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Canadian Statesman (Bowmanville, ON), 15 Feb 1967, p. 7

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to, n.,w elenwtbennaialdfne gasawli 1fM.à te=easlwiorethellC m ennlTRAVELOGUE12:"n."Z»U M an Tattoo which wtfl tour the Iy cSociaI & fPersonai /r. ad Mm 3TthusL Phone 623-3303 = bthecSPEAKER orn m. *aa 5th., he foowfWgpuson on Snday vith-Mr. d , Unr. Hon Leavitt of Oshawa PowILSharon andKet eeamtdtoheSsi LydPson nd af Il= ofthe. on Un Ar. morem fortbe., 1f. n M.Br-kTr , Mr.onofMr. ndars. cf l Ga.rJdLner, 1. Doug. t .o ertheIsa pti Oshawa, were Sunday dinner Richmond ini, lMr. and lirm las Lynier, Oshawa, and 1fr. NEWTONVILLE 5et cfMr. and Unr. Chares red Youngman and fam ly, Irw n Colwell. Carlile Ave., r. nd M . R b. Wls lisas Donna Rogers, Windsor.wlt. their mother, Mrn. Ed. and Mm.Win. Sutherland and w formerly of Bowmanvlfe, j oungman, Brown Street. faniY, Bond Head. Saturday weekend visitors wlth m~ seealdys th eh r adMr.Ale Wo. heatedda sur- and Mrs. J. a rt aey reetrn ryn Hooey, Liberty St.Not.lcMhia State nvrpisp thM.AneMs ElWakYeune Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Wood, slty, East Lansing, Mich, Bradleygetof honor on the hm rmMmra opt acuog St., recntly se s pent wedwth n aion oo!lier 2nd bfrha.lust Tuesday. weelend with their niece,~ Woic' parents, r.*and Thlt guets attended the Mr. and Mns. Garth MeMul and Mrs. Paul Harris ~Mns. T. wouCetre St. pty hcld at the home cf lier Ion o! Toronto were visitor 'Knso.Mr ar ltcegfCe randdaughter, Mr. and lins. ý wlth Mr. and lins. Georgi Mn. arr Fl tch r c C c r- ruc Da ey.Stapleton, last w eek. Recent visitons witb Mr. and water, Florida, grandson cf Mr. ueDvy O DI r amn rc a lins. Mel Wisemian, Cburch St. and Mns. A. T. Fletcher, Queen Congratulations and lest 10EADAX 1r RaYmond B ruce andM wcre Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Hos- St., spent a very pleasanit week wishes to Mrn. Louise Smith who will bie the speaker at fGer geHeathM and frl kin, Joyce, Mari orle and Don- in Bowmanville befone golng f Newtonville who celebrated Bowinanville Rotary Travel- Bowmanie n vnn u othy, Oshawa. into traininig with the Unitcd ber 99th birthday on TUeSday, ogue on Thurudlay evening, ing the week. ad States Marines. FPebruary l4th. Mn.. Smith Feb. lth, when the audience Mr. and lirs. Wallace lrs. J. Cunningham an on, isSlyWthny aoa now resides at the Strathaven will witness the "Hlghllghts Of Boughen were in Wbitby, Por tuvr iar friv ee i NuryTecg Home, King St. East. Ethiopia," the oidest net atrdy orawek' tryTehnlgist trainee, re- At lgh o hedadasdntnain i f-c.Monday evening, Vlsitlng nela. St __________ofthe________ tives naoionaikatchewan vi'sit wlth ber mother, ins. tuiiied Monday evening ta St__________ofa_1_________Sasatcewa,__ H arry Wright, Ontario Street. Joseph'& Hospital, Peterbor- th rsnaino ovely the home Of lins. Al! Gardon. lin. and Mrs. Ed. Leslie were ough, after spending a floa oeewt n rt ele nuiswhnpalg M. and lins. Clarence Gi]. ,in Hamilton lest weekend a ys wth ber parents Mr ad fo Clarke Township Cen- hockey this week. On Thurs- mer o ILndsay, were callers -tndngte ryClaer &settin asmdebyat rs Harold Wtheniy gl tennIal Cammittee. The pFe- day nigt Alan FIsk disi- hee Thursday evenipg t ins. 'tedig heDr Ceaer &Stre. î'settonwsma Mrs. cated his left shoulden and c. Burley'a and' Mr. Don Launderers Institute Manage- Mr ee Thomas Fainbrother, who0 !S received a cut over is let Vlnkle's. nment Convention held t the M.adMr.PtrAh chairmian o! the cammittee, and eye, while on Sunday nlght, Teaiilcli eda Holiday Inn. reuIdt terhm n lrs. Reg. Lovekin. Jimmy Richardson came inCamntHlonTuda Mns. Roy Webber a e elle River on Tuesday after Severa ebr fBac otc ihaohrpael omnt al nTusa turedfrr aplastvist sendlng a few days ihter rimmbr fBac otwithit thehepaensmorning, under the auspices tb e r dagtrHzepn arnson.adlf.~ 18a the Royal Canadian stick and had the misfortune o! the Department af Agricul. famiy, ev.andMrs DoaldCoombes, Liberty St. N., Town Lein ramanville, are hou- ta lame parts oi bis two front ture, was a busy place as 325 ____________________ and Mr..Dnl and i nMs. J. Auch: pltalized or have just recently teeth, loosen several othena dogs and cats received anti- Oshawa. 'returned home. John Humpb- and cut bis bottom lip. In the nabies shots, from representa. reys, Ditision St., is in Sunny- later game played in Onono, tives af that Deparmn Sunayat imae tret ni- HpitalToronto. J. E. aur boys wene defeated by Tbree o! the Women's Insti- REHOBOTH ScdayChur ch, OStreaethnit urnedf orng E.. bas Millbnook 6-3. aen tue membens, Mesdames M. Chisin efr ed CburcsCenennaw anLay-he eune f Sunnybnaok and Alex Joncas went Ice-fishi- Samis, T. Henderson and W. Chrhmen's Sunday." Guest speaker aid TetlAnSt., is i wekend. We presumne the regiterng with the Church for the occasion was the Hn Memarlal Hospital, and Jack fish wene not biting because Mrs. JoLbn Bird bas bad ta Seugot Street Donald M. Fleming, P.C., QC, g ht , Prospect St., Ran Alex pramised ta give us part neturn ta Memonial Hospital, whochs as bis topic, "TeJhsn Prince St.,an Gea. a! bis "catch", and as yet Bowmanville, for funther Minstr:Church and Canada's Centen. Sparrow, Concession St., are we baven't seen one fish. In tneatment. X se:niai." ail convalescing et their homes. fact, Alex hasn't even men- The Wanld's Day of Prayen Rev. A. Vandenflcrg, lir. and lins. Walter Wool- Mn. and lins. Eanl McKeever, tioned bis trip since returnnng Service was observed lnh the B.A., D.D, M.Th. ley, Prince St., spent a day Port Hope, lin. and linsborne. Sunday School bail on Fniday lest week with thein son and Frank Whittle, Ottawa, Mn. aitennoon. Due ta illness, Wosi evcs daughter-in-law, Mn. and lins. and lins. Harold Murphy, lin. U.C.W. President lins. G. Ivan Woolley and family, and Mns. John Muir, Mns. P. Stapleton and lst Vice-Pres. 10 a.m. Peterborough, on the occasion YoungMran s.Sn SOLINA r.JCawlwe btun of:30 p.m.sn Mrk werh-oekMs aIl of Toranto, lin. and On Fniday evenlng, Feb. able ta be present, but lins. 7:3 pm.day. On Tuesday of lait we r.Gardon Waters, Oakville, lOth, the Eldad C.G.I.T., Ex- S. Lancaster ably substituted 11:5 am. undy Shoo lis. R. Samis, Toronto, waOMrli. and lins. Walter Clarke, planer, Sigrna-C and Tyro as leader. The follawing 111:15a.m. undaySch Mn.a andt Mttse Dold Vhoe-Haig andFaîs Wrineygroups and their leaders en- ladies assisted in the service: Mr.andMrs DoaldVen Nigar Falswer dinerjoyed a rnerny sleigh-ride with Mns. R. Farrow, lins. W. Back To Gcd Heur tan, Mary and Scott o! Weston guests o!flMr. and lins. George lir. Frank Pascoe as the gen- Boughen, lins. T. Hendenson, CKLBspent a couple o! days with Thrasher, King St. East, on iaî sleigh master. The lange lins. R. Best, lins. J. Elliatt, CIKBbis parents, lin. and lins. Syd- Satunday, Februany 4th. Be- crowd then went ta the Solnaelins. J. Martel, lins. F. Hend. ney Venton, who neturned to cause o! weather conditions, CmuiyHllfratsyenson, lis. J. Stark. lins. B. Every Sunday, 9:15 p.m. Westan with theni. Mr. and Mr. and lins. Lawrence lion- louno dtsandfoba t cho-Staceypaie h prpi lins. Venton anived back ln pby PalImenston, wene unable colate aîter wbich a few ate vocal solo "Sweet Ifaur "Ever.voue Welcome"' Bowmanvllle ln tinie ta attendita aittend and during the even- gmsadsca a odc-o ryrlacmaide h the Masonlc Lodge Ladiesling, via the telephone, spoke gmpianoca wscndc- o Pryn" acco mn iedatte Night beld at the Lions Centre te lMr. and lins. Tbrasber and ed by Misses Sheri Lynde and pln1 yln.F lne.Fv Karen Yellowlees. Master ladies from Shilah were wel- lait Saturday evenig. thein dinnen guests. Lawrence Taylor on bebalf c of med, alangr witb aur own Pte. Ritson Kinnear spent Te world's langest annuai the other gnoups expnessed a falthful few, and Rev. R. C. the weekend witb bis parets msic competitions, tbe Kiwa- vote o! tbanks ta the C.G.I.T. Wdioternouncd the Becie- Dowmanville lin. and lins. Robent Kinnean, nis usic Festival a! Greater leaders and gil who bad or-.dcin ie wihteSca andsiserElva. Pte. KinnearToronto, pened its 24th ses- ganized this vr jybeCanmitte. senved a cpo ne t ecently retunned from Cyprus sion on Satunday, Feb. I lth, vl noal tea. cpc te Base Gagetown, NB., and witb some new records ln th e at. na, erar P n c sal last week was transferned te numben o! entnies. By the there will be ne Sunday wlth Mr. and Ms amn anaianForesBase at Pic- time competitive sessions end Scbool classes or cbunch ser- rn wene ln Tarante Fnlday Ch rion Saturday evening, February vice at Eldad. This sten evening attending the Boat 15 ~~. ~ ST. PAU S cans and vocalists will bave al veYouet ervittend t Mns. H. Trim bas gene ta 79 ibrt S. . T. AU S akn ar i te esivl.The rvicen attedCastieton ta keep bouse for two-week Festival is sponsaned HaPonUie Cliurch a±i Mr. and Mn,. BulleY *Who are Phone 623-5160 11 .m h iC graup i lrd for a few Weeks. Puatr: ov. . Kdra n.~ UN TEDas ajoint project of 15 KiwanIslls 11 ln5a.r e oHthis uer- Fond Huor e.A. reara, B. N TE lb nd the aticTngo vice witb Mr. Doug Killens as Mansd Mns. Don Adamas GOSEL UATETH RC cubsonan z the ptcompti-g the speaker. Everyonie weî- and iamily, Taronto, spent the certecus t ons an the tascf pthecretaHmtn e. weeked witb M. and lins. GOS Em AtheT H R Htosadte"tr ftecm oHmtnFb MJim Adams. Easten Petecsa W st Festival" Concerts. The Cen- at 11:15 a.m. lin. and lins. Earl MeEwen, Mniv.ste, r: tennial Year "Junior Stars ot Mr, and lins. John Legen, Peterborough, wene visitons, E ilernPetColl ELA ureB-- the Festival" Concert wll be Wayne and Susan of Oshawa Saturday, wltb liMs C. Bur- Bibleanlat:e beld on Fniday evening, liarch werc Sunday dinner guests îey. plus Or g . Ot: f .ECT,3nd, at Northern Secondary with Mr. and lins. Ross Cry- r.adM .HrodBs Guesta.peaker: A.C.C.. Scbool and the regulan "Stars derman and îamily. M. alnd sHrol d BIle t Gues Spake: A..C. a!o the Festival" Concerts are Master Bruce S n o wdn Saturday eveulng visitons REV. EARL McNUTT 9:45 a.m. once agarn scheduled for lias- spent the weekcnd with bis with lin and lins. D. Vinkle. sey Hall on the evenigs of cousin, Master Steven Pleas- Mn. andln.Dno is 9:55 a.m. Sunday School Tbursday and Friday, liarch ance o! Tynane. sic, T ratsp ent theMaee- Sundy Shoo 1100 .m.8th sud 9th. Mrando Mlis. Art Young- end at lin. Frank Ovens'. Sundy Shool11:0 aM. ranRoyand Betty, Tynone, liessrs. Allan Clarke sud Mess Pearl Leach were Sun- Ryan de Vries, emplayees of 11VAGELIm.Guie B r ls nd P NTYPOOL day tea guests wlth Mr. and S. J. Lancaster, Massey-Fen.. "EVNGEISM TH Gudes Brwnis linMs. Doug Flett and faiy.gsn ImPlement Dealer, ne- TASK 0F THE No. 4 Cub Pack The regulan U.C.W. meeting Mn. and lins. Fauter Snow- tunned home Saturday aiten CHURCU" *attOJlding. was held at the home o!flins. den and Mn. and lins. Jamles anc week's course, in Indian- C. McKay on Tuesday even- Pengelly of Brooklln visited na ails, in Mecbanlcs and 7 pm.3:00 P.M. li, Pcb. 7th. Thene were 11 witb Mr. and lins. Joe Snaw- Sa esmanship, sponsoned by SevieYongPope' agles preseut, witb the pnesi- den. the company. Evangeiistic evc ougPoW dent lins. H. Van Wieingen Miss Pearl Leach, lis. Wm. Mn. and lins. CecilHedr Ail Are Welcome! Communicant Clas. residing.Ms .Fli e stn r.Du'lt al ST. JOHN'S CHURCH hed inuccesafllcar h6/41len lns onrd LENT 1 67 Fnday night. The prlze win- moved te thein new home i LENT 196 nes wee M. ad Ms. Go. er MUMNewcastle last weelc. nons ira.Gea.A meeting cf the Offilciai Van Damn with the consolation One o Ton "ag Quartcnly Board ci the. New- "How God Iteachea rVin pn ize gmg taAubney Caintnil hrg, W! o bl a udl a ip ady).l ying a y flstme t ce 15 u ie .. lun the Sunday School hall, a lady). JDVBR Th cIUk.iY w sh k-Thunsday evenlng at 8 o'cloek. A ORWEKSlE Tecmnuiyws bc- 'Our Centennial Committee cd ta hean cf the passing away GUg,15e - «te 1riacw noquests the names sud ad- 1. o aue down te oft leveL ai Kennetb Fals i Peter- OUd Jaturmat. drosses oi ail former rosidouts. Se.No sUp tQuoe wbo respoud. borough Civic Hospital ou sebeUtdcm 8 that Invitations may bo Saturday, Februany lilth. We f~b a .'ad« otteinorCnena Be Hosoude va eut with ezpeuouof fHi bye. Ortend sincere symlpathy ta Coleut.fer or 1as. service efre o unenn s. e draws Mla tpna"Our tru "M tu n. * hlm wlfe sud amily. A mf- daoeahlo. -by exeutors la Seovic e ockuey Club monlal service for the late lin. theovent et death. au!erdton e HcndysClubt Faillis wilUb. beld in Ponty- ufrdter eodsrih ______1100__________intodce pool United Cburch on Sun- Authoaed - es Tut» Lc defeat on Sunday past. Huit-. 1 1:0 0 a . m . -aTh e m9ittr o d u c2d3 0 M m n B ro n . p u t o n a g o d d is . Sun aysday Fe nua y l tb t 230plaY to ba ud th o league-leacl. %Sý 5 ?:00 pm. mMd WedundM 8:30 pý= Svenal from this district CENTRAL ONTAmO oers a 4-2 sot-bock. Aften a attandod a presentation for TRUST & SAVIPiGS scleu fint *ryOnld Chuck ~~ Thon,. expaad~ Mr. sd lia. Jack A nm strong CO R PO R A TIO N o d r i o et e, e. l lu Bothany on Saturday ev- ond. rmBlVishne.I _______ -10___________d ed an a pled enng The bride and groom le sho» & the final minute of the sec, Drl nd ys8 1 p m . - he m s u d ed an a pl ed o f 25y ears w e e the recipients aon G ree aw y replied o n to our present way of li. ai a lovely chesterfied suite. 15048$ Huffrosus. 1Snin Mr. andMrs. Dn Loaba 2,1 MuL Ini ithtIrd eidymn Mla m oyCMub n.suM n.Da Lshp ut thse Hutflt an try Iu su f 01lyo!Battawa were .au~ front, and Wllguoe Sunay 900a. ad mk da010:0 n Sunday visitons at the bonei.tngwoe Sun mys9:0 a. . m d eduudau lOO .m. 1fMn. sud M ns. C. ]Richard. cou what proved te be the. wiuner, sou. Mrs. Loshaw, Sr., wbo Bob Robhiao brSuti e ..wt.~ .,,s ..bas been visiting lu Ponty. UJoUSI thoM oelsclofer, iron sS AU r am« uem té.pool on the iast six weeka ne- VUTLSd Ccbbledick. in the final *Ot.:B". JO" iF»*pto& ut-s*4turned homo with t)emliut Grenafyputth Two Oou elboys_____Me_ onuIeé with 4 ôqg $bt M fiii the î ty os4é 5KING ST. W. - 1 màsdbumna.nm% Eowmawvfle, Mo. 1M, UV MW lA III4~ UNTI SATRDAY -Pfl- l SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE Attention CoId Suiferers!1 CORICIDIN 'Dà' Special formula relieves nasal and sinus congestion, and alleviates pain and foyer. 1 12 Tables Sugg. list 1.89 CONFIDETS THE SANITARY NAPKIN 12's - Sugg. list 53c DESERT FLOWER DEODORANýT ROLL-ON, or CREAM TWO 2..oz. Siz. 3.00 VALUE for 1.50 I.DA. SPECIAL 1 0. 9 , AD( SELF-STYLING byT1r Sugg. list 2.95 sy with )RNI iHAIR SPRAY *ONI 2.e391 North -Rite CNTENNIAL BALL POINT PENS Sugg. lat 98e Personal Size ALEX McGtE.GOR e DRUGS 0 U"#LSTHE FAIY LAXAIVE Magnolax 20 oz., 1.50 VALUE PLUS 4 oz., 50c VALUE 2.00 VALUE Mfr's. Special 1.69 I.D.A. SPECIAL SCOTTIES AM Sugg. list 2 for 41 -PHONE 623-5$792 CREST 1001H PASTE CAVITIES I Sugg. Iist 1.49 I.D.A SPECIAL Manufacturers Specil1.33 JOHNSON & JOHNSON MICRIN ORAL ANTISEPTIC FOR MOUTHWASH end GARGLE 14 oz. - Sugg. list 1.10 for 89c I.D.A. SUPER SPECIAL69 New for Reducing Resîscal Sllmmlng Plan ... aId te appetits control - holli you ** lésa pounda & Wlles quickly, essîyl.i RESISCAI. tablets contain an exclusive sclentIffie combination of Ingrédients that 9o te work almost Instantly te hel curb and contrai your appétttYu'Il 2t14ien. jo 3 nutrtioius muais evary day, but "*.... IlESISCAL wiII help you stop overeating' The RESISCAI. Plan wili nflt cause norv. 1 cusness or aleeplossnots. And, wlth thé RESISCAL Plan Yeu Must loea pounds and 18 loches quickly, 11811v or oUr noy bockc. Y2 thé mowRLSICA Slilmi &Yant a t botter. drui stor&Ij 3095BLT 3 .95 EMDE HANKIE PACK 'j S169 1 F 1 SPECIAL PRICES EFFECTIVE ft's oui . 80 TABLETS PRESCRIPTIONS

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