lit Cmadan taesmnBowrmnvMfe, Pcb. 15, 10971 I SPORTopîC.S I By Frank Mohun 623-7234 I AI~EXBITS916 -~Alex Wiseman became the latest bowlcr to hit the 900 SiiMieLegeFrdynhtAexsatdofwtmark, when he racked up a 916 total, while participating - oinge 365 game, had a 256 second and came back with 295. ____________ i. i. t. t tf OJL.A.PLMOFs Bowmanville teams posted two wins against a single e Il lom as O.M.H.A. playoffs got underway on Saturday. AU ý'g=es wre the i fbest of three series. In Bantam action the locals turned back Lindsay, 83,IL¶2e ashers g ogandaul Siem on, eursy awkesr i Mout- or Lg aohs Dog Cro ugh and RnMrgrsy aea cr e twicouth-W Joy and Tommy Simpson. Standing Slxth Week - Glenn Rice notched the only goal as Lindsay took the Second Schedule Pee Wee encounter. In Midget, it was the outstanding goal- Averages keeping dlsplay put on by Doug Hayes that enabled Bow- Nm Games Ave. =a=ville ta defeat Lindsay 3-1. Mike Cawker, Don McMuilen Bob Lawton 18 248 and Kim Rogers clicked for aur ide. Howard Bromelli 18 245 On Monday nlght, Bawmanvilîe ousted Lindsay, taking Dr. H. B. Rundle. 18 244 thec second game 4-2. Don McMulen's goal with less than Larry Piper 18 242 fiv mnuesreaiin bok a -2ti. imRoer wapedAI Osborne - 18 239 15v miute rmaiingbrke 2- te. im ogrs rapedMaurice Annaert- 18 238 It up with an empty net tally, the others going ta Charlie Don Que ---- 18 233 Cattran and Joe Hircock. Ernie Perfect - 18 232 The Pee Wees and Bantams play in Lindsay tonight Ed. Leslie __ 18 230 Ted Bagneli 18 227 (Wednesday). Murray Tighe 18 226 t t t t t George Glanville- 18 226 131UNGS BACK MEMORIES Bill Wcstlake 17 222 Even If we do get the places and details a trifle confused, Si Trewin-___ 18 220 We til avn' frgote tos mmoabl jveil payffAb Saman 18 219 W. tii ave'tfogotenthse emrale uvnie payffBrian Martyn - 18 217 gaies af almost, il years ago, and the exhibition game Satur- Norm Hcnning 18 217 day night brought baek a lot of aId memories. The current Jack Parker 18 217 edition juveniles edged the 1956 Ontario champs 4-3 on a Ruas Hailman - 18 217 late goal by Ron Simpson 38 seconds from the end. Russ Oke ----__ 18 214 Elton Brock 18 214 The "aid boys" had fashioned a 3-1 lead heading intoiBruce Milne 18 212 -'thc final session as Bob Fairey fired a pair, and brother TedIRusa Hately - 12 212 tallIed the other. "Hank" Lane, perhaps wcighted down by watt Harrison 18 211 bifs centennial beard, couldn't flnd the range on four break- GaergeKBebee 18 211 aways, but although he didn't score, "Hank" stilI showed John Carter 18 211 that he knows what the game la ail about. jBob Williams - 18 209 The other marksmen for coach Harvey Webster's 19661Karl Piper- 18 209 mw ereBrin etes, len Fnne an Dn Frse. Bob Kent------ 18 208 cre wee BianPeers Glnn inny nd on orsy. Maurice Richards- 18 208 Inadvertently we misscd several af the champs, when Jack Lander __ 18 208 .we dlscussed the tcam ln last week's column, guys like Tom Fred Thomson 18 206 Gould, Bob Carruthers, John Fowler and Harold Kennett. Clarence Oke - 18 206 Stanley "Steamer" Stephens, stick-boy for the club, took over Don Bagnel---. 18 205 Morley Thompson - 12 204 Saturday nlght's coaching duties from Don Masters, who Lowel acDougal 18 202 was unable to make the trip down from Collingwood. Thc HlarrylAkey---18 202 enly player who missed the exhibition encounter was Paul Bob Richards 18 202 Herert aineuptaningAnlicn.Hisdadwa th mniserHarold Michelson- 18 201 Herer, afie ustndlg ngica. is adwasth miiserGeorge Stephen 18 201 et St. John's Church. Frank Mohun 15 200 Many of the incidenta whlch took place that winter Lau Wiseman 18 200 wouldn't mean much ta Uhc readers of this column, as It- Team Standing juas usuafly ane af those spontancous happenings meaningiul TemW b t. tn .nr..jI#and ,.par.... 4...,. . r. lTea T??WL.. - zo yur3u aa oe o tw oters Weremember ane staiincn supporter, who shahl go unnamed, wha bast his upper plateK because ai his lusty cheering. VII neyer forget him lcaning L édawn ta the gentleman sitting ln front, saying "Pardon me T D air, would you mind getting up - I think you're sitting on l #iy teeth." i And that trip ta Powassan - what a day that was. 1I After battling the swirlIng snow for several hours and only M ýnanaging ta reach Gravenhurst juat about the time the game S Was suppased ta start, we reluctantly turned around and Fi beaded back ta Toronto. A telephone call back ta Bowman- ville Arena revealcd that the game had also been delayed, and If wc had only kept going, we would have arrivcd ln leý di ThW t epoder stiil bas anc souvenir, courtcsy ai Uic nE champlonsi and "Hank" Lane ta be exact. Whillc efenecing a gaine la Port Hope, we dropped the puck for a face-off 26 Mi only a couple af minutes nemained In play. "Hank" caughi: -usa a dandy on the nose, and wc stili have the mark as proaf. ùo Another incident also Involved "Hank." This was a play- c:; off clash ln Bownianvile, and the fans had begun ta turn a i but ln larger nunibera ta cheer the team on ta victory. With a the score tled and tinie running out, Lane scored, but we ni, dillowed the goal (as much as we hatcd ta) and boy did Wve get a roastlng from aur feilow citizens. "Hank" didn't Bo argue, knowing he - had klcked It ln, but wc wene happy pe, tphen Bowmanville did go on to win the game. big 1 Ray "Whitey" Preston was the anly player who wcnt on tri Îo Jr. "A" ranks fram the 1956 club, playing with Hamilton gi jknd Guelph. Ray, a little thinner on top now, bas conflnedha bis hockey toi fooling with thc kids on the street. We have always thought that sevenal other players could 1 jiave made Uic grade in Jr. "A", particularly goal-keeper ma Vince Vanstone, undoubtedly anc ai Uic finest juvenile puck- nei ýWtoppers we have even seen. John Masan made spart, pay off (31 by eanning a hockey scholarship ta St. Lawrence University. (28 <'Hank" Lane had the moves, "Mont" Richards the speed and 778 X hard abat, and althaugh the nough play of Jr. "A" would 'JO' lave proved an obstacle, brother. Ted and Bob Falrey bad par 'thec abillty and desire, that was so nccessary ta bring home fa' a wlnner. (27 What makes this team sa unforgettable is the great battle (25 'hey bad ta wage befare capturing the juvenile title. This(9 was no manch througb the playoff s, rathen a hard-earncd S aeries af victonies, culminating with the big ane over Wing- Fre h=adteOtrochampionshlp. Brc It's ton bad Uiat because of the nced far lmporting Rie 'layers the boys didn't get the appotunity ta represent Bot ;Bo wmanvile at the Intermediate level, and whcn they did, Kri flue tearn soan iolded. tA Perhaps the interest ian't there anymone, but as someone a 2 remnarked on Saturday night "I sec at Ieast seven guys from cl 'that 1956 club, who could be playing intermediate hockey - 244' It would be nice ta have a team again." Yessir we cauld have a gond intermediate club, using several a! Uic '56 tcam, along with Bob Marjennison, "lArchie"l %Çrosey, Grant Flintoif, Gary McCullough, Bryan Hughes and .!One young prospects Steve Burns, Larry Pernis and Joe ,3alaon, just ta give you an example ai the hockey talent jPn Bovnanviile. MEMORIAL ARENA BO WMAN VILLE Telephone 623-5729 PUBLIC SKATING FRIDAY, FEBRUARY l7th 8 to 10 p.M. - AND - SUNDAY# FEBRUARY l9th 2 t. 4 P.M. TTS SKATING - MON., FM M~t à te s FM.-2c1rl Pepsi Cala ---------14 4 I Ken's Mcn's Wear 12 6 1 ..anden Hardware. Il 7 1 Nels. Osborne Ina. 10 8 1 )ykstra's--------- 9 9 WThyte Bras. - 9 9 Beaven Lumber - 8 10 1.G.A --------- ---- 8 10 /Iutton & Gould - 8 10 1 Jury & Lavel- 8 10 1 Selby Grant Hcat. 7 1l nrank's Vaniety---- 4 14 Bowling News Bob Lawton, captain ai th( lague-leading Pepai-Cala kid did the impassible on Wed. esday night. Lawton had games ai 332. ?61-283 ion the high triple al 376. This big total bumped las average fnom 239 ta 248 :o take the lead fon hîgh av- rage. His Pepsi-Cola kids tlso had the high single game )fthe season, 1457. This rnounts ta 292%k pins per nan. The league membens salute ýob Lawton for a tremendaus Srformance. Murray Tighe, last of the ig cunve baîl antista, bac! a riple ai 826. Tighe's three mmes were 292-255-279. The old pro, Ernie Perfect, ad 805, made up ai 288-309- 08. Eight bowlens made the 700 lark. Maurice Annaert. aur eighbor from Orono, had 794 13-296). Ed. Leslie once gain on the move, had 778 88-264), Howard Brorneli 78 and a big 338 which tied .hn Gould for top single me; Ruas Hately 769 (288), ,n McLean, getting in shape )r the Bermuda finals, 742 Z72-261), Bob Williams 722 ý59). George Glanville 707 ý92), Jack Parker who juat ad a binthday, 706 (283). Si Trewin had a single 306, ced Thomson 301, Elton rock 298, Jack Bond 280, owell MacDaugal 275, Bob ihards 269, Harny Akey 264, ob Glanville 276, Dave Mc- night 269. Ais stated above, Bob Law- i leada the bowlcrs with a 248 average, Howand Bnomn- 1245 and Dr. H. B. Rundle I4. .Legion adies' Bowling tjîgn triple erionthc wee was taken by Audrey Bate with a score ai 550; other nice games were rolled by Denise Annaert who had high single wîth 226 and Audrey Bate rolled a nice 203. Aeae Denise Annaert _____176 Fran Bruce ._____102 Bernice Partner ____160 Rose Vanessa ______160 Marg Blake --_____159 HlaSimnick ____-153 1drey Bate ____-150 Jean Burton - 148, Bernise Bothwcll -- 145j 'Bernice Bothwell - 145 Angela Samnan -___144 NyhI Sheehan -___142 Mille Bates- 141! Mcl McNulty _____138 Grace Mundock ____131 Lorairte- ruton _____129 Mablé',WllIans -____124 Mary' Wetovr . 122 ___________ 97 Mag 99 BinaDaflgate________95 U Tau e in d" Pt.. NO. 2 Deniu Annacrt- 13 ,o. 4 I*rg. k ~i I~in7 W a w uaMIuz w w0Ne- ICommercial Hockey League LADIES" MAJOR S. Burns Wins Scoring Tiffe BOWLING February 6th As Bysons Te Frnk's3~3 The Ladies' Major League standings tightened upcn As Br sonsTie rank 3m3 siderably last Monday night, avttcnly threc Points separat- îngth top six teama. Brooks edged Etcher 2-1 ta tic the lasers for the lead, while run- Me & G. allp Br oks9.3 ner-up Joli moved within a Steve Burns scared with the second. cut on the head for cight ing Martyn 2-1. anly 55 seconds nemaining in Other Real Estate markers stitches, and Alex Wiseman. A 2-1 victory aven Button- Sunday monning's apenip¶ went ta Larry Piper and Sam Ray Crombie, Ted Fairey shaw enablcd Preston ta take game ta win the Commercial Thompson, while Bill Crossey, and Donn Prout rcpled for over undisputed possession of League scoring title by a Grant Flintofi and Bob Hel- Brooks. thîrd spot, with Patiield wal- single point. Larry Perris had lam clicked for Bryson's. This Sunday, the best ai Ioping Hazelden 3-0 ta make carlier picked up an assiat at[ In the second encaunter three semi-final series gets the big jump into a iourth 12:20 of the final period toi Mutton & Gould ShelI wal- undenway with Fnank's meet- place deadlock with Martyn. tic Burns at 42 points with laped Brooks' Supertest 9-3. ing the Superteat crew in the Baker doubled their previous identical marks ai 23 goals Bryan Hughes paccd the M. opener and Mutton & Gould point total by shutting out and 19 assista. & G. attack with four goals claahing with Smokc Shop in tail-end Tennant 3-0. The The last minute tally, be- and two assista, with Bnian the second, final attraction produced anc aides giving Burns the scarîng Rowc scoring twicc and set- Final League Standings of those rare tic games as championship, cnabled Walterting up two others. Peter W. L. T. Pts. Bîckeli won aven Bowers 21/2 Frank Real Estate ta tic Bry- Stacey also colectcd fouri M. & G. Shell 1 4 1 23 ,ta iii. san's Smoke Shop 3-3. After points, scaring once and as- 1 rank R. Estate 8 6 2 17i Eleanor Dadson tunned in a a scorelesa first period, Bry- sisting on three. Singles went Brysan's S. Sh. 6 8 2 14,729 total ta lead the high san'a scored the only goal ai ta AI Guernaey, befone lhe was1 Brooks' S'pcrt'st 4 Il i1g triple race, other big scores goîng ta Joyce Tennant 709, TownHock y LD. Heard 687, J. Almond 669, To nH ce eague Doris JolI 667 and Marg King 657. Barb Buttonshaw's 307 game took high single honora, fol- lowed by D. Heard 281, Olive B v ownia OIm niG 9,TemStandings - 1 ý -U IO w e -ý a r a--a Wffa% M w Crystal Upsets Robson's McNulty's Sports took aven the Town Hockey League leaderahip, Thunsday night, hand Ing Olympia Restaurant a 5-2 aetback, whilc last place Crystal Dainy upset Robson Matons 7-2 to stop a six game winning strcak. McNulty's, Robson's and Olympia had ail been deadlocked fan top spot. Crystal Dairy jumped into a 3-0 fîrst period lcad, saw Rabson's get one back in the second and then out-scored the Matons 4-1 in the final ta, post thein first win in thnee weeks. The Robson victory skemn bac moved thern stead- ily fomn also-nans ta the top Mixed Major ai the ladder. Paul McCullough and Gene Larny Pernis paced the win- Balson each scorcd twice for nens with a five point per- McNulty's, Grant Flintoif fin. formance an a pain ai goals ing the other as weli as twc and thnee assista. B 'ob Mar- assista. Alex Wiseman and jernisan notched a couple, Tenny Masters wene ln on singles gaing ta Don Prout, thrce goals apiece. Raye West and Ted Fainey. Olympia's finat period mark- "Mort" Rtichands and Bill ens went ta Bob Abbott and Crosscy conncctcd for the Murray Brown, With ane lasers. week remaining in negular Olympia, appcaring as fav- schedule action, Tcnry Black orites ta end up ln finst, a picked up anc assiat ta take month ago, went down ta a siim anc point lead aven thein third successive defeat, Gary McCullough in the scan- in thc second conteat, aiten ing race. being held scorelesa for the final 40 minutes. It wasalal W. L. Pt.. even at twoapiece at the endj McNulty's Sparts 10 7 20 ai anc with the Sports notch-1Olympia Rest'ant 9 8 18 ing a single lu the second and Robson Matons 9 8 18 adding twe more in the third. Crystal Dairy 6 il 121 Lola Wright nalled the high- .I est single to date in the(n sceue iha 355. SvNal 15 akeOpener high triples this weck wiîî have Dave Reynolds in thekJr.IVen 's Serni-Final lead with 811 (299), John Carter 811 (295), Lola Wright 7e7b 703ic (293). 71,Ji 757, Muienrt733,2J3)m ovwning Legion 4-2 Over 200 Averages B. Buday - 247 hi' John Osborne Don McMurter end John Ma- D. Reynolds 242 I h is aeo h thers ta, make the scaning E. Perfect ______ 242 .ntefrt aea h compîcte. H. Ballantine23 Junior Men's League semi- F. Hill ___ 233 finals Nichais Matons defeat- Outstanding playens for Le-! 233 d Lgio 4 t 2,on und gion wene Mike Bothwell and! M. Annaert 231 cd gio 4ta2 o S ay Dave Kerr. Fan NichaIs, Donli D. Joli --- -______ 222 ngh.McMurten, Murray Brown andi A. Saman ____ 218 Legion werc leading Nich-' Rick Lucas gave it a real two.! F. Thomson '-- 215 ais 2 tao0 at the end oi Uic way effort. J. Cartenr ____- 14 firat period on goals by Ron Th R. Maynard- 209 Broome and Mike Bothwell. is Sunday, Fcb. l8th, the- second game wili be played.1 R. Halîman 208 Nichais Matons tied the Game time 7:30. G. Bebee - 208 score in the second pcniod D. Wright - 207 with Dave Green and Lanry R. Wright----- 206 Lee being the anipena. Stant- J. Murphy 20.5 ing the third pcniod Nichais G O Y A L.Cannons ______ 202 began a tarrid attack in which A. Colweil 202 Legian began ta slow up, giv- S. Bickell___ 202 ing the Matons crew an op- BOW L ING~ K. Bickell - 202 pantunity to obtain goals by Team Standing Pû Colwell - - -1 Buday- Joli _ _ _ Annaert - _-_-_-_- - Wright ----- Buttonshaw- - Haynes- Bickell _____ Coole _____ Patfield Dunn Sutcliffe --- - -- ------ High Single-L. Wright 36, High Triple-D. Reynolds 811 High Average-B. Buday 241 BANNERPASSANT 623-3258 120 Duke St., Bowmanvile1 February 9, 1967 u l. Russ Hately was the Night 'Hawks b gun this week taklng the high 10 triple award with an 859 and lnn the high single of 325 t ad 9 Bowl in his Machine Shop team toa a R 7-0 drubbing over the Poweri 8 ;'ebruary 8, 1967 House. The Beits laced it to 1 7 Team Standings the Combines 7-0, the Ban-1 7~ J. Shearer 19 bury slabbed-off a 7-0 chunk 6 1 D.18lwsl from the Millwrights and 5 L: Waodcock ~ 1 those Crackerjacks whompedl 41J. Woodlack ------- 9 the Hase 7 ta 0. The Office 3deait the Reclaimnators a52 K. Raiston 6 blow while the Fan aBeit21 1 M. g Sedman eked Out a slim 4-3 win over :7J h ig Tr--- ple 31the Braiders. v . S hear--------l 63 Making a bid for the high HIgh ingletriple behind Russ Hately was B. Milis ---- --- 275 Larry Abbott with an 804, Averages Ted Haîlman 775, John Stain-' J. Shearer 20)5 ton 768 and Jim Shirk with a M.' Hadgson - 185 759. Vieing for the high single B. Mills ____- 180) was John Stainton 319, John J. Woodlock -_____ 8 Graham 313, Bob Miller 310 K. Campbell _____ 176 and Jim Shirk 309. PFour bowl- M. Sedman _____ 175 ers matchcd the hidden score, *J. Mairs-- 171 Normn Woods, Stan Hodgson, D. Sailows 171 Jim Ailin and Rossy Wright. I. Wright_______ 171 Team Standings F . Land -Il_7_____ 11 C. Adams ________166 Bis1071 J. Lunn ____________162 Braiders ______ K. Raîston 162 Hae11____ M. Coombes 160 Machine Shop ~ 89' L. Woodcock-____ 159 Banbury 87' B. lCith -- _____-158 Crackers -82' V. McDonald _____1.56 Reclaimators ____ 76ý V. Pickard -_____ 153 Office -- 761 A. Lorussa ___ 1531 Combines - 71~ J. Harnes ____-1'2 Fan Belts 69ý1 J. Rowe ---____ 150 IMillwrights . 64! E. Coombes 146'j Power Hbuse ---- - 60ý C. Bate---- 146 Top Twelve D. Cochrane -_____144' C. Ritter_______ 144 B. Martyn 230, L. Burgess 142 D. Oke ______226J D. Ogden___ ___ 139 J. Bond 2181 A. Burgess _____ 138 H. Bromeli 2161 D. Dewell____- 13.5 D. Perfect _____-215! P. Bagnel______ P 31'.Wright -______214 D. Kelly _____ 31A. Lobb ______21 C. Marchant_____ 12.5 R. Hately 2111 A. Perfect______ 124 R. Westlake ______210' P. Broome ______ 120 G. Brewster _____ 208! 13. Beers_____ . 120 R. Maynard______ 2081 O. Moffat______ 114 K. Piper 205 13. MIUlS275;A.meum 231,1 Despite great progreas lni 211; M. Hodpson 1 229; J. treatment and prevention of Sbearer 225. 213; I Wrlght tuberculosis there are stili 244; D. SallOws 221; J. Mairs about 3,000,000 deaths yearly. 211, 207; J. Woodlock 206, 201; It is the world's greatest ini. C. Aduzns 803. ectious diseaseproblera. ) *LiU. Insurance *Income Disabiity Pension plans SGroup [uhurance *Business Insurane SEstate Phaning Sun Life Assurance Cofflny of Canada Pt$. Etchen i Brooks______-l Joli ______ __ 10 Preston ________9 P a tf ie ld - _ _ _ _ _ 8 M a nty n - _ _ _8 eBickeli _______ _ 7 'h Hazelden -_____7 Buttonshaw ____- 7 Baker -_______6 1Bowera -____ 3 % Tennant ___2 220 Games and Over -B. Buttonshaw 307, O. Patieid 274, M. King 240, E. Dadson 234-271-224, C. Orme 224, P. rMutton 225, K. Stephena 248, zH. Reynolds 245, S. Bickell 221, B. Tenny 246, H. Donoghue 241-230, J. Harness 221, J. Baker 220-223, J. Almond 263, T. Fanresten 250, D. Heard 234-281, S. Patfield 226, J. Tennant 220-247-242, B. Caw- an 239, D. Joli 227-234, O. Etchen 220, H. Depew 226. Top 12 Averages D. Joli l _______ 236 S. Bickell -_______ 209 O. Patfield _______206 K. Stephens 204 B. Buttonshaw -_____202 H. Donoghue- 200 H. Reynolds ______200 O. Etchen _____-196 J. Baker -_______195 M. King ______-193 J. Tennant .___191 S. Davis------------. îuo B. Peanson, wbicb we arc holding for next week fao. SPORTOPICS MWO TITLES FOR STEVE A wcek ago, with the, wind-up of Junior Towni League action, Steve Burns skated off with the scoring tite. Steve added the Commercial League crown Sunday moraing, show- Ing his value as ane of the best young hockey prospec tsg in town. But the second points-title didn't corne to casily. Reading into thc final gaine, Burns held a one point cdge aver Larry Perris, and as the achedule worked out they were facing ecd other as the regular achedule cnded. Perris pickcd up an assiat at 12:20 of the third penod tcr give themn identical records of 23 goals and 19 assista- f Just when it appcarcd that both players were goiug to end up sharing the sconing record, Steve clicked with 55 sec- onds remaining. That's really golng down ta thc wirc. in the opcning game af the Junior beat of three seWi- final series Nichais' Matons downed the Legionnaires 4-2, wlth the second encaunter slated for this Sunday nlght at 7:30. The winncr meets Ken's Men's Wear. Commercial League playoffs get underway this Sunday manning with Walter Frank Real Estate meeting Brooks Supenteat in the nine o'clock opener and Mutton and Gould Shdil playing Bryson's Smoke Shop in the second clash. Bath are beat af three affaira. Thcy've got quite a race for the scoring leadership heading into the final week af Town League action this Thursday night, with Tcrry Black holding a slim anc point lead over Gary McCullough. t t t t t. GENERALS ROLLING? Ail season long we've been watching as the Oshawa Generals slawly desccnded ta the Jr. "A" cellar. Tbey prob-. ably had excuses, heing hit hard by injuries, but the players just didn't scem ta be neally dlgging in. In short - we fig. ured the Generals were better than they were showing. But Jr. "'A" hockey can be baffling, and it waa neyer more s0 on the weekcnd whcn Oshawa, playing up ta their potential, defeated leaguc-leading Kitchener on home ice 4-1 and then tied the migbty Toronto Manîboros 6-6 at Maple Leaf Gardens. Saturday'a victory was the firat at the Auditorium in six gamnes, having loat three and ticd two. It snapped a nine game winless string including the last four road contests during that span. Actually, Oshawa has only managcd a pair ai tics againat a dozen defeats in the past 14 games away from home. With only seven gamea remainlng, the Generals' chances af making the playoffs atili don't secm too bright, but they aren't far behind either Peterborough or Montreal, and if they play the way they did In the wcekend encounters, the Motor City crew will bc bard ta keep out. It is now official that goal-keeper lan Young la flnlshed for the season, after being examined by speclaliats In Oshawa and Boston. His career might be ended, but it certainly la ta be haped that Ian wili recover complete sight ai his kift eye and that wc will sec him performing lu the N.H.L., t t t t t THANK YOU Last weck wc only had time ta get a story an the fight written up, 50 we wish ta take the time ln aur column now, ta thank Bill Leask, thc Cabie TV impressania in Oshawa, fan inviting us ta vlcw the titie bout. Thanks ta Bill wc had a moat enjoyable evening. Spcaking ai cable televialon, those lucky people in Oshawa, who have it Installed werc probably beseiged by alI kinds ai friends, wishing ta drap In last Monday evening. t t *I t tBLIV WAUsDYOU ELIrsaeVwel wro astoclu has you eraer aengwellpawartionsurst wo iolun have reachfoe rathrtnthe proportises ulting l u haing t oeo tat ep art te esFowes-Butw ould lieutanion ths wmat towa reat hoke- asotelythi beautifulAlsedoute meantta warn ndyu hck e fas that thi aboua bkeout wforagntho Sund ouLt leeasts. Sarr't about t .Alo heehatautwpmaieyo ond of ouîia evei ont aakh cm why. inlsoawatIere hoppleota e a heaMoweihn flht coming Up luhasba lu a Iemou pie i cerLeone tha PeatronW hve arelldtien rimxtekniterLete APPLICATION The Corporation. of the Town of Bowmanville to Dispense with a Vote of the Electors TAKE NOTICE THAT: 1: The. Council of the Corporation of the. Town of Bowma.nviil. intends to, apply te TThe Ontario Municipal Board for approval cf the construction of a new police and fire building on Church Street at an cstimated cost cf $430,000, which aunount shall bc raised by the. sale of debeutures payable eut of the general rate over a period net exceeding 20 years. 2: Application will be made te The Ontario Municipal Board for an order te dispense with the assent cf the. electors to the. undertaking of the said wvorks. Auy ratepayer unay, within twenty-one days after the first publication of this notice, send by post prepaid to the clerk cf the Town cf Bowmanville, at the address given below, a notice in wniling slating his objection to uuch approval and the grounds of such objection. 3: The. Ontario Municipal Board may order pursuant te tthe statut. that the assent cf the electors shaîl not bo required and may approve of the. said works, but befor. doîng se it may appoint a lime and place for a public hearing when any objections will b. considered. Robert L. Byron, 40 Temperance Street Bowmanville, Ontario. DATEI) at the. Town cf Bcwmanviie this ISth day of February, 1~~~ 1967. NOTICE OF BY