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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1967, p. 3

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given their speech mit Sunday rTaCnde laemn1mn4le e.1,16 .Trust Company Reports for the*h P o o ~ewsing :in.ww 'LION U.C.W. acoladMargie Skinner of Citizenahip and dcain Exc lle t R suIts in 66the following Su:day. rawMrs JmesEcharrdsgEdtc Excellent Reuits in '66We wisb Rlory Gibbs the rsEio tePublic Speaking CnetiM.and Mrs. Lorne A. Per- Hospitul, Eowmanville. Ms ain Kle iCentennial Projecaothedtemtigiha For Ifs nvest m e t Funds et the M. J. Hobbu PublieetU noa , M~sA~Toronto? 1CK1/C0Ethni: groupa in Cnaa School this week. ýrutlf audyo wM.adMs oga lin eea daysAnIde ri Rvan r.DavidNo-M.adM. otGrlsvsetwekiothr McKelvey, Seventh Line, this storing the .first couclbueT .Gapi edteui~ ~entrai onta r o rut ed ue clni t o p rt icpts io n iba, urr e mpen of istoft et heinoM. a d Mr. T dand son Robbie of Divisionnewly bujit home on Division week. and church in hono r o h uc oadI h il t a ~ n g s C o r o ra io n re p rte h a e x ell nt r s u i s d rin i b o a d nin of i n s it u i B a rtle tt o f O s h a w a m o to re d 1 S tre e t v isite d e r m o th e r, S tre e t .J M rs. D e a n G rills o f C o u r- first p rie st w h o c m e h r r . B a l y h d a m a #çythat the Central Ontario 11966. Yields and unit values1 services within the commun-! ta Toronto to sec the moyie1 Mrs. Edward Kearns, and bis Mr.* and Mrs. Jack Bailey tice, Mrs. Robt. Grills and German Canadiasareet-tcivdspaofanlyBb 14flitFunds, consisting of o! the respective Funds are!ity for the benefit of ail citi-.1 "Hawaii" at the Univer.sityl grandfather, Mr. J. W. Sum- ofe Oshawa vlsited bis parents son Robbie attended the 1967 ing tbe Witche'sCotgadlestaog adeada fqr funds invested on a pool- as. follows: zens. The Corporation's m t- jTheatre. imers, t Coborne on Sunday. inl Sterling on Sunday and Ie Flle tthe al efte Gn ebe d H uei i-lm . T re o i ils h toaTh "T ntineado! er-tRv ndhrseD.Noof SeMssAlmv-tti sws pensen Sudan evninywtb arensIn orntoonSatr-donn rrk Winien.TbTbeSerrtbrea157 87 we e Saturday supper guests en by ambulance into the b r p r ns r n r. d y fifty thousand GeCn C n 88 1b il t d a n Dec. 31, '66 VYld and'goals and the success e-o Mrs and Mrs. T. Pleasance. Memorial Hospital, Bowman Lorne Bowins and their guesti Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Bowins ain ilcnrbt h x nrdcint u td 5. 0 %erated te date indicates a w ide Lloyd s ad thl c ntri Equity Fund acceptan e and need forlthesekinner, Mr . v l e on S t da fo o w n a M rs. Sam B row n. i nd eir h ouse guest rs. penses. FqietycoeFund (od)1.0433 pojc5d .0005% sacevi ce and n the fornmunheniySanoMs Lodfekacdntwiewr. r. o coe fSam Brown, were Smday The Mennonites aeaJssCrs n h SHenSan nMrs. A MLlond erakiacsigntthilntorkthes.goinpels mn o FxdIcm ud(od)1033(arctled .2%srvcwtityte. att-Semne anMse A.mmittee men were re-opening up an Oshawa, Mr. and Mns. Dean dinner guests ofIMr. and Mrs. farmcoemplcx Vinf 1Re ak aeUSage (actul yild iy. atendd a ansecommtteeold openmng in the cbimney, Hodgson of Ajax visitcd Mrs. J.mLloyndBeatty n dhasons l1age, BManittoba,siiinoufterwies in 1966 9.370%' t the minister's home in Ty- and after al was tought E*G oprls ek First Mortgage Fund 1.00057 6.880%;rne M ndy afenor Second Mortgagc Fund 1.00671 8.012% TYRO NE rone, Mnday Mrs. . s oyclear, a beavy blast of -a con- M.asnd MrSt. ns Kitr Ms m obldc e hre evc s ob ed SeodMrgg ud 1061802 and Nicky were Sunday sup.-ofsonerabenmer out iouthdso! aes erSt.Mrs trnd oe-aseek aftcr TheIibhverteaUitdCrconeb O' o! ootcam ou ino te vsitd hm mthe, Ms.Os- spending the weekend witb symbolic statue o!a lpe :0p These Funds are nlot gua r- bonds, rather than owning one! Mrs. Murray Yeo and Mrs.1 per guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. apartment. Trust sucb acci-i car " Adamsand Mr. Adams ber daugbter, Mrs. Lorne cbaun on a turtle o hi r.HnsGibre r n antedinanymane bu ae mortgage or bond outright. Robert Lambert attcnded the! Milbench, Newcastle. dents do nlot happen in tbrees, latTusday Thompson, at Blackstock. Killarney project a uteMs ar ihrwr anedi n anrbtaeMr. and Mrs. Roy T. Patton Wclcome to our new Post- Mountain in Manitob.cag !tesca or The Equity Fund was main-* Training School held in Orono, Hi-C meeting was held as it was nt too long go left lst wek y train fom master, Mr. Charles Gra:v, The Dutcb Canain ar mnetd b enrl Otrotained in cash throughout 1966on January 3lst and Febru-iTuesday at the cburch wben mth flo p oenor inth m e pntNe -unsict____________ra_(teorm risbuldng a____lo Tr st in th am m nn r sbecause of the stock situationiR lnpTyoa!thret w z i p d o en o o ew rnt s wick to viselati e jMs. Glr a y te o f om e Mis ildoina. c rlo o e te i 1 r L the Corporation's own invest-ibut somne commitments and!ay lt fr 4H Ho e aig os1Tann c ol wa p d e t o e xlso n p rents ad oHery oflativ lrand anghero!Shew vlle an Vict oria theIl2 e ia I CI mients are invested. Units!trades were made early mi Leaders. The Spring unit is1 guest speaker and brought the basement. Sor ofhar to JdvstdMs onJleo Bwavle thsainwow were establisbed originally at1967 which resulted in profit,1 "Cottons May Be Smart." Any jalong several boys from the on the nerves and sa soon tonRd sitdofMOshawJohn i1Jule o!BmY lanvie. taadians, tho wre ipacdieî c l1it $.00 each and there is Ino b ud A ee brgirls in the community and sho o aco pn i oafter the unnecessary recentito he fn. A cmbrs olta co pny i t, Hedersott o! Oshwa o wn C my leasu fre o ave duringthe B ritid o t o loading charge. Every dollar,,3lst, 1966, however, the u i sro nding district who wil ake part ut the meeting, fie t the rer o! the same Fr.day 'known C at-Ceas. H e s a so f s.ren mbc a Bitis Ab Clum i u xlsv eln ue .sfuds aresattive forthe value a 10 n a o b 2yaso g yMarch cbuldibng.Smbe ti Fund iLueTHREEseved terton, Carol and David beld1 Geo. Gray and the late Mn. very fine cîtizens toa.he ar trciefrtheýdepreciated as in the case o! lst, 1967, are welcome ta loin1 Mr. and Mrs. .J W odlbet's hope so. a skating party for 20 gucsts!Gray of Newcastle. The have built a Japaneeade small andaldrgamilyevisitednderopar-oMr.dLeslieuHooper4o!.Mc- utetceiracottage at CanalWLake Grav's have su.chasedhthe andtagBuddhianaTemple.GThes havo pwunhasetishactoryareliefifroT permit participation in the in-jfund s and the Fund earned 5%/ôphone 263-2546. ents, Mn. ,and Mrs, R. D. Master University, HamiIton,' on .Sundy . Rb. uh Strees hue.h o ln ta rwtiote as il inJpn tbn ies-eeago mnortgags with a minimum o! Central Ontario Trust also Explores held a joint meet- dy. prns r nd Ms elefod and son Douglas visited1 side after Ma Ist, when M. Lethbridge. fudauiu eln usmo cos an a axmuma! f!et-established a Registened Re- ing whene they saw slides Caroline and Gail Paterson, Hooper, Main Street South.. tndeMcstle. AAdm1 and d Mrs Mathew nelers The Po igst anaintaueta rmtl eivs i.bmn Ivc management and tech- tirement Savings Plan duing dealing with the Canadian Oshawa, mnent the weekend Mrs. Ken Adams, Mrs. B.utNecMtr . and daghes il ioeup10fotoydstte ! oer ic addanoàualY ar'k inical know-haw. Addition- 1966 and intends ta use the Indien called "The Conflicts of with the Woodley children. Rochs and Mn. Jack Williamssn aM. and Mrs. W. Nihe Ftnwn itoe wpartmeavnnshit intDenaranheohos.Tssbtach gater baseofdivese ifiCenrlnai Trust Funds Culture," when the Chîldren's Mn. Cecil Alldread, Bow- returned home frornithe Me- onand Mwr. and Me r W) hae FoundaStewhicb "Mtey'6sbîppe antraorEp eeuhwst wueamstefs getrbaueo iesfc-as investment media for the Day o! Prayer service was manville, called on bis bro-moilHstaBwavle gucsts who attended the Ma-I Snelders bas had bis barber century Polish geniusadtepoetesas eppee t i e n b e c a s e t e i n e s t o h a s R e t i e m e n S a v n g s l a n . T h e e l d .t h e r , M n . a n d M r s . G . A I l - l a s t w e e k . i n r n an interest in, for exam ple,lP lan is, o! course, G avernm ent M r n rs r h ni oF'i-e s o n h a n s o e f r a t t e i t o m n adozen first rnartgages, or!'Vpovd an pnit te ay evening ut the Comi- dread, on Saturday. M.adMs rhe Lunn sonic Dinneen i omni'so i u n e o syaniestore f r statue is t ian eaue1,0 fci deductvon and deerment th munity Hall there were 10 A number o! young lienp left last week for a winter laudyeeig ubro er.yans !Crsin.yi o ncre fe ree ,d ed cti n a d d f e r e nt o f ta b le s, an c p e rsa n la c k in g ta fro n i T y ro n e a tte n d e d the h o lid a y in F lo n id a . r . D J o g c n C et Cash T o a îincorne a~x aga ins c rr tin- make the eleventh. Pnizes "Skido" races ut Lakefielr' Mns. Marshall Chatterton is;por m e wt a1 icm n ttesm iewent ta Mn. J. C. Cook, Mrs. on Sunday. canvalescing ut the home of! tien quiz. Toda coe apovdbo aftrer daughter and son-in-law,! 1.~ r.Atu yadan Ti a canlse y For OId Appliances !incarne when retirerent oc- Arthur Thompson, Ms .. ldM epr ite moni Dr. and daugbtens 191 E l oizahe p o rts f onMs. ccA Wlsthure-sustnc cus otiuin aeb-Gable, Mrs. Ralph Davev, Southwell neturned h om ni agtr, 9 lzbeh , MrsCcl W lsonalig v through ifore Fehnuary 28th, 1967, can Mns Maud Crawford and Mn. froni Bowrnanviîle M m ra Street, Bramp'ton, a!ter sev-1 'sent the- Nestîcton Wo n' whhqikl tOE be deducted fron ib166 incarne Lloyd Skinner. 50-50 draw Hosoital last week, feeling -rl weeçs in the Memonial U A Dnstitu*te omthet o BODI.a Iedi 8 a.was won by Lloyd Skinner; rnuch better. in'ultsentennial Cossue. ED8secial draw ta M. .Mn. Grdnvvynan oren' In t es inMstue heartngtoil u tmuaego C L A 8 8 I F IE1 ~The Retirement Savings Dodd. Mrarardne r-thyn andtin a Phone 623-3303 j Plan and the Central Ontanio M Mrs. David Crcws, Por'Pr MAPLE GROVE NESTLETON W.1. i Institute ackn.owledges with ens, Mrs. De Jong, Mr.Dysataldu Trust Investnent Funds are M. and Mrs. Rickey Daw- ny, visited Mrs. D. Southwell the apprecieation ta Mrs. theBow- cshoeJledanPreportation son and little daughter mav- last Thursday aftennoon. The following are the byMo.Brc Hall thans he mn as ou-ac as aMr.Bla o roereid fanm bouse an Saturday. yvMr.td wt e tr Mrs. E.A ite i-C, anso oucleadrs:of estJeton Women's Institutel A very special letten wascdit h omrWryM.udMs .A iteofcr n ru edr !NTeFbur etn !tosrcie.broiiaam IWornen across Canada and C. Shaw, Oshawa, and were President, Tommy Van Camp;lwas oedu h on !Ms edfo h aeMs te anou d te w nld joied n dnne gu sts 0f n. nd rs.Ruth Flinto!! S cretary, Mary George Bwers on W dnes-lThonpsn. Miss Thanpson ENG R a aru Dayo! rayer ei n- r ulph shafMraan An oyc;Trasre, ninay, February 1; Mns. W. Vine,1 ha d writtcn this a -!ew days C NTNIAL _______ vie und DCyoyhitmet. Te Mn ac hosacw a. - Wnihoy; TGnau 1, Ben c-bostess. After singing the Èpior ta ber death. She had _________________ viceandComfiitent Th Mr Jac HodstckOpening Ode and repeating always enjoyed ber associa- service wus prepared by the munville, visited bis sister, Wright; Group 2, Tommy Van the Mary Stewr lc toswt h oe' nt lut Qce Saot o th Mq nni Rves.Camp; Group 3, Estber Cryd- eat ColUect, h iawt the W-men's Inst lat Qee Slot o te rs nne ivrs eran Cunillrs M. ndPresident Mrs. Arthýu Hy- tute and urged that the ranks LS EKSWNE Tonga Islands in the Southi Mmr and Mns. Harld Ski- M ennan WCunite.or s M r an land, extended a wclcome ta be kept filled. ughlin Pacific, whcre the first oh- nnMs e ht.Tî ru i n xrsse laueu Mrs. Lawrence MeLaughinISSI neBowrnanvillc, visitcd oni of Hi-C's meet every other GWYNnETH LIE peaur e D a y o ! S u n d a y w i t h M i x a n d M r s . L .m e e t i n g e v n n . T e m e t n e t n a t M r s . B o w e r ' s t am e a n d M r s . L a w r e n c e M a l c o l m R o m n i l pra thris ed acye s o Sksine rsen t itb mweeMary nn ol uytc a bere nhnu enay b~ Wrne's nte-CbrchandMns J. . Giffn, sh-Car, Knneh Crdeman.A o th lae Mss ted ll tap-Tt he Offcr' ofr ence chu rch thon F ni y lwe n ue st ! n. an Ms. W.Suan Va C mp ane e..st and 'ebena. 2, 3 , and4 Ms . M 31co n d m perfection Iand a f Omi utestan- er a m e t d o Tie na and Lfersh rtp o n Saultbherd ane.In - M.ad Ms ele Jsie aae" lo h hi n iie" ws wl n wr ofrne i ue servncewit a nmbe o!Sha . rnadDadleychmond reeedaibeartionful nm d. Mwanyocal resints ho N estito Isttut t1.t WHYTE BROS ladis t king pars. M s. a i, et re see re d gut o!r une n e a a bn Dlelca d ep ba e rv d t e l t hp ee s p ot t e l n s a i g f r 5 :g S. E o m n ll Cana rmseprecinwihvdaNotbe y eiered a veyn.and MrsE. G. Alldread. o!argaKenisth Mrs. Wmair. Anfute.tMss Rihrd Duvi- The AdelierHlss oe E te . ioving cue fr cawsu aethr halb n n." Ms te Los Centre a t upra ey w t a s ego d tereasy sonver al "t ak yau" notes, mtta, I t Y u elcp heLE A DEMaCyN I Twuiofanad. aIln yo!neigh.M.adMsDd VaNx udybsms Svrlcsw ined2for asond, the as. a!tmem '~ fo you seif Fai bful ess, with Mrs. G. o Mn. and ns . ld ea . C ri tiamt p g ft o! knd-t e Bhrn u ho rgda. Aocial getof adTh olcal AnOttnd roncmete nTrena SEE OTAR TRVELOU ime nd unchwaslnjoed. Mr. adMr.War aniTermfnown irlseneen perhiht fethio i" us.Fb.16 .Mn om laSanemand Mn.est ! rjadMs. J.E. IPTautaeir moeetoiues Anthur Younn'van wercup-iGiien" undsfumlly Osbuwa, dynFebruar 7in: Donn plnd gnew t E ie!Tyae-1 Mrund M s. . E raliey.WodMPnaCxTud usoa l eUW t, ho Net eto nsiut dt se ticdCbrh aby therco-heomand vS ihond Cindy Knocaabl lersin d sre h onhp eespottelnsagfr 5 igS.E ladies ' moning p rvice. mHil, eret Ty n Shol ebr-îHodesenfeogLynamd rs ihrdDv-th dlide Hodle Hom gregution1 afresthte MradayJuwice atende , methe Came .You CoristandnWth .,4. g wW A -. r' 2and Tespeaerwi r b paestrgvy.odru h innilrpr n edA xcletppraPIÉMN every shirt we wa h and finis . . t eN Aun d fHu is or K i bbgIDo r . F. M . ov at i Ny h is atmsSymp t a ! tibc od nt ay s v rl "h n o " nt s et , "f Y u K e h L X awistiand Lanibenthaveletchsof l byholor.angis.Da nodwen ad failyOn heirateiladtesu-n adWl aeCr fTen as ass o! daugust.r..andesisterulWE WANT sFor "GeatBestTSELLldNGaOUTreg uAVay uestHEsEg for ..,rsel s ihfess " wi h u G fM .an d ef rs i s.cA u nr 3a C ry stoh n Aif t chf isn ),a d f ai LY-AWetYthOWnFOR EASTERialndedanid teyrsumale thn Te)lwnggrsWir n SEEROARYTRVEOGU tmeandluchwae anyd wr ungaweteday evn is teinolosdaledfomBoistar relu- EGG MAN En ttainme An A W ir Fotea "Higligts f Ehiopa" hur. Fb. 1 Mr To Plasane ad M.The splndd o sM. a dues and .I.., et o tnon !Tuis- lrhrYuga ee a dGies wne wnd thmiy, o! h ap- a wll eprt fr uty it:LYNDSve2%nna5 S L Unstures outhesebb ihteycung teek for ictKoriBCwhere id Therousapmue accd cd hen il, thena nai Navy as Sub- a LADI nEWEAR LTD. baferth Sny te dgted adienSce. Lieutenant H is a so o! FURNTURE Miss E s r ic .ar 2n .The L. anker t, i e oe-IM .an M s. E Di k n o!D R YM T R O E LS E R E A RU H S T I N 72 SIM COE ST. N OSRA W A ~ , ganly attired as m Bertram l~h Sy m mnth y . ant e utA D ES AU A T ND PE S OFK ng E. 62 -5 5 dn in abr aeeeacelpy, h ourogit, rep U.CW. ndmeng thisThr- We5 reeCil cednl well tis ycing inhteCE HaldrodWtEFo Lfe wy 40o 63-3t3he inBStsW fanth loe ! bs auneldyt n. er SnwdnOn.an c liambath iii s hsol nd rcitonrs. Ll[royd nwdc, Mrs Mn.rst ha f h oeand nd Mrs.i BeB YRInDn BonPRJs ea hgh handrt eeof lndtlee anaaendd hn Primes asota' ehi osibn I te an- P R l ptte oehrt or h ae O * * Ce l G o ahe adI C hoose aThesQvÎfi slos ut ndliBAtuîetionsaMon ankLT.of osrnrednelaerth Saveml25%gtoad le Al70Wduste e naetrso hs rgtyugIen wfor VcriautCe irGNeO eTeCnda ttsmn O e 9,Bwavle AEA ladis wre orty o thtbday1ewlaspot foridy b a ALID ANLIE > by the elighted udience. l i nn.er t is ahoe. U CH ANt LADIES" WAR LTD.issEhlL VnNsel- r Ms. A . Disks Kotf I A ING * SHLF AND E HER James spent thes Sirekend withhiAND STORAGE ANDHEYTARATcGPESORRSRPIN a2 tMCE ToronNo- OrrAAieinion.he out pet"rp-Rock metn îe il F1I *FOOIG KngW 63521 2 i . 2-36 Mantin.ee urAN .5hrate i pladngea n rth, wre Snd8 viston fanMuly and Mê--DnMtcl isd eh Darlioneonmle tofY ' mve andmily were Sunday din- .n iecte uaamadMs DnMtu! -Lcne ehnc-WGenerail Stoe IDeW ITH nen guests o! Mr. and Ms. Mutton & Gould Upholstering oLneoHthazI Ratr m m l Base Line. IT o U en w da m i and family. Trenton, were & lI ~i r.m.1 lfi 5'1 MMM ~~~~Monduy visitons with bis ___________ M . a n d M rs . H a ro ld C o o n cy , S P E C I A L S " n i' I L I P P ie ý~also visited Miss Sandra Stronbaeker 37 Cooney wbo is stili aPatient Track t ... AT EEVSO mn Memnonial Hospital, but 12 see ns t o be im proving 110w . g1. 25 - -----m i .u er D n er he t e or *P9- e9F nCT n Mns. Leonard Hindmnan n-- Eldon Track EC* Automortie Circuittr cently visited ber brother, Mn. t75cIporantd. Pik ousef ive year savings goal. It could addition to ail deposits made, lsth fo amily, Hamilton. 1 9 ih a n 2 "PIstle oE hirA "N w O! _ Ie as littîe as $600, or as much as $5,000. sPlnusae ane. h the ot Mr.and'Mmi. Don Brooks 12-Volt OCarowin Your convenient monthly depOSit con range from savinshvtand W ehry ur a 1and faily wee Sunday din- m-1.9Opeh ayNBo .li2g N uOu > T COW yor hidens dcoiopoite o neIr guests with Mr. and Mrs. B YS N EcptWdnsayBAUY SOEQPMNCO $10 to $83.33.) Whatever savings goal you sef for on a new home, for a retirement nest eggýý Mrs. Charlie White, Osha- BRSMO SFE5ngSteEp63-54W14 In Eesowduay yourself, that's the amount of Life Insurance or even if you don't have o spec iol oblect;1îwa, was Tuesday lunchen KiESOPEqu protection you have, for five years, from the in mind, ask your Toronto-Dominion. Man lgutwit ber. ote and 31 Kng W 6235626et 23-385 minute you make the first deposit in your about the Go-Ahead way of saving ... In.anMn.JhHuad Toronto-Dominion Assured Savings Plan. This is in Assured Savings Pon. jrOsbawa, were Sunday dinner - 1r Protect Your Car with * gueta it thiruncle and sot O-Al5a fria iromR. G LATON aut, Mr. and Mm,. K. G. Gra G-hadiecfo I . ATNMgent i. eirGM GUARDIAN MAIN E A C 39 Tem perance 1 M a ter Jerry Down, Eben.- mwT O W N S R I E-f 3 39 TO O T O I I NBowmanville Ont, ezer, spent a few day. with 24.s HOURTWN SEVC whee mka îffrene. is aunt and uncle, Mm. ad TeBank weefl l aetedfeec., 1 q etSodnand

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