Mrs. Olive Narrish haci kinci- & eaIse neporteci on a bus Diane Cowle. 1867, aE ly tolephane cach ai those in- trip la the Camp fon the Blindi Ton-Fox, Andrea Eor1acib o f viteci, Mns. Hawthorne acideci. at Lake Joseph, four club Faye Myles. Fax Trot Pat mi.nion a Mrs. Vice, Convenon ai the meetings in Octohen andi No- Rudeil anci Lynn Fraser. o rs ai Cor Blindcnaft Sale, reporteci that vemben, the Christmas Party -alizeci that bofore you drive It w:s very successful, and on December 15th, and' a Bu e oel.y~ f teir b Gen- ceyS akeso Io tutr. fieW-ca .turnes, $à42.97 in the Bank ai osha Hale. Shethankeci the -eci a ciik s19iaturay you're anxious te. Moneal and Giveà Miss C. Bowmanvliie Lions fon pr6evfr- ÂÀCC' l 0 nc' < The ti Dasno h NB$131 in ing transportation, andi the________________nos of st 1roetyour investiment andi cash. Advisory Committee members RYj ILN rwh yourfamîy' eiae.W'J Letters ai thanks wene who haci acteci as guides. Chartereci Accountant the 2th ci 1' e app t hep eu btin sent ta the proprietor ai the The Fieldi Sccretary's neoat .93 Church Street was in th( ,fýbinsytohlpyuaind- Hollandea Woodwonking Store sbowod tfiat in the pût 12 623-3861 Wilfrid Lat iý;1:uality auto nuacde (where the sale was helci), monthu 18 now cases wene ne- le pendable insurance backed by andi ta the Edilan ai the States- ferreci la the CNIB for sonv- WM. J. H. COGGIJS 'bis groal pi , 'Uhis agency andi The Hartford lan for caverage ai the sale. ices. Seven are classifieci Chanteneci Accountant 'The 201h( ~an o rou. anA Uiank you ta the public ion blinci whiîe nine are eye serv-15PL nert 2t.-S3612man i elytan Usrn rUCnO s support was inserteci in the ice cases. The remaining îwo Phnd2-31 ream. i d.Statesman. Ail advcrtising are yet ta be classifieci, ho WILLIAM C. HALL "Thon a1 expenses were paici by Miss saici. B.Comm. 000 squarer Dawson. "Giasses anci oye modica- Chartened Accountant tien ai 5,00( 'II have given Miss Dawson tian were provideci te aur 36% King St. E., Oshawa dia now ba a list ai thc meut populan oye service pensons while Telephane 725-6539 close ta Items as ra guide for future home teachimg, taiking books), BUIRROWS, SELBY & C6.- now stands ST A T .sales. I would recammend financial assistance andi case Charteneci Accountants as a predue 't thal consideration be given tocaunsellîng were exteiided te 323 King îetWs alga having tic sale stant an the blinci. Those already reg- shwaOnai supplying j m wEs Thursday. People bore seem isteneci with Ibis cammiltes 725-6451 - 728-7554 wanld's new mM8@ es omre on Thunsday prier te lait Januany con- William A. D. Selby, C.A. "«Now we than an Saturday. We salci tinueci ta take part in aur G. Edmn Burows, C.A. 62,000,000 a about *80 warth ai goocis in Service Prograrn. ui4oe GENERAL INSURANCE a short tinie on Thursday Ho saici that talking books Pa;biinbove - . atennoon when we were are betag used by cight local Chiro pr a c i c the bestqu ,*u King St. B wmaue setting up aur dispiay. I arn blinci, anci liat thnee persans G DI AN .. adams Office ResuMonce sure wo coulci get staff for attendeci lie Lake Joseph . DIoMANfDC. acalmoutn k8358 2-43Thunsday, Friday and Satur- Holiday Contre during the Of c iorco oti n iday if necessary. sum r. hc esn fo eIi n wiii contn'bute la aany&a aUUcmi_____________ r__________________a__ mium, seloni ICOL RS --TO OOSEFROMvisully handicapped pupil's DONALD A. MROGREGOR uranium; thiz <ULO S TO CHO SE dUM iSUI anci social succesi. Lie, Auto, Home fourthiIn leaÉ SIGEVSO IOA$"Our blinc, Iis cmmilîe, Insurance bal". Dr.1 SIGL VSIN IOCaSnd myelf, owe a great deal 52 King St. W., nwmanille fereci 10 nid toth le Eawranville Lions. Phon 623-5962 Ontario andi service program wauld be Su - au il sources ln soverely handicappeci. We de- Land naurveyings pend on te for trnpra'In 1900 i mO ouiNSS tien, financial assistance, a- MR L DBOW numbereci les paigning, public relations, a P.ENG., O.L.S. Naw il ex, MOM'MM8 Me1 Un FOR NATIONAL IRANOS negular meeting place, andi 121 Queen St. - Bowmanvile Thon we proc a FOR MEN a S O EN FOR CHILOREN even an annual dinner. Bus. andi Res. Telephene a million dc M iy DIRECT PROM T»R! IAORATOrCY AND SAVE "Tuas Advisany Committee 623.7251 manuactuned is ta ho particularly congrat.- muno Ihan 3i ROM 4FtAmJ$ RAM- OR RWIACED Y/HILE You Y/AIT ulateci. During the ycan you Morigage 3 worlb. Thet, w. U .n is.z..Oeuu a d optm.tois1. pmudpumom bave createci a Vislting andiggast boc St m m. 0w .500 W e far C o mill e, nd ne- SA D I E H A M IL T O N - O»RO N O billion dollars ceedeci anci pregnesseci mark-.ino93-15naw is tUi cw ecly in Public Relations. You Poe9351 h ave resolved comflmlttee mem- First Mortgage Funcis Ing nation . hership andi quorum questions Residencea - Ferma tienal Pnoduct as well a clarifying Lions Business Properies billion. Club nepresentallon. On Ibis 'n ati n t -- 7 - suound basis work tan 1967 o t0met'ir y ntieovalues wî should bo zparticumarly in- Ieat equal If 17 BOND ST. EAST H US rsv, -hci1l Sertr M3A.BLET M evoîopments 9 a. to5 p Daly ,ea.m.. ta 5 p-m. rcandinsr. Services, "ilocatec ivi nl Wed. and Sat. -9 - 12 "Ink ocit] ampo Iu, &IR1- !sM*ml po ebrhin canada.*=omthe ýen s Canadian Club e Hteenuy. A ls The first meeting Of the a W' c church built at H liax yc WE hed n Jai O 1 spiing Taî on C an daMape LsThoUthre Mnurchwd th 11, 5 0-saU Anety ai ubyeNrma GibsonJa.2t t Ject1749chIorl ndu fo <u- n tLloydeaurterseotwa y e MIIi I te ltting crap ser dayhenr spiîn Ta k n C na a unhonTherang lunh. Space Te nutMs Cfli lmqe weshilbea ve enW h toeting eadg er of ti. foY . 1 17, onf der tion. l Oth wit oui ear of eprsai o t ct' sit atio . T ey eye wrie u anl fthe v r e t ilmaosub om a t b the d on y, Ca adan s oud on a w d fot sp ak se cal ed or ho ed th t, bu l g e t ih me gab-f orst s and gthe pt ea r .rsatis ce o y if hteir centy diion orianee'edmtateddteritty cuthn onta hingu. Sp Thgie devMtional a ak=~ esi ho tey av tte of au cnsiene it- T cy wane cf diag e ent a ttnd Uc Bhp wreddng bu r.t W gi ~d u to heir reap nsi. aut sug esti n of any ert i an dis onte t. B t ~ f an iver ~ of an M the eneaead eessi bf W, ond siere onslaoh ithus, cubs, od-epriad8set- srtuation Tunite rm rmanugson f Myetwie. asower scusead itdc- aY evCanain Th On- cieties who t eaid w fse a ta ea.I n r. Bb Sisn ucen I eray a h Enust raf ot a oie tt; fe d m ta r Dy o d treîer btIe T rng tea visied at the St n- churche ad a nr ue s o ofe wat thec oumnry wainosand hner; freoatOowing padin hes s ae cptiven giome, lin Maye.eotonl asta n'ae Canadi Cl in.work eut aucr on O edesi tthe A counctry aOwt Mr. and Mrs. AKen yorMrs. HCrorinead Morn ting inw St auhasvUnt- oas wefocotcfceau iat lu ey arneidcvo lnsg caues nd anwr audyvr itnslgvre L rchu t C hi es n sua i l uourel w.stes ad atan, h aid enngd innter6Shu e dts at M r. ovn e W enI W ie Llding. sOpunetyinofasr ofa-ndThsc wlontnue But muon eslniersrohr. ad Th e eetn to co te the a table, wre M.lenty, wareoitig to a thsled b e et i alne. Whev dainsof Mr.mand n. Re oligIwtht e ms ofbenditon. itn S i J.Lncser, Dst r. and ubs Th ere la nd ohe fo t let the dramofand plas Whitby, vsted Mrs.d. Griw-Lunc Vi-Pesien Cr- aton roidng or f r eaton ation helped bif in. was serveh d a by etii. st. il tn e llihOt n - nocmer s t tnde s Canda,"01Cant ad go adfor Bbnaught," heo InFerury tth er W. eh rwnapolie tatetheree is abunmD- r.W hae onehved oTrno iie tteSi.Cuc n nqeso i arante oand Risant oapdrtuny athfrton hersorsolu n bre en's anadin Clb n or iouCanada an deforimi- torength taiasdesnte 1 n-y a au80nte hrh rns horitnc hndta s. rWehM.adMs e ohaeMs oriera oà can i t .red for th Unde- lDr. sDym o n aothatrceana hveth U e o ta cbu e ndd for atra eyiteetngvrés"w ueal ChrtiaMn. . dua bas norelthough two today andest at rcroate for tomor-hIe.1 ilir g as cstnr I- e as wsrce y rwhe n&id nsclo s . ruhr e hesn-teeoP rnoi upheaalof te TheRss Gra cntithnedu r.tLsi crn'.Th etn hn co he head tablt aer ee r. "ainada haeselum b Dyma n brahlafnce e are M-ads, ReCwig t h iph eeito ndtrS . an canadaDr. acd the dph. ndrsnanw n o eaf iteclbpe sadi sntteln okn ethere o an eor untet lmwth rasandltasans hty iie r.R rfýuc a evd b h ct, buil lu is nt a- niont ut ollaing amde pr eo of ahs h epr bid i-eciation. dat ion anc tt, ha. cns aneerCanad PCasaden aofncat ln c doorsoWi H.pp o ny th edthat t l ie s habd," W h atie tw e Dr.aDy un nover hnavedRonssan potnt hfrtec ose dhé' for isin ln speech. blsewhieCan sotae andfrimm5 Treh Bowmanill n e Hin. hiuls Uidt eding crsannad hs bcoe horiacheaed tbyusavid ctr D r tede-aiDr.ut hem eut imporhtCant.Paetesthe pDiowrto b uicfo !ound tha the rs.K da conasyin te Btisouh Cen-otctand tesgtefr tg ith de scbe nada wlre awalth, ana lceadyr n ecelent pragIam. Arnang Mues "For ein- t hinlence mon g t u he aionthe slcin lyd wr broes oks a wat e 90sai. et wi aga ngter Raos",a and"ouenir. that spirig e t a neie aaif edm wbas lm .re ris. forlins bav hfineth usa di f m ait m ddrehilos; anand a i an. iaustae e tsake over this adrnve Br ok. tmeedclabvote.i z a a in b sn se o m lre 1 arl d t visnottes;al a untry's asste tc rletots. ai tehaki ta r. P tr. an ilt anuthneyit la con "g tbut I wald o in am thle ex e nsof ath echestra. ma en eterfaites 0 ett e d m nc fo aotin shael at bad ause amntheiroarg reiengLncsordle x scarces ; of p u nshh y t g a rab idsor nar, i row Ho c gratue theD . y . ga dsrie.W niey ut ic uti aonhin gt;aelaèn ntioaim ha t tee, waulfpeaple an th ir tnscanhp elewee.Ine sehdtathe sai fro-50daThe -Bwoneil musica laca eeac orbsieswt esry Dr. iran nd outaid b Itth only urge rta nt etae t the y had g o Mic, founta thyou rdgstnctntrytauBriti th rodent Lancth ateraing wcx- tdsb CaMassda e- vonalusthaaeaders aosandcelnt prgram. mn Mnaaosesuonte Lors d lnamIfthe aes e slcin lydw 'ouit Dr Doondannfte wrtd, D.an y up- NFdianeLD INDUlaRonL thbrols e Land a p Hel ar nerialgrowsthe cDne" n Sueiso Candhatsbeng out ofholdig tfhem edowil holaePrs.IDBla eIep DAAou i& f u a anambils;ea land otaxiaru tnytarisc ta the Harey Urooks moeetigaut ad e n in es ownlee atrue gseatness oth t h anksthechrch berano nt '-izeRMFIACING FOR CANADIAN SUSINEB8ES cie and Joney ande ab ats firt sight f"Thuthers ci Cnonederhe onald rsofthe orhesMn. Tome hi aclte o S h dmdjl sc f e fe yud lan to 00 ya nu a go d' r enamr ed, ek n canu cted th o e o - OTO T:20 nvriyAeu T!p%:3814 .ntofion andirut of sreane,ad t pelnnedf fetl. aton tpeod r. R sia Okolned fy rbsieswhu fthetan hadwo d ior- .eIdîd nt uesth a pe gaera a er nt the a ierl je'su victory nanibe rssdonpecaither h 's trucas g ree ss be-n.Iftes aue r nath e rrnihalL aid tohe l u maei got "Cnd bs eing th - D o- dn hmw ilb ep Canamida.Thladt- n u onryt ie h ofniederationtha hld nhted ne- aseen t te ofvonxian e.wtafartennc M. elvd ad a theFteso ofdr-Dnl rsotadM o fesmtury an' tar inraheutter ancofte ýl Creny onuylt ndy hopaemareo tanda isae 3,500- mle and aapua iog s populatio a 20,000,0n. Canadac Wthr the dwnldf aer sai oan onmef d eneuy erlgs plu adhvoe more a tt L P ~ ~ I min Iv n hcna r o*WUE . IJ sla s a iop hat ij s aliy in the wold ' -Pf M ' tce thatoardlmautr u e excrC n o i rd ad veee grain FEHPRKLI L is.Ad *t ofAAThe Seasn -et&Ju butter, ce0t00,000h e LYPC le haisemoe, pak M-, aFRIr~ acrsI ec, pralo.tSICDSDEBCNLI UCEIceg S1he quates o andguWcmd aisel of ur adf."N ES0,8 9 uaiy sisntsnthe ol, » nos "edgn . otheM Stid nof a in- 4 % L7 ird n radium and UWuEUuUwuab UWo VIIe d ra n veand ce.elefSoky ,, ceppen n o Dyuond alse ne- Labrador, titani- S L O 7' nih etadt IGA our labon farce !s than 2,000,000. M xceeds 7,000,000. o a J ie31 oduced about haîf dlans worth af Carnatlon g4 aeds, now Ilrbllion dollars n Canada had ne 1,low aven 10 ap M ik 2 m3 *a worth. Canada 'anld'i third trad. i- FiiGrade vith a grass Na- ct ln exceis ai $54 I Kc~. ýall that makes a BU T R6 1 The intangibles, Fe have, are cf at ýnportance te thc These aisots of een built ai ire- in doed beam- B wa vel G o d i Ifice of self and B wa vle iiAo die by thousandu i A WofII U the freedom we M I fMIUI~ dom te spuk' "I

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