2 l Cm a t sian, Bowmnffle, ib. 1m, 197 Its White Cane Week Canaida' s 25 Blind Pioneers Remember Those Early Daysý Celebrating a 1Oth blrthday ia blstony for 25 blind Cana- dlan. dThesmeople saw Can., source of information for Canada". Cèntennial year", naid Clair Hflborn, FieldSecrear for the Canadien National I-i situt. otoheUcBlind, iang Jatevlew for White Cane Weekj ppqnored by thue CNIIB andj TeCanadien Cauncril of fthe1 Blincd Pour blind centenanlana wbo liv. hIB.C. were itheir teena wlum that province jained Conéderatlon I the early I87O's. Onfanlo's cigut and ~es fOve were bonn when toprovinces were anc. Your bllnd rosidenta of Uce Atlantic provinces iniglut bavet bossa carrled I their mother's arma ta ueo thcFathrsa Confederation on Uder 1way tao the Charlottetown Conference. T~he four elderly blind scttlera of tht Prairie provinces prob-1 Day of - (PNOM PAGE ON£) Prns, lira. Boumne, Mrs. C, sete, Mrs. W; J. E. Ormis- bo, n. R. Honnigold, and lr.J. Newman. Tnrinity Unted-Mrs. M. E. Leesk, Mnr. L. Masosu, Mrs. M~u. Puk, MIrs. K. Summers- lord, and Lira. N. Osborne. St. Andrew's Presbyterlan- an. A. J. Campbell, Mrs. > ipers, Mrs. Wubboif, Mrs. J. Pliit, Mrs. P. Cowling anc Murs. P. Morrison. St. Jaseph's Parish-Mrs. J S1cot, Lis. J. Nowlan, Mrs. B: venssM. S. Chishoinu Mr. B,, Payne and Mrs. N. Neonan. 'St. Paul's Unit ed-Mrs. A. Cutbbetson rs. J. Barton, Unr. K. Huil, Mrs. J. lImynes, Mrsý J. Bic and Lirs. J. Kil- leen. . Pentecostal-Mss R. Bragg, lis. J. Winters, Lins. B. "IngacyLra. D. Meeka, Mns. JRl' card Mrs. F. Ricard, Lins. B. Adeznis and Mrs. M. McDon- ,Maranatha and Christ ian Mefonm-Mrs. Batoloan, Lira. K., Groon, Lira. Vandenborg, Md Lira. Kapteyn. 'Salvetian Army-Mrs. Cpt. ]!Ëar is. Hopsan, Lins. E. Virtecf, Mrs. Van Hinengin, _Mrns. W. Whitehecad and Lins. ..aspla-Mra. E. Boomer, G. TaylorLins. M. Prime, ru .Jensen; usbers-Mrs. X.~ Armnstrong, Mrs. S. Green, Xlbr, . Soucu, Lins. W. Jack- énir. . cowey, Mrs. H. ~uia ins K.White and Lira. ,abl remember herds of but- faroaming the wilderness. And ta two residents af the far north, the gold rush was just yestsrday. 1"It la undoubtedly true," radded the CNIB Field Secre- tarY, "that these people .p ion- eered this country with a simple desiro ta buid succosa- fui lives, regardless af the hardships, a philasophy whlch gave courage when blindnes occurred." The CNIB representative went on ta illustrate. "One af these blind aid-timers loat his ulght when ho was sixteen, ini 1877, forty years before the founding of the CNIB. Ho went ta the Ontario Schoal for the Blind, studied piano tun- lng and was a member oi thafl scluool's first graduating class. Ho owncd what la Uhought ta ib. thc first Braile wafch in Canada as early as 1882. He 'enedapiano comany and ter 92, sared isown business. Ho was 63 thon, at an age when most men are locking forward ta retirement. Takig an intcrest inhi bs ici- low blid, ho senvedi on CNIB Boards to make sure fluet the youth aif oday have the ser- vices ho was denled." '&The good life we enjay now," thc Field Secret ary con- cluded, "la duc ta men like these old ipioncera wiUh pick shovel, and yes, even piano tuning instruments, who madc this country what if la taday."! Bell Telephone Rep. Will Address Kinsmen I I.D.A. Cook, Bell Telephone represenfaflvc, will give a demonstration talk entitled "The Laser" ta a meeting ai flue Kinsmen Club ai Bowman- ville af the Flying Dutchman Motor Hatel, on Februany 21 at 6:30 p.m. Making use ai a number ai dernonstrat ion devices, tbis taiks reviewssanie aifluhe bundreda ai potential uses flue high-frequency light beani can be put fa. It focuses particu- ian attention on ifs applicationsi in the communications field.1 Mn. Cook will explain and1 IPruning (PROM PAGE ONE) and fungus discases. If la ca- sentil that sunlight and air ho lot in, Mn. Marti added. The speaker by meens ai dîngrmm showed Uie main "do's and do not's"' for proper pruning. Ho said that for beaf resulfa inuit trees sluould nat heoaven 14 foot fali. Trocs sluould be prunod from tfle top1 down and inom tfle outaide1 in, lue said. He toid flue meet- ing that growems when prun- iing sluould tmy ta keep flue naturel shape aofluhe treo. Lin.Liant i also advised flue use ai a gaod snw insfead ai snips for pmuaing. Ho stated fluat flu eluaîlulieat applest graw on second yeam wood. Pruning sluould ho donc tram February ta LMay, lue said, andv oxplaned thaf it sluould nover ho donc in flue autumn n ho cause aifluhe danger oi later irosf damage. In conclusion Mr. Marti predicfed fluat flue fime will came wluen orcliards will ho compased aetlued.à-j rôwÉ ai fruit frees.i edemonstrate sucb thinga as ithe frequency ai light wavea 1and how the laser section af the ligbt spectrum, although -narrow, bas roam for about 1900- million Uies marc mes- sages than flue wide range af trequencies now uscd for com- munications; flue arderly make- Sup ai laser light compared ta omdinary liglut; and luow if has aiready been used in delicate surgery. Making use ai a worklng imodel af the laser, Mn. Cook transmuta his voico as well as music througu a telephone, onto a laser beani and thon back ta sound waves and out an amplifier. Hoot Nm*ght (FROM PAGE ONE) Bil Morrison, John Milne, Jan Mases, Jili Nichais, Debbie Sol, Barry Virtue, Bicki Van Heuvelen, Laurelyn Weish and Don Welslu. The doen rpresontation ai "Litt le Bcd Riding Haod", di- rected by Robert W. Shueridan, who was aisa the author ai ail fthe lineo thfle skif in Latin, was mucu enjoyed. Lorraine Whuite was flue at- tractive Bcd Biding Hood, and Karen Spencer had the part t of hor mother. Lee Lemon 1 was menacing as tlue villainous Wolf, and Louise Mann was1 tho mail Grnndma. Carl Hay- c man played the Woodcufter e horo.t The Girls Gym Toani direct.t ed by Gertrude Cale sbowed 1. atlletic abllify and fine ca-e ordinafion'in an amazing dem- onafration thaf included dives and cartwheels, straight and >ent leg rails, waiking on a hands, knee stand and thip, n, back extension and torward C dive, luand stand aven sbauid- b r, pelvic balances, two bead I: sands and dives, and a board I: stend. The teeni was coni- c, aosed af Janc Cowle, Mary c, 'ighe, Nola Baby and Danlene . Rowe. Miss Sandra Crawley n IGirls Physical Education 'r Dinn Therfeil gave an ex- cellent display ai dexterous baton, fwiniing combined wiflu nhythmic dance stepsaial in absaiutely perfection timing and unison. She w<ore a montnesi Windsor "imouton Osawa Winnipeg Prince 1966 FORD FAIRLANE CONVERTIBLE Lia, 316652. 1965 FALCON 4-DR. Lic. H7t2S4 1961 0EV. 2-DR. HARDTOP 2 t. chomostrm. ic. 281211, 36950. 196 JAGUAR 4-DR. Mari[H. IL msharp! Lic. 3161& FORD Toronto Roglus George 219 UCing St. L., B.wmanviIIe Pimue6232534 Hamilton Calary Vancouver 1964 FORD CUSTOM "500"j 8 071., automatie. Lie. 355518. 1965 MUSTANGS Two t. ehoose fram. Both 9 cyl., one wlth 4-speed flon shift. Lie. E[89552 B 90045. 1964. PLYMOUTH 2-DR. V-8, autrUc.Lic. 313424. specal -$1095 1963 CHEV. %.TON PICKUP Lic. 13963&. 520 King St. W, Oshawa Phone 723,524 arnuslng bobo costume. Ail the complicated and dit- feren ataioftheOCarleston. wr aced wlth the jaMz zest mnd verve of the "Roaring Twenties" by Lauise Whitney, Karen Krarnp, Janice Maos Jan Black, L-Jo Burt, JUi Nichais, Rata VandeMeent, Nelly Kqendeman and Mari- lyn Smith. They wore flapper frocks in brlght hues af green, Pink, yellow, blue, and orange decked with fringe and long necklaces. A talcnted young musielon, Maureen Woad, received lots ai applause for hier playing ai two piano solos, "A Taste of H-oney" and "Spanlsh Eyes". Rick Brameil gave an im.i pressive performance of weight lifting in his Strong Man Act. His solo lifts ai welghts up to 320 pounds werc made from variaus positions. His assist- ant was Dave Draper. Ho also put on a comic demon- stration ai lifting sham 500 and 1,000 pound weights. A humorous akit, "Interview ai a Seaman" was rewarded with gales ai laughter. The well rehearsed cast: Ordinary Seaman, John Budel; Broad- castor, Ian McQuarrie; Cap- tain Blighter, John McGuirk; Stage Director, Bob Cuth- bertson; Sound Effects, Paul Parker and John Hooper. SA popiular hit was scored by Scret Hiding, a musical group composed ai bass guitar, Reid Allin; lead guitar, Mike Oke; rhythm gultar, Les VanDriel; drums, Steve Living, and sing- er, Larry Connors. They play- ed an original syncopated se-i lection that they had compas- ed themselves, also "She Ain't No Use", "Nothin'," "Wipe1 Out" and an encore "1I'm E'ree"'. Mrs. Elizabeth Pease of the English Department was in charge ai the fine presentation of Act III, Scene 2 of Hamlet, directed by Anne Mackenzie. T'he introduction was rend in1 awell modulated voice by1 Diane Orr.1 The ingen jous regal settingi vas effective, and the playersÉ were particularly good. The r ast: Hamlet, Charles Ewert; 1 loratia, Paul Parker; Claudiusa (King), John Hooper; Ger- t trude (Queen), Liz Braden;c Polonius, R a n d y Sallows;c )phelia, Laurelyn Welsh; Rosencrantz, Dennis Leman; Guildenstern, D a n Lemon; Courtiers, Mary Jane Wales Kathy Twist, John Mc uirk,e [oward Muttan, G eo rg e aunders; Player Qucen (Bap- a Jsta), Jill Nichais; Player King (Ganzago), Larry And-t rson; Lucianus, Don Blake, 'ages, Bruce Waltors; Pro- t, ngue, Jim Groon.. Thelove melodies ai the $ gabro Dance with its soaring nusic accented by the clash ai ,mbals and the beat ai drums vere memorably played byP îe Concert Band conducted by T Ir. Peters.b A Champion Baton Twirler t atsy Blake in a shimrnering ostume with gold tights gave nimarvelous exhibition afi wirling with burning batans. F oer jumps and splits holdinga ie flaniig torches in' egch a td wee[ spectaoular, a] ven held a burning b =1,n {inB &r mouth in the final se-; uence, ai Tremendous applause was L ISa accorded the Tee-A-Wan- 1 a-Tin musical group, Bob v !thbertson, the leader, trom- 1. one; Jerry Porter, piano; ,ug Sleep, drums, and RickA 1raper, trombone and marac- t s. They were In Mexican Dstume wcaring sombreros, Ld they tirst played a rhyth- ic Latin Arnerican number. is was followed by "Louis, ouis" and "'House ai the Ris- ig Sun". Elva Kinnear dolighted tho udience with ber solo sing- ~ ig af "The Sang af Silence'. m he piano accompaniment was ta lyed by Debbie Adams. w The Boys Gym Teami gave a -arkable display ai akill id prowess. Taking part hi, ere Doug Sleep, Glenn Mac- elU, Jack Vandenberg, Tom sel Lison, Terry Nichai1s, Jim P r. Ceb1iers, Cathy Etcher co d Linda Wood. Parking 1.,ot ra eidaftts, Larry Fbrsey and bd tn Ci'amp. n ibis Studonts >ming Here n Mo Eôwmanvlile Pente- Lor "Il Church la havinjg a anc )up ai students minlstenlng ai music and sang. l'homo ]H ,ents are preparlng for the the aistry and are presently on- od ied ln studios a titheEastern st. tecota*1 Bible CoUe, Pot- and irough, Ontario. 'of %ie quartetc01n08wltthes cou hest recommendatlons as a B notch group of singer. by ýccompanyIng the. quartot &àe 1b. 1ev. and Un. Bari one Nutt. Rev. McNutt là a tur, raber of the tculty. ne enb, 1b. mlpltu'the UsWord.Je.. 3o nun thzae service,: Mor Simday Sç*oo Mornlng mot cord ia nvitation la ex- we Lai ta aU to attend those Johu >services, Swiday, lob. 19 jnez Uà a.m., Ilaarn d 7 pi, Centenni D iscusse! The regular manthly meet- in of the Centennial Com- mttee, Bowmanville and Dis- trict, held at the Lions, Centre on Wednesday, February 8th, was a busy ane. A number af prajects were discusaed. Raiph Whyte af the Kinsmon Club announced this his service club was sponsoring a "Beard Growing Cantest" for Centennial. More information on this contest later. Mr. Whyte feit that we should have a Miss Centennial Bowmanville contest, with the winner being invited ýta variaus dances and functions in town and the surrounding area. Maybe some service club or arganization wauld like ta sponsor this project. Chairman Hub Hhooper re- parted that Bill Bagneil ai the Pine Ridge School Staff had corne across some inter- esting history on Bowmanville and the Pirne Ridge Area. Incrense Output St. Mary's Cernent Company was started in Durhanm, Ont., and opened In 1912, the speak- er said. A fow years later this iirm moved ta St. Mary's, ho added. The company was faunded by fwo families, Lind and Rogers, from Toronto, and la stili owned by theni. Jack Lind 15 flue President ai St. Mary'a Cernent Company, Mr. MacKenzie said. Lirnestone and dlay bave bath been found on flue St. Mary's Cernent properfy in Darlington Township and bath will ho uaed ta make ifs pro- :luct, ho snid. Limestone bas riow been expased at tlue site, Mr. MacKenzie fold the Lions, and he gave fluen detaila ni he entire rnanuiacturing pro- 200dings tram the excavation of ingredients fa flue finislued product. There was also an Informa-' ave* question and answer period. George Webster mav- ed a vote ai thanks to Mn. M'acKenzie for bis excellent address. President White also expressed his appreciation ta th guost speaker. Orville Osborne moved that lue accounts amounting ta 370.95 be passod for paymont. ['lis was seconded by Raîplu WicInfyre, a past president, iud eamied. Ted Mille? tumned aven flue roceeds ai tho succosaful rurkey Roll held In Decem-1 or. These refurna amounted D $1~25.60.J The Hockey Draw winnera vere as foilows: Februery 18,1 t. McComb and Baîplu Shaw; è 'ebrunry 22nd, George Moore a tnd Mike McArtluur; Febru- J try 25flu, Murray Tiglue and avid .Meddeia; Mârdi 4fh, f renton Bicknrd, Newcastle,c ' nd Rager Barrett; Marclu eth, c ,s Chitfick and 'Ed Leslie;N larclu i ifl, Dr. Allan B. Syl- y ,ester and Jack Colo; Marclu 5tlu. Ralph Campbell and 1 lare Mutn; Marclu l8th, V olun Logan and F'nank Brit- P >n.u LyaiI Car. !had ta be abandoned aiter the ofthe country from Ifts cari- terrible massacre aifUichefur- est days through Its fIrst ans a i C o m tt edcath b torture, o voal may corne as a surprise. Somt ans y e muais b te ar-Uic hunences s aNaton trsShrine at Midland. The though It has gener&IW been, s N ew Proijects Jepots tanthei scriarshe Ino lasbefrth reports tstent sback orby inbéate hem lot a paays ioe n or -This may be a good historical and Roast Bcdf Cook Out toiFaccudwt ave T ee reat eadRatn- projct or ome rgaizaion e hld ometimein he of eliiou ferour awken Ca Protestant as eeand r Si this area ta sponsor. suminer. cd interest in the unknawn marked and the relations Councillor Ken Nicka ne- This was a suggestion by world ai New France and among thc numerous Proiça- ported that $3,870 had been Mayor Ivan Hobbs at a re- many wralthy individuels In tant groupa have been i ioll et o an dhaina Cont meetigaiteC ic France offered rnoney ta send from harmonlous i e fion ar sf11 cmlnghi. Commtte. .missionaries and ta iound But bistory bolda the uI f A Millianairc's Nlght wiil Councillor Ken Nicks ls in- Convents, h ospi t a lanmd posta ta the future an4d e 1be held on Saturday, April vestlgating possibilities ai a schools. The tenacity ai thc Church i Canada, whatever 322nd, at the Lions Centre, Wlld West Show for BOw- French missionarios contri- its mistakes and Its erjrs ai 1with the Haydon ladies look- manville. Further informa- buted ta the vitality ai tic omission, bas a renMkable ing ater the caterlng. Tickets tion - at the noxt Centennial ]Roman Catholc Church and record ai learnlng froni the tfor the Milllîonaire's Nigbt meeting, helps explaîn thc tonacity ai past, ai adaptlng ta Uhe pré- 1will sell at $7.00 each. T. A. Fanning reparted that French-Canadian culture even sent, under whatever clrcum- 1Very shortly there wiil be through R. L. Byron, Clerk. in an Anglo-Saxon political stances, and ai building for tanother 50-50 draw and tic- Contrailer ai Bowinanville, framework". the yeara ahead. In apIte af ikets woud sell at 50c each or plans for placing equipment, Continuing, Mrs. Jennings human errors and fallings in three for $1.00. fencing and floodlights for related thc palitical and ne- directing ifs affaira, the Robert Calwell ai the Ki- Lord Elgin and Memonial ligious struggie for suprcmacy Cburch in Canada bas been wanls Club reported that the Parka were sent into the De- that existed between thé an unwavening ca ip assa, Kiwanis Centennial Bail wlll partmenf ai Municipal Affairs. French Roman Catholicsand pointiIig men ta spirituaI b. held on April 29tb, with The Ontario Dairy Princess the lnpouning British Protes- values in a materlalistie soci-, the Queen's Own Rifle Band ta open for engagements in-' tants. The carly hatreds that ety; a trumpef voico declar.. in attendance. There wlll be %Îolving Centennial functions. were fanncd by the churches ing Man shall ot lve by more Information an this Any service club or organiza- did more ta assure existence bread alone." Spring Ball later on this tion interested in having theaiab-uurlnto tan M.WlamPryle e month. Mr. Colwell also add- Dairy Princess particpate at ofanytigciccul hava donc. Bibs.leaudy on The hrc ced that profits tram the danceoanc ai their activities, please athn lcoulshaetroe.Ble d Y Wnldhe dlacusi will be -danated ta the Cen- get In touch with the Dopa14- ertooigsthe doblAn The necton a, i tht canl tennial Fund. ment ai Récréation, 623-3114In convrigteIdasthprécio ofheal3 Councillor Annie Oke ne- The Centennial Caravan Frtunately there arase In christians. "Every member af port ed that the Civic Coin- will b. at Memorial Park an bath French and English comn- Uic church la subject ta the rnittee was lnvestigating pas- Fniday, Saturday and Sunday munities, wise and îar-seeing Stafe. Ht belonga ta fwo soc- sibilities ai a "Horse Show" July 28th, 29th -and 3Oth. churchrnen who played major icties and each demanda hlm raIes in politica and public service. Sometimes t hes e lufe, *ho helped ta make the dlaims conflict. The difficul- A dvis ry B . C hlirr a n y rwhich Canada was ties which this creates are as A dvi ory Bd. hcarm on abl to uncionas a land ai old as chnistlanity and au two pooples. modern as today's nows. lIn O f C entral O nt. Trust "In the carly days the Ro- the earîy days t tension e man Catholic Church was t tween thc Church and the major group, but there waa a State was plain ta sec. The W elcorres Insu rance Protestant minority whose in- result was Persécution. Pe fluence has also been felf in judice la usuaily rooted In ig- Mr. Ross Stevens, Chairman ta a maximum ai $20,000 each Canadian flice. The term norance and this was very af the Central Ontario Trust's by the Ontario Deposit Insur- Huguenots originated in 1560 truc ai the reaction ai the West Durham Advisory Board, ance Corporation. This insur- and has been applied genéral- early chnistiana. The laws ai comment ing on the quick ance is for Ontarioolacorpor- ly ta the Reiorm or Calvanis- Rame stated that whon a per- action ai the Ontario Govern- atod Trust Companies only at tic French Protestants, son was proved fa ho a chnis- ment in instituting Doposit present but Federally incorp- "The religiaus background tian, hoe must be executed. Insurance, stated: orated or extra-provincial ai English speaking Canada la Thue canspicuous feature ai "Wc are, ai course, delighted companies may be included if far more complicated and the martyrs was their devo- thaf the Ontario Govcmnment the Federal Doposit Insurance varied than that ai French tUornta their Lord. The lave took such quick and positive 's not instituted quackly." Canada. In some cases there whîch the martyrs sbowed for action i handling a rather. were divisions witluin the de. anc another was convincing. awkward situation created byy nominations theniselves. 'rlen The persecutian ai thc canly events beyond its control. BE AN between' the different groupa christians neveals the imner While we did ed deposit B T A there was rivalryan bitter- spirit, the driving pawer af insurance. and have, in fact, UntdCucWoe ness which seem far from thc church which has become grown ta substantial propor- Uie hr Wm christian, as we look back and a great institution." ions wifluout if, wc are pleased Mrs. Harold White chaired try ta unravel the tanglcd Lunch was servedl duning to off er aur customers an ad- the meeting ai the United skeins. Srnie ai the il-feel- the social- boiur by. Mi. How- ditional assurance ai safety Church Women on Monday ing caused by those earîy ard -Rowan, Nrs. Harry Ryley and stability ta complément night. Mrs. T. J. Jackson was quamrels have leit scars on the and Mm'. Rosa Davldsoný. he confidence aiready placed an charge ai the worship ser- social and political lufe of in us by the citizens ai the vice af scripture, meditation, Canada." b r Bowmanville orea. hynn and prayers based on Mns. Jenninga discussed the Effective last Fniday, Feb- the Ton Commandments. relîgiaus groupa as they werc ,vemb r ,o ruary 1 lth, each deposit and Mrs. William Lawrence and iounded in each province as cerfificate became insured UP Mrs. Thomas Jennings gave Canada became more setflcd, repors onthe ePetr ng, inceoealy uron al raedPlanning Bd. ýSpqbeljgereortouth etry eeter-. and tneconl uion said, S pa4 Mrs. Rosa Davidson gave the anc point stands ouf cleany- Bowmanville's P 1 à nn n n financial repart. Mrs. Addison the Colonies couid neyer have Board for Year 1967 la as cFROM PAGE ONE) Scott rend minutes af pre- ach.ieved stability, or even follows: Chairman, W. Lycett; vius meeting and corespon- survived without tlue Churclu. Vice Chaiman, J. Darchl School auditorium, starting et dnewucvnlddlterlecno mgn aa-Mmc xofco ao :15 p.nu. dai thks tram Mrs. terb di an comnifwitouCanc. Hobber etr-trco,.aynr LJ Foilowing graduation in Arts oppihnsMr.JmeMs. McK ian o mcurches its mitnA. Cal; SMcembrtema, L C. 4 3t College Brebeuf and in Law nopnsdMiss Jmnes Kr or fue en twhiUsn, ..,Cou encilrs. Cks it the University ai Montréal, gifla ne isAneKr o n h xett wihtesn ..'onilrXNc -r. Trueau idnos-gadutAg - rceived. church influenced the growth A. M. Thonipson. W, l Ec ca ve ye ai Po ist io-i <PROM PAGE ONE) a igs and Prince Edward Regi- Qui ont and wns laf or pramated the >Captain and thon ta Major W:l ,hile in action in Ifaly. fou At flis period lue wes sony- Lib tg as second in conumend ai as unit. Mr. Brigadier Camr had alsa seen i rvice in flue Sicilien dem- tha- ign and towands flue endofa! a te war was in action i wa illand. bli HIe was nuontioned in dis-- ttclues as flue resuit o!flis rpiaita as a soidier. Upon lis rot unn ta Port ope effer flue wam, Brigadier amm re-arganized flue Lidland egiment and wluile in coin- ,and aifluhe unit was again *omoted to Lieutenant Colo- '1 and ta Brigadier. When nilitia groupa were nsolidated lue becenue cani- înding olffcer ai 13 Militia roup. Upon flue rét irement af rigadier Carflue lueadquarf- ai ofluhe nilitie unit wes oved froni Port Hope ta ferborouglu. Store Opened Brigadier Carr opened bis 'sf men's wear store on John reet upon bis rot unn froni orseas. The store was laten ved ta flue presont Walton reet location. Hie was an active wonken In uumunif y camp4igns for tund isng. He did muclu wank on hil! aifteSalvation Arwy d was active ihitUe cam- ~iuto reit funds fOr thé ilig oaitUePort Hopeand strict Hospital. He wualtoie knawn and w!]! remembened fon many pni- te acta ai charlty fowards lividuals. Brigadier Cern was a mem- ai UfcheRoyal Canadien rin, P:rtf Hope Brandi 30 Iwas active he U aftalna Uhe branclu. ne wa aCapat prealdent of eRotary Club and has serv- on Uhe advisony board ai Johun's gicnChurclu 1 on Ushoe daidinectars flue Pônt Hope Golf and ntny Club. 3 igdier Cerrn lasunvlved bswlio, flue former Winl- d Lingard af Port Hope, ebrother Erie, and two ait- 1. Muriel (Mms John Brak- ury) of Kapua asn d a (Dira. W. C. VI ) ai rdon, Manitoba; and bis thon, Lir. J. W. Cern, Part ueral service was lueldi lnesday affernoon et Sf. n's Anglican Churclu. Tnten.. rif in Union Cemetery. i '-Port llope Gu i is ai ai ic rzi. £uuueL uiu uâtJgauuaz vork in Politicel Economy et larvard (Mi.A.), et L'Institut es Sciences Politiques, Paris, id et flue London School af :onomics. HIe practised law in Quebec ronTi 1952-62; and then- ho- LInO a proiessar at public law fluhe 1mw teculfy aifluhe Uni- 'rsity ai Montreal for flure ~ers. Ho enfered polit lcs etthfle isf (1965) federal élection, rinning substantially in aUl olis in flue bilinguel constif- ency of Liount Bayal. Ho was oen appoinfed Penliamenfary isistant ta flue Prime Min- otr. In befween times in bis busy Ld varied cancer lue bas been fuor (a bock la in bis pub- shem's luands), broadcasten, )unalisf, world treveller and leader in flue early stages ai îebec's quiet revolution - in ae 50's when if wes sf111 quiet. lif l Gerard Pelletier lue .inded flue provocafive "Cite ibre." Lest enyone sluould tluink ai r. Trudeau as being juat an1 ;ellectual, if sluould hoe dded1 if lue is a fast-car enthusimat,1 compétitive skier, a whife-j ater cenaciat, and lue bas bis tck boit in judo. near Liidlend in 1639. This Members voted to donate $100,00 ta flue chunch renova- tion comrnittoe for wonk on flue churcu interior, wluich wili inclue new stairway carpet. Lu this Centennial yeer flue Bethany U.C.W. have planned a continuing prognani fon cacu meefing based on "The Con- tribution aifluhe Churc ta flue Development ai Canada". At thia meeting Mrs. Thuo- mas Jennings spake on "The Churcu In Early Canada", teling aifluhe conflict between the Frenchu and British ne- gime. "The religiaus and humani- tanian goals in Canadien life were nof present in flue ho- ginning. The fer tlung, al- moaf incredible aourneys ai missionanios ta distant parts ai an unknown continent are evidence ai the nemi purpase ai expansion. The mast meni- arable ai these etfempts ta create e permanent churcu establialument was flue mission to flue Hurons in flue Georgian Bay amen wluicu was inifinted by Uic Becollecta in 1615 toi- lowed by flue Josuits wluo built a combinetion fart, luospifal, churcu and dwolling place QUSINESS SOLD We would like t. announce that we have sold our business to MR. JOHN JEFFREY effective lmmediately W. wish f. take this opportunlfy f. thank ail our former customers for their loyal patronage and wish f0 extend best. wishes to, the new proprietor. Thilckson's Grocery 83 Liberty St. S. Bowmanvle Piec yours up now WHILE OFFICIAL DISCOUNT PRICES APPLY at your neighbourhood chartered bank branch! Open and build a Family Expo 67 Tour Account. Be sure your famfly secs Expo 67-Aprii 28 ta Oct. 27 at Montrea. THE CHARTEBED BANKS SERVING YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY i a Deloitte, Plender, Haskins & Seils wtth whom are now monged Mon teith, Riehl, Waters & C.. Chartered Accountants GednuW. Blehi C.A., R.L.Bart I. Waters, C.A. O»Uhwa Ouhawa Shopping Contre 128-7527 FRESH TRADE-INS -COMING IN DAILY DURING OUR - ALL PRICED FOR QUICK SALE - MacDONA-LD SALES Contact one of our courteous sales staff: Bad FOU, Hep PhllP, Nelaoa Darter, Steve Rosnick, Rey 'LAaanes Veru Grady, Weldou fBrown 1 1 1 0 àjý 1 Lqu