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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1967, p. 13

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- ~ survived by two daughters, of Mi'u. Johnfeals. Twenty The. Caiadian atmnEwavleFb1510?h Mrs. Clarke Williamsu and Mns. mwfgilnrolled ln the new cas ~~ I.edAd S Noman Arge ad theired? Grace Smith was elect- almost phenomnisot.Bote ihl, Carda of Thanko Carda of Thank Mesura. Fred, Wesley and Ern i guerite Wlson, vice-president; * b~~o M u~ The family cf the late John 1 would lIke tc thank ues Ga.thMr ad i-s.Mc- IIrare* I the secretary is roving, in Salote of Toigaddctdla lry lieManus wluh 10 thank every- friends and neigbbours for experience last year of cele- neld in Bowmanvlue 'volvlng ail class members. christian, whb o ayya, Ms ila hliaU émis Who helped in any way. cards and acts of klndness brating their 70th Wedding The leader Mrs. HargRy- led lier ownpepeI lsM.Waeriaswrh Bpecia thanka bo Morris F'un- during my recent stayu ti Bcw- Afniversary. Fehruary 141h, 1967 The Crown called Reuben careless drig Deeber 4th ley gave a general outline of annual obserac n hotse n as eev Ml Chapel, minister and pal-: manville and Oshawa Hoa- Yelverton U.C.W. met this Kitso Peterborough, aged at the junction of County the new project, 'ýCottons Ma; had written thehmeorhsofrig bearera. pitals. Special thanka 10 those week at the home of the Presi- Bert Corby pleaded guilty 72, who naid he was in Bow- Road -51 and County Road 1, Be Smart," and discussed lune year's service"nd !Hi s.David Cooper. 7-1* who helped cars for chlldren. dent, Mns. Ruth Wilson and to a charge of public intoxi- manville on. Noveniber l8th Conviction brought a fine of and styles for the dresses the indornTh Mm. Doreen Lamb. Mns. Annie McQuade on cation February 10th. Cor- and standing in lime just be- $25 and costa, or five days. gil ilmk.Mr. Harold htpei ohutaMubr0 b re thanka te ail my 7-1* Thursday. poral M. Nimigon, OPP, tbld hind Mm. Foley in the bank. _________Worid's Day of Prayer dent o! theUC..leth 10 Durham Chapter Several local hog producers the court that at about 9:15 He became suspicious when The World's Day of Prayer servce, assistedb rs d and Newtonville U.C. j. uiioIl were presenit on Tuesday at p.m. a Colonial bus stopped he noticed the large sumn she was osre nBtaya di Sot W., for 411 the cards and flow- H Oreno for the Durham County at the detachment office and was withdrawing and watch- UIJ. SLL.L a joit servic e t.hay aaswdisn coattM.WlimL ers senflo me while a patient HGH SCHOOL Hog Producers Annual Meet- the driver complained about ed as she left the bank. When Anglican Church and the, Jackson. ____ in Memnorial Hospital, Bow- ATH M ing. a passenger. Bert Corby had he observed the man speak to The Canada Department of United Church.Ledn lnrcsoy ry-ILT LLSTN "' zavle pca hnst T O EMrs. Rae Malcolm spent this boarded the bus at Port Hope her outside Mr. Kitson fol. Agriculture, Health f Ani- MrLRnl Dvso e eerwreM.E rySih Dr Mkis ndai te uresm.week with hier son and familY, and consumed a bottle cf iowed him but was outdis- mals Brancb held an anti- bers oug w avs Pet ek- M e el od n Mrs oDrthe irlo ornd..h nres1 Infl S veinne the Ralph Malcolms at Don wine between there and Bow- tanced. When be saw thetrabies vaccination clinic fo Gnladyfist aley. 7* ,Prepare for Ontario Diploma Milîs, Toronto. Miss Mena manville.itm n etdsn esapte rai petcinteionslip hall:er, teiling of theg missionarylLevi MeGilI. _______ or better Job Malcolm entertained Ai ok n mîutosGadaReo he cason Magistrate R. B. Baxter lhe notifiedteplc.a ehn nMna.Teeegn ,cf thi s 18ay ndhich eMrs. ThasnnnsadRelEtt or Al ok n ntutosGrnp a nteocso levied a fine cf $10 and costs, Mn. Ktonws be t were 133 cats, 104 dogs andga'serlas17,ditM.FrnSpyag"O wis te tha k al ny 8 m nth W ite0f er tb irhda on Thus-or four. days te date fnomn identify the m an hie saw with three pet rab bits vaccinated. - - friends, neighbors and rela- AnrcnSChool day aflernoon. Fbur 0h hc en r.Flyfo eiso r n r.Cifr le tiveu for their kind expres- A e cnCongratulations are extend- thebrcus ay Otfhrhe e nt Mr.ly fcma eRobe! r aMs lord olvTor sions o! sympathy in my sad DEPT. 60, 624 PRINCESS ST. ed te Mr. and Mrs. Jack Arm- th-cue a re1 o mug shots provided by Cor- Sinde RoySaeNw olJ.MGy H cmenthvebeHln cf Ton-i Jenie.f MSpelovthanks to GTON TAIO1- 2tn h o W ed Aversary rtonville, pleaded guilty cf im- early te court and watched Mn. and Mns. Herman McGill. Dr enzie , pcaltak t 5t Ibswek. gA nmbersfrm paired dniving February l2th. those entening. When the ac- r loran, woldMs Dr .eze h omn ti ek ubrfo The fine was $50 and costs, cused seated himself Mn. Kit- b is lifetime at nearby viledHspstafffexc ell Yelverton attended the pres- or seven days. There was an son wenîto the police office Pontypool, celebrated bis 96thN kindnes and ecellentcare Y LaV.Lu.L . I± entation held in Bethany ln atmtcsseso fI-adtl hr hr ewsbrha nJnay while she was a patient and their honor on Saturday night. atmtcsseso fh n l hmweeh a itdyj'Jnay te Mrs. Geary for ail hier help. Belated sympathy te the lo on Satunday, Janetville cerise for îhnee montbs. icor.suf hra Mngmr Bert Thompson. 7-I * family cf the late Mrs. David Area Fire Brigade beld their Constable J. A. Legate's Magistrate Baxter f o u n d sufered a faîl at her home A M S A E T - McMullen who passed away first Firemen's Baîl wbich was evidence was that while on there was sufficient evidence onjrSunday resulting in a frac- Piao T nin -recently. The McMullens an unqualified success. Even patrol he came upon a vehi- te commît the accused for ure~dshoare wihner ma REGARDING uEriPu *~~'~I farmedfo years in oun le- sub-zeno weather faîled te cie with the ligbts on, parked trial by judge and jury. Bail .re PROFESSIONAL orguar- cality on the Gray Line, on cool the enthusiasm dîsplayed in the middle cf Baseline will continue at $2000 cash speedy necovery. anteed. Arthur Ccliison, the property now owned by on this occasion. An exuber- Road just west cf Morgan's1 with one bondsman. D.Nra oe edaO eraylt,16,teOtroGvrmn 623-3900. 7-tf the Moxie Whitneys. She islant capacity crowd responded Corner Road. The motor was Michael Cummings pieadedisleigh-riding party on Satur- nunin an te acued etguitycfcanles divngday for the pupils cf his passed a law insuring ALL dep( tDbnue n ur sleeping in the front seat. H etme lh ewsd ntdCuc udySbo anteed Investment Certificates fALOtroIcroae bi s epfd beR 1. H Murphy, class. Hector Menton, with CO E ARY HIE LIEDwas unsteady an i feet, ended by R .*upy Osh- bis teain o! herses provided Trust and Loan companies, inludn WHITE LICEDsmelled strongly cf alcohol awa. Constable J. W. Cart-th for _____ and had difficulty waing. wih, OP, investigatedthte sleigh rd.Ltr h ~ A ~ Abreathalizer test taken by accident, which occurred on gee n tertcf 16 yorg ppe CENTRAL ONTARIO TR S & A NG - A ~2B R E A D L Constable L. R. James, opp, Higbway 7A, in which Mnr. nrane orser CORPORION rUW evealed 2.3 parts per thous- Cunimings, an bis way frorn at the home cf Dr.,Lwes' and o! alcehol. the Caesarea anea te the Lake parents, Mn. and Mns. Donald FRESH DAILY Sies Following the suppen ahcsoersisrdaantpsil oso Joan Loraine Daiby pleaded Smcoe area collided witb a hour afEah usoe i nu netgultycffaiin televecar driver' by Gardon Wilson. r gies and contesta wene ha]!the rtyof ad fr e e ve This charge was dismissed enjoyed. Aise present were funds on deposit up to a maiurf$0OOb h haf h radfeeonNve-after lengthy evîdence. Mns. Beer, co-teacher of the Ontario Deposit Insurance C 2ozbe 2d h a eeddciass, and ber busband Allar'Croain caes$by John Green, Oshawa. A. and L. Haulage was Been. 5 oaes$- Constable H. Cook, . Pcbarged September llth when Mn. and Mns. Brnuce Ryley lOnaiicoprt laidhec arge_____ing a. the driver could net Ail Ont rio inc rporate Loan an Trustnompanie I _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ acidethe chn g fdl 2wing a lcense. The fine was $10 M alter' te L s Angeles and are bva e o n te t i d i LO ,LO ,Prestonvale Road in wbich and costs, on three days. Con- wiîî spend a month's bolidays government to their customers LOWLOWPRICE! Miss Dalby's car collided witb stale L. R. James, OPP, alis alfrna GRADE"A" ARGE ick opovis' tuck. ftercbanged the driver, Genald rCaioi. GRADE""A"'LAleNgthy epvidece thischane Gary Galbraith, R.R. 2j Bow- Mn. and Mrs. Cneigbton as ty dise. hi hag anville, with failîng te noti- arr and thein childnen David E T G S ~ wa W imss fy the eatnn !Tas and L3rnda cf Picton spent <TJoseph Wle Lipka, aged partcf carn o arss. Sunday with Mn. and Mrs. E ;S32, Waeltef54Monnotofcag f drs.Ross Carn. TRUST A I G reas nly o! 594T ouontw The fine was $10 and costs, The Ladies Gocd Luck Or- c Iharged with defrauding Mrs. Hanry Edward Mcuntenay ange Lcdge held a successfulco 1- arogressive euchnc party on IdaT Foley o! $950. He was ne- Columbus, pleaded net ptyFidnightCORPORATIONhi nzpesented by B. C.. Bynoe, o! canlessa'iin August 21st.F dy igb.PnzeMfr ig IToronto, and elected trial by He was defer'ded by R.. scores went te Mns. Harny J' Prestcn and Bruce McGill;OFmls judge and jury. Murphy. second pnizes te Mrs. Vency 19 Simcoe St. N.,23K gStW, GOLEN ELL th crsh oeneceîed a2,teld e- rt McKay, driving east Stnong and Douglas White. Oshawa, Ont.Bomnient GLE ELWtecutsereiea eeonTaunton Road, came ovenrmnBorwcthlukTeehe72-21Tep ne2357 phone cail fnom a man' repre- the top c! a bill and was bit damoBo w nizeheluk B A A N Smanager. He said that lie tcwand lim cn the wrong hed their finst meeting o! the. BANANAS ~~~~~~~wanted bier co-epenation in' side o! bbc noad. Investia-a nStra ttehm ~, catching a thief among bis ing officer was Constablaeaudy ttehin ____B.____________________________ emplayecu. Shc was ta be Tillsan, OPP. cpicked up by taxi and taken John Brnea dbe r't, Monk to the bank whene sbe wa2s Street, Oshawa, a passenger lb net te say anytbing to anyone in the Mountenay car, said 10 but withdraw $950 and give tIc driver attempted bu pass it te a deetv usd the thnee cars on tehl.H o P.EI.bak.by the finst to the onep Mrs. Folcy did as she was abead slowed down and be No. TALE nstructed. The man, who was unable te neturn te the took the moncy frein bier driving lane in turne ta avoid c purse, told hen that she would hitting Mn. McKay. P O TA O ESbear frein ber* bank manager "To dismiss bhis charge PO TA TO E S ~POSt .wio uld want herfinger- wudb te encourage otiirs j AE O I 7 9 ~ ~ vigp orouslt a a p p n fundiLo d or sb shebadbee dued. "$50 and $19 ceuts, or seven OUP N E SO W Dam Orchestra composed et cd guilty te tbnee chares laid TENDER BONELESS Messrs. Van Dams, Lowe and january lst-divnwil LOW, LOW PRICE!Masters, aomntednoyndMr.is islicense was under suspen- Matesor lepanard Mn.sin, failing te produce proof i /4 " A U e UnSMMTAln rgto Lindsay calof insunance and impaired m rC.O.F. Hall was tastefully dec- possession o! liquor was witî- PORK onated for bhc occasion, by tne dnawn. I (E (R EAMlRdOeASiT a Valentinermeti!.SELFewasbai arkexs:vI ICE AEA Teae or bbcie 'f ontbl . ake' e ASST. FLAVORthe! lusch ents.ample Ian Smnith while on patrol. le CHPuAST FvOr efesmnt.observed bbc vehicle dniven Te highlight o! bbc even- 2'8"nshwstondo HAU C ing o! the winning ticket for gnakeai,,r et by onnthun onI t"Sncw-Cruiser" fcr wbich Otaigin ot nthe$ c6CGA6 9 lb a limited number o! tickets wrcng side, makir'g a wide 2,10" X 6'10" lb (2,000) ad been offeed for I almost struck a car at bbcheH __________ sale and all o! which lad ceen intersection e! Chunch and m sold prier te the dance due te Divison and centinued on the INSTALLATION $10.50 - Providrgn bhe tineless energy o! many Wrong side ta Temperance. ?-okn c prn edd FRESH G REEN 1volunteers unden t bc capable There it turoed forth te Hon- - supervision f M. Laverne hriturednt t o Wight who took on this sey where the officers found tosnM. elinDl n 'pa udmgint ple mue ana i-eese nekl and pim.77 c pkg.thie sncerest blianica and a tOstopai theistop aigni at -- - ---- - - --- Chieken Loait Dutch LoaitfPg preciation o! tIe anetvy Cuch and Tempeance Thormostatjc Contre! <3-l.Pi IFîre Brigade. We hesitate ta Streets, acerdlng ta Consta-$-11bPa -~LOW, LOW, PRICE! SAVE ON THIS LOW PRICE! mention any naines lest we ble R. Panker, and %vas fined 120W9t-9pcalSEC-5_______ should inadventently ns $10 and svndlascso saine. n a or five days. dlascsa ADDE» HEAT FOR THAT COLD BOOM! Appro.40i.f.cvrg MAPLE LEAF NEW!' NEW!! MAMA LEONE ldt rpr ht n atwekRlIWright SPAGHETTI or Geo. Wilson is continuing te pleaded net guilty of asult- - M carni impreve in Oshawa General Ilig Clayton Lloyd durlr'ga CheeSie emFae aaoi Hospital. fracas in tbe Queen's Hotel, FULL LUNE 0F PITTSBURGH PAINS OL AN 9C MOUMNT AD was erdered ta bring his bro- -LATEXY UTO ~pkg.63 43CrkE ~Pa 7C ONUMNTSAND ther tbis weck. His brother pk cc k. acsMARIERS Charles, who lad hair, said 2 s- 3 432 *he neyer were a bat, but that SAVI le SAVE 12ecAEll 9à bald, always wcre one. When SAE09cO STAFFORD tls inagitrate asked Ralph BRS.LT. n onbi "a t leO s h a h w a Wo o d Podu1 W. Rerve the Right to Limit Quantities DOS L». tn a t ble rebag a I EYodoDowMilel heer a ati eCOURTICE IlSHOPPING CENR Datr te u ife, pat-t IMTIIb78.s versIon he story whlch U 728-1611 MIE Stuafford Brothers cast no light on the natter. g~P[ Y K S NIi &YSThe chargs -çdismissed.WU FOOD MARKET I Nomumomiz Ralph protested that he lad- - - - - - - - AIL N 10@t twe days' pUY because e! L[OD " RDUbbcecourt hearing. NM UL 77Bo 13 id His Worship. "Get geing ALLONTu.THE E TO DULDON OPEN THURSD)AY AND FRJDAY TILL 9 P. 318 Dundas St. E. - WhltbY before I change mny mind.1

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