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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1967, p. 5

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I '1J QId Picture, Recalis Memories or m er fi L m ISce doubled, 72 te Se. gratulated for their fine show. esidens Celbrateing so far this year., ;êe IýLast week on Friday the B.H.S. Juniors defeated Pick- Fortieth Annuversary ering 50 to 39 while the. Ban- tamns lost another game, 38 Mir. and Mns. Lorne S. Mc- ing ruby-red candles. An ar. 1tO 13. On11 Centre Street, Oshawa,! rangement of dark red car- The senior girls have lost Were guests of honor at a sur- nations completed the setting only one game so fan this wise paty rec'ently oelebratinjm~îi., . . th- 1I ad1 T htf their îothwedg ni ver1 .VA me*iViU*ht is the rormeri n a i nope natUIeL 1y Y-.-- %- c. 'c ni, iu- wedn nie Man-o e oysey, tiorn in on0 -caan keep winning and let Hlghehooicl fr hs eryofalu- Mfiry.M.MGlaa npc lia daughter of the late Mr B.H.S. have one representative ableasscehristherepvara- mfin the nickel-platlngsde- anà Mrs.Wlliam Voysey Who from Bownmanville in the play- atioance lite r a ra- wharme ht of Gen eal otors came to reside in Oshawa Off$. matic parts. whe e h ha be n e plo ed w hen she w as eight yea s old. T e o s t a k f t e G rs àrnce 1949. Mrs. McGill is aiLater the family moved tosfarm Clu bae ans ofdue Mesrs. miemben of Sunshine Rebekahat pontypooî. Mr.MOBITUARY RClb ent R. Pa eChes. L < ~ o 22 r j or n Y lv ro ,Row e and W reford Souch, w ho United Church. AietStetlt . an Ms.Jc M- MRS. D. M. MeMULLEN were the electnicians and mani- The surprise party was held The couple waa annithin he d ath c Eliabethgentagey at hehoe o tei dugher ws mrredin The deth of liabtge eaffir o hestg Mrt thevom ie c hei Mr.aSt. George's Memorial Church, Bertha MeMullen occurred at MTuesday evening the soloists Brisco, Ganrard Road. Abot9 January 15, 1927, with the late Oshawa General Hospital on Pitn ikno n a Mses Roenigk, Cole, Caldwell, attended from Toronto, Scar-Canon C. R. de Pencier offi- Thursday, February 2, 1967. Nest wene each pnesented with boouhWhtbOrno Bth iating. They took up nesidence She was in lier 92nd year. beautiful bouquets cf roses. borogh, hitb UxbrnidgBeh in Pontypool and came back te Mns. McMullen was boni In any, Pontypool, Oxrdg,1shawa in 1942. Manvers Township, the dau- Belleville, Bowmanville, Osh-ý They have four daughters: ghter of the late James Gray awn. Brooklin and Fleetwood. Ms.AcheCohan Brn adEle Sekltn.I 19 The couple was presented! N rheCcrae(rn n llnSekeo.In19 ec eSteT M.ON l with matching ruby-set jewel-,da); Mrs. Stanley Brown she married David Henry Mc-Weto m ise homeOhat e n . I ler; fr rs.Mcilla rooh~(Lorna); Mrs. Mervin Brisco Mullen who predeceased liertoFsernmOsaaG- and eanings and for the b ride- 1 (Joan), 'al cf Oshawa, and on June 25, 1966. She llved erlHsia n obb a- groomcuff-inks nd ti pinShirley, at home. There are il for many years in Manvers Teaoepooo h ato yvapoue eebc n11 i eal HMoreinfant se Mn. grd oo th f-insand ifofm ny.grandchildren and two great- where they farmed until they mi laatIeoisc etrer hepooadtesoyblw wr oaMmnant HoitafLird The evening was spent danc- grandchildren. retired te Oshawa. andaatmeoiso eteya.TePoo n h tr blw w osMrs.oramoo eitramid Ing, bath round and square. She had a quiet disposition, brought in to The Statesman by a member of that cast, Miss Carrne ai te tosy. Thomas Bnisco called for the was a good Ineighbour, kind whom we are indebted for her hu tfles The cast includes, Pint on lft s ed eeeyi ih square dances. te aIl, and boved lier heme to right, farmn lads, Florence MorriMrs VeraCd ma n, TXI Yelo1i e ed for Mrs. George Heaslip in Refreshments were served and ber family. She was es- Poerrs, rs. a ryermam un±en eiHolee from a table centred with a H e se pecially fond of flowers and Jean Doncaster, Nellie Bottreil, Greta Wickett, Louise Hardy, Minnie Trebilcock: pitlPed r. ounlay Hos- three-tier anniversary cake, was adept at needle-work. Carnie Painton, Gladys Weese, Agnes Haddy, NeIl Mingeaud; second row, Ethel caîf. decoate bya neghbr, rs. rs.MeMllenis urvvedMorris, Gladys Munday,-Dorothy Johnston, Elizabeth Painton, Beatrice Devitt, Congratulations te Mn. Jo- A. T. Suddard, and flanked by DU by two daughters, Mrs. Nor- Rita Caldwell, Evelyn DickinsonR. G. MConochie f the High Sh taff, Eth seph McClurg who won last florl cndl-hoder cotai- NWClankAg(e lla)ha nd(Aelyn)VanNest, Reta Cole, Viola Brown, Eva Smith, Prof essor C. C. Laugher, Hilda iies'Cntest, Prisoe By David Goheen seven grandchildren and nine- Tabb, Reta Roenigk, Helen Worden, Helen Morris; back row, Elva Bragg, Mabel by the business men cf Bow- teen great-grandebjîdren. AI- Barrie, Margaret Trebilcock, Gertie Young, Kathleen Knight, Marion Beilman, zuanville and district. MASONRY Last week Courtice, our nyv- se surviving are three bro- Marjorie Bounsail, Nina Neads, Lillian Bounsaîl, Etta Willmott, Lepha Doncaster, Mn. and Mrs. Howard Lee 4t y as up the road, completed a thers, Fred, Bethany, Wesleyoee and Clifford, and M. and Ms. %~BIDNG successful series of basketball and Ernest,' Lotus. One sister, Forne Rickard, Ida Hoskin and farm lads, Ina Pethick and Margaret McMurtry; Neil Lee, Debby and David BUILDING games against our girls' and Mrs. Jack McKee (Isabel) and Unidentified in the picture, Aima Stevens, Olive Belîman, Jennie Spry, Lola were Sunday visitors with ~ RD CS boys' teams. In the five twa brothers, Stanley and Souch, Lillian MeLean, Annie Cox; assistants, Lena Haddy and Marion Worden. Mn. and Mrs. J. Booth and PRDCS games played the senior girls Milton are predeceased. Mn. and Mrs. Robent McCall, Natural StoeSi ls , h n t e eete o rie ga ds n, H ry A g e, M neyS a b SLwere the only successful team The palîbearers wene six vr cheerful and happy In Scroroug. Batric, locSto e, i34 wenth ee6 a id o ie grson Argue Gergu e r-'gheir wonk and play, called Mn. J. Anbuckle from Brik, lok, tee, 4 t 6 n rie oenhigÇIrs rgu, Gore Hrdigforth weIl merited applause. Guelph University wasa Walk Slabs, Cenient, scoing game.* The junior Arnold Williams, Ronald Wil ý ylvia a G reat SI ceI Miss Cannie Roenigk, the weekend guest with the How- FleTus0ec girls were defeated in a close liams and Douglas Fallis. paitrnded uh ard Lees. game 15 ta 14 while the Ban- The beautifu flowers and fiietsrichsocopns END OF NELSON ST. tam boys who still need a gifts for the Heant Fund and Two Packed Hauses Delighted using the most charming poet-Ithnoughout the play, and Miss vis, Toronto, wene Wednesday UR U leader, lst 43 ta 15. The Bible Society were a sulent Wth This Popular Pastoral ýical effusions of an ardent Ethel M. Mrris, the indefati- visitos wth M. and Mrs. PHONE 623-7431 junior beys' score was 38 te tibute et the esteem in whichPlylo e.I a e an er ti P esd t G at Th m o . 26 ad te snios gt teir he ecesedwashel. 1Miss Elizabeth Painton, as ef the Girls' Club, were pre- Mns. Arnold Williams was A fitting climax te the beau-. Prince Tobbytum "A gentie- sented with beautiful bouquets supply teaching in South tiful Victoria Day of 1918 Was mari ot Consequence"l was par during the performance. Janetville Public School last the openetta "Sylvia" given in excellance and it weuld be a The orchestra nendered ex- Mss Dian Mains, Peterbon- B3L A C K'SOshcawa heOpraHouse inr teeenýiffcut task ta make a etercellent serviceandwascHo pe TeahersCug a o e i gof Bowrnanville Girls' Patrinai o when accosted b3'th . .Laiigber; second vialinl e'gir the next twô o rtk oiClbpnesented the result haymkest inquire if she - D. Morrison, jr.; bass - Mn. Mwes oftheir past few weeks' prac- were "Clenkcf the weathen" David Monison; firat cornet - r.adM.RihdDv- Wtises. The costumes of te the "town crier?" and bier H. A. Fletcher; second cornet son were Sunday callens at the 1not er k lasteTfres"rteM hem e et ber parents, Mn. and "tam lds" th "frmes'uppinesaven Lady Sylvia who - R. Gneenfield; trombone onoth r tdaughters" and the "haymnak- had snubbed bier pnide, was Leslie Laugher; celle- Miss Mrs. Charles Gist, Peterbor- kIA hfhUR~ens" were supposed te repre-'itntenseîly amusing and she cer- Doris Deyman. ough. Fnienda will be pleased be utfu i V<IAJ~J.>sent the styles et the l8th taînywl persanated this A very pîeasing feature tao know that Mr. Giat had the century. These with the more maIe chanacter in song and,;came between the acta whencatemvdaswekTe elaonae cstues t te ba-verse. Her costume was veryMisJne Merchant, attiredkle ssilwa u e is utitul Court ladies and the butulad she cannied a in an aid fasbioned costumesufering ne pain. handsome gentlemen as they cane with the grace et a Fifth sang very sweetîy "The Oîd The annual meeting et the appeared among the merry Avenue swell. Fashioned Girl" and nespond- Pnesbyterian Church was held seaso of haymakers, made most inspir- Miss Evelyn Dickinson, as ed te the rousing encore with Tuesday evening, Febnuany 7, r 196 pastoral William the honest fariner, "Her First Love." Hen mothen at the home of Mn. and Mrs. /0wr peete ... part. Her personation of anlmoat acceptably. Fred Swann chafred the nicet- Miss Rota R. Cale as Lady En1glisgetmafaerws T cou was composed cf ing and, in his opening ne- COMEINANDSEEOUR . .Sylvia, the Court lady betrotb- slnily doeadersg. the following Farmens' Daugh- marks, thanked Mn. and Mns. ed te Sir Bartram de Lacoy, îng gaveLan added interest. tons: Misses Mabel Barrie, Elva Thempson. Mns. Dorethy Lee Stlsthe Court Peet, and Miss Rita MisLilan Beunsaîl, as Bragg, Manjorie Bounsaîl, was appointed secnetary for Ne p îgM. Caldwell, as Betty betroth- Robin, a country lad, created Marion Beilman, Alma Stev- the meeting. New prig St lesed te William the Farmer Lad, beaps cf f un as she sounded ens, Margaret Trebilcock, Flan- Reverend Swann read the ovenhear each other's lament the dinnen hemn calling the fain ence Rickard, Lepha Doncas- scrîpture and prayers were ARRIVING DAILY! lover their positions in lite and labonors te thein mid-day ter, Kathleen Knight, Ethel offered by Reverend Fulton, decide te play a trick ontheir repast- tI., Moi4ris, Olive Bellinan, Eva inter-moderator from Por t levers by oxchanging costumes Miss Dorothy Johnston, as Lady Smnith, Gertrude Young, Jen- Hope, and by Reverend C oats ôu itsand thus trying te tool them. Arabella and Miss Beatnice nie Spry, Etta Willmott, Viola Swann. Revenenid Fulton com- *Sylvia soan discovers that Devitt, as Lady Aramninta, in Brown, Gladvs Munday, Ida mended Mr. Swann for the walking "nmiles and miles" "ýelaborate" mylady dresses of HaiLus adLl xeln okh sdig through hayfields, aven potato the long, long ago executed Souch, Helen Worden, Lillie Reports wene given fram al patches and crossing marshes very daintily the graceful stepsiMcLean Nina Noads. departments. Mns. Pearl Gil- is net what she has boon ac- of the Minuet te the sangi The Fanm Lads were: Misses bank gave the church report, S port wearcustomod te, wbile Betty on beautifully sung by Miss Greta Wickett, Florence Mon- Miss Ruth Pnoutt the Ladies' cSv rt w arbut "paetry, POETRY, POET.. Throe pretty and attractive Haddy, Annie Cox, Minnie the'Sunday Schooî. t h o o t d h e h n d o a rsl o nga i n o n r s , M a g a e t M c u n n y A n e A d , a n M . i c ar dtav s o RY n d se oonlogr rd farmn' agtes - Polly, Tebilcock, Ina Pethlck, Noil It was decided te have the * D r ss s c~ w a er etl fr Wi lia, dear Wil Molly and D ly- wr d manners te that et the peet, cbarmingly enacted by Miss and are glad when tho day 's Rota Roonigk in pale yellow LAY-AWAy NOW FOR EASTER ended and they resume their droas and bonnet, Miss Hilda former costumes and pasitions. Tabb in pink and Miss HelenO U - The splendid sôlas, duets and Morris in blue, making one of gestures of these bright young1 the many attractive scenes et W C t'ladies were worthy et the rap-ý the play. B L A C K ESturous applause accordod them 'mTe farmens' daughtens in LADIES" WEAR LTD.Ms eL. Van Nest, ele- fichu and pinatores and dainty ganly ttredasSir Bertram!sunhonnets and the farm lads 72 SIMCOE ST. N. OSHAWA de Lacey. the Court poot, rop-l in overails, straw hats and red resonts exceedingly well thîs bandanas, with rakes, hoea, din- (Open Friday Evenings 'tii 9 p.ni.) character in pleadîng earnestly non pails, etc., as they sang ton the love et bis young lady, their choruses and hunted the1 'bath in solo and recitation1place for their Betty, al were Mneud, Gladys ue Jeau Doncaster, Carnie PMnon, Nel. lie Bottrefl, Helen Yeflowlee, Mrs. Fred Crydermnan. Assist- lants: Lena Haddy, Marion Worden. Much eredit is due Prof .C C. Laugiier for keen interest shown and splendid heljp given the girls ini their training for Lchl Serednt, ih-esaa _____ ardess Davs. Topo W sbhtinle. Luchwssred by the AjUso tL rax ovll Bw chosteand ars.Toilmovas- HighTSinple: sisted.b h aie fteBrian Colville(ow Congratulations FREDERICK'S Prescription Pharmaicy Grand «Opening DeWDO MOUNTJOY UAC BOWMANMVIL 14 FRANK ST. a The. Cmnadian Statesman, Bowmanville, Feb. 15, M06 t. fafl annlversary services sept. n ot, t11a.. n 730p.. Inter -Town sutdas follows: Ushers Vi n Davison; Assistant Usliers, ýMelville Griffin, Walter Mc- o Gui; Organlat, Mrs. Rose Girls .Brlggs; Assistant, Mrs. Winnj- Oshawa 8 - - Whltbv 0 efred Davison; Auditors, Mr. Bowinanville 8 - Aa .Grant Thompson, Mr. Richard Sadn -Davison; Secretary-Treasurer, Oshawa -______ Mrs. Pearl Gilbank; Board of Bowmanville _____ Managers, Herb Hooey, Rich- Ajax _ ard Davison, Kenneth Gil- Witby bank, Mrs. Pearl Gilbank High Single: 5(1967-1970), Cecil Wilson Nancy Goodwin (Bow) -2 )Harry Sanderson, Mns. Domo-' High Triple: thy Lee, Norman Samelis Nancy Goodwin - 8 (1965-1968), Marvin Nesbitt, Boys Grant Thompson (1966-1969), hty8--Ohw Trustees, Herb Hooey, Cecil'BowmanviUe 6 '->Aja S Wilson, Richard D avi s on, Standing Kenneth Gilbank. S u n d a Bowmanville _____ "Thank Yout W. wish to express our sincere thanks to to ail our customers and friends for making- our Grand Opening most successful 1 A special "Thank You" to our many friends who volunteered assistance and time prier te our Grand Opening. Sincere thanlcs to ail thos. who sent flowers and cards of "Congratulations" aid "Bust Wishes." FREDERICKS Prescription Pharmacy PHONE 623-2546 67 King St. E. Bownmvffl Go aheadl Choose a saivings goal at Toronto-Dominion. WeII match it with L*ife Insurance!1 ALL SHOES ARE OUT ON'DISPLAY AT 55 KING ST. W. Everything Reduced To (lear!1 COME IN AND L00K AROUND! REAL BUYS ON SKCATES MEN'S - WOMEN'S - BOYS'- GIRLS' MENFS INSULATED BOOTS LEATHER AND RUBRER SOLES BUY NOWI - SAVE$$$ Pick yourself o five year savings goal. It could b. as little as $600, or as much as $5,000. <Your convenient monthly deposit con range from $10 to $83.33.) Whotever savings goal you set for yourself, that's the amount of Life Insurance protection you have, for rive years, from the minute you make the first deposil' in your Toronto-Dominion Assured Savings Plan. This is in Great Go-Ah.ad idc from TORONTO mDOMINION The Bank where people make the difference., addition to ail deposits mode, plus the bonus your savings have earned. Whether you're saving for your children's educotion, for the down payment on a new home, for a retirement nest egg ..,. or even if you don't have a special objective in mind, ask your To ronto- Dominion. Manage r about the Go-Aheod way of soving ... the Assured Sovîngs Plan. iG. LAWTON, Manager 39 Temperance St. Bowmanville, Ontario WOMEN'S AND CHILNREN'S WINWER BOOTS LLOYD ELLIS SHOES COMI TO 55 KING ST.W. ANSAVIIj 34 18- Ob ,àlw ., A lý Children's SHOES 1 WOMEN'S S rTEENS SHOES] M E N 'S S 1 -1 (o' Ae F, 00 1 il%% \i %\N DON MOUNTJOY- r SALE EV . BARGAINS GALOREI

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